Spelling suggestions: "subject:"screw"" "subject:"scrap""
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Data-Driven Requirements Engineering in Agile Software Development - An Approach for Eliciting Requirements from Digital Sources in Organizations using Scrum MethodologyGeorgiadis, Stylianos January 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, the business world is characterized by complexity since market and customer requirements are changing rapidly. Based on this assumption, providers are facing the challenge of delivering software products in shorter terms while these products remain innovative. Agile software development has a huge impact on how software is developed worldwide and promises business value in short iterations. At the same time, requirements are the base of all software products, and consequently, Requirements Engineering (RE) plays one of the most important roles in system development. Traditional techniques referring to intended data do not cover the constantly increasing demands of RE and unintended data from digital sources has amplified the need for Data-Driven Requirements Engineering (DDRE). This study contributes to Computer and System Science by providing a process to combine DDRE and traditional RE approaches in Agile software development methodologies. In this study, the researcher is trying to provide a concrete solution to the lack of an effective process to address data-driven requirements in a Scrum environment organized by regular Sprints and the purpose of it is to suggest a new method for requirements elicitation based on digital data and combine them with traditional stakeholder-driven RE in a Scrum agile environment. The method intends to assist Agile professionals to elicit requirements from digital sources in combination with intended data derived from the stakeholders without impacting the main Agile practices. The approach to conduct this study is Design Science Research (DSR) and contains five steps: Explicate Problem, Define Requirements, Design and develop Artefact, Demonstrate Artefact, and Evaluate Artefact. Literature review has been conducted to explicate the research problem and define the requirements of the artefact. Then, a process and a collaboration board have been created based on the requirements to bring DDRE and traditional RE into the Scrum environment. The researcher performed a demonstration of two illustrative cases of the usage of the proposed artefact to three Scrum professionals and three semi-structured interviews were conducted to evaluate the artefact. After the evaluation, the researcher refined and presented the final artefact that will help the public and private organizations to reduce the costs and time plan on eliciting requirements, and to increase the customers’ satisfaction. The artefact has not been applied in a real Agile environment, but Requirement Engineers and Agile team members can build on the proposed method and bring the elicitation approach of DDRE closer to the software development process.
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Facilitating Internal Work in IT Consultancies Through Efficient Knowledge Sharing : A Case Study of a Swedish IT Consulting Firm / Främjandet av internt arbete på IT-konsultföretag genom effektiv kunskapsdelning : En fallstudie av en svensk IT-konsultfirmaJansson Mbonyimana, Benjamin, Hagman, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
The concepts of knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing are commonly reocurring theme in the application of knowledge management in organizations. Effort has been made to facilitate the development of IT consulting firms' knowledge sharing processes to increase their competitive viability on the market. However, due to a high employee turnover rate in projects that are part of IT consulting firms' internal work, a decreased efficiency and structure in IT consultancies' internal knowledge generating work has caused a reduced quality of their products. This theses has evaluated the internal work related to knowledge transfer in a Swedish IT consulting firm by performing a qualitative research approach in the form of semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with a selection of respondents working at the company, and were based on a ser of themes derived from a pre-study and literature review. The results from the interviews identified various improvement factors in promoting efficient knowledge sharing between IT consultants, such as making clear documentation of conducted work in a common and simplified language, mandatory for off boarding consultants handling over their work to on boarding consultants. The results also suggested the utilization of a common digital platform between consultants, the Scrum methodology, as well as a leader with clear directives. The suggested factors were then implemented in a proposed extended framework of the Knowledge Transfer Process Model (KTPM) described in the literature study. The conclusion from evaluating the Swedish IT consulting firm further motivates the implemented modifications of the KTPM as key elements to facilitate the utilization of consultants workin in an uncertain work environment with high empoyee turnover rates, as well as helping IT consulting firms that focuses on software development to build a knowledge -sharing compatible environment. There is potential to further explore the are of knowledge transfer within IT consultancies. Hence, future researcg on the subject is recommended. / Begreppen kunskapsöverföring och kunskapsdelning är vanligt återkommande taman i tillämpningen av kusnkapshantering i organisationer. Ansträngningar har gjorts för att underlätta utvecklingen av IT-konsultföretagens kunskapsdelningsprocesser för att öka deras konkurrenskraft på marknaden. På grund av hög personalomsättning i projekt som ingår i IT konsultföretagens interna arbete har en minskad effektivitet och struktur i IT-konsulternas interna kunskapsgenererande arbete orsakat en försämrad kvalitet på deras produkter. Detta examensarbete har utvärderat det interna arbetet med kusnkapsöverföring i ett svenskt IT konsultföretag genom att utföra en kvalitativ forskningsansats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med ett urval av respondenter som arbetade på företaget och baserade sig på en uppsättning teman som härleddes från en förstudie och litteraturgenomgång. Resultaten från intervjuerna identifierade olika förbättringsfaktorer för att främja effektiv kunskapsledning mellan IT-konsulter, såsom att göra tydlig dokumentation av utfört arbete på ett gemensamt och förenklat språl obligatoriskt för konsulter som lämnar över sitt arbete till andra konsulter. Resultaten föreslog också användningen av en gemensam digital plattform mellan konsulter, användningen av Scrum metodiken, samt ett tydligt och direkt ledarskap. De föreslagna faktorerna implementerades sedan i ett utökat ramverk av Knowledge Transfer Process Model (KTPM) som beskrivs i litteraturstudien. Slutsatsen från utverderingen av det svenska IT-konsultföretaget motiverar ytterligare de genomförda modifikationerna av KTPM som nyckelement för att underlätta utnyttjandet av konsulter som arbetar i osäker arbetsmiljö med hög personalomsättning, samt hjälpa IT-konsultföretag som fokuerar på mjukvaruutveckling att bygga en miljö som är kompatibel med kunskapsdelning. Det finns potential att ytterligare utforska området för kunskapsöverföring inom IT-konsultföretag. Därför rekommenderas framtida forskning i ämnet.
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Разработка игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта» : магистерская диссертация / Development of the game “Product Owner Simulator”Коростелев, Д. С., Korostelev, D. S. January 2023 (has links)
Цель командной работы – создание игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта». Цель личной работы – разработка игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта» с использованием современных инструментов разработки. Объект исследования – компьютерные игры. Методы исследования: анализ современных инструментов разработки игр, генерация идей для лучшей реализации игры, программная реализация игры, её тестирование на наличие ошибок, проведение апробации игры на 30 пользователях, сбор и систематизация обратной связи. В результате командной работы создан продукт «Симулятор Владельца Продукта» – это компьютерная игра, доступная в браузере. Результатом личной работы является разработанная игра, доступная в браузере, описание реализованных сцен и скриптов. Выпускная квалификационная работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word. / The goal of teamwork is to create the game “Product Owner Simulator”. The goal of my personal work is to develop the game “Product Owner Simulator” using modern development tools. The object of research is computer games. Research methods: analysis of modern tools, game development, generating ideas for better implementation of games, software implementation of games, testing them for errors, testing the game on 30 users, assembling and systematizing feedback. As a result of the team’s work, the product “Product Owner Simulator” was created - this is a computer game available in the browser. The result of individual work is a developed game, available in the browser, a description of the implemented scenes and scripts. The final qualifying work was completed in the text editor Microsoft Word.
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Определение игровой механики для игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта» и организация командной работы : магистерская диссертация / Definition of game mechanics for the game “Product Owner Simulator” and organization of teamworkРедькин, Д. Н., Redkin, D. N. January 2023 (has links)
Была выявлена проблема высокого порога вхождения в роль владельца продукта. Поставлена гипотеза, что если разработать механику игры, приближенную к задачам Владельца Продукта в реальной жизни, то в игре можно будет пройти практику в роли Владельца Продукта для приобретения опыта. Общей командной целью было создание игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта», а цель личной работы – определение направления развития игры как продукта. Результатом личной работы является описание механики игры в виде схем, бэклог продукта в виде пользовательских историй и требований, и статистика обратной связи от пользователей по результатам проведенных опросов. По статистике всего было порядка тысячи игровых сессий и положительная обратная связь от игроков. / The problem of a high threshold for entering the role of product owner was identified. It is hypothesized that if we develop game mechanics that are close to the tasks of a Product Owner in real life, then in the game it will be possible to practice as a Product Owner to gain experience. The overall team goal was to create the “Product Owner Simulator” game, and the goal of personal work was to determine the direction of development of the game as a product. The result of personal work is a description of the game mechanics in the form of diagrams, a product backlog in the form of user stories and requirements, and statistics of feedback from users based on the results of surveys. According to statistics, there were about a thousand gaming sessions and positive feedback from players.
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Anpassning av Scrum-metod : För förbättrade mjukvaruutvecklingsprojektPrihodko, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Mjukvaruutveckling kräver bra arbetsmetoder för att man ska kunna leverera effektivt och välfungerande mjukvara. För att lyckas med detta behöves en bra arbetsmetod som de kan arbeta efter. Agila metoder blir mer populära att arbeta med när det gäller mjukvaruutveckling i dagens teknikföretag. Fler företag går över att arbeta efter agila metoder med projekt istället för den traditionella vattenfallsmetoden. Anledningen till detta är att fler och fler företag misslyckas att leverera projekten i tid med vattenfallsmetoden vilket medför mer kostnader för företag. Agila metoder hjälper däremot företag att få struktur som leder till bättre arbetssätt som i sin tur resulterar i att projekten blir avslutade i tid. Denna studie undersökte användning och anpassningar av agila metoden Scrum på en bank och om detta har medfört några förbättringar i arbete med mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer med Scrummästare, Agila coacher, produktägare samt chefer som arbetar med Scrum-metoden. Resultatet visar att agila metoden Scrum ger mer struktur samt transparens till projekt. Anpassningar till produktägarrollen på företaget har medfört att rätt uppdrag blir prioriterade och teamen får en tydlig backlogg att arbeta efter. Arbetet enligt Scrummetoden har hjälpt team att få en tydlig struktur och ökat leverans av projekt. / Software development requires good working methods to be to deliver efficient and effective software. To achieve this, companies require a good working method that they can work with. Agile methods are becoming more popular to work with when it comes to software development in today's technology companies. More companies are beginning to work with agile methods for project management instead of the traditional waterfall method. The reason for this is that more and more companies fail to deliver projects on time with the waterfall method, which means more costs for companies. The reason for this is that more and more companies fail to deliver projects on time with the waterfall method, which means more costs for companies. Agile methodologies however help companies to get structure that led to better work, which in turn results in that projects are completed on time. This study examined the usage and customization of agile method Scrum in a bank, and if this has led to some improvements in the work of software development projects. The investigation was conducted through interviews with Scrum Master, Agile coaches, product owners and managers who work with the Scrum method. The result shows that the agile method Scrum provides more structure and transparency to projects. Adaptations to the product owner role in the company has led to that right assignment are prioritized and teams get a clear backlog to work with. The work with the Scrum method has helped the team to have a clear structure and increased delivery of projects.
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Agila IT-projekt : Faktorer för framgång och kunskapshanteringens bidrag / Agile IT-projects : Factors for success and the Contribution of Knowledge ManagementEdstrand, Joakim, Lydahl, William January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats, författad av Joakim Edstrand och William Lydahl vid Luleå tekniska universitet, ämnar att utforska de agila utvecklingsmetodernas mest avgörande faktorer för ett lyckat resultat. Agila utvecklingsmetoder blir allt mer populära och lika så kunskapshantering, men exakt hur kan teorin kring kunskapshantering vara behjälplig till att mitigering de faktorer som påverkar lyckandet av agila IT-projekt negativt? Syftet med denna undersökning är att identifiera vilka faktorer som har störst påverkan på ett agilt IT-projekts framgång, och hur bristerna i agila utvecklingsmetoder, eller problemen som ofta uppstår, kan mitigeras med hjälp av kunskapshantering. Denna rapport siktar på att uppnå dessa mål genom att intervjua personer med diverse erfaren- heter av agila metoder och utifrån empirin skapa en sammanfattning av resultaten som därefter analyseras med målet att svara på forskningsfrågorna och dra eventuella slutsatser. / This thesis, authored by Joakim Edstrand and William Lydahl at Luleå University of Technology, aims to explore the agile development methods' most crucial factors for a successful result. Agile development methods are increasing in popularity, and likewise knowledge management, but exactly how can the theory surrounding knowledge management be helpful to mitigating the factors that affect the success of agile IT-projects negatively? The purpose of this investigation is to identify which factors that have the largest impact on an agile IT-projects success, and how the flaws in agile development methods, or the problems which often occur, can be mitigated with the help of knowledge management. This report aims to achieve these goals by interviewing individuals with diverse experiences in agile methodology. Based on the empirical data, a summary of the results will be created, which will then be analyzed with the goal of addressing the research questions and drawing potential conclusions.
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Santé et performance au coeur de la melée dans le rugby à XV. Expériences corporelles, normes propres et sensibilités des joueurs de premiere ligne / Health and performance at the heart of the melee in Rugby at XV. Body experiences, own standards and sensibilities of the first row playersKellin, Marion 26 November 2012 (has links)
Que se passe-t-il au cœur de la mêlée ? Si cette question se pose au néophyte, elle fait aussi débat au sein des institutions. Il s’agit à la fois de garantir la sécurité du joueur et d’assurer les conditions d’une mêlée performante. Notre questionnement est issu de notre pratique de joueuse de première ligne. La mêlée s’est avérée à la fois source de satisfaction et de douleur, de plaisir de l’impact et de peur de la blessure… ces ressentis évoluant au fur et à mesure de l’expérience construite. Si différentes recherches étudient la mêlée, les développements scientifiques se focalisent sur des facteurs anatomiques et biomécaniques de la blessure. En écho avec des préoccupations de la Fédération Française de Rugby, nous proposons une autre approche plaçant au centre le point de vue du joueur et ses pratiques effectives en mêlée. Une étude exploratoire menée auprès de cinq experts nous a permis d’entrevoir différentes conceptions de la performance en mêlée et d’envisager, au moins dans le discours, plusieurs modalités de pratique. S’est alors posée la question de la diversité des pratiques effectives et de ce qui les organise. Nous avons donc étudié ce qui se joue en mêlée pour un joueur de première ligne. Nous nous inscrivons dans une perspective énactive qui considère la vie, selon un processus d’autopoïèse, en tant qu’auto production et auto affirmation d’une identité produisant, par ses interactions, un soi cognitif et son monde adéquat. L’humain est considéré comme un complexe de micro-identités construites au sein de contextes socioculturels. Une philosophie des normes et des valeurs s’est avérée nécessaire pour envisager la manière dont s’expriment ces micro-identités et selon laquelle elles organisent les pratiques. Ceci nous a conduite à l’hypothèse d’une sensibilité à en tant que sens structurant, c’est-à-dire l’existence d’une norme prévalente assurant une orientation d’ensemble dominant les actes et les organisant à partir d’une valeur directrice. Pour documenter le sens de l’expérience, nous avons investigué la signification incarnée à partir de matériaux d’observation et d’entretiens d’autoconfrontation et en re-situ subjectif. Dix joueurs ont volontairement participé à l’étude : un d’entre eux évoluait en Fédérale 2 (catégorie C), les autres en Espoirs, Fédérale 1, Pro D2, Top 14 ou Top 10 (catégorie A).Nous avons identifié chez les joueurs de première ligne différentes sensibilités à : sensibilité à l’impact, au gain du ballon, à l’arbitrage de la mêlée, au duel individuel ou collectif, au fait d’avancer/ne pas reculer. Ainsi, plusieurs micro-mondes de pratique ont été mis à jour, révélant différentes modalités de la performance en mêlée. Ces dernières se sont parfois avérées en tension avec les attentes de l’entraîneur pour un poste donné et avec des consignes et exigences de sécurité. Ce travail a aussi permis de mettre à jour la complexité des jeux de norme. En effet, chez tous les joueurs, les normes qui organisent leur activité au cours de la mêlée sont plurielles, voire en débat : des normes plus contingentes ont été repérées. Enfin, une même sensibilité à particulière peut être de différentes natures : vitale, de devoir social ou d’exécution. En esquissant différentes sensibilités à, nos travaux proposent une nouvelle typologie des joueurs à risques et enrichissent les perspectives de prévention des blessures en mêlée. Les joueurs ayant des facteurs de risque importants paraissent être ceux pour qui la norme prévalente revêt un enjeu de viabilité identitaire ; ils prennent alors « inconsidérément » des risques démesurés pour leur intégrité physique ou celle des partenaires et adversaires, car leur micro-monde s’organise autour d’autres préoccupations qui font que ces risques restent largement inaperçus. / What exactly takes place in a scrum? Not only will a neophyte ask this question, but it will also be debated among various institutions. Making sure the player’s security and the conditions of a performing scrum are guaranteed is at the core of the question. This enquiry has been undertaken thanks to our front row rugby player practice. Playing in scrum has been an experience of both satisfaction and suffering, pleasure of impact and fear of injury... All this has, of course, evolved as experience was gained. The different studies concerning rugby scrums mostly focus on the anatomical and biomechanical aspects of injuries whereas, echoing the French Rugby Board’s concerns, we suggest another approach centered around the player’s point of view and his actual practice of scrum. An exploratory study made with five experts has allowed us to foresee different conceptions of performance in a scrum and to view different forms of practice. Then, the question of the diversity of actual practices and what organizes them was asked. This is why we have studied what is at stake in a scrum for a front line player.In order to document the meaning of this experience, we have investigated the embodied significance from materials of observation and interviews of auto-confrontation and in re-situ subjective. Ten players have voluntarily participated in the study: one of them played in Federal 2 (category C), the others in “Hopes”, Federal 1, Pro D2, Top14 or Top 10 (category A).Among front line players we have identified different sensibilities to: the sensibility to impact, to the fact of winning the ball, to scrum refereeing, to individual or collective duel, to the fact of moving forward / not backward. Thus, different practices have been revealed, showing different forms of performance in a scrum. The latter have sometimes been questioned by some coaches for a given post and with security instructions and requirements. This work has also allowedan enhancement of the complexity of normed games. It is true that, for any player, the norms that organize his activity in the mid of a scrum are diverse, sometimes even controversial: more contingent norms have been spotted. Finally, it has been demonstrated that the same specific sensibility to can actually be of different kinds.By outlining different sensibilities to, our workbrings a new typology of high risk players and allows new perspectives concerning the prevention of scrum injuries. As a matter of fact, those players tend to take disproportionate risks “thoughtlessly”, thus putting at risk their physical integrity or their partners’ or opponents ‘just because their micro-world is organized around concerns that make those risks largely unnoticed.
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Optimalizace metodiky a nástrojů pro řízení a koordinaci projektů v malé IT společnosti / Optimisation of project management methodology and tools in a small IT companyWeigel, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The thesis focuses on optimisation of project management methodology and tools in a small company, engaged in development of enterprise software. The company is facing major challenges, resulting in frequent failure to comply with projects deadlines and costs. The introductory theoretical part presents some possible approaches to solving these problems. These are based primarily on the most popular methodologies and research of various authors. There are three objectives in the practical part. The first one is to analyse the current state of project management area in the company. To fulfil this objective, several analytical methods were used, alongside with the measurement of the maturity of processes using CMMI models. The output of this part is used for identification of major problems related to project management. The second objective is to choose the most suitable methodology for project management optimization. The next part focuses on selection of supporting software tool. The third objective is to present a proposal of changes to the current corporate project management methodology, processes and tools, based on the identification of major problems. The final part presents the schedule of implementation of the proposed changes.
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There is an increasing needto design and implement technological solutions to span scientific advances, facilitate people’s life and increase the efficiency of daily tasks. This bringsinto the picture professionals with sufficient technical skills to bring to life these technological solutions. Considering the outreach and size of said solutions, technical knowledge is not enough to succeed, but softskills such as communication and teamwork. Engineering and technology professionals need to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal. Therefore, this study characterizes the strategies that teams use in order to accomplish their goals through successful team interactions.In addition, this study explores how these strategies vary during asemester-longproject and how these variations mayaffectteam interactions and different performance indicators
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A Perspective of Leadership Requirement in Scrum Based Software Development - A Case StudyVaranasi, Panchajanya January 2018 (has links)
Context. Software Development has been witnessing great innovations over past few years with good number of technologies, tools and practices invading the industry. Client demands and collaboration in the development process are also seen increasing. So many new practices and methodologies are coming up and Agile is one of prominent practices adopted by many. Even in Agile, Scrum methodology is picking up more demand presently. As Software Development process and practices are changing so are the leadership styles in the same. Leadership is critical for success of any team. This study intended to explore this model and requirement of leadership in Scrum based Software Development in a practical scenario. Objectives. Leadership, which is essential in any Software project, differs from Traditional Methodology to Scrum Methodology of Agile practices in Software Development. Through a case study, the author attempted to investigate and explore the perspective of Leadership requirement in Scrum based Software Development in a practical scenario. The study aimed to gather and analyze the Leadership model implemented in two domestic projects in an Indian company, involved in two distinctive domains, and sum up the impressions gained in the same. The study aimed to assess whether the gathered knowledge adds up to the existing body of knowledge on the phenomenon or on the contrary whether any suggestions for improvement can be given to the case units. Methods. Case Study method was chosen for undertaking this explorative study. A literature review was conducted prior to the case study to gain knowledge on the phenomenon, which also answered one of the Research Questions and helped partially the other. A multiple case study was conducted through semi structured personal interviews, tools analysis and direct observation in the case units. Qualitative data analysis was made using Grounded Theory on this three orders of collected data. The results were compared with the Literature and conformity or variance analyzed. This comparative analysis is used for making recommendations to the case units for improvement or for additions to the existing body of knowledge. Results. Through the results of Literature Review, Leadership models in Software Development including Agile Scrum were summed up. And through the results of the case study, the leadership models and features implemented in the case units have been identified. These results are further validated and contrasted with the results of the literature review. How the literature models and the case unit models of leadership differed is studied. The justification for the implemented leadership model in the practical situation is also analyzed. Following, a review of the models employed at the case environments, the perspective of leadership in the two Scrum based Software Development projects is summed up. At the end, it is assessed what effect the case study would have on the existing body of knowledge on the phenomenon and modifications that can be proposed to the case units based on the results and analysis. Conclusion. It is concluded that the Case Units are implementing Situational Leadership and Transformational Leadership in a mixed way. Telling and Selling models in Situational Leadership are prominent while Participating and Delegating are ranking less. Some of the important features of Transformational Leadership like Self Management, Organizational Consciousness, Adaptability and Proactive are in implementation but not all features of the model are assumed. Even Scrum is implemented in a modified way, extending only controlled autonomy with higher monitoring and it had a direct effect on the leadership. On the whole it is directive leadership that is in play with co-existence of collaborative one situationally.
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