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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza implementácie projektu SEPA / Analysis of implmentation of project SEPA

Bachleda, Jozef January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this work is to define and analyze european integration within the payment system of the European Union, with the main focus on project SEPA and its payment instruments. In first part it covers the legislative phase, the general characteristics, goals and advantages of the project, institutions responsible for the implementation and coordintation of the project, EU clearing system and standardization of SEPA payment instruments. Analytical part of thesis focus on description and analysis of economical effects of project and individual SEPA payment instruments and their implementation into national payment system of the EU member states. The last part deal with the issue of implementation of SEPA project in Slovakia.

Defining the avalanche conditions and the potential impacts of climate changeon avalanche danger in Jämtland, Sweden

Kremp, Lea-Carlotta January 2021 (has links)
This study aimed to combine avalanche statistics with climate change models in orderto assess how a change in precipitation patterns, snow depth and snow density canimpact the avalanche danger in Jämtland, Sweden. Existing climate model reportsfrom SMHI and the Swedish county administration offices were used, and avalanchestatistics were compiled using data from SEPA from 2017 to 2020.It was found that days with moderate avalanche danger are most common (56 %) andthat a lot of days the danger is considerable (33%). The most common avalancheproblem is wind-drifted snow. The results show that wind velocity of 8 m/s isconnected to considerable danger in over 80 % of cases and for 10 m/s even 90 %. Dailyprecipitation of 3 mm or more is also connected to considerable danger on 81% of days;independently of wind. Towards the end of the 21st century, precipitation in Jämtland in winter and spring isexpected to increase by up to 50 % whereas snow depth is likely to decrease so muchthat many places will not reach 100 cm anymore (under the conservative RCP8.5scenario). While the snow depth comes with shortened winter seasons, increasedprecipitation is shown to increase the danger level. It is therefore likely that theavalanche forecasting period will be shortened but intensified in terms of danger.In conclusion, this study confirms again that avalanches are difficult to predict, andthat climate change will not make this easier. This makes it essential to keep updatingthe avalanche information that is available not just in Sweden but across the globe.However, the results are inconclusive due to the shortage of data and due to thecomplex combinations of factors that can impact avalanche danger. Further researchis required. / <p>2021-07-02</p>

La sécurisation du marché des services de paiement / The security of payment services market

Diop, Mame Mariama 17 September 2015 (has links)
La transposition de la directive relative aux services de paiement du 13 novembre2007 en droit français est à l’origine de la création d’une nouvelle catégorie d’acteurs bancaires : l’établissement de paiement. La fourniture de services de paiement cesse ainsi d’être du domaine exclusif des établissements de crédit pour devenir l’activité principale des établissements de paiement. S’il est vrai que cette nouvelle répartition des activités bancaires ébranle le monopole bancaire, elle n’y met cependant pas fin. Pour une meilleure lisibilité et un contrôle plus efficace des acteurs, il est proposé une mutation du système bancaire grâce à d’une part une scission complète des activités bancaires, et d’autre part une indépendance des établissements de paiement face aux établissements de crédit. La sécurisation du marché des paiements dépend également de l’encadrement des opérations de paiement. La préservation de la confiance du consommateur est essentielle au bon fonctionnement du marché des services de paiement. / The transposition into French law of the Payment Services Directive of 13November 2007 led to the creation of a new category of players in the banking sector: the payment institution. The provision of payment services is no longer the sole domain of credit institutions but becomes the main activity of payment institutions. Although this new distribution of banking activities undermines thebanking monopoly, it does not terminate it. For a better legibility of the bankingsystem and a more efficient control of banking institutions, it is proposed amutation of the banking system through on the one hand, a complete separation of banking activities, and on the other hand payment institutions independence from credit institutions. Securing the payments services market also depends on the supervision of payment transactions. Preserving consumer’s trust is essential to awell-functioning payment services market.

Vstup ČR do EMU ? výhody, rizika, načasování vstupu do eurozóny, porovnání názorů a vliv společné měny na bankovní systém ČR

Bartošková, Renata January 2007 (has links)
Tématem této diplomové práce je vstup České Republiky do eurozóny a otázky a problémy s tímto krokem spojené. K přijetí eura se nové členské země zavázaly již při podávání žádosti o členství. Vyhlídky na přijetí eura však v ČR nejsou prozatím příznivé. Česká ekonomika sice velmi rychle roste a konvergence k ekonomikám západní Evropy, ale pozitiva tohoto růstu jsou do značné míry vyvážena vysokým zadlužováním státu a nízkými investicemi do oborů s vysokou přidanou hodnotou, které budou klíčové pro naši konkurenceschopnost. Krátkozraká hospodářská politika je jednou z hlavních brzd našeho vstupu do Eurozóny. Zřejmě největším problémem je politický rozměr debaty o euru a závislost splnění maastrichtských kritérií na ekonomických reformách.

Core banking systémy / Core banking systems

Chadima, Antonín January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of core banking systems. The main objective is to analyze the implementation of the SEPA payments into the payment module. The theoretical part defines the concept of core banking systems and its history. It also compares conventional approaches to core banking systems with Islamic ones. The theoretical part also includes chapters about implementation approaches, the most common challenges in implementation and architecture of core banking systems. Next part of thesis is about the basic modules of core banking systems. The practical part is about the analysis of requirements on core banking systems. Especially the requirements that are mandatory from legislation perspective. These are SEPA payments, PSD2 and instant payments. Gap analysis is used as the main method. We chose SEPA payment implemetation as the requirement that we will analyse. There are two possible solutions that can be used. The first one is the customization of the current payment module and the second solution is implementation of the payment hub. The conclusion of the thesis focuses on the best solution for each of two types of bank institutions. The main acquisition of the thesis is the recommended solution for two different types of banks. And second of all, the conclusions which was founded in this thesis should be used for another requirements such as PSD2, the introduction of instant payments, and more.

Entwicklung, Untersuchung und Einsatz neuartiger katalytisch wirksamer Baugruppen zur Darstellung eines besonders emissionsarmen Kaminofens: nach dem Abschlussbericht (DBU-AZ 28412)

Bindig, René, Butt, Saad, Hartmann, Ingo, Dvoracek, Daniel, Einicke, Wolf-Dietrich, Enke, Dirk, Specht, Bodo, Werner, Frank 07 July 2022 (has links)
Im Projekt wurden für eine neuartige Feuerungsstätte eine Steigerung des Wirkungsgrades und eine Verringerung der Emissionen von gesundheitsrelevanten Schadstoffen aus Verbrennungsprozessen untersucht. Dies geschah auf Basis des xeoos der Firma Specht. Die Zielstellung der Vorphase beinhaltete die Synthese geeigneter Spinelle, die anschließend einem Katalysator-Screening sowie einem Formgebungs-Prozess unterzogen wurden. Zur Zielstellung gehörte außerdem die Erzeugung einer porösen Fe3O4-Schicht auf der Oberfläche des Ofenrostes durch Brünieren, wobei die Fe3O4-Schicht durch Imprägnierung mit Salzlösungen zweiwertiger Metalle (Me(II)) und anschließender Kalzinierung in einen katalytisch aktiven Ferrit vom Typ Me(II)Fe2O4, umgewandelt wird. Die Auswahl der für die Modifizierung des Ofenrostes in Frage kommenden Ferrite erfolgte auf Basis des Katalysator-Screenings. Eine α-Al2O3-Schwammkeramik wurde mittels in-situ-Festkörperreaktion zu einem katalytisch aktiven Schwammkeramik-Wandkatalysator umgewandelt. Ebenso wurde ein Beschichtungsverfahren zur Herstellung einer MnOx/Al2O3-Schwammkeramik und dessen Testung auf katalytische Aktivität zur Totaloxidation von Propan erarbeitet. Eine abschließende Testung des vielversprechendsten Systems auf katalytische Aktivität zur Minderung der Schadstoffe CO, VOC und Ruß sowie ein Langzeittest am handelsüblichen xeoos der Firma Specht bildeten den Abschluss der Vorphase.

Rainfall-runoff model application in ungauged catchments in Scotland / Användning av en avrinningsmodell i ett skotskt avrinningsområde utan vattenföringsmätningar

Fionda, Alexander Peter Anthony January 2011 (has links)
The conceptual rainfall-runoff model Hysim is used to estimate the flow in ungauged catchments in Scotland by Scottish Water. However, there are non-quantified uncertainties associated with the outcomes of the modelling strategy used. In order to identify and quantify these uncertainties it was necessary to use the framework of proxy-basin validation in order to evaluate the performance of different modelling strategies.   The proxy-basin validation test requires hydrologically analogous catchments for the evaluation of models, a Region Of Influence regionalisation method was used in order group selected catchments by Q95(%MF). Four groups of four catchments were established, which covered Q95(%MF) 5-7%, 7-9%, 9-11% and 11-13%.   The allocation of “donor catchment” and “target catchment” for each Q95(%MF) group was accomplished through discussion with Scottish Water with respect to existing Scottish Water modelled catchments. A single donor catchment and three target catchments were therefore indicated for each group.   Two modelling strategies were developed by the study; the first full transposition method used the entire optimised parameter-set from the donor catchment with the exception of the target catchment’s “catchment area” parameter. The second partial transposition method used the entire optimal parameter-set with the exception of the target catchment’s “interception storage”, “time to peak”, “rooting depth” and “catchment area” parameters.    It was found that the full transposition method had the least uncertainty associated its use for flow estimation when the parameter-set was derived from a donor catchment calibration that was excellent. Contrarily, it was found that the partial transposition model method had the least uncertainty associated with flow estimation for parameter-sets that were derived from a relatively poor donor catchment calibration.   Encouraged by this testing framework, this study has suggested the use of catalogue of donor parameter-sets that can be used to estimate flow for catchments that are hydrologically similar. This strategy of hydrological modelling has been recommended to improve existing Scottish Water Hysim methodology.

Le transfert international de monnaie : aspect du régime juridique des systèmes de paiement

Petchezi, Awedeou 14 May 2014 (has links)
La monnaie est au coeur des rapports de droit et d’obligation qui se créent dans les transactions des plus simples au plus complexes. Cette prépondérance de la monnaie trouve sa justification dans ses fonctions juridiques et économiques d’instrument de mesure, de réserve de la valeur de biens et services, et également de sa fonction de moyen de paiement. Les flux quotidiens de monnaie révèlent cette importance. Si ces rapports de droit doublés d’une dimension économique sont habituellement confinés dans un cadre géographique étatique, ils suivent aujourd’hui une tendance à l’internationalisation. La circulation de la monnaie suit la même tendance en dépassant le simple cadre des États. Pour assurer le transfert de la monnaie par-delà les frontières, diverses techniques ont pendant longtemps été utilisées. Les premières apparurent dans les foires du Moyen Âge avec l’utilisation des effets de commerce (lettre de change et billet à ordre) et plus tardivement du chèque. Ces premières techniques traditionnelles qui ont la particularité de reposer sur du support papier déclinent et cèdent la place à de nouvelles techniques (virement électronique, carte électronique, porte-monnaie électronique). L’exigence de célérité inhérente à l’activité commerciale a fait ressentir un besoin d’innovation qui s’est traduit par la création de nouvelles techniques de transfert de la monnaie voire d’une nouvelle forme de monnaie : la « monnaie électronique ». Une autre innovation majeure réside dans l’émergence grâce à l’informatique des « systèmes de paiement » qui constituent un nouveau cadre de réalisation des transferts de fonds.L’élément d’extranéité inhérent au caractère international de l’utilisation des nouvelles techniques de transfert de monnaie pose la récurrente problématique des conflits de lois. Si pour les techniques traditionnelles de transferts de fonds, des initiatives d’uniformisation (conventions de Genève relatives à la lettre de change et au chèque) ont permis de résoudre à certains égards cette difficulté, il n’existe pas pour l’heure un cadre légal spécifique régissant l’utilisation internationale des nouvelles techniques de transfert de fonds. Il n’existe non plus à l’échelle internationale, de texte législatif régissant les nouveaux systèmes de transferts de fonds. Face à ce vide législatif, ne convient-il pas de prendre en considération la nature contractuelle des relations qui se nouent grâce à l’informatique dans les systèmes de transferts de fonds et de déterminer une « loi contractuelle » qui aurait vocation à régir les nouvelles techniques de transferts de fonds présentant un caractère international ? Cette thèse se propose à cet effet de démontrer la nature contractuelle des divers rapports qui se nouent dans les systèmes des transferts internationaux de fonds. Une telle qualification contractuelle en amont permet de soutenir en aval l’idée d’une applicabilité d’un régime contractuel aux nouvelles techniques de transferts de fonds. / Legal relations are based essentially on the monetary obligations. The dominant role of money is explained by its legal and economic functions. The daily flow of money transfers attest this importance. If those legal and economic relations are usually located in a limited geographical area, they now follow a movement towards internationalization. The circulation of money also follows the same movement beyond the simple framework of a country. To ensure the funds transfer across borders, various techniques have long time allowed to make international money transfers. Early techniques appeared in fairs of the middle Ages, with the use of commercial paper (bill of exchange or promissory note) and later the check. These traditional instruments which have the characteristic of being based on the paper declined to give way to new techniques. The celerity required by business, has created a need of innovation. It explains the creation of new techniques of money transfer and a new form of currency: the "electronic money”. Another important innovation is the emergence through the computing, "systems" that are a new framework of funds transfers.The foreign element related to international nature of the new techniques of money transfer raises the legal problem of conflict of laws. If for traditional techniques of fund transfer, standardization initiatives (Geneva Conventions on bills of exchange and checks) seem to have solved this problem, there is not presently, any uniform law governing the international use of new techniques of funds transfer. So, is it necessary to consider the nature of contractual relationships which are formed thanks to computing in systems in order to determine a “contract law” able to govern the new techniques of international funds transfers.

Hydropower in Scotland : linking changing energy and environmental agendas with sustainability outcomes

Nelson, Edward January 2013 (has links)
As the UK energy sector moves to a greater contribution from low-carbon and renewable sources it faces significant challenges in delivering affordability, security of supply and sustainability. Although hydropower in Scotland emerged on a large scale in the mid-20th century against an influential, changing wider context of energy policy, environmental regulation and debate, it is now subject to an evolving renewables agenda. This further shapes the national and scheme level characteristics of hydropower and in turn outcomes for the water environment. Contingent upon these considerations, hydropower regulation must now deliver on EU obligations to protect and improve the ecological status of water bodies, whilst also supporting domestic efforts to meet high profile binding renewable energy targets. Yet, despite an acknowledged potential for energy policy to constrain the delivery of water policy objectives, there is little policy harmonisation between disciplines. As Scotland orientates itself as a leader in Europe on climate change, transitioning to increasing amounts of renewable generation across a handful of technologies, there is a gap in knowledge about how specific renewable policies and trends can influence hydropower sustainability outcomes and regulatory challenges. This thesis therefore contributes an innovative and timely critical examination of the effect a changing wider renewable energy and policy context has on hydropower sustainability in Scotland, at a scheme and national level. This research uses an interdisciplinary, temporal analysis to identify linkages and create dialogue between disciplines and scales, informing the pursuit of sustainable renewable energy through policy and regulation in a changing world. It finds firstly, that the changing national generation mix towards an increased contribution from renewable sources, including potentially intermittent technologies such as wind power, has contributed to an alteration in the operational characteristics and reservoir variability profile of Cruachan pumped-storage scheme, presenting positive outcomes for reservoir littoral habitats. Secondly, it finds that whilst not operating in isolation, renewable energy incentive policies, through their eligibility criteria, financial reward frameworks and timing, influence hydropower characteristics and sustainability challenges, providing trade-offs but also synergies for hydropower regulation. Finally, it finds that there is a degree of divergence in hydropower outcomes and challenges in Scotland and Norway, due to the characteristics and especially interaction of wider contextual elements such as topography, profile of precipitation input, national energy needs and the role of regional and municipal government. By highlighting these linkages, this thesis is of value to energy policy and environmental regulation in Scotland and across the EU, and is seen as a first step in addressing these uncertainties and supporting a more integrated and sustainable hydropower and renewables governance framework.

European payment instruments

Pietrowiak, Annett 15 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis sheds light on the functioning and characteristics of payment systems to serve as a foundation for understanding the drivers for higher payment system efficiency. Its central goal is to develop insights into the determinants of collective payment choice suitable to lower payment costs to society. So far, the institutional environment, as potential important influence on the payment instrument mix, has not been focused on in the literature. Therefore, particular emphasis is laid on the empirical analysis of the impact of institutional factors on the share of card payments on consumer spending at the point of sale (POS). For this, a unique panel data set is constructed covering the eight most important European payment markets ranked by non-cash transaction volumes. The empirical results allow formulating conditions necessary to achieve a more efficient payment mix. They also form a basis for the assessment of related policy measures with a focus on the SEPA project in terms of their efficiency enhancing effect. Future research could possibly build upon the panel data collected.

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