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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Påverkas vår psykiska hälsa av smartphone-användandet? : En kvantitativ studie om hur utbrett smartphoneberoende är och hur det påverkar den psykiska hälsan

Gustafsson, Camilla, Nettelman, Charlie January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att få en inblick i hur omfattande smartphoneanvändning var bland människor och hur denna användning samvarierade med den mentala hälsan. En annan del av syftet var att se om ett beteendemönster kunde ändras hos smartphoneanvändarna och på så vis ändra den mentala hälsan. För att uppnå syftet ställdes två frågeställningar: (1) Finns det något samband mellan grad av smartphoneberoende och upplevd psykisk hälsa? (2) Kan en kortare tids intervention där man begränsar användandet av smartphone hos deltagarna påverka deras subjektiva psykiska välmående? Metod För att få en inblick i hur utbrett smartphoneberoendet är i dagsläget och om det påverkar den subjektiva psykiska hälsan valdes enkät som metod eftersom det var tidseffektivt och gav ett brett urval. För att kunna skapa en beteendeförändring så behövdes en aktiv interaktion med respondenterna, därför kom beslutet att utföra en intervention. Interventionen gick ut på att deltagarna under sex dagar skulle reducera sitt mobilanvändande i största mån möjligt för att se om deras mentala hälsa kunde påverkas. Urvalet bestod av 76 kvinnor och 56 män med en medelålder på 25 år. Resultat Enligt korrelationsanalysen fanns ett svagt samband r = - 0,218 mellan mental hälsa och smartphoneberoende som var statistiskt signifikant (p = 0.013). Analys av enkätdata visade en stor grupp som klassades som smartphoneberoende = 48.2% och 51.8% som ej smartphoneberoende. Detta visade att fler personer är mobilberoende i detta urval än vad andra studier hittat. Interventionen bortgick på grund av ett stort bortfall. Slutsats Resultatet visade på ett svagt negativt samband mellan mental hälsa och smartphoneberoende. Kausalitetssamband klargjordes inte och vidare forskning krävs på ämnet för att i framtiden kunna urskilja om en mental ohälsa leder till mer smartphoneanvändande eller om mycket smartphoneanvändning leder till mental ohälsa i sig. / Abstract Purpose and objective The purpose of this study was to survey the use of mobile phones amongst people and how it coincides with mental health. We also wanted to investigate whether or not we could create a behavioral change amongst the mobile phone users and thereby see if it affected their mental health. To achieve this objective we emanated from two questions: (1) Is there a relationship between Smartphone addiction and subjective mental health? (2) Can a short intervention, where you decrease the time spent on smartphones amongst users improve their subjective well-being? Method To get an insight in how widespread the use of mobile phones is and if it affects subjective well-being we chose to collect data through surveys because it was time effective and gave a wide group of people. To be able to create a behavioral change we concluded we had to actively interact with the respondents, so we chose to perform an intervention. During the intervention the participants would reduce their mobile phone usage to the greatest extent possible to see if their mental health could be improved. Result According to the correlation analysis, there is a weak relationship r = - 0,218 between mental health and smartphone addiction which is statistically significant (p=0.013). Analysis of survey data showed a large group classified as smartphone addicted = 48.2% and 51.8% as non-smartphone addicted. This shows that more people are smartphone addicted in this study than other studies have found. The intervention failed due to many dropouts. Conclusions The result showed a weak negative correlation between mental health and smartphone addiction. Causal correlation was not clarified and further research is required on the subject in order to determine whether mental health issues leads to more smartphone usage or if a lot of smartphone usage leads to mental health issues by itself.

Living SMART : an Internet course for adults with ADHD

Moëll, Birger January 2013 (has links)
ADHD affects executive functions and pharmacological treatment is the most common intervention. Medication is ineffective for some and psychosocial interventions are scarcely available. CBT that teaches organizational skills for managing ADHD-symptoms has shown promising results. Smartphones can help individuals perform executive tasks such as planning and organization and they could be efficacious as a support tool for ADHD patients. The current study is a RCT that compares an online course (n=29) based on previously effective CBT treatments for ADHD to a wait-list control (n=29). The intervention focused on teaching the use of an online calendar and smartphone apps. The intervention brought significant improvement (p < 0.001) to participants regarding ADHD symptoms and 38% of participants were considered clinically significantly improved. This indicates that online treatments using IT-tools for ADHD is effective and that smartphones can be used as a tool for aiding individuals with impairments in executive functions.

Smartphone sensors are sufficient to measure smoothness of car driving / Smartphonesensorer är tillräckliga för att mäta mjukhet i bilkörning

Bränn, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to look at whether or not it is sufficient to only use smartphone sensors to judge if someone who is driving a car is driving aggressively or smoothly. To determine this, data were first collected from the accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and GPS sensors in the smartphone as well as values based on these sensors from the iOS operating system. After this the data, together with synthesized data based on the collected data, were used to train an artificial neural network.The results indicate that it is possible to give a binary judgment on aggressive or smooth driving with a 97% accuracy, with little model overfitting. The conclusion of this study is that it is sufficient to only use smartphone sensors to make a judgment on the drive. / Den här studien ämnar till att bedöma huruvida smartphonesensorer är tillräckliga för att avgöra om någon kör en bil aggressivt eller mjukt. För att kunna avgöra detta så samlades först data in från accelerometer, gyroskop, magnetometer och GPS-sensorerna i en smartphone, tillsammans med värden baserade på dessa data från iOS-operativ-systemet. Efter den datan var insamlad tränades ett artificiellt neuronnät med datan.Resultaten indikerar att det är möjligt att ge ett binärt utlåtande om aggressiv kontra mjuk körning med 97% säkerhet, och med liten överanpassning. Detta innebär att det är tillräckligt att enbart använda smartphonesensorer för att avgörande om körningen var mjuk eller aggressiv.

Konsumentbeteendet på Mobiltelefonmarknaden : En studie om applikationsanvändandet

Chabane, Karim, Pärnänen, Christoffer, Viel Lamare, Philippe January 2010 (has links)
<p>Studien är en undersökning om hur olika delar av konsumentbeteendet bland applikationsanvändare ser ut. En applikation är ett program eller en tjänst som tillför en ny funktion i mobiltelefonen. Studiens syfte och problemformulering hur olika delar av konsumentbeteendet ser ut och utifrån det ta fram den typiske applikationsanvändaren. Som teoretisk referensram används en bearbetad version av Peter & Olsons (2008) Wheel of consumer analysis som vi kallar konsumenthjulet. Konsumenthjulet består av affekt och kognition, konsumenters omgivning och beteende. Dessa områden för att få en övergripande bild över konsumentbeteendet.</p><p>En kvantitativ studie genomfördes genom en webbenkät för att samla in nödvändig data för studien. Enkätdistributionen skedde via forum och sociala medier för att få en så stor spridning som möjligt bland respondenter.</p><p>I Analysen diskuteras resultatet utifrån konsumenthjulet. Det visar sig att engagemang har stor betydelse för hur applikationer används och delarna av konsumenthjulet påverkas av just detta.  I slutsatsen diskuterades den typiska applikationsanvändaren fram och kortfattat är det en man i 25 års ålder som är en hög engagemangsanvändare av applikationer. För fortsatta studier rekommenderas studier om hur företag ska marknadsföra applikationer och mer djupingående studier som kan besvara <em>varför</em> applikationsanvändare beter sig som de gör.</p> / <p>This thesis is a study about the consumer behavior on the cellular telephone market regarding the usage of applications that can be downloaded and used on the cellular telephone. An application is a program or a service that contributes new functions to the cellular telephone. The purpose and main question of the thesis is to describe how different theory parts of the Consumer Wheel form the typical application user. The theoretical frame of reference was an adapted form of Peter & Olsons (2008) Wheel of consumer analysis, a theory framework used to describe the consumer behavior. The Consumer Wheel consist of three parts; affect and cognition, consumer environment and behavior.</p><p>A quantitative study was carried out through a web-based survey to collect the necessary data for the thesis. The survey was distributed through internet forums and social networks to get as large spread of the survey as possible.</p><p>In the analyze part of the thesis the result is discussed with the Consumer Wheel. Involvement seem to have a large meaning on how applications are used and that the different parts of the Consumer Wheel are influenced by the level of involvement. In the conclusion part the typical application user is presented as a 25 year old male and he is a high involvement application user. Future studies should focus on how companies can market applications and studies on why application users behave as they do.</p>

Smarttelefonen: En blick mot framtiden : när vetenskapliga fakta, design och fiktion blir ett

Persson, Simon, Larsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
I den här undersökningen utforskar vi hur användande av smarttelefoner skulle kunna se ut inom en nära framtid. Med designfiktion som grundpelare och förhållningssätt, verklighetsproducerar vi diegetiska prototyper som med sina utseendemässiga egenskaper och funktionaliteter, berättar om en möjlig framtida värld av smarttelefonanvändning. De diegetiska prototyperna är sprungna ur ett fiktivt scenario, baserad på tidigare forskning om aspekter kring användning av smarttelefoner, smarttelefonens tekniska utveckling och dess estimerade roll i en nära framtid. Med Scenariometoden, en egentillverkad metod som vi kallar “Lager-på-lager” och Bleeckers (2009) framställning av designfiktion, kan vi utgå från dessa aspekter för att fantisera och spekulera kring hur det en dag skulle kunna se ut. Löwgren och Stoltermans (2004) bok “Design av informationsteknik” bidrar med metodologi som bistår oss med verktyg för att realisera vår designfiktiva verklighetsproduktion, där fokuset ligger på idégenerering och ifrågasättande samt en abstrakt bild av hur designsituationer börjar, som vi använder som ett förhållningssätt under hela gestaltningsarbetet. Vi får inte bara inblick i hur smarttelefonanvändning skulle kunna se ut inom en snar framtid, men även hur designfiktion kan användas i en spekulerande undersökning, där vetenskapliga fakta, design och fiktion möts och blir ett. / In this Bachelor thesis we explore what smartphone usage could be like in the near future. With design fiction as the central method of approach, we create real life diegetic prototypes that, with their appearance and functionalities, tell of a possible future world of smartphone use. Our diegetic prototypes come from a fictitious scenario, based on aspects derived from science fact, containing smartphone use, the smartphone’s technological evolution and estimated role in the near future. With Scenariometoden (“The scenario method”), our own method Lager-på-lager (“Layer-on-layer”) and Bleecker’s (2009) interpretation of design fiction, we can base our fantasy and speculation on these aspects, to imagine what it one day could be like. Löwgren and Stolterman’s (2004) book “Design av informationsteknik” contributes methodology that assists us with tools for realizing our design-fictional reality production, where the focus is on idea generation and questioning as well as an abstract picture of how design situations begin which we use as an appliance throughout the design work. We not only get an insight into what smartphone use could be like in the near future, but also how design fiction can be used in speculative study, where science fact, design and fiction meet and become one.

Minimera stress och psykisk ohälsa i kontorsmiljöer med hjälp av digitala verktyg : En litteraturstudie / Minimize stress and mental illness in office environment using digital tools : A literature study

Magrini Klövmark, Silvia January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: Arbetsplatser  är den mest utvecklade arenan för att förebygga sjukdom. Stress som sjukdomstillstånd i arbetsmiljön har blivit allt vanligare. Tanken med studie är att se om det går att förebygga  både stress och psykisk ohälsa på arbetsplatser med hjälp av en teknisk uppfinning, ett hälsoarmband. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt där elva vetenskapliga artiklar använts som grund till resultatet. Artiklarna analyserades, bearbetades och granskades för att nå tillförlitlighet i resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet visade på flertal metoder och möjligheter att identifiera riskfaktorer i ett tidigt stadium hos arbetstagare, med hjälp av hälsoarmband eller annan teknisk utrustning och på så sätt förebygga stress och psykisk ohälsa. Diskussion: Hälsoarmbandet kan vara en arbetsmetod för kommande generationer som ska ut i arbetslivet och även för dem som redan befinner sig där. Det är en innovation som kan utvecklas vidare. / Introduction: Workplaces are the most developed arena for disease prevention. Stress as a disease condition in the work environment has become more common. The idea of this study is to see if it is possible to prevent both stress and mental health at workplaces with the help of a technical invention, a health bracelet. Method: Systematic literature study, in which eleven scientific articles were used as the basis for the result. The articles were analyzed, processed and reviewed to achieve reliability in the result. Results: The results showed several methods and possibilities for identifying risk factors at an early stage in employees, using health bracelets or other technical equipment, thus preventing stress and mental illness. Discussion: The health bracelet can be a working method for future generations who are going to work and also for those who are already there. It´s an innovation that can be developed further.

Hur påverkas vi av vår smartphone? : En studie om hur människor förhåller sig till mobilanvändande ur ett hälsovetenskapligt perspektiv med fokus på olika konsekvenser / How are we affected by our smartphone? : A quantitative essay on how people relate to mobile use from a health science perspective with a focus on different consequences

Nilsson, Lovisa, Bood, Terese January 2019 (has links)
Mobiltelefonen är något som de flesta är beroende av idag. I den här studien har vi undersökt hur människor påverkas av mobilanvändning. Vi gjorde en kvantitativ studie via enkäter. Syftet var att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan mobilanvändning och allmän upplevd hälsa. Det var 63 personer som deltog i studien och resultatet visade att de flesta påverkades negativt av sin mobiltelefon. Den psykiska hälsan kan påverkas negativt. Depression och stress kan vara vanliga åkommor och ångest och oro dominerar att uppstå av för mycket mobilanvändning. Slutsatsen vi har dragit av denna studie är att resultatet tyder på att många är beroende och påverkas negativt av mobiltelefonen och att den kan skapa ohälsa. / The mobile phone is something that most people are depend on today. In this study, we have investigated how people are affected by mobile use. We did a quantitative study through surveys. The purpose was to investigate whether there is any connection between mobile use and general perceived health. There were 63 people who performed our study and the result showed that most people are adversely affected by their mobile phone. The mental health can be adversely affected, depression and stress can be common diseases and anxiety dominates from too much mobile use. The conclusion from the result indicates that people are dependent and negatively affected by the mobile phone and that it can create health problems.

Network Science – Applications in Technology, Business and Social Media

Baumann, Annika 07 June 2018 (has links)
Netzwerke stellen einen integralen Bestandteil unseres Lebens dar. Eines der wichtigsten Kommunikations-Netzwerke ist das Internet, welches zu starken Veränderungen im Alltag geführt hat. Diese werden in Teilaspekten in der vorliegenden Dissertation untersucht. Insgesamt ist die Dissertation in drei Bereiche unterteilt, welche auf der traditionellen Perspektive der drei Dimensionen von Informationssystemen basieren. Diese Dimensionen umfassen die Technologie, das Management und die Organisation. Im Zentrum der Dissertation steht hierbei die Technologie-Dimension in dessen Rahmen die Struktur und Robustheit des Internets sowie anderer Netzwerke unter Nutzung des mathematisch-methodischen Aspekts der Graphentheorie analysiert werden. Der zweite Teilbereich der vorliegenden Arbeit wechselt die Perspektive hin zum Management. Unter Nutzung von Methoden der prädikativen Modellierung stehen das bessere Verständnis und die Möglichkeit der Vorhersage von Nutzerverhalten im E-Commerce-Kontext im Fokus. Der dritte Bereich umfasst die Organisations-Perspektive aus Sicht der Nutzer. Hierbei werden zwei spezielle Unterbereiche betrachtet. Der erste Unterbereich umfasst Webseiten Sozialer Medien und analysiert wie verschiedene Nutzergruppen diese verwenden. Der zweite Unterbereich befasst sich mit dem Einfluss der weitläufigen Verbreitung von mobilen Endgeräten auf Aspekte des persönlichen und beruflichen Lebens von Individuen. Aufbauend auf diesen drei Dimensionen wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation insgesamt 18 Studien durchgeführt, die sich unterschiedlicher methodischer Anwendungen bedienen um wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu den vorgestellten Teilbereichen zu erlangen. / Networks constitute an integral part of our lives. One of the most important communication networks is the Internet which led to large changes in everyday life, which are examined in part in this dissertation. Overall, the present dissertation is subdivided into three areas, which are based on the traditional three dimensions of information systems, comprising perspectives technology, management and organization. At the core of this dissertation is the technological perspective, centered on an analysis of the structure and robustness of the Internet network using the mathematical-methodical aspect of graph theory. The second part of the thesis deals with the management perspective. The focus lies on the understanding and prediction of user behavior in the e-commerce context utilizing methods of predictive modeling. The third area includes the organizational perspective from the point of view of users. Here, two specific sub-areas are selected. The first sub-area revolves around social media websites, with the goal of understanding how sub-groups of users utilize them in different ways. The second area is centered around the aspect of how the propagation of mobile devices influences individuals in their personal and professional environments. Based on these three perspectives, a total of 18 studies were conducted within the scope of this dissertation, using different methodological applications to gain scientific insights with respect to the areas examined.

Aprendizagem motora na distrofia muscular de Duchenne por meio de jogo de labirinto em telefone móvel / Motor learning in Duchenne muscular dystrophy through a maze game for mobile phone

Capelini, Camila Miliani 27 June 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença genética e hereditária que leva ao enfraquecimento da musculatura esquelética, respiratória e cardíaca de maneira progressiva e irreversível. Para pessoas gravemente comprometidas, a realidade virtual vem surgindo como uma forma de intervenção que traz uma nova possibilidade de interação com a comunidade. Os smartphones estão se tornando a próxima modernidade funcional para pessoas deficientes, não apenas pela acessibilidade, mas também pela conveniência da comunicação. Objetivo: Verificar se pessoas com DMD melhoram o desempenho motor quando realizam uma tarefa visuo-motora de labirinto virtual em um telefone móvel (smartphone). Método: Participaram do estudo 50 pessoas com DMD e 50 pessoas controles com desenvolvimento típico (DT), com idade entre 10 e 35 anos. A caracterização da amostra foi feita por meio das escalas Vignos, Egen Klassifikation, e Medida da Função Motora. A tarefa consistiu em completar o percurso de um labirinto virtual no jogo para telefone móvel (smartphone) Marble Maze Classic®, por meio de movimentos de punho e mão para mover a bola virtual pelo labirinto. Para mensurar o desempenho motor, foi cronometrado o tempo (em segundos) utilizado para completar o labirinto. O desempenho foi avaliado considerando os resultados nas fases de aquisição, retenção e transferência, e interpretados sob o ponto de vista teórico da aprendizagem motora. Resultados: A prática do jogo de labirinto no celular promoveu uma melhora no desempenho durante a aquisição em ambos os grupos, que se manteve na fase de retenção. Nas transferências, o desempenho no grupo DMD foi similar ao grupo DT, com a exceção da transferência para a mão contralateral (não dominante). No entanto, o grupo com DMD apresentou um tempo de movimento maior em todas as fases de aprendizagem comparado ao grupo DT. Conclusão: A prática de uma tarefa visuo-motora em um jogo de telefone móvel promoveu uma melhora no desempenho com padrões de aprendizagem similares em ambos os grupos. O desempenho pode ser influenciado pela dificuldade da tarefa, e para as pessoas com DMD, os déficits motores são responsáveis pela menor velocidade de execução, mas não é um impeditivo para a utilização dos smartphones por esta população / Background: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic and hereditary disease that leads to a progressive and irreversible weakening of the skeletal, respiratory, and cardiac muscles. For the severely compromised subjects, virtual reality (VR) has been appearing as an intervention form that brings a new possibility of interaction with the community. Smartphones are likely to become the next functional modernity for handicapped, not only for accessibility but also for the convenience of communication. Objective: To verify whether people with DMD improve performance when doing a visual-motor task using a smartphone game. Method: The study included 50 patients with DMD and 50 healthy control subjects with Typical Development (TD), aged between 10 and 35 years. The characterization of the sample was given through Vignos scales, Egen Klassifikation, and the Motor Function Measure. The task consisted in to complete the journey of a virtual maze in the Marble Maze Classic® game for mobile phone (smartphone), moving a virtual ball using both hand and wrist movements. For the motor performance assessment it was measured the time (in seconds) used to complete the maze. The motor performance was assessed considering the results in acquisition, short-term retention and transfer, and interpreted from the theoretical framework of motor learning. Results: The practice of the smartphone maze game promoted an improvement in performance during acquisition in both groups, which remained in the retention phase. At the transfer phases, the performance in DMD group was similar to the performance of TD group, with the exception for the transfer to the contralateral hand (non-dominant). However, the group with DMD showed longer movement time at all stages of learning compared with the TD group. Conclusion: We conclude that the practice of a visual-motor task in a mobile phone game promoted an improvement in performance with similar patterns of learning in both groups. The performance can be influenced by the task difficulty, and motor deficits are responsible for the lower speed execution in DMD people, however, this is not an impediment for smartphone use by this population

Avaliação de arquitetura paralela para smartphones e tablets utilizando GNU/Linux e MPI para processamento de dados / Evaluation of paralle architecture for smartphones and tablets using GNU/Linux and MPI for data processing

Felipe Sanches Zanoni 06 September 2013 (has links)
A versatilidade e principalmente o poder de processamento dos atuais celulares, mais conhecidos como smartphones, e também dos tablets, impulsionam a computação de algorítimos complexos nesses dispositivos. Cada celular ou tablet pode fazer parte de uma grande rede de computadores com capacidade para processar uma enorme quantidade de dados com um consumo muito baixo de energia se comparado aos computadores convencionais. Um outro grande motivador é que muitos desses celulares possuem o sistema operacional Android, o qual é baseado no núcleo Linux. Isso facilita a migração de projetos já desenvolvidos em computadores para essa nova plataforma móvel, uma vez que é possível executar um sistema operacional completo GNU/Linux nesses dispositivos. O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar e comparar o desempenho de um cluster híbrido formado por dispositivos móveis e computadores, mostrando que é possível desenvolver aplicativos utilizando MPI para processamento paralelo em celulares da mesma forma com que se desenvolve aplicativos para computadores em GNU/Linux. Os resultados mostram qual é a diferença de poder computacional entre os computadores de arquitetura x86 e os dispositivos móveis de tecnologia ARM. / Versatility and mainly processing power of nowadays smartphones and tablets boost complex algorithms computation on these devices. Each cellphone or tablet can be part of a big computer network capable of processing a huge amount of data with low power consumption compared to personal computers. A great motivator also is that these devices have the Android operational system that is based on Linux kernel, what facilitates developed projects to migrate easily to this new platform. The goal of this project is to evaluate and compare a hybrid cluster performance formed by mobile devices and computers, showing that is possible to develop software using MPI for parallel processing over smartphones and tablets the same way as for GNU/Linux computers. The results show what is the processing power difference between x86 architecture computers and mobile devices using ARM architecture.

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