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L’influence des conditions environnementales sur le déterminisme du sexe chez la moule bleue (Mytilus edulis)Dalpé, Andréanne 09 1900 (has links)
L’accroissement de la population humaine mondiale a des répercussions majeures, ce n’est donc pas surprenant, compte tenu de la nécessité de nourrir une population grandissante au niveau planétaire, que la production en conchyliculture ait augmenté au cours des dernières décennies. Or, les connaissances acquises concernant les divers facteurs du déterminisme du sexe et du rapport des sexes chez les bivalves sont très limitées et cela pourrait ralentir grandement le taux de production des éleveurs et leur capacité à intervenir si les stocks venaient à diminuer de façon inquiétante. Certains travaux mentionnent que certains facteurs environnementaux, comme la température, auraient un effet sur le rapport des sexes chez une variété de bivalves, incluant la moule bleue commerciale Mytilus edulis, quoiqu’aucune étude n’ait validé cette dernière possibilité. Cela dit, il est possible que l’environnement des adultes puisse aussi affecter le phénotype de la progéniture. En effet, une transmission intergénérationnelle a déjà été identifiée chez Mytilus, mais la possibilité que les conditions des parents affectent le rapport des sexes spécifiquement n’a jamais été abordée. Il est toutefois connu qu’un facteur maternel présent dans l’œuf affecte le sexe de la progéniture et que cette espèce de bivalve a un mode de transmission des mitochondries particulier. Ce mode de transmission appelé « transmission doublement uniparentale » a rendu possible l’identification du sexe chez les embryons. De cette façon, 1938 embryons provenant de 25 croisements artificiels réalisés à trois températures et effectués lors de trois différentes années ont été analysés. Nos analyses mettent en évidence une variation significative dans la proportion de larves femelles entre les années passant de 64 % à 98 %. Dans certains cas, la proportion de femelle varie de 0 à 100 % entre les différents traitements. Même si un effet général sur le rapport des sexes n’était pas significatif, chaque croisement s’est avéré avoir une norme de réaction qui lui est propre face aux 3 différentes températures. Cette étude met en valeur l’effet important de l’environnement sur le déterminisme du sexe chez M. edulis, autant chez les parents que lors du développement des embryons. / The factors affecting sex determination still remain unknown for most bivalve species. Some studies reported that environmental factors, such as temperature, influence sex determination in certain species, and this has been hypothesized also for the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, but not experimentally validated yet. Adult exposure to different environmental conditions during gametogenesis, which occurs seasonally, may also affect offspring phenotype, including sex determination. Intergenerational carryover effects have been reported in bivalves, but the impact of parental exposures on offspring sex determination has not been examined so far. To address these questions, artificial fertilizations were performed on individuals collected in three different years and their embryos and larvae were reared at three different temperatures to specifically test if the environment influence offspring sex ratio through effects on parental developing gametes and/or on developing embryos. We took advantage of the doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria in bivalves to determine the sex of the larvae. The analysis of 1938 larvae from 25 crosses revealed that the overall proportion of female larvae was significantly different among years, varying from 64 % to 98 %. While the proportion of female larvae across temperature ranged from 0 to 100 % in some cases, the reaction norms were cross-specific and there were no significant effects of rearing temperature on sex ratio. Taken together, our results suggested that sex determination in M. edulis occur during the gametogenesis according to the genotype of the parents, but could also be changed during the development. More importantly, both processes are strongly affected by environmental conditions.
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Impact des bactéries féminisantes du genre Wolbachia sur l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels d'isopodes terrestres / Impact of a feminizing endosymbiotic bacteria (genus Wolbachia) on the evolution of terrestrial isopods sex chromosomesBecking, Thomas 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les Oniscidea présentent une diversité remarquable de systèmes chromosomiques de déterminisme du sexe (hétérogamétie mâle XX/XY ou hétérogamétie femelle ZW/ZZ), dont l'origine reste encore largement inconnue à ce jour. Il a été proposé que ces différents systèmes puissent être le produit de la coévolution entre les isopodes terrestres et Wolbachia, une bactérie endosymbiotique féminisante transmise verticalement par voie ovocytaire. Dans le but de caractériser l'impact de l'endosymbiose à Wolbachia sur l'évolution des mécanismes de déterminisme du sexe, nous avons utilisé une combinaison d'approches génomique, transcriptomique et d'expression de gènes. Tout d'abord, le génome de l'espèce Armadillidium nasatum (caractérisée par un système XX/XY) a été généré et ensuite annoté structurellement et fonctionnellement. A partir de ce génome, des approches de génomique comparatives ont permis la caractérisation de séquences liées au chromosomes Y, afin de mieux comprendre les processus impliqués dans la dégénérescence des gonosomes. Afin d'identifier des effecteurs liés au déterminisme ou à la différenciation du sexe, une approche par gènes candidats a permis de caractériser des gènes à domaines DM, connus pour être impliqués dans le déterminisme du sexe de nombreuses espèces, et d'en mesurer l'expression au cours du temps. Enfin, une phylogénie des Oniscidea a été réalisée en parallèle d'expériences de réversion de sexe afin d'estimer le nombre et la direction des transitions de systèmes d'hétérogamétie au cours de l'évolution des isopodes terrestres. Ces travaux contribuent à illustrer l'impact de l'endosymbiose sur l'évolution des mécanismes de déterminisme du sexe de l'hôte. / Oniscidea show a remarkable diversity of chromosomal sex determination systems (male heterogamety XX/XY or female heterogamety ZW / ZZ). However, the origin of such diversity is still largely unknown to date. It has been proposed that these different systems may be the product of the coevolution between terrestrial isopods and Wolbachia, a feminizing endosymbiotic bacteria transmitted vertically through oocytes. In order to characterize the impact of Wolbachia endosymbiosis on the evolution of sex determination mechanisms, we used a combination of genomic, transcriptomic and gene expression approaches. First, the genome of the species Armadillidium nasatum (characterized by an XX/XY system) was generated and then structurally and functionally annotated. From this genome, a comparative genomic approach allowed us to characterize sequences Y-linked, in order to better understand the processes involved in the sex chromosome degeneration. In order to identify effectors potentially related to sex determination or differentiation, a candidate gene approach has been used to characterize DM-domain genes, known to be involved in the sex determination pathways of many species, and then to measure their expression over development. Finally, a Oniscidea phylogeny was generated in parallel with sex-reversal experiments in order to characterize the number and the direction of the transitions of heterogenetic systems during the terrestrial isopods evolution. This work emphasize the impact of endosymbiosis on the evolution of host sex determination mechanisms.
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Cryptic Dioecy in <em>Consolea</em> (Cactaceae): Sex Determination & Evolutionary ImplicationsStrittmatter, Lara I. 15 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Sex determination and interspecies hybridization in zebrafish <i>Danio rerio</i> and pearl danio <i>D. albolineatus</i>Delomas, Thomas Allin 17 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of Novel High-Resolution Melting (HRM) Assays for Gender Identification of Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) and other BirdsChapman, Alexandra 14 March 2013 (has links)
Unambiguous gender identification (ID) is needed to assess parameters in studies of population dynamics, behavior, and evolutionary biology of Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) and other birds. Due to its importance for management and conservation, molecular (DNA-based) avian gender ID assays targeting intron-size differences of the Chromosome Helicase ATPase DNA Binding (CHD) gene of males (CHD-Z) and females (CHD-W) have been developed. Male (ZZ) and female (WZ) genotypes are usually scored as size polymorphisms through agarose or acrylamide gels. For certain species, W-specific restriction sites or multiplex polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) involving CHD-W specific primers are needed.
These approaches involve a minimum of three steps following DNA isolation: PCR, gel electrophoresis, and photo-documentation, which limit high throughput scoring and automation potential. In here, a short amplicon (SA) High-resolution Melting Analysis (HRMA) assay for avian gender ID is developed. SA-HRMA of an 81-Base Pair (bp) segment differentiates heteroduplex female (WZ) from homoduplex male (ZZ) genotypes by targeting Single-nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) instead of intron-size differences between CHD-Z and CHD-W genes.
To demonstrate the utility of the approach, the gender of Caribbean Flamingo (P. ruber ruber) (17 captive from the Dallas Zoo and 359 wild from Ria Lagartos, Yucatan, Mexico) was determined. The assay was also tested on specimens of Lesser Flamingo (P. minor), Chilean Flamingo (P. chilensis), Saddle-billed Stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis), Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber), White-bellied Stork (Ciconia abdimii), Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), Marabou Stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus), Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus), and Attwater's Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri). Although the orthologous 81 bp segments of Z and W are highly conserved, sequence alignments with 50 avian species across 15 families revealed mismatches affecting one or more nucleotides within the SA-HRMA forward or reverse primers. Most mismatches were located along the CHD-Z gene that may generate heteroduplex curves and thus gender ID errors. For such cases, taxon and species-specific primer sets were designed. The SA-HRMA gender ID assay can be used in studies of avian ecology and behavior, to assess sex-associated demographics and migratory patterns, and as a proxy to determine the health of the flock and the degree by which conservation and captive breeding programs are functioning.
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Predicting leatherback sea turtle sex ratios using spatial interpolation of nesting beach temperaturesUnknown Date (has links)
Sex determination in leatherback sea turtles is directed primarily by the temperatures a
clutch experiences during the middle third of development. Warmer temperatures tend to produce females will cooler temperatures yield males. Nest temperatures can vary
spatially and temporally. During the 2010 and 2011 nesting seasons, this study estimated the hatchling sex ratio of leatherback sea turtles on Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge (SPNWR), St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. I measured sand temperatures from May- August and across the spatial range of leatherback nesting habitat. I spatially interpolated those temperatures to create maps that predicted temperatures for all nests incubating on SPWNR. Nest temperatures were also directly measured and compared with predicted nest temperatures to validate the prediction model. Sexes of dead-in-nest hatchlings and full term embryos were used to confirm the sex-temperature response. The model showed that microclimatic variation likely impacts the production of both sexes on SPNWR. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.
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Distúrbio do desenvolvimento sexual 46,XX testicular SRY negativo sindrômico devido à mutação missense no gene RSPO1: estudo clínico, molecular e histológico de grande família consanguínea brasileira / SRY-negative syndromic 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development due to missense homozygous RSPO1 mutation: clinical, molecular and histological study of a large consanguineous Brazilian familySilva, Rosana Barbosa 22 October 2015 (has links)
Nos mamíferos, a determinação sexual é governada pelo equilíbrio entre duas vias de sinalização paralelas e antagônicas: a via masculina SOX9/FGF9 e a via feminina RSPO1/beta-catenina/WNT4. A R-spondina 1 é uma importante reguladora do processo de diferenciação ovariana e atua modulando a via de sinalização Wnt canônica (Wnt/beta-catenina). Em humanos, mutações em RSPO1 causam uma rara síndrome genética autossômica recessiva caracterizada por Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento Sexual (DDS) 46,XX Testicular ou Ovotesticular, hiperceratose palmoplantar (HPP) e predisposição para o desenvolvimento de carcinoma de células escamosas (MIM 610644). Identificamos um paciente brasileiro, proveniente de uma grande família consanguínea, que apresentava a associação de HPP e DDS 46,XX Testicular SRY negativo. A avaliação da região codificadora do gene RSPO1 identificou a nova variante alélica c.305G>A (p.Cys102Tyr). O estudo de segregação realizado em 67 familiares demonstrou que a variante c.305G>A segrega em perfeita concordância com o fenótipo de HPP, exibindo um padrão de herança autossômico recessivo. Na família foram identificados 10 indivíduos afetados pelo fenótipo de HPP. As avaliações clínica e hormonal e os estudos molecular e citogenético nesses indivíduos resultou na caracterização de: (a) quatro indivíduos do sexo masculino 46,XX e/ou SRY negativo, com ambiguidade genital e perfil hormonal alterado; (b) cinco indivíduos do sexo masculino 46,XY e/ou SRY positivo, sem ambiguidade genital, com perfil hormonal normal e (c) uma mulher 46,XX, fértil. Experimentos de transfecção transitória in vitro demostraram que a proteína mutante tem menor capacidade de transativação do plasmídio reporter da via Wnt. As simulações de dinâmica molecular constataram que a troca p.Cys102Tyr aumenta a flexibilidade do backbone da R-spondina-1, diminuindo a energia de ligação da proteína ao complexo de receptores, LGR5 e RNF43. Em conjunto, nossos achados demonstram que a variante c.305G > A é patogênica, sendo responsável pela síndrome genética diagnosticada na família brasileira. As análises de expressão gênica e os estudos de imuno-histoquímica, por sua vez, detectaram um aumento da expressão do gene SOX9 e maior imonorreatividade para a proteína Sox9 no tecido testicular do caso índice. Esses resultados sugerem que o processo de reversão sexual nos indivíduos XX ocorra por uma hiperexpressão de SOX9 secundária à menor ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina na gônada durante a embriogênese. No presente estudo também relatamos o primeiro caso de indivíduo de cariótipo 46,XX portador de mutação em homozigose no gene RSPO1 que não desenvolveu DDS. A variabilidade do fenótipo sexual não está associada com alterações no número de cópias dos genes WNT4 ou do SOX9 e região cis-regulatória. No entanto, a avaliação do exoma da família encontrou uma associação entre o polimorfismo do receptor LGR5 rs17109924 e a atenuação do fenótipo de DDS. Todavia, serão necessários estudos funcionais para esclarecer o impacto biológico da interação das variantes RSPO1 p.Cys102Tyr e LGR5 rs171099 / In mammals, sex determination is governed by the balance between two parallel and antagonic signaling pathways: the male SOX9/FGF9 and the female, RSPO1/beta-catenin/WNT4 pathways. R-spondin 1 regulates the ovarian differentiation process by its modulating action through the canonic Wnt pathway (Wnt/beta-catenin). In humans, patogenic mutations in RSPO1 cause a rare, autosomic recessive syndrome characterized by 46,XX Testicular or Ovotesticular disorders of sexual development (DSD), palmoplantar keratosis (PPK) and predisposition to squamous cell carcinoma (MIM 610644). We identified and studied a SRY-negative 46,XX DSD patient with PPK from a large, consaguineous, brazillian family. Through a \"candidate gene\" approach we identified in the proband a new allelic variant in the coding region of RSPO1, c.305G > A. This variant presented full concordance with the PPK phenotype by segregation analyses in 10 of 67 members of this family. Clinical, hormonal, cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies characterized three patterns in individuals with this variant: (a) four 46,XX and/or SRY-negative males with ambiguous genitalia and altered hormonal profile; (b) five 46,XY and/or SRY-positive males without ambiguous genitalia with normal hormonal profile; (c) one 46,XX fertile woman. In vitro experiments demonstrated that transient transfection of the mutant protein resulted in lower transactivation of the Wnt pathway-reporter plasmid. Moreover, molecular dinamic studies showed that p.Cys102Tyr increased the R-spondin-1 backbone flexibility, thus decreasing the interaction between this protein and its receptors, LGR5 and RNF43. Thus, both in vitro and in silico analysis demonstrate the pathogenicity of the RSPO1 variant c.305G > A. In addition, in the index case, a higher expression of SOX9, corroborated by a reactive immunohistochemistry in testicular tissue, suggested that the process of sexual reversal in the XX individual is driven by a higher SOX9 expression possibly due to a lower Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway activation during embriogenesis. In this study, we also reported the first 46,XX individual with RSPO1 mutation without DSD, in which no copy number abnormality was detected in WNT4, SOX9 and its cisregulatory regions. Whole exome sequencing of the affected individuals revealed, in turn, that the LGR5 rs17109924 polymorphism associates with a protacted DSD phenotype in the fertile woman with normal hormonal profile. Despite this evidence, future studies are nedded to address causality and biological impact between RSPO1 p.Cys102Tyr and LGR5 rs17109924 variants
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Quantitative and molecular genetic studies on temperature-dependent sex determination of Nile tilapia (<i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>) / Quantitativ- und molekulargenetische Studien zur temperaturabhängigen Geschlechtsdetermination von Niltilapien (<i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>)Lühmann, Liane-Magdalena 02 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Distúrbio do desenvolvimento sexual 46,XX testicular SRY negativo sindrômico devido à mutação missense no gene RSPO1: estudo clínico, molecular e histológico de grande família consanguínea brasileira / SRY-negative syndromic 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development due to missense homozygous RSPO1 mutation: clinical, molecular and histological study of a large consanguineous Brazilian familyRosana Barbosa Silva 22 October 2015 (has links)
Nos mamíferos, a determinação sexual é governada pelo equilíbrio entre duas vias de sinalização paralelas e antagônicas: a via masculina SOX9/FGF9 e a via feminina RSPO1/beta-catenina/WNT4. A R-spondina 1 é uma importante reguladora do processo de diferenciação ovariana e atua modulando a via de sinalização Wnt canônica (Wnt/beta-catenina). Em humanos, mutações em RSPO1 causam uma rara síndrome genética autossômica recessiva caracterizada por Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento Sexual (DDS) 46,XX Testicular ou Ovotesticular, hiperceratose palmoplantar (HPP) e predisposição para o desenvolvimento de carcinoma de células escamosas (MIM 610644). Identificamos um paciente brasileiro, proveniente de uma grande família consanguínea, que apresentava a associação de HPP e DDS 46,XX Testicular SRY negativo. A avaliação da região codificadora do gene RSPO1 identificou a nova variante alélica c.305G>A (p.Cys102Tyr). O estudo de segregação realizado em 67 familiares demonstrou que a variante c.305G>A segrega em perfeita concordância com o fenótipo de HPP, exibindo um padrão de herança autossômico recessivo. Na família foram identificados 10 indivíduos afetados pelo fenótipo de HPP. As avaliações clínica e hormonal e os estudos molecular e citogenético nesses indivíduos resultou na caracterização de: (a) quatro indivíduos do sexo masculino 46,XX e/ou SRY negativo, com ambiguidade genital e perfil hormonal alterado; (b) cinco indivíduos do sexo masculino 46,XY e/ou SRY positivo, sem ambiguidade genital, com perfil hormonal normal e (c) uma mulher 46,XX, fértil. Experimentos de transfecção transitória in vitro demostraram que a proteína mutante tem menor capacidade de transativação do plasmídio reporter da via Wnt. As simulações de dinâmica molecular constataram que a troca p.Cys102Tyr aumenta a flexibilidade do backbone da R-spondina-1, diminuindo a energia de ligação da proteína ao complexo de receptores, LGR5 e RNF43. Em conjunto, nossos achados demonstram que a variante c.305G > A é patogênica, sendo responsável pela síndrome genética diagnosticada na família brasileira. As análises de expressão gênica e os estudos de imuno-histoquímica, por sua vez, detectaram um aumento da expressão do gene SOX9 e maior imonorreatividade para a proteína Sox9 no tecido testicular do caso índice. Esses resultados sugerem que o processo de reversão sexual nos indivíduos XX ocorra por uma hiperexpressão de SOX9 secundária à menor ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina na gônada durante a embriogênese. No presente estudo também relatamos o primeiro caso de indivíduo de cariótipo 46,XX portador de mutação em homozigose no gene RSPO1 que não desenvolveu DDS. A variabilidade do fenótipo sexual não está associada com alterações no número de cópias dos genes WNT4 ou do SOX9 e região cis-regulatória. No entanto, a avaliação do exoma da família encontrou uma associação entre o polimorfismo do receptor LGR5 rs17109924 e a atenuação do fenótipo de DDS. Todavia, serão necessários estudos funcionais para esclarecer o impacto biológico da interação das variantes RSPO1 p.Cys102Tyr e LGR5 rs171099 / In mammals, sex determination is governed by the balance between two parallel and antagonic signaling pathways: the male SOX9/FGF9 and the female, RSPO1/beta-catenin/WNT4 pathways. R-spondin 1 regulates the ovarian differentiation process by its modulating action through the canonic Wnt pathway (Wnt/beta-catenin). In humans, patogenic mutations in RSPO1 cause a rare, autosomic recessive syndrome characterized by 46,XX Testicular or Ovotesticular disorders of sexual development (DSD), palmoplantar keratosis (PPK) and predisposition to squamous cell carcinoma (MIM 610644). We identified and studied a SRY-negative 46,XX DSD patient with PPK from a large, consaguineous, brazillian family. Through a \"candidate gene\" approach we identified in the proband a new allelic variant in the coding region of RSPO1, c.305G > A. This variant presented full concordance with the PPK phenotype by segregation analyses in 10 of 67 members of this family. Clinical, hormonal, cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies characterized three patterns in individuals with this variant: (a) four 46,XX and/or SRY-negative males with ambiguous genitalia and altered hormonal profile; (b) five 46,XY and/or SRY-positive males without ambiguous genitalia with normal hormonal profile; (c) one 46,XX fertile woman. In vitro experiments demonstrated that transient transfection of the mutant protein resulted in lower transactivation of the Wnt pathway-reporter plasmid. Moreover, molecular dinamic studies showed that p.Cys102Tyr increased the R-spondin-1 backbone flexibility, thus decreasing the interaction between this protein and its receptors, LGR5 and RNF43. Thus, both in vitro and in silico analysis demonstrate the pathogenicity of the RSPO1 variant c.305G > A. In addition, in the index case, a higher expression of SOX9, corroborated by a reactive immunohistochemistry in testicular tissue, suggested that the process of sexual reversal in the XX individual is driven by a higher SOX9 expression possibly due to a lower Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway activation during embriogenesis. In this study, we also reported the first 46,XX individual with RSPO1 mutation without DSD, in which no copy number abnormality was detected in WNT4, SOX9 and its cisregulatory regions. Whole exome sequencing of the affected individuals revealed, in turn, that the LGR5 rs17109924 polymorphism associates with a protacted DSD phenotype in the fertile woman with normal hormonal profile. Despite this evidence, future studies are nedded to address causality and biological impact between RSPO1 p.Cys102Tyr and LGR5 rs17109924 variants
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Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) enrichment for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) : a comparison of molecular techniquesSillence, Kelly January 2016 (has links)
Prenatal assessment of fetal health is routinely offered throughout pregnancy to ensure that the most effective management can be provided to maintain fetal and maternal well-being. Currently, invasive testing is used for definitive diagnosis of fetal aneuploidy, which is associated with a 1% risk of iatrogenic fetal loss. Developing non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is a key area of research and methods to increase the level of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) within the maternal circulation have been discussed to improve accuracy of such tests. In this study, three strategies; co-amplification at lower denaturation temperature polymerase chain reaction (COLD-PCR), inverse-PCR and Pippin Prep™ gel electrophoresis, were analysed to identify a novel approach to selectively enrich shorter cffDNA fragments from larger maternal cell-free DNA (cfDNA). The sensitivity of droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) against real-time PCR (qPCR) was compared for fetal sex and RHD genotyping. In addition RHD zygosity testing was carried out for non-maternal samples. Consequently, Pippin Prep™ gel electrophoresis was combined with ddPCR analysis for the NIPD of Down Syndrome (DS) in pseudo-maternal samples. The results revealed that the Pippin Prep™ gel electrophoresis enrichment approach successfully demonstrated 2-fold to 5-fold increases in the cffDNA fraction. However, further optimisation assays of COLD-PCR and inverse-PCR using actual maternal samples were required. The spike experiments for DS detection revealed that with the present assay IV overrepresentation of the chromosome 21 target could be significantly detected for samples with ≥15% ‘cffDNA fraction’. In conjunction with the Pippin Prep™ enrichment method, this would have enabled assessment of all 10 maternal samples. Alternatively, fetal sex and RHD genotyping results determined that ddPCR provides a more sensitive platform compared to qPCR approaches, particularly for samples that express low cffDNA fractions (<2%). The ddPCR platform also proved to be a rapid and accurate system for the determination of RHD zygosity. This study highlights that ddPCR could be used as opposed to qPCR for accurate determination of fetal sex and RHD status. While sequencing approaches currently provide the most sensitive platforms for NIPT of fetal aneuploidy, high costs (>£400) prevent universal application. The combination of cffDNA enrichment with ddPCR analysis could provide a cheaper and more widely available platform for NIPD. However, further large scale validation studies using actual maternal samples are required.
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