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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rösterna på Flashback : En studie om virtuell gemenskap på ett internetforum kring dödsskjutningarna i Malmö 2018 / The voices on Flashback : A study of virtual community on an internet forum around the death shootings in Malmö 2018

Tajik, Amirali, Malinao, Lourdes January 2019 (has links)
Flashback is one of the most well known internet forums in Sweden. People visit the site to discuss different topics, to share information, to express opinions or to read posts by others. On Flashback’s ‘crime forum’ the users gather to share information but also to express opinions. These discussions have a tendency to become heated and with the increased wave of gangrelated violence and shootings in Malmö, Sweden 2018, forums like Flashback play an important role in what information is available to the public. This case was used to form the study’s main questions; How are facts used in threads and what are their sources? How do users interpret these events and how is it expressed through reasoning and personal opinions? How are opinions, behaviour and virtual community formed in an environment based on anonymity? To form a case and further investigate these questions we have organized different Flashback posts related to the Malmö-shootings and categorized them into themes. The interpretations would later on show various conclusions. Some conclusions were predicted, while other conclusions were shown when analyzing the material. The results showed that flashback-users use facts when sharing a link, to strengthen the shared information, to support theories about the case and sometimes when discussing the victims or suspects involved. How users interpret the events on Flashback is based on the intention of the individual. Some users are more likely to discuss political aspects. Other users intend to discuss the matter with an humours tone, these posts can be seen as an disinhibition effect (Suler 2004). Identity has shown to be a useful factor when analyzing an internet-forum. A conclusion from analyzing identity shows that behaviours are encouraged when the fear of being exposed is averted. Overall the result shows that the foundation of the virtual community on Flashback is the information that is shared between users.

When we see something that is well beyond our understanding : The duty of States to investigate war crimes and how it applies to autonomous weapons systems

Palmcrantz, Conrad January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyses States’ duty to investigate grave breaches of humanitarian law and how it applies to deep reinforcement learning autonomous weapons. It identifies basic technologic intricacies related to deep reinforcement learning and discusses what issues may arise if such software is used in weapons systems. The thesis applies a legal doctrinal method to study how the technology could frustrate the grave breaches regime and hamper States’ ability to investigate suspected incidents. Furthermore, investigative standards under humanitarian law and human rights law are examined in the context of autonomous weapons systems.  The main argument is that deep reinforcement learning algorithms create a black box that is virtually impossible to investigate and consequently causes accountability issues.

“No one is born a terrorist” : A study of Securitization, Human Rights and Terrorism

Sunzel, William January 2018 (has links)
Securitization is the move in which an issue is argued to pose an existential threat to a referent object. Speech acts are considered to be the starting point for the securitization of an issue. This thesis viewed governmental counter-terrorism strategies as potential carriers of speech acts - hence the strategies could constitute the start of terrorism becoming securitized by a government. By using a generic speech act typology created by Stritzel, which combines critical discourse analysis with the securitization theory on Swedish and British counter-terrorism strategies, the thesis identifies a speech act in the most recent British strategy. The second finding is that in the case where the speech act occurred, the human rights discourse was significantly lower, compared to the cases where no speech act occurred. The thesis also provides suggestions for future research on the topic of speech acts.

Tio år med kommunalt veto vid prövningen av vindkraft – är det dags för en förändring?

Ståhl, Jenni January 2019 (has links)
In 2009, the Swedish legislation regarding the administrative procedure applicable to onshore wind energy was amended, in part to increase wind power production, but also to fulfill the requirements in regard to the administrative procedures for renewable energy activities in the 2009 Renewables Directive. As a result, the dual permit and approval procedures under the Plan and Building Act and the Environmental Code were replaced with a procedure through which large onshore wind power installations are only assessed under the Environmental Code—and thus, only by the relevant County Administrative Board. In order to not circumvent the constitutionally protected and very strong principle of local self-governance of Swedish municipalities, the Swedish government introduced a provision in the Environmental Code, through which the municipalities were given a sort of veto over large wind power installations. According to Chapter 16 section 4, the municipalities’ consent is a prerequisite for granting licenses to large wind power installations. This provision has resulted in a number of issues concerning e.g. transparency and foreseeability. The municipalities do not have to justify or explain their decision, and the operators cannot appeal the decision in regard to its substance, but only in regard to certain procedural aspects found in the Swedish Local Government Act. There is also an issue with the possible non-compliance with Article 13 in the underlying RES-directive—an article that, ironically enough, was one of the main reasons for the 2009 amendment. The aim of this essay is to discuss the 2009 amendment and the problems that have surfaced in connection to the municipal veto, concerning, inter alia, the political goals of reaching a 100 percent renewable electricity production and increasing wind energy in the energy mix. The first three chapters deal primarily with the legislative background, i.e. de lege lata, with the occasional input from the author. The fourth chapter deals almost entirely with de lege ferenda discussions—mainly based on a report from the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, in which the agencies suggest to altogether remove the provision from the Environmental Code. Other suggestions and alternatives are also discussed in this part. The chapter also contains a de lege lata description of the Danish administrative procedure, highlighting the Danish municipalities’ role in the Danish planning of wind energy. Lastly, in the fifth chapter, the conclusions are discussed briefly, with a suggestion from the author on how to proceed onwards.

Familjen & Döden : föräldrars förhållningssätt till sina kvarvarande barn

Ericson, Jessica, Millqvist, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to explore the role of death in the Swedish family. How do parents and families cope with the loss of a child/sibling? How do the remaining children in a family fare after loss of sibling? The study was caused out partially through a selective review of the literature on children loss in families and partially through interviews with families who had experienced death of a child. The results were analysed with help of Family system theory, Emotional theory and with an Esoteric perspective. The findings of the study were that although families do eventually cope with the situation the majority is struggling to adjust. Open communication between family members is important and will depend on how parents cope with their own grief. How the remaining children are treated also depends on how parents cope. Sometimes communication is lacking due to fear of facing their children’s pain. The study concludes that the way we are socialized in Sweden may alienate us from death and loss. Another conclusion is that philosophy of life seems important to be able to cope with loss.</p>

Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina :   En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling

Lindström Rova, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools’ work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers’ self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied. The schools were chosen because of their acknowledged work for sustainable development. From the interviews, it was found how the teachers interpreted the conception the schools´ surrounding world, what relations the schools had with the surrounding world and how that affected the schools´ work for sustainable development. The surrounding world was interpreted as both the close and immediate neighborhood but also in a wider perspective as other countries. The schools had mostly contacts with the close-by immediate surroundings. The school situated in the urban environment had more access the culture of the city and the school situated near nature used the forest and water more often. The schools had a few national and international contacts. The relationships with surrounding world changed over time and with age of the pupils. Personal contacts and interest helped to establish contacts. The teachers see the school as an integral part of the society. The relations with the surrounding world seem to have a positive impact on education for sustainable development. The learning became concrete, varied and the pupils view themselves as a part of something larger. Ecological, social and economic perspective could be identified in the schools relations with surrounding world. According to the self-evaluations the schools had more contacts to the surrounding world than to the society.</p> / <p>Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka relationer mellan skola och omvärld och hur de påverkar skolornas arbete för hållbar utveckling. Sex pedagoger intervjuades och en kvantitativ sammanställning av pedagogers självvärdering gjordes. Skolorna valdes utifrån sitt uttalade arbete för hållbar utveckling. Intervjuerna undersökte hur pedagogerna tolkade begreppet skolans omvärld, vilka omvärldskontakter man hade och hur de påverkade lärande för hållbar utveckling. Omvärlden tolkades som skolans omedelbara närhet men även i ett vidare perspektiv. Skolorna hade flest kontakter med den närliggande omvärlden. Eventuellt kunde skolan placerad i en urban miljö utnyttja stadens kultur mer och den andra skolan placerad nära naturen utnyttjade skog och vatten mer. Nationella och enstaka internationella kontakter förekom. Kontakterna varierade över tid och förändrades med elevernas ålder. Personligt nätverk och internet var framgångsfaktorer för att skapa kontakter. Pedagogerna såg skolan som en del av samhället (det integrerade perspektivet). Genom omvärldskontakter blev lärandet för hållbar utveckling konkret, varierat och eleverna såg sig själva som en del av något större. Ekologiskt, socialt och ekonomiskt perspektiv urskiljdes i skolornas omvärldskontakter. Enligt skolornas självvärdering fanns fler kontakter med omvärlden än med samhället.</p>

Vem vill ha mig som svensk? : En problematisering av begreppet invandrarförfattare / Who would want me as a swede? : An analysis of the concept of immigrant writers

Valham, Josefin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie som problematiserar begreppet invandrarförfattare/invandrarlitteratur med utgångspunkten att denna typ av kategorisering är diskriminerande. Litteraturstudien är kompletterad med två analyser av romanerna <em>Utlänningar</em> (Kallifatides, 1970) och <em>Kan du säga Schibbolet?</em> (Bakhtiari, 2008). Resultatet av litteraturstudien visar att det finns många problem med denna kategorisering och att den ger en mycket enkel bild av en författares verk. Denna förenkling förstärker bilden av vi och dem. Resultatet av analyserna ger de som har försökt definiera begreppet invandrarförfattare/invandrarlitteratur rätt till viss del men de olika författarnas olika definitioner belyser även hur komplicerat det är, att sätta en stämpel på hur invandrade författare skriver. Det finns inte heller något som säger att dessa teman inte är typiska även för svenskfödda författare inom samma genrer.</p>

Wetland planning in agricultural landscape using Geographical Information System : A case study of Lake Ringsjön basin in South Sweden

Olszewska, Dorota Olga January 2005 (has links)
<p>The problem of increasing eutrophication encouraged the Baltic States to implement new measures, which would help to decrease the nutrient load into the Baltic Sea. Constructed wetlands are considered as one of the possible solutions to the problem of nutrient leakage from agricultural areas in Sweden.</p><p>The aim of this study was to identify the best wetland locations in the Lake Ringsjön basin (in southern Sweden, Scania) using Land Score System (LSS) based on Geographic Information System (GIS). The required area of wetland was calculated on the base of average daily discharge in the whole basin. Next, the possible wetland sites were compared with the location of major nitrogen leakage sources (municipalities, and agriculture). The scenario, which came out from the implemented model (the wetland area required for each sub basin in the Lake Ringsjön basin), was compared to the two scenarios investigated by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), where wetlands covered 0,4 and 2% of the total cropland area in the Lake Ringsjön basin.</p><p>The result shows that the second SMHI’s scenario relates in some sub basins to the required wetland area calculated in my model. However, in some cases the wetland area seems to be underestimated.</p>

Efficient Irrigation Water Allocation and Use for Enhanced Paddy Productivity : Case study of Mugerero in Imbo lowland Region in Burundi

Ndayizigiye, Tharcisse January 2009 (has links)
<p>To address increasing irrigation water demand consecutive to the increasing population pressure in terms of food demand, there is an imperative of developing relevant mechanisms to regulate irrigation water consumption patterns. A radical shift from uncontrolled flooding irrigation as currently practiced by farmers in Mugerero paddy farming zone towards efficient allocation and use of water resources is important to save water that could be allocated to other water users.</p><p>This paper surveys current and past views on the way irrigation water is allocated in the irrigation scheme of Mugerero and how farmers are using water for paddy production purpose. The existing irrigation water practices as well as paddy productivity are assessed and the results are expected to be useful for water policy professionals, while addressing the growing water demand. According to the respondents, the causes of low paddy yields are the increasing and uncontrolled extension of paddy farming, non adapted irrigation infrastructure and water pricing systems as well as lack of updated knowledge and technologies on irrigation. These issues faced by the paddy farmers have led to pronounced economic, social and environmental consequences which are manifested in conflicts over irrigation water use, increasing soil salinity and pollution, destruction of infrastructure and above all, low irrigation paddy yields.The identification of the core problem in the irrigation system might be important for water managers as it would provide a starting point to establish comprehensive baseline towards efficient irrigation water allocation and use. This would improve paddy productivity within the formal as well as the growing informal paddy farming referred to “hors- perimeter” in the low land of Imbo region.</p>

Current Status and Management of Hand Pump Equipped Water Facilities in Blantyre Rural District, Malawi : Case Study of Kapeni and Lundu Traditional Authorities

Njalam'mano, John Bright Joseph January 2007 (has links)
<p>Although the access to adequate safe drinking water is taken for granted in developed countries and urban settlements in some developing countries at the end of 2002 it was estimated that globally, some 1.1 billion people still rely on unsafe drinking water sources particularly in the developing regions of India and Africa. Malawi is one of the developing countries located in the arid-semiarid Sub-Saharan African region with only 62% of its people having access to safe drinking water. Boreholes and dug wells equipped with hand pumps is the technology that has assisted the country to increase the proportion of people having access to safe drinking water.</p><p>The underlying objectives of the study were to critically characterise the existing rural water facilities management systems, and to assess the status of the water facilities that were provided to rural communities by different organisations and individuals. The aim is to form an information base upon which rural water development efforts will be advanced and to expose points of intervention for sustainable rural water supply.</p><p>A survey was conducted in two traditional authorities of Kapeni and Lundu in Blantyre rural district where 94 water users were interviewed in their households. Physical inspection survey of the water facilities in the area under study was done. Focus group discussions and informal key informants’ interviews were also done.</p><p>A majority (54%) of the respondents indicated that they participated in various stages of their water supply project. The actual responsibility for the management of all water points which were visited lies with a representative group of local community known as water points committee (WPC). 97% of the water facilities that were surveyed had WPCs of which 67% received training in management, operation and maintenance (O&M) of the water facilities. There are two types of hand pumps that were found in the area, Malda and Afridev. 83% of the water facilities were still in order. The downtimes of the water facilities ranged from 1 to 360 days depending on the kind of fault.</p><p>The traditional leaders, Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs) from government and mission clinics, water facility providers and the local communities themselves are the key players at community level. The trust that the communities have in their local leadership, the approach used in provision of the water facilities, the benefits that accrued to the local communities, and the length of time the WPCs serve the communities are the major factors that influence the communities’ participation in O&M activities. Inadequate number of qualified area technicians, theft of hand pump parts and high prices of some spare parts are some of the problems that impede effective O&M of the water facilities. To improve management, O&M of the water supply systems in the area communities have additional number of the water points, and training and refresher courses for WPCs and caretakers as some of their immediate needs. The common technical problems are hand pump related in water facilities equipped with Afridev hand pump and well drying for Malda hand pump equipped water facilities. The WPCs that are not active are those whose water facilities have been out of order for a long time. Recommendations are made regarding; planning phase, construction and operation phase, and government regulation.</p>

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