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ICT in a Public Organisation - A study in GreeceKyriakopoulou, Stavroula January 2017 (has links)
The thesis presents a research in the Public Power Corporation S.A. – PPC in Athens, Greece. The main purpose of this study is to examine the employees of PPC use of the IT (Information Technology) system and whether the system supports, helps and facilitates their work or generate problems to them in their daily work. The IT system that is being used in the PPC is SAP (Systems, Applications and Products) and was implemented about two years ago, in 2015. Therefore, my intention is to explore and analyze the usefulness and efficiency of SAP and detect the advantages as well as the problems of this IS which have impact on the quality of the customer services. Furthermore, the latest years that the financial crisis occurs in Greece the common interest for public firm’s development, became a motive for me to propose and undertake this research due to the fact that these kinds of public companies can contribute to the economy of Greece. For the research, I used the interpretive paradigm. The methodology used is ethnography and the two methods are the interviews and the observation. The research was conducted in different departments of PPC. The participants are the employees, the managers and one Director of PPC. The data collected from the two methods are analyzed by using the Lichtman’s six step of analysis. After the data analysis, the results indicate that there are vital problems in the PPC in relation to the use of the IT system which in some cases are more than the advantages. The users of SAP have expressed their experience in relation to the implementation of the new IT system. They recognize the importance on using such an advanced IT system but on the other hand, they express the limitations and the problems because of the vital problems on PPC.
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Srovnání komerčních BI reportovacích nástrojů s nástroji Open Source / Comparison of commercial and Open Source Business Intelligence reporting toolsBednář, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with comparison of commercial and Open Source Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools. The main aim of the thesis is to provide a list of BI reporting tools and their further comparison. Evaluation is based on a set of criteria. Every criterium has its assigned value that represents the importance of the criterium in a given group. The same procedure is applied on the groups. The final evaluation is based on defined values of these groups. The output of the thesis is a table structured into five parts according to defined groups of criteria. The second part of the thesis walks the reader through the practical showcase of implementation one of the selected tools that is SAP Business Objects Enterprise 4.0. At the beginning, there is a description of report proposal that contains graphical design and functionality requirements. Next part shows the whole process in detail.
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Dendrocronologia e anatomia funcional do xilema ativo de Podocarpus lambertii Klotzch ex Endl. / Dendrochronology and functional anatomy of the active xylem of Podocarpus lambertii Klotzch ex Endl.Ricardo Henrique Cardim 25 April 2012 (has links)
A dendrocronologia constitui-se no estudo dos anéis de crescimento e sua sequencia cronológica, que pode trazer importantes informações a respeito do crescimento dos vegetais lenhosos e seu ambiente. No presente trabalho foram analisados os anéis de crescimento de Podocarpus lambertii em uma população situada em sua zona limite de distribuição, no município de Morro do Chapéu, estado da Bahia. O local apresenta condições diferenciadas, sendo uma elevação em meio a caatinga com afloramentos rochosos que formam estreitos corredores onde os exemplares da espécie se distribuem. Através da dendrocronologia foi construída uma cronologia de 73 anos com 19 indivíduos e 43 raios da população, comprovando a anualidade dos anéis da espécie e sua capacidade de intercorrelação e boa sensitividade, embora a presença de anéis confluentes e falsos tenha ocasionado dificuldades na datação. Essa cronologia é a primeira realizada com P. lambertii. Os resultados mostraram um lento desenvolvimento da espécie no local, como no exemplo de um indivíduo de apenas 12 cm de diâmetro de tronco e 104 anos de idade. Com relação ao clima, os anéis apresentaram grande influência deste fator, com o crescimento sendo negativamente influenciado pela temperatura e precipitação na estação de crescimento (novembro a abril) e positivamente pela insolação. Na avaliação das reservas presentes no xilema de P. lambertii, os resultados mostraram uma distribuição aparentemente homogênea por todo o lenho, não permitindo relacioná-las diretamente com a formação dos anéis de crescimento, sugerindo grande capacidade de acúmulo de reservas pela árvore. A análise da condução de seiva pelo xilema ativo permitiu identificar que os anéis de crescimento mais jovens (próximos ao câmbio) são os maiores responsáveis pela condução, em um possível alburno, já que esta diferenciação não é obtida visualmente. / The Dendrochronology is the science that studies of annual growth rings present in the xylem. It allows to access information stored during the life tree. One of its basic requirements is the annual nature of growth ring formation, a feature usually present in conifers. In Brazil there are two genus of conifers, Araucaria and Podocarpus, but just the first was studied dendrochronology. Podocarpus lambertii, target species of this study was analyzed in a growing population living at Morro do Chapeu, Bahia State, Brazil, located at the Northern limit of species distribution. A total of 19 individuals were sampled, they were polished and this growth rings were measured. Missing and confluent rings difficulted to determine precise ages but after dendrochronological analysis it was possible to built good chronology, with significative intercorrelation and sensivity. A series of 73 years (1935-2008), confirmed the annual nature of growth rings of this species by dendrochronology. The history of local weather informations was compared with the chronology and allowed a good understanding the species growth, which respond negatively to higher temperatures (December and January) and also negatively to higher solar radiation (January), that suggests that heatstroke is an important point of activation and formation of the ring\'s growth.
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Kritické faktory implementace modulu APO do systému SAP ve vybrané výrobní společnosti / Critical Factors of Implementation of Module APO to SAP System in the Chosen Manufacturing CompanyVetýška, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of the implementation of the corporate information system of the ERP category, specifically the introduction of the module of APO for SAP in the chosen manufacturing company. The work presents the theoretical fundamentals describing the basics of ERP along with available methodologies, the implementation of these systems. Also analyzes the frequent causes of delayed implementation projects and provides the basis for the search for the causes of the problems. In the next section it is made an overall analysis of the current state of the ERP system in the company. At the conclusion of this work are defined recommendations, which can be prevented critical factors and implementation could be completed according to the established timetable.
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Studie optimalizace výrobních procesů / The Study of Optimization of Production ProcessHolík, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis: „ The Study of Optimization of Production Process“ focouses on optimization of material flow to manufacturing department. First of all there will be shown theoretical approach corresponding with the thesis area and we will introduce production system and portfolio of products. Subsequently a real project will be analyzed and author will describe deficiencies in this project and system. Thanks to theoretical approach there will be found a different solution how to define new system without deficiencies. In the end the author will make a conclusion of newly found solution
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Kosovo’s problems with the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement : Related to poor democratization?Mikullovci, Fatmir January 2020 (has links)
This paper analyses the implementation problems of the European Union’s (EU) most comprehensive agreement between Kosovo and the EU, namely, the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and related them to the democratization process in Kosovo. The SAA aims to strengthen European integration and support Kosovo to fulfill European principles needed in order to become a member in the union. The agreement was signed in 2015 and annual progress reports have been published by the European Commission in order to evaluate the progress and shortcomings. These progress reports show that Kosovo has faced issues while trying to implement the SAA, mostly due to lack of strong democratic principles (judicial independence, public administration, institutions) and corruption. This paper also examines Kosovo’s democratization process since early 1980s in order to evaluate whether issues faced in the implementation of the SAA are related to poor democratization. By applying a case study design, analyzing relevant material and using democratization theory, this paper finds that Kosovo has undergone significant democratization, however, democratic consolidation is at an early stage and the problems faced there are of similar nature as those problems faced in the implementation of the SAA, hence why it is safe to assume that these issues are indeed related to one another.
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Coffee Productivity and Water Use in Open vs Shaded Systems along an Altitudinal Gradient at Mt. Elgon, UgandaSarmiento Soler, Alejandra 07 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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RFID inventarizační systém / RFID Inventory SystemŠindelka, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
This project deals with a survey of inventory system and accounting property. The purpose of the project is to study the SAP system, IS Apollo, the database platform Oracle 10g, the RFID technology and to make a marketing research of a device for the chip EPCglobal UHF Gen2. On base marketing research propose and implement RFID inventory. At implementation target will be collective reading RFID tags. Further I will implement application simulating evidence systems and I will design data transmission to those application that will be also used at transmission data to the IS Apolla. I decided to implement the inventorying in the development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition C#. Application simulated accounting property and data transmission I decide to implement in the development environment Borland Delphi 7.
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From state maintenance grants 'to a new child support system: Building a policy for poverty alleviation with special reference to the financial, social, and developmental impacts.Haarmann, Dirk January 1998 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / State social security transfers for families existed in South Africa only in the form of state maintenance grants, which paid up to R700 to single parents. The system was not appropriate in the South African context, being racially biased and financially unsustainable. The Department of Welfare - following in principle the recommendations of the "Lund report" - introduced with effect from 1 April 1998 a child support grant which is payable to the primary care-givers of children, regardless of their family status. The level of benefit was set at RIOOper month per child for children up to the age of six (incl.). The Department declared that 48% or 3 million children should be targeted. At the same time, the SMGs are to be phased out over a three year period. This research was conducted between November 1995 and March 1998. The analysis of the different suggestions during the policy process and the final policy is based on two pillars: • A situation analysis of the living conditions of South Africa's children on the basis of a composite index. • An evaluation of policy scenarios on the basis of a microsimulation model. The index tries to give a complex picture of the living conditions of children by looking at the financial situation, housing, health, and employment opportunities of the households the children are living in. The analysis reveals that nearly 70% of
South Africa's children up to the age of six (incl.) live below the poverty line as defined. A further analysis of the household structure indicates that poorer children are likely to live in larger households. The overall policy shift from a support of single parent families to children in poverty regardless of their family status is espoused. However, the microsimulation model which analyses the impact of different factors like the 'level of benefit', the 'age-cohort', the 'means-test', and the 'administrative requirements', reveals that there are still serious flaws in the current policy. Due to the fact that the means-test is based on the total household income, nearly 40% of the children living below the poverty line are excluded. In addition, the administration needs urgent attention as its capacity is the decisive factor in the success of the programme. The thesis calculates that in the next five years up to R2 billion less will be spent on poor children and the goal of reaching 3 million children will not be achieved, if the problems identified are not addressed. The thesis develops an alternative suggestion to the current policy. While microsimulation has become quite a standard procedure in the analysis of social policies in industrialised countries, there is so far no application in developing countries. It is hoped that by taking this policy analysis as a case-study, this thesis is a step towards the introduction of this method here. Microsimulation models provide important information to enhance the transparency and accountability of policy processes. In this case, civil society was able to challenge Government's decision on a very informed basis, to put pressure on decision makers successfully, and to make workable alternative suggestions. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that against Government's
promise redistribution does not take place. Instead a shift towards a more neo-liberal approach in social policy is observed.
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Mellan revolution och reaktion : Om politisk positionering och principer i svensk socialdemokratisk press under det finska inbördeskriget 1918 / Between revolution and reaction : On political positioning and principles in Swedish social democratic press during the Finnish civil war 1918Paulsson, Carl January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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