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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

原住民地區共用資源保育與利用之分析─以新竹縣尖石鄉後山的泰雅族部落為例 / Analysis of indigenous Conservation and Utilization on CPR:Two CPR Self Governing Cases of Atayal Tribe in Taiwan Indigenes

孫稚堤, Sun,Chih-ti Unknown Date (has links)
從共用資源理論觀點暨公共選擇角度而言,原住民部落資源與傳統領域土地乃一「封閉式共用資源」,若由原住民部落團體共有並自主經營管理,社群內部將可能透過個體的合作,創造共同利益,發揮傳統生態知識、善用在地組織,避免原住民地權流失,並進一步達到資源永續發展的目的。但由於受限於「經濟人」與「國家理性主義」之假設,且忽視了人與自然資源會相互影響、相互限制的事實,人們常引用Hardin(1968)的「共用地悲劇」,指出共用資源必將陷於過度使用的危險之中,最終肇致環境的退化。 為釐清此議題,本研究以新竹縣尖石鄉後山兩個具有共用資源自主治理個案的泰雅族部落為例,選取現今既有的「部落地景」、「河川魚群」、「森林產物」等三種形式之共用資源進行觀察;在時間上則以這些資源在保育目的下被部落共同維持開始,到被賦予促進部落經濟期待後的發展為主要的範圍。以新制度經濟學為理論基礎,藉由實證調查和比較,並經「組織中的個人制度選擇」、「社會中的共管組織」以及「社會生態系統」等三個層面的分析,討論有哪些因素影響個人遵守集體的正式與非正式規範?群體如何制定符合當地條件的共用資源治理規範,並維持組織的長期存續?而社會與自然生態之間的互動關係又是如何形成?冀以探討影響「以部落為基礎的自然資源自主治理」之內外部因素及其互動關係,俾提供後續共用資源管理制度設計思考的基礎。 / From the perspective of “common pool resources” (CPR) theory and public choices, the tribal resources of aboriginals and traditional territories are a “closed-access” type of common pool resources. If aboriginal tribes manage the CPR in a self-governing way, the communities may be able to, through the cooperation of individuals within, create collective interests, leverage traditional knowledge regarding the ecosystem, utilize local organizations in order to avoid the lapse of aboriginal land, and achieve the sustainable development of resources. However, people are limited to the hypotheses of “homo economicus” and “raison d’état” along with an overlook of the fact that mutual influences and restrictions lie between humans and natural resources. They often quote the essay “Tragedy of the Commons” by Hardin (1968), according to which common resources are under the constant threat of overuse that will eventually degrade the environment. To establish clarity on this issue, this paper uses an Atayal county with two CPR self-governing cases to observe three types of common pool resources currently seen today: tribe landscape, river fish and forest produce. The time horizon starts at the time point when these resources were placed under tribal management for conservation purposes, and ends at the time point when these resources are expected to prompt economic development. This paper conducts empirical investigations and comparisons based on the theoretical foundations of new institutional economics, and analyzes three aspects of these issues: choice of personal systems within an organization, collective management organizations in a society, and Social-Ecological Systems (SESs). This paper discusses the factors that affect how individuals conform to social norms, formal and informal. How a public choice is made to design the rules which are proper to local CPR situation and maintains the organization long-term sustainability? How do the interactions between society and the natural ecosystem come into being? By exploring the internal and external factors of self-governance of natural resources by tribes and the resulting interactions, this paper aims to provide a foundation for subsequent studies in the design of the management systems for common resources.

社區營造共用資源自主治理之研究-以臺北市木柵二期重劃區為例- / Research on placemaking and self-governance in common-pool resources using the example of the Muzha second redevelopment zone in Taipei

吳軍湛, Wu, Chun Chan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1994年起由文建會推動社區營造,有別於中央主導的方式,,試圖以「在地行動」、「由下而上」的核心概念,讓社區發展以在地居民需求為導向,自發性地營造出各具特色的社區。但社造是涉及許多共用資源管理的複雜議題,早期臺灣地區居民缺乏社造經驗,參與公共事務的意願不高,加上未有一套完整的模式進行輔導,導致二十年來實際成功之案例並不多見。近年來隨著公眾議題發燒,臺灣民眾自主意識提升、開始重視公共事務,正是積極發展社造之際。但環顧國內社區對於共用資源的管理,能在期盼有一套良好的制度或模式得以依循。 本研究案例木柵二期重劃區,其自主組織「木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會」透過社會生態系統(Social-Ecological System;以下簡稱SES)的應用,有效將自主治理理論(Self-governance Theory)運用於社造,用以解決共用資源的問題,甚至曾受邀請至世界衛生組織(WHO),分享成功經驗。但本研究發現,將自主治理理論應用於社造之研究竟付之闕如,更沒有一套可供社造工作者參考的模型。故本研究試圖以木柵二期重劃區為案例,建立一套社造自主治理之量化模型。 本研究整理自主治理領域的相關文獻後發現,自主治理的研究雖以質化研究為主,但隨著SES的演進與簡化,是有建立量化模型之可能性。故本研究先對本案例「木柵二期重劃區」進行深度訪談及問卷調查,匯整其成功自主治理之社造沿革、社造過程、社造結果的要素,並將其與SES各種核心子系統進行對應,發現有其適用性。據此,再參考2014年的架構,提出資源體系、資源單體、治理體系、參與者四個構面皆顯著影響作用情境之假設,建立本案例之社造社會生態系統模型,於2014年11月對區內20歲以上居民發放問卷。 因素分析的結果顯示,模型整體的建構效度良好;但核心子系統需修正為三個(因本案例之資源體系與資源單體的重疊性較高,故歸納為資源體系稱之)。其次,迴歸分析驗證之結果亦顯示本案例所提出之資源體系、參與者顯著影響作用情境,此兩個假設獲得支持;另外由於當初將治理體系的設定為地方政府,將自主治理組織木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會歸納為參與者,導致結果顯示治理體系不會顯著影響作用情境。 故本研究的結果顯示,透過SES模型將自主治理理論導入社造是一條可行的方式,然社造的議題涉及層面與考量因素甚廣,且於世界各地亦有許多官方、民間的組織仍不斷的實作以及推廣。唯本研究僅以自主治理理論是否可導入社造為角度切入,與當前主流理論不盡相同,須就其優缺點、以及對現象的解釋力進行比較,然受限於本研究之時間、人力、成本,仍待後續研究者的協助。 研究者本身為協進會理事長,經由近十年之實務操作經驗,並透過本研究之驗證,深知社造之特徵實與自主治理理論概念相近、本研究所建立之社造SES模型,亦有良好的建構效度。故期望能將此實證建構之模型推廣到更多地區,建立社造成功的模式、營造更多桃花源般的社區,使人安住休息,並希望人類從此幸福、和諧、安康。 / Ever since 1994, the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) in Taiwan has pro-moted a placemaking movement totally different from the programs previously offered. With the core concepts of “local activities” and “bottom-up” in mind, the movement aims to help develop the communities around the island that could meet the demands of the local residents and automatically display their unique-ness. In the early days, however, the residents in Taiwan did not seem to get very actively involved in public affairs and have access to a good model to follow. Successful cases were rare in the past two decades. In the recent years, public issues have been under heated discussion and autonomous consciousness, raised among the general public. The time has come to develop the placemaking. Considering the management of common-pool resources involved with placemaking and the people’s total lack of the experience, a good system or model is needed to follow. However, the problems faced with the management of common-pool resources, home or abroad, have not been solved, either through the free market or the government centralization, until 1990 when Ostrom proposed his self-governance theory. But no research has been found on the application of self-governance theory to placemaking so far. Taking this into account, this research is intended to apply self-governance theory to the placemaking in “the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District” as an example. Through depth interviews and questionnaire survey, this study tries to know how residents themselves have worked on their placemaking, what are the key factors for their success, and, further, have a good grip of how their self-governance organization—The Community Development Association of the Second Phase of Re-planning the Mu-zha District —has applied self-governance theory to the placemaking so successfully. To illustrate, first, through depth interviews with experts, scholars, and local opinion leaders, this researcher collected the data on the evolution of placemaking in the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District, its process and outcomes, finding that “community resources in place” and “leaders with strong leadership” are the key factors for residents’ high satisfaction. Then, in the qualitative study, this researcher compared each of the counterparts both in self-governance system and social-ecological system (SES), finding that the self-governance theory has its applicability. Next, to establish a SES framework suited for this study, this researcher adapted the SES set by McGinnis and Ostrom in 2014 and proposed the resource system, the resource unit, the governance system and participants for factor anal-ysis. In November, 2014, questionnaires were handed out to the district residents aged 20 and over. Through factor analysis, it is found that the construct validity of the so-cial-ecological system for this study is good. Since there is a considerable overlap between the resources system in this study and the resources unit, we called them the resources system. The regression analysis also concludes that the resources system and participants proposed in this study are gaining support. Because the hypothesis of governance system in this research is local government, the inhab-itant trusts the Development Association; therefore the governance system cannot obviously affect the focal action situation. With one decade’s practical experience in the placemaking and through the verification of this study, this researcher, also the chairman of Community De-velopment Association realizes that the features of placemaking are quite close to the concept of self-governance theory. And the construct validity of the estab-lished SES in this study also proves to be good.It is therefore highly expected that the model of placemaking proposed in this study could be promoted to more re-gions around the whole world in the hope of building more wonderful communi-ties, where people could live peacefully and happily.

Learning dynamics and decision paradigms in social-ecological dilemmas

Barfuss, Wolfram 10 July 2019 (has links)
Kollektives Handeln ist erforderlich um nachhaltige Entwicklungspfade in gekoppelten sozial-ökologischen Systemen zu erschließen, fernab von gefährlichen Kippelementen. Ohne anderen Modellierungsprinzipien ihren Nutzen abzuerkennen, schlägt diese Dissertation die Agent-Umwelt Schnittstelle als die mathematische Grundlage für das Modellieren sozial-ökologischer Systeme vor. Zuerst erweitert diese Arbeit eine Methode aus der Literatur der statistischen Physik über Lerndynamiken, um einen deterministischen Grenzübergang von etablierten Verstärkungslernalgorithmen aus der Forschung zu künstlicher Intelligenz herzuleiten. Die resultierenden Lerndynamiken zeigen eine große Bandbreite verschiedener dynamischer Regime wie z.B. Fixpunkte, Grenzzyklen oder deterministisches Chaos. Zweitens werden die hergeleiteten Lerngleichungen auf eine neu eingeführte Umwelt, das Ökologisches Öffentliches Gut, angewendet,. Sie modelliert ein gekoppeltes sozial-ökologisches Dilemma und erweitert damit etablierte soziale Dilemmaspiele um ein ökologisches Kippelement. Bekannte theoretische und empirische Ergebnisse werden reproduziert und neuartige, qualitativ verschiedene Parameterregime aufgezeigt, darunter eines, in dem diese belohnungsoptimierenden Lern-Agenten es vorziehen, gemeinsam unter einem Kollaps der Umwelt zu leiden, als in einer florierenden Umwelt zu kooperieren. Drittens stellt diese Arbeit das Optimierungsparadigma der Lern-Agenten in Frage. Die drei Entscheidungsparadimen ökonomischen Optimierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit werden systematisch miteinander verglichen, während sie auf das Management eines umweltlichen Kippelements angewendet werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass kein Paradigma garantiert, Anforderungen anderer Paradigmen zu erfüllen, sowie dass das Fehlen eines Meisterparadigmas von besonderer Bedeutung für das Klimasystem ist, da dieses sich am Rand zwischen Parameterbereichen befinden kann, wo ökonomische Optimierung weder nachhaltig noch sicher wird. / Collective action is required to enter sustainable development pathways in coupled social-ecological systems, safely away from dangerous tipping elements. Without denying the usefulness of other model design principles, this thesis proposes the agent-environment interface as the mathematical foundation for the design of social-ecological system models. First, this work refines techniques from the statistical physics literature on learning dynamics to derive a deterministic limit of established reinforcement learning algorithms from artificial intelligence research. Illustrations of the resulting learning dynamics reveal a wide range of different dynamical regimes, such as fixed points, periodic orbits and deterministic chaos. Second, the derived multi-state learning equations are applied to a newly introduced environment, the Ecological Public Good. It models a coupled social-ecological dilemma, extending established repeated social dilemma games by an ecological tipping element. Known theoretical and empirical results are reproduced and novel qualitatively different parameter regimes are discovered, including one in which these reward-optimizing agents prefer to collectively suffer in environmental collapse rather than cooperating in a prosperous environment. Third, this thesis challenges the reward optimizing paradigm of the learning equations. It presents a novel formal comparison of the three decision paradigms of economic optimization, sustainability and safety for the governance of an environmental tipping element. It is shown that no paradigm guarantees fulfilling requirements imposed by another paradigm. Further, the absence of a master paradigm is shown to be of special relevance for governing the climate system, since the latter may reside at the edge between parameter regimes where economic welfare optimization becomes neither sustainable nor safe.

Are we on the same page? Informing adaptive management of outdoor rock climbing using document analysis and cognitive mapping

Anderson, Madison Lee 05 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Lokalt hållbart jordbruk - en nationell säkerhetsfråga? : En studie om hinder och möjligheter för utvecklingen av lokal matförsörjning som drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsutveckling

Olofsdotter, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts i syfte att få en överblick av var det svenska livsmedelssystemet befinner sig i förhållande till de fem strategier som tagits fram och föreslås av The EAT-Lancet Commission för en global och nationell omställning av våra livsmedelssystem, och uppfyllelse av nationella och globala hållbarhetsmål. Studiens utgångspunkt startar i det lokala med anledning av jordbrukets enorma miljöpåverkan, kommunernas planmonopol över markanvändningen, och av det faktum att det är i det lokala vi lever och verkar. Resultatet visar att de utmaningar som i nuläget hindrar utvecklingen av en lokal livsmedelsproduktion framför allt är ett kunskaps-/medvetandeglapp, centraliserade strukturer och system, jordbruksmarkens nedläggning och igenväxning, kommunala prioriteringar av infrastruktur och bostäder samt slutligen bristande samverkan mellan flertalet samhällssektorer och även inom kommunerna, möjligheter och stödsystem för nyetablering och omställning till hållbara cirkulära metoder. Ett återkommande tema under webinarier och intervjuer har varit sårbarheten i importberoendet och behovet av en högre beredskap för oväntade och plötsliga händelser. Dessutom har ett människo-decentrerat perspektiv uttryckts i vikten och värdet av att återskapa en ömsesidig relation till ekosystemen. Resultatet visar att kunskap (vetenskaplig och erfarenhetsbaserad) och kulturella värden som gemenskap och livskvalitet ger ökade förutsättningar för utveckling av lokalt jordbruk, och därmed en ökad livsmedelsförsörjning. Lokalt hållbart jordbruk är rättskaligt, giftfritt och diverst. Utvecklat, har det möjligheten att skapa beredskap inför oväntade händelser och plötsliga kriser, samt gynna hållbarhet genom samtliga dimensioner. Lokal livsmedelsproduktion är ett potent verktyg för en ökad grad av nationell självförsörjning samt som betydelsefull drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsbyggnad. / This paper was made with the purpose of reaching a broad perspective of where the Swedish food system is in relation to the five strategies that were brought threw and proposed by The EAT-Lancet Commission for a global transformation of our food systems, and to reach the national and global sustainable development goals. The base for the paper takes off in the local because of the enormous environmental impact caused by agriculture, the monopoly of land use within municipalities, and by the fact that we live and act from the local context. The result shows the challenges that today are blocking the development of a local food production is first and foremost a gap of knowledge and awareness, centralized structures and systems, shutdowns and overgrowth of agricultural land, municipalities prioritizing infrastructure and habitations, and lacking co-operation within and between civil sectors, possibilities and support systems for new establishments and transformation to sustainable circular agricultural methods. A reoccurring theme during webinars and interviews have shown the vulnerability in the import dependency and the need to raise preparedness for unexpected and sudden changes. In addition, the need for a human-de-centred perspective expressing the importance and value of re-connecting a mutual relationship to the ecosystems. The result shows that knowledge (scientific and experience-based) and cultural values of community and quality of life increase the conditions of developing local agriculture, and thereby increased self-sufficiency. Local sustainable agriculture is right-scaled, toxin-free and diverse. Developed, it has the capability to create preparedness for unexpected sudden changes, and promote sustainability threw all dimensions of sustainability. Local food production is a potent tool to increase national self-sufficiency and a significant driver towards building sustainable societies.

Ekotätning : Malmös gröna infrastruktur i förhållande till urban förtätning / Ecodense : Malmös green infrastructure in relation to urban densification

Ermanbriks, Julia, Pehrsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Med en växande stadspopulation världen över har förtätning av urbana områden ökat markant de senaste åren och Malmö är inget undantag. I takt med denna utveckling blir även frågan om den gröna infrastrukturens funktion och plats i den täta staden mer och mer aktuell. Detta examensarbetet syftar till att öka medvetenheten kring grön infrastruktur och ekosystemtjänster i den förtätade staden samt visa på vikten av att inkludera dessa i stadsplaneringen.Uppsatsen grundar sig i litteraturstudier och intervjuer med en en grupp av varierande kompetens inom forskningsområdet. Genom att sammanställa vilka kvaliteter och förutsättningar som finns i staden tar vi fram olika lösningar på hur man kan implementera grönska i en tät miljö. Detta resulterar i olika gestaltningsförslag med lösningar som riktar sig dels till kommunen och erbjuder en möjlighet till uppskalning som då ger en applicerbarhet på både lokal och regional nivå. Förslagen vänder sig även mot Malmös medborgare med exempel om hur man kan bidra till att skapa egna social-ekologiska system och bidra till gröna korridorer genom staden.Resultatet visar problematiken i att kombinera en tät stad med ett grönt nätverk. Det finns en vilja och ett intresse hos aktörer, ett relativt välfungerande samarbete mellan instanser samt ett fåtal handfasta verktyg som finns att tillgå för att mäta effekterna av ekosystemtjänster. I Malmö har kommunen kontroll över en liten del av stadsytan då mycket av den är privatägd, utvecklingen av den gröna infrastrukturen lämnas därför ofta till aktörer som tenderar att ha vinstdrivande intressen. Ytterligare faktorer som försvårar arbetet är att kunskapen om den gröna infrastrukturen är bristfällig, kommunikationen mellan olika parter undermålig och att förvaltningen blir lidande därefter. Det framkommer att konkurrensen om yta blir avgörande i planeringen och att det ställs höga krav på den grönska som finns i staden. Det är därför av yttersta vikt att starka samarbeten upprätthålls och att aktörer på området kontinuerligt utbildas i ämnet om grön infrastruktur och ekosystemtjänster. / The densification of urban areas have increased significantly in the last years due to the growing population in cities worldwide and Malmö is no exception. Along with this development, the question of function and place of the green infrastructure in the city is also becoming more and more relevant.This thesis aims to increase awareness of green infrastructure and ecosystem services in a dense city and show the importance of including these in urban planning.The thesis is based on a literature review and interviews with a group of varying expertise within the research area. By compiling the qualities and conditions of the city, we develop different solutions on how to implement greenery in a dense environment. This results in various design proposals where two of them entail solutions aimed at the municipality that offer an opportunity for upscaling, making them applicable at both a local and a regional level. The proposals are also aimed at the citizens of Malmö providing them with examples on how to create their own social-ecological systems and thereby contribute to green corridors throughout the city.The results display the issues of combining a dense city with a green network. There is a will and an interest among actors, a relatively well-functioning collaboration between agencies and a few tangible tools that are available to measure the effects of ecosystem services. In Malmö, the municipality has control over a small portion of the city space as much is privately owned. The development of the green infrastructure is therefore often left to actors who tend to have interests related to profit. Additional factors that further complicate the work is that there is a lack of knowledge of green infrastructure, communication between different actors is substandard and that maintenance suffers thereafter. It is made clear that the competition for space is one of the deciding factors in planning and that it puts high demands on the quality of greenery that exist in the city. It is therefore of utmost importance that strong collaborations are upheld and that stakeholders within the field are continuously educated on the subject of green infrastructure and ecosystem services.

Strategic shifts toward regenerative sustainability: the pivotal role of ecological knowledge

Rahman, Saeed 02 January 2020 (has links)
Increasingly, firms like Patagonia, IKEA, General Mills, or Barilla actively seek to understand their interdependence with nature, build innovative capabilities, and generate more radical shifts toward sustainability. This creates exciting opportunities to investigate exactly how these companies obtain knowledge about ecosystem dynamics and processes and how they use it both to cope with climate change or declining ecosystem resilience and contribute to maintain or even strengthen ecosystems. Despite the considerable potential to advance research on organizational strategy and corporate sustainability, the notion of ‘ecological knowledge’ has yet to enter the scholarly work of management and business organization in a substantive manner. At present, we know almost nothing about the processes, mechanisms, and routines that enable an organization to, first, recognize the value of such knowledge and to, then, systematically access, co-create, integrate and utilize such knowledge into its broader knowledge and resource base. My dissertation attempts to fill this gap and opens up new directions for research on the role of ecological knowledge in corporate sustainability management. More specifically, I ask: What are the processes through which organizations can effectively access, co-create, integrate and utilize ecological knowledge with current organizational knowledge and strategies? I link strategic and organization-focused concepts of knowledge and the perspective of absorptive capacity with the notion of ecological knowledge from modern ecology, especially from the social-ecological systems literature, to shed light on the processes through which organizations can effectively access, co-create, integrate and utilize new ecological knowledge into their operational and strategic decision making. I adopt a qualitative, emergent, and inductive strategy drawing on a grounded research approach to gain an in-depth, cross-validated, and processual understanding of the mechanisms through which organizations can promote and enhance ecosystem health including biodiversity. I undertook my study on the organic agriculture sector, a sub-sector of the modern agriculture and agri-food industry. I collected data from nineteen agriculture and agri-food organizations based in British Columbia (BC), the westernmost province of Canada, using multiple data sources including in-depth interviews, observations, company documents, reports, newspaper articles and field reports. Based on my analysis, I develop a grounded theory about the processes through which organizations can successfully deepen their ecological knowledge and then utilize this knowledge to more sustainably manage their relationships with nature and contribute to protecting or even strengthening ecosystem functionality. With my dissertation, I address the call from scholars in Organization and the Natural Environment (ONE) and Corporate Sustainability for more transdisciplinary cross-fertilization as an essential approach to building compelling new theory and models in the field. First, my analysis offers a more fine-grained understanding of the types, components, dimensions, and characteristics of ecological knowledge. Second, my analysis uncovers a micro-level account of the processes by which individuals as critical actors identify, evaluate and make sense of the organization-environment interrelationships across various scales of time and space. I also identify the multiple personal characteristics of individual actors that influence these processes in various stages and circumstances. Third, my study offers insights into the factors that can strengthen an organization’s relational capacity to build mutual trust and collaboration with holders of ecological knowledge. Fourth, it sheds light on how firms engage with and motivate multiple community stakeholders in building a collaborative process of mutual learning, knowledge sharing, and knowledge co-creation to build joint capacity for coping successfully with many complex challenges of sustainability, thus contributing to the wellbeing of the entire social-ecological system. Collectively, these contributions provide a deeper and more holistic understanding of the processes of acquiring and co-creating ecological knowledge that can allow an organization to transition successfully towards greater ecological sustainability. My dissertation also offers numerous practically relevant insights for businesses facing the challenges of economic, social and environmental sustainability, as well as specific guidance on how companies can protect or enhance their supply of natural capital and contribute toward greater stability of the broader human-nature systems in which they are embedded. / Graduate / 2023-11-15

Understanding wildlife exploitation and ways forward on different scales

Bachmann, Mona 11 July 2023 (has links)
Der Rückgang der Wildtiere kann Ökosysteme tiefgreifend verändern und das Risiko von Ernährungsunsicherheit und neu auftretenden Krankheiten erhöhen, die wiederum die globale Gesundheit, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft bedrohen. Aufbauend auf dem theoretischen Überbau des Konzepts komplexer sozial-ökologischer Systeme untersuche ich in dieser Dissertation die Jagd und den Wildtierhandel in einem ganzheitlichen, differenzierten und skalensensitiven Ansatz. Dabei untersuche ich die Ursachen der Wildtiernutzung auf verschiedenen Ebenen (z.B. Nutzergruppen) und Skalen (lokal, global). Ich untersuchte ein lokales Umfeld durch eine Fallstudie um den Taï-Nationalpark in der Elfenbeinküste, indem ich 348 Jäger, 202 Buschfleischhändler, 190 Restaurantbesitzer und 985 Verbraucher in 47 städtischen und ländlichen Siedlungen befragte. Darüber hinaus untersuchte ich mithilfe von 114 persönlichen Interviews mit Nationalparkdirektoren in 25 afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern die Ausprägung der Jagd über den sozioökonomisch und ökologisch kontrastreichen globalen Süd-Nord-Gradienten. Die lokale Fallstudie zeigte die Heterogenität der Wildfleisch-Warenkette, in der mehrere Akteure Wildfleisch und verschiedene Taxa aus unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen oder ernährungsbedingten Beweggründen nutzen. Die globale Perspektive zeigte die sich verändernden Erscheinungsformen und Gründe für die Jagd entlang des globalen Süd-Nord-Gradienten. Im Süden überwog die illegale und kommerzielle Jagd auf Pflanzenfresser, während im Norden die legale, kulturell und sozial motivierte Jagd auf Huftiere und die illegale Jagd auf Raubtiere außerhalb von Parkgrenzen dominierte. Die Einbindung lokaler Gemeinschaften und die Berücksichtigung universeller Mechanismen menschlicher Kooperation könnte dem Naturschutz und der sozialen Gerechtigkeit zugutekommen. Nichtsdestotrotz verdeutlichen die Auswirkungen großräumiger Faktoren auf lokale Systeme die Notwendigkeit, gut umgesetzte lokale Maßnahmen mit einer angemessenen globalen Governance zu kombinieren, um den Raubbau an der Natur einzudämmen. / Declining wildlife can profoundly alter ecosystems and increase the risks of food insecurity and emerging diseases that threaten global health, societies, and economies. Building on the theoretical superstructure of complex social-ecological systems, I examine wildlife trade in a holistic, differentiated, and scale-sensitive approach, exploring the causes of wildlife use at different levels (e.g. user groups) and scales (local, global). I examined a local setting through a case study around Taï National Park in Côte d'Ivoire by interviewing 348 hunters, 202 bushmeat traders, 190 restaurant owners, and 985 consumers in 47 urban and rural settlements. Furthermore, I investigated the manifestation of hunting across the Global South-North gradient through 114 face-to-face interviews with national park directors in 25 African and European countries. The local case study revealed the heterogeneity of the wild meat commodity chain, in which multiple actors use wild meat and different taxa for varying economic, cultural, or nutritional motivations. The global perspective revealed the shifting manifestations and reasons for hunting along the Global South-North gradient. Illegal, commercial hunting of herbivores prevailed in the South, while legal, culturally-, and socially-motivated hunting of ungulates and the illegal pursuit of predators outside park boundaries were common in the North. Engaging local communities and incorporating universal mechanisms of human cooperation into conservation could benefit conservation and social justice. The impacts of large-scale drivers on local systems highlight the need for combining well-implemented local action and appropriate global governance to curb wildlife overexploitation

Management of Global Warming Effects in the European Water Framework Directive: Consideration of Social–Ecological System Features in the Elbe River Basin District

Sievers, Eva, Zielhofer, Christoph, Hüesker, Frank 09 May 2023 (has links)
In this study, we examined the extent to which global warming management is currently integrated into the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), the central legal framework for water management in the EU. We focused on the Elbe River Basin District and how global warming is addressed in its water management. We used the social–ecological systems (SES) approach as our theoretical framework, representing an eminent analytical frame of biosphere-based sustainability science. In our study, we analysed core characteristics of SES in the context of global warming to evaluate the effectiveness of current water management in the Elbe River basin concerning long-term changing climate conditions. To determine to what extent each SES feature is considered in the Elbe water management, we applied a scale of 1 to 5. Our results show that the SES feature “scale and openness” is best addressed (score 4.0) by the Elbe River basin management, followed by “context dependency” (score 3.9); however, “non-linearity, uncertainty, unpredictability” (score 3.2), “self-organisation and adaptability” (score 3.1), and “dynamics” (score 3.0) have only moderate impacts. SES features can only be considered comprehensively if global warming is accounted for in an integrated way at a European level. In order to ensure effective implementation, explicit regulations and legally binding obligations are most likely required.

Progress of Swedish municipalities climate adaptation and resilience

Sikorski-Vaxenbäck, Philip January 2024 (has links)
While adaptation to climate change is important, resilience thinking is the next step toward development of the adaptive capacity and transformability of structures in society in the face of ongoing climate related problems. Municipalities in Sweden have been struggling with adaptation in various degrees since this term has been used in practice since 2010. But there is more happening underneath the formal structures than we can imagine. Surprising developments have been detected through this project which was aimed at following up how municipalities are working with climate adaptation and resilience. Even though climate adaptation per se, is not implemented as such, as a program, plan or strategy. The internal bottom-up actions taken through terrific communication between departments, and through ambitious and well-educated staff and above that, informal transdisciplinary coordination of information. Are all components which indeed go above and beyond the term of climate adaptation. Thus, moving into the spheres of resilience thinking in social-ecological systems.

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