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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is it possible to forecast which firms will be shorted? : Evidence from S&P 500

Mårs, Joakim, Stark, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine whether it is possible to forecast which firmswill be shorted. To do this a regression was constructed using a sample of thecompanies currently included in S&P 500. Short interest as percentage offloat was set as the dependent variable with volatility, institutionalownership, past stock returns, growth in net sales and price-to-earnings ratio(P/E) as the independent variables. Our results concluded that all variablesexcept institutional ownership were statistically significant at a 5% level withthree of these being significant even at a 1% level. Based on these results, webelieve that it to a certain degree is possible to forecast which firms will beshorted.

Betydelsen av kunskap vid bemötandet av klienter med NPF : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av socialsekreterares upplevelser av teoretisk respektive praktisk kunskap / The significance of knowledge in treatment of clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities : A qualitative study based on interviews that examines social workers experiences of theoretical and practical knowledge

Dahlqvist, Olivia, Hallman, Therese January 2021 (has links)
The study examines in what way social workers who handle financial assistance experience the impact of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in treatment of clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate what opportunities and limitations there are for acquiring this knowledge. The study is based on an inductive approach where nine social workers were interviewed through qualitative semi-structured interviews. Qualitative content analysis has been applied as the analysis method of the study where two main categories were identified: Theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are significant for a more favorable treatment of clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities and Theoretical and practical knowledge becomes personal. Furthermore, the results have been analyzed on the basis of previous research combined with the study's theoretical starting point: theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge, with inspiration from the theory of knowledge. The results of the study show that theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge can enable a more favorable treatment of clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities. The results also indicate that the practical knowledge is attributed to greater significance than what the theoretical knowledge is emphasized to do. Furthermore, the study results demonstrate that the social workers’ knowledge acquisition will be limited based on whether the organization provides education, methods, guidance or the opportunity to read at the workplace. The social workers’ opportunities for acquiring knowledge thus become dependent on the professional's own interest and experiences, and the knowledge can thus be thought to be personal. / Studien undersöker hur socialsekreterare som handlägger ekonomiskt bistånd upplever att teoretisk respektive praktisk kunskap kan ha för betydelse vid bemötandet av klienter med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka vilka möjligheter och begränsningar det finns för att inhämta denna kunskap. Studien utgår ifrån en induktiv ansats där nio socialsekreterare intervjuades genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. I studien har kvalitativ innehållsanalys applicerats som analysmetod där två huvudkategorier har identifierats: Teoretisk kunskap samt praktisk kunskap har betydelse för ett mer fördelaktigt bemötande av klienter med NPF och Teoretisk kunskap samt praktisk kunskap blir personbunden. Vidare har resultatet analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning förenat med studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt: teoretisk kunskap och praktisk kunskap, med inspiration från kunskapsteorin. Studiens resultat påvisar att teoretisk kunskap samt praktisk kunskap kan möjliggöra för ett mer fördelaktigt bemötande gentemot klienter med NPF, däremot tillskrivs den praktiska kunskapen större betydelse än vad den teoretiska kunskapen framhålls göra. Vidare indikerar studiens resultat på att socialsekreterarnas kunskapsinhämtning blir begränsad utifrån om organisationen tillhandahåller utbildning, metoder, handledning eller möjlighet till lästid på arbetsplatsen. Socialsekreterarnas möjligheter för kunskapsinhämtning blir därmed beroende av den professionellas eget intresse och egna erfarenheter, och kunskapen kan därmed tänkas bli personbunden.

The "Isolated Find" Concept And Its Consequences In Public Archaeology

Morton, Jesse 09 May 2015 (has links)
The term “isolated find” has frequently been taken as a disposable artifact category in cultural resource management (CRM). Efforts were made to empirically demonstrate the fallacy of this concept and its use, using modified field sampling strategies, the inclusion of fine screen artifact analysis, and statistical analyses. Six sites containing prehistoric occupations on Camp McCain National Guard base in Grenada County, Mississippi were reinvestigated using these methods; their datasets were expanded in terms of site size, density, function, and temporal association, which may change their eligibility status for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Fieldwork and classification based solutions are offered to account for biases introduced by current standard methods of sampling and site delineation during Phase I archaeological survey.

Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Major Depressive Disorder and Its Related Phenotypes.

Aragam, Nagesh Ramarao 17 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a complex and chronic disease that ranks fourth as cause of disability worldwide. Thirteen to 14 million adults in the U.S. are believed to have MDD and an estimated 75% attempt suicide making MDD a major public health problem. Recently several genome-wide association (GWA) studies of MDD have been reported; however, few GWA studies focus on the analysis for MDD related phenotypes such as neuroticism and age at onset of MDD. The purpose of this study is to determine risk factors for MDD, identify genome-wide genetic variants affecting neuroticism and age at onset as quantitative traits, and detect gender differences influencing neuroticism. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed on 1,738 MDD cases and 1,618 non-MDD controls to determine phenotypic risk factors for MDD. Multiple linear regression analyses in PLINK software were used for GWA analyses for neuroticism and age at onset of MDD with 437,547 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Gender (OR: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.24 - 1.64) and a family history (OR: 2.88; 95% CI: 2.48 - 3.35) were significantly associated with an increased risk of MDD, which supports the findings of prior studies. Through GWA analysis 34 SNPs were identified to be associated with neuroticism (p < 10-4). The best SNP was rs4806846 within the TMPRSS9 gene (p = 7.79 x10-6). Furthermore, 46 SNPs were found showing significant gene x gender interactions for neuroticism with p<10-4. The best SNP showing gene x gender interaction was rs2430132 (p = 5.37x10-6) in HMCN1 gene. In addition, GWA analysis showed that several SNPs within 4 genes (GPR143, ASS1P4, MXRA5 and MAGEC1/2) were significantly associated with age at onset of MDD (p < 5x10-7). This study confirmed previous findings that MDD is associated with an increased prevalence in women (about 43% more compared to men) and is highly heritable among first degree relatives. Several novel genetic loci were identified to be associated with neuroticism and age at onset. Gender differences were found in genetic influence of neuroticism. These findings offer the potential for new insights into the pathogenesis of MDD.

Emerging Trends in Greenhouse Gas Thresholds of Significance for Use Under the California Environmental Quality Act

Mathison, Nancy E 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study determined the state of the practice and emerging trends in developing greenhouse gas (GHG) thresholds of significance for use under the California Environmental Policy Act (CEQA). To describe the adopted, proposed or considered approaches for developing thresholds of significance by air districts and the thought processes behind these decisions, information was obtained through surveys and phone interviews from twelve employees of air districts in California, State agencies, and consultants that are considered experts on this issue. The results of this study include a comparison matrix of the approaches of the three air districts that have adopted or proposed GHG thresholds of significance, and identification of the common themes from air districts’ responses that do not have adopted or proposed thresholds. While the development of GHG thresholds of significance is an evolving practice, emerging trends in this practice were identified. These trends include providing flexibility in options, an emphasis on programmatic approaches and a preference of including bright-line thresholds and efficiency thresholds. Furthermore, this paper concludes that while the three air districts that have proposed or adopted thresholds have laid the groundwork for other districts, some of the approaches or the thresholds themselves may not be easily transferable to other districts based on regional differences. This research provides insight into how GHG emissions might be addressed in CEQA documents throughout the State.

Gestaltning av entréområden för offentliga byggnader

Edfast, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Akademiska Hus håller tillsammans med Luleå tekniska universitet på att utveckla ett nytt kvarter på universitetsområdet i Luleå idag. Det nya kvarteret som går under arbetsnamnet Deltakvarteret befinner sig fortfarande i ett tidigt skede i byggprocessen och det finns därmed ingen färdig utformning av kvarteret och den kommande byggnaden idag. I dagsläget finns endast ett flertal skissförslag på hur kvarteret skulle kunna utformas. Syftet med det här examensarbetet var därmed att undersöka hur ett entréområde kan gestaltas samt att ta fram specifika riktlinjer för hur Deltakvarterets nya huvudentré kan utformas. För att besvara forskningsfrågorna och uppfylla studiens syfte utfördes en litteraturstudie samt en platsanalys av den plats där den nya huvudentrén till Deltakvarteret ska placeras. Litteraturstudien hade tre olika perspektiv: entréns betydelse genom tiderna, vilka regelverk som styr utformningen av entréer i Sverige idag samt hur det nordiska klimatet i Sverige påverkar utformningen. Platsanalysen utfördes utifrån Jan Gehls analysmetod 12 kvalitetskriterier vilken bygger på en checklista för att bedöma hur välfungerande och inbjudande det offentliga rummet är. Syftet med platsanalysen var att undersöka de styrkor och svagheter som det blivande entréområdet har idag för att ta fram riktlinjer som kan stärka eventuella svagheter. Litteraturstudien visade på att entréer till byggnader har varit av stor betydelse genom tiderna då den bland annat har fungerat som ett sätt att visa på den status och makt som byggnadens invånare har i samhället. Däremot har dess utseende varierat efter de rådande arkitektoniska stilarna samt byggnadsteknikerna. Litteraturstudien visade även att det finns ett antal regelverk att förhålla sig till vid nybyggnation av en entré i Sverige idag, där framför allt Boverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd är tillämpningsbara på entréer. Dock är de krav som ställs i BBR inte alltid tillräckliga och det kan därmed krävas ytterligare anpassningar för att uppnå en bra tillgänglighet. I nordiska klimat krävs det att utformningen av både entréer och byggnader i sin helhet tar hänsyn till klimatet för att undvika de negativa aspekter som vinterklimatet annars kan medföra. Tre viktiga aspekter som identifierats var att hålla de varma temperaturerna inomhus och de kalla utomhus, skapa skydd mot kalla vintervindar samt att släppa in vintersolen i byggnaden. Gehl-analysen visade på att den studerade ytan till största del uppnådde en acceptabel nivå för de tolv kvalitetskriterierna enligt metoden, men att vissa åtgärder fortfarande krävs för att uppnå ett lyckat stadsrum. De åtgärder som krävdes var bland annat att skapa mer skydd mot obehagliga sinnesupplevelser samt att skapa fler möjligheter att stå och sitta ned i stadsrummet.  Studiens bidrag är att sammanfatta och lyfta de aspekter som är viktiga att ha i åtanke när en ny huvudentré till en offentlig byggnad utformas i Sverige idag, där såväl styrande regelverk för entréns utformning och de anpassningar som krävs för det nordiska klimatet som entréns betydelse för en byggnad inkluderas. Studien har även bidragit till att ta fram riktlinjer som Deltakvarteret kan förhålla sig till vid utformningen av dess nya huvudentré. / Akademiska Hus, together with Luleå University of Technology, is currently developing a new block on the university campus in Luleå. The new block, which goes by the working name the Delta Block, is still at an early stage in the construction process and thus there is no finished design of the block and the upcoming building today. At present, there are only several sketch proposals on how the block could be designed. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how an entrance area could be designed and to develop specific guidelines for how the Delta Block's new main entrance could be designed. To answer the research questions and fulfil the purpose of the study, a literature study was performed as well as a site analysis of the place where the new main entrance to the Delta Block will be located. The literature study had three different perspectives: the importance of the entrance through the ages, the regulations that govern the design of entrances in Sweden today, and how the Nordic climate in Sweden affects the design. The site analysis was performed based on Jan Gehl's analysis method 12 quality criteria, which is based on a checklist to assess how well-functioning and inviting the public space is. The purpose of the site analysis was to examine the strengths and weaknesses that the future entrance area has today in order to develop guidelines that can strengthen any weaknesses. The literature study showed that entrances to buildings have been of great importance through the ages as it has, among other things, served as a way to show the status and power that the building's inhabitants have in society. However, its appearance has varied according to the prevailing architectural styles as well as the building techniques. The literature study also showed that there are a number of regulations to comply with when building an entrance in Sweden today, where above all the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's regulations and general guidelines are applicable to entrances. However, the requirements set in the BBR are not always sufficient and further adjustments may be required to achieve good accessibility. In the Nordic climate, it is required that the design of both entrances and buildings takes the climate into account in order to avoid the negative aspects that the winter climate may otherwise entail. Three important aspects identified were keeping the warm temperatures indoors and the cold outdoors, creating protection against cold winter winds and to let the winter sun into the building. The Gehl analysis showed that the studied area largely achieved an acceptable level for the twelve quality criteria according to the method, but that certain measures are still required to achieve a successful urban space. The measures required included creating more protection against unpleasant sensory experiences and creating more opportunities to stand and sit down in the urban space. The study's contribution is to summarize and highlight the aspects that are important to keep in mind when designing a new main entrance to a public building in Sweden today, where both governing regulations for the design of the entrance and the adaptations required for the Nordic climate and the entrance's significance for a building are included. The study has also helped to develop guidelines that the Delta Block can use when designing its new main entrance.

Carnap Visits Canberra: Updating the Logical Positivist Criteria of Cognitive Significance

Magrath, Andrew Whiteley 11 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Sequence alignment

Chia, Nicholas Lee-Ping 13 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Hantering van leerders met 'n negatiewe perspesie van skool

Josling, Santa 11 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Met hierdie studie is beoog om leerders se persepsies van skool vas te stel en om riglyne vir ouers daar te stel om leerders met negatiewe persepsies van skool te hanteer. Daar is beoog om hierdie riglyne deur middel van praktiese modelle en werksvelle te implementeer sodat ouers begrip vir kinders se persepsies kan verkry en dat konflik opgelos kan word deur middel van positiewe kommunikasie. In die literatuurstudie word ondersoek ingestel na persepsievorming en die oorsake vir die vorming van negatiewe persepsies van skool. ‘n Persepsie word gevorm deurdat betekenis aan ‘n ervaring, op grond van die persoon se verwysingsraamwerk gegee word. Interne- sowel as eksterne faktore speel ‘n rol wanneer persepsies gevorm word. Eksterne faktore behels die verhouding met rolspelers soos: die ouers, die skool en onderwysers, die portuurgroep en die leerder se verhouding met homself. Interne faktore wat in hierdie studie ondersoek is, behels: lokus van kontrole, motivering, emosionele probleme, kognitiewe probleme en gedragsprobleme.Die navorsingsprobleem is verken met behulp van ‘n loodsondersoek as ‘n voortoets en diagnostiese vraelys wat deur die navorsingsgroep van 50 leerders voltooi is. Onderhoude is met vyf leerders gevoer oor hulle ervaringe en behoeftes met betrekking tot hulle persepsies van skool. Bevindinge dui aan dat ongeveer ‘n vyfde van die skool se leerders oor ‘n negatiewe persepsie van skool beskik. In die vraelys is leerders se persepsies ten opsigte van verskeie rolspelers vasgestel. Daar bestaan behoefte by leerders dat ouers betrokke en ondersteunend sal wees en dat ouers begrip vir hulle persepsies sal toon. Deur middel van praktiese diagramme en werksvelle is begrip en positiewe kommunikasie tussen ouer en kind bewerkstellig. In Hoofstuk 6 word praktiese riglyne aan ouers gegee oor hoe om sy kind, met ‘n negatiewe persepsie van skool, te hanteer. Op hierdie wyse is gepoog dat leerders positiewe ervaringe sal geniet; ‘n positiewe verwysingsraamwerk sal vorm en sodoende positiewe persepsies van skool sal vorm. ‘n Bydrae is ten opsigte van ouerleiding gelewer. Ouers word toegerus om ‘n kind met negatiewe persepsies van skool met begrip te hanteer. / The aim of this study was to determine learners’ perceptions of school and to provide guidelines for parents to deal with negative perceptions of school. These guidelines were implemented using practical models as well as work sheets. These were specifically aimed at enhancing parents’ understanding of the negative perceptions and resolving conflict through positive communication. In the literary study, the constitution of perceptions as well as the causes of the constitution of negative perceptions was investigated. A perception is established when a person gives meaning to an experience based on that person’s frame of reference. Internal and external factors play a part when perceptions are constituted. External factors in this study entail the relationship with parents, school and teachers, peer group and the learner's relationship with himself. Internal factors referred to in this study are locus of control, motivation, emotional problems, cognitive problems and behavioural problems. vii The research problem was explored using a pilot investigation as pre-test. A diagnostic questionnaire was also completed by 50 learners. Five learners were interviewed about their experiences and needs specifically in relation to their perceptions of school. Findings show that approximately one fifth of the learners of the school have negative perceptions of school. In the questionnaire, the learners’ perceptions with respect to a variety of role players were determined. There is a definite need for parents to be involved and supportive. Learners also need them to show understanding for their perceptions. Positive communication and understanding between parents and learners were established through practical diagrams and work sheets. In Chapter 6 practical guidelines are given to equip parents to understand how to handle the child with negative perceptions. The aim of this was to encourage learners to enjoy positive experiences, to form a positive frame of reference and therefore develop positive perceptions of school. A contribution towards parental guidance was made. Parents are left equipped to deal with a child with negative perceptions of school. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Three unknown Carthusian liturgical manuscripts with music of the 14th to the 16th centuries in the Grey Collection, South African Library, Cape Town

Steyn, Frances Caroline 11 1900 (has links)
Of the three manuscripts that form the basis of this thesis, MS Cape Town, South African Library, Grey 4c7 is, in musicological terms the most important of the three manuscripts. It is a complete Carthusian Antiphonary, of the late 14th century, written for the Charterhouse of Champmol, near Dijon, the mausoleum of the Dukes of Burgundy. It also contains an extensive Tonary, a Hymnary and a Kyriale. The two didactic verses which form part of the Tonary are of particular importance, since MS 4c7is one of the few manuscripts in the world intended for musical performance to contain the Ter terni by William of Hirsau; furthermore it is apparently the only Carthusian manuscript of any kind to contain the Oyapente et dyatessaron by Hucbald. The manuscript is placed in the context of the Carthusian liturgy of the 12th to the 16th centuries and is compared with 33 manuscripts of this period. It is shown that, although a marked textual similarity exists between the manuscripts, there are variant melodies. The conclusion is therefore drawn that the Carthusians did not have a single exemplar for the melodies in their liturgical books. It is shown that MS 4c7 and MS Oijon, Bibliotheque municipale 118, also written for Champmol, were copied from the same exemplar and that they are closely related to MSS Beaune, Bibliotheque municipale 27, 34 and 41, ot the neighbouring Charterhouse of Fontenay. The second manuscript, MS Grey 3c23, an Antiphonary for nuns, for Lauds and Vespers, written for the Charterhouse of Mont-Sainte-Marie, at Gosnay, near Arras, has been dated 1538 by the original scribe. This manuscript is almost identical to MS AGC C II 817. The presence of a Sequence, foreign to the Carthusian tradition, is however unique toMS 3c23. The third manuscript, MS Grey 6b3, is an Evangeliary, signed by the scribe, Amelontius de Ercklems, in 1520. Its provenance is the Charterhouse of Our Lady of the Twelve Apostles at Mont-Cornillon near Liege. Musicological features of the manuscript which are discussed are the Hymn 'Te decet laus', and the accent neumes at the ends of pericopes. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / D.Mus. (Musicology)

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