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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elever användning och uppfattningar om en skolträdgård : en enkätstudie med elever i årskurs 4-6

Ingela, Brag January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken roll   skolträdgården på en skola i Sverige har för eleverna i årskurs 4-6. I   studien diskuteras kring huruvida eleverna känner till att skolträdgården   finns och vad för möjligheter de anser att de har att besöka den under en rast   och under skol- och fritidsverksamhet. Det diskuteras också kring vilka   möjligheter de anser att de har till undervisning i skolträdgården. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt grundas i John Deweys   begrepp Learning by doing, knowing by   doing. Utifrån en kvantitativ ansats genomfördes en enkätundersökning där   insamlade data utgör resultat i studien. Respondenterna är alla elever i   årskurs 4-6 på den aktuella skolan. Studiens resultat visar att många av eleverna väljer att   besöka skolträdgården under rasten, men enligt dem själva, ges inte möjligheter   att besöka eller få undervisning i den under andra delar av skoldagen.   Resultatet visar också att många av de tillfrågade respondenterna vill ha   lektioner där och de visar på många exempel hur detta kan ske. Detta resultat visar att det finns en skolträdgård på skolan som skulle kunna användas mer i det pedagogiska arbetet än vad det gör idag enligt eleverna. / The aim with this study is to   investigate what role the school garden at a school in Sweden has for the   pupils in grades 4-6. The study discusses whether the pupils know there is a   school garden and to which extent they consider themselves having the   possibility to visit it during the schooldays. It also discuss which   possibilities the pupils think they have to get education in the school   garden. The theoretical foundation of this   study is John Dewey and his statement Learning   by doing, knowing by doing. Based on a quantitative approach, a survey   was carried out and the result of this study is based on the data from the   survey. All of the respondents are pupils in grades 4-6 at the significant   school. The result of the study shows that   many of the pupils choose to visit the school garden during their school   breaks. The pupils think that they do not get enough opportunities to visit   or get education in the school garden during the schooldays. The result also   shows that the pupils would like to get more education in the garden, and   they have many ideas about how that could be done. According to the pupils, the   school has a school garden that the educators at the school could use more in   their teaching than they do today.

Fritidshemsbarnens lek – en studie om uppfattningar, engagemang och rum för lek på fritidshemmet / Children´s play in after-school centers - a study of perceptions, commitment and space forplay in after-school centers

Halane, Ahmed Shekh Muhumed January 2020 (has links)
This study treats with The significance and meaning of playing among children in the leisure centers. An overview presents some of the research concerning childrens play in schoolyards. Usual questions among researchers in the field: how does the schoolyard function as a room for play? What role does the staff play? Should you monitor free play, stimulate / initiate or participate yourself? How should the educator handle problems with exclusion and bullying? The study also contains an interview with three groups of children at a leisure center outside Stockholm. The children were between eight and eleven years old. The questions were semistructered and open. Following questions was asked to the children: What do the children play at the leisure center? How do the children perceive the staff's commitment? How does the schoolyard function as a room for play? The children gave a two-part view of the role ofthe educator.  The study finally discusses the requirement that you as a staff must evaluate the importance of playing, which places demands on planning and commitment at the same time as the educator must find his role as both supervisor and participant. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka Lekens betydelse och specifikt på ett fritidshem i ett område utanför Stockholm.  Forskningen om barnens lek kretsar kring följande frågor: Vad leker barnen på fritidshemmet? Hur uppfattar barnen personalens engagemang? Hur fungerar skolgården som rum för lek? Ska de vuxna främja den fria leken där pedagogerna lämnar barnen själva att leka eller ska de ha ambitionen att styra lekarna med inslag av lärande? En övergripande fråga inom forskningen är just vilken roll pedagogen ska inta till barnens lek. Ska man övervakaden fria leken, stimulera/initiera eller delta själva? Hur ska pedagogen hantera problem vid exkludering och mobbning?  Resultatet redovisar intervjuer med tre grupper i åldern mellan åtta och elva år. Gruppintervjuerna var semistrukturerade och därmed öppna för följdfrågor. I resultatet visar barnen hur olika lekar fungerar. De ger samtidigt en tudelad uppfattning i synen på pedagogens roll. Dels var man positiv till att de plockade fram lekutrustning men ställde sig tveksamma till att de deltog i lekarna. Man var samtidigt kritisk till att det var vanligt att personalen var passiva under rasternas lek och ägnade sig åt mobilen eller samtalade med varandra.  I uppsatsen diskuteras slutligen kravet på att man som personal måste uppvärdera lekens betydelse vilket ställer krav på planering och engagemang samtidigt som pedagogen måste finna sin roll som både övervakare och deltagare.

To play or not to play in the schoolyard? : Greek preschool teachers’ perspectives about play in the schoolyard.

Loti, Angeliki January 2021 (has links)
This study intends to investigate Greek preschool teachers' perspectives about play in the schoolyard. Ten preschool teachers were interviewed using a semi-structured interview approach to gather data. Results were coded and analyzed using thematic analysis. The themes that were brought up revealed that Greek preschool teachers value play in the schoolyard. This study found that the teachers think there is a relation between play in the schoolyard and learning since they believe playing outside is a type of experiential learning. Moreover, they think that this relation can be more potent if teachers get involved more by organizing activities, and if the sense of place is increased to students. Furthermore, the Greek preschool teachers agree that play in the schoolyard has only positive effects on children's wellbeing. The barriers to facilitate outdoor play appear to be the schoolyard since they describe it as unsafe, empty, without any green elements, and missing pedagogical corners. Considering the Greek educational context that predominantly focus on the traditional inside the classroom teaching, the possitve attitudes that the preschool teachers showed for outdoor play are remarkable. These attitudes are a little step for further implementation of outdoor play in preschool education.

Buller på skolgårdar / Noise in schoolyards

Renberg, Felix January 2023 (has links)
As our population grows, so does the noise pollution in our society. The problem with noise pollution is generally bigger in cities with higher populations. This can have negative effects on our health. One of our more sensitive environments when noise is involved can we find in our schools. The purpose of the study was to investigate if there was a difference in noisepollution between schoolyards in bigger and smaller municipalities and to investigate the educators' experience of noise pollution in schoolyards. In this study, noise pollution onschoolyards was investigated through a survey study that was sent out to educators in random municipalities in Sweden. The result in the study showed that there is a moderate problemwith noise levels at schools, however, these noises are not related to the schoolyard. The result also showed that there were no significant differences in experience of noise pollution on schoolyards or noise related health problems for educators working in small and large municipalities.

<b>Seeds of Change: Exploring the Potential for Greener Schoolyards in Indianapolis</b>

Wanting Zhang (18422790) 23 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Existing literature suggests that having gardens and trees in schoolyards has proven to be positive for student health. Tree canopies in schoolyards provide shade, mitigate urban heat island effects, reduce air, and noise pollution, and even improve mental well-being. Edible schoolyards can enhance children’s hands-on learning experience, foster stronger environmental stewardship, offer fresh food opportunities, and help develop healthier eating habits. However, the implementation of green and edible schoolyards in Indiana remains relatively low. This thesis aims to explore the current tree canopy and garden coverage within the school grounds to understand how these green spaces correlate with demographic factors such as race, income, and population density, aiming to identify potential inequities in the school environment creation. Moreover, it gathers green feature coverage data and staff perspectives to further investigate the potential of expanding different edible green features in schoolyards of the Indianapolis region.</p><p dir="ltr">This study included 167 public schoolyards in the research process. Geospatial data analytic and social science methods were utilized in this research. First, ArcGIS was used to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of school Tree Canopy Coverage (TCC) and garden existence. We also examined the relationships between TCC and garden existences to other demographic factors using R language to understand impact criteria and summarize future hurdles and opportunities. In the second method, online surveys were distributed to the same schools to understand the attitudes of school staff towards edible schoolyards. Some preliminary challenges were identified with the 35 responses collected, including funding mechanisms, collaboration limitations, and lack of integration into curriculums to allow valuable education. This research concludes with 2 case studies to represent two common typologies of schoolyards in Indianapolis, using interviews to gain a deeper understanding of further concerns and future working directions for green schoolyard advocates.</p>

Rör sig elever tillräckligt mycket? : En studie om pojkar och flickors fysiska aktivitet på fyra olika skolor

Andersson, Josefin, Nilsson, Elisabet January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna  studie  är  att undersöka  i vilken utsträckning barns  fysiska  aktivitet under skoltid  uppfylls  gentemot  dagens  hälsorekommendationer. Metoden  som  användes  var  av kvantitativ  ansats  genom  studie  med  stegräknare  och  observation.  Huvudinstrumentet  för studien  var  stegräknare  vilket  burits  av  eleverna  under  en  skoldag. Undersökningsgruppen utgjordes av totalt 74 elever, varav 36 stycken var pojkar och 38 stycken var flickor i klass 4 på fyra skolor i södra Sverige. Resultatet påvisar att pojkarna rör sig mellan 47- 50 % av vad de  borde  medan  flickor  uppnår  33-  36  %  fysisk  aktivitet  av  vad  de  borde  enligt rekommendationer.  Pojkarna  tog  cirka  3 000  fler  steg  än  vad  flickorna  gjorde  i  studien. Endast en pojke når upp  till  rekommendationerna men  ingen  flicka  lyckas nå mängden  steg som tillråds. Studiens slutsats är att eleverna rör sig för lite under skoltid. Det finns skillnader i  pojkars  och  flickors  fysiska  aktivitet,  både  inom  skolorna  och  mellan  skolorna. Observationsstudien  visar  på  att  fler  flickor  än  pojkar  står  stilla  under  rast  och  överlag  är flickorna mindre aktiva än pojkarna på alla fyra skolor. / The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which children's physical activity during school  hours  are  met  in  relation  to  today’s  health  recommendations.  This  study  was  a quantitative  research  method  through  study  with  pedometers  and  observation.  The  main instrument was pedometers which the pupils wore during one day at school. The study group consisted of 74 students, made up of 36 boys and 38 girls from the 4th grade in four schools in  southern Sweden. The  results demonstrate  that  the boys were physical active 47-50 % of what  they should and  the girls 33-36 % of what  they should according  to recommendations. The boys  took about 3000 more  steps  than  the girls.  In our  study only one boy  reached  the recommended  amount  of  steps  per  day,  but  no  girl  did. The  conclusion  is  that  the  pupils  are  inactive  during  their  time  in  school.    There  are differences  in  boys'  and  girls'  physical  activity,  both  within  each  school  and  between  the schools. The observation showed that the girls stand still more than the boys during break and the girls are generally less active than the boys at all four schools.

Utomhuspedagogik : Levandegörande från teori till praktik

Gustafsson, Jessica January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera vad elever uppfattar av utomhuspedagogik sett utifrån lärarens syn på utomhuspedagogik och hur denna tillämpas. Uppsatsen bygger på en elev-enkät till elever från åk 1 till åk 5 och fyra strukturerade intervjuer med lärare från samma skola som eleverna. Fyra intervjupersoner har svarat på frågor som handlar om utomhuspedagogiken och hur den tillämpas. Enkätens frågor handlade om hur eleverna upplever utomhuspedagogiken. Resultatet blev att elevernas och lärarnas svar överstämmer väl sinsemellan samt med teorin. Uppsatsen visar att de flesta elever samt intervjuade lärare tycker att det är bra att arbeta med utomhuspedagogik och att det är en tillgång för alla att skolan har olika sätt att lära ut. Utom-huspedagogiken hjälper eleverna fram till kunskap från teori till praktik och sammankopplar delarna till en helhet. / The purpose of this paper is to study what students perceive of outdoor education from the perspective of the teacher's approach to outdoor education and how this applies. The essay is based on a student questionnaire to students from Year 1 to Year 5 and four structured inter-views with teachers at the same school as the pupils. Four interviewees responded to questions related to outdoor education and how it is applied. The survey questions focused on how students experience outdoor education. The result was that students and educators responses are in close harmony with each other and with the theory. The paper shows that most students and interviewed teachers think it is great to work with outdoor education and that it is an asset to all the school has different ways of teaching. Outdoor education helps students to knowledge from theory to practice and connect-ing the parts into a whole.

Det är bra för barnen att vara ute! : Fem fritidspedagogers uppfattningar om utomhusvistelsen på fritidshemmet / It's good for the children to be outdoors! : Five after-school teachers' thoughts about outdoor stay at the after-school centre

Ringblom, Johan January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine some after-school teachers’ perceptions about the outdoor stay at the after-school care centre in the schoolyard and in the leisure- environment. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the after-school teachers at five after-school care centres in the Stockholm area. In the theoretical part presents the leisure- governance and ongoing research on outdoor learning, research on the school playground and kindergarten local environment affects children in their development and learning, and after-school teachers’ professional identity. The theoretical foundation is based on the phenomenographic approach. The questions are: • What is outdoor education according to the after-school teachers? • According to after-school teachers, what educational opportunities are provided by the schoolyard and the local environment? • How do the after-school teachers use the schoolyard and local environment? The result shows that outdoor education can be a knowledge invigorating complement to the indoor teaching and a way for the after-school centre to supplement the compulsory schoolday. The play outdoors can help to increase children's social development, creativity and imagination. The after-school teachers used the schoolyard and local environment for various purposes which may be due to different circumstances, knowledge and experience to carry out educational activities outdoors. But it may also depend on whether the after-school teacher focuses on the regular school day or in the afternoon at the after-school care centre. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka några fritidspedagogers uppfattningar om fritidshemmets utomhusvistelse på skolgården och i närmiljön. Studien avgränsas till fem fritidshem i Stockholmregionen.  Denna studie utgår från tre frågeställningar. Dessa är:  • Vad är utomhuspedagogik enligt fritidspedagogerna? • Vilka förutsättningar ger skolgården och närmiljön enligt fritidspedagogerna? • Hur använder fritidspedagogerna skolgården och närmiljön? I det teoretiska avsnittet redogörs för fritidshemmets styrformer och aktuell forskning som berör utomhuspedagogik, forskning, hur skolgården och fritidshemmet närmiljö påverkar barnens utveckling, lärande samt fritidspedagogens yrkesidentitet. Den teoretiska grunden utgår från den fenomenografiska ansatsen. Resultatet visar att utomhuspedagogik kan vara ett kunskapsstärkande komplement till inomhusundervisningen och ett sätt för fritidshemmet att komplettera skolan. Leken utomhus kan bidra till att öka barnens sociala utveckling, kreativitet och fantasi. Fritidspedagogerna använde skolgården och närmiljön för olika ändamål som kan bero på olika förutsättningar, kunskaper och erfarenheter av att utföra pedagogisk verksamhet utomhus. Men det kan även bero på om fritidspedagogen lägger fokus på den ordinarie skoldagen eller på eftermiddagarna på fritidshemmet.

Education for Sustainable Development and Development of Berlin's Schoolyards - A Study of Possibilities and Limits

Rentsch, Isabell January 2013 (has links)
The term ‘education for sustainable development’ is recently used and discussed in Germany, even though, to many people it is an abstract idea. The development of schoolyards can be seen as a practical project in order to teach and experience education for sustainable development in everyday school life. The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine how the development of a schoolyard offers possibilities for education for sustainable development. Additionally, some challenges that have to be taken into consideration are pointed out. An extended literature review of education for sustainable development and schoolyard development serves as the basis for the thematic analysis. In order to approach the research question, the five themes that emerged through the thematic analysis, are discussed.  The present research shows that schoolyard development has the potential to support a holistic approach to learning, to offer possibilities for ‘progressive’ teaching strategies, to enhance ecological literacy, to foster the participation of students and to provide equal opportunities. Although there are basic framework conditions that need to be considered, the research indicates that schoolyard development can make an important contribution to education for sustainable development.

Urbana skolgårdar med god ljudmiljö : Akustiska aspekter på skolgårdens design och funktion / Urban schoolyards with god sound environment : Acoustic aspects of their design och function

Leidholdt, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Barn förväntas kunna leka, vila och lära sig på skolgården, men ljudnivåerna är ofta höga. Det ger upphov till frågan om ljudmiljön på skolgårdar ligger på lämpliga nivåer för dessa tre aktiviteter och hur den kan anpassas. Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera vad en lämplig ljudmiljö på skolgårdens olika platser är och att identifiera vilka åtgärder och designverktyg som kan användas för att förbättra ljudmiljön. Undersökning av hur och i vilken utsträckning en ljudmiljö kan modifieras för att göra den lämplig för utomhusundervisning utförs också. Examensarbetet avgränsas till grundskolor för barn mellan sex och sexton år och hur skolgården kan anpassas till barn i den åldern. Relevanta studier om hur ljud och ljudmiljö påverkar barns hälsa, inlärnings- och prestationsförmåga undersöktes för att identifiera kriterier för de tre funktionerna: (1) lek, (2) rekreation och (3) pedagogisk verksamhet. Genom att studera både forskning om den akustiska effekten av olika designverktyg och forskning om miljöer för barn identifieras akustiska designverktyg som kan användas för skolgårdar. Slutligen analyserades möjligheten att anpassa olika områden på skolgården för de tre funktionerna genom att modellera i CATT-Acoustic och genom att undersöka ljudmiljön på två befintliga innerstadsskolor som ett ljudlandskap. I CATT-Acoustic användes parametrarna efterklangstid, T20, ljudförstärkning, G, och Speech Transmission Index, STI. Resultatet var att en lämplig ljudmiljö anpassad till (1) lek kan ha en låg taltydlighet (STI mellan 0,46 och 0,66),  en begränsad efterklangstid (T20 under 1,2 s) och är öppen med en ljuddämpande markyta, (2) rekreation har en kort efterklangstid T20 under 0,5 s), en begränsad ekvivalent ljudnivå Leq under 50 dBA) och absorberande eller ojämna ytor i sin omgivning och (3) undervisning bör integreras inom skolgården och bestå av platser där undervisning och annan verksamhet kan äga rum. Där föreslås T20 vara 0,5 s,  Leq  under 50 dBA och absorberande ytor som ger bra förutsättningar för röstkommunikation och lärande. Minst en plats föreslås vara en mötesplats som uppfyller kriterierna för undervisning som förstärker tal genom att ha en reflekterande yta placerad bakom talarens position och vara avskärmad av en absorberande vägg. Undersökningen visade att designen av skolgården och platsen för verksamheten i förhållande till skolgårdsväggarna kan förbättra ljudmiljön. Genom mjuka markmaterial (gräs, sand och grus), indelning av skolgården i flera zoner med exempelvis växtbeklädda barriärer och avskärmning från ljud utanför skolgården, kan ljudmiljön förbättras. Bullriga aktiviteter kan placeras längre bort från reflekterande ytor och ett rekreationsområde kan skapas genom absorberande ytor och diffusa skärmar. Undervisningen kan ske på många olika platser där minst en kan vara nära en reflekterande vägg som förstärker talet. / Children are expected to be able to play, rest and have lessons in schoolyards. This made me interested in investigating if the sound environment in schoolyards is at suitable levels for these three activities. The purpose of my master’s thesis was to identify what a suitable sound environment in the different areas of a schoolyard is, and to identify measures and design tools that can be used to improve the sound environment. I also investigate in what extent a sound environment can be modified to make it suitable for outdoor education. The thesis focuses on schools with six- to sixteen-year-old pupils and how children this age are affected by the sound environment. Relevant studies on how sound and the sound environment affect children’s health, learning and performance skills were examined to identify criteria for the three functions: (1) play, (2) recreation and (3) educational activities. By studying research about design tools and their acoustic effect on the one hand and studies about environments for children on the other hand I identified acoustic design tools which could be used in schoolyards. At last I analysed the possibility to adjust different areas for the three functions. I analysed the sound environment on two inner city schools as a “soundscape” and modelled sound distribution in an open space similar to inner-city schoolyards in CATT-Acoustic and used the parameters reverberance time (RT), gain (G) and Speech Transmission Index (STI). As result of this master’s thesis an appropriate sound environment in an area for (1) play has a lower speech understanding (STI between 0.46 and 0.66), has a limited reverberation time (RT under 1,2 s) and open with a sound-damping ground surface (2) recreation has a short reverbaration time (RT under 0.5 s), limited equivalent noise level (Leq under 50 dBA) and a lot of absorbent or diffuse surfaces in its surroundings (3) teaching should be integrated in the schoolyard as places where teaching and other activities can take place. There you should find 0.5 s RT, under 50 dBA Leq and absorbent surfaces that provide good conditions for voice communication and learning. At least one place is proposed to be a meeting place that meets the criteria for teaching and amplifies speech by having a reflective surface placed behind the speaker position and shielded by some absorbent wall. It is found that the design of the schoolyard and the location of the activities in relation to the schoolyard walls can improve the sound environment. The sound environment can be improved through especially soft ground materials (grass, sand and gravel), subdivision of the schoolyard into smaller areas, while using sound absorbing noise barriers which can be combined with planting and protect from noise from outside the schoolyard. Noisy activities can be placed further away from reflective areas and an area for recreation can be created through absorbent surfaces and diffuse screens. Teaching can take place in many different places where at least one of the places can be close to one reflective wall that amplifies the speech.

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