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Revised manual for student activity accounting for Virginia's public schoolsSkinner, Mary Lou 05 October 2007 (has links)
Student activities accounting procedures are carried out in all public school systems throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. These accounts are created to allow individual educational agencies to deposit, disburse, and account for all funds relating to school activities. In 1954 the original manual for Student Activities Accounting was developed by the Virginia State Department of Education and was revised in 1989.
The policies and procedures contained in this manual are intended for application throughout all public schools in Virginia, and are not considered regulatory. However, local school board policies should be reviewed so that they meet the objectives of the manual while conforming to the policies and procedures that are unique to each school system.
The purpose of this manual is to provide assistance to those persons who are involved in the financial accounting and management of school activity funds for all Virginia Public Schools. It reflects the newest legislation concerning school accounting and considers the opinions of the Executive Director of the Association of School Business Officials and Virginia Certified Public Accountants. Recommendations were solicited from assistant superintendents of finance representing small, medium and large school divisions as well as elementary, middle and high school bookkeepers. Additionally, Attorneys’ General opinions relative to the management of school activity funds were obtained and are included in the revised manual.
All aspects of student activities accounting procedures and practices are covered. The manual is designed to be a user-friendly guide that allows school personnel easy access to accounting information. It offers recommendations to ensure proper accounting policies and procedures as related to student activity accounting, guidance for accurate disposition and accounting for all funds, and explicit explanation of the forms needed to carry out day-to- day business practices. It is available in binder form and disk to all public school systems throughout Virginia. There are several accounting software packages available at reasonable costs that will save time and will help to eliminate careless accounting errors. Technology will also provide the principal and bookkeeper with immediate information through detailed printed reports, receipts and check printing. The manual contains examples of all necessary forms which may be duplicated or may be purchased through the State Department of Education. The forms have been revised to allow utility for bookkeepers who use a ledger or computer software. / Ed. D.
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Pradinės mokyklos kultūra kaip organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo prielaida / The Culture of Primary School as the Presumption of Improvement of Quality of Activity of OrganizationKučinskienė, Jurga 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvos švietimo ateitį projektuojame žvelgdami į Europos Sąjungos brėžiamas švietimo perspektyvas ir mūsų nacionalinį kontekstą. Mūsų švietimo kokybės siekiai dera su Europos kokybės siekiais. Europos Sąjungos šalys susitarė dėl trijų esminių strateginių tikslų: siekti, kad švietimo sistemos būtų prieinamos visiems; atverti šias sistemas platesniam pasauliui; pagerinti ES švietimo ir mokymo sistemų kokybę ir efektyvumą.
Ypatingas vaidmuo užtikrinant švietimo kokybę tenka pradinei mokyklai, kuri yra pirmoji pakopa ugdymo institucijų hierarchijoje, ir išlaiko visas kitas, aukštesnes pakopas. Todėl svarbu, kad pradinė mokykla gilintųsi į vykdomos veiklos specifiką, dom���tųsi švietimo politika bei kokybės standartais, ieškotų efektyvesnių veiklos modelių.
Šiame kontekste formuluojama magistrinio darbo tyrimo hipotezė: ar pradinės mokyklos kultūra yra svarbi organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo prielaida. Tyrimo objektas: pradinės mokyklos kultūra organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo aspektu. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti pradinės mokyklos kultūrą veiklos kokybės tobulinimo aspektu.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti švietimo organizacijos kultūros sampratą ir jos parametrus, nustatyti pradinės mokyklos kultūros ir organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo sąsajas, ištirti pradinių, pagrindinių, vidurinių mokyklų organizacijos kultūros charakteristikų reikšmingumą mokyklos veiklos srityse, išanalizavus ir apibendrinus tyrimo duomenis pateikti pradinės mokyklos veiklos kokybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The future of education of Lithuania is projected with a view to the perspectives outlined by the common policy of the European Union and our national context. Our national objectives of quality of education are in line with European objectives of quality. Member states of the European Union have agreed on the following three key strategic objectives: to ensure the accessibility of educational systems to all, to open such systems to the world and to improve the quality and effectiveness of EU educational and teaching systems.
An important role in ensuring the quality of education lies in the activity of primary school, which is the first educational stage in all hierarchy of educational institutions and therefore acts as a backbone of all higher stages. Thus, primary schools must acknowledge the importance of analyzing its own activities, showing interest in education policy and quality standards and seeking for more effective models of activity.
With the view to this context, the hypothesis of the research of this masters’ paper is formed as follows: the culture of primary school is the prerequisite for improvement of quality of activity of organization. The object of the research of this master’s paper is the culture of primary school in the light of quality improvement of quality of activity of organization. The objective of the research of this master paper is to reveal the culture of primary school in the light of improvement of quality of activity of organization.
The... [to full text]
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O desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial e a cognição incorporada: novas perspectivas para o ensino de ciências e matemática / The development of spatial thinking and spatial thinking: new perspectives for the teaching of science and mathematicsOliva, Eloisa Neri de Oliveira 02 April 2018 (has links)
O espaço fornece uma estrutura conceitual rica que nos possibilita distinguir objetos, compreender as suas funções e relacioná-los. O pensamento espacial é uma atividade cognitiva composta por conceitos e representações de espaço e aplicação a processos de raciocínio. Existem diversas evidências científicas que apontam que o pensamento espacial desempenha um papel fundamental tanto na atividade científica quanto na aprendizagem de ciências e matemática. O pensamento espacial se baseia em habilidades espaciais, tais como rotação mental e orientação espacial. Ainda, há resultados científicos que apontam que crianças do gênero masculino, tipicamente, possuem um desempenho melhor em testes de habilidades espaciais do que crianças do gênero feminino. Assim, o principal objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em desenvolver, implementar e analisar uma atividade que pretende desenvolver habilidades espaciais. Nosso trabalho se apoia na teoria da cognição incorporada, que considera que os processos cognitivos estão fortemente ligados a comportamentos motores e sensoriais. A atividade proposta consiste em um jogo chamado Math-e-motion projetado para estudantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Fundamental. Nesse jogo, estudantes exercem os papéis de saltadores e observadores. Os saltadores executam movimentos em um plano coordenado desenhado no chão. Os observadores, por sua vez, devem delinear o movimento executado pelo saltador em um plano coordenado desenhado numa prancheta. Mais importantemente, tal delineamento deve ser dado de acordo com a perspectiva do saltador. Todos os estudantes executam os dois papéis. Avaliamos a atividade proposta através de dois estudos controlados, cada qual envolvendo alunos de escolas públicas brasileiras. Como produto de uma colaboração internacional, também executamos o primeiro estudo em uma escola nos Estado Unidos. Os resultados obtidos indicam uma melhora nas habilidades de orientação espacial e de rotação mental. Além disso, os resultados também apontam para uma redução na diferença no desempenho do teste de orientação espacial entre os gêneros feminino e masculino. Para habilidades matemáticas, houve melhora significativa na habilidade de leitura de gráficos com informações implícitas. Com o respaldo da teoria da cognição incorporada, a nossa pesquisa pretende contribuir com uma discussão acerca do papel do corpo no processo de aprendizagem. / Space provides a rich conceptual framework that enables us to distinguish objects, understand their functions, and relate them. Spatial thinking is a cognitive activity composed of concepts and representations of space and application to reasoning processes. There is substantial scientific evidence showing that spatial thinking plays a fundamental role in the scientific activity and in the learning of science and mathematics. Spatial thinking relies on spatial abilities, such as mental rotation and spatial orientation. Moreover, there are scientific results showing that boys typically outperform girls in tests of spatial abilities. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to develop, implement, and analyze an activity that aims at developing spatial abilities. Our work relies on the theory of embodied cognition, which considers that cognitive processes are strongly linked to motor and sensory behaviors. The proposed activity is a game called Math-e-motion designed for students in third grade of Elementary School. In this game, students play the roles of jumpers and observers. The jumpers perform movements in a coordinate plane drawn on the floor. The observers, in turn, are asked to delineate the movement performed by the jumper in a coordinate plane drawn on a clipboard. Most importantly, such a delineation must be given according to the jumper\'s perspective. All students play both roles. We evaluated the proposed activity by means of two controlled studies, with each involving a group of students from two Brazilian public schools. As a product of an international collaboration, we also executed the first study in a private school in the United States. Our results showed an improvement in spatial orientation and mental rotation abilities. In addition, we also found a reduction in the difference of the scores obtained by male and female students in the spatial orientation test. For math abilities, we found a significant improvement in the ability to read charts with implicit information. With the support of the embodied cognition theory, our research aims at contributing with a discussion about the role of the body in the learning process.
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Mokinių ugdymas remiantis popamokine muzikine veikla / Pupils’ Education on the Basis of After – School Musical ActivityAnkudovičienė, Jelena 16 August 2007 (has links)
Popamokinė veikla – labai svarbi moksleivių užimtumo sritis, suteikianti galimybes atsiskleisti jų gabumams, leidžianti pagilinti ir praktiškai panaudoti žinias, įgytas pamokų metu. Viena iš popamokinės veiklos rūšių yra muzikinė veikla (būreliai). Mokinių įtraukimas į jiems reikšmingą, įdomią veiklą — svarbi sąlyga asmenybės tapsmui formuotis. Pastaraisiais metais formalusis popamokinis ugdymas suprantamas kaip papildoma popamokinė veikla, atliekanti mokinių užimtumo funkciją. Tačiau pagrindinis popamokinės muzikinės veiklos tikslas — puoselėti prigimtinį vaiko muzikalumą, ugdyti kūrybišką ir emocingą, norinčią ir gebančią prasmingai dalyvauti muzikinėje veikloje asmenybę. Mokinių ugdymas remiantis popamokine muzikine veikla, traktuojant šią veiklą ne kaip užimtumo priemonę, o kaip į raišką orientuotą veiklą, yra svarbi pedagoginė problema. Todėl tyrimo objektu pasirinktas vidurinių klasių mokinių ugdymas remiantis popamokine muzikine veikla. Tyrimo tikslas — atskleisti mokinių ugdymo remiantis popamokine muzikine veikla galimybes. Formuluojama tyrimo hipotezė, kad popamokinė muzikinė veikla yra neatsiejama mokinio asmenybės ugdymo dalis, stiprinanti savarankiškumą, kūrybiškumą, iniciatyvumą bei saviraišką.
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad popamokinės veiklos ugdymo institucijose veiksmingumas priklauso nuo subjektyvių ir objektyvių sąlygų — prieinamumo, materialinių išteklių, organizacijos, informacijos sklaidos bei kitų veiksnių. Pagrindinis popamokinės muzikinės veiklos tikslas —... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / After-school activity is a very important field of pupils’ occupation, giving opportunities to reveal their talents, deepen and practically use their knowledge, gained during the lessons. Musical activity (circles) is one type of after-school activity. Pupils’ attachment to the activity they are keen on is an important condition of developing their personalities. In the last years formal after-school education is considered as an extra after-school activity carrying out the function of pupils’ occupation. However, the main objective of after-school musical activity is to cherish natural musical abilities of a child developing a creative and emotional personality who is eager and capable taking a meaningful part in a musical activity. Pupils’ education referring to after school musical activity, considering it not merely as means of occupation but as an activity seeking personal self expression - this is an important pedagogical problem. Thus an object of investigation is education of pupils on the basis of after-school musical activity in a secondary school. The purpose of this analysis is to reveal possibilities of pupils’ education based on after school musical activity. The hypothesis of the analysis is formulated that after- school musical activity is an inseparable part of developing pupils’ personality enforcing individual independence, creativity, initiative and self-expression.
The analysis reflected that the effectiveness of after-school musical activity in an... [to full text]
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The search for the knowledge of conditions that provide thermal comfort for children in classroom activities is justified by the background and support for the architectural strategies capable of provide the spaces pertaining to the school with better conditions of habitability and thus to contribute for an educative process of better quality. The demand of thermal comfort is intensified with the need of conservation of energy, productivity in the execution of tasks and quality of the people's life. Laboratory researches developed studies of thermal comfort from the theory of the alternation of heat between the body and the environment, which is predisposed by physical factors, characteristic of the atmosphere, and personal factors, own of the occupants. The evaluation normalization of thermal comfort is based on such formulations and in the field studies recently developed, of which derived in a model applicable to buildings naturally ventilated. Thus, the present work made an effort to verify the applicability of the models normalized for the evaluation of the real conditions of children's thermal comfort in school activity, once the children s organism presents a higher metabolic production of heat tax than in the adult age, being this a personal active variable in the thermal balance. In order to consider this differentiation, a calculation procedure was adopted capable to predict the total metabolic tax starting from the gender, age, weight, height and level of carried out activity. The field researches were accomplished at classroom with five groups in two schools of Ijuí (RS), in a total of 116 students between 8 to 11 years. In the occasion of each measurement, the environmental and personal variables were collected as well as the sensations and the occupants' thermal preferences, in agreement with the suitable methodology in the pertinent norms. Field researches ware made, starting from the collected sensations and of the calculated indexes, descriptive and comparative analyses were accomplished between the gathered data and the comfort indexes calculated according normalized models. The work concluded that the PMV model is applicable for evaluation of thermal comfort considering the researched population, however there is children's tendency to feel lightly warmer than the model esteem. Also the adaptive model was shown satisfactory for evaluation in days of heat, although doesn't appreciate accurately the performance of the garment, which extends the comfort interval for lower temperatures. / A busca do conhecimento das condições que proporcionam conforto térmico para crianças em atividade de sala de aula é justificada pelo embasamento e incentivo a estratégias arquitetônicas capazes de dotar os espaços escolares de melhores condições de habitabilidade e assim contribuir para um processo educativo de melhor qualidade. A exigência de conforto térmico é intensificada com a necessidade de conservação de energia, produtividade na execução de tarefas e qualidade de vida das pessoas. Pesquisas desenvolvidas em laboratório embasaram os estudos de conforto térmico a partir da teoria do balanço de calor entre o corpo e o meio, a qual é influenciada por fatores físicos, característicos do ambiente, e fatores pessoais, próprios dos ocupantes. A normalização de avaliação de conforto térmico é baseada em tais formulações e nos estudos de campo recentemente desenvolvidos, dos quais derivou o modelo adaptativo aplicável a edifícios ventilados naturalmente. Assim, o presente trabalho objetivou verificar a aplicabilidade dos modelos normalizados para a avaliação das reais condições de conforto térmico de crianças em atividade escolar, uma vez que o organismo infantil apresenta a taxa metabólica de produção de calor mais elevada do que na idade adulta, sendo esta uma variável pessoal atuante no equilíbrio térmico. A fim de considerar esta diferenciação, adotou-se um procedimento de cálculo capaz de predizer a taxa metabólica total a partir do sexo, idade, peso, altura e nível de atividade desempenhada. As pesquisas de campo foram realizadas em sala de aula com cinco turmas da terceira e quarta série de duas escolas de Ijuí (RS), totalizando 116 estudantes de 8 a 11 anos. Na ocasião de cada medição, foram coletadas as variáveis ambientais e pessoais bem como as sensações e preferências térmicas dos ocupantes, de acordo com a metodologia indicada nas normas pertinentes. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e comparativas entre os dados levantados e os índices de conforto térmico calculados segundo os modelos normalizados. O trabalho concluiu que o modelo PMV é aplicável para avaliação de conforto térmico considerando a população pesquisada, contudo existe a tendência de as crianças sentirem-se levemente mais aquecidas do que o modelo estima. Observou-se que o modelo adaptativo mostrou-se satisfatório para avaliação em dias quentes, no entanto não avalia com precisão a atuação da vestimenta em dias frios, a qual estende o intervalo de conforto para temperaturas mais baixas.
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O desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial e a cognição incorporada: novas perspectivas para o ensino de ciências e matemática / The development of spatial thinking and spatial thinking: new perspectives for the teaching of science and mathematicsEloisa Neri de Oliveira Oliva 02 April 2018 (has links)
O espaço fornece uma estrutura conceitual rica que nos possibilita distinguir objetos, compreender as suas funções e relacioná-los. O pensamento espacial é uma atividade cognitiva composta por conceitos e representações de espaço e aplicação a processos de raciocínio. Existem diversas evidências científicas que apontam que o pensamento espacial desempenha um papel fundamental tanto na atividade científica quanto na aprendizagem de ciências e matemática. O pensamento espacial se baseia em habilidades espaciais, tais como rotação mental e orientação espacial. Ainda, há resultados científicos que apontam que crianças do gênero masculino, tipicamente, possuem um desempenho melhor em testes de habilidades espaciais do que crianças do gênero feminino. Assim, o principal objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em desenvolver, implementar e analisar uma atividade que pretende desenvolver habilidades espaciais. Nosso trabalho se apoia na teoria da cognição incorporada, que considera que os processos cognitivos estão fortemente ligados a comportamentos motores e sensoriais. A atividade proposta consiste em um jogo chamado Math-e-motion projetado para estudantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Fundamental. Nesse jogo, estudantes exercem os papéis de saltadores e observadores. Os saltadores executam movimentos em um plano coordenado desenhado no chão. Os observadores, por sua vez, devem delinear o movimento executado pelo saltador em um plano coordenado desenhado numa prancheta. Mais importantemente, tal delineamento deve ser dado de acordo com a perspectiva do saltador. Todos os estudantes executam os dois papéis. Avaliamos a atividade proposta através de dois estudos controlados, cada qual envolvendo alunos de escolas públicas brasileiras. Como produto de uma colaboração internacional, também executamos o primeiro estudo em uma escola nos Estado Unidos. Os resultados obtidos indicam uma melhora nas habilidades de orientação espacial e de rotação mental. Além disso, os resultados também apontam para uma redução na diferença no desempenho do teste de orientação espacial entre os gêneros feminino e masculino. Para habilidades matemáticas, houve melhora significativa na habilidade de leitura de gráficos com informações implícitas. Com o respaldo da teoria da cognição incorporada, a nossa pesquisa pretende contribuir com uma discussão acerca do papel do corpo no processo de aprendizagem. / Space provides a rich conceptual framework that enables us to distinguish objects, understand their functions, and relate them. Spatial thinking is a cognitive activity composed of concepts and representations of space and application to reasoning processes. There is substantial scientific evidence showing that spatial thinking plays a fundamental role in the scientific activity and in the learning of science and mathematics. Spatial thinking relies on spatial abilities, such as mental rotation and spatial orientation. Moreover, there are scientific results showing that boys typically outperform girls in tests of spatial abilities. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to develop, implement, and analyze an activity that aims at developing spatial abilities. Our work relies on the theory of embodied cognition, which considers that cognitive processes are strongly linked to motor and sensory behaviors. The proposed activity is a game called Math-e-motion designed for students in third grade of Elementary School. In this game, students play the roles of jumpers and observers. The jumpers perform movements in a coordinate plane drawn on the floor. The observers, in turn, are asked to delineate the movement performed by the jumper in a coordinate plane drawn on a clipboard. Most importantly, such a delineation must be given according to the jumper\'s perspective. All students play both roles. We evaluated the proposed activity by means of two controlled studies, with each involving a group of students from two Brazilian public schools. As a product of an international collaboration, we also executed the first study in a private school in the United States. Our results showed an improvement in spatial orientation and mental rotation abilities. In addition, we also found a reduction in the difference of the scores obtained by male and female students in the spatial orientation test. For math abilities, we found a significant improvement in the ability to read charts with implicit information. With the support of the embodied cognition theory, our research aims at contributing with a discussion about the role of the body in the learning process.
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Effect of Physical Education on Daily Physical Activity Levels in 4th and 5th GradersLincourt, Melissa 16 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Digital kompetens : för individens frigörelse eller för marknadens behov?Ferm, Christina January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Mokinių dalyvavimo popamokinėje veikloje galimybių analizė / THE POSSIBILITIES OF SCHOOLCHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVIESMatorkienė, Žaneta 07 September 2010 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė papildomo ugdymo sampratos, mokinių laisvalaikio užimtumo poreikių tenkinimo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose ir socialinio pedagogo dalyvavimo popamokinės veiklos procese analizė.
Iškelta hipotezė, vaikų dalyvavimą popamokinėje veikloje tėvai, ugdantys pedagogai bei socialiniai pedagogai įtakoja tik iš dalies, jų pasirinkimą labiau lemia pasiūla, galimybės ir pačių apsisprendimas.
Buvo naudojamas turinio analizės metodas, kurio tikslas - išsiaiškinti popamokinės veiklos mokykloje ypatumus, galimus trūkumus ir daromas klaidas bei socialinių pedagogų galimybes dalyvauti laisvalaikiou žimtumo tenkinime, atliekant atvirų klausimų ir interviu atsakymų turinio analizę. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo siekta identifikuoti mokinių ir tėvų nuostatų į papildomąjį ugdymą raišką ir išsiaiškinti, kaip mokyklos vaidmenį, tenkinant laisvalaikio užimtumo poreikius, vertina patys proceso dalyviai. Tyrime naudoto interviu tikslas – gauti būtiną tyrimui informaciją apie neformaliojo ugdymo situaciją mokyklose, įvairius šio proceso ypatumus, mokytojų ir mokinių išgyvenimus, subjektyvią jų nuomonę apie socialinio pedagogo vaidmenį, tenkinant laisvalaikio užimtumo poreikius.
Į tyrimą buvo įtraukti 454 asmenys. Anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 436 respondentai: 234 mokiniai ir 202 jų tėvai. Pusiau struktūruotame interviu buvo atliktas devyniose šalies mokyklose, kur buvo apklausti 9 mokyklų administracijos atstovai, kuruojantys neformalųjį ugdymą švietimo įstaigoje, ir 9 mokyklų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper deals with the theoretical analysis of additional education purpose, the schoolchildren’s spare – time entertainment participation in the comprehensive school and social educator participation in the out–of- school activity.
Hypothesis: children’s participation in the out–of- school activity parents, teachers and social educator affects only partly, their choice determined by supply, opportunities and self determination.
Content analysis was used to extracurricular activities at school find out the characteristics, shortcomings and mistakes, and opportunities for social educator to participate in spare – time entertainment to analyze the open questions and interview responses of content analysis. Questionnaire survey method was sought to identify schoolchildren’s and parent's attitudes towards the resolution of additional education and to explore how the role of the school, meet the needs of the entertainment, value participants themselves. Study used interviews aim to study the information about non-formal educational situation in the schools, teacher‘s and schoolchildren’s experiences, their subjective views on the social educator.
The study included 452 persons. Questionnaire survey involved 436 respondents: 234 students and 202 parents. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in nine schools of the country, where were interviewed nine representatives of school administrations, the umbrella non-formal education in educational institution and nine school... [to full text]
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A Study of the Relationship of Student Participation in the Activities Program to Student Achievement, Attendance and Scores on College Admissions ExaminationsCasey, Arthur Clifford 12 1900 (has links)
This investigation studied the impact of male student involvement in selected school activities upon grade-point averages, rates of attendance and college entrance examination scores. The main purpose of this study was to provide data for state officials, school administrators, and school boards as they seek to make decisions concerning the activities program and its place in the educational system. The specific purpose was to determine if involvement in selected school activities had any relationship to the variables grade-point average, attendance, and scores on college entrance examinations. The study was carried out in four large Texas high schools with a total student population of 6,456. Male participants in seven major school activities were randomly selected. This process produced a total sample of 280 male students representing participation in seven activities in four high schools. Each activity was represented by a sample of forty male students. The conclusions were drawn that (1) there is a positive relationship between participation in the activities program by male students and attendance rate, grade-point average, and scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test and (2) there was no negative relationship between participation in the activities program and the participants' ability to receive a high school education.
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