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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitala distinktioner : klass och kontinuitet i unga mäns vardagliga mediepraktiker / Digital distinctions : class and continuity in young men's everyday media practices

Danielsson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation explores how social class matters in young men’s everyday relationship to digital media. The aim is to contribute to the existing knowledge about how young people incorporate digital media in their everyday lives by focusing on the structural premises of this process. It also presents an empirically grounded critique of popular ideas about young people as a “digital generation”, about the internet as a socially transformative force, and about class as an increasingly redundant category. The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with 34 young men (16-19 years) from different class backgrounds, upper secondary schools and study programmes. Drawing on the conceptual tools of Pierre Bourdieu, three classes are constructed: the “cultural capital rich”, the “upwardly mobile”, and the “cultural capital poor”. The analysis shows that class, through the workings of habitus, structures the young men’s relationship to school and future aspirations. This also engenders class-distinctive ways of conceiving leisure and digital media use. Through their class habitus and taste, the young men tend to orient themselves and navigate in different ways in what they perceive as a space of digital goods and practices, endowed with different symbolic value in school and society. The “cultural capital rich” are drawn to-wards practices capable of yielding symbolic profit in the field of education and beyond, whereas the other classes gravitate towards the “illegitimate” digital culture but deal with this different ways. These findings indicate that there are social and cultural continuities at play within recent technological changes. They also expose the structural differences hidden by sweeping statements about young people as a “digital generation”. Finally, they show that class, contrary to popular beliefs about “the death of class”, still represents a pertinent analytical category.

Relación de la práctica de actividad física y la posición socioeconòmoica con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el riesgo de infarto agudo de miocardio

Redondo Noya, Ana Belén, 1977- 21 November 2012 (has links)
La posición socioeconómica y la práctica de actividad física (AF), como estilo de vida, son dos determinantes que influyen en la salud individual y poblacional. En esta tesis se ha analizado la relación y la tendencia en el periodo 1995-2005 de estos dos determinantes con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRCV) y el riesgo de infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM). Se han utilizado datos de tres estudios transversales de base poblacional (1995-2000-2005) realizados en la población de Girona y que incluyen más de 9.000 individuos y datos de un estudio caso-control que incluye más de 1.000 casos de IAM y 1.000 controles. Se ha demostrado que las clases sociales menos favorecidas tienen mayor prevalencia de FRCV, no obstante, las diferencias entre clases en relación al conocimiento, tratamiento y control de los FRCV clásicos que existían en 1995, han desaparecido. Sin embargo, las diferencias entre clases están aumentando durante el periodo analizado respecto a los estilos de vida (tabaquismo, sobrepeso/obesidad y sedentarismo). En relación a la práctica de AF, la prevalencia de sedentarismo ha disminuido de 1995 a 2005. La edad, el género femenino y la clase social menos favorecida se asocian con mayor prevalencia. Al analizar la relación dosis-respuesta de la AF y la salud cardiovascular, se ha observado que la AF ligera no se asocia con un mejor perfil de FRCV pero si con menor riesgo de IAM en mayores de 64 años. La AF moderada-intensa mejora los perfiles de los FRCV con un beneficio máximo en 600-700 MET•minuto/semana y disminuye el riesgo de IAM con un beneficio máximo en 1.500-2.000 MET•minuto/semana. / Socioeconomic status and physical activity practice (PA) (as lifestyle) are two major factors in individual and population health. In this thesis, we analyzed the relationship and the trend in the period 1995-2005 of both two determinants with cardiovascular risk factors and myocardial infarction risk. We used data from three independent population-based cross-sectional studies performed in Girona across 1995-2005 period with 9,546 individuals and data from population based age- and sex-matched case-control study with 1,000 cases and 1,000 controls. This thesis shows that the lower social classes have higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, however, differences in awareness, treatment and control of classical cardiovascular risk factors between groups have disappeared and the disparities in healthy lifestyles between groups are widening. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle has decreased in the period. Age, female gender and lower educational level were associated with a higher prevalence of physical inactivity. Light intensity PA reduced myocardial infarction risk in subjects older than 64 years and moderate-high intensity PA were associated with a better cardiovascular risk factors profile with a maximum benefit around 600-700 MET・min/week and also with a lower myocardial infarction risk with a maximum benefit around 1500-2000 MET・min/week.

Conflits sur un navire de croisière : étude descriptive

Charette, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Vidas nuas : mulheres com HIV/AIDS em situação de violências de gênero / Naked lives: women with HIV / AIDS in situations of gender violence. / Vidas desnudas: mujeres con VIH / SIDA en situaciones de violencia de gênero.

Ceccon, Roger Flores January 2016 (has links)
A epidemia de HIV/aids e a violência de gênero em mulheres apresentam elevada prevalência, configurando graves problemas de saúde pública. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi conhecer as trajetórias de vida de mulheres com HIV/aids em situação de violência de gênero. Os objetivos específicos foram: analisar as vulnerabilidades decorrentes das desigualdades de gênero, raça e classe social nas vidas de mulheres com HIV/aids; identificar as iniquidades presentes nas vidas destas mulheres e caracterizar como se constituem as vidas de mulheres com HIV/aids em situação de violência de gênero a partir dos conceitos de fascismo social, biopolítica e vidas nuas. É um estudo qualitativo que utilizou narrativas de 61 mulheres com HIV/aids em situação de violência cadastradas no Serviço de Assistência Especializada em DST/HIV/aids em um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul, que apresenta a 5ª maior prevalência da doença entre as cidades brasileiras. Para a discussão e compreensão dos dados foi utilizada a análise de narrativa, considerando-se as experiências femininas de viver com HIV/aids e sofrer violências de gênero. A maioria das mulheres era jovem, solteira, com pouca escolaridade, pobre e inserida precariamente no mercado de trabalho. Grande parte adquiriu a doença do companheiro, eram negras, com início da vida sexual antes dos 15 anos, não usavam preservativos e referiram em média de nove anos vivendo com HIV/aids. Em suas trajetórias, sofreram diferentes formas de opressão/exploração na vida privada e no trabalho, em contextos de desigualdades que as vulnerabilizaram antes e depois de adoecer Mulheres pobres, negras e com HIV/aids referiram preconceito, discriminação e iniquidades como efeitos do capitalismo patriarcal racista. As negras narraram preconceitos e rejeição em decorrência da cor da pele e por serem portadoras de uma doença estigmatizada na sociedade. As pobres precisaram ocupar postos de trabalho precários e informais, e muitas se prostituíram para sobreviver. Todas sofreram discriminações, agudizadas pelo fato de serem portadoras de HIV/aids, indicando que os contextos socioeconômicos de pobreza e racismo aumentam a vulnerabilidade ao HIV/aids e pioram a vida das que adquirem a doença. As hierarquias de gênero ocasionaram dificuldades referentes à sexualidade e à conjugalidade, à falta de autonomia para negociar direitos sexuais nas relações maritais e com clientes, mantendo segredo em relação ao HIV/aids para evitar a culpabilização e o rechaço de familiares, amigos e comunidade. A biopolítica e o fascismo social são formas de governo capazes de determinar o limite entre a vida protegida e a vida exposta à morte daqueles considerados supérfluos, descartáveis e, portanto, matáveis A biopolítica, em relação a mulheres com HIV/aids, preocupa-se apenas em não deixar morrer, podendo-se considerar que são “vidas nuas”, marcadas pela pauperização, feminização e racialização da epidemia e a superposição das vulnerabilidades sociais indica que não se pode isolar os determinantes ou tratar a doença apenas em seus aspectos biológicos. Este estudo descortinou as condições de sofrimento, violências e discriminações em que vivem mulheres com HIV/aids em um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul, considerando-as vidas precárias, descartáveis, vidas nuas. É responsabilidade do Estado produzir políticas públicas para o HIV/aids e para as violências, que considerem os determinantes de gênero, raça e classe social e disponibilizar cuidado integral, equânime e resolutivo às mulheres com HIV/aids. / The HIV/SIDA epidemic and gender violence in women are highly prevalent, resulting in serious public health problems. The general objective of this study was to know the life trajectories of women with HIV/SIDA in situations of gender violence. The specific objectives were: to analyze vulnerabilities arising from inequalities in gender, race and social class in the lives of women with HIV/SIDA; to identify the iniquities present in the lives of these women and to characterize the lives of women with HIV/SIDA in situations of gender violence from the concepts of social fascism, biopolitics and naked lives. It is a qualitative study that used narratives of 61 women with HIV/SIDA in a situation of violence registered in the STD/HIV/SIDA Specialized Service in a municipality in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, which presents the 5th highest prevalence of the disease among The Brazilian cities. For the discussion and understanding of the data, the narrative analysis was used, considering the female experiences of living with HIV/SIDA and suffering gender violence. Most of the women were young, single, with little schooling, poor and poorly placed in the labor market. Most of them acquired the disease of the partner, were black, with sexual onset before the age of 15 years, did not use condoms and reported on average nine years living with HIV/SIDA. In their trajectories, they suffered different forms of oppression/exploitation in private life and at work, in contexts of inequalities that made them vulnerable before and after becoming ill. Poor, black and HIV/SIDA women have reported prejudice, discrimination and inequities as the effects of patriarchal racist capitalism. Black women have narrated prejudices and rejection as a result of their skin color and because they carry a stigmatized disease in society. The poor needed to occupy precarious and informal jobs, and many prostituted themselves to survive. All have suffered discrimination, exacerbated by the fact that they carry HIV/SIDA, indicating that socioeconomic contexts of poverty and racism increase vulnerability to HIV/SIDA and make life worse for those who acquire the disease. Gender hierarchies have caused difficulties related to sexuality and conjugality, lack of autonomy to negotiate sexual rights in marital and client relations, keeping secrets about HIV/SIDA to avoid blame and the rejection of family, friends and community. Biopolitics and social fascism are forms of government capable of determining the boundary between the protected life and the life exposed to the death of those considered superfluous, disposable and therefore killable. Biopolitics, in relation to women with HIV/SIDA, only worries about not letting them die and can be considered as "naked lives", marked by the pauperization, feminization and racialization of the epidemic, and the overlapping of social vulnerabilities indicates that One can isolate the determinants or treat the disease only in its biological aspects. This study revealed the conditions of suffering, violence and discrimination in which women living with HIV/SIDA live in a municipality in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, considering them to be precarious, disposable lives, naked lives. It is the responsibility of the State to produce public policies on HIV/SIDA and violence, which consider determinants of gender, race and social class, and provide comprehensive, equitable and resolute care to women with HIV/AIDS. / La epidemia del VIH/SIDA y la violencia basada en el género en la mujeres tienen una alta prevalencia, el establecimiento de graves problemas de salud pública. El objetivo de este estudio fue saber las trayectorias de vida de las mujeres con VIH/SIDA en situación de violencia de género. Los objetivos específicos fueron analizar las vulnerabilidades derivadas de la desigualdad de género, la raza y la clase social en la vida de las mujeres con VIH/SIDA; reconocimiento de las desigualdades presentes en la vida de estas mujeres y caracterizar como son la vida de las mujeres con VIH/SIDA en situación de violencia de género desde los conceptos de fascismo social, biopolítica y vidas desnudas. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo utilizando narrativas de 61 mujeres con VIH/SIDA en situaciones de violencia registrada en el Servicio de Atención Especializada de ETS/VIH/SIDA en una ciudad del interior de Rio Grande do Sul, que tiene la quinta más alta prevalencia de la enfermedad entre ciudades brasileñas. Para la discusión y comprensión de los datos se utilizó el análisis narrativo, teniendo en cuenta las experiencias de las mujeres de vivir con el VIH/SIDA y sufren violencia de género. La mayoría de las mujeres eran jóvenes, solteras, con poca educación, pobres y mal insertado en el mercado laboral. Gran parte adquirida del compañero la enfermedad, eran negro, con el inicio de la actividad sexual antes de los 15 años, no hizo uso de condones y reportaron un promedio de nueve años que viven con el VIH/SIDA. En sus caminos, que han sufrido diferentes formas de opresión/explotación en la vida privada como en el trabajo, en contextos de desigualdad que vulnerabilizaram antes y después de enfermarse Las mujeres pobres, negros y con el VIH/SIDA mencionan los prejuicios, la discriminación y las desigualdades como los efectos del capitalismo patriarcal y racista. Las mujeres negras narró los prejuicios y el rechazo debido al color de la piel y debido a que están llevando a una enfermedad estigmatizada en la sociedad. Las pobres tenían para ocupar puestos de trabajo precarios e informales, y muchas prostituirse para sobrevivir. Toda discriminación que sufren, agudizado por el hecho de que viven con el VIH/SIDA, lo que indica que los contextos socio-económicos de la pobreza y el racismo aumento de la vulnerabilidad al VIH/SIDA y empeoran la vida de contraer la enfermedad. Las jerarquías de género causaron dificultades relacionadas con la sexualidad y la conyugalidad, la falta de autonomía para negociar los derechos sexuales en las relaciones maritales y clientes, mantener el secreto sobre el VIH/SIDA para evitar la culpa y el rechazo de familiares, amigos y la comunidad. La biopolítica y el fascismo social son formas de gobierno capaces de determinar el límite entre la vida protegida y la vida en peligro de muerte los que se consideran superfluos, desechable y, por tanto, killable. La biopolítica, para las mujeres con VIH/SIDA, se ocupa solamente de no dejar que muera, se puede considerar que son "vida desnuda", marcada por la pobreza, la feminización y la racialización de la epidemia y la superposición de vulnerabilidad social indica que hay se puede aislar los determinantes o tratar la enfermedad sólo en sus aspectos biológicos. Este estudio reveló condiciones del sufrimiento, la violencia y la discriminación en las mujeres que viven con el VIH/SIDA en una ciudad del interior de Rio Grande do Sul, teniendo en cuenta las vidas precárias, desechables, vidas desnudas. Es la responsabilidad del Estado producir políticas públicas para el VIH/SIDA y la violencia, para considerar l

Multidimensional Intergenerational Inequality: Resource and Gender Specificity : Intergenerational transmission of inequality in education, social class, and income attainment using a sibling correlations approach

Thaning, Max January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic resources in multiple dimensions and decomposes the influence of parents’ education, social class, and income in relation to the same outcomes for children as well as the unique impact of mothers and fathers on sons and daughters. In order to minimize measurement error in parental characteristics and life course bias for children, high quality Swedish administrative register data (spanning over 40 years) is utilized. A sibling correlation approach is employed to establish the net influence of each parental resource, both in general and by parents’ and children’s gender. The results show that intergenerational inequality is subject to resource specificity. First, same resource transmission implies that the same parental resource as the child outcome matter most in transmission of advantage. In this sense, educational elites foster educational elites, while economic advantage favor children’s own economic status. Second, the intermediate and overlapping socioeconomic field resource, parental social class, explains most of children´s outcomes in education and income suggesting that there is a same field transmission. Parental resources explain little variation in its field opposite (i.e. parental education on child income and parental income on child education). Finally, whether or not intergenerational inequality is subject to gender specificity is ambiguous, it ranges from negligible to substantial contributions. Mothers’ and fathers’ resources do matter independently over all outcomes, where especially fathers’ income dominate and drives the total influence of parental income. However, the result for the same gender transmission is mixed. The conclusion is that gender and, especially, resource specificity cannot be neglected without biasing results, confusing time trends, and underestimating the true rate of intergenerational inequality. Intergenerational processes of inequality will be misrepresented in a unidimensional conceptualization of socioeconomic transmission, which will also affect both theoretical understanding and the prospects of policy intervention.

Vidas nuas : mulheres com HIV/AIDS em situação de violências de gênero / Naked lives: women with HIV / AIDS in situations of gender violence. / Vidas desnudas: mujeres con VIH / SIDA en situaciones de violencia de gênero.

Ceccon, Roger Flores January 2016 (has links)
A epidemia de HIV/aids e a violência de gênero em mulheres apresentam elevada prevalência, configurando graves problemas de saúde pública. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi conhecer as trajetórias de vida de mulheres com HIV/aids em situação de violência de gênero. Os objetivos específicos foram: analisar as vulnerabilidades decorrentes das desigualdades de gênero, raça e classe social nas vidas de mulheres com HIV/aids; identificar as iniquidades presentes nas vidas destas mulheres e caracterizar como se constituem as vidas de mulheres com HIV/aids em situação de violência de gênero a partir dos conceitos de fascismo social, biopolítica e vidas nuas. É um estudo qualitativo que utilizou narrativas de 61 mulheres com HIV/aids em situação de violência cadastradas no Serviço de Assistência Especializada em DST/HIV/aids em um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul, que apresenta a 5ª maior prevalência da doença entre as cidades brasileiras. Para a discussão e compreensão dos dados foi utilizada a análise de narrativa, considerando-se as experiências femininas de viver com HIV/aids e sofrer violências de gênero. A maioria das mulheres era jovem, solteira, com pouca escolaridade, pobre e inserida precariamente no mercado de trabalho. Grande parte adquiriu a doença do companheiro, eram negras, com início da vida sexual antes dos 15 anos, não usavam preservativos e referiram em média de nove anos vivendo com HIV/aids. Em suas trajetórias, sofreram diferentes formas de opressão/exploração na vida privada e no trabalho, em contextos de desigualdades que as vulnerabilizaram antes e depois de adoecer Mulheres pobres, negras e com HIV/aids referiram preconceito, discriminação e iniquidades como efeitos do capitalismo patriarcal racista. As negras narraram preconceitos e rejeição em decorrência da cor da pele e por serem portadoras de uma doença estigmatizada na sociedade. As pobres precisaram ocupar postos de trabalho precários e informais, e muitas se prostituíram para sobreviver. Todas sofreram discriminações, agudizadas pelo fato de serem portadoras de HIV/aids, indicando que os contextos socioeconômicos de pobreza e racismo aumentam a vulnerabilidade ao HIV/aids e pioram a vida das que adquirem a doença. As hierarquias de gênero ocasionaram dificuldades referentes à sexualidade e à conjugalidade, à falta de autonomia para negociar direitos sexuais nas relações maritais e com clientes, mantendo segredo em relação ao HIV/aids para evitar a culpabilização e o rechaço de familiares, amigos e comunidade. A biopolítica e o fascismo social são formas de governo capazes de determinar o limite entre a vida protegida e a vida exposta à morte daqueles considerados supérfluos, descartáveis e, portanto, matáveis A biopolítica, em relação a mulheres com HIV/aids, preocupa-se apenas em não deixar morrer, podendo-se considerar que são “vidas nuas”, marcadas pela pauperização, feminização e racialização da epidemia e a superposição das vulnerabilidades sociais indica que não se pode isolar os determinantes ou tratar a doença apenas em seus aspectos biológicos. Este estudo descortinou as condições de sofrimento, violências e discriminações em que vivem mulheres com HIV/aids em um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul, considerando-as vidas precárias, descartáveis, vidas nuas. É responsabilidade do Estado produzir políticas públicas para o HIV/aids e para as violências, que considerem os determinantes de gênero, raça e classe social e disponibilizar cuidado integral, equânime e resolutivo às mulheres com HIV/aids. / The HIV/SIDA epidemic and gender violence in women are highly prevalent, resulting in serious public health problems. The general objective of this study was to know the life trajectories of women with HIV/SIDA in situations of gender violence. The specific objectives were: to analyze vulnerabilities arising from inequalities in gender, race and social class in the lives of women with HIV/SIDA; to identify the iniquities present in the lives of these women and to characterize the lives of women with HIV/SIDA in situations of gender violence from the concepts of social fascism, biopolitics and naked lives. It is a qualitative study that used narratives of 61 women with HIV/SIDA in a situation of violence registered in the STD/HIV/SIDA Specialized Service in a municipality in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, which presents the 5th highest prevalence of the disease among The Brazilian cities. For the discussion and understanding of the data, the narrative analysis was used, considering the female experiences of living with HIV/SIDA and suffering gender violence. Most of the women were young, single, with little schooling, poor and poorly placed in the labor market. Most of them acquired the disease of the partner, were black, with sexual onset before the age of 15 years, did not use condoms and reported on average nine years living with HIV/SIDA. In their trajectories, they suffered different forms of oppression/exploitation in private life and at work, in contexts of inequalities that made them vulnerable before and after becoming ill. Poor, black and HIV/SIDA women have reported prejudice, discrimination and inequities as the effects of patriarchal racist capitalism. Black women have narrated prejudices and rejection as a result of their skin color and because they carry a stigmatized disease in society. The poor needed to occupy precarious and informal jobs, and many prostituted themselves to survive. All have suffered discrimination, exacerbated by the fact that they carry HIV/SIDA, indicating that socioeconomic contexts of poverty and racism increase vulnerability to HIV/SIDA and make life worse for those who acquire the disease. Gender hierarchies have caused difficulties related to sexuality and conjugality, lack of autonomy to negotiate sexual rights in marital and client relations, keeping secrets about HIV/SIDA to avoid blame and the rejection of family, friends and community. Biopolitics and social fascism are forms of government capable of determining the boundary between the protected life and the life exposed to the death of those considered superfluous, disposable and therefore killable. Biopolitics, in relation to women with HIV/SIDA, only worries about not letting them die and can be considered as "naked lives", marked by the pauperization, feminization and racialization of the epidemic, and the overlapping of social vulnerabilities indicates that One can isolate the determinants or treat the disease only in its biological aspects. This study revealed the conditions of suffering, violence and discrimination in which women living with HIV/SIDA live in a municipality in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, considering them to be precarious, disposable lives, naked lives. It is the responsibility of the State to produce public policies on HIV/SIDA and violence, which consider determinants of gender, race and social class, and provide comprehensive, equitable and resolute care to women with HIV/AIDS. / La epidemia del VIH/SIDA y la violencia basada en el género en la mujeres tienen una alta prevalencia, el establecimiento de graves problemas de salud pública. El objetivo de este estudio fue saber las trayectorias de vida de las mujeres con VIH/SIDA en situación de violencia de género. Los objetivos específicos fueron analizar las vulnerabilidades derivadas de la desigualdad de género, la raza y la clase social en la vida de las mujeres con VIH/SIDA; reconocimiento de las desigualdades presentes en la vida de estas mujeres y caracterizar como son la vida de las mujeres con VIH/SIDA en situación de violencia de género desde los conceptos de fascismo social, biopolítica y vidas desnudas. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo utilizando narrativas de 61 mujeres con VIH/SIDA en situaciones de violencia registrada en el Servicio de Atención Especializada de ETS/VIH/SIDA en una ciudad del interior de Rio Grande do Sul, que tiene la quinta más alta prevalencia de la enfermedad entre ciudades brasileñas. Para la discusión y comprensión de los datos se utilizó el análisis narrativo, teniendo en cuenta las experiencias de las mujeres de vivir con el VIH/SIDA y sufren violencia de género. La mayoría de las mujeres eran jóvenes, solteras, con poca educación, pobres y mal insertado en el mercado laboral. Gran parte adquirida del compañero la enfermedad, eran negro, con el inicio de la actividad sexual antes de los 15 años, no hizo uso de condones y reportaron un promedio de nueve años que viven con el VIH/SIDA. En sus caminos, que han sufrido diferentes formas de opresión/explotación en la vida privada como en el trabajo, en contextos de desigualdad que vulnerabilizaram antes y después de enfermarse Las mujeres pobres, negros y con el VIH/SIDA mencionan los prejuicios, la discriminación y las desigualdades como los efectos del capitalismo patriarcal y racista. Las mujeres negras narró los prejuicios y el rechazo debido al color de la piel y debido a que están llevando a una enfermedad estigmatizada en la sociedad. Las pobres tenían para ocupar puestos de trabajo precarios e informales, y muchas prostituirse para sobrevivir. Toda discriminación que sufren, agudizado por el hecho de que viven con el VIH/SIDA, lo que indica que los contextos socio-económicos de la pobreza y el racismo aumento de la vulnerabilidad al VIH/SIDA y empeoran la vida de contraer la enfermedad. Las jerarquías de género causaron dificultades relacionadas con la sexualidad y la conyugalidad, la falta de autonomía para negociar los derechos sexuales en las relaciones maritales y clientes, mantener el secreto sobre el VIH/SIDA para evitar la culpa y el rechazo de familiares, amigos y la comunidad. La biopolítica y el fascismo social son formas de gobierno capaces de determinar el límite entre la vida protegida y la vida en peligro de muerte los que se consideran superfluos, desechable y, por tanto, killable. La biopolítica, para las mujeres con VIH/SIDA, se ocupa solamente de no dejar que muera, se puede considerar que son "vida desnuda", marcada por la pobreza, la feminización y la racialización de la epidemia y la superposición de vulnerabilidad social indica que hay se puede aislar los determinantes o tratar la enfermedad sólo en sus aspectos biológicos. Este estudio reveló condiciones del sufrimiento, la violencia y la discriminación en las mujeres que viven con el VIH/SIDA en una ciudad del interior de Rio Grande do Sul, teniendo en cuenta las vidas precárias, desechables, vidas desnudas. Es la responsabilidad del Estado producir políticas públicas para el VIH/SIDA y la violencia, para considerar l

Det symboliska kapitalet på bilder : En jämförelse studie av blider från två kommunala gymnasieskolors hemsidor / The symbolic capital in pictures : A comparison study of images from two municipal upper secondary schools' websites

Morales Rubio, Luis Enrique January 2018 (has links)
Hemsidor är väldigt populära idag. Där finns mycket information som påverkar vårt sätt att handla, tänka och interagera. Samtidigt kan hemsidorna ha information som kan analyseras och tolkas på olika sätt med hjälp av olika teorier. Denna studie utgår från Bourdieus socialaklassteori och Basil Bernsteins teori om pedagogiska identiteter. Studien analyserar två gymnasiehemsidor. Bilden av den goda eleven studeras noggrant samt de olika stereotyperna på hemsidorna. Denna studie gör en diskursanalys av sexbilder som pekar på elevernas aktiviteter på två kommunala skolor och på skillnader mellan dem. Det gäller en kommunal gymnasieskola i centrala Stockholm ochkommunalgymnasieskola i en Stockholmsförort. Studien visar att det finns en polarisering mellan skolorna. Norra Real Gymnasium som är skolan från centrala Stockholm inriktar sig mot samhällets elitoch eleverna därverkar ha mer symbolisktkapital och haraktiviteter som utvecklardetta vidare. Tensta Gymnasium, som är gymnasieskolan iförorten,fokuserar mest på integrationgenom att göra aktiviteter som utvecklar elevernasätt att integrera sig i samhället. Det är ganska vaga aktiviteter såsomattklistra in olika färger frånhänderna på väggen. / Website pages are very popular today. There is a lot of information that affects our way of shopping, thinking and interacting. At the same time, the websites may have information that can be analyzed and interpreted in different ways using different theories.This study is based on Bourdieu's social class theory and Basil Bernstein's theory of educational identities. The study analyzestwo high school websites. The image of the good student is studied carefully as well as the different stereotypes on the websites. This study makes a discourse analysis of six images that points to the students' activities at two municipal schools and on differences between them. This applies to a municipal upper secondary school in central Stockholm and municipal upper secondary school in a Stockholm suburb. The study shows that there is a polarization between schools. Norra Real Gymnasium, which is the school from central Stockholm, focuses on society's elite and the students there seem to have more symbolic capital and have activities that further develop this. Tensta Gymnasium, which is the secondary school in the suburb, focuses most on integration by doing activities that develop students' ways of integrating themselves into society.It's quite vague activities like sticking paper hands of different colors on a wall.

Deep dive into social network and economic data : a data driven approach for uncovering temporal ties, human mobility, and socioeconomic correlations / Immersion dans les réseaux sociaux et les données économiques : une approche orientée donnée afin d'étudier les liens temporels, la mobilité humaine et les corrélations socio-économiques

Leo, Yannick 16 December 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j'étudie des jeux de données concernant des liens sociaux entre personnes (appels et SMS), leur mobilité ainsi que des informations économiques sur ces personnes, comme leur revenu et leurs dépenses. Les sept travaux couvrent un spectre assez large et apportent des contributions en informatique des réseaux mais aussi en sociologie, économie et géographie. Les questions posées sont très diverses. Comment quantifier la perte d'information causée par une agrégation de flot de liens en série de graphe ? Comment inférer les mouvements des utilisateurs quand on ne connaît que les localisations des utilisateurs aux moments des appels, et que l'on ne détecte donc que les mouvements qui ont eu lieu entre deux appels consécutifs, sans connaître leur nombre ni les instants auxquels ils ont lieu ? Est-il possible de transmettre des SMS dans une région dense en utilisant la densité des téléphones, la mobilité des utilisateurs ainsi que la localité des messages échangés ? Est-il possible de comprendre les inégalités sociales avec une approche Big Data ? Cette dernière question fait l'objet d'une première étude socio-économique approfondie au prisme du Big Data. Il a été possible d'étudier à grande échelle la stratification de la société, l'existence de clubs de riches, la ségrégation spatiale et la structure des dépenses par classe sociale.Au delà de la variété de ces études et de ces nombreuses applications, cette thèse montre que l'analyse de données individuelles riches à l'échelle d'une population permettent de répondre à de nouvelles questions et à d'anciennes hypothèses avec une approche Big Data. Cette thèse tient à mettre l'accent sur la potentialité d'une approche Big Data mais aussi de sa complémentarité avec les approches classiques (modélisation, sociologie avec enquêtes, …). Un effort particulier a été mis dans l'explication des étapes qui amènent aux résultats et dans la prise en compte des biais ce qui est trop souvent négligé. / In this thesis, I have carried out data-driven studies based on rich, large-scale combined data sets including social links between users (calls and SMS), their demographic parameters (age and gender), their mobility and their economic information such as income and spendings. These seven studies bring insights in network science but also in sociology, economy and geography. The questions asked are very diversified. How can one quantify the loss of temporal information caused by the aggregation of link streams into series of graphs? How can one infer mobility of a user from his or her localisations of calls? Is it possible to transmit SMS in a dense region by using the density of phones, the mobility of users and the locality of the messages? How can one quantify and prove empirically the social stratification of the society at a large population scale? I present, for this last question, a first socio-economic study with a data-driven approach. It has been possible to study, at a very large scale, the stratification of the society, the existence of "rich-clubs", the spatial segregation and purchase patterns for each social class. Beyond the variety of studies and their numerous applications, this thesis shows that the analysis of individual rich combined datasets at a large population scale gives the opportunity to answer long-standing hypotheses and to address novel questions. This work not only points out the potentiality of Big Data approach but also its complementarity to classical approaches (modelization, surveys, …). Particular attention was given in order to explain each steps that lead to results and to take into account biases which is too often neglected.

Proces vytváření sociálního statusu při změně školní třídy / The process of constructing social status during transition to new classroom

Brožová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the research was to describe and understand the process of constructing social status during transition from elementary school to high school. The theoretical part focuses on the classroom as a social group, there is described the social structure of the classroom, as well as the most common roles and sociometric positions that occur in the classroom. There are also discussed relevant topics about adolescence and possible ways for exploring social relations within the classroom. In the empirical part I present a qualitative research, in which have been involved five high schools from Prague and its surroundings, N= 104 students. For this purpose two questionnaires were used - sociometric rating questionnaire SORAD and questionnaire mapping experience of the individuals in interpersonal relationships and their satisfaction with the change of the school community. Based on data analysis and interpretive methods, I conclude that social status is constructed in the earliest interactions between members and there is only a little variability. Social status is made up of two categories - relational skill, which is expressed by popularity, and social force, that is expressed by the ratio of power in the group. Competence complements these two categories, this is a specific skill and it's...

The influence of diversity and the educational climate in shaping clinical competence of oral health students

Brijlal, Priscilla January 2013 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / High attrition, low retention and low throughput are major problems facing South African higher education institutions. These problems have been attributed to student under-preparedness as a result of the legacy of apartheid education provision and associated limited academic opportunities available to working-class learners. South African studies indicate that black and working-class students are less likely to perform well than their middle-class peers. In the health sciences poor academic achievement is frequently associated with poor clinical competence. Diminished clinical competence has the potential to compromise patient treatment success. This study, therefore, set out to examine the influence of diversity, with particular reference to race and social class, and the educational climate in shaping the clinical competence of students in an oral health program at a Faculty of Dentistry in South Africa. The purpose of the study was to understand the relationship between diversity, educational climate, and clinical competence so as to better support the learning of all students in the oral health program. Two concepts informed the theoretical parameters of the study – diversity and educational climate. In addressing diversity, Bourdieu’s construct of economic and cultural capital provided the conceptual tools for examining the extent to which students’ race and social class locations shaped their readiness for higher education and hence influenced their experiences and performance in the program. In terms of the educational climate, Tinto’s constructs of social and academic integration, provided the lens for explicating students’ persistence in the program, taking into account their social and academic experiences. Set in a qualitative paradigm, a case study design was used, based on its characteristic principles of bounded place, context, time and activity. The cohort was the first-year class of 2007 in the oral health program. The students of the cohort were tracked longitudinally from 2007 to 2010. Data was gathered from a range of quantitative and qualitative sources, such as, analysis of faculty documents, observations, mark schedules, student reflective writing, focus group and individual interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. This process involved drawing on the literature related to diversity and educational climate to identify emergent patterns and themes from the data, and then interpreting their meaning through the lenses of capital and social and academic integration. This study illuminated many ways in which student performance was affected by diversity, with particular reference to race and social class locations and associated access to economic and cultural capital. Differences between middle-class and working-class students were noted in their performance, their preparation for university and its academic demands as well as in how these two groups of students interacted in the classroom. Significant differences were also noted in their transition and integration experiences at a social, professional and academic level. In addition, the study explicated ways in which the faculty, through its culture, structure, and pedagogy, appeared to contribute to an educational climate which either supported or deterred student integration, both in social and academic ways. Cumulatively the challenges experienced by working-class students in particular appeared to have had real effects. The most significant effects were on their morale, their intent to engage and integrate and their consequent learning, academic performance and clinical competence. This study did not intend to solve but rather to understand the issue of differential performance. The findings of the study are envisioned to inform faculty and institutional strategies toward increasing effectiveness and responsiveness to differing student needs.

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