Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sadias""
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The Marquis de Sade and the Cinema of TranscendencePage, Rosalyn Geraldine, Media & Communications, UNSW January 2002 (has links)
This thesis is an enquiry into the Marquis de Sade, his writing and the perversion known as sadism. The narrower focus of this thesis investigates the problem of the meeting of violence and language in Sade's novels and the implications for cinema. The procedure has been to adopt the Critical and Clinical approach to philosophy that brings together both the literary style of Sade and the clinical symptoms of sadism. This method canvasses a number of Sades novels to consider the psychoanalytical definition of sadism before moving on to discuss the expression of sadism through language. Finally, the model of sadism and language is then applied to a number of films to discuss how violence within the context of sadism functions through language within cinema. The general results show how speech and action can be defined as equivalent forms of sadian violence when expressed through language in both literature and cinema. This occurs, furthermore, through the transcendent model of violence where both speech and action refer to a higher order of violence and this is put at the service of the senses through language. The major conclusions reached suggest that language in literature and cinema can be a demonstrative form of the higher order of violence. Sadism draws out the violence and excess of the world by reflecting it within language. In doing so, violence is designated with a quality of the erotic through this excess. Finally, each act of violence within literature and cinema is an attempt to overcome taboos through transgression. The breaking of a taboo creates an amount of excess but also reinstates the taboo in what becomes an empty act of transgression. The excess is expressed through violence within language and deed according to a transcendent function of language in literature and cinema.
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Estudo psicanalítico sobre a gramática da maldade gratuita / Psychoanalytic study about the functioning of gratuitous evilMarie Danielle Brulhart-Donoso 06 May 2011 (has links)
A cultura ocidental contemporânea trouxe para a história do homem novas modalidades de crime e novos tipos de criminosos. A magnitude da destruição do outro alcançou cifras e situações sem precedentes. Embora Freud pensasse que, em princípio, os homens acertassem seus conflitos por meio da violência, nosso estudo foca um tipo específico de sofrimento infligido ao outro: aquela destruição da alteridade que traz consigo aspectos da ordem do excesso, onde não se encontra explicação para tal ação, denominada coloquialmente de maldade gratuita. Ao longo do trabalho tornou-se cada vez mais evidente que esse fenômeno não poderia nem ser examinado somente à luz da Psicanálise, nem ser desarticulado de seu contexto social, histórico e político. Abrimos, assim, o diálogo com a Filosofia e a História. Levantamos a hipótese de que o papel destrutivo do(s) algoz(es) pode ser vivido de duas formas diferentes: 1) a que pensa um malfeitor implicado em um cenário propiciador de prazer; 2) a que fala de um opressor que atua com total indiferença. Deixando de lado a violência do plano da cena sexual, focamos nosso estudo em circunstâncias não sexuais, strictu sensu. No campo da Filosofia, a contribuição de Hannah Arendt sobre a questão da banalidade do mal e sua retomada do conceito kantiano de mal radical pareceu-nos importante. Isso nos permitiu questionar a possibilidade da existência do mal fora da psicopatologia, como proposto pelos autores que acompanharam Arendt nesse capítulo. Chegamos à conclusão de que não existe maldade de fato gratuita porque para o opressor há sempre um sentido prévio que o leva a passar ao ato. Do ponto de vista da Psicanálise, no entanto, não há lugar para que pessoas banais no sentido arendtiano do termo - transformem-se em criminosos. Falamos assim da perversidade e do fenômeno da massa para pensar que tipo de moral está por trás dos massacres, tais como o Holocausto, Ruanda e Balkans, entre outros / The contemporary occidental culture brought to mans history new modalities of crimes and new types of criminals. The magnitude of destruction of the other reached unprecedented numbers and situations. Though Freud thought that, in principle, men settle their conflicts through violence, our study focus on a specific type of suffering inflicted to the other: that destruction of otherness that brings with it aspects of the order of the excess, where no explanation is found for such action, denominated colloquially gratuitous evil. Throughout the work it became more and more evident that this phenomenon could not be examined only in the light of Psychoanalysis, nor be disarticulated from its social, historical and political context. We opened thus the dialog with Philosophy and History. We raised the hypothesis that the destructive role of the executioner(s) can be lived in two different ways: 1) the one that sees the oppressor implicated in a scenario that generates pleasure; 2) the one that tells about a murderer who acts with total indifference. Leaving aside the violence of the sexual scene strictu sensu, we focused our study on non-sexual circumstances. In the field of Philosophy, the contribution of Hannah Arendt on the subject of the banality of evil and its return to the Kantian concept of radical evil seemed important to us. This allowed us to question the possibility of existence of evil outside psychopathology, as suggested by the authors who followed Arendt in this chapter. We came to the conclusion that there is no evil in fact gratuitous because for the oppressor there is always a previous sense that leads him/(her) to action. In the Psychoanalysis point of view, nevertheless, there is no place for banal people in the Arendtian sense of the word to transform themselves into criminals. We then speak of perversity and the mass phenomenon to think about what type of moral is behind of the massacres, such as the Holocaust, Rwanda and the Balkans, among others
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Un poison même à petite dose : étude de la structure latente et des facteurs développementaux du sadisme sexuelLongpré, Nicholas 08 1900 (has links)
Les délinquants sexuels sadiques sont généralement décrits comme une entité clinique particulière commettant des délits graves. Or, la notion même de sadisme sexuel pose un nombre important de problèmes. Parmi ceux-ci, on retrouve des problèmes de validité et de fidélité. Perçu comme une maladie dont on est atteint ou pas, le sadisme a été étudié comme si les sadiques étaient fondamentalement différents. À l’heure actuelle, plusieurs travaux laissent croire que la majorité des troubles psychologiques se présentent comme une différence d'intensité (dimension) plutôt qu’une différence de nature (taxon). Même si la conception médicale prévaut encore en ce qui concerne le sadisme sexuel, plusieurs évoquent l’idée qu’il pourrait être mieux conceptualisé à l’aide d’une approche dimensionnelle.
En parallèle, nos connaissances sur les facteurs contributifs au développement du sadisme sexuel sont limitées et reposent sur de faibles appuis empiriques. Jusqu'à présent, très peu d'études se sont intéressées aux facteurs menant au développement du sadisme sexuel et encore moins ont tenté de valider leurs théories. En outre, nos connaissances proviennent majoritairement d'études de cas portant sur les meurtriers sexuels, un sous-groupe très particulier de délinquants fréquemment motivé par des intérêts sexuels sadiques. À notre connaissance, aucune étude n'a proposé jusqu'à présent de modèle développemental portant spécifiquement sur le sadisme sexuel. Pourtant, l'identification de facteurs liés au développement du sadisme sexuel est essentielle dans notre compréhension ainsi que dans l'élaboration de stratégie d'intervention efficace.
La présente thèse s'inscrit dans un contexte visant à clarifier le concept de sadisme sexuel. Plus spécialement, nous nous intéressons à sa structure latente, à sa mesure et à ses origines développementales. À partir d'un échantillon de 514 délinquants sexuels évalué au Massachusetts Treatment Center, la viabilité d’une conception dimensionnelle du sadisme sexuel sera mise à l’épreuve à l'aide d'analyses taxométriques permettant d'étudier la structure latente d'un construit. Dans une seconde étape, à l'aide d'analyses de Rasch et d'analyses appartenant aux théories de la réponse à l'item à deux paramètres, nous développerons la MTC Sadism Scale (MTCSS), une mesure dimensionnelle du sadisme sexuel. Dans une troisième et dernière étape, un modèle développemental sera élaboré à l'aide d'équations structurales.
La présente thèse permettra de contribuer à la clarification du concept de sadisme sexuel. Une clarification de la structure latente et des facteurs développementaux permettra de saisir les devis de recherche les plus à même de capturer les aspects essentiels. En outre, ceci permettra d'identifier les facteurs pour lesquels une intervention est la plus appropriée pour réduire la récidive, ou la gravité de celle-ci. / Sadistic offenders are generally described as a particular clinical entity committing serious offenses. However, the very notion of sexual sadism is plague with a significant number of problems. Among these, there are important problems of validity and reliability. Perceived as a disease which one can or can't have, sadism was studied as if sadistic offenders were fundamentally different from non-sadistic offenders. Actually, several studies suggest that the majority of psychological disorders present a dimensional rather that a taxonic structure. Therefore, the difference between two individuals will be a difference of intensity instead of nature. Although the medical conceptualization still prevails regarding sexual sadism, many evoke the idea that it might be best conceptualized using a dimensional approach.
On the other hand, our knowledge on the factors leading to the development of sexual sadism are based on weak empirical foundations. So far, very few studies have examined the factors leading to the development of sexual sadism and even fewer have attempted to validate their theories. In addition, our knowledge mainly comes from case studies of sexual murderers, some of whom exhibit an extreme form of sexual sadism. To our knowledge, no study has proposed a developmental model of sexual sadism. The identification of factors associated with the development of sexual sadism is essential in our understanding of this paraphilia and in the development of effective intervention strategies.
The aim of the present thesis is to clarify the concept of sexual sadism. Specifically, we are interested in its latent structure, its assessment and its developmental origins. From a sample of 514 sexual offenders assessed at the Massachusetts Treatment Center, the viability of a dimensional conception of sexual sadism will be tested using taxometrics analyses. In a second step, using Rasch analyses and two-parameters item response theory analyses, we will develop the MTCSS, a dimensional measure of sexual sadism. In a third and final stage, a developmental model of sexual sadism will be developed using structural equations analyses.
The current thesis will contribute significantly to the clarification of the concept of sexual sadism. A clarification of its latent structure and developmental factors will allow to develop better research designs to capture the essential aspects of sexual sadism. In addition, this will allow to identify the factors for which intervention is the most appropriate to reduce recidivism, or the severity of it.
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Sadisme filial et vocation littéraire chez Marcel ProustBégin Marchand, Jasmine 02 1900 (has links)
Dans la Recherche du temps perdu, toute relation filiale est une relation où le fils fait inévitablement souffrir sa mère en commettant, selon Proust, une forme de parricide. La lecture des œuvres pré-Recherche de l’auteur, telles la nouvelle « La confession d’une jeune fille » et l’article « Sentiments filiaux d’un parricide » permettent de comprendre cette relation ambigüe, au cœur de laquelle se trouve l’amour incommensurable que ressent le fils pour le parent, un amour si intense qu’il en est étouffant. Dans ces conditions, le parent en vient à symboliser aux yeux de l’enfant la Loi contre laquelle il doit se rebeller à coup de gestes de cruauté. Le fils, s’il est de ceux qui peuvent soutenir la vue de leurs crimes, entre alors dans un cercle vicieux : par sa cruauté, il tue – symboliquement ou réellement – le parent aimé et il en jouit. Suite à ce sadisme, il ressent une insupportable culpabilité qui le mène à une dévotion masochiste encore plus grande pour son parent. Or, par le personnage du narrateur de la Recherche du temps perdu, Proust démontre que la seule manière de se libérer de cette douloureuse culpabilité, c’est l’Art. Le crime ultime qu’est la création excuse les actes de cruauté antérieurs et les justifie même. C’est la seule manière de transformer la souffrance vécue (issue entre autres de la culpabilité d’avoir pris plaisir à faire souffrir un parent aimé) en idées universelles, en œuvre d’art. / In A la recherche du temps perdu, every filial relationship is one where the son inevitably causes his mother suffering by committing, according to Proust, a form of parricide. The writings of Marcel Proust before la Recherche, such as the short story “A young girl’s confession” and the newspaper article “Filial sentiments of a parricide”, allow us to understand this ambiguous relationship, at the heart of which we can find the unmeasured love that the son feels for his parent, a love so intense that it soon becomes suffocating. Under these conditions, the parent comes to symbolize to the child “the moral Law” against which he must rebel, choosing cruelty as his weapon. The son, if he is one of those who can stand the sight of their own crimes, enters then in a vicious cycle: with his daily acts of cruelty, he kills – symbolically or in genuinely – the beloved parent, and he enjoys it. Following this act of sadism, he feels an unbearable guilt that leads him to an even greater masochistic devotion for his parent. Yet, through the character of the narrator of la Recherche, Proust demonstrates that there is indeed one way to free oneself from this painful guilt, and it is through Art. Creation, the ultimate crime, excuses and even justifies any previous acts of cruelty. It is the only way of transforming suffering (resulting among other things, from the guilt of having enjoyed causing a beloved parent any kind of suffering) into universal ideas, into art.
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Proměny mediální prezentace násilných sexuálních praktik v letech 1990 - 2011 jako obraz posunu sociálních norem v sexuální oblasti / Changes in media presentations of violet sexual practices in the years 1990-2011 as shift of social norms in the sexual mattersEndrychová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the shift of media picture of violent sexual techniques in years 1990-2011 in Czech Republic during the media and society liberalization of new liberal state. Theoretical part of the document is based on the theory of social construction based reality and the media messages construction (gatekeeping, agenda setting, news values). Analysis is based on the Newton Media Search data resource → electronic database collecting publishing material from major media in Czech. 937 articles published between 1998 and 2011 containing keywords were analysed. Quantitative analysis was based on the development of frequency of publication articles with the keywords from BDSM area. Qualitative analysis based on semiotic a discourse analysis was also made to prove the shift of theme media presentation. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Proměny mediální prezentace násilných sexuálních praktik v letech 1990 - 2011 jako obraz posunu sociálních norem v sexuální oblasti / Changes in media presentations of violet sexual practices in the years 1990-2011 as shift of social norms in the sexual mattersEndrychová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
This Master's degree thesis evaluates the change in medial presentation of violet sexual acts in the period between 1996 and 2011. The change is inspected using newspaper articles gathered from the Newton Media Search database. Theoretical work is based on the Theory of Construction of Social Reality and the Mechanism of News Construction (gatekeeping, agenda setting, news values and framing). The analysis was performed on 937 articles published in the period from 1996 to 2011. The change of discourse was nalaysed using two-phase research method. This discourse was evaluated based on many criteria, among them periodicity of articles that focus on violent sexual pratcics. Qualitative analysis was used for trimming the number of relevant articles with hypothesis futher evaluated using quantitative discourse analysis. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Kruté potěšení v díle markýze de Sade a jeho následovnic / Cruel pleasure in the piece of the Marquis de Sade and his followersKoubková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the work of the French writer and philosopher Donatien Alphonse François de Sade and three female 20th-century French novelists Laure, Pauline Réage and Jeanne de Berg, whose work draws inspiration from Sade's. In the first part of the thesis we focus on the Marquis de Sade. First, we recount the key events in Sade's adolescence and family life, his sexual indulgences and particularly his lengthy imprisonment, as these had profound influence on his work. Next we highlight the relevant historical incidents of his time and discuss the position of his work within the so- called libertin literary movement. Then we proceed to analyze the themes and motifs of Sade's three pivotal books: 120 Days of Sodom (Les Cent Vingt Journées de Sodome), Justine (Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu), and Juliette (Histoire de Juliette). Our analysis points out a deeper philosophical message that can be found behind erotic themes of Sade's work. In the final sections we describe the fate of Sade's legacy in the 19th century and also his rehabilitation in the 20th century, when his writings have finally been critically studied and his collective works published. The second part of the thesis concentrates on Sade's female followers in the 20th century: Collette Peignot alias Laure (Laure: Écrits),...
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Sadisme filial et vocation littéraire chez Marcel ProustBégin Marchand, Jasmine 02 1900 (has links)
Dans la Recherche du temps perdu, toute relation filiale est une relation où le fils fait inévitablement souffrir sa mère en commettant, selon Proust, une forme de parricide. La lecture des œuvres pré-Recherche de l’auteur, telles la nouvelle « La confession d’une jeune fille » et l’article « Sentiments filiaux d’un parricide » permettent de comprendre cette relation ambigüe, au cœur de laquelle se trouve l’amour incommensurable que ressent le fils pour le parent, un amour si intense qu’il en est étouffant. Dans ces conditions, le parent en vient à symboliser aux yeux de l’enfant la Loi contre laquelle il doit se rebeller à coup de gestes de cruauté. Le fils, s’il est de ceux qui peuvent soutenir la vue de leurs crimes, entre alors dans un cercle vicieux : par sa cruauté, il tue – symboliquement ou réellement – le parent aimé et il en jouit. Suite à ce sadisme, il ressent une insupportable culpabilité qui le mène à une dévotion masochiste encore plus grande pour son parent. Or, par le personnage du narrateur de la Recherche du temps perdu, Proust démontre que la seule manière de se libérer de cette douloureuse culpabilité, c’est l’Art. Le crime ultime qu’est la création excuse les actes de cruauté antérieurs et les justifie même. C’est la seule manière de transformer la souffrance vécue (issue entre autres de la culpabilité d’avoir pris plaisir à faire souffrir un parent aimé) en idées universelles, en œuvre d’art. / In A la recherche du temps perdu, every filial relationship is one where the son inevitably causes his mother suffering by committing, according to Proust, a form of parricide. The writings of Marcel Proust before la Recherche, such as the short story “A young girl’s confession” and the newspaper article “Filial sentiments of a parricide”, allow us to understand this ambiguous relationship, at the heart of which we can find the unmeasured love that the son feels for his parent, a love so intense that it soon becomes suffocating. Under these conditions, the parent comes to symbolize to the child “the moral Law” against which he must rebel, choosing cruelty as his weapon. The son, if he is one of those who can stand the sight of their own crimes, enters then in a vicious cycle: with his daily acts of cruelty, he kills – symbolically or in genuinely – the beloved parent, and he enjoys it. Following this act of sadism, he feels an unbearable guilt that leads him to an even greater masochistic devotion for his parent. Yet, through the character of the narrator of la Recherche, Proust demonstrates that there is indeed one way to free oneself from this painful guilt, and it is through Art. Creation, the ultimate crime, excuses and even justifies any previous acts of cruelty. It is the only way of transforming suffering (resulting among other things, from the guilt of having enjoyed causing a beloved parent any kind of suffering) into universal ideas, into art.
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Psykopaten i garderoben : En queer läsning av Bret Easton Ellis American Psychovon Seth, Oscar January 2013 (has links)
The novel American Psycho was first published in 1991. It recieved harsh criticism and was viewed as a work of heterosexism, misogyny and pointless violence. Despite the criticism, the protagonist, a wealthy serial killer yuppie namned Patrick Bateman, fascinated the readers. He hides his monstrosity behind a façade of heteronormativity, but this essay shows that the norms in American Psycho are fragile. Batemans relationships are shallow, his identity is constructed out of traditional masculinitynorms and even though he’s homophobic there’s a homoerotic undertone in the text, as well as gothic patterns that give the novel a fair amount of queerness too. This analysis shows that the fear of AIDS, imprinted in the text, works as a representation for Bateman’s discrepancy concerning his sexuality. It brings to light that Bateman’s feelings towards two of his collegues are charachterized by homoerotic yearnings, and that shallow readings, where the text is not interpreted, allows the brutal violence to divert attention from the novel’s queer meaning. / Romanen American Psycho publicerades 1991. Den fick hård kritik och sågs som ett heterosexistiskt, misogynt verk fullt av meningslöst våld. Trots kritiken fascinerade protagonisten, den förmögna seriemördaryuppien Patrick Bateman, läsarna. Bateman döljer sin monstrositet bakom en heteronormativ fasad men den här uppsatsen visar att textens heteronorm är bräcklig. Batemans relationer är ytliga, identiteten är konstruerad från traditionella maskulinitetsnormer, han är homofobisk, även då gotiska, homoerotiska undertoner präglar texten. Analysen visar att AIDS-skräcken som präglar boken är synonym med Batemans sexualitetsdiskrepans, att hans känslor för två av hans kollegor är av homoerotisk karaktär, samt att i ytliga läsningar av romanen, där texten inte tolkas, gör det explicita våldet att läsarens uppmärksamhet avleds från romanens queera innebörd.
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Spalovač mrtvol: Fetiš jako popření života a adorace smrti / The Cremator: The Fetish as The Denial of Life and The Adoration of DeathNěmcová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The Cremator: The Fetish as The Denial of Life and The Adoration of Death Summary The object of interest in the semiotic analysis of the literary work "The Cremator" by the Czech writer Ladislav Fuks are primarily the motifs of fetishism and the cult of death. This framework is examined in the relation to the specific "new" language of masochism and in the relation to the aphasic language disorder related to metonymy. The utterance of the main character Karl Kopfrkingel intermingles with the way he thinks and consequently acts, as he duplicates through his language a fictional world and obscures it with the fetishized descriptions adoring the death. In this case, the masochism is not manifested in a sexuality (as in the case with Masoch), but on the ethno-social level related to the personal myth crisis and the subsequent transformation of Kopfringel and the related environment of the fictional world. These aspects become to a murdering urges in the context of ethnic affiliation, which has become to an obstacle and the settlement with it demands the establishment of a new order. Keywords Ladislav Fuks, The Cremator, aphasia, metonymy, metaphor, fetishism, fiction worlds, identity, masochism, sadism
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