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Formale Semantik des Datentypmodells von SDL-2000Menar, Martin von Löwis of 18 December 2003 (has links)
Mit der aktuellen Überarbeitung der Sprache SDL (Specification and Description Language) der ITU-T wurde die semantische Fundierung der formalen Definition dieser Sprache vollständig überarbeitet; die formale Definition basiert nun auf dem Kalkül der Abstract State Machines (ASMs). Ebenfalls neu definiert wurde das um objekt-orientierte Konzepte erweiterte Datentypsystem. Damit musste eine formale semantische Fundierung für diese neuen Konzepte gefunden werden. Der bisher verwendete Kalkül ACT.ONE sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden, da er schwer verwendbar, nicht implementierbar und nicht auf Objektsysteme erweiterbar ist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Prinzipien einer formalen Sprachdefinition dargelegt und die Umsetzung dieser Prinzipien für die Sprache SDL-2000 vorgestellt. Dabei wird erläutert, dass eine konsistente Sprachdefinition nur dadurch erreicht werden konnte, dass die Definition der formalen Semantik der Sprache parallel mit der Entwicklung der informalen Definition erfolgte. Dabei deckt die formale Sprachdefinition alle Aspekte der Sprache ab: Syn-tax, statische Semantik und dynamische Semantik. Am Beispiel der Datentypsemantik wird erläutert, wie jeder dieser Aspekte informal beschrieben und dann formalisiert wurde. Von zentraler Rolle für die Anwendbarkeit der formalen Semantikdefinition in der Praxis ist der Einsatz von Werkzeugen. Die Arbeit erläutert, wie aus der formalen Sprachdefinition voll-automatisch ein Werkzeug generiert wurde, das die Sprache SDL implementiert, und wie die durch die Umsetzung der formalen Semantikdefinition in ein Werkzeug Fehler in dieser Definition aufgedeckt und behoben werden konnten. / With the latest revision of ITU-T SDL (Specification and Description Language), the semantic foundations of the formal language definition were completely revised; the formal definition is now based on the calculus of Abstract State Machines (ASMs). In addition, the data type system of SDL was revised, as object-oriented concepts were added. As a result, a new semantical foundation for these new concepts had to be defined. The ACT.ONE calculus that had been used so far was not suitable as a foundation any more, as it is hard to use, unimplementable and not extensible for the object oriented features. In this thesis, we elaborate the principles of a formal language definition, and the realisation of these principles in SDL-2000. We explains that a consistent language definition can only be achieved by developing the formal semantics definition in parallel with the development of the informal definition. The formal language definition covers all aspects of the language: syntax, static semantics, and dynamic semantics. Using the data type semantics as an example, we show how each of these aspects is informally described, and then formalized. For the applicability of the formal semantics definition for practitioners, usage of tools plays a central role. We explain how we transform the formal language definition fully automatically into a tool that implements the language SDL. We also explain how creating the tool allowed us to uncover and correct errors in the informal definition.
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Language Family Engineering with Features and Role-Based CompositionWende, Christian 19 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The benefits of Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) wrt. efficiency and quality in software engineering increase the demand for custom languages and the need for efficient methods for language engineering. This motivated the introduction of language families that aim at further reducing the development costs and the maintenance effort for custom languages. The basic idea is to exploit the commonalities and provide means to enable systematic variation among a set of related languages.
Current techniques and methodologies for language engineering are not prepared to deal with the particular challenges of language families. First, language engineering processes lack means for a systematic analysis, specification and management of variability as found in language families. Second, technical approaches for a modular specification and realisation of languages suffer from insufficient modularity properties. They lack means for information hiding, for explicit module interfaces, for loose coupling, and for flexible module integration.
Our first contribution, Feature-Oriented Language Family Engineering (LFE), adapts methods from Software Product Line Engineering to the domain of language engineering. It extends Feature-Oriented Software Development to support metamodelling approaches used for language engineering and replaces state-of-the-art processes by a variability- and reuse-oriented LFE process. Feature-oriented techniques are used as means for systematic variability analysis, variability management, language variant specification, and the automatic derivation of custom language variants.
Our second contribution, Integrative Role-Based Language Composition, extends existing metamodelling approaches with roles. Role models introduce enhanced modularity for object-oriented specifications like abstract syntax metamodels. We introduce a role-based language for the specification of language components, a role-based composition language, and an extensible composition system to evaluate role-based language composition programs. The composition system introduces integrative, grey-box composition techniques for language syntax and semantics that realise the statics and dynamics of role composition, respectively.
To evaluate the introduced approaches and to show their applicability, we apply them in three major case studies. First, we use feature-oriented LFE to implement a language family for the ontology language OWL. Second, we employ role-based language composition to realise a component-based version of the language OCL. Third, we apply both approaches in combination for the development of SumUp, a family of languages for mathematical equations.
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Von Open Access zu Open Knowledge - wie wir Informationsflüsse der Wissenschaft in der Digitalen Welt organisieren könnenAuer, Sören 14 November 2019 (has links)
Trotz eines verbesserten digitalen Zugangs zu wissenschaftlichen Publikationen in den letzten Jahren bleiben die Grundprinzipien der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation unverändert und sind weiterhin weitgehend dokumentenbasiert. Die dokumentorientierten Arbeitsabläufe in der Wissenschaft haben die Grenzen der Angemessenheit erreicht, wie die jüngsten Diskussionen über das ungebremste Wachstum wissenschaftlicher Literatur, die Mängel des Peer-Review und die Reproduzierbarkeitskrise zeigen. Open Access ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, aber auch nur der erste Schritt. Wir müssen die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation stärker wissensbasiert organisieren, indem wir wissenschaftliche Beiträge und verwandte Artefakte durch semantisch reichhaltige, vernetzte Wissensgraphen ausdrücken und miteinander vernetzen. In diesem Vortrag werden wir mit der Open Research Knowledge Graph Initiative erste Schritte in diese Richtung vorstellen.
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Language Family Engineering with Features and Role-Based CompositionWende, Christian 16 March 2012 (has links)
The benefits of Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) wrt. efficiency and quality in software engineering increase the demand for custom languages and the need for efficient methods for language engineering. This motivated the introduction of language families that aim at further reducing the development costs and the maintenance effort for custom languages. The basic idea is to exploit the commonalities and provide means to enable systematic variation among a set of related languages.
Current techniques and methodologies for language engineering are not prepared to deal with the particular challenges of language families. First, language engineering processes lack means for a systematic analysis, specification and management of variability as found in language families. Second, technical approaches for a modular specification and realisation of languages suffer from insufficient modularity properties. They lack means for information hiding, for explicit module interfaces, for loose coupling, and for flexible module integration.
Our first contribution, Feature-Oriented Language Family Engineering (LFE), adapts methods from Software Product Line Engineering to the domain of language engineering. It extends Feature-Oriented Software Development to support metamodelling approaches used for language engineering and replaces state-of-the-art processes by a variability- and reuse-oriented LFE process. Feature-oriented techniques are used as means for systematic variability analysis, variability management, language variant specification, and the automatic derivation of custom language variants.
Our second contribution, Integrative Role-Based Language Composition, extends existing metamodelling approaches with roles. Role models introduce enhanced modularity for object-oriented specifications like abstract syntax metamodels. We introduce a role-based language for the specification of language components, a role-based composition language, and an extensible composition system to evaluate role-based language composition programs. The composition system introduces integrative, grey-box composition techniques for language syntax and semantics that realise the statics and dynamics of role composition, respectively.
To evaluate the introduced approaches and to show their applicability, we apply them in three major case studies. First, we use feature-oriented LFE to implement a language family for the ontology language OWL. Second, we employ role-based language composition to realise a component-based version of the language OCL. Third, we apply both approaches in combination for the development of SumUp, a family of languages for mathematical equations.:1. Introduction
1.1. The Omnipresence of Language Families
1.2. Challenges for Language Family Engineering
1.3. Language Family Engineering with Features and Role-Based Composition
2. Review of Current Language Engineering
2.1. Language Engineering Processes
2.1.1. Analysis Phase
2.1.2. Design Phase
2.1.3. Implementation Phase
2.1.4. Applicability in Language Family Engineering
2.1.5. Requirements for an Enhanced LFE Process
2.2. Technical Approaches in Language Engineering
2.2.1. Specification of Abstract Syntax
2.2.2. Specification of Concrete Syntax
2.2.3. Specification of Semantics
2.2.4. Requirements for an Enhanced LFE Technique
3. Feature-Oriented Language Family Engineering
3.1. Foundations of Feature-Oriented SPLE
3.1.1. Introduction to SPLE
3.1.2. Feature-Oriented Software Development
3.2. Feature-Oriented Language Family Engineering
3.2.1. Variability and Variant Specification in LFE
3.2.2. Product-Line Realisation, Mapping and Variant Derivation for LFE
3.3. Case Study: Scalability in Ontology Specification, Evaluation and Application
3.3.1. Review of Evolution, Customisation and Combination in the OWL LanguageFamily
3.3.2. Application of Feature-Oriented Language Family Engineering for OWL
3.4. Discussion
3.4.1. Contributions
3.4.2. Related Work.
3.4.3. Conclusion
4. Integrative, Role-Based Composition for Language Family Engineering
4.1. Foundations of Role-Based Modelling.
4.1.1. Information Hiding and Interface Specification in Role Models
4.1.2. Loose Coupling and Flexible Integration in Role Composition
4.2. The LanGems Language Composition System
4.2.1. The Language Component Specification Language .
4.2.2. TheLanguageCompositionLanguage
4.2.3. TechniquesofLanguageComposition
4.3. Case Study: Component-based OCL
4.3.1. Role-Based OCL Modularisation
4.3.2. Role-Based OCL Composition
4.4. Discussion
4.4.1. Contributions
4.4.2. Related Work
4.4.3. Conclusion
5. LFE with Integrative, Role-Based Syntax and Semantics Composition
5.1. Integrating Features and Roles
5.2. SumUp Case Study
5.2.1. Motivation
5.2.2. Feature-Oriented Variability and Variant Specification
5.2.3. Role-Based Component Realisation
5.2.4. Feature-Oriented Variability and Variant Evolution
5.2.5. Model-driven Concrete Syntax Realisation
5.2.6. Model-driven Semantics Realisation
5.2.7. Role-Based Composition and Feature Mapping
5.2.8. Language Variant Derivation
5.3. Conclusion
6. Conclusion
6.1. Contributions
6.2. Outlook
6.2.1. Co-Evolution in Language Families
6.2.2. Role-Based Tool Integration.
6.2.3. Automatic Modularisation of Existing Language Families
6.2.4. Language Component Library
Appendix A
Appendix B
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Från Holocaust till Förintelsen : Etableringsprocessen av begreppet Förintelsen i svenskt språkbruk / The transfer and the establishment from the concept of Holocaust to the Swedish word förintelsen with its new meaning Förintelsen : About the establishment of the word and the concept of Förintelsen in Swedish languageAndrée, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Jag har i min masteruppsats, utifrån ett begreppshistoriskt perspektiv med transnationell tillämpning, analyserat begreppsöverföringen och etableringen från begreppet Holocaust till det svenska ordet förintelsen med dess nya betydelse Förintelsen. Jag har även analyserat när, hur och vilka som befäste begreppet Förintelsen i svenskt språkbruk. Ordet och begreppet Holocaust Min analys visar att begreppet Holocaust överförs till Sverige och etableras i Sverige genom det svenska ordet och begreppet Förintelsen. Ordet och begreppet Förintelsen Mitt arbete presenterar ett resultat som kullkastar tidigare uppfattningar om etableringen av ordet och begreppet Förintelsen i svenskt språkbruk. Etableringen av ordet och begreppet Förintelsen genomfördes på följande sätt. Bonniers Förlag lanserade år 1978 en översättning av romanen Holocaust, i Sverige marknadsförd med titeln Förintelsen. År 1979 premiärvisade SVT den amerikanska tv-serien Holocaust, i Sverige marknadsförd med titeln Förintelsen. Tidningarna fylldes från år 1979 av artiklar om det nazistiska folkmordet på judar under andra världskriget med rubriken Förintelsen samtidigt som Skandinaviska Institutet för judisk utbildning och kultur producerade läromedel för Sveriges samtliga skolor och bibliotek under begreppet Förintelsen. År 1982 repriserades tv-serien Förintelsen, omgärdad av faktaprogram, allt under det samlande namnet Förintelsen. Ordet och begreppet Förintelsen hade slutligen, efter fyra års intensiv användning, slagit igenom i svenskt språkbruk. Mitt arbete visar att det fanns en samstämmighet, en gemensam vilja hos Bonniers Förlag, SVT, massmedia och judiska organisationer att benämna det nazistiska folkmordet på judar under andra världskriget under den gemensamma benämningen Förintelsen. Alla samverkade för att befästa ordet och begreppet Förintelsen. Jag har i mitt arbete visat att det inte enbart var titeln på en tv-serie som befäste begreppet Förintelsen i svenskt språkbruk. Det krävdes en omfattande samverkan för att etablera ordet och begreppet Förintelsen i Sverige såsom ett samlande begrepp för det nazistiska folkmordet på judar under andra världskriget. / In my master's thesis, from a conceptual historical perspective with transnational application, I have analyzed the concept transfer and the establishment from the concept of Holocaust to the Swedish word förintelsen with its new meaning Förintelsen. I have also analyzed when, how and who consolidated the concept of Förintelsen in Swedish language use. The word and the concept of the Holocaust My analysis shows that the concept of the Holocaust is transferred to Sweden and established in Sweden through the Swedish word and the concept of Förintelsen. The word and the concept of Förintelsen My work presents a result that overturns previous perceptions about the establishment of the word and the concept of Förintelsen in Swedish language. The establishment of the word and the concept of the Holocaust was carried out in the following way. Bonniers Förlag launched in 1978 a translation of the novel Holocaust, in Sweden marketed with the title Förintelsen.In 1979, SVT premiered the American television series Holocaust, in Sweden marketed with the title Förintelsen. From 1979, the newspapers were filled with articles about the Nazi genocide of Jews during World War II, entitled Förintelsen, while the Scandinavian Institute for Jewish Education and Culture produced teaching materials for all of Sweden's schools and libraries under the term Förintelsen. In 1982, the television series Förintelsen was repeated, surrounded by factual programs, all under the collective name Förintelsen. The word and the concept of Förintelsen had finally, after four years of intensive use, made its way into Swedish language. My work shows that there was a consensus, a common will at Bonniers Förlag, SVT, the media and Jewish organizations to name the Nazi genocide of Jews during World War II under the common name Förintelsen. Everyone worked together to consolidate the word and the concept of Förintelsen. In my work, I have shown that it was not only the title of a TV series that consolidated the concept of Förintelsen in Swedish language. Extensive collaboration was required to establish the word and concept of Förintelsen in Sweden as a unifying concept for the Nazi genocide of Jews during World War II.
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Ris, skäver och skärva : Folklig kategorisering av några barnsjukdomar ur ett kognitivt semantiskt perspektivWestum, Asbjörg January 1999 (has links)
In Swedish dialects we find the terms ris,skäver and skärva referring to illnesses in children. The words are also parts of various compounds which refer to variants of the illnesses. The terms are linguistic expressions denoting two folk categories of illnesses, RIS and SKÄVER/SKÄRVA. These categories are investigated from a cognitive semantic perspective. The cognitive perspective argues that we organize our understanding of reality by using Idealized Cognitive Models (ICM) based on our physical, mental and emotional experiences of the world. The aim is twofold: to demonstrate the bases on which an experienced illness is placed in a certain category, and to show how a folk conception of illness is reflected in the word formation strategies. The word formation strategies emanate from notions of characteristic symptoms, and from notions of causes of illnesses. Both categories, RIS and SKÄVER/SKÄRVA, are based on a number of ICM's. The category RIS is a radial structure, which means that the category is held together although its members have no structural criteria in common. The category SKÄVER/SKÄRVA is a concentrating structure, meaning that all members share all structural criteria. There is a strong connection between word formation strategies and the structures of the categories. Terms related to symptoms refer to members of a category which are part of a radial structure, while terms related to causes refer to members of a category which are part of a concentrating structure. This can be explained by two of the basic assumptions of cognitive semantics: semantic content is structred and symbolized overtly on the surface form of a language and categories are conventional, based on cultural assumptions about the world. / digitalisering@umu
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Semantiska webben och sökmotorer / Semantic web and search enginesHaj-Bolouri, Amir January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den här semantiska webben. Syftet är att undersöka hur den semantiska webben påverkar sökmotorer på webben. Detta sker genom en undersökning av tio olika sökmotorer där nio är semantiskt sådana och den tionde är den mest använda sökmotorn idag. Studien är genomförd som både en deskriptiv och kvantitativ studie. En litteraturundersökning har också genomförts om den semantiska webben och sökmotorer. Slutsatserna av den här studien är att den semantiska webben är mångfacetterad med dess definitioner, och att resultatet kring hur konkreta sökmotorer tillämpar semantiska webbprinciper kan variera beroende vilken sökmotor man interagerar med.Nyckelord: Semantic web, Semantiska webben, Semantik, Informatik, Web 2.0, Internet, Search engines, Sökmotorerthat relates to the semantic web. Therapporten behandlar definitioner av begrepp som är kopplade till denDen här semantiska webben. Syftet är att undersöka hur den semantiska webben påverkar sökmotorer på webben. Detta sker genom en undersökning av tio olika sökmotorer där nio är semantiskt sådana och den tionde är den mest använda sökmotorn idag. Studien är genomförd som både en deskriptiv och kvantitativ studie. En litteraturundersökning har också genomförts om den semantiska webben och sökmotorer. Slutsatserna av den här studien är att den semantiska webben är mångfacetterad med dess definitioner, och att resultatet kring hur konkreta sökmotorer tillämpar semantiska webbprinciper kan variera beroende vilken sökmotor man interagerar med.</p> / <p>This report deals with the definitions and terms main purpose has been to investigate how the semantic web affects search engines on the web. This has been done through an investigation consisting of ten different search engines. Nine of these search engines are considering being semantic search engines, and the last one being the most used one on the web today. The study is conducted as a descriptive and quantitative study. A literature review has also been implemented by the relevant sources about the semantic web and search engines. The conclusions drawn where that the semantic web is multifaceted with its definitions and that the result of how concrete search engines implements semantic web principles can vary depending on which search engine one interacts with.</p>
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Dystopi och jordens undergång : En genreanalys av dystopiska inslag i fiktiv filmStjernström, Elsa, Emanuelsson, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
This study is a research on how dystopian features are expressed within different genres. The purpose is to discuss films that contain dystopian features in relation to genre and to examine if there are shared conventions in the films that can make dystopia a film genre on its own. The theoretical base includes genre theory and Rick Altman’s semantic/syntactic approach to film genre. Five films from different genres, all produced within the time period of 2000-2010, are analyzed with a semantic/syntactic approach to genre and then discussed in relation to dystopia and prior research. By using a semantic/syntactic approach to film genre it is possible to identify shared conventions. Only by using a co-ordinate semantic/syntactic approach is it possible to fully understand the interaction between conventions within a genre. The result shows that there are conventions that are characteristic for dystopia and dystopia can thus be considered a subgenre. The films analyzed in this essay share conventions characteristic for dystopia but also offer variation in form of, for example, theme. The subgenre dystopia therefore offers something familiar but also variation which is central in film genre. The analysis also shows that there are symbols that carry meaning within these films which implies that they have a common iconography.
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Belief Change in Reasoning Agents / Axiomatizations, Semantics and ComputationsJin, Yi 26 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The capability of changing beliefs upon new information in a rational and efficient way is crucial for an intelligent agent. Belief change therefore is one of the central research fields in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for over two decades. In the AI literature, two different kinds of belief change operations have been intensively investigated: belief update, which deal with situations where the new information describes changes of the world; and belief revision, which assumes the world is static. As another important research area in AI, reasoning about actions mainly studies the problem of representing and reasoning about effects of actions. These two research fields are closely related and apply a common underlying principle, that is, an agent should change its beliefs (knowledge) as little as possible whenever an adjustment is necessary. This lays down the possibility of reusing the ideas and results of one field in the other, and vice verse. This thesis aims to develop a general framework and devise computational models that are applicable in reasoning about actions. Firstly, I shall propose a new framework for iterated belief revision by introducing a new postulate to the existing AGM/DP postulates, which provides general criteria for the design of iterated revision operators. Secondly, based on the new framework, a concrete iterated revision operator is devised. The semantic model of the operator gives nice intuitions and helps to show its satisfiability of desirable postulates. I also show that the computational model of the operator is almost optimal in time and space-complexity. In order to deal with the belief change problem in multi-agent systems, I introduce a concept of mutual belief revision which is concerned with information exchange among agents. A concrete mutual revision operator is devised by generalizing the iterated revision operator. Likewise, a semantic model is used to show the intuition and many nice properties of the mutual revision operator, and the complexity of its computational model is formally analyzed. Finally, I present a belief update operator, which takes into account two important problems of reasoning about action, i.e., disjunctive updates and domain constraints. Again, the updated operator is presented with both a semantic model and a computational model.
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Neuropsychologische Profile bei Patienten mit Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJD) und anderen Demenzen / Neuropsychological profiles on patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) and other dementiaWieczorek, Anna 10 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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