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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feeding competition in wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)

Heesen, Marlies 15 May 2014 (has links)
Nahrung ist eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen um die Tiere konkurrieren. Um die Anpassung von lebenden Organismen zu verstehen ist es daher von großem Interesse festzustellen, wie Individuen um solche limitierenden Ressourcen konkurrieren. Bei Säugetieren wird erwartet, dass Weibchen intensiver um Nahrungsressourcen konkurrieren als Männchen, da Weibchen im Allgemeinen geringere Fortpflanzungsraten haben, und ihre Fertilität und Fortpflanzung stärker durch ihren Ernährungszustand beeinflusst werden. Zusätzlich zu dem Einfluss von Nahrungsressourcen auf das Überleben und die Reproduktion von Individuen, schlagen sozio-ökologische Modelle vor, dass die Eigenschaften von Nahrungsressourcen die Nahrungskonkurrenz und sozialen Interaktionen zwischen Individuen und Gruppen beeinflussen, und so zu voraussagbaren Unterschieden in der Sozialstruktur von Weibchen führen. Die Validität dieser Modelle wird momentan diskutiert, da Modellvorhersagen und empirische Daten häufig voneinander abweichen. Es wird allerdings argumentiert, dass diese Unstimmigkeiten hauptsächlich daraus resultieren, dass Modellvorhersagen nur ungenau oder unvollständig überprüft und wichtige Faktoren, wie zum Beispiel konkurrenzreduzierende Mechanismen und Konkurrenz um andere limitierende Ressourcen, ausgelassen werden. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war, unser Verständnis der Zusammenhänge zwischen Nahrungseigenschaften, proximaten Mechanismen der Nahrungskonkurrenz und weiblicher Fitness zu erweitern, indem Aggression, Energieaufnahme und Reproduktion innerhalb einer Gruppe wilder Assam-Makaken (Macaca assamensis) mit Nahrungseigenschaften in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, habe ich mehrere Faktoren berücksichtigt, von denen behauptet wurde, dass sie die Vorhersagekraft von sozio-ökologischen Modellen verbessern könnten. Dazu gehören Energieaufnahme und Fitness, sowie Nahrungskonkurrenz innerhalb einzelner Nahrungsquellen (food patches), konkurrenzreduzierende Mechanismen und Konkurrenz um Sicherheit. Ich habe die ultimaten Folgen der Nahrungskonkurrenz erforscht, in dem ich den Einfluss von Nahrungsverfügbarkeit auf die Energieaufnahme von Weibchen, sowie den Einfluss deren Ranges auf die Energieaufnahme, Aktivität und Reproduktion untersucht habe. Um einen Einblick in die proximaten Mechanismen der Nahrungskonkurrenz zu gewinnen, habe ich dann die Nahrungskonkurrenz innerhalb einzelner Nahrungsquellen untersucht, um den Einfluss von sozialen und ökologischen Faktoren auf die nahrungsbezogene Aggressionsrate zu erforschen. Zusätzlich habe ich Strategien untersucht, die Weibchen nutzen könnten um direkte Konflikte um Nahrung zu vermeiden. Des Weiteren habe ich untersucht, inwiefern die räumliche Verteilung von Individuen von der Gruppenaktivität und ökologischen Bedingungen abhängt, um zu beurteilen wie die Gruppe ihre Kohäsion anpassen könnte, um das beste mögliche Verhältnis zwischen Kosten und Nutzen des Lebens in einer Gruppe zu erreichen. Schlussendlich habe ich erforscht, wie Dominanzrang und Reproduktionszustand den Abstand eines Weibchen zum Mittelpunkt der Gruppe beeinflusst. Für diese Studie wurden Daten über eine Gruppe wilder Assam-Makaken im Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary im Nordosten Thailands über zwei einjährige Beobachtungszeiträume erhoben (Zeitraum 1: Oktober 2007 bis September 2008; Zeitraum 2: Mai 2010 bis April 2011). Die Gruppe bestand aus insgesamt 53 Individuen, davon 12 adulte Weibchen (Zeitraum 1), bzw. aus insgesamt 49 Individuen, davon 15 adulte Weibchen (Zeitraum 2). Es wurden Fokusbeobachtungen von allen adulten Weibchen durchgeführt, und so insgesamt über 2100 Stunden Beobachtungen von Fressverhalten, Energieaufnahme, und Aktivitätsbudget erhoben, die durch Daten über Nahrungseigenschaften, weibliche Fortpflanzung, physische Verfassung und räumliche Positionen ergänzt wurden. Zusätzlich habe ich 355 Fokusbaumbeobachtungen durchgeführt, die simultane Beobachtungen aller Individuen beim Fressen in einem patch erlaubten und detaillierte Informationen über Ressourceneigenschaften, Aggressionen und die Gruppenzusammensetzung beim Fressen lieferten. Meine Studie zeigte, dass die Studienpopulation sich hauptsächlich frugivor ernährt und dass die Verfügbarkeit von Früchten sowohl die Energieaufnahme als auch die Empfängnisraten der Weibchen beeinflusst. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass Nahrung tatsächlich eine limitierende Ressource ist. Der Einfluss des Ernährungszustandes auf die weibliche Fitness war besonders offensichtlich während der Stillperiode, welche als energieaufwändigster Teil des Reproduktionszyklus weiblicher Säugetiere betrachtet wird. Während dieses Zeitraums haben weibliche Assam-Makaken eine energiesparende Strategie verfolgt, und verlängerte Ruhezeiten gegen verkürzte Zeiten der Nahrungsaufnahme abgewogen. Der Grad, zu dem Weibchen in der Lage waren die Kosten der Laktation zu kompensieren, beeinflusste, ob sie in ausreichend guter physischer Verfassung blieben, um in der folgenden Paarungszeit erneut tragend zu werden. Dies weißt darauf hin, dass die Nahrungsverfügbarkeit während energetisch anspruchsvoller Perioden, wie z.B. der Hauptstillzeit, die weibliche Reproduktion beschränken kann. Trotz ihrer hauptsächlich frugivoren Ernährung und dem Fakt, dass Weibchen eine strikt lineare Dominanzhierarchie aufweisen, zeigen Weibchen überraschenderweise keine Rangabhängigkeit in der Energieaufnahme, des Aktivitätsbudgets oder der Reproduktion. Außerdem veränderte sich der Einfluss des Ranges eines Weibchen weder auf ihre Energieaufnahme noch auf ihre Aktivität, abhängig von der Gesamtverfügbarkeit von Früchten, Nahrungsqualität, Größe einer Nahrungsressource oder Dichte des meist verzehrten Nahrungstyps. Die Frequenz von nahrungsbezogener Aggression in Nahrungspatches erhöhte sich mit zunehmender Gruppengröße beim Fressen und abnehmender Anzahl von Futterstellen innerhalb des patches (patch size), während sie nicht durch ökologische Variablen, die den Wert von Ressourcen messen, beeinflusst wurde. Interessanterweise scheinen Weibchen mehrere Mechanismen zu nutzen, die direkte Konflikte vermeiden. Dazu gehören die Nutzung alternativer Futterstellen innerhalb von Nahrungspatches, das Speichern von Nahrung in Backentaschen und das Fressen in der Nähe von Individuen mit enger sozialer Bindung. Distanzen zwischen Individuen waren größer wenn die Gruppe fraß als wenn sie hauptsächlich ruhte, sozial interagierte oder sich bewegte. Dies beruht wahrscheinlich darauf, dass die Kosten auf Grund der Nahrungskonkurrenz mit der Nähe zunehmen. Unter den adulten Weibchen besetzten höherrangige Individuen zentralere Positionen innerhalb der Gruppe, während niederrangige Weibchen eher außen zu finden waren. Zusammenfassend vereint diese Doktorarbeit Erkenntnisse über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Ressourceneigenschaften, Verhaltensmechanismen der Nahrungskonkurrenz und Fitnesskonsequenzen in weiblichen Assam-Makaken, und gibt somit einen detaillierten Einblick in die sozialen und ökologischen Einflüsse auf Nahrungskonkurrenz und Fitness von Weibchen. Basierend auf Ressourceneigenschaften wurde vorhergesagt, dass Weibchen innerhalb der Gruppe direkte Nahrungskonkurrenz (contest competition) zeigen. Obwohl Weibchen Aggression im Zusammenhang mit Nahrung zeigen, waren die Aggressionsraten niedriger als vorhergesagt. Dies war wahrscheinlich bedingt durch den Fakt, dass Weibchen konfliktreduzierende Mechanismen nutzen, und dadurch, dass Aggressionsraten stärker durch die Größe eines Nahrungsquelles (patch size) und der Gruppengröße beim Fressen beeinflusst wurden, als durch die Dichte, die Qualität und die Verteilung der Nahrung. Weibchen haben keine Rangabhängigkeit in Hinsicht auf Energieaufnahme und Fitness gezeigt, die mit direkter Nahrungskonkurrenz innerhalb der Gruppe in Verbindung gebracht wird. Hier sind erneut die konkurrenzreduzierenden Mechanismen wichtig, da sie es niedrigrangigen Weibchen erlauben ihren Zugang zu Nahrungsressourcen zu verbessern. Dies könnte mit anderen Nachteilen verbunden sein. Niedrigrangige Weibchen besetzten zum Beispiel eher äußere Positionen, die voraussichtlich Störungen bei der Nahrungsaufnahme reduzieren, welche aber auch mit erhöhtem Prädationsrisiko verbunden sind. Dies deutet an, dass die Konkurrenz um sichere Positionen mit der Nahrungskonkurrenz interagiert und die individuelle Fitness beeinflussen kann. Um die interne Widerspruchsfreiheit von sozio-ökologischen Modellen grundlegend zu überprüfen, sind weitere Studien notwendig die detaillierte Messungen von Ressourceneigenschaften, Energieaufname und Fitness miteinbeziehen, und die konkurrenzvermeidenden Anpassungen und Konkurrenz um sonstige limitierende Ressourcen berücksichtigen.

Integrationsprojektet Vänner emellan - ett stöd för nyanlända

Momeni, Haney, Habtom, Ariam January 2014 (has links)
Vänner emellan är ett integrationsfrämjande projekt i Halmstad kommun som riktar sig till nyanlända ungdomar. Verksamheten strävar efter ett mål, där en vänskapsrelation ska skapas mellan nyanlända och etablerade svenskar. Denna relation ska så småningom underlätta de nyanländas situation som ny i Sverige. Integrationsåtgärden ska även vara en möjlighet för dem att träna på det svenska språket, social träning samt få en upplevelse genom ett kulturellt utbyte. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka deras upplevelser kring integrationsprojektet ”Vänner emellan” med vänskapsrelationer i fokus. Undersökningen baseras på sju kvalitativa intervjuer med: den tidigare projektledaren, den nuvarande projektledaren, en fadder samt fyra nyanlända. För att få svar på syftet kommer vi utifrån ett sociologiskt perspektiv och studera de nyanländas relationer till de etablerade svenskarna, och även deras upplevelser kring vänskap. Detta för att skapa en förståelse om projektet "Vänner emellan" bidrar till en utökad integration. Vi använder oss av teoretiker som belyser sociala band, sociala symboler och asymmetrisk vänskap. Vår frågeställning fokuserar på om det är möjligt att utveckla en organiserad vänskap utifrån projektet ”Vänner emellans” koncept. Majoriteten av informanterna som var nyanlända förstod inte syftet med projektet och såg det som en möjlighet att umgås med andra. De ansåg även att tiden för träffarna var en negativ aspekt i projektet, eftersom de träffades sporadiskt. De begränsningar som vi hade som forskare var vid intervjutillfällena med de nyanlända. Språkbarriären begränsade både oss som intervjuare och dem som informanter. Vi fick förenkla intervjuguiden och kombinera den verbala kommunikationen med kroppsspråk. Våra förhoppningar är att skapa en medvetenhet hos de ansvariga för projektet ”Vänner Emellan”, andra integrationsprojekt och kommuner om vänskap kan leda till integration samt vilka tillvägagångssätt som kan användas. / “Between friends” is an integration project in Halmstad, which is focused on newly arrival youths. The project is reaching for a goal to create a friendship between the newly arrival youths and established Swedes. This relationship will eventually facilitate the situation of young people who recently arrived, but will also be an opportunity to train the Swedish language, social skills and experiences by cultural exchange. The purpose of our study is to see how they are experiencing integration "Between friends" with friendship in focus. The study is based on seven interviews with: the former project leader, the current project leader, a mentor, and four newly arrived youths. In order to answer the purpose of our study, we will from a sociological perspective study the social bonds to the mentor, who is an established Swede. This is to create an understanding about the project "Between Friends" and if organized friendship can contribute to a better integration. We have used theoretic that sheds light on social bonds, social symbols and asymmetric friendships. Our question formulation focuses on of its possible to organize friendship by using “Between friends” concept. The majority of the informants that were newly arrived did not understand the purpose of the project. They also thought that time was a negative factor. Our limits as researches were the language barrier between us and the newly arrived youths. We had to simplify our questions and combine verbal communication with our body language. Our hope is to create awareness among the responsible for the integration project, other integration projects and municipalities, if friendship can lead to integration.

A INFLUÊNCIA DA RELIGIÃO NA CONSTRUÇÃO DE VÍNCULOS SOCIAIS DE ADOLESCENTES, JOVENS E ADULTOS DA ESCOLA NOTURNA / RAMOS, Maria Aparecida Gomes. Religious Influence in the Construction of Social Bonds among Adolescents, Young Adults, and Adults Studying in the Evening. Dissertation (Master s Course on Religious Science) Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.

Ramos, Maria Aparecida Gomes 24 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:49:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Aparecida Gomes Ramos.pdf: 1668970 bytes, checksum: e19ff9d548ad2dbb1e0f3563bb7d33bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-24 / This dissertation deals with the relationship between church and social reality, especially, in what social bonds among migrating students studying in the evening. This field research was performed along with EAJA students Adolescent, Young- Adult, and Adult Schooling from a public school in the municipality of Goiânia. Both religion and culture were identified as having an important role in human life, being present in our school and society day-by-day, mainly in the evening courses, which are mostly composed of workers, usually migrating people, who went later to school than expected. For this group religion is one of fundamental elements for the creation of social bonds, relationships kept by most of them, due to the loss of roots and exclusion faced by them. What is left to these marginal people is the belief they carry with wherever they go. Religious service participation allows them a bond in their trajectory. Thus, this shows that believing in one God has become their reason for living in a big city. / Esta dissertação aborda o tema da relação igreja e realidade social, especialmente no que diz respeito aos vínculos sociais dos estudantes migrantes, matriculados na escola noturna. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada com os alunos da Educação de Adolescentes, Jovens e Adultos (Eaja) de uma escola da Rede Municipal de Goiânia. Identificou-se que a religião, enquanto cultura, tem ocupado um papel importante na vida do ser humano, ela está presente no cotidiano da sociedade e da escola, principalmente no ensino noturno, onde se encontram os alunos trabalhadores, migrantes em sua maioria e tardiamente escolarizados. Para este grupo, a religião é um dos elementos formadores de vínculos social, que os alunos ainda a mantêm, mesmo diante de tantas exclusões e desenraizamentos pelos quais passaram. Sobrou, para estes marginalizados, uma crença que carregam na memória para onde vão. A participação religiosa nas igrejas permite uma grande mediação nessa trajetória. Mostra-se assim que a crença em um Deus torna-se a razão de viver desse grupo, no enfrentamento do cotidiano da cidade.

Ledarskapets roll för en välmående personal samtett motiverande arbete

Tomin, Vanja January 2010 (has links)
I dagens samhälle ser inte arbetsplatsernas sociala miljö likadan ut som förr, idag krävs det mer både utav anställda och arbetsgivare när det kommer till att se efter de sociala relationerna. Nyckeln till framgång inom många stora företag sägs vara kommunikation och samarbetsförmåga. Mycket ansvar läggs på den som leder gruppen med anställda och ett företags framgång hänger ofta ihop med hur en ledare styr sin personal. Dagens arbete skiljer sig från förr i tiden, idag krävs det att anställda och personalansvariga är mycket mer flexibla, har samarbetsförmåga och är motiverade att utföra sitt arbete. Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv förstå relationen mellan ledare och grupp och belysa ledarens roll i sammanhanget. Personansvariga och anställda som blev intervjuade arbetade på tre olika orter på ett inomhus-lekland för barn. Analysen berör aspekterna: organisationsstruktur, ledarstilar, flexibilitet, sociala band, social responsivitet respektive asocial responslöshet. Resultatet analyseras utifrån Robert Kreitner, Michael Allvin, Rolf Granér och Thomas Scheff. / In today’s society the atmosphere of the workplace looks nothing like what it has in the past.The expectations of both employees and employers has shifted drastically. Companies haveplaced a new emphasis on communication within their organizations in the belief thatcommunication is the key to successful cooperation. Within more and more organizations, agreater level of responsibility is being placed upon managers when it comes to creatingeffective leadership for those employees working under them. Much of the success of theseorganizations is now derived from how well their middle and lower level managers areleading their teams. There are other aspects of the modern business environment that alsoserve to differentiate it from the past. Today’s work requires a greater level of flexibility forboth managers and employees, as well as demanding from all members of organization anincreased ability to work in team-based, cooperative environments. The purpose of thisinvestigation is to understand the relationship between leaders and group members withinbusinesses and the result is analyzed on the basis of organizations from a social psychologybased perspective. This analysis is based upon interviews with personnel managers andemployees working at multiple different children's indoor-playgrounds in three differentcities. The analysis will examine the following aspects: structure of an organisation, leadertypes, flexibility, social bonds, social response respective asocial lack of responsitivity.Robert Kreitner, Michael Allvin, Rolf Granér and Thomas Scheff.

Influences of kinship, social bonds and genetics on animal social structure

Stanley, Christina January 2015 (has links)
Sociality is widespread across the animal kingdom and explanations for its incidence and persistence are numerous. Whilst various drivers of sociality have been identified and tested, controversies remain and we are still far from a complete understanding of the mechanisms underlying social structure. Here I use a combination of field observations on a free-living population of feral horses Equus caballus and laboratory behavioural experiments on the Pacific beetle roach Diploptera punctata to investigate the drivers of sociality in these species. I explore four key aspects of sociality: the influences of kinship on sociality and social development, the strength and persistence of social bonds, the relationship between inbreeding avoidance and dispersal and the potential influence of individuals on social structure. Whilst kinship is a major driver of social structure in most mammalian species, I present evidence in Chapter Three that horse society is not structured by levels of kinship; however, in Chapter Five, I show that kinship levels to potential mates are significant in female dispersal choices in this species. In Chapter Eight, I provide evidence for significant effects of kinship to companions upon social and physical development in D. punctata, indicating a clear potential benefit of kin-based associations. The stability of social bonds can have substantial effects upon social structure. In Chapter Three, I show that the bonds between female horses show significant stability and are formed independently to kinship levels, a rare result in a non-primate species. I also provide evidence consistent with the hypothesis that these bonds are driven by male harassment. Similarly, in D. punctata, I find in Chapter Eight that female clustering occurs within resting aggregations and that the most likely explanation is the avoidance of male harassment. I therefore propose that this driver of female sociality may be a highly prevalent force structuring animal societies. Inbreeding depression has been demonstrated in a variety of species and contexts. Here I show in Chapter Five that in horses, female dispersal is likely to be influenced by kinship levels with potential mates. In Chapter Four, I then show that more heterozygous males have a higher reproductive success, most likely due to their ability to utilise a larger home range. Finally, local population structure can be highly influenced by individual association choices and behaviour. In Chapter Two, I show that in horses, mothers may allow their sons to postpone dispersal by the maintenance of stronger mother-son bonds, permitting an extended period of social learning. In Chapter Seven, I demonstrate that consistent inter-individual variation in personality traits exists in D. punctata which is stable across life stages, despite age effects on the strength of boldness. This is a source of variation which may be extremely important for decision-making social groups. My main conclusion from this work is that male harassment is often a key driver of sociality which may frequently be overlooked. I also demonstrate that the effects of kinship are far-ranging but not omnipresent. This thesis therefore makes a major contribution to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying animal sociality and presents clear potential avenues for future research.

Vínculos sociais e felicidade: um estudo sobre as relações humanas na economia solidária

Darós, Marilene Liége 25 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-06-14T12:26:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marilene Liége Darós_.pdf: 5526998 bytes, checksum: 8e4ed9979782ff9a1df18a5b6c18fac7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-14T12:26:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marilene Liége Darós_.pdf: 5526998 bytes, checksum: 8e4ed9979782ff9a1df18a5b6c18fac7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-25 / FAPERGS - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / O tema deste trabalho é a dinâmica das relações vinculantes e sua relação com a Felicidade. Desde a antiguidade, o tema é questão de discussões político-filosóficas e gerador de controvérsias. A premissa de que a felicidade individual está em sintonia com a felicidade de todos se articula com as políticas da modernidade, consolidando o sistema econômico vigente. Os estudos de sociedades anteriores à sociedade moderna e não ocidentais invertem essa maneira de conceber a relação indivíduo/sociedade. As escolhas individuais fazem parte de uma dinâmica de organização social de produção e reprodução da vida. Os vínculos sociais são o elo entre indivíduo e sociedade e a condição primordial para se ter uma boa vida. Diante dessa mudança paradigmática de conceber a natureza humana em movimento dialético com o coletivo, tomamos como referencial para a análise do fenômeno da felicidade os estudos antropológicos de Mauss sobre a dádiva e a tese de Polanyi de que a natureza do ser humano é social, e a economia, uma das dimensões da vida humana. Ao adotar como base esses autores, consideramos as formulações de seus seguidores para entender essa dinâmica da vida humana dentro das organizações sociais: a saber, Sabourin e seus estudos sobre a reciprocidade em Mauss e Polanyi, e a sistematização teórica de Gaiger sobre a qualidade das relações vinculantes. O conceito de felicidade que assumimos é de um sentimento que surge da articulação entre as condições objetivas e subjetivas. Sentimento, para Damásio, é a expressão que provém de uma sensação do corpo que se articula a uma percepção subjetiva dessa expressão corporal. O sentimento envolve o corpo e a alma, sendo visível na expressão de uma pessoa. Partindo desse referencial, adotamos o conceito de felicidade apresentado por Gaiger como um sentimento que surge de um estado de paz e bem-estar consistente, ancorado no que julgamos primordial à vida, à trajetória de nossas realizações e a uma avaliação global com a vida que temos e que levamos. Tomando como objeto empírico a Economia Solidária, buscamos fundamentos para a compreensão da felicidade a partir da teoria dos vínculos sociais que têm como base a concepção teórica sobre a dádiva de Mauss e a reciprocidade de Polanyi, utilizando as metodologias quantitativas e qualitativas. A partir das análises de questões das bases de informações do II Mapeamento e da pesquisa amostral dos(as) sócios(as) e sócias em Economia Solidária, demonstramos que os empreendimentos solidários são engajados e que os vínculos são motivadores para a entrada e permanência dos(as) sócios(as) nos Empreendimentos Solidários. Na pesquisa qualitativa, fizemos uma imersão no campo e entrevistamos 22 pessoas de quatro segmentos: seis agricultores familiares, sendo dois deles de comunidades quilombolas remanescentes; seis pescadores artesanais; quatro mulheres de uma cooperativa de alimentos e seis de uma cooperativa de catadores de materiais recicláveis. Concluímos que os vínculos são importantes para as pessoas estarem nas cooperativas bem como, tendo como vetor a reciprocidade, os vínculos podem transformar a autoimagem negativa em positiva, levando as pessoas a se avaliarem como felizes. / The subject of this paper is the dynamics of bonding relations and their relation with Happiness. Since ancient times, this theme is subject of political and philosophical discussions and creates much controversy. The premise that individual happiness is connected with the happiness of everyone relates to modern politics, consolidating the current economical system. The study of societies dating prior to modern societies, as well as the study of non-western societies subvert this way of seeing the individual/society relationship. The individual choices are part of a dynamic of social organization of production and reproduction of life. The social bonds are the link between individual and society, as well as the most important condition for one to live a good life. Facing this paradigmatic change of seeing human nature in dialectic movement with the collective, we use as reference the anthropological studies of Mauss about gift and Polanyi's thesis that human nature is social and economy is one of human life's dimensions. Adopting the groundwork laid by these authors, we consider the formulations of their followers to understand the dynamics of human life within social organizations – namely, Sabourin and his studies on reciprocity in Mauss and Polanyi, and Geiger's theoretical systematization about the quality of bonding relations. The concept of happiness as we assume it is a feeling that arises from the articulation of objective and subjective conditions. To Damásio, feeling is the expression of an emotion that comes from a sensation of the body related to a subjective perception of this body expression. Feeling involves body and soul, being visible in a person's expression. Building on that groundwork, we adopt the concept of happiness presented by Gaiger as a feeling that arises from a state of peace and consistent well-being, anchored to what we judge quintessential to life, to our achievements' trajectory and to a global evaluation of the life we live. Taking Solidarity Economy as empirical object, we seek foundations to the understanding of happiness through the theory of social bonds, which has as a foundation the theoretical conception about gift of Mauss and Polanyi's reciprocity, using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Starting from the analysis of matters from the base of information of the Second Mapping and the sample research of the associates in Solidarity Economy, we demonstrated that the solidarity enterprises are committed and that bonds are motivating for the entry and permanence of associates in Solidarity Enterprises. For the qualitative research, we went into the field and interviewed 22 people of four different sectors: six family farmers, two of which from remaining quilombola communities; six artisan fishermen; four women from a food cooperative and six from a co-op of recyclable materials collectors. We concluded that the bonds are important for people to stay in the cooperatives and that having reciprocity as a vector, bonds can transform negative self-image into positive self-image, making people evaluate themselves as happy.

Ledarskapets roll för en välmående personal samtett motiverande arbete

Tomin, Vanja January 2009 (has links)
<p>I dagens samhälle ser inte arbetsplatsernas sociala miljö likadan ut som förr, idag krävs det mer både utav anställda och arbetsgivare när det kommer till att se efter de sociala relationerna. Nyckeln till framgång inom många stora företag sägs vara kommunikation och samarbetsförmåga. Mycket ansvar läggs på den som leder gruppen med anställda och ett företags framgång hänger ofta ihop med hur en ledare styr sin personal. Dagens arbete skiljer sig från förr i tiden, idag krävs det att anställda och personalansvariga är mycket mer flexibla, har samarbetsförmåga och är motiverade att utföra sitt arbete. Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv förstå relationen mellan ledare och grupp och belysa ledarens roll i sammanhanget. Personansvariga och anställda som blev intervjuade arbetade på tre olika orter på ett inomhus-lekland för barn. Analysen berör aspekterna: organisationsstruktur, ledarstilar, flexibilitet, sociala band, social responsivitet respektive asocial responslöshet. Resultatet analyseras utifrån Robert Kreitner, Michael Allvin, Rolf Granér och Thomas Scheff.</p> / <p>In today’s society the atmosphere of the workplace looks nothing like what it has in the past.The expectations of both employees and employers has shifted drastically. Companies haveplaced a new emphasis on communication within their organizations in the belief thatcommunication is the key to successful cooperation. Within more and more organizations, agreater level of responsibility is being placed upon managers when it comes to creatingeffective leadership for those employees working under them. Much of the success of theseorganizations is now derived from how well their middle and lower level managers areleading their teams. There are other aspects of the modern business environment that alsoserve to differentiate it from the past. Today’s work requires a greater level of flexibility forboth managers and employees, as well as demanding from all members of organization anincreased ability to work in team-based, cooperative environments. The purpose of thisinvestigation is to understand the relationship between leaders and group members withinbusinesses and the result is analyzed on the basis of organizations from a social psychologybased perspective. This analysis is based upon interviews with personnel managers andemployees working at multiple different children's indoor-playgrounds in three differentcities. The analysis will examine the following aspects: structure of an organisation, leadertypes, flexibility, social bonds, social response respective asocial lack of responsitivity.Robert Kreitner, Michael Allvin, Rolf Granér and Thomas Scheff.</p>

Svek &amp; skam : En socialpsykologisk studie om upplevelsen av att bli bedragen / Betrayal and shame

Borgström, Simon, Emmerberg, Per January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för den subjektiva upplevelsen av att bli bedragen i en nära relation och är således en fenomenologisk ansats. Undersökningen har baserats på tre kvalitativa intervjuer, där de intervjuade redogjort för sin subjektiva upplevelse av att bli bedragen samt definierat begreppet otrohet. Vi har utgått från teorier om skam, skuld och stigma för att kartlägga hur upplevelsen påverkat självet. Scheffs teorier om sociala band har använts för att beskriva påverkan på individens förhållanden till andra. Vi har upptäckt att en monogam relation inte är ett krav för att otrohet ska uppfattas. Det har även framgått att omgivningens reaktioner spelar roll, på så sätt att de antingen sökte stöd från vänner, eller aktivt undanhöll ämnet från dem. Vidare har vi även upptäckt att intervjupersonerna som blivit bedragna tenderar att skuldbelägga sig själva, känna skam över händelsen samt utveckla en starkare grad av svartsjuka – som en förändring av självet. / Based on three qualitative interviews, our research has set out to phenomenologically describe the experience of being cheated on (or in other words, infidelity). The three people we interviewed were to describe their subjective experiences and also provide their own definition of what they considered to be infidelity. Theories on shame, guilt and stigma has been used to describe the experience's implications ”the self”. The theory of ”Social bonds” by Scheff has been used to describe implications on social relationships. We've discovered that infidelity can take place even in a relationship that's not monogamous. We've also discovered that the reaction from others plays a big part - the persons either sought support among friends, or actively withheld information from them. The effects the experience had on the persons' self were the following: they tended to blame themselves, feel shameful about the incident and after the infidelity had occurred, developed stronger feelings of jealousy.

Micro-firms and the auditor : a study of the individual-firm commitment between auditors and exempted firms in Sweden

Trifunovski, Alexandar, Steén, Max January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose with this dissertation is to examine the individual–firm commitment between auditors and exempted firms from the client perspective and how it is influenced by relational influencing factors. The impact of these factors is investigated through a three component model incorporating affective, calculative and normative commitment.   Method: The study encompasses a triangular research method and can be seen as a twofold complementary approach. The choice of methodology seeks to qualitatively investigate how auditors actively work to impact the level of trust, social bonds and satisfaction as well as the level of commitment in their relationship with the exempted firm. The intention is to complement the findings from the qualitative study with quantitatively measured factors from the client’s perspective using a survey strategy.   Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that micro-firms are predominantly affectively committed to their auditor based on positive feelings of attachment and less due to normative and calculative reasons. Trust and satisfaction proved to be the most significant factors in ensuring long-term and enduring relationships between auditors and micro-firms.   Implications: Affective commitment proved to be the most significant construct in explaining the characteristics of the auditor-micro firm relation in this study. By critically evaluating the relationship, the auditor can assess to which degree trust, social bonds and satisfaction can be implemented to strengthen the commitment of the exempted firm, thus influencing their long-term staying intention.

The Factors that determine customer retention in electronic commerce

Saini, Vipin 24 August 2009 (has links)
There has been lots of research done on customer retention in electronic commerce by using different theories and Model. But there is very less or no work done based on MODE (Motivation and Opportunity as Determinants) model by Fazio 1990. This thesis used MODEL to predict the factors that determine customer in retention in EC. Motivation and opportunity are the most important determinants for consumers choosing an online store. To study motivation and opportunity mechanisms underlying consumer-e-retailer exchange relationship, this research takes a new perspective, a perspective directed toward customer intention to repurchase or customer retention. By integrating MODE model of Fazio 1990 with ¡V process feasibility, switching cost, and relational bond. This study develops an integrated model of consumer retention in an e-retailer. Data for the study was collected using an online survey distributed via email, posting link on the social networking sites linkedin, facebook, and discussion boards¡¦ bbs, NSYSU website. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling of SmartPls. Findings of the study imply that consumer retention in an online store is the affect of consumer motivation towards same online store. Specifically, a consumer¡¦s attitudes toward the key components of his/her entire online purchase experience (i.e., financial bond, social bond, structural bond, time and money saving, and switching cost) constitute the key drivers of consumer retention. Findings also indicate that motivation is intrinsically beneficial. If a consumer motivated by an online store, consumer will come back in the future to repurchase from the same e-retailer. Further, findings suggest that though motivation has a direct effect on future intentions and repurchase. Additionally, findings of the study imply that the effects of motivation on repurchase intention, but the opportunities available from another online store doesn¡¦t affect consumer attitude towards repurchase intention. Moreover search and experience type product moderately affect consumer attitude towards repurchase intention.

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