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Lärarrollens emotionella arbete : Skapar hanteringen av mobbning utbrändhetNilsson, Madeleine, Bytyqi, Arta January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv undersöka om det finns något samband mellan lärarnas hantering av mobbning och utbrändhet/stress. Detta kommer att undersökas med hjälp av åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare. Det är på deras beskrivningar som fokus kommer att ligga på. Materialet från intervjuerna kommer sedan att utformas till en sammanställd empiri som tolkas. Detta kommer sedan tillsammans med utvalda teorier besvara studiens frågeställningar. De teorier som främst kommer att användas är Arlie Hochschilds teori om emotionellt arbete, Thomas Sheffs teori om sociala band, Randall Collins teori om interaktionsteori. Vidare i studiens resultat visar det att det finns ett samband mellan hanteringen av mobbning och ökad stress. Detta kan bero på att lärarna idag har mer på sitt bord att hinna med vilket gör att vissa delar blir drabbade. / The purpose of this study is to find out if there’s a connection between how teachers’ handling bullying and burnouts/stress. This will be examined with the help of eight qualitative interviews with school teachers. It is thier stories that will have the focus in this study. The material gathered from the interviews will then interperted with the selected theories which seek to answer the question for this study. The selected theories are Arlie Hochschild’s theory about emotional labor, Thomas Sheff’s theory about social bonds, Randall Collins’ theory about interaction ritual chains. Further in the studies results there will be found that there is a connection between how teachers handling bullying and stress. This can depend on the fact that teachers today has more responsibility elsewhere then looking after just students.
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Långtidsarbetslöshet - En förändring i livet : En socialpsykologisk studie av hur långtidsarbetslösas liv förändras efter en arbetslöshet med fokus på socialt välbefinnande, roll & identitetEldonson, Marianne, Rosén, Annelie January 2015 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar att långtidsarbetslöshet har betydelse för individens livskvalité och att människor utan ett arbete lätt blir till någon som får stå utanför gemenskapen i samhället. Vi önskar i vår C-uppsats att lyfta fram vad som sker i individens liv vid långtidsarbetslöshet, med fokus på hur arbetslösheten ändrat individens sätt att se på sig själv och hur det sociala och arbetsplatsanknutna nätverket förändrats. Vi använde oss av en kvalitativ metod, där vi med en hermeneutisk vetenskaplig ansats genomfört nio stycken semistrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer. Vi sökte inte efter en absolut sanning, vi intresserade oss av informanternas egna känslor och upplevelser. Deras uttryckta känslor och erfarenheter använde vi sedan för att tolka och analysera vårt material. Resultatet visade att informanternas syn på sig själva drastiskt förändrades efter ett par månader som arbetslösa, de upplevde sig som misslyckade och skämdes över sin situation. I den nya livsituationen var gemenskapen med vänner och familj betydande för hur arbetslösheten hanterades. / Previous research shows that long-term unemployment is important for the individual's quality of life. But it also shows that people without a job often become someone who is standing outside the community. We wish in our C-ascribed to highlight what´s happening in the individual's life during long-term unemployment, we wish to do this with a focus on how unemployment changed the individual's way of looking at themselves, but also how social and workplace-related network has changed during the unemployment. We used a qualitative approach, with a hermeneutics scientific method. We conducted nine pieces of semi-structured life-world interviews. We did not seek an absolute truth; we were interested in the informants' own feelings and experiences. We used their expressed feelings and experiences to analyze our material. The results showed that the informants ' views of themselves drastically changed after a couple of months unemployed, they think of themselves as failures and were ashamed over their situation. In their new life situation friends and family significant for how unemployment could be accepted.
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Ska du gå hem redan nu? : En studie om arbetsrelaterad stress och dess betydelse för relationer i privatlivetd'Aubigné, Max, Anderberg, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
Studien avser att undersöka arbetsrelaterad stress och dess betydelse för relationer i privatlivet. Vidare undersöker studien betydelsen av arbetsrelaterad stress för den egna identiteten. Studien utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta deltagare vid ett mindre företag. Intervjuerna byggdes på fyra större teman: synen på den egna identiteten, förändring av identiteten, relationer och gränsen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Resultatet visar att arbetsrelaterad stress och arbetsbörda har en betydande innebörd för relationer i privatlivet samt den egna identiteten. Genom att ta tid från privatlivet för att istället spendera denna på arbetsrelaterade uppgifter minskar möjligheten till vårdande av sociala band. Detta innebär försämrade relationer eller att relationen upphör helt. Vidare visar resultatet att arbetsrelaterad stress inte endast uppkommer från arbetet utan även att stress skapas ur relationer i privatlivet och utifrån den egna identiteten. Genom att inte kunna besvara privatlivets förväntningar förstärks upplevelsen av stress och den egna identiteten kan komma att ifrågasättas, både av individen själv men också av omgivningen. / The study means to examine work-related stress and its meaning for relationships in the private life. In addition, the study means to examine the meaning of work-related stress for the own identity. The study was carried out through qualitative interviews with eight participants at a smaller company. The interviews were built on four major themes: the view of the own identity, changes in the identity, relationships and the border between work life and private life. The results shows that work-related stress and workload have an important significance for relationships in the private life as well as the own identity. By spending the time of the private life at work-related tasks the tending to social bonds decreases which results in worsen social bonds or that the relationship completely ceases to exist. In addition the results show that work-related stress not only come to existence through work, but the experience of it is created through relationships in the private life and the own identity. By not being able to meet the expectations set by the private life the experience of work-related stress is enhanced and the own identity can be questioned, either by one self or by others.
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Legalisering eller inte : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungdomars attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i SverigeIda, Bengtsson, Ida, Bondesson January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse kring ungdomars attityder och deras upplevda livsvärld inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. För att besvara syftet formulerade vi en frågeställning: Vilka tidigare kunskaper och erfarenheter formar ungdomarnas attityder till droger och hur ser deras attityder ut gentemot cannabis idag? Detta undersökte vi genom kvalitativa intervjuer med ungdomar mellan 15-20 år på ett kulturhus i en mellanstor stad i södra Sverige. Vi ville undersöka vad det är som påverkar ungdomarna i deras formande av attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige samt hur dessa attityder ser ut idag. För att få en så djup förståelse för individernas upplevda livsvärld som möjligt genomförde vi enskilda intervjuer med tio ungdomar som alla har olika erfarenheter och kunskaper. Resultatet visade att det finns en stor bristfällig kunskap när det kommer till droger i allmänhet samt att denna kunskap saknas både i skolan men också i hemmet. Det framkom också att många av ungdomarna någon gång hade provat cannabis eller befunnit sig i kretsar där ett brukande av cannabis pågick. Detta visade sig senare vara en stor bidragande faktor till deras attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Med hjälp av Festingers teori om kognitiv dissonans visade analysen att den kognitiva dissonansen var en bidragande faktor till deras attityder. Utifrån Scheffs teori om hänsynsemotionssystemet, med fokus på sociala band, skam och stolthet, bidrog tryggheten och otryggheten hos informanterna till deras attityder. Den otillräckliga kunskapen, tryggheten och otryggheten bildade tillsammans grunden för ungdomarnas attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Utifrån Mead fanns det brister i rollövertagandet i formandet av deras attityder. / The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of young people's attitudes and their perceived life-world face a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. To answer the aim we formulated a question: What prior knowledge and experiences shape young people's attitudes to drugs and what are their attitudes towards cannabis today? This, we investigated through qualitative interviews with young people aged 15-20 years at an arts center in a medium large town in southern Sweden. We wanted to explore what affects the youth in their shaping of attitudes towards cannabis and legalization of cannabis in Sweden and how these attitudes are today. To gain a deeper understanding of individuals' perceived life-world as possible, we conducted individual interviews with ten young people who all have different experiences and knowledge. The results showed that there is a great lack of knowledge when it comes to drugs in general, and that this knowledge is lacking both in school but also at home. It also emerged that many of the young people had tried cannabis or been in circles where use of cannabis was ongoing. This later proved to be a major contributing factor to their attitudes towards cannabis and a legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Using Festingers theory of cognitive dissonance, the analysis showed that it was a contributing factor to their attitudes. Based on Scheffs theory of the “deference-emotion system”, focusing on social bonds, shame and pride, the security and insecurity of informants influence their attitudes. The insufficient knowledge, security and insecurity together formed the foundation for young people's attitudes towards a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Based on Mead, there were deficiencies in the role takeover when shaping their attitudes.
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"En väg in" : En socialpsykologisk studie om de anställdas upplevelser kring organisationsförändringen "En väg in"Bergström, Josefin, Theandersson, Tina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt- och relationellt perspektiv, skapa en djupare förståelse och förklaring för hur medarbetarna på kundservice "En väg in" i Varbergs kommun upplevt denna organisationsförändring. Urvalet bestod av sex medarbetare och två personer ur ledningsgruppen. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts, samt en hermeneutisk ansats. För att analyseraoch tolka det empiriska materialet har tidigare forskning och vetenskapliga artiklar valts ut, samt teorierna Jacobsens (2013) förändringsledarskap och motstånd, Maslows behovstrappa (Aronsson m.fl. 2012), Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori (Aronsson m.fl. 2012, Herzberg [1968]/2003) och McCelland motivationsteori om de mänskliga behoven (Aronsson m.fl. 2012) som kompletteras med, Scheffs (1994) sociala band och differentiering. Det mest centrala som framkommit i studien är betydelsen av bristande kommunikation, delaktighet och kontroll. Samt att medarbetarna haft olika inställningar till förändringen och att avdelningen ej har hunnit skapa en gemensam organisationskultur. Yrkesrollerna hämmar medarbetarna att skapa starka sociala band med varandra. / The purpose of this study is that from a social psychological - and relational perspective, create a deeper understanding and explanation of how the employees of customer service "En väg in" in Varberg municipality experienced this organizational change. The sample consisted of six employees and two individuals from the management team. Qualitative approaches with semi structured interviews were used, as well as a hermeneutical approach. In order to analyze and interpret the empirical material previous research and scientific articles were selected and the theories Jacobsen (2013), change management and resistance, Maslow's hierarchy of needs (Aronsson et al 2012), Herzberg two-factor theory (Aronsson et al 2012, Herzberg [1968] / 2003) and McClelland's motivation theory of human needs (Aronsson et al 2012), supplemented by, Scheff (1994) social bonds and differentiation. The most central that emerged in the results is the importance of lack of communication, participation and control. And that the employees had different settings to the change and that the department has not had the time to create a mutual organizational culture. Professional roles inhibit employees to create strong social bonds with each other.
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Interviews with people currently in a heavy drug use about why they are not in treatment and their perception and attitudes towards treatment.Abdalla, Martina, Rydén, Alva January 2017 (has links)
In Sweden there are approximately 45 000 people that show signs of being dependant on narcotics, and there are approximately 26 000 people who can be defined as heavy users. Heavy users is defined by Centralförbundet för alkohol- och narkotikaupplysning as persons who have injected narcotics of any kind in the last 12 months or persons who have had a daily or practically daily use of narcotics the last four weeks. The aim of this study was to understand why people with a current heavy drug use are not in treatment. Through interviews their perceptions and attitudes towards drug treatment were raised to create understanding as to why they are not in treatment. The information was collected through semi-structured interviews with ten people with a current heavy drug use. The interviews were transcribed and a content analysis was applied. The results indicated that there are mixed thoughts about treatment but also that most participants did want treatment. Even though all participants had experience of treatment not working for them, many were motivated to try something new or try the same treatment again. The conclusion was that the participants are searching for a more individual based treatment since they felt like the treatment that they had been offered did not work for them. / <p>2017-06-01</p>
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"Bakom fängelsets kulisser" : En kvalitativ studie om institutionalisering bland långafrihetsberövanden / "Behind the curtains of prison" : a qualitative study of of institutionalization among long term prisonersMasarrat, Arash, Nellsten, Robert January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of long term imprisonment on inmates. Our prime interest have ben to identify if eventual effects are considered positive or negative or even a combination of the two. To answer these questions we conducted observations of convicts in a high security prison in Sweden. The collected data were followed by interviews with individuals who have spent considerable time behind bars. We discovered several different behavioral effects whilst conducting our study. Most of them indicated negatively by alienating and suppressing the individual&#39;s development, distancing them further away from the community. Inmates tend to alter their behavior substantially when being locked up for longer periods of time in small places with other criminals. Hence their identities change to fit into the environment. Some individuals develop communicational skills to adapt and manage their lifestyle in prison. In general, incarcerated individuals develop special social skills that are crucially needed in prison environment but tend to be redundant in the social community. Key words - differential association, social bonds, communication, identity / Sammanfattning Vi genomförde denna studie i syfte att utreda vilka tänkbara effekter ett långt fängelsestraff skulle kunna ha på den enskilda individen. En aktuell fråga för oss har därför varit huruvida fängelsestraffet genererar positiva eller negativa effekter på den enskilde eller möjligen en kombination av båda. För att undersöka detta har vi genomfört intervjuer och en observation av intagna på en säkerhetsanstalt i Sverige. Vi lyckades utifrån vårt studiematerial identifiera främst negativa effekter vilka indikerade på att individen distanserar sig allt längre ifrån samhället. Klienterna uppvisade bland annat beteenden och identitetsförändringar som riktade sig bort ifrån det rådande samhällets normer. Detta förväntades bero på att de intagna anpassat sig till livet i fängelset och på så sätt ersatt sina sociala färdigheter till den aktuella miljön. Vissa klienter har utvecklat nya sätt att kommunicera på genom den interaktionen som skett med andra intagna. Den kommunikationen symboliserades främst av ett känslolöst och tufft språkbruk vilket krävs för att klara sig på anstalten. Slutsatsen som vi kunnat ta utifrån vår studie är att det förekommer negativa effekter av ett långt frihetsberövande. Däremot konstaterade vi att det behövs mer forskning inom området för att dra konkreta slutsatser. Nyckelord - differentiell association, sociala band, kommunikation, identitet
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The Roles of Social Bonds, Personality, and Rational Decision-Making: An Empirical Investigation into Hirschi’s “New” Control TheoryIntravia, Jonathan 30 October 2009 (has links)
Control theories have substantively contributed both theoretically and empirically to criminological research. Recently, Hirschi moved away from the personality constructs associated with self-control and created a new conceptualization that favors social bonds. Specifically, Hirschi suggests that counting the number of inhibitors (derived from social bonds) is the best way to predict delinquency. Using middle school and high school students from Largo Florida, this study examines Hirschi's new conceptualization of inhibitors by comparing it with self-control and a traditional social bonding scale. In addition, this study also explores whether Hirschi's new conceptualization and self-control operate through a cognitive scale. Results suggest that some components of Hirschi's new conceptualization of inhibitors are supported, while others are not. Finally, limitations are discussed and directions for future research are outlined.
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The Impact of Sense of Place : A qualitative case study on youth crime in Teleborg VäxjöMohamed, Mohamed Ali January 2020 (has links)
Youth crime is a current topic in the news and seems to be a serious challenge for several municipalities in Sweden. Therefore, this study investigated the increasing youth crime in Växjö municipality, especially the Teleborg centrum area. The study focused on the role that sense of place plays in relation to youth crime. The selected research method is a qualitative method and semi-structured interviews. Thirteen interviews were conducted and categorized into three categories: one youths who lives near the area Teleborg center, two residents in the area and three Växjö municipality workers, and other relevant individuals. The collected material was analyzed with the help of the concept of sense of place presented in the literature review and the idea of neighborhood decay, as well as Travis Hirschi's theory of social bonds. This study's findings show youth who live near Teleborg center have strong bonds concerning the family, school, and society in general. Therefore, youths who live near Teleborg center are not prone to develop criminal character. The result also shows that sense of place is weak and impacts youths' behaviors, contributing to insecurity and anti-social behaviors in Teleborg Center. Further, the results show the area Teleborg center lacks a strong community that promotes collective action to tackle instability concerns in the area. However, it is important to acknowledge that the results cannot be generalized to the entire population.
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Ungdomskriminalitet : En kvalitativ studie om uppfattningar bland invånare i socialt utsatta bostadsområden av krafter & omständigheter som lägger grunden till brottslig verksamhet bland invandrarungdomar / A qualitative study of the understanding among residents of vulnerable neighborhoods of those factors that attract migrant youth into illegal activitiesMalak, Evin, Ahmed, Nabel Faruk January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of the perceptions, among the inhabitants of socially vulnerable areas, of the various factors that make immigrant youth participate in criminal activities. The essay is a qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews, each respondent hailing from a particular vulnerable area of Sweden. The data was processed in a thematic analysis which was then divided into different themes. The study begins with an introduction informing the reader of what to expect ahead as well as background information on vulnerable areas, criminal activity, and newcomers. The collected data has been analyzed theoretically with the help of Hirschi's social bond theory, Becker's labeling theory and Merton's strain theory. The results show that young immigrants choose to participate in illegal activities due to various factors. According to the respondents, the factors can be anything from housing situation, living conditions, financial resources and others that empower them to commit crimes. The norms and values that immigrant youth have are unlike established social norms and for this reason they are regarded as deviants and feel excluded from the majority society. Immigrant young people experience strain from an early age as they attempt to establish themselves and enjoy a similar level and standing as other Swedes.
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