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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Säkerhetskulturens påverkan på olycksfallsfrekvens : En undersökning av säkerhetskulturen inom ett företag i livsmedelsbranschen samt förslag på förbättringsaktiviteter / Safety cultures effect on accident frequency : A study of safety culture within a company in the food industry and proposal to actions to improvement

Petersons, Paula January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Livsmedelsindustrin i Sverige omfattar flera olika delbranscher ochhar en stor geografisk spridning samt stor variation på företagens storlek. Totaltsysselsätts idag ca 56.000 personer. Generellt sett är olycksfallsfrekvensen höginom branschen jämfört med andra branscher. Godkända arbetsolycksfall harenligt AFA Försäkring en ökande frekvens för livsmedelsindustrin medan allabranscher totalt sett har en minskande frekvens. Syfte:  Studiens syfte är att få en förståelse för begreppen säkerhetsklimat ochsäkerhetskultur, granska hur anställdas delaktighet påverkar säkerhetskultur ocharbetsmiljöarbete, beskriva metoder för att förbättra säkerhetskulturen i enorganisation samt studera om det finns skillnader i hur säkerhetskulturen i enliten fabrik är jämfört med en större fabrik i ett företag. Metod/Genomförande: Litteraturstudie har genomförts samt granskning avföretagets statistik, andra kartläggningar och organisation avseendearbetsmiljö/säkerhet. En kartlä ggning av statusen på säkerhetskulturen på två avföretagets fabriker gjordes med hjälp av Arbetsmiljöverkets webb-enkät ipappersformat. Resultat:   Svaren på enkäten visar på skillnader mellan hur den lilla fabriken ochden stora fabriken ser på säkerhetskultur. Den lilla fabriken har över lag färresvaga områden. Totalt sätt visade resultatet på att det behövs förbättringar inomområdena ”Ledningens säkerhetsengagemang och säkerhetsförmåga”,”Ledningens involvering av medarbetarna i säkerhetsfrågor”, ”Ledningensrättvisa i säkerhetsfrågor”, ”Medarbetarnas prioritering av säkerhet och grad avriskacceptans” och ”Medarbetarnas upplärning och kommunikation”.Granskning av företagets tillbuds- och olycksfallsrapportering samt årliguppföljning av det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet visar på brister isäkerhetskulturen. Slutsats: Litteraturstudier visar på att begreppen säkerhetskultur och säkerhetsklimat saknar entydig definition och är komplexa att förstå. Delaktighethar ett tydligt samband med säkerhetskultur, olycksfallsfrekvens ocharbetsmiljöarbete generellt. Ledningens engagemang och prioritering avarbetsmiljö-/säkerhetsfrågor är av stor vikt för att förbättra säkerhetskulturenliksom att kulturen i företaget är rättvis och lärande. Min bedömning är attArbetsmiljöverkets webb-enkät för att ta tempen på säkerhetskulturen har sinabegränsningar men kan anses som ett bra verktyg på grund av enkelheten och attdet ger förslag på metodik för att arbeta med svaga områden. Nyckelord: Säkerhetsklimat, Arbetsskador, Arbetsolycksfall,Livsmedelsbranschen, Delaktighet, Enkät. / Background: The food industry in Sweden encompasses several different sectors, wide geographical spread and large variations in the company size. Today, approximately 56,000 people are employed. In general, the accident rate is high in the industry compared to other industries. Approved occupational accidents, according to AFA Insurance, have an increasing frequency for the food industry, while all industries have a total decreasing frequency. Objective: the purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the concepts of safety culture, to examine how worker participation affects safety culture and occupational health & safety, to describe methods for improving the safety culture of an organization, and to study whether there is a difference in the safety culture of a small factory compared with a larger factory in a company. Method/Implementation: Literature study has been conducted as well as a review of company statistics and other surveys and the company’s Health & Safety organization. A survey of the safety culture status at two of the company's factories was made using the Swedish Work Environment Authority's web survey in paper format. Result: The answers to the survey show differences between how the small factory and the large factory are looking at safety culture. The small factory generally has fewer weak areas. Overall, the result showed that improvements were needed in the areas of "Management's safety arrangements and safety ability", "Management's involvement of employees in safety issues", "Management's justice in safety issues," "Employee priority of safety and degree of risk acceptance" and "Employee learning and communication". Review of occupational reports of near misses and accidents as well as annual audit of the systematic work with Health & Safety reveals shortcomings related to safety culture. Conclusion: The concepts safety culture and safety climate lack a clear definition and are complex to understand according to literature studies. Worker participation has a clear connection with safety culture, accident rate and Occupational Health & Safety in general. Management's commitment and prioritization of Occupational Health & Safety issues are crucial for improving safety culture, as well as the culture of the company being fair and promoting organizational learning. The Work Environment Authority's web survey for measuring safety culture has its limitations, yet I consider it as a good tool because of its simplicity and that it proposes methodologies for working with weak areas. Keywords: Safety climate, Occupational accidents, Food industry, Participation, Survey.

Systematiskt säkerhetsarbete vid svenska universitet : En kvalitativ studie om framgångsfaktorer och hinder vi säkerhetsarbetepå svenska universitet / Systematic safety work at Swedish universities : A qualitative study on successful factors and challenges in conducting safety work at Swedish Universities

Mellkvist, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Ämnesområdet säkerhet har kommit att få mer utrymme inom verksamhetsområden som ett resultat av det omvärldsläge som förefaller idag, där kriser och olyckor tycks bli en del av det vardagliga sammanhanget snarare än extraordinära händelser som inträffar då och då. Samhället är en dynamisk plats som ständigt utvecklas, vilket innebär att såväl förebyggande arbete som åtgärder inte kommer att vara detsamma för alltid. Begränsad forskning på hur systematiskt säkerhetsarbete bedrivs och förstås utifrån teoretiska utgångspunkter utgör ett incitament att undersöka detta vidare. Universitetet kan likställas med mindre samhällen, sett till exponering och omfång och kräver således ett gediget systematiskt säkerhetsarbete för att säkerställa en trygg och säker tillvaro där risker såväl bedöms som värderas och åtgärdas. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur systematiskt säkerhetsarbete bedrivs och ter sig vid universitet i Sverige och genom detta skapa en uppfattning om såväl framgångsfaktorer som hinder. För att ge svar på studiens syfte har styrdokument samlats in från tre mellanstora universitet i Sverige, för att skapa en kunskapsöversikt och förståelse för hur säkerhetsarbetet bedrivs. I tillägg till detta har yrkesverksamma inom säkerhetsområdet vid samma tre universitet intervjuats. Studiens resultat visar på såväl hinder som framgångsfaktorer vid ett framgångsrikt säkerhetsarbete. Komplexitet föreligger i att nå ut till den stora skalan, och studenter tycks vara den målgrupp som är svårast att nå. Ett intressant fynd i kontrast till detta är att riskmedvetenheten förefaller sig vara lika hög hos studenter som anställda, om än högre. Vidare visar studien att lagar och förordningar sätter ramen för hur det systematiska säkerhetsarbetet bedrivs vid universitet, utöver de universitetens egna ambitioner, och bidrar till en ökad riskmedvetenhet. / Safety has come to gain more attention in operational areas as a result of the current state of the world, whereas crises and accidents seem to have become part of the everyday context rather than extraordinary events that occur every now and then. Society is a dynamic place that is constantly evolving, which means that both prevention work and measures will have to evolve along with society. Limited research on how systematic safety work is conducted and understood based on theoretical starting points constitutes an incentive to investigate this subject area further. The university can be compared to smaller communities, due to risk exposure and scope, that requires systematic safety work to ensure a safe and secure environment where risks are assessed as well as valued with relevant measures being taken. The study aims to investigate how systematic safety work is conducted at universities in Sweden, and by doing so create an understanding of successful factors as well as obstacles and challenges of conducting a successful safety work. To provide answers to the purpose of the study, documents from three middle sized universities in Sweden have been collected to gain knowledge of how the systematic safety work is being conducted. In addition to this, professionals in the security field at the same three universities have been interviewed. The results of the study show both obstacles and success factors in conducting a successful safety work. Complexity appears in reaching out to the large scale, and students seem to be the most difficult target group to reach. An interesting finding in contrast to this is that risk awareness appears to be just as high among students as employees, if not higher. Furthermore, the study shows that laws and regulations set the framework for how the systematic safety work is conducted at universities, in addition to the universities' own ambitions, and contribute to an increased risk awareness.

Organizational Safety Culture And Idividual Safety Behavior: A Case Study Of The Turkish National Police Aviation Department

Uryan, Yildirim 01 January 2010 (has links)
Human related accidents in high-risk industries amount to a significant economic hazard and incur tremendous damages, causing excessive operational costs and loss of life. The aviation industry now observes human-related accidents more frequently than in the past, an upswing attributable to cutting-edge technology usage and the complex systems employed by aviation organizations. Historically, aviation accidents have been attributed to individual unsafe behavior. However, contemporary accident causation models suggest that organizational-level factors influence individual safety performance, as human-related accidents take place in an organizational context. The present study examines the formation of organizational safety culture and influence on individuals' safety behavior in a police aviation environment. The theory of planned behavior guides the study model in explaining individual variability in safety behavior via organizational safety culture. The study conceptualized organizational safety culture and individual safety behavior as multidimensional constructs. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for each latent construct to validate the construct validity for each measurement model. Organizational safety culture was observed via safety climate facets, which contained four subcomponents including individual attitude, group norms, management attitude, and workplace pressures. Individual safety behavior contained violation and error components observed by self-reported statements. Structural equation modeling was conducted to test the study hypotheses. Utilizing a sample of 210 employees from the Turkish National Police Aviation Department, a 53-item survey was conducted to measure individuals' safety culture perceptions and self-reported safety behaviors. The results suggest that individual safety behavior is significantly influenced by organizational safety culture. Except for the relation between workplace pressures and intention, all suggested relations and correlations were statistically significant. The four-factor measurement model of organizational safety climate fit reasonably well to the data, and most correlations between the safety climate components were significant at the .05 level. Individuals' self-reported error behavior is positively associated with age, and individuals' self-reported violation behavior is positively associated with years of service. Overall, along with organizational safety culture, age and service-year variables accounted for 65% of the variance in intention, 55% of the variance in violation behavior, and 68% of the variance in error behavior. Lastly, no significant difference manifested among pilots, maintenance personnel, and office staff according to their self-related safety behaviors. The findings have theoretical, policy, and managerial implications. First, the theory of planned behavior was tested, and its usefulness in explaining individuals' safety behavior was demonstrated. The survey instrument of the study, and multi-dimensional measurement models for organizational safety climate and individual safety behavior were theoretical contributions of the study. Second, the emergence of informal organizational structures and their effects on individuals indicated several policy implications. The study also revealed the importance of informal structures in organizations performing in high-risk environments, especially in designing safety systems, safety policies, and regulations. Policy modification was suggested to overcome anticipated obstacles and the perceived difficulty of working with safety procedures. The influences of age on error behavior and years of service on violation behavior point to the need for several policy modifications regarding task assignment, personnel recruitment, health reports, and violation assessment policies. As well, managerial implications were suggested, including changing individuals' perceptions of management and group attitudes toward safety. The negative influence of anticipated obstacles and the perceived difficulties of safety procedures on individual safety behavior pointed out management's role in reducing risks and accidents by designing intervention programs to improve safety performance, and formulating proactive solutions for problems typically leading to accidents and injuries.

”Men nu har vi haft det så här i så många år och ingenting händer, ingenting blir bättre” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av klientutövat hot och våld. / ”Now we have had it like this for so many years and nothing happens, nothing gets better” : An qualitative study on social workers’ experiences of client-initiated threats and violence.

Mujanovic, Elma, Persson, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Client-initiated threats and violence towards social workers is a widespread problem, nationally as well as internationally, where every third social worker is at risk. Social workers' vulnerability can, according to previous studies, conceivably be derived from the dual role of authority personnel, where they need to balance functions of support and control when facing clients. It appears from previous studies that social workers operating within children and young people are particularly exposed. The study aims to examine the experiences of client-initiated threats and violence of social workers in an authority position within children and young people. Through the study’s framing of questions, the study intends to examine how client-initiated threats and violence affect social workers’ professional role and possibilities for action, social workers’ strategies in dealing with client-initiated threats and violence, and to examine how the workplace views this problem. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews with professionals. The selection of interviewees has been targeted and includes seven social workers in southern Sweden. A thematic analysis was used to identify key aspects considering the study’s framing of questions and the social workers’ experiences. Lipsky’s professionalism theory and Lazarus and Folkman’s coping theory have been applied to analyze the empirical material. The result shows that social workers’ professional role contains complex considerations between a helping role and setting boundaries in the meeting with clients, which can alter the possibilities for action. Consequently, this can threaten legal certainty and change the social workers’ democratic role in society. Furthermore, the result also shows different strategies being used both preemptively as well as remediatively in the meeting with a client. The strategies are individual and affected by the workplace’s resources. Thus, there is no unequivocal understanding of which strategies that can and should be used regarding client-initiated threats and violence. The workplace’s support is portrayed differently between the respondents, where the workplace’s safety climate affects how the social worker perceives client-initiated threats and violence. In light of this, there is a demand for an increased commitment from the management of the workplace, together with the social workers, to carry out a discussion regarding guidelines, support and policy for the organization to develop continuously. / Klientutövat hot och våld mot socialsekreterare är ett utbrett problem, såväl nationellt som internationellt, där var tredje socialsekreterare är utsatt. Socialsekreterares utsatthet kan enligt den tidigare forskningen härledas till den dubbla rollen hos myndighetsutövare, där de behöver balansera funktioner av stöd och kontroll i mötet med klienter. Det framgår av tidigare forskning att socialsekreterare som är verksamma i barn och ungdomsenheter är särskilt utsatta. Studien syftar till att undersökta erfarenheter av klientutövat hot och våld hos myndighetsutövande socialsekreterare inom barn och unga. Genom studiens frågeställningar ämnar studien att undersöka hur klientutövat hot och våld inverkar på socialsekreterares yrkesroll och handlingsutrymme, socialsekreterares strategier i mötet med klientutövat hot och våld och att undersöka hur arbetsplatsen betraktar detta problem. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma. Urvalet har varit målstyrt och omfattat sju socialsekreterare i södra Sverige. En tematisk analys användes för att identifiera centrala aspekter med utgångspunkt från studiens forskningsfrågor, utifrån socialsekreterarnas erfarenheter. Lipskys professionsteori och Lazarus och Folkmans copingteori har använts för att analysera det inhämtade empiriska materialet. Resultatet visar att socialsekreterares yrkesroll innehåller komplexa avvägningar mellan en hjälpande roll och gränssättning i mötet med klienter, vilket kan förändra handlingsutrymmet. Följaktligen kan detta hota rättssäkerheten och förändra socialsekreterares demokratiska roll i samhället. Resultatet visar även olika strategier som används både förebyggande samt avhjälpande i mötet med klient. Strategierna är individuella och påverkansbara av arbetsplatsens resurser. Därigenom finns det ingen entydig uppfattning om vilka strategier som kan och bör användas beträffande klientutövat hot och våld. Arbetsplatsens stöd skildras olika mellan respondenterna där arbetsplatsens säkerhetsklimat påverkar hur socialsekreteraren uppfattar klientutövat hot och våld. Mot bakgrund av detta finns en efterfrågan till ökat engagemang från arbetsplatsens ledning att tillsammans med socialsekreterarna föra en öppen diskussion gällande riktlinjer, stöd och policy för att verksamheten ska utvecklas fortlöpande.

Les déterminants des pratiques sécuritaires de travail : le cas des chauffeurs d'une multinationale du secteur du transport des matières dangereuses au Canada

Beauregard, Caroline 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Déterminants organisationnels de la santé psychologique, d'attitudes et de comportements critiques des professionnels du secteur sanitaire, social, et médico-social : les besoins psychologiques comme mécanismes explicatifs / Organizational determinants of workers' psychological health, critical attitudes and behaviors in the healthcare industry : The role of basic psychological needs

Huyghebaert, Tiphaine 07 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif général de ce travail doctoral était d’identifier des leviers d’action permettant de préserver la santé psychologique des travailleurs, de réduire certaines de leurs attitudes et comportements néfastes pour les organisations de santé, et de comprendre les mécanismes explicatifs de ces relations. La première étude a démontré que le climat de sécurité psychosociale (i.e., PSC) était négativement associé au conflit travail-famille (i.e., WFC) et aux intentions de turnover des soignants via la frustration des besoins psychologiques. La seconde étude a mis en évidence que le PSC, via son influence sur la frustration des besoins, était associé à une réduction du burnout des soignants trois mois plus tard qui expliquait à son tour une augmentation du WFC et des intentions de turnover. La troisième étude a démontré que la dissonance émotionnelle et les ressources organisationnelles influençaient le manque de détachement psychologique et l’engagement au travail des professionnels d’encadrement au terme d’une période de trois mois, via leurs effets sur la frustration et la satisfaction des besoins. Ces trois études enrichissent la littérature scientifique sur la théorie de l’autodétermination en contexte de travail et alimentent la réflexion sur les pratiques organisationnelles susceptibles de modifier durablement l’expérience professionnelle des salariés du secteur / The general purpose of this doctoral dissertation was to contribute to identify triggers to preserve workers’ psychological health and reduce some of their negative attitudes and behaviors which appear to be harmful to healthcare organizations. Moreover, we aimed to understand the mechanisms underlying such effects. Study 1 used a cross-sectional design to demonstrate that psychosocial safety climate (i.e., PSC) was negatively related to nursing staff’s work-family conflict (i.e., WFC) and turnover intentions, through the mediation of psychological need thwarting. Study 2 developed these results by showing how PSC, through its influence on psychological need thwarting, related to a decrease in burnout three months later. Burnout itself explained an increase in WFC and turnover intentions. Study 3 focused on managers’ psychological health and found that emotional dissonance and organizational resources influenced managers lack of psychological detachment and work engagement three months later, through psychological need thwarting and satisfaction. Altogether, these studies contribute to self-determination theory in the work setting and offer some perspectives on organizational practices that could lastingly alter healthcare employees’ professional experience

Säkerhet eller produktion först? : En kvalitativ studie om säkerhetsarbete på en processindustri i Sverige / Safety or Production first? : A qualitative study about safety work on a process industry in Sweden

Aalto, Johanna, Gårner, Paulina January 2020 (has links)
Ett fungerande arbetsmiljö och säkerhetsarbete är viktigt för att förebygga olyckor i arbetet. Därför är det intressant att undersöka hur säkerhetsarbetet i en processindustri upplevs, en organisation där medarbetare dagligen utsätts för risker i arbetet. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer har problemområdet undersökts i syfte att identifiera aspekter som påverkar säkerhetsarbetets förutsättningar. Studiens resultat visar att säkerhetsarbete är ett komplext område där organisatoriska, tekniska och kulturella aspekter kontinuerligt samspelar. Att säkerhet ständigt tävlar om prioritet mot produktionen är dessutom en ständig utmaning.

An analysis of the relationship between psychosocial safety climate and the work-school-interface for non-traditional students in South Africa

April, Kelly 12 January 2022 (has links)
The growth of a country's economy is highly dependent on the levels of skills available in that country. South Africa has a stark shortage of skilled individuals due to an inadequate and failing education system (Horwitz, 2013). As a response to this problem the South African government actively incentivises organisations to develop the skillset of their employees in order to build a strong economy, improve job creation and promote social development (Department of Higher Education and Training, 2019). It is therefore important that all stakeholders involved yield a return on this investment. It is also a global phenomenon that an increasing number of fulltime employees are also engaging in formal further studies due to the rapid changes in the labour market. For example, advancements in technology have had a major impact on traditional business models and the roles, and skills needed. These employees are referred to as non-traditional students and are the subject of this study. Research shows that trying to manage both work and school simultaneously can cause psychological strain for non-traditional students (Adebayo et al., 2008). The psychosocial safety climate (PSC) is an emerging construct which refers to the shared perceptions regarding policies, practices and procedures designed to protect the psychological health of employees (Dollard et al., 2012). This study builds on existing research in the work - school interface by investigating its application within the South African context. Participants in this research (n=127), comprised of non-traditional students (n=40) and employees who are not engaged in further studies (n=87). Correlation analysis demonstrated that PSC had a positive relationship with work school facilitation (WSF) and a negative relationship with work school conflict (WSC). It was further confirmed that job control (JC) mediated the relationship between PSC and WSF and that PSC mediated the relationship between JC and WSF. These findings show that PSC is an antecedent to the work school interface in that it promotes the positive outcomes of studying while working (work school facilitation). It further demonstrates that PSC also reduces the negative outcomes (work school conflict). This study confirmed that the working environment plays a crucial role in the work school interface and introduces PSC as a construct South African organisations should be concerned with and make a priority, based on the resources it provides employees, more especially their non-traditional students. This study's findings will add to the existing body of research and provide practical insights for enhancing the PSC application within South African organisations who have non-traditional students.

An Exploration of Contributing Factors to Patient Safety and Adverse Events

Zadvinskis, Inga Mirdza 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Leadership for safety-A questionnaire study on leadership styles and safety climate at a Swedish environment and energy company

Björk, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Worsened working conditions seems to be one of the main reasons for ill health in Sweden. Within the energy industry there are serious work environment risks that can lead to fatal accidents, several fatal accidents have occurred in the industry during the last year. A leadership that promotes a high level of safety climate can prevent accidents. At the same time, there is a lack of studies on different leadership styles and how they can affect the safety climate within the energy industry in Sweden.The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between leadership and safety climate, among workers at an environmental and energy company. The study was based on a quantitative approach. Correlations were analyzed between leadership styles and safety climate in bivariate- and multiple logistic regressions. The analyzed leadership styles were transformational, transactional, and Laissez-Faire leadership. In addition, safety-specific leadership was analyzed. The result showed that the safety climate at the environmental and energy company was at a high level. The analysis showed that transformational and transactional leadership styles, including safety-specific leadership, were correlated to safety climate. At the same time, the result showed that the correlation between Laissez-Faire leadership style and safety climate was most important for the safety climate outcome. When leadership was characterized by Laissez-Faire, the odds increased that the safety climate would be at a lower level. The conclusions were that the most important leadership style to focus on and avoid was Laissez-Faire leadership. Since the environmental and energy company had a high level of safety climate it is probably a good starting point for future continued development for safety and proactive work environment management.Recommendations to educate leaders about how leadership behavior can affect the safety climate, based on this study's result, were suggested since it could be a cost-effective and efficient method to improve the safety climate. / Dåliga arbetsförhållanden tycks vara en av de främsta orsakerna till ohälsa och att människor dör på arbetet i Sverige. Inom energibranschen finns allvarliga arbetsmiljörisker som kan leda till dödsolyckor, flera dödsolyckor har inträffat i branschen under det senaste året. Ett ledarskap som främjar ett högt säkerhetsklimat kan förebygga olyckor. Samtidigt saknas det studier om olika ledarskapsstilar och hur det kan påverka säkerhetsklimatet inom energibranschen i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att analysera sambandet mellan ledarskap och säkerhetsklimat, bland arbetare på ett miljö- och energiföretag. Studien baserades på en kvantitativ ansats. Samband analyserades mellan olika ledarskapsstilar och säkerhetsklimat genom binära och multipla logistiska regressioner. De ledarskapsstilar som analyserades var transformativt-, transaktionellt- och Laissez- Faire ledarskap. Dessutom analyserades säkerhetsspecifikt ledarskap. Resultatet visade att säkerhetsklimatet på miljö- och energibolaget var på en hög nivå. Analysen visade att transformella och transaktionella ledarskapsstilar, inklusive säkerhetsspecifikt ledarskap, korrelerade till säkerhetsklimatet. Samtidigt visade resultatet att sambandet mellan Laissez-Faire ledarskapsstil och säkerhetsklimat hade störst betydelse för säkerhetsklimatet. När ledarskapet präglades av Laissez-Faire ökade oddsen att säkerhetsklimatet skulle vara på en lägre nivå. Slutsatserna var att den viktigaste ledarstilen att fokusera på, och att undvika, var Laissez-Faire ledarskap. Eftersom miljö- och energibolaget hade ett högt säkerhetsklimat är det sannolikt en bra utgångspunkt för framtida fortsatt utveckling för säkerhet och för proaktivt arbetsmiljöarbete. Rekommendationer om att utbilda ledare om hur ledarskapsbeteenden kan påverka säkerhetsklimatet, baserat på den här studiens resultat, föreslogs eftersom det kan vara en kostnadseffektiv och framgångsrik metod för att förbättra säkerhetsklimatet.

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