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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Addiction to smartphone games : Using smartphone game components to create an addiction

Holmgren, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Smartphone games are very popular and have the highest revenue of all smartphone application categories. Some even suggest that the the games can create an addiction. This addiction has however not been classified as a disorder and the components in the games that create an addiction have not been determined. This thesis had two goals. The first was to investigate and identify addictive components in smartphone games. The second goal was to use these components to develop an addictive proof of concept smartphone game prototype. The prototype was also to be evaluated regarding usability and how well it included the addictive components. The components in these games that create an addiction were identified using a literature study. After establishing a theoretical framework, eight different areas of addictive smartphone game components were found. These areas were further condensed into 16 guidelines of how to make a smartphone game addictive. The guidelines were used to create a prototype which later was evaluated with a supervised play test, a short interview, a usability questionnaire and a survey with questions regarding how well the guidelines were implemented. The usability of the game prototype was regarded as good and 13 of 14 implemented guidelines received positive results in the survey. In addition to this, all test users also regarded the game prototype as fun to play and wanted to play it again. Based on these results, the implemented smartphone game prototype was concluded to be addictive.


Renusree Varma Mudduluru (18859075) 24 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In this era of digital surveillance and data breaches, it is important to understand how users protect their smartphone privacy. There needs to be more detailed information regarding the prevalence, factors, and motivations influencing the adoption of privacy-enhancing tools and settings on mobile devices. This study aimed to address this knowledge gap by investigating the use of privacy tools among smartphone users and examining the impact of factors like demographics, awareness levels, and device platforms.</p><p dir="ltr">The study surveyed 342 participants recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), and the data were analyzed. The survey gathered data on user characteristics, privacy concerns, experiences with breaches, and use of various privacy tools. Statistical analysis showed that demographic factors, particularly age, significantly influenced the use of privacy tools, aligning with previous research. Users with a higher awareness of digital privacy risks were likelier to adopt privacy-enhancing tools. The study found no significant difference in the prevalence and type of privacy tools used between iOS and Android users.</p><p dir="ltr">The study's focus on privacy-enhancing tools among smartphone users and the proposed hypotheses provide valuable insights for law enforcement and forensic practitioners, aiding in digital investigations, evidence collection, and understanding user behavior related to smartphone privacy measures. The study's outcomes contribute to digital forensics, cybersecurity, and privacy domains by providing insights into user behaviors, motivations, and the factors shaping privacy tool adoption on smartphones. These findings can inform the development of more user-centric privacy tools, policies, and educational campaigns, ultimately enhancing digital privacy protection and supporting law enforcement investigations in the digital age.</p>

Four-Element/Eight-Port MIMO Antenna System with Diversity and Desirable Radiation for Sub 6 GHz Modern 5G Smartphones

Parchin, N.O., Amar, A.S.I., Darwish, M., Moussa, K.H., See, C.H., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Alwadai, N.M., Mohamed, H.G. 26 December 2022 (has links)
Yes / In this manuscript, a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna array system with identical compact antenna elements providing wide radiation and diversity function is introduced for sub 6 GHz fifth-generation (5G) cellular applications. The introduced design contains four pairs of miniaturized square-loop resonators with dual-polarization and independently coupled T-shaped feed lines which have been placed symmetrically at the edge corners of the smartphone mainboard with an overall size of 75 mm × 150 mm. Therefore, in total, the introduced array design encompasses four pairs of horizontally and vertically polarized resonators. The elements are very compact and utilize at 3.6 GHz, a potential 5G candidate band. In order to improve the frequency bandwidth and radiation coverage, a square slot has been placed and excited under each loop resonator. Desirable isolation has been observed for the adjacent elements without any decoupling structures. Therefore, they can be considered self-isolated elements. The presented smartphone antenna not only exhibits desirable radiation but also supports different polarizations at various sides of the printed circuit board (PCB). It exhibits good bandwidth of 400 MHz (3.4-3.8 GHz), high-gain patterns, improved radiation coverage, and low ECC/TARC (better than 0.004 and -30 dB at 3.6 GHz, respectively). Experimental measurements were conducted on an array manufactured on a standard smartphone board. The simulated properties of this MIMO array are compared with the measurements, and it is found that they are in good agreement. Furthermore, the introduced smartphone array offers adequate efficiency in both the user interface and components integrated into the device. As a result, it could be suitable for 5G handheld devices. / The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia for funding this research work through project number RI-44-0422.

Didáctica de la Física Experimental con Smartphones

Salinas Marín, Isabel 02 September 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El objetivo fundamental de esta Tesis es explorar nuevas vías de aplicación de los sensores de los smartphones a la didáctica de la Física. Al mismo tiempo que se introduce un elemento innovador, como es el uso de un dispositivo móvil como herramienta de medida, se ha optado por ensayos sencillos que se puedan adaptar tanto a las enseñanzas a nivel de educación secundaria como universitaria. En este documento se recopila, en formato de compendio de publicaciones, una serie de experiencias que aportan una perspectiva diferente al trabajo realizado en un laboratorio. Se utiliza el sensor de aceleración para el estudio del movimiento rectilíneo vibratorio forzado con amortiguamiento débil, en un carril cinemático, y del movimiento oscilatorio armónico, en un aparato de torsión; el sensor de presión para el análisis de las oscilaciones amortiguadas en un medio viscoso; el giroscopio para estudiar la dinámica de un yoyó; y, finalmente, el sensor de luz ambiente para el análisis de la dependencia de la iluminancia con la distancia. / [CA] L'objectiu fonamental d'aquesta Tesi és explorar noves vies d'aplicació dels sensors dels smartphones a la didàctica de la Física. Al mateix temps que s'introdueix un element innovador, com és l'ús d'un dispositiu mòbil com a eina de mesura, s'ha optat per assajos senzills que es puguen adaptar tant als ensenyaments a nivell d'educació secundària com a universitària. En aquest document es recopila, en format de compendi de publicacions, una sèrie d'experiències que aporten una perspectiva diferent al treball realitzat en un laboratori. S'utilitza el sensor d'acceleració per a l'estudi del moviment rectilini vibratori forçat amb esmorteïment dèbil, en un carril cinemàtic, i del moviment oscil·latori harmònic en un aparell de torsió; el sensor de pressió per a l'anàlisi de les oscil·lacions esmorteïdes en un mitjà viscós; el giroscopi per a estudiar la dinàmica d'un io-io; i, finalment, el sensor de llum ambient per a l'anàlisi de la dependència de la il·luminancia amb la distància. / [EN] The main objective of this Thesis aims to explore new ways of applying the sensors of smartphones to the didactics of Physics. At the same time that an innovative element is introduced, such as the use of a mobile device as a measuring tool, simple experiments have been chosen to being adapted to both secondary and university education. This document compiles a series of publications that show a different approach to the laboratory work. The acceleration sensor enables us to study the forced and damped oscillations in a dynamic track, and the harmonic oscillatory motion, in a torsion apparatus; the pressure sensor is used for the analysis of damped oscillations in a viscous medium; the gyroscope to study the dynamics of a yo-yo; and, finally, the ambient light sensor is used to determine the dependence of the illuminance of several light sources with the distance. / Salinas Marín, I. (2019). Didáctica de la Física Experimental con Smartphones [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125698 / Compendio

The Smartphone as a Product of the Cognitive Niche — An Evolutionary Perspective on Sex Differences in Mobile Instant Messaging Use / Das Smartphone als Produkt der Kognitiven Nische — Eine evolutionäre Perspektive auf Geschlechterunterschiede in der Nutzung von Mobilem Instant Messaging

Adler, Dorothea Cosima January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This book explores sex differences in Mobile Instant Messaging through an evolutionary psychological lens, with a particular focus on the use and perception of text and voice messages in same-sex friendships. Not only are these differences examined from an evolutionary standpoint but also smartphones are considered as a product of evolution. By further integrating media psychological theories, Dorothea C. Adler provides an innovative perspective on sex differences in voice and text message use and perception within same-sex friendships. A total of five studies address these aspects both from the sender's as well as receiver's perspective. Altogether, this work not only presents an evolutionary theoretical foundation for understanding sex differences in Mobile Instant Messenger communication among same-sex friends, but also offers an innovative approach for further evolutionary media psychological research. / Hochentwickelte medizinische Versorgung, reichlich nahrhaftes Essen, vernetzte, globale Systeme und Medienangebote jeglicher Art; wir leben in einer vielseitigen, hochmodernen Gesellschaft – eine Innovation jagt die nächste. Eine zentrale, schon alltägliche Errungenschaft stellt dabei das Smartphone dar, das die Vernetzung aller Menschen auf neue Level hob – “anytime, anywhere” (Do et al., 2011, p. 353). Nutzerzahlen legen nahe, dass gerade Mobile Instant Messenger (MIM) beliebt sind (Iqbal, 2020; WhatsApp, 2017). Auch wenn MIM als moderne Form von Short Message Services (SMS) angesehen werden können (Rosenfeld et al., 2018, p. 655), bieten diese weit mehr Kommunikationswege; unter anderem Sprachnachrichten (SN; z.B. Montag et al., 2015; Omar et al., 2018). Zweifellos hat es der Mensch mit all diesen Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten weit gebracht. Eines gilt es dennoch nicht zu vergessen: Die zugrundeliegende Geschichte. Damit ist nicht Geschichtsunterricht aus der Schule gemeint, sondern vielmehr unsere Evolutionsgeschichte. Dieser widmet sich diese Doktorarbeit mit einer evolutionspsychologischen Sicht auf MIM. Diese Sicht geht davon aus, dass – wie jedes menschliche Organ – auch das Gehirn ein Produkt der Evolution ist, geformt durch Prozesse der natürlichen und sexuellen Selektion (Buss, 2016; Cosmides & Tooby, 1997). Folglich sollten auch heute noch evolutionäre Einflüsse im menschlichen Erleben und Verhalten sichtbar werden; darunter menschliche Sprache. Diese ist ein hochkomplexes Phänomen, von dem angenommen wird, dass sie mit der hohen Intelligenz des Menschen sowie dessen ausgefeilter Gesellschaft und Kooperationsfähigkeit co-evolvierte (Pinker, 2010, 2013; Tooby & DeVore, 1987). Ohne das eine, nicht das andere (Pinker, 2010, 2013). Weiterführend legen evolutionäre Annahmen nahe, dass Männer und Frauen ihre gleichgeschlechtlichen Kontakte und Freundschaften in der Evolution des Menschen anders pflegen mussten (z.B. Colarelli et al., 2006; Geary et al., 2003; Hrdy, 2009; Vigil, 2007) – mit potentiellen Folgen für Geschlechterunterschiede im modernen Menschen. Dies wird unter anderem in der Intimität – darunter Aspekten der Selbstoffenbarung und Nähe – deutlich. Gerade in Frauenfreundschaften hat diese scheinbar eine höhere Bedeutung. Wissenschaftliche Befunde scheinen diese Annahme zu stützen (z. B. Dindia & Allen, 1992; Hall, 2011; Vigil, 2007). Evolutionäre Medienpsychologie legt nahe, dass evolutionäre Einflüsse auch in der Mediennutzung auftreten sollten (Hennighausen & Schwab, 2015); folglich auch bei der Smartphonenutzung. Diese Doktorarbeit gibt Impulse, auch das Smartphone als ein Produkt der Evolution zu verstehen. Neben der bereits oben angeführten evolutionären Sichtweise, wurde ein medienpsychologischer Vergleich von SN und Textnachrichten (TN) angestrebt. Auf Grundlage verschiedener medienpsychologischer Theorien (z.B. Daft & Lengel, 1986; Kock, 2001, 2005, 2009; Short et al., 1976; Sproull & Kiesler, 1986; Trevino et al., 1987; Walther, 1996) wurden TN und SN miteinander verglichen und geschlussfolgert, dass SN bestimmte Nutzen bieten, die für die intime Kommunikation von Vorteil sein könnten. Indem Geschlechterunterschiede auch in der modernen Mediennutzung zu finden sind (z. B. in MIM, Rosenfeld et al., 2018; Waterloo et al., 2018) könnten evolutionäre Einflüsse auch hierin sichtbar werden indem SN gerade für Frauen einen Kommunikationskanal für den Austausch mit anderen Frauen darstellen könnten. Evolutionspsychologische Unterschiede in der gleichgeschlechtlichen MIM-Kommunikation wurden in insgesamt 5 Studien beleuchtet. Dabei wurde der Fokus auf TN und SN gelegt, um auch die gefällten Annahmen zu den intimitätsförderlichen Aspekten in SN zu prüfen. Studie 1 und 2 fokussierte auf die Perspektive des Senders. Die zentralen Fragestellungen inkludierten, ob die Kanalwahl (TN/SN) mit der Intimität des Kommunikationsthemas zusammenhängt und ob Geschlechterunterschiede in der TN- und SN-Nutzung bestehen. Teilnehmende des Laborexperiments sollten sich in Studie 1 in niedrig- oder hoch-intime Situationen hineinversetzen, die sie selbst erlebt haben. In Studie 2 wurde dies um eine mittel-intime Situation erweitert. Zudem war die erlebte Situation in Studie 2 nicht die eigene, sondern die eines/r engen/r Freund/in ihres Geschlechts. Das weitere Prozedere war in beiden Studien relativ ähnlich: Probanden/innen sollten angeben, über welche Kanäle (TN/SN) sie mit ihrem/ihrer engem/n gleichgeschlechtlichen Freund/in über das jeweilige Thema reden würden und die entsprechende Nachricht auf einem Smartphone hinterlassen. Diese Nachricht wurde transkribiert und mittels Textanalyse auf Worte, die potentiell Selbstoffenbarung anzeigen, untersucht (z. B. Anzahl der Worte; positive und negative Emotionsworte; Callaghan et al., 2013; Kreiner & Levi-Belz, 2019). Die Ergebnisse beider Studien legen nahe, dass SN a) häufiger im Kontext (mittel- bis) hoch-intimer Kommunikation verwendet werden, b) dabei häufiger von Frauen und c) länger sind als TN. Weitere Indikatoren auf Textebene zeigten geringere Unterschiede auf – beispielsweise im verbalen Ausdruck von Männern und Frauen in SN und TN. Studie 3 und 4a/b beleuchteten die Perspektive des Empfängers mit den Fragestellungen, ob SN als intimer wahrgenommen werden als TN und ob die Geschlechter den/die Sender/in in Abhängigkeit des von ihm/ihr gewählten Kanals (TN/SN) anders einschätzen. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellungen wurden inhaltsgleiche TN und SN generiert. In Studie 3 waren Probanden/innen indirekte Empfänger/innen manipulierter MIM Nachrichten von einer Person ihres Geschlechts. Diese wurden in ihrem Intimitätsgrad (mittel/hoch) und in ihrer Kanalwahl (TN/SN) manipuliert. Probanden/innen betrachteten diese und bewerteten nicht nur die Nachrichten, sondern auch den/die Sender/in bezüglich beziehungsrelevanter Konstrukte (z. B. wahrgenommene Intimität, Lin & Utz, 2017; [emotionale] Nähe; Aron et al., 1992; Roberts & Dunbar, 2011; Sprecher & Treger, 2015; Strauss et al., 2020; Attraktivität als Freund/in; Sprecher & Duck, 1994; etc.). Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass SN weder die wahrgenommene Nachrichten-Intimität noch die wahrgenommene Selbstoffenbarung des/r SN-Senders/in erhöhten. Gar schätzten Probanden/innen die persönliche Tendenz des/r Senders/in zur Selbstoffenbarung unter TN-Nutzung höher ein. Nichtsdestotrotz zeigten weitere Ergebnisse teils einen Vorteil der SN-Nutzung; manchmal jedoch nur in Tendenzen. SN wurden allgemein als angemessener eingestuft. Zudem nahmen Frauen zu der SN-Senderin mehr (emotionale) Nähe wahr, während Männer nicht zwischen den Kanälen unterschieden. Dabei wurden vereinzelte Geschlechterunterschiede in den Kanälen gefunden. Eine weitere Skala wies zudem im Kontext hoch-intimer Kommunikation eine allgemein höhere emotionale Nähe zu SN-Nutzer/innen nach. Auch mochten Frauen die SN-Senderin in hoch-intimen Nachrichten mehr, während dies bei Männern für den TN-Sender in der hoch-intimen Bedingung (marginal signifikant) galt. Hierbei unterschieden sich Männer und Frauen in den Symphatie-Bewertungen hoch-intimer TN-Sender/innen sowie hoch-intimer SN-Sender/innen. Weitere Indikatoren sprechen für SN. So wurde die soziale Attraktivität zu dem/der SN-Sender/in von beiden Geschlechtern höher geschätzt; dessen/deren Attraktivität als potentielle/r Freund/in jedoch nur marginal höher. Indem Frauen auch die SN-Senderin im Vergleich zur TN-Senderin als dominanter wahrnahmen und Männer und Frauen sich darin nur in SN unterschieden, wird eine gemischte Befundlage deutlich. Darüber hinaus wurden Effekte der Intimitätsmanipulation in vielen der oben genannten Analysen gefunden. Trotz des teils scheinbaren Vorteils der SN, in manchen Fällen nur auffindbar in Frauen, fiel die Rate bestätigter Hypothesen gering aus. In den Studien 4a/b waren Probanden/innen externe Begutacher/innen einer mittel-intimen inhaltsgleichen TN- oder SN-Dyade zwischen Personen ihres eigenen Geschlechts. Nach Betrachtung der Dyade erfolgte eine Bewertung dieser sowie der Beziehung zwischen den Sendern/innen (z. B. wahrgenommene Intimität, Lin & Utz, 2017; [emotionale] Nähe; Aron et al., 1992; Roberts & Dunbar, 2011; soziale Attraktivität, Lin & Utz, 2017; etc.). Erneut zeigte sich in Studie 4a kein Vorteil in der SN-Nutzung auf die wahrgenommene Intimität der Nachricht sowie die Selbstoffenbarung. Allerdings schätzten Frauen die Beziehung unter den Kommunizierenden als emotional näher ein, wenn diese SN statt TN nutzten. Dabei unterschieden sich Männer und Frauen nur in den TN-Ratings. Andere Messungen zu (emotionaler) Nähe fielen nicht signifikant aus. Jedoch wurde die Freundschaft zwischen den SN-Nutzern/innen als näher zu einer besten Freundschaft geschätzt. Ergebnisse zu sozialer Attraktivität oder psychologischer Nähe fielen marginal aus – jedoch auch in Richtung SN. Allerdings hatte die Kanalwahl keinen Effekt auf die wahrgenommene Sympathie. Effekte des Geschlechts oder des Kanals auf die wahrgenommene Angemessenheit sowie die Dominanz zwischen den Kommunikationspartnern/innen blieben aus. Da in den Diskussionen zu den Studien 3 und 4a Verbesserungspotentiale deutlich wurden, wurde Studie 4a unter anteiliger Bereinigung dieser erneut aufgegriffen, u.a. unter Ergänzung um weitere Konstrukte (z. B. Beziehungsintimität, Lin & Utz, 2017, etc.). Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Männer die Nachrichten-Intimität höher schätzten, wenn SN genutzt wurden. Hierbei unterschieden sich die Geschlechter nur in ihren Intimitätsbewertungen von SN. Höhere Intimitätsbewertungen wurden auch für die gesamte Beziehung festgestellt; hier sowohl für Männer als auch Frauen. Bezüglich Selbstoffenbarung waren es erneut die Männer, die diese in den SN als höher schätzten als in den TN. Auf der Ebene der Selbstoffenbarung innerhalb der Freundschaft zeigte sich kein Effekt. Bezüglich der wahrgenommenen (emotionalen und psychologischen) Nähe zeigten vereinzelte (marginal) signifikante Befunde in Richtung eines SN-Vorteils. Darüber hinaus wurde die soziale Attraktivität sowie die Freundschaft der SN-Nutzer/innen als besser eingeschätzt als die der TN-Nutzer/innen. Ein Effekt auf die Sympathie blieb aus, jedoch lässt eine marginal signifikante Interaktion vermuten, dass unter weiter verbesserten Bedingungen klarere Ergebnisse zustande kommen könnten. Erneut wurden keine Effekte auf die wahrgenommene Angemessenheit sowie Dominanz unter den Kommunikatoren/innen gefunden. Auch wenn diese Ergebnisse teils in Richtung SN wiesen, wurden erneut nur wenige Hypothesen bestätigt. Diverse Gründe hierfür wurden diskutiert – auch methodische – hierbei primär den Realitätsgrad der Nachrichten sowohl in Studie 3 als auch Studie 4a/b betreffend. So wurde deutlich, dass die SN meist als weniger realistisch eingestuft wurden als TN. Nichtsdestotrotz konnte auf Basis der vorliegenden Befunde geschlussfolgert werden, dass unter natürlicheren Bedingungen deutlichere Ergebnisse auftreten könnten; möglicherweise sogar in die prognostizierte Richtung. Darüber hinaus sollte die Komplexität des Themas nicht unterschätzt werden. Final bleibt festzuhalten, dass die Kanalwahl in MIM sowie das Geschlecht der Nutzer/innen durchaus einen Effekt zu machen scheint. Dies war insbesondere auf Senderseite sichtbar. Gerade auf Empfängerseite bedarf es jedoch weiterführender Forschung. Nichtsdestotrotz schuf diese Doktorarbeit einen vollumfänglichen evolutionär-medienpsychologischen Blick auf die gleichgeschlechtliche MIM-Kommunikation. Darüber hinaus wurde das spärlich bearbeitete Forschungsgebiet der SN-Forschung aufgegriffen und fundiert beleuchtet. Alles in allem wurde ein Rahmen geschaffen, der weiterführende (evolutionspsychologische) Forschung sowie Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere, zukünftige Kommunikationskanäle ermöglicht. / Highly developed medical care, plenty nutritious food, networked, global systems, and media of any kind; we sure are living in a versatile, modern society–one innovation chases the other. A central, yet already common achievement is the smartphone which enabled new levels of networking–“anytime, anywhere” (Do et al., 2011, p. 353). User numbers indicate that particular Mobile Instant Messenger (MIM) experience great popularity (Iqbal, 2020; WhatsApp, 2017). Though MIM can be seen as modern form of Short Message Services (SMS; Rosenfeld et al., 2018, p. 655), they offer way more communication channels, among other things, voice messages (VMs, e.g., Montag et al., 2015; Omar et al., 2018). Without doubt humankind achieved a lot with all these communication channels. Yet, one thing should not be forgotten: The underyling history. Not meaning history as a school subject, but our evolutionary history. This thesis aimed at an evolutionarypsychological view on MIM. Hereby, evolutionary psychology assumes that the human brain–like any other organ–is a product of evolutionary processes by natural and sexual selection (Buss, 2016; Cosmides & Tooby, 1997). Evolutionary influences should thus be evident in modern man’s perception and behavior; including human language. As language is a highly complex phenomenom, it was assumed that it co-evolved with high human intelligence as well as sophisticated sociality and cooperation (Pinker, 2010, 2013; Tooby & DeVore, 1987). Without one not the other (Pinker, 2010, 2013). Further, evolutionary assumptions suggested that sex differences in the maintenance of same-sex contacts and friendships resulted from evolutionary influences (e.g., Colarelli et al., 2006; Geary et al., 2003; Hrdy, 2009; Vigil, 2007)–with potential consequences on sex differences in modern man. Such is shown in intimacy–including dimensions self-disclosure and closeness. Intimacy seems to be particularly important in female same-sex friendships. Substantiated by scientific research (e.g., Dindia & Allen, 1992; Hall, 2011; Vigil, 2007). Evolutionary media psychology assumes that evolutionary influences should be evident in media use (Hennighausen & Schwab, 2015); thus also in smartphone use. This thesis provided the idea for understanding the smartphone as a product of evolution as well. Next to the abovementioned evolutionary psychological perspective it was aimed at a media psychological comparison of VMs and text messages (TMs). Based on several media psychological theories (e.g., Daft & Lengel, 1986; Kock, 2001, 2005, 2009; Short et al., 1976; Sproull & Kiesler, 1986; Trevino et al., 1987; Walther, 1996) TMs and VMs were compared. It was concluded that VMs might have some benefits for intimate communication. With evident sex differences in modern media use (e.g., in MIM, Rosenfeld et al., 2018; Waterloo et al., 2018) evolutionary influences might also be reflected in VMs presumably being particularly interesting for same-sex communication in females. Evolutionarypsychological differences in same-sex MIM communication were observed in overall 5 studies. Focus was on TMs and VMs; by further observing potential intimacy enhancing aspects in VMs. Study 1 and 2 focused on the sender’s perspective. The main research questions included whether channel choice (TM/VM) might be related to the intimacy of the communication content and whether evolutionary based sex differences in same-sex communication might be reflected in TM and VM use. Participants of the laboratory experiment in Study 1 had to imagine low- and high-intimate situations that they themselves experienced. In Study 2 a medium-intimate situation was added. Further not the own experience had to be imagined but that of a close same-sex friend. The further procedures were very similar: Participants had to indicate which channel they would choose (TM/VM) to talk with a close same-sex friend about the given topics. Additionally they had to send the respective messages on a given smartphone. These were transcribed and explored on potential self-disclosure indicators via quantitative text analyses (e.g., word count; positive and negative emotion words; Callaghan et al., 2013; Kreiner & Levi-Belz, 2019). The results of the studies suggested that VMs a) are more often used in the context of (medium- to) high-intimate communication, b) thereby more often by females and c) were longer than TMs. Further indicators of text analyis showed only a few differences–for example in the verbal expression of men and women in VMs and TMs. Study 3 and 4a/b highlighted the receiver’s perspective with the research questions whether VMs are perceived as more intimate than TMs and whether the sexes differ in their perception of the sender in dependence of the selected channel (TM/VM). For answering this, content identical TMs and VMs were generated. In Study 3 participants were indirect receiver’s of manipulated MIM messages of a same-sex person. These were manipulated in their intimacy (medium/high) and in channel (TM/VM). Participants rated not only the messages but also the sender on relationship relevant constructs (e.g., perceived intimacy, Lin & Utz, 2017; [emotional] closeness; Aron et al., 1992; Roberts & Dunbar, 2011; Sprecher & Treger, 2015; Strauss et al., 2020; attraction as a friend; Sprecher & Duck, 1994; etc.). The results showed that VMs were neither perceived as more intimate nor the VM sender as more self-disclosing. Even more, participants rated the self-disclosure tendency of the sender in the TM-condition higher. Nevertheless further results showed partly a benefit in VM use; sometimes only in tendencies. VMs were generally seen as more appropriate. Further women perceived more (emotional) closeness to the VM sender whereas men did not seem to differentiate between channels. Further, a few sex differences were found for the channels. In the context of high-intimate communication another scale showed a higher emotional closeness to the VM sender in general. Further, women liked the sender of high-intimate VMs more, whereas men liked the TM sender of high-intimate content (marginally) more with men and women differing in their liking ratings in high-intimate TMs and high-intimate VMs. Further indicators spoke for VMs. Social attraction was rated higher to the VM sender in general, yet, his/her potential as a friend only marginally higher. Yet, in that women judged the VM sender as more dominant compared to the TM sender and men and women only differing in VM, mixed results became evident. Lastly, further findings regarding the intimacy manipulation were found in several of the abovementioned analyses. Despite the seemingly VM benefit, sometimes only found in women, only a few hypotheses were supported. In Studies 4a/b participants were external raters of a medium-intimate content identical TM or VM same-sex dyad. After the dyad was displayed they had to rate the conversation as well as the relationship of the communicators (e.g., perceived intimacy, Lin & Utz, 2017; [emotional] closeness; Aron et al., 1992; Roberts & Dunbar, 2011; social attraction, Lin & Utz, 2017; etc.). Again, no benefit in VM use was found for perceived intimacy as well as self-disclosure. However, women rated the relationship of those using VMs instead of TMs as emotionally closer; with sex differences being evident in TM ratings. Other measures of (emotional) closeness were nonsignificant. Yet, the friendship of VM users was perceived as closer to a best friendship. Results on social attraction as well as psychological closeness were marginal significant–yet into VM direction. Channel choice had no effect on liking. Also, sex or channel effects were missing on perceived appropriateness as well as dominance between the communicators. As the discussions of Study 3 and Study 4a showed several potentials for improvement, such were partly considered in a rerun of Study 4a; also by adding further constructs (e.g., relationship intimacy, Lin & Utz, 2017; etc.). Results showed that men perceived message intimacy as higher when VMs were used. The sexes differed only in VM ratings. Higher intimacy ratings were also found for relationship intimacy, yet, here both for men and women. Regarding self-disclosure, again, men rated self-disclosure higher if VMs were used instead of TMs. For self-disclosure occurring in the relationship no effects were shown. For perceived (emotional and psychological) closeness some findings showed (marginal) significant results indicating a VM benefit. Even more, social attraction as well as the friendship was rated better among VM users instead of TM users. An effect on liking was missing, yet, a marginal significant interaction gives reason to assume that better results might be achievable under even better conditions. Again, effects of sex and channel were missing on perceived appropriateness as well as dominance between the communicators. Despite these results showing into a VM direction, again, only a few hypotheses were supported. Several reasons were discussed–also methodological–yet primarily regarding the degree of realism in the stimulus material both in Study 3 and Study 4a/b. It became evident that particularly the VM material was rated as less realistic. Yet, based on the results, it was concluded that under more natural conditions more evident results might appear; potentially into the predicted directions. Further, the complexity of the issue should not be underestimated. Altogether, channel choice in MIM as well as sex seem to make an effect. Such was particularly shown on the sender’s side. For the receiver’s side more research is needed in particular. Nevertheless this thesis offered a fully integrated evolutionary mediapsychological view on same-sex MIM communication. Further the sparse research on VMs was considered and highlighted. Overall this thesis established a framework for further (evolutionarypsychological) research–also for future, upcoming communication channels.

Problematiken kring smartphones : En studie om hur smartphoneberoendet påverkar människan i sociala sammanhang

Karlsson, Alexandra, Georgsson, Tanja January 2016 (has links)
Användningen av informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) ökar kraftigt och påverkar både samhället och människan. Smartphonen är en del av denna teknik och har påverkat människan samt samhället i ännu större utsträckning på grund av sin portabilitet. Denna påverkan är viktig att belysa då den innebär nya utmaningar som måste hanteras för att kunna bibehålla ett hållbart samhälle. Denna studie har undersökt hur smartphones påverkar människor i deras vardagliga liv med en djupare inblick i de sociala sammanhangen. Teorier inom IKT, smartphoneanvändning, samt beroende har legat till grund för det teoretiska ramverket medan observationer samt en enkätundersökning har legat till grund för empirin. Fokus har legat på unga vuxna och datan som samlats in har analyserats kvalitativt och sedan diskuterats utifrån teorin. Undersökningen visade på ett tydligt mönster gällande negativ inverkan på sociala konversationer. Det framgick tydligt att mycket fokus tillägnades smartphonen istället för konversationen i sig. Förutom en identifikation kring att de sociala sammanhangen påverkades negativt så gick det även att påvisa andra faktorer som påverkades. Det är tydligt att lagar har brutits, sömn påverkats och att individer har blivit överväldigade av information på grund av smartphonen. Sammanfattningsvis så är det viktigt att lyfta fram den psykiska påverkan som studien påvisar att smartphones haft på människor, så att medvetenheten gällande detta kan öka. / The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is evolving in a fast pace and effects both society and humans. Smartphones is a part of this technique and effects even more due to its portability. It is important to shed light on this effects as it poses new challenges which needs to be handle in order to maintain a sustainable society. This thesis has explored the growing problem of smartphones and how they affect the ordinary life of humans. Theories within ICT, smartphone usage and addiction were the foundation of the theoretical framework while observations and a questionnaire was used to collect the empirical data. The focus has been on young adults and the collected data were analyzed qualitatively and thereafter discussed on the theoretical framework as basis. The study showed a pattern regarding negative impact on social conversations due to the smartphone. It was clear that a lot of focus were dedicated to the smartphone instead of the conversation. Aside from that it was clear that laws been broken, sleep affected and that people have become overwhelmed by information due to the smartphone. In conclusion, it is important to highlight the psychological impact that the study shows that smartphones had on people, so that the awareness regarding this can increase.

L'acte d'image : notes, réflexions, positions : naviguer, ici ou ailleurs, avec (ou sans) son mobile / The act of the image : notes, reflexions, positions : navigate, here and there, with (or without) the mobile

Gaudin Indicatti, Pauline 27 September 2018 (has links)
À une époque où les technologies digitales, la profusion d’images reçues et partagées, la vitesse et la mobilité n’ont jamais été si manifestes, se pose la question de la relation entre les gestes, les objets connectés et les pratiques créatives artistiques voire « amateures ». Dans un monde désormais localisable, connu et reconnu de tous, l’expérience du voyage traditionnel aurait-elle laissé place à la navigation de tous les jours sur Internet ? Que provoque la présence de cet outil dans l’expérimentation de l’artiste ? Comment l’utilise-t-il ? Montre-t-il, d’ailleurs, quelque chose de cette expérience ? De nouvelles formes apparaissent-elles avec l’accompagnement du téléphone mobile, intelligent ? Changent-elles notre perception et relation à l’image ? Que produit l’environnement numérique sur ces formes, qui, quand elles se révèlent, ou sont révélées, contrastent singulièrement avec les œuvres d’art dites « traditionnelles ». Elles constituent des modes de résistance face aux conceptions « reconnues » de l’art, comme celles de la présentation de l’œuvre. Un des enjeux essentiels de la thèse pointe la réflexion sur l’acte d’image réalisée avec le mobile, ou le geste « fait » souvent plus que l’œil « voit » ou contrôle. Une expérience artistique et réflexive au cœur de mobilités cumulées ; où un nouveau paradigme de l’œuvre, des modes de diffusion est spécifiquement pensé en relation avec l’image saisie. / At this time of digital technologies, the profusion of received and shared images, speed and mobility have never been so evident, we can discuss the question of the relationship between gestures, connected objects and creative artistic practices, which can appear as “amateurs”. In a world now localizable, known and recognized by all, the experience of traditional travel would have given way to navigation on the Internet every day? What can cause the presence of this tool in the artist experimentation? How does he use it? Does he show, although, something of this experience? Do new forms appear with the accompaniment of the mobile phone, intelligent? Do they change our perception and relationship to the image? What does the digital environment produce on these forms, which, when they are revealed, or if they are revealed, are contrasting to the so-called "traditional" works of art. They constitute modes of resistance to the "recognized" conceptions of art like those of the work presentation. One of the essential object of the thesis is the reflection on the act of image realized with the mobile, or the gesture “made” often more than the eye "sees" or controls the frame. It is an artistic and reflective experience at the heart of cumulative mobility; where a new work paradigm, modes of diffusion is specifically thought in relation to the captured image.

Adoção da inovação pelo consumidor de baixa renda / Adoption of innovation by low-income consumers

Nogami, Vitor Koki da Costa 09 December 2016 (has links)
Pesquisas sobre inovação e o mercado de baixa renda focam eminentemente no desenvolvimento de produtos e gestão de marketing, assumindo uma postura top-down, das empresas para os consumidores. Esta postura sugere textos prescritivos sobre gestão de empresas multinacionais, tanto em mercados desenvolvidos quanto em mercados emergentes. Do ponto de vista individual, tem se dada pouca atenção para compreender a adoção da inovação pelos consumidores de baixa renda. A presente tese busca investigar o conceito de inovação por esta perspectiva, assumindo uma postura bottom-up, focando principalmente nos consumidores. Desta forma, o objetivo da tese consiste em analisar os fatores que influenciam a adoção da inovação de produtos por consumidores de baixa renda. O recorte empírico da tese consiste no mercado de smartphones que é um produto com atributos inovadores e acessíveis aos consumidores de baixa renda. Os pressupostos teóricos que embasam a tese consistem nas restrições encontradas pelos consumidores do mercado da base da pirâmide, que englobam a baixa renda, falta de informação e conhecimento e falta de confiança. Essas restrições individuais causadas por problemas estruturais (transporte, educação, saúde, moradia, saneamento e etc.) afetam negativamente a adoção de inovação por consumidores. Essa relação sustenta o efeito principal do modelo da tese que consiste na hipótese 1. A literatura e conceitos utilizados para subsidiar a pesquisa foram Antecedentes do UTAUT 2, 4 As de Anderson e Billou, 12 Princípios de Prahalad, Inovação Disruptiva, Inovação Reversa e Inovação Inclusiva. A revisão destas teorias resultou em quatro conceitos que consideramos fatores influenciadores da adoção da inovação no mercado de baixa renda, que são as Características e Benefícios, Facilidade de Uso, Simplicidade e Preço Acessível dos produtos. Esses conceitos resultantes da revisão da literatura sustentaram as hipóteses 2, 3, 4 e 5 que analisam o efeito moderador dessas variáveis sobre a adoção da inovação. Para atingir cada um dos dois objetivos específicos da tese, dois estudos foram realizados. O estudo 1, fase exploratória, consistiu em seis grupos de foco realizados na Favela de Paraisópolis em São Paulo e uma pesquisa complementar com 11 entrevistas realizadas em regiões rurais do Sul da Índia. O estudo 1 objetivou identificar os fatores que influenciam a adoção da inovação por consumidores de baixa renda. O estudo 2, fase descritiva, consistiu em uma pesquisa de levantamento realizada em 3 regiões de baixa renda na cidade de São Paulo que objetivou analisar a relação direta entre as restrições dos consumidores de baixa renda e a adoção da inovação (H1) e o efeito moderador de Características e Benefícios (H2), Facilidade de Uso (H3), Simplicidade (H4) e Preço Acessível (H5) desta relação. O estudo 2 também contemplou uma pesquisa complementar de levantamento, realizada com consumidores de alta renda. Os principais resultados do estudo 1 (fase exploratória) revelam que as restrições de renda, informação, conhecimento e confiança afetam a taxa de adoção da inovação. Além disso, mais do que o aquisição e compra dos produtos, a adoção está diretamente relacionada ao uso dos smartphones. Por fim, identificamos que há uma sobreposição de agentes no mercado de smartphones que gera confusão para os consumidores. Diferentes empresas fabricantes, varejistas, operadoras e desenvolvedoras dos sistemas operacionais se posicionam no mercado concomitantemente e acabam confundindo os consumidores acerca da real responsabilidade e atividade de cada um deles. Os principais resultados do estudo 2 (fase descritiva) confirmam as hipóteses 1 (efeito principal), 3, 4 e 5 (efeito moderador de FU, SI e PA), indicando estatisticamente que as restrições da baixa renda afetam negativamente a adoção da inovação e que a facilidade de uso, simplicidade e preço acessível moderam positivamente essa relação. / Research on innovation and the low-income market usually focus on product development and marketing management, taking a top-down approach, from companies to consumers. This approach suggests prescriptive texts on management of multinational companies in both developed markets and emerging markets. From an individual point of view, it has given little attention to understanding the adoption of innovation by low-income consumers. This PhD dissertation aimed to investigate the concept of innovation from this perspective, taking a bottom-up approach, mainly focusing on consumers rather than companies. Therefore, the aim of the dissertation is to analyze the factors influencing the innovation adoption of products for low-income consumers. The empirical object of the dissertation consists in the smartphone market since is a product with innovative features and affordable to low-income consumers. The theoretical assumptions that support the dissertation consists of the constraints faced by consumers in the market of the base of the pyramid, which include low income, lack of information and knowledge and lack of confidence. These individual constraints caused by infrastructural problems affect negatively the adoption of innovation by consumers. This relationship supports the main effect of the dissertation model, the hypothesis 1. The literature and concepts used to support the research were the Antecedents of UTAUT 2, 4A\'s of Anderson and Billou, 12 Principles of Prahalad, Disruptive Innovation, Innovation Reverse, and Inclusive innovation. A review of these theories resulted in four concepts that we consider factors that influence adoption of innovation in low-income market, which are the Features and Benefits (CB), Ease of Use (FU), Simplicity (SI), and Affordability (PA) of products. These concepts resulting from the literature review supported the hypotheses 2, 3, 4 and 5 that analyze the moderating effect of these variables on the adoption of innovation. To achieve each of the two specific objectives of the dissertation, two studies were conducted. Study 1, exploratory phase, consisted of six focus groups conducted in Favela of Paraisópolis in Sao Paulo and a complementary inquiry of 11 in-depth interviews conducted in rural areas of South India. The study 1 aimed to identify the factors that influence adoption of innovation by low-income consumers. Study 2, descriptive phase, consisted of a survey carried out in three low-income areas in São Paulo city that aimed to analyze the direct relationship between the constraints of low-income consumers and the adoption of innovation (H1) and moderating effect of Features and Benefits (H2), Ease of Use (H3) Simplicity (H4) and Affordable Price (H5) of this relationship. Study 2 also included an additional research involving a survey carried out with high-income consumers. The main results of the study 1 (exploratory phase) show that the income constraints, lack of information, knowledge and confidence really affect the rate of adoption of innovation. In addition, more than the acquisition and purchase of products, adoption is directly related to the use of smartphones. Finally, we identified that there is an overlap of agents in the smartphone market that creates confusion for consumers. Different manufacturers, retailers, operators and developers of systems are positioned in the market concurrently and end up confusing consumers about the real responsibility and activity of each of them. The main results of the study 2 (descriptive phase) confirm the hypotheses 1 (main effect), 3, 4 and 5 (moderating effect of FU, SI, and PA), indicating statistically that the restrictions on low-income negatively affect the adoption of innovation and the ease of use, simplicity and affordability positively moderate this relationship.

Desenvolvimento de aplicativo para dispositivos móveis para coleta de dados georreferenciados através de reconhecimento de voz / Application development for mobile devices for georeferenced data collection using voice recognition

Paula, Leonam João Leal de 03 May 2013 (has links)
A agricultura de precisão (AP) é um das grandes responsáveis pela inserção de tecnologias cada vez mais avançadas dentro dos sistemas de produção agrícola. Um equipamento que já faz parte da AP é o computador de mão (Personal Digital Assistant, PDA). Porém com a evolução crescente dos dispositivos móveis tais como smartphones e tablets, os PDAs têm se tornado uma alternativa mais obsoleta do ponto de vista tecnológico. São várias as características que tornam smartphones e tablets dispositivos móveis mais atraentes tecnologicamente. A comunicação direta destes com sistemas de posicionamento via satélite foi o primeiro passo para torna-los válidos para o uso em AP. Além disso, dentre as tecnologias de computação, a computação móvel é a que tem mais aceitação pelos usuários do meio agrícola devido à gradativa inserção mercadológica que os telefones celulares exerceram durante os anos passados em todo o mundo. Com a ideia de criar uma nova ferramenta para a AP baseando-se no reconhecimento de voz para substituir e/ou minimizar o uso das telas sensíveis ao toque e planilhas no campo foi escolhido o sistema operacional Android para o desenvolvimento desse aplicativo. O projeto se baseou inicialmente em revisão bibliográfica de estudos de aplicativos móveis desenvolvidos para a AP e por acompanhamento em campo de procedimentos de coleta de dados. O aplicativo resultante desse desenvolvimento se baseou em três partes: configurações, coleta de dados por voz e mapas. Na parte de configurações é permitido ao usuário configurar opções como: variáveis de coleta, uso do GPS (Global Positioning System), uso do reconhecimento de voz, pasta de armazenamento e informações cadastrais. Na coleta de dados por voz o usuário tem um formulário com as variáveis configuradas, que é preenchido por reconhecimento de voz, automaticamente. Os mapas utilizados para auxiliar o usuário a se orientar pelo campo são criados a partir do sistema Google Maps®. É possível também habilitar um assistente de voz que fala ao usuário, por sintetização de voz, o nome da variável que está coletando e confirma para ele o valor que foi reconhecido a partir de sua voz. Um arquivo \'txt\' é criado a partir das informações do formulário contendo também as coordenadas geográficas de cada ponto de coleta, obtidas pelo sistema integrado de GPS do dispositivo, e esse arquivo pode ser utilizado para a entrada de dados em sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) para a criação de mapas posteriormente. / Precision agriculture (PA) is one of the major responsible for the insertion of increasingly advanced technologies within agricultural production systems. Equipment that is already part of precision agriculture is the handheld computer (PDA). But with the growing trend of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, PDAs have become a more obsolete option in the technological context. There are several characteristics that make these devices technologically more attractive. Direct communication of such devices with satellite positioning systems was the first step to make them applicable for use in PA. Moreover, among the computing technologies, mobile computing has more acceptance by users of agricultural marketing due to the gradual insertion that mobile phones have had over the past years worldwide. With the idea of creating a new tool for PA based on the speech recognition to replace and/or minimize the use of touchscreen and worksheets in the field, Android was chosen as the operating system for the development of this application. The design was based initially on studies of mobile applications developed for PA through published articles or through monitoring procedures in field data collection. The application resulting from this development is based on three parts: settings, speech data collection and maps. Part of settings allows the user to set some options for operation of the application as: variables to collect, use of GPS, use of speech recognition, file storage folder to \'txt\' file and registration information, etc. In the data collection the user configures the variables he wants to collect and the application creates a form that is filled through speech recognition automatically. The map is used to help the user navigate the route through the use of Google Maps® base. It is possible to enable a voice assistant that tells him, by voice synthesizer, the name of the variable he is collecting and confirms to him the value that has been recognized by his voice. A \'txt\' file is created containing data along with geographic coordinates obtained from the onboard GPS of the device and it can be used for creating maps in geographic information systems (GIS).

Mobilapplikationer : användarens syn på energiförbrukningen. / Mobile application : user’s view on energy consumption.

Daka, Festim, Trinh, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har användningen av mobilapplikationer i smartphones ökat och kommer förmodligen fortsätta att göra det. Smartphoneanvändare ställer ofta höga krav och vill nästan alltid ha bättre prestanda i smartphones vilket driver utvecklingen framåt. Dock har många smartphoneanvändare klagat på att batteriet inte räcker till för deras användning. Enligt olika forskare är inte batteriet dåligt utan det är mobilapplikationer som förbrukar för mycket energi. De flesta studier som handlar om energiförbrukningen i mobilapplikationer fokuserar mycket på de tekniska aspekterna och det finns relativt lite kunskap om vad användare tycker om energiförbrukningen. Detta har skapat ett behov av att forska mer om användningen av mobilapplikationer utifrån användarens perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om mobilapplikationers energiförbrukning påverkar hur smartphoneanvändare använder mobilapplikationer. För att samla in kunskap om detta har sammanlagt åtta smartphoneanvändare intervjuats med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar bland annat att användningen påverkas på olika sätt och det har även visat sig att vissa applikationer påverkar användningen mer än andra. Studien presenterar också vilka inställningar som användare brukar ändra på för att minska energiförbrukningen i mobilapplikationer.

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