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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gendering Ethnicity : Colonialism and Structural Violence in the Swedish 1928 Reindeer Grazing Act / Gendering Ethnicity : Colonialism and Structural Violence in the Swedish 1928 Reindeer Grazing Act

Blomkvist, Alva January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines how the gendering of ethnicity in the Swedish Reindeer Grazing Act of 1928 (RBL 1928) was part of a colonial structure of violence. The research context in which this thesis places itself is in the intersection of previous scholarship on the colonial interest in controlling Indigenous marriage, and scholarship on Swedish colonial history in Sápmi. The theoretical framework for the thesis is made up by an understanding of violence, settler colonial extinction in fact, intersectionality, and control over women’s reproduction as intertwined phenomenon.  The study consists of an analysis of the law in question using a feminist policy analysis and the method ‘What’s the problem represented to be’; as well as a source critical reading of archival materials such as magazine clippings, protocols, legal decisions, letters, questionnaires, and transcribed interviews with Sámi interviewees.  RLB 1928 gendered ethnicity so that Sámi women who married non-Sámi men lost their reindeer herding rights, and with that their Sáminess. This is a form of epistemic violence, changing the way Sámi women can relate to their Sáminess. The effects the provision in RBL 1928 controlling marriage had on Sámi women were both economic and social. The economic violence that Sámi women were exposed to consisted of access to land as well as material property being taken from them. When women lost their juridical Sáminess, they risked being isolated from their communities and culture, making out a form of violence here framed as violence of exclusion. The gendering of ethnicity also affected the Sámi society as a whole, as it posed a threat of extinction in fact of the Sámi population.

Den djupa penetrationens fall : En postkolonial, feministteologisk och konstruktivistisk analys / The doom of deep penetration : A postcolonial, feminist theological and constructive analysis

Johansson, Hanna Maria January 2022 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen görs en postkolonial, feministteologisk och konstruktivistisk analys av det ursäktstal Svenska kyrkan framför till det samiska folket hösten 2021. Med hjälp av den postkoloniala feministteologen Kwok Pui-lan och den kontextuella teologen Marcella Althaus-Reid närmar sig uppsatsen frågan om det i ursäktstalet finns uttryck för koloniala tendenser eller möjliga befrielser från sådana. Analyses leder till ett utforskande av dynamiken mellan föreställningar om kön, sexualitet, den Andre och naturem, där dessa visar sig vara tätt sammanvävda i en dualistisk ontologi konkretiserad i heterosexuella antaganden. För att bli fri från koloniala tendenser krävs de gamla heterosexuella antagandenas undergång. Bara i den ömsesidiga enhetens harmoni skapas nytt liv.

Grön kolonialism i vindkraftverksfrågan i Sápmi : - en policyanalys av nationella strategin för en hållbar vindkraftsutbyggnad / Green colonialism in the wind power issue in Sápmi : – A policy analysis of the national strategy forsustainable wind power development

Larsson, Frida January 2024 (has links)
The green transition does not only bring positive effects, but it can also have a negative impact on groups that are in vital need of a reverse of the climate crisis to the extent that they actively oppose a sustainable initiative. This is the case in the land-use conflict between the Sámi and the wind power industry. The purpose of this study is to critically analyze the representation of indigenous perspectives in the policy document "National Strategy for Sustainable Wind Power Expansion" to investigate how the climate crisis reinforces colonial effects on the Sámi people. To achieve this, Carol Bacchi's critical discourse analysis "What’s the Problem Represented to Be?" (WPR) has been adapted in combination with the concept of green colonialism to implement a critical review of indigenous representation in the government-produced "National Strategy for Sustainable Wind Power Expansion." Conflicting land-use interests constitute an identified problem, which is intended to be resolved through coexistence—a complex issue to address for many reasons. Sámi influence is presented as both a priority and a problem in the"National Strategy for Sustainable Wind Power Expansion." This representation can be explained by colonial structures that underpin the formulation of this representation, thereby contributing to the further reproduction of colonial power structures.

”Det är lite skolbaserat” : Umesamiskalärares röster om fjärrundervisningen i umesamiska och samarbetet med svenskämnet / "It's a bit school-based" : Voices of Ume Sami teachers about remote education in Ume Sami and cooperation with the subject of Swedish

Lindelöf, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Åhpadibmien ulmmie leä máhttuob akttasadtjen jah meälggadeåhpadibmien bijrra váddiet ubmejensámien unnibelåhkkuongiällije nïnnuodit. Vuaduo jah uhttsalibmie uvddale sjiehties máhttuo vuösiete jah ájáj mah leäh guaruos guh dannie åhpadibmie urra diediedibmien bijrra váddiet. Almmas åhpadibmien vuöhkien tjarra leä máhttielis åhpadibmien ulmieb ráriestit jah uhttsalimmij gehtjelvassijde vásstieduvvh. Diedietimmijde leä tjåggáme ubmejesámien liärruobåddijde geähttadit jah ubmejesámien liärratïjjijde siärra vuöhkkiene gehttjadit. Teorïjjan vuaduo sociokultuvran teorïjjub ävkkije guh máhttielisvuahtta giälliije buerest ussjadallat guh ájnas veähkkie liärruomen meht. Buhtasijde vuösiete meälggadeåhpadibmie vuöhkkiene leä dárbies nåváj dåjbmá. Meälggadeåhpadibmien hástalassh bühth jiänamus liärruomen byjrramiste, ïllak vánnie ubmejesámien bïjkuos liärruogirjieh jah liärruobåddah gåvnnijeäh, plänemij tjualbmah jah vánies lágiediebmie jïjtja skuvlaste. Hållijeäh áj sávvatassub subsasth dáruon ábnasijne skuvlane ekttijne barggat. Sïjjan bargguo die álggiebe sjaddá jah liäruokij giällaidentiteta nïnnuotuvvá. Skuvlla jah unniebelåhkkuogiälij åhppatimmie leäh ájnnash eäljjuodibmien giälij uvdste. Åhppatibmie vuösiete leä eŋŋe jiäna bargguo dáruon vuaduoskuvlane jüs galggá ubmejesámiengiälub nïnnuodit. Åhppatibmie vuösiete leä eŋŋe jiäna bargguo dáruon vuaduoskuvlane jüs galggá ubmejesámiengiälub nïnnuodit. / Denna studie har som syfte att bidra med kunskap om samarbetet med svenskämnet och fjärrundervisningens möjligheter för att stärka minoritetsspråket umesamiska. Bakgrunden och den tidigare forskningen presenterar relevant kunskap likväl som att den visar på det forskningsglapp denna studie bidrar med ny information om. Genom kvalitativ fallstudie som metod kan studiens syfte diskuteras och forskningsfrågor besvaras. Som datainsamlingsmetod har både ostrukturerade icke-deltagande observationer av umesamiskalektioner och semistrukturerade djup-intervjuer med umesamiska lärare används. Som teoretisk bas används den sociokulturella teorin som ger möjlighet att fokusera på språket som ett viktigt redskap för lärande. Resultaten visar att fjärrundervisningen som metod är såväl nödvändig som fungerande. Utmaningarna med fjärrundervisning handlar till övervägande om utifrån som lärmiljön, avsaknaden av offentliga läromedel på umesamiska, otillräcklig undervisningstid, schematiska problem och bristande engagemang från den ordinarie skolan. Informanterna uttryckte även en önskan av ett samarbete med svenskämnet både för att underlätta sitt arbetet samt för att stärka umesamiskan och stärka elevernas språkliga identitet. Skolan och undervisningen av minoritetsspråk är viktiga i revitaliseringen av hotade språk. Studien visar på att det fortsatt finns mycket att göra i den svenska grundskolan för att stärka det umesamiskaspråket. / The study aims to bring knowledge about the possibilities to strengthen the Umesámi language through collaboration and remote education. The background and the previous research show the research gap that exists and that this study will give new information about. Through a qualitative case study as a method the aim of the study can be discussed, and the research questions can be answered. Unstructured non-participating observations of Umesámi lessons and semi structured in-depth interviews with Umesámi teachers are this study’s chosen data collection methods. The study investigates the possibilities to strengthen the Umesámi language. Sociocultural theory is functioning as the theoretical base of this study, and it is making it possible to focus on the language as a valuable tool for learning. The results display that remote education is not only a necessary method but also a method that works. Most of the challenges with remote education come from the learning environment, the non-official existing teaching materials in Umesámi, the lack of teaching time, schematic problems, and lack of commitment from the ordinary school. The informants expressed a wish to collaborate with the Swedish subject, both to facilitate the work burden and strengthen the Umesámi language and the pupils’ linguistic identity. Both school and the education of minority languages play an important part in the revitalization of endangered languages. The study shows that there still is a lot to do in the Swedish elementary school to strengthen the Umesámi language.

An Analysis of How the Political Legitimacy of the Sámi Peoples is Perceived by Actors in the Indigenous Community Itself

Bogarve, Elmer January 2022 (has links)
The Nordic countries continued disregard for their colonial past and persistent discrimination and forced assimilation has created a hostile environment for the indigenous population within the nation-states. The contemporary situation faced by the Sámi peoples of northern Europe is beset with inadequate political representation, an unequal hieratical structure, and a neglect of the Sápmi region's nature preservation. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a contemporary perspective on the protection of indigenous rights as well as the political emancipation of the national Sámi communities contrasted against the academic research on the topic. Through the use of interviews with Sámi political and cultural figures various themes were developed that concerned the current situation. These were then used in the analysis to create a red thread through the academic literature and its connection and points of contention with the perception presented by the interviewees. This analysis showcases the hierarchical structure and subsequent insufficient political representation of the Sámi peoples and the current movement to reject the nation-states' agendas and challenge their policies rather than comply and try to negotiate for influence on matters that concern the indigenous group. Additionally, the green colonialism that continues the Nordic countries’ neglect and discrimination is outlined, as well as how international organisations work towards improving indigenous rights by criticizing the nation-states. The interviews confirm how the national assemblies operate and regard Sámi interests as non-issues. This is further reflected in the academic literature that showcases the insufficient political representation and better chances of influence on the international scene.

Sverige, Norge och det minoritetspolitiska vägskälet : En jämförande fallstudie om individuella och kollektiva rättigheter i en samisk kontext

Johansson, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Minority rights has been a common subject of discussion for several years and since the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted the interest in the matter has far from decreased. One of the countries voting in favor of the declaration is Sweden, and although they volunteerly decided to comply with the agreement they have received numerous complaints on how they treat the indigenous people inhabiting certain areas of the country. When constructing new rights, a plan on how to make them apply to everyone who is entitled to them has to be formed, which can be a bit challenging to say the least. This paper presents two different approaches used when creating minority rights – individual rights and group rights – and applies them on two cases – Sweden and Norway – in order to discover which of these methods dominate said field. This is made through examining three different categories of rights – political, economical and social – to see which differences can be found between Sweden and Norway when it comes to indigenous people’s rights, and how these differences relate to individual and group rights. The conclusion of the study is that group rights is the dominating approach, but focusing on both groups and individuals has been the most successful method yet.

Sami tourism in Northern Sweden : Supply, demand and interaction

Pettersson, Robert January 2004 (has links)
Indigenous tourism is an expansive sector in the growing tourism industry. The Sami people living in Sápmi in northern Europe have started to engage in tourism, particularly in view of the rationalised and modernised methods of reindeer herding. Sami tourism offers job opportunities and enables the spreading of information. On the other hand, Sami tourism may jeopardise the indigenous culture and harm the sensitive environment in which the Sami live. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply and demand of Sami tourism in northern Sweden. This is presented in four articles. The first article analyses the potential of the emerging Sami tourism in Sweden, with special emphasis on the access to Sami tourism products. The study shows that there is a growing supply of tourism activities related to the Swedish Sami. The development of tourism is, however, restricted by factors such as the peripheral location and the lack of traditions of entrepreneurship. The second article analyse which factors influence tourists when they make their decisions about Sami tourism. In the article the respondents are requested to answer a number of hypothetical questions, ranking their preferences regarding supply, price and access. The study indicates that tourism related to the Sami and Sami culture has a considerable future potential, but also that there is a gap between supply and demand. In the third article the analysis shows that the festival in Jokkmokk, thanks to continuously added attractions, has been able to retain a rather high level of popularity, despite its peripheral location. Finally, the fourth article analyses to what extent the winter festival in Jokkmokk is a genuinely indigenous event, and to what extent it is staged. It is argued that the indigenous culture presented at the festival and in media is highly staged, although backstage experiences are available for the Sami and for the tourists who show a special interest.

Multilingual literacy among young learners of North Sámi : contexts, complexity and writing in Sápmi / Flerspråkig literacitet bland elever som studerar nordsamiska : kontexter, komplexitet och skrivande i Sápmi

Outakoski, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation of the complexities of the immediate, ideological, educational, and societal contexts for literacy development among North Sámi learners between the ages of 9 and 15 who live in Northern Finland, Norway and Sweden in the central regions of Sápmi. Further, this thesis focuses on one area of literacy, namely writing. It examines these children’s writing, its phases and peculiarities, writing strategies, and the nature of transitions that these multilingual writers experience in switching between North Sámi, English and their respective national majority language. The main body of the collected materials consists of computer mediated pupil texts that the author gathered at 10 schools that arranged compulsory schooling in Central Sápmi during the school year 2012-2013. The texts were collected using keytroke logging methodology that not only records the final written product but also keeps track of changes and other writing activity during the writing session. Other materials collected and analyzed in this study include questionnaires addressed to the pupils, their parents, and to their language teachers. The materials also include detailed interviews with with 24 teachers from the participating schools. This study consists of six individual papers that focus at 1) research methodological aspects that concern studying Indigenous populations, 2) language attitudes, ideologies and available language arenas that have an impact on biliteracy emergence in North Sámi speaking Sápmi, or 3) the qualities and characteristics of multilingual pupil's writing and texts. The implications of the six individual papers are analyzed with respect to language revitalization and biliteracy emergence using the Hornbergian Continua of Biliteracy as the overarching theoretical framework. North Sámi, English and the national majority languages in the respective countries are constantly present in the lives of Sámi learners. Young Sámi learners grow up to be multilingual citizens of the global north through this extensive exposure to many languages and cultures from multiple sources such as popular culture, literature, media, community, tourism, and school. In their writing, multilingual Sámi learners show a wide spectrum of strategies and knowledge that carries over from one language to another. Nevertheless, most young Sámi learners cannot draw on equally many points on their Continua of Biliteracy in all their languages. Due to factors such as scarcity of adequate teaching materials, lack of popular culture and media content in Sámi languages, and language compartmentalizing language ideologies, the scales on the continua of biliteracy are in severe imbalance for many Sámi learners. Many Sámi learners risk losing their indigenous heritage language because the non-indigenous languages are prevalent in school as well as out of school contexts. / Literacy in Sápmi: multilingualism, revitalization and literacy development in the global north (Vetenskapsrådet 2011-6153)

Invisible Histories and Stories of Progress : Discourses and Narratives in Decision-Making Institutions in Mining Affairs in Sweden

Nyström, Markus January 2015 (has links)
During the summer of 2013, fierce protests broke out against a test-mining operation in Gállok (Kallak) outside Jokkmokk, Sweden. Environmental activists joined with local indigenous Sámi in the protest. The incident made national and international headlines, resonating with other instances of conflict between mining companies and indigenous peoples around the world. This thesis aims to explore political discourses and historical narratives behind those, and other, protests and tensions in relation to mining between, on the one hand, the Swedish state which express – through various institutions – to be a proud 'mining nation' with a firm environmental legislation, and, on the other, indigenous Sámi in the Swedish north. Using discourse analysis in combination with a novel application of concepts from narrative theory (the concept of masterplots), the narratives and ideologies of the national institutions responsible for decision-making in mining affairs in Sweden – the government, the parliament, and the Mining Inspectorate – are investigated by analyzing various written and verbal sources. The investigation show a coherent trend within the institutions in making the Sámi people, their rights to land and water, and Sweden's colonial history towards them and their land, Sápmi, invisible, misunderstood, and/or belittled. Mining is understood as an evidently vital and typically Swedish industry, fundamental for the rise of Sweden as a modern welfare state, and an industry which 'makes the world better' by providing the necessary raw materials for the (assumed) inevitable progress and benefit of (western) technology and (western) civilization. The exclusion of certain histories allow for a hegemony in which a certain future is naturalized, made out to be unavoidable. Furthermore, the plot structures employed to create and sustain the hegemony draw on several colonial masterplots. The conclusion of this thesis is that the hegemonic discourse sustains a colonial attitude towards Sápmi and the Sámi people, without it ever being expressed nor understood as such.

"Man känner sig alltid som en förlorare efter ett samråd" : - En analys av samebyars utrymme förinflytande över skogsavverkning i svenska Sápmi / "You always feel like a loser after a consultation" : - An analysis of Sámi reindeer herding communities'space for influence over forest logging in Swedish Sápmi

Barchéus, Alva January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between the forestry industry and indigenous Sámi peoplein northern Sweden, focusing on institutional mechanisms for resolving land-use conflictsregarding forest logging on reindeer herding lands. Sámi reindeer herding communities andforestry companies have overlapping usage rights, making Swedish forests a common poolresource. Clear-cut forestry is damaging the reindeers’ access to lichen and the long-termsurvival of traditional reindeer herding, creating a need for effective Sámi influence in localforest decision-making. This study analyzes the recently reformed institutional framework forparticipatory planning and consultations, as well as participants’ experiences of Sámi influence.Interviews were conducted with three Sámi RHCs, two Sveaskog employees and one ForestAgency official. The theoretical framework draws from literature on co-management, commonpool resources and free, prior and informed consent to analyze Sámi space for influence. Resultsshow that the changes in regulations and practices have enabled RHCs space to withdrawconsent to specific logging plans under specific conditions, but influence is still limited. TheForest Agency has not consulted RHCs despite the new law, indicating continued difficultiesfor Sámi people to influence logging decisions on a local level. The main contribution of thisstudy is showcasing remaining barriers and positive developments based on original empiricalinterview material.

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