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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Outdoor lighting in Icelandic schoolyards : The importance of outdoor lighting during the dark winter days

Guðmundsdóttir, Anna Kristín January 2017 (has links)
Schoolyards play an important role in the Icelandic education system. Students aged 6 to 12 years old are required to go outdoors for recess at least two times per day. To play, get fresh air and to regain energy for upcoming classes. The schoolyards are even sometimes used for outdoor education where the students can experience their nearest environment. The children spend a great time of their childhood in school, which should support their well-being by offering an environment of good quality.The thesis main objective is to examine the importance of outdoor lighting in Icelandic schoolyards by the dark winter days. Since Iceland is located at high latitudes, the amount of daylight varies between seasons, with shorter days by winter but longer and brighter days by the summer.The structure of the thesis is a combination of research background and a case study. The research background introduces the positive link between the outdoors and well-being and how the mindset towards the winter can change the perception of darkness. Possibilities of outdoor lighting are examined, how lighting can contribute to the users and the identity of urban spaces. The case study examines two Icelandic schools where the current conditions are analyzed. Qualitative interviews were carried out to gain insight from school employees about the school environment and their experience of the students‘ well-being during the dark winter months. Finally, a lighting proposal is introduced that illustrates how layers of light can enrich the school outdoor environment.It can be truly said that outdoor lighting is of high importance in Icelandic schoolyards, for the students to see and experience the schoolyard by dark winter days. It is important that the lighting is in context with the schoolyard elements and thereby enhancing the quality of the environment.

Skolgårdens rumsliga dimensioner : en kvalitativ studie utifrån fritidshemslärares syn på skolgårdens möjligheter till lek och lärande / Spatial dimensions of the schoolyard : a qualitative study based on after-school educare teachers' view of the schoolyard's opportunities for play and learning

Kjellgren, Benjamin, Lindberg, August January 2024 (has links)
The schoolyard, an area that is used continuously during the day by teachers and students, becomes a natural area for students to form social relationships and activate themselves outside the classroom. The schoolyard's possibilities to create these relationships and activities is directly connected to how it is designed. This study deals with these possibilities and after-school educare teachers' perception of the schoolyard as a play area and the students' tendencies regarding the use of its various spaces. Previous research shows that varied spaces with directly intended purposes have an inspiring effect on students' play. The philosopher Henri Lefebvre writes about three dimensions of space, the materially perceived, the imagined, and the lived. The study uses these to form an idea of after-school teachers' and students' opportunities in the schoolyard. Semi-structured interviews with after-school educare teachers were carried out to find out their view of the schoolyard, taking into account the students' social relations, motor development and educational purpose. Also observations of the students' stay in the schoolyard were made to answer the study's research questions. The results show that after-school educare teachers want greater opportunities to use the schoolyard as a space for didactic work, with varying play spaces. It also shows that after-school educare teachers' approach has an important role in the students' social relations and motor development in the schoolyard. The discussion includes the spatial dimensions in relation to the students' social relationships and motor development in the schoolyard. In addition, it is discussed in relation to the schoolyard for educational purposes.

Rädda lilla H eller hjälpa båda två? : En vetenskaplig essä om att hjälpa barn i lek och försöka vara en fritidshemslärare som räcker till / Save Little H or Help Them All? : A scientific essay on helping children play and trying to be a leisure-time teatcher who suffices

Wallin, Elisabet January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how I as a leisure-time teacher can help children who have difficulty playing and how it is possible to do enough as a teacher in a large group of children. As a starting point, I have used events from my professional life which I have shaped in the form of a scientific essay. My questions have been the following: How should I, as a leisure-time teacher, respond to the children who find it difficult to play with their classmates? How is it possible to pay attention and suffice for all children when there are so many in a group? In my reflective research, I have used established theories of play and practical knowledge. My conclusions have been that leisure-time teachers have a great responsibility to create the conditions for play and to help children with difficulties. At the same time, the leisure-time teachers find it difficult to suffice as they work in large groups of children. Quiet children are at risk to become invisible and forgotten. One solution to this could be that the leisure-time teachers work more actively in creating the conditions for play. Such work, in return, requires that the leisure-time teachers are given more planning time. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur jag som fritidshemslärare kan hjälpa barn som har svårt att leka och hur det är möjligt att räcka till som pedagog i en stor barngrupp. Som utgångspunkt har jag använt händelser ur mitt yrkesliv, som jag har gestaltat i form av en vetenskaplig essä. Mina frågeställningar har varit följande: Hur bör jag som pedagog bemöta de barn som har svårt att själva hitta en plats i klasskamraternas lek? Hur är det möjligt att uppmärksamma och vara en trygghet för alla barn i en stor barngrupp? I min reflekterande undersökning har jag använt mig av etablerade teorier om lek och praktisk kunskap. Mina slutsatser har varit att fritidshemslärare har ett stort ansvar att skapa förutsättningar för lek och att hjälpa barn med svårigheter in i leken. Samtidigt har de svårt att räcka till då de arbetar i stora barngrupper och tystlåtna barn riskerar att bli osynliga och glömmas bort. En lösning på detta skulle kunna vara att fritidshemlärarna arbetar mer aktivt med att skapa förutsättningar för lek. Ett sådant arbete kräver i sin tur att fritidshemlärarna får utrymme och planeringstid för att utföra den typen av arbete.

Rektorers syn på natur- och utemiljöer som en källa till välbefinnande för gymnasieelever / Principal’s view of nature and outdoor environment as a source of well-being for high school students

Ring, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera rektorers syn på gymnasieelevers möjlighet till att vistas i natur- och utemiljöer. Samt att använda naturen som en källa till välbefinnande under tiden i gymnasieskolan. Frågeställningar Vad anser rektorer om att gymnasieskolan ska erbjuda utemiljöer till elever under skoldagen? Vilka utemiljöer erbjuder skolan till sina gymnasieelever under deras tid där? Hur uttalar sig rektorer om utemiljöers och naturens effekter på gymnasieelevers välbefinnande? Metod Den kvalitativa ansatsen som faller in under “ett hermeneutiskt vetenskapsideal” har tillämpats (Hassmén & Hassmén, 2008, s. 104). Kvalitativa intervjuer har använts för att få svar på studiens frågeställningar och de är således studiens datainsamlingsmetod. Detta skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med stöd av en intervjuguide. Urvalet för studien bestod av fyra rektorer från gymnasieskolor i Stockholms storstadsområde. Analys av resultatet har skett med utgångspunkt i ramfaktorteorin. Resultat Rektorerna kan inte uppge en exakt tid på hur mycket en gymnasieelev i en stockholmsskola ges möjlighet att vistas i natur- och utemiljöer. Dock kan slutsatsen dras att elever ges möjligheter mellan 10–75 min per dag. Denna tid är då främst på raster, eller tillfällen för förflyttning mellan lektioner. Årstider och väder har också stor påverkan då våren ses som den stora möjligheten till utevistelse. Möjlighet ges också via schemabrytande aktiviteter som friluftsdagar, temaveckor eller förlängd tid i idrott och hälsa. Ämnet som ger störst möjlighet och mest tid är idrott och hälsa, följt av biologi eller naturkunskap. Platsen som är den viktigaste utemiljön är skolgården. Andra platser som nämns är naturreservat, gräsytor och skogsdungar. Informationsspridningen om utemiljöers och naturens effekter sker via ämnena och kurserna. Slutsats Studiens viktigaste resultat är att ramfaktorn tid påverkar möjligheterna. Tiden som spenderas i uteoch naturmiljöer sker främst via skolgården. / Aim The purpose of the study is to investigate and analyze the principal's views on the possibility of high school students to live in outdoor environments. At the same time, use nature as a source of well-being while in high school Issues What do the principals think about that the school should offer outdoor environments to students during the school day? What outdoor environments does the school offer to its high school students during their time there? What do the principals say about the effects of outdoor environments and nature on the wellbeing of high school students? Method The qualitative approach that falls under “a hermeneutic ideal of science” has been applied (Hassmén & Hassmén, 2008, p. 104). Qualitative interviews have been used to answer the study's questions and are thus the study's data collection method. This was done through semi-structured interviews with the support of an interview guide. The study sample consisted of four principals from upper secondary schools in the Stockholm metropolitan area. Analysis of the results has been based on the framework factor theory and the issues on which the study is based. Results The principals cannot state an exact time on how much a high school student in a Stockholm school is given the opportunity to be in outdoor and natural environments. However, it can be concluded that students are given opportunities between 10–75 minutes per day. This time is then mainly via breaks, or occasions for moving between lessons. The seasons and weather also have a big impact as spring is seen as the great opportunity to be outdoors. Opportunity is then given through schedule-breaking activities such as outdoor days, theme weeks or extended time in sports and health. The subject that provides the greatest opportunity and most time is sports and health, followed by biology or science. The place that is the most important outdoor environment is the school yard. Other places mentioned are nature reserves, grasslands and woodlands. The dissemination of information about the effects of outdoor environments and nature takes place via the subjects and courses. Conclusion The most important result of the study is that the framework factor time affects the possibilities. The time spent outdoor and natural environments mainly takes place in the school yard.

Skolgården - Ett rum av betydelse : En fältstudie av Karlskoga kommuns skolgårdsmiljöer / The schoolyard - A space of significance : A field study of Karlskoga municipality's schoolyards enviroments

Svensson, Elin, Adolfsson, Miriam January 2021 (has links)
Barnkonventionen blev lag i Sverige den första januari år 2020. Ett sätt att integrera barnkonvention i fysisk planering är säkerställa alla barns rätt till en god utomhusmiljö. Tidigare forskning visar att tillgång till naturen har flera positiva fördelar, såsom fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Barns möjlighet till detta kan variera beroende på olika bakgrundsförhållanden och ett sätt att jämna ut ojämlikheten är att arbeta med skolgårdens utformning och planering.  Utifrån ovanstående resonemang är syftet för den här kandidatuppsatsen att belysa skolgårdens nutida utformning och utvecklingsmöjligheter baserat på visioner och teorier om barns utemiljöer. För att uppfylla syftet har ett inventeringsprojekt av skolgårdar i samarbete med Karlskoga kommun genomförts våren 2021. Projektet ska utmynna i en nulägesbeskrivning och analys för stödja kommunens planering och prioritering av skolgårdar. Följande frågeställningar har formulerats för att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte: Vilka målsättningar och visioner för skolgården och barns utomhusmiljöer har Karlskoga kommun?  Hur är skolgårdarna i Karlskoga kommun rumsligt utformade i förhållande till visionen?  Studiens resultat har analyserats med hjälp av en teori som utgår från Grahns och Berggren-Bärrings (1995) åtta karaktärer hos parken som är betydelsefulla för människor. Teorin har anpassats och kompletterats med hjälp av andra studier om kvalitéer i barns utemiljöer. Karlskoga har en policy gällande för- och grundskolans skolgårdsmiljöer samt en översiktsplan från år 2011, som med hjälp av en dokumentanalys undersökts utifrån teorin. Teorin har med stöd av dokumentanalysen utvecklats till ett observationsschema för att möjliggöra för en inventering och analys av skolgårdarna i Karlskoga kommun. Resultatet har även analyserats med hjälp av kulturgeografiska och rumsliga perspektiv samt barns geografier för att få en djupare förståelse om skolgården som plats. Slutsatsen baserad på resultatsanalysen visar att de undersökta skolgårdarna till stor del lever upp till Karlskogas vision om barns utemiljöer. Den naturrika miljön är en genomgående utgångspunkt i analysen av empirin och förespråkas både av tidigare studier samt kommunens styrdokument. Den naturrika miljön har en så kallad polymorf egenskap som innebär att den kan ha olika användningsområden och egenskaper. Exempel på dessa egenskaper är återhämtning, kultur och artrikhet, lekvärde samt möjlighet för barn att forma sin egen plats. Däremot finns det en paradox när det gäller tillgänglighet och trygghet. Den naturrika miljön kan ge upphov till tillgänglighet då den har flera användningsområden, men kan också  hindra elever med fysisk funktionsnedsättning samt undanskymma konflikter. Därför är utformningen av den naturrika miljön betydande för att skapa en tillgänglig utomhusmiljö. De skolgårdar som bedömdes uppfylla flest kriterier enligt observationsschemat var de som hade god tillgång till vegetation och skogsliknande miljöer. / The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child became law in Sweden on the first of January in 2020. One way to integrate the Convention on the Rights of the Child into physical planning is to ensure that all children have the right to a good outdoor environment. Previous research shows that access to nature has several positive benefits, such as physical and mental health. Children's possibility to this can vary depending on different background conditions and a way to approach and even out the inequality is to work with the schoolyard's design and planning. Based on the above reasoning, the purpose of this bachelor thesis is to shed light on the schoolyard's current design and development opportunities based on visions and theories about children's outdoor environments. To fulfill the purpose, an inventory project of schoolyards in collaboration with Karlskoga municipality took place in the spring of 2021. The project will result in a current situation description and analysis to support the municipality's planning and prioritization of schoolyards. The following questions have been formulated to fulfill the purpose of the essay: What goals and visions for the schoolyard and children's outdoor environments does Karlskoga municipality have? How are the schoolyards in Karlskoga municipality spatially designed in relation to the vision? The results of the study have been analyzed with the help of a theory based on Grahn's and Berggren-Bärring's (1995) eight characteristics of the park that are important to humans. The theory has been adapted and supplemented with the help of other studies regarding qualities in children's outdoor environments. Karlskoga municipality has a policy regarding schoolyards environments as well as their long-term planning document regarding guidance on how water, land and built environment is going to be used, developed and preserved from 2011, which with the help of a document analysis was examined based on the thesis theory. With the support of the document analysis, the theory has been developed into an observation scheme to enable an inventory and analysis of the schoolyards in Karlskoga municipality. The results have also been analyzed with the help of spatial perspectives as well as children's geographies to gain a deeper understanding of the schoolyard as a place. The conclusion based on the results analysis shows that the surveyed schoolyards overall live up to Karlskoga's vision of children's outdoor environments. The natural environment is a consistent starting point in the analysis of the empirical data and is advocated both by previous studies and the municipality's governing documents. The natural environment has a so-called polymorphic quality, which means that it can have different uses and properties. Examples of these characteristics are recovery, culture, species richness, play value and the opportunity for children to shape their own place. However, there is a paradox when it comes to accessibility and safety. The natural environment can give rise to accessibility as it has several uses, but can also prevent students with physical disabilities and obscure conflicts. Therefore, the design of the natural environment is significant for creating an accessible outdoor environment. The schoolyards that were considered to meet the most criteria according to the observation schedule, were those that had good access to vegetation and forest-like environments.

Schoolyard Renovations in the Context of Urban Greening: Insight from the Boston Schoolyard Initiative, Boston, Massachusetts

Tooke, Katherine A. 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Twenty years ago the public schoolyards in Boston, Massachusetts were in a deplorable state: most were entirely paved, seriously neglected and used predominantly for parking. Since 1995, the Boston Schoolyards Initiative (BSI) has worked to transform these spaces into vibrant environments of recreation and learning. Renovations typically include adding play structures, gardens, murals and seating that can engage children at recess or support an educational activity. Recent research has shown that BSI renovations have had a positive impact on student academic performance (Lopez, Jennings and Campbell, 2008), but little attention has yet focused on how these revived and greened spaces have contributed to citywide urban greening efforts and to the environmental quality of their surrounding neighborhoods. This study uses design plans and GIS data to compare pre- and post-renovation canopy cover and pervious surfaces at 12 BSI schools. Data analysis included both an examination of the percent increase in canopy cover and pervious surfacing as well as exploration of the spatial configuration of green space and play space within the newly designed schoolyards. Data indicates that overall BSI renovations have a slightly positive impact on canopy cover and pervious surfacing, but gains are not uniform and many schools are left not meeting citywide goals for canopy cover and pervious surfacing. In addition, schoolyard designs emphasized traditional play structures and paved spaces, subordinating opportunities for children to interact with vegetation. Although eight school renovations included an outdoor classroom with natural features, only one provided any space for children to interact more informally with vegetation. Schools are organized into five different typologies based on the proportions of spaces they contain and spatial configurations, and one typology is recommended as a model for future renovations. In conclusion, this study addresses the challenges and constraints facing urban schoolyard renovations and proposes a framework for integrating recommendations in an iterative experimental manner.

Drömmen om en omvälvande skolgård : Barnperspektiv för en levande lekmiljö / Aspirations for a Transformative Schoolyard : A child centered perspective for a Vibrant Play Environment

Le Douaron, Eric, Luwongo-Scott, Josephine January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative study explores the perspective and practice of educators in after-school care through a child centered approach regarding the playground environment, rules, and resources aimed at promoting children's participation and well-being. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with educators in after-school care settings to investigate their perceptions and approaches. Educators strive to create an inclusive and meaningful playground environment by implementing clear and understandable rules. These rules aim not only to organize children's activities but also to break down gender norms and promote current societal issues. Educators are flexible and willing to adapt rules according to children's needs and interests to enhance their participation and autonomy. Regarding resources and play materials, educators aim to keep children active and engaged by providing a varied and stimulating environment. By allowing children to co-create their own play environment, their creativity and imagination are fostered. The study highlights the crucial role of educators in after-school care in creating an inclusive and meaningful playground environment for children. By implementing clear rules and providing appropriate resources, they aim to promote children's well-being and development effectively. By working with a child centered approach and being responsive to children's needs and interests, educators can create a positive and supportive environment where all children are given the opportunity to grow and thrive.

Barns sociala samspel på skolgården : En kvalitativ studie om barns lek på skolgården utifrån socioekonomiska aspekter / Children's social interaction in the schoolyard : A qualitative study of childrens' play in the schoolyard from socio-economic aspects

Zaitoun, Malek, Anhari, Johan January 2020 (has links)
This study has focused on the schoolyard and how the social interaction between children plays out in the schoolyard-play from a socio-economic perspective. The reason for this is to highlight some major differences in children's social skills depending on where they go to school. We have reported on relevant previous research that shows that play that takes place in the schoolyard are an incredibly important part of children's lives but also in their development of social skills. Our analysis has been linked to key concepts in sociological and sociocultural theory. For the purpose of the study, it has utilized qualitative method in the form of observation at two different schools in southern Stockholm but at two different municipalities. The result shows that there is quite a difference in the social interaction between children in the schoolyard, depending on how the schoolyard looks and what kind of plays it offers. Based on the socio-economic status of the schools, we were able to conclude that an attractive schoolyard offers more opportunities for children to develop their social skills. The overall conclusion from the study is that children who attend school where the socioeconomic status is high have an easier time for the social interaction between the children. While in a school where the status is lower, it appears that the conditions for social interaction do not develop in the same way. The conclusion we have reached is that students' social skills do not develop in the same way because of the socio-economic background. / Denna studie fokuserar på skolgården och hur det sociala samspelet mellan barn utspelar sig i leken utifrån ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv, för att kunna undersöka hur barns sociala kompetenser villkoras det av var de går i skola. Vi har redogjort för relevant tidigare forskning som visar att lekar som utspelar sig på skolgården är en otroligt viktig del i barnens liv men också i deras utveckling av sociala kompetenser. Vår analys har kopplats till centrala begrepp inom sociologisk och sociokulturell teori. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod i form av observation på två olika skolor i två av Stockholms södra kommuner. Resultatet visar att det skiljer sig ganska mycket i det sociala samspelet mellan barn på skolgården beroende på hur skolgården ser ut samt vad den erbjuder för lekar. Utifrån skolornas socioekonomiska status kunde vi dra en slutsats om att en attraktiv skolgård erbjuder fler möjligheter för barn att utveckla sina sociala kompetenser. Den övergripande slutsatsen från studien är att det sociala samspelet mellan eleverna är lättare att åstadkomma i en skola där den socioekonomiska statusen är hög. På en skola där statusen är lägre visar det sig att förutsättningarna för det sociala samspelet inte utvecklas på samma sätt. Den slutsats vi kommit fram till är att elevers sociala kompetens inte utvecklas på samma sätt just på grund av den socioekonomiska bakgrunden.

Skolgårdens gömda platser En studie över platser för gränsöverskridande handlingar

Almadani, Haidar January 2016 (has links)
Barn spenderar mycket tid i skolan. Det finns gott om forskning om trygghet och otrygghet i skolan, men de flesta studier fokuserar på klassrumssituationen, relationer mellan barnen eller med lärarna. I den här studien flyttar jag ut fokuset till skolgården, genom att göra en studie om skolgårdens gömda platser på Höjaskolan i Malmö I min studie visar jag att dessa platser kan användas för att bryta mot skolans regler och att detta kan skapa otrygghet för barnen. Samtidigt fungerar platserna som barnens egna platser och kan också vara spännande. Här kan man testa gränser, bryta mot skolans regler, vara för sig själv eller umgås med sina vänner. För att undersöka platser där barn gömmer sig på för att bryta regler har jag gjort en workshop med mellanstadieelever om trygga och otrygga platser på skolgården. Jag har även gjort en deltagande observation genom att hänga med högstadieeleverna på rasten. Jag har även använt mig av mina egna erfarenheter av att ha jobbat i förskoleklassen på Höjaskolan. För att genomföra min studie, använder jag Jeremy Tills begrepp hard space och slack space. Med hjälp av dessa begrepp kan jag se vilka karaktäristiska drag dessa gömda platser har. Jag har kommit fram till tre olika typer av platser där barn bryter regler; stationära, rörliga och skiftande platser som är både stationära och rörliga. Jag beskriver också vilka elever som attraheras av dessa gömda platser och vilka aktiviteter platserna stöttar. / Children spend a lot of time in schools. There is plenty of research on safe and unsafe in the school, but most studies focus on the classroom situation, relationships between the children and the teachers. In this study, I move the focus to the schoolyard, by doing and that may create unsafety for the children. Meanwhile these sites works as children’s own sites and can also be exciting. Here can children test the limits, breaking the school rules, be alone or socialize with their friends. To study sites where children are hiding in order to break the rules, I have done a workshop with middle school students on safe and unsafe sites in the schoolyard. I have also done a participant observation by hanging with high school students at the brakes. I have also used some of my own experience of having worked in the preschool class on Höjaskolan. To carry out my study, I use Jeremy Till concepts hard space and slack space. Using these concepts, I can see the characteristic features of these hidden sites. I will present three different types of sites; stationary, mobile and shifting sites that are both stationary and mobile. I also write about which students are attracted to these sites and what activities they support.

Landscapes to Learnscapes: Exploring Schoolyard-based Education

Palena, Emily I., Spurgin, Caroline T. 01 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores schoolyard-based education as a viable and necessary method for rectifying the shortcomings within the American public school system and the Nature-deficit Disorder epidemic. We argue that schoolyard-based education should be fully integrated into the school system, not in the sole form of popularized school gardens, but as a standard teaching method. We show this using extensive research and a case study of three elementary schools in Claremont, California.

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