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Empatía y autoeficacia en voluntarios bomberos de diversas bombas de Lima Metropolitana / Empathy and Self-efficacy in volunteers Firefighters from diverse fire stations in Lima MetropolitanDiez Noblecilla, Diana Carolina, Sparrow Tejero, Maria Fernanda 05 July 2019 (has links)
Se analizó la relación entre las variables de empatía, autoeficacia general y autoeficacia en situaciones sociales, así como entre sus dimensiones. La muestra estuvo conformada por 159 bomberos voluntarios (21.4% mujeres y 78.6% hombres), con una edad promedio de 36.08 años (DE = 10.90), pertenecientes a diversas bombas de Lima Metropolitana. Se les aplicó tres instrumentos: el Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI adaptado al español), Escala de Autoeficacia General y Escala de Autoeficacia en Situaciones Sociales. En relación a los resultados, se encontraron relaciones significativas entre la empatía y autoeficacia tanto general como en situaciones sociales. Específicamente, la dimensión Toma de Perspectiva de empatía presentó una correlación positiva, y de magnitud moderada con Autoeficacia General (rs = .44, p <. 01). Además, Toma de Perspectiva y las dimensiones de Autoeficacia para el control cognitivo (rs = .35, p <. 01) y Autoeficacia para habilidades de afrontamiento (rs = .31, p <. 01), presentan correlaciones positivas, y de magnitud moderada. Por el contrario, Distrés personal se asoció negativamente con todas las dimensiones de autoeficacia, respectivamente, (rs = -.28, p <. 01), (rs = -.27, p <. 01), (rs = .40, p <. 01), (rs = -.36, p <. 01). Adicionalmente, se encontró una relación negativa, y de magnitud moderada entre la edad y la dimensión Fantasía de empatía (rs = -.31, p <. 01). / The relationship between the variables of empathy, general self-efficacy and self-efficacy in social situations, as well as between their dimensions, was analyzed. The sample consisted of 159 volunteer firemen belonging to several fire stations of Metropolitan Lima. Of both sexes, being 21.4% women and 78.6% men, with an average age of 36.08 years (SD = 10.90). To which three instruments were applied: the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI adapted to Spanish), the General Self-Efficacy Scale and the Self-Efficacy Scale in Social Situations. Regarding the results, it was found that, in general, significant relationships were found between empathy and self-efficacy, both general and social situations. Specifically, the Taking Empathy perspective dimension presented a positive correlation, and of moderate magnitude with General Self-efficacy (rs = .44, p <. 01). In addition, Perspective Taking and the dimensions of Self-efficacy for cognitive control (rs = .35, p <. 01) and Self-efficacy for coping skills (rs = .31, p <. 01), present positive correlations, and of magnitude moderate In contrast, personal distress was negatively associated with all self-efficacy dimensions, respectively, (rs = -.28, p <. 01), (rs = -.27, p <. 01), (rs = .40, p <. 01), (rs = -.36, p <. 01). Additionally, a negative relationship was found, with a moderate magnitude between age and the Fantasy of Empathy dimension (rs = -.31, p <. 01). / Tesis
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Att arbeta med unika barn : - elever med Asperger syndrom / Working with unique children : -pupils with Asperger syndromeNordström, Veronica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The aim of this survey has been to achieve knowledge about Asperger syndrome. What does</p><p>this require of the pedagogue? How should the physical environment be designed in a</p><p>classroom for pupils with Asperger syndrome?</p><p>With qualitative interviews of one special pedagogue and one teacher in class 1-3, the level</p><p>of knowledge has become better about how pupils with Asperger syndrome cope with</p><p>situations in school, but also how the pedagogue can relate by being flexible and by practising</p><p>one’s occupational role professionally.</p><p>There is not a general method that works. It is the pupil on an individual basis who desides</p><p>her or his needs or their capabilities. As a pedagogue it is always walking a tightrope to find</p><p>the path and the solutions in different conflicts that will arise and support the pupils with</p><p>Asperger syndrome with tools to gain understanding for different social situations in the</p><p>classroom.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med undersökningen har varit att få kunskap om vad Asperger syndrom är, vilka krav</p><p>det finns på pedagogen och hur en fysisk miljö bör se ut för elever med Asperger syndrom.</p><p>Med kvalitativa intervjuer av en specialpedagog och en lärare i årskurs 1-3 har vetskapen</p><p>blivit större om hur elever med diagnosen Asperger syndrom klarar av situationer i skolan</p><p>men också hur man som pedagog kan förhålla sig, genom att vara flexibel och utöva sin</p><p>yrkesroll professionellt.</p><p>Det finns inte en given metod som fungerar, utan det är eleven som individ som avgör vad</p><p>just hon eller han behöver eller klarar av. Som pedagog är det en evig balansgång att finna</p><p>vägar och lösningar i olika konflikter som uppstår, samt att ge elever med Asperger syndrom</p><p>verktyg för att få förståelse för olika sociala situationer i klassrummet.</p>
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Att arbeta med unika barn : - elever med Asperger syndrom / Working with unique children : -pupils with Asperger syndromeNordström, Veronica January 2007 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this survey has been to achieve knowledge about Asperger syndrome. What does this require of the pedagogue? How should the physical environment be designed in a classroom for pupils with Asperger syndrome? With qualitative interviews of one special pedagogue and one teacher in class 1-3, the level of knowledge has become better about how pupils with Asperger syndrome cope with situations in school, but also how the pedagogue can relate by being flexible and by practising one’s occupational role professionally. There is not a general method that works. It is the pupil on an individual basis who desides her or his needs or their capabilities. As a pedagogue it is always walking a tightrope to find the path and the solutions in different conflicts that will arise and support the pupils with Asperger syndrome with tools to gain understanding for different social situations in the classroom. / Sammanfattning Syftet med undersökningen har varit att få kunskap om vad Asperger syndrom är, vilka krav det finns på pedagogen och hur en fysisk miljö bör se ut för elever med Asperger syndrom. Med kvalitativa intervjuer av en specialpedagog och en lärare i årskurs 1-3 har vetskapen blivit större om hur elever med diagnosen Asperger syndrom klarar av situationer i skolan men också hur man som pedagog kan förhålla sig, genom att vara flexibel och utöva sin yrkesroll professionellt. Det finns inte en given metod som fungerar, utan det är eleven som individ som avgör vad just hon eller han behöver eller klarar av. Som pedagog är det en evig balansgång att finna vägar och lösningar i olika konflikter som uppstår, samt att ge elever med Asperger syndrom verktyg för att få förståelse för olika sociala situationer i klassrummet.
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Vyresniųjų paauglių nerimastingumo ir ateities planų sąsajos / The connections of anxiety and future plans of the senior adolescentsAleknienė, Roma 07 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas - ištirti vyresniųjų paauglių (10 klasės) nerimastingumo ir ateities planų sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 203 tiriamieji (104 merginos bei 99 vaikinai; 152 paaugliai - 16 metų amžiaus ir 51 paauglys - 17 metų amžiaus) iš Vilniaus gimnazijos. Nerimastingumas tirtas A. Dževečkos (2008) „Nerimo socialinėse situacijose tyrimo skale“, o ateities planai - R. Pivorienės (sud.), (2005) „Pasiekimų motyvacijos skale“.
Tyrimo hipotezės: 1- vyresniųjų paauglių merginų nerimastingumas didesnis negu vaikinų; 2- vyresniųjų paauglių merginų ateities planai didesnė negu vaikinų; 3- yra ryšys tarp vyresniųjų paauglių nerimastingumo ir ateities planų.
Nustatyta, kad vyresniesiems paaugliams daugiausia nerimastingumo kelia savivokos – savivartės, kiek mažiau – tarpasmeninių santykių bei darbo – mokymosi socialinės situacijos.
Hipotezė, jog vyresniųjų paauglių merginų nerimastingumas didesnis negu vaikinų, pasitvirtino. Tačiau 16 metų ir 17 metų paauglių grupėse nerimastingumas nesiskiria. Hipotezė, jog vyresniųjų paauglių merginų ateities planai didesni negu vaikinų, nepasitvirtino. Tačiau 16 metų paauglių ateities planai didesni negu 17 metų paauglių grupėje. Hipotezė, jog yra ryšys tarp vyresniųjų paauglių nerimastingumo ir ateities planų, nepasitvirtino. Tačiau, nors merginų grupėje ryšio tarp nerimastingumo ir ateities planų nerasta, vaikinų grupėje rastas neigimas nerimastingumo ir ateities planų ryšys. Ryšio tarp 16 metų ir 17 metų paauglių nerimastingumo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master's Theses aim - to explore the connections of anxiety and future plans of the senior adolescents (10th grade). The study included 203 respondents (104 girls and 99 boys, 152 senior adolescents - 16 years of age and 51 senior adolescents - 17 years of age) from Vilnius gymnasium. Anxiety has been studied using A. Dževečka (2008) ,,Anxiety in social situations scale” and future plans – using R. Pivorienė (editor), (2005) ,,Achievement Motivation Scale”.
The study hypotheses: 1 – senior adolescent girls feel more anxiety than boys; 2 – senior adolescent girls have bigger future plans than boys; 3 - there is a connection between senior adolescents’ anxiety and future plans.
It was found that senior adolescents mainly feel anxiety in self-evaluation - self-consciousness, to a lesser extent – in interpersonal relationship and in work - the education social situations.
The hypothesis that senior adolescent girls feel more anxiety than boys, has been confirmed. However, anxiety is not different in 16 years and 17 years senior adolescents’ groups. The hypothesis, that senior adolescent girls have bigger future plans than the boys, hasn‘t been confirmed. However, future plans are different in 16 years and 17 years senior adolescents’ groups. The hypothesis, that there is a connection between senior adolescents’ anxiety and future plans, hasn‘t been confirmed. Although, the connection between anxiety and future plans in girls group was not found, there was found a negative... [to full text]
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Agresivita, hostilita a její vliv na interpretaci sociálních situací / Aggression, hostility and its influence on interpretation of social situationsKunšta, Cyril January 2016 (has links)
Goal of a master thesis was to explore connection between aggression and interpretation of ambiguous social situations. In theoretical part of thesis author described theories of aggression, he was dealing with sources of aggression and also with criminal aggression with an overlap to typology of violent offenders. Author also described the problematic of ambiguous social situations and phenomena connected with it. In empirical part of thesis the main goal was to explore interconnection between aggression and interpretation of ambiguous social situations; and to compare group of inmates convicted for committing a violent crimes (n=30) with comparison group (n=30) in external aggression, understanding of ambiguous social situations and perceived social worth. For the purpose of exploring ambiguous social situations, methods DSS and SIP-AEQ were used. For exploring of external aggression were used Rosenzweig's PFT and for perceived social worth the SWS method. Two of four hypotheses were confirmed.
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Dialect reflecting heritage, class, and dis/entitlement and creating social situationsAgbasi, Adobi 01 July 2016 (has links)
This study examines how dialect can reflect people's heritage, socioeconomic status, and dis/entitlement status. It also examines how dialect has the ability to create social situations through codeswitching and language borrowing. I use the novels A Lesson Before Dying, The Lunatic, and Anthills of the Savannah to best explain my study. The novels take place in the United States, Jamaica, and West Africa. The theory that dialect reflects people's heritage, class, and dis/entitlement status is revealed through people from Africa and the African Diaspora and through people from Europe and the European diaspora. A conclusion is formulated after analyzing the characters' historical background, their living conditions, their educational status, and their actions toward others and themselves. The attributes of these characters, along with their dialect reveal a pattern that exists in real life. There are situations in which the dialect a person speaks determines how his or her life plays out. Ultimately, this thesis will reveal that people who speak standard dialects deal with similar situations, and people who speak nonstandard dialects deal with similar situations.
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”Resultatet är oftast väldigt glädjefyllt när man får stå på scen, men vägen dit kan vara väldigt tuff” : En kvalitativ studie om motivation och identitetsskapande inom en scenkonstnärlig yrkesgrupp / “The result is usually very joyful when you’re on stage, but getting there can be very tough” : A qualitative study on motivation and identity within the performing arts professionLjungberg, Caroline, Schumann, Linde January 2023 (has links)
Det scenkonstnärliga arbetet ger lätt intrycket av att vara nära sammankopplat med personliga intressen och hobbys och anses därmed ofta vara ett lyxigt och tacksamt yrke. Yrket består dock av både mentalt och fysiskt påfrestande situationer som innebär mycket jämförelse med konkurrenter och kräver ett starkt självförtroende av individen för att etablera sig inom branschen. Många scenkonstnärer uttrycker att de ofta förväntas arbeta gratis, oavsett hur mycket tid och arbete som ligger bakom det färdiga resultatet. Syftet med denna studie var att utforska de sociala situationer som påverkar inre respektive yttre motivation hos scenkonstnärer samt vilken påverkan dessa faktorer har på scenkonstnärens identitet. Med hänsyn till studiens karaktär undersöktes syftet med hjälp av en socialpsykologisk ansats med teoretiska utgångspunkter i social påverkan, inre och yttre motivation samt identitet. Tio kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma scenkonstnärer inom musik, dans och teater genomfördes. Resultatet visade bland annat att inre motivation främst uppstår i situationer av konstnärligt skapande och i gemenskap med kollegor. Situationerna är viktiga för att scenkonstnären ska motiveras att ta sig igenom påfrestande situationer av konkurrens och höga prestationskrav, vilket görs med hjälp av yttre motivation i syfte att upprätthålla yrkesidentiteten. / The work of performing arts easily gives the impression of being closely connected with personal interests and hobbies, and thus often is considered a luxurious and rewarding profession. However, the profession consists of both mentally and physically stressful situations that involve a lot of comparison with competitors and require strong selfconfidence of the individual to establish themselves in the industry. Many performing artists express that they often are expected to work for free, regardless of how much time and effort that is put into the finished result. The purpose of this study was to explore the social situations that affect the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of performing artists and the impact these factors have on the performing artist's identity. Considering the nature of the study, the purpose was investigated by using a social psychological approach with theoretical starting points in social influence, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and identity. Ten qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with professional performing artists within the areas of music, dance and theater. The result showed, among other things, that intrinsic motivation mainly arises in situations of artistic creation and in connection with colleagues. The situations are important for the performing artists for their motivation to get through stressful situations of competition and high-performance requirements. This is done with the help of extrinsic motivation in order to maintain the professional identity.
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Využití metody IDS (Inteligenční a vývojové škály pro děti) a techniky apercepce v hodnocení sociálních a emočních kompetencí dětí / Application of the IDS (Intelligence and development scales for children) and aperception technique in the evaluation of social and emotional competence of childrenŠtarková, Monika January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of social and emotional competencies in 7 - 10 years old children and with comparison of different techniques of their measurement. The aim of the study is to evaluate these competencies by using Intelligence and Development Scale for Children (IDS) and to compare them with the social and emotional level of the same sample proven in the selected apperception technique (the Child's World of Michal's projective interview evaluated with SCORS technique). It is therefore a question of comparison of performance-based intelligence test and apperception technique. The focus of this study is to identify whether there is a relationship between the social-emotional scales of IDS and the selected scales of SCORS. This comparison is grounded in the assumption that both methods evaluate similar psychological constructs and therefore their results should correspond. The theoretical section deals with the development of emotional and social competencies in children and their specifics in a younger school age, then the introducing of apperception techniques and intelligence development scales with emphasis on the methods chosen for the present study. The empirical section provides analysis of data obtained from both diagnostic methods. Item analysis and reliability estimates...
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Att vara HSP i ett socialt samhälle : En kvalitativ studie om högkänsligas upplevelser av sociala relationer / To be HSP in a social society : A qualitative study of highly sensitive people's experiences of social relationshipsWendt, Angelica, Bäcksbacka, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att få en fördjupad förståelse för hur högkänsliga personer upplever att personlighetsdraget påverkar olika relationer och sociala situationer i dagens sociala samhälle. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio personer som definierar sig som högkänsliga. Informanternas svar analyserades sedan i en tematisk analys för att få fram en överblick över deras upplevelser. Resultatet indikerar att personlighetsdraget påverkar relationerna med andra på många olika sätt, bland annat genom högkänsligas förmåga att läsa av andra, deras djupa bearbetning och deras behov av att undvika överstimulering. Det framkom även att högkänsligas egenskaper inte alltid accepteras eller förstås av omgivningen. / The aim of this study was to get an immersed understanding of how highly sensitive people experience that the personality trait affects various relationships and social situations in today’s social society. Data were collected through semi structured interviews with nine people defining themselves as HSP. The answers from the informants were thereafter analyzed using thematic content analysis to get an overview of their experiences. The result indicates that the personality trait affects the relationships with others in various ways, for example by the ability of the highly sensitive to understand others, their deep processing and their need to avoid overstimulation. It also emerged that the characteristics of the highly sensitive people were not always accepted or understood by the surroundings.
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ZPŮSOBY OPTIMISTICKÉHO A VSTŘÍCNÉHO PŘÍSTUPU POMÁHAJÍCÍHO PRACOVNÍKA KE KLIENTOVI A JEHO MOŽNÉ ZDROJE / Effect of Job Style and also helping Worker Manner at another Live and People behaviourFLÍDROVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis talks about different ways of dealing with people who find themselves in unfavourable social situations. It shows, based on casuistic cases and examples, the importance of a loving approach to the client. It describes particular ways of work with people who seem to be optimal from theoretical and practical point of view. It examines a conversation with a client in more detail. It tries to find an internal source of positive adjustment of the helping worker towards people. This adjustment is found not in set rules and instrumental method, but in a Christian approach to the person. A person, as an image of God is my fellowman and I am responsible for him/her. The source of a loving and optimistic approach to people comes from Christian culture, solidarity and respect for people, which is included in the Gospels. Christian approach to people is very much needed and should be part of social work within the middle of Europe.
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