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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jura novit curia : En analys av hur principen bör tillämpas i internationella skiljeförfaranden som äger rum i Sverige / Jura novit curia : An analysis of how the principle jura novit curia applies in international arbitration taking place in Sweden

Ivars, Nils January 2018 (has links)
Principen jura novit curia anses vedertagen i svensk processrätt. Det har dock ansetts osäkert om, och i så fall hur, principen ska tillämpas i internationella skiljeförfaranden. Uppsatsen utreder därför gränserna för hur jura novit curia får tillämpas i internationella skiljeförfaranden i Sverige utan att skiljedomen kan klandras framgångsrikt. I uppsatsen definieras principen enligt följande: 1) Rättstillämpningsfriheten: Rätten/skiljenämnden är inte bunden av de rättsregler (rättsliga kvalifikationer) som parterna åberopat eller diskuterat under processen. 2) Rättsutredningsplikten: Parterna behöver inte bevisa innehållet i gällande rätt och rätten/skiljenämnden är omvänt skyldig att ex officio utreda hur gällande rätt ska förstås oaktat vilka rättskällor parterna presenterat. 3) Överraskningsfriheten: Rätten/skiljenämnden är inte skyldig att genom materiell processledning låta parterna yttra sig över ”nya” rättsregler eller rättsliga kvalifikationer som rätten/skiljenämnden överväger att göra. Inledningsvis djupanalyseras principens ställning i svenska domstolsförfaranden och rent svenska skiljeförfaranden. Därefter analyseras hur principen diskuteras i svensk doktrin, i svensk klanderdomspraxis och enligt SCC-regelverket. Vidare följer en översiktlig komparativ analys med studier av hur jura novit curia tillämpas i bland annat England, Schweiz, Danmark och Argentina samt under ett antal internationella instrument och institut såsom ICSID, UNCITRAL, ALI/UNIDROIT och ILA. Sammantaget är slutsatserna i uppsatsen följande: Rättstillämpningsfriheten gäller i internationella skiljeförfaranden i Sverige. En skiljedom torde alltså inte kunna klandras enbart för att en skiljenämnd ex officio tillämpat andra rättsregler än de parterna hänfört sig till. Nämnden har dock möjlighet att ålägga parterna att presentera bevisning om rättens innehåll, vilket innebär någon absolut rättsutredningsplikt inte finns. Analysen visar slutligen att någon absolut överraskningsfrihet inte finns, men att det är oklart hur stor oförutsebarhet i rättstillämpningen som krävs för att det ska vara fråga om ett klanderbart handläggningsfel. Givet att LSF kräver att handläggningsfelet ska ha ”inverkat på utgången” i målet för att skiljedomen ska åsidosättas torde det dock i praktiken vara endast i undantagsfall som överraskande rättstillämpning de facto leder till ett åsidosättande av en skiljedom. / The principle jura novit curia is considered a fundament of Swedish Procedural Law. Yet there are doubts as to whether, and if so how, the principle applies in international arbitration. In this thesis it is investigated how jura novit curia can be applied in international arbitration taking place in Sweden without the award being annulled. In the thesis, the principle is defined as follows: 1) Freedom to apply the law: A court/tribunal is not bound by the legal arguments and qualifications made by the parties in the case. 2) Duty to investigate the law: The parties do not have to prove the law and consequently a court/tribunal is obliged to research and ascertain the law ex officio. 3) Freedom to surprise: A court/tribunal is not obliged to let the parties comment on the legal sources or rules of law that it considers to apply on the case. Initially the application of jura novit curia in Swedish courts and domestic arbitrations is deeply analyzed. Furthermore, the discussion among Swedish scholars and the application in case law and under the SCC framework is presented. Thereafter follows a brief comparative analysis on how jura novit curia is applied in England, Switzerland, Denmark and Argentina, as well as its application under a number of international instruments and institutions such as ICSID, UNCITRAL, ALI/UNIDROIT and ILA. In short, the conclusions of the thesis are: The freedom to apply the law applies in international arbitration in Sweden since an arbitral award can most likely not be annulled only because a rule of law that was not invoked by the parties was applied. However, an arbitral tribunal has the power to require the parties to present legal arguments and legal investigations, which means there is no absolute duty to investigate the law. The analysis shows that there is no absolute freedom to surprise, although it is uncertain how much unpredictability is needed for an award to be annulled due to procedural error. However, given that the Swedish Arbitration Act additionally requires a procedural error to have “influenced the outcome of the case” in order for an award to be annulled, it is likely that it is only exceptional examples of unpredictable application of law that would actually lead to an annulment.

Norm Conflicts in Public International Law : The Relationship Between Obligations Under the ECHR and Under the UN Charter

Berggren, Theo January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Liberal teologi – liberal samhällssyn? : En studie av svenska liberalteologers samhällssyn genom tre nedslag i tidskriften Kristendomen och vår tid 1908–1928 / Liberal theology – liberal view on society? : Swedish liberal theologians’ view on society examined in three issues of the journal Kristendomen och vår tid 1908–1928

Sjögren, Erik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the view on society in an early 20th century Swedish periodical journal of liberal theology, Kristendomen och vår tid (Christianity and our time). During the late 19th century, a new school of liberal theology gained influence among various protestant theological faculties in Germany. In emphasising the ethical teachings of the historical Jesus of Nazareth as the basis for Christianity and a worldly kingdom of God, liberal theologians advocated social and political reform, becoming influential in German society at the turn of the century. As this liberal theology was adapted in Sweden, a group of priests and theologians founded the journal KVT as a medium for spreading liberal theology to their peers, but also, this thesis suggests, to advocate a particular view on society and role for the church and the priesthood in a way similar to the development in Germany. The analysis of the view on society in KVT suggests a shift over time regarding the expressed purpose and role of church in society, which can be understood within the context of contemporary development of political life in Sweden. In the early 1900s, an ideal of a church highly active in social welfare practices in society is apparent in the journal, whereas in the 1920s the role and main purpose of the church is understood rather as a sort of societal moral consciousness.

Pactum turpe : En antik rättsfigurs tillämpning i en postmodern värld

Sapa, Patryk January 2020 (has links)
The doctrine of illegality and immorality, pactum turpe, has been questioned by several scholars lately. The fundamental problem is that we live in an increasingly multicultural society governed by a postmodernist paradigm where no objective or universal values can or should be taken for granted. Within the framework of such a societal structure it can, on the face of it, seem hard to establish any moral values that can constitute the basis of pactum turpe. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the conflict of interest between the principle of freedom of con- tract and pactum turpe. This essentially entails answering how such an antique legal principle as pactum turpe can be used in a postmodern context. More concretely, the following questions will be examined: Is pactum turpe an obsolete doctrine? With which methods can one deduce immorality? Which typical cases does pactum turpe cover? What method has primacy when deducing immorality? The first question was answered in the following way. Pactum turpe is not an obsolete doctrine, on the contrary, it fills many important functions. A historical inquiry shows that there has always been a need for pactum turpe since the roman times. Furthermore, all modern legal systems have a doctrine of illegality and immorality in order to declare certain immoral contracts void or to dismiss actions founded upon such contracts. The commodification tendencies, the shift of emphasis in the freedom and rights discourse and the expanding multicultural society all point to the fact that more cases regarding the (im)morality of contracts will have to be solved by the courts. As of now there is no legal mechanism that can replace the procedural functions of pactum turpe; neither its substantial scope of application. The second question was answered in the following way. Four different methods with which immorality can be established have been found: the intuitive method, the reductionist method, the holistic method and the pragmatic method. The third question was answered in the following way. The typical cases covered by pactum turpe are contracts in breach of law; contracts regarding family relations or personal integrity; agreements on tax evasion; gambling contracts; and agreements on circumvention of law. This is not a closed categorisation which the application of pactum turpe is limited to. New situations may become commonalities as the society evolves and new problems become relevant. The fourth question was answered in the following way. An analysis of the typical cases shows that the Supreme Court favours the pragmatic method in order to deduce immorality. Case law – especially NJA 1955 s. 544, NJA 1989 s. 768, NJA 1997 s. 93, NJA 2002 s. 322, NJA 2008 s. 861 and NJA 2019 s. 504 – suggests that a nuanced approach has primacy. The holistic method has only been applied in occasional cases, for example RH 2004:41. It seems like the intuitive method was common in earlier times, especially in the lower courts. The reductionist method has not been used by courts at all; this is because it is not practical for courts to use questionnaires and statistics in order to de- cide the immorality of a contract.

Strävan efter den medvetna närvaron : En kvalitativ studie kring bruket av buddhistisk insiktsmeditation i ett sekulariserat samhälle / The quest for the mindful presence : A qualitative study on the practice of Buddhist insight meditation in a secular society

Hansson, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
In this bachelor’s thesis I have focused on the question why people who live in secular societies use insight or vipassana meditation. The study is based on the rational choice theory developed by Rodney Stark. I have used an inductive qualitative method including e-mail interviews with practitioners of vipassana meditation. The study has shown why some people start the practice and how people’s expectations of vipassana meditation can differ in what they wanted from their practice. The study showed that practitioners and the society that surrounds them influenced each other. The study highlighted the way vipassana meditation was practiced on a secular basis.

Sverige, Norge och det minoritetspolitiska vägskälet : En jämförande fallstudie om individuella och kollektiva rättigheter i en samisk kontext

Johansson, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Minority rights has been a common subject of discussion for several years and since the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted the interest in the matter has far from decreased. One of the countries voting in favor of the declaration is Sweden, and although they volunteerly decided to comply with the agreement they have received numerous complaints on how they treat the indigenous people inhabiting certain areas of the country. When constructing new rights, a plan on how to make them apply to everyone who is entitled to them has to be formed, which can be a bit challenging to say the least. This paper presents two different approaches used when creating minority rights – individual rights and group rights – and applies them on two cases – Sweden and Norway – in order to discover which of these methods dominate said field. This is made through examining three different categories of rights – political, economical and social – to see which differences can be found between Sweden and Norway when it comes to indigenous people’s rights, and how these differences relate to individual and group rights. The conclusion of the study is that group rights is the dominating approach, but focusing on both groups and individuals has been the most successful method yet.

The right to live in the community as the right to have rights

Gradwohl, Csilla January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis explores Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which recognizes the right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others. The relationship between Article 19 and the other articles of the Convention are explored, in order to discuss the role of Article 19 in the Convention. The thesis examines whether the right to live in the community, set out in Article 19, can be considered as the most central right of the Convention. The thesis applies the legal analytical method, and it is based on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; the communications of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; official reports of the United Nations as well as international non-governmental organizations; and scientific articles from books and journals. By using Arendt’s idea of “the right to have rights” as a theory, this thesis argues that the right to live in the community, contained in Article 19, constitutes the right to have rights for persons with disabilities and therefore it can be considered as the most central right of the Convention.

Våldtäkt och samtycke : Ett genuskritiskt perspektiv på sexualbrottslagstiftningen och förslaget till en samtyckeslag

Zisimopoulou, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose of this essay has been to discover shortcomings in the Criminal law conserning sexual offences and in the application of this law. The primary material of the study has therefore been two different government bills considering 2005 and 2013 years’ provisions on rape, three rape cases, and the proposal for a new provision on rape based on consent as the primary legal definition of rape. From gender theories about power, gender and sexuality I have used discourse analysis as a method to analyze the material to see how the government relates to these questions when reasoning around a new provision on rape. I have also tried to examine why there are so few rape cases that get convicted by analyzing the cases to see how the judges reason around the woman´s responsibility in the events. Another purpose has been to examine how the new potential provision on rape built on consent could change the situation for the woman in rape cases. My conclusions are that there are flaws in the way that the rape provision is built and that a new law built on consent probably won´t have a significant impact on the situation of the woman other than that it might have a normative effect. The study has also shown that the government doesn’t consider elements as male dominance, gender and sexuality when arguing for a new law, which undermines the women’s situation. The study has also shown that the judges in rape cases has indirectly put responsibility on the women, while the prosecuted is acquitted due to his lack of understanding of the women’s resistance. / Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats har varit att synliggöra brister i sexualbrottslagstiftningen och tillämpningen av denna. Det primära materialet i studien har därför varit två propositioner som behandlar våldtäktsbestämmelsen, den ena från år 2005 och den andra från 2013, tre olika rättsfall samt det nya förslaget till en samtyckeslag. Utifrån genusvetenskapliga teorier om makt, kön och sexualitet har jag använt diskursanalysen som metod för att analysera materialet för att se hur regeringen förhåller sig till dessa typer av frågor när de resonerar kring en ny våldtäktslag. Jag har också försökt undersöka varför det är så få våldtäktsfall som får fällande domar genom att analysera de olika fallen för att se hur domarna resonerar kring kvinnan och hennes ansvar under händelserna. Ett annat syfte har varit att undersöka hur det nya samtyckesförslaget skulle kunna förändra kvinnans situation i rättsfall. Mina slutsatser är att det finns brister i de sätt som våldtäktsbestämmelsen är uppbyggd på och att en ny samtyckeslag förmodligen inte har någon större inverkan på kvinnans situation förutom att den kan ha en normativ effekt. Studien har också visat att regeringen inte tar hänsyn till frågor som manlig dominans, kön och sexualitet i argumenten för en ny lag, vilket leder till att kvinnornas situation undergrävs. Studien har också visat att domarna i våldtäktsmål ställer ansvar på kvinnorna, medan den åtalade frikänns p.g.a. dennes bristande förståelse för kvinnornas motstånd.

Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö : Möjlighet till återhämtning / Organizational and social environment : Possibility of recovery

Louise, Rask January 2017 (has links)
The main subject for this essay is how the possibility of recovery can be used as a resource in situations of high workload. The applicable law will be examined on the basis of the question what is the law in force at the possibility of recovery. The essay also touches the topic of delegation and what level of knowledge, competence and authority the managers have, to do the delegated work regarding work environment. The essay aims to investigate the new regulation AFS 2015: 4 which came into force on march 31 2016. This regulation is an effect of the high sickness rates that emerged in a survey conducted by the Work Environment Authority. According to the survey, the most common cause of sick leave among women is attributed to organizational and social factors. Employment law regulation in the form of the Work Environment Act and the regulations of the Work Environment Authority is processed to provide answers to the questions. Knowledge of stress and recovery are also given space in the essay. Furthermore, interviews were held as a part of a survey on selected businesses to examine how these companies work with the possibility of recovery. The survey also investigated how the companies work after implementation of the new regulation AFS 2015: 4 and the effects the regulation had on operations. All businesses have an over-representation of women. This selection was conscious because the paper has an overall gender perspective. The analysis concerns the legal research and empirical data processed in the paper to give answers to the questions. The Work Environment Act and the new regulation of AFS 2015: 4 can be concluded that the employer's health and safety responsibilities are far-reaching. Possibility of recovery given the fullest extent through breaks in the workplace. It is thus important that the employer ensures that the breaks are both scheduled and utilized. Whether the new regulation had any impact on sick leave, is in the current situation difficult to confirm. / Kandidatuppsatsens huvudämne är hur möjlighet till återhämtning kan användas som resurs vid hög arbetsbelastning. Gällande rätt kommer granskas utifrån frågeställningen vad gällande rätt är, vid möjlighet till återhämtning. Uppsatsen berör även ämnet delegering samt vad chefer har för kunskap, kompetens och befogenhet för att utföra ett delegerat arbetsmiljöarbete. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda den nya föreskriften AFS 2015:4 som trädde i kraft 31 mars 2016. Föreskriften är en effekt av det höga sjuktal som framkommit i en undersökning utförd av arbetsmiljöverket. Enligt undersökningen kan den vanligaste orsaken till sjukskrivning bland kvinnor, härledas till organisatoriska och sociala faktorer. Arbetsrättslig reglering i form av Arbetsmiljölagen och Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter bearbetas för att ge svar till frågeställningarna. Kunskaper om stress och återhämtning ges även utrymme i uppsatsen. Vidare har en kartläggning gjorts på utvalda verksamheter för att granska hur dessa verksamheter arbetar med möjlighet till återhämtning. I kartläggningen utreds även hur verksamheterna arbetar efter implementeringen av den nya föreskriften AFS 2015:4 och vilka effekter föreskriften haft på verksamheterna. Samtliga verksamheter har en överrepresentation av kvinnor. Detta urval var medvetet då uppsatsen har ett övergripande genusperspektiv. Analysen berör den rättsutredning och empiri som bearbetats i uppsatsen för att ge svar på frågeställningarna. Genom Arbetsmiljölagen och den nya föreskriften AFS 2015:4 kan det konstateras att arbetsgivarens arbetsmiljöansvar är långtgående. Möjlighet till återhämtning ges i största utsträckning genom raster på arbetsplatserna. Det är således viktigt att arbetsgivaren säkerställer att rasterna är båda schemalagda samt utnyttjas. Huruvida den nya föreskriften haft någon påverkan på sjuktalen, är i dagsläget svårt att bekräfta.

De legala förutsättningarna för användning av medicinsk cannabis : Förhållandet mellan myndighetsbeslut, lagstiftning och domstolspraxis / The legal prerequisites for usage of medical cannabis

Magell, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
The overall purpose of this paper was to critically analyze the legal prerequisites for using medical cannabis in Sweden. The legal method and the legal analysis method have been the basis for the analysis of current law, regarding medical use of cannabis and drug abuse. Current law has been analyzed led by a medical approach to clarify the legal and medical meaning of drug abuse. The Narcotic Drugs Punishment Act makes no distinction between drug abuse and medical use, which means that all forms of use ending up in a drug offence. It ́s not obvious what constitutes narcotics because the cannabis plant is divided into different species and it ́s also available in various forms of preparations. Against this background, the medical usage of cannabis seems to have ended up in a legal grey zone. The cannabis preparation called Bediol includes whole plant parts of cannabis and is treated as drug abuse according to the law, but regarding the legal view of CBD-extract the position is more unclear. The prevailing opinion in law cases of today is that CBD-extracts do not constitute drugs. The question of cannabis for self-medication has been pointed in NJA 2017 s. 872, the Supreme Court considers that the medical motive mitigates the crime classification and that a medical purpose can cause a situation of emer- gency. It ́s still unclear how the prerequisites “addictive properties” and ”euphoric effects” in paragraph 8 in the Narcotic Drugs Punishment Act shall be read regarding the occasion of medical use. As long as cannabis is under extensive international control the uncertainty remains about how the prerequisites in paragraph 8 in the Narcotic Drugs Punishment Act should be treated in relative to the medical motive. Furthermore, the study based on the Swedish Medical Products Agency’s decision regarding Bediol and Epidiolex shows that the Medical Products Agency has a tolerant attitude towards both cannabis preparations. The study of license decisions has also been relevant to clarify the discrepancy between medical use and how it ́s considered according to the Narcotic Drugs Punishment Act. The study demonstrates how the Swedish Medical Products Agency's attitude does not always interact with the view of the law. Since the decisions about licenses can be seen as an exception to the Narcotic Drugs Punishment Act, there should be some sort of consensus in how the preparations should be viewed from an authority and law point of view. This to not affect the predictability of a drug abuse in respect of the Narcotic Drugs Punishment Act. As the Medical Products Agency considers both the medical rudiments and the medical development this should be taken into account in the Narcotic Drugs Punishment Act in a more extensive way, to reach some sort of consensus. The national law can only be changed in a sharpening direction, which means that a future international reclassification of cannabis may be considered as a guide in how much space the medical motives can be applied in the 8 paragraph in the Narcotic Drugs Punishments Act. / Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats var att kritiskt analysera de legala förutsättningarna för att använda medicinsk cannabis i Sverige. I uppsatsen har den rättsdogmatiska och rättsanalytiska metoden legat till grund för analysen av gällande rätt avseende medicinskt bruk av cannabis samt narkotikamissbruk. Gällande rätt har till viss del analyserats med ledning av en medicinsk infallsvinkel för att tydliggöra den juridiska och medicinska innebörden av narkoti- kamissbruk. Narkotikastrafflagen gör ingen skillnad på narkotikamissbruk och medicinskt bruk, vilket resulterar i att alla former av bruk innebär ett narkotikabrott. Då cannabisplantan är uppdelad i olika arter och att cannabis finns tillgängligt i olika former av preparat, blir det inte helt självklart vad som utgör narkotika. Mot denna bakgrund tycks det medicinska bruket hamnat i en rättslig gråzon. Preparatet Bediol består av hela cannabisväxtdelar och utgör narkotika i lagens mening men vad gäller CBD-extrakt är rättsläget mer oklart. Rådande uppfattning i rättspraxis är dock att CBD-extrakt inte utgör narkotika. Frågan om cannabis i självmedicineringssyfte har behandlats i NJA 2017 s. 872 där Högsta domstolen beaktade det medicinska motivet genom mildare brottsrubricering och att ett medicinskt syfte kan föranleda en nödsituation. Det kvarstår dock oklarhet huruvida rekvisiten ”beroendeframkallande egenskaper” och euforise- rande effekter” i 8 § narkotikastrafflagen ska beaktas i fråga om ett medicinskt bruk. Så länge cannabis står under omfattande internationell kontroll kvarstår oklarheten vilken tyngd de medicinska motiven bör tillmätas vid tolkning och tillämpning av 8 §. Vidare visar den studie som gjorts beträffande Läkemedelsverkets beslut rörande Bediol och Epidiolex att verket har en tolerant inställning gentemot båda preparaten. Studien som gjorts av licensbesluten har även varit relevant för att tydliggöra diskrepansen som råder mellan medicinskt bruk och hur det betraktas enligt narkotikastrafflagen. Studien påvisar således hur verkets inställning inte alltid samverkar med den straffrättsliga synen. Eftersom licensbesluten kan ses som ett undantag från narkotikastrafflagen bör det finnas någon form av samsyn hur preparaten betraktas ur myndighets respektive straffrättslig synvinkel. Detta för att inte påverka förutsebarheten av vad ett missbruk enligt narkotikastrafflagen innebär. Då Läkemedelsverket beaktar den medicinska grunden i takt med den medicinska utvecklingen bör det för samsynens skull vara relevant att den medicinska potentialen beaktas i större utsträckning även vid tillämpning av narkotikastrafflagen. Nationell lag kan enbart utformas i skärpande riktning, vilket medför att en internationell framtida omklassificering av cannabis får anses vägledande för hur stort utrymme de medicinska motiven kan tillmätas vid tillämpning av 8 §.

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