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Personligt ombud – en social rättighet i välfärden? : Personer med psykiska funktionshinders sociala rättigheter utifrån personligaombuds yrkesroll och erfarenheterLevahn, Kajsa January 2016 (has links)
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Fri rörlighet och sociala rättigheter för icke-ekonomiskt aktiva EU-medborgare : Ett komplext förhållandePärnebjörk, Martina January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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På spaning efter parkbänken som flyttRosenqvist, Ulf January 2013 (has links)
Detta är en studie som är tänkt att belysa den tilltagande privatiseringen av offentliga rum. Det görs genom att betrakta parkbänken som metonymisk utgångspunkt för att i de små processerna kunna se de stora. Parkbänkar är fysiska och symboliska markörer, både av stadens offentliga miljöer och vem/vilka som har rätten till staden. Studien är gjord utifrån en fallstudie om en kommande ombyggnation av Kungsportsavenyn i Göteborg utifrån en kritisk diskursanalys. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av olika gestaltningar av hur den nya gatan kan komma att se ut, kommunala dokument och policys och en intervju med den ansvariga planeraren. Vidare bygger studien på en paneldebatt med deltagare från kommun, fastighetsägare, en journalist samt arkitekten bakom gestaltningarna. Analysen av empirin tyder på att kommersiella intressen kommer att färga den framtida Avenyn avsevärt. En tydlig konsekvens är parkbänkens öde. Kommunen visar inget intresse att följa sin egen policy kring antalet parkbänkar med hänvisning till kostnader och att det finns för lite plats i de centrala delarna av staden. Det finns en risk att det offentliga rummet blir en plats endast för vissa, en plats där det kommer att kosta att få vistas och blir otillgängligt för dem som inte har råd med en latté för att få rätten att sätta sig ner och vila. Ett slags skiktat offentligt rum där tillgången är villkorat utifrån vad och om man kan konsumera eller ej. Parkbänkens vara eller icke vara blir en symbol för vilket typ av samhälle vi vill ha. Ett offentligt rum med många bänkar signalerar öppenhet och integration medan en brist pekar på raka motsatsen.
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Rätten till en tillfredsställande levnadsstandard: Om hur irreguljära migranter med barn omfattas av rättigheten enligt internationell rätt, EU-rätt och svensk rätt. / The right to an adequate standard of living: About how irregular migrants with children are covered by the right under international law, EU law and Swedish law.Berglind Nordin, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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EU-kommissionens konstruktion av 'sociala rättigheter' : En WPR-analys av den europeiska pelaren för sociala rättigheter / The European Commission's construction of 'Social Rights' : An WPR-analysis of the European Pillar of Social RightsBoström, Albin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how ‘social rights’ is filled with meaning by the European Commission within the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). It also aims to study how the effects of this construction of ‘social rights’ can be understood through Isabell Loreys theory of precarisation as a form of governmentality. In order to do so, Carol Bacchis methodology for critical policy analysis ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’ (WPR) is used to study the problem representations within the European Commission’s proposal for a social pillar and its instruments to fulfil principles of the EPSR. This study shows that ‘social rights’ is filled with meaning by the European Commission as a matter of in different ways make it possible for the European citizens to provide for themselves, which reproducers an idea that citizens first and foremost should be responsible for their security. The way the European Commission fill ‘social rights’ with meaning also put the citizens living the most precarious lives in a subordinated stigmatized position in comparison to the citizens that can provide for themselves. The truth and knowledge that the European Commission produce and reproduce with its construction of ‘social rights’ may also have serious impact on the citizens living under precarious conditions.
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Socialsekreterares tolkningar av begreppet uppehållsrättBartunek, Julia January 1900 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare tolkar begreppet uppehållsrätt när EU-medborgare ansöker om försörjningsstöd. Intersektionellt perspektiv användes för att belysa maktförhållanden mellan socialsekreterare som representatner för svenska myndigheter och klienter med utländsk härkomst. I studien användes domar från svenska förvaltningsrätter som analyserades med kvalitativ diskursanalys. Resultat kategoriserades in i kategorier som rörde socialsekreteres tolkningar av uppehållsrätten, omständigheter avgörande för bedömning av uppehållsrätten och socialsekreterares tolkningar av EU-medborgares rätt till försörjningsstöd. Data om EU-medborgares medborgarskap och kön samlades in för att undersöka deras eventuella påverkan på utfall av ansökan om försörjningsstöd. Analys av resultat visade signifikant inkonsekvens i såväl socialsekreterares tolkningar av uppehållsrätten som i tillämpning av relevanta lagar. EU-medborgares rättigheter till försörjningsstöd nekades på grund av att EU-medborgare bedömdes vara "ekonomiskt icke aktiva personer" eller inte ansågs ha "en verklig möjlighet till att få anställning". Varken EU-medborgares medborgarskap eller kön kunde kopplas till utfall av deras ansökan om försörjningsstöd. / The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers interpret right of residence when EU-citizens apply for social assistance by claiming their residential rights. The intersectional perspective was used as a theoretical approach in order to illustrate power relationship between social workers as representatives for Swedish authorities and clients of foreign origin. Using appeal documents from Swedish administrative courts as a study material and a qualitative discourse analysis as a data collection method the results were classified into categories concerning social workers’ interpretations of right of residence, circumstances considered by social workers as crucial for right of residence and social workers interpretations of EU-citizens’ entitlement to social assistance. Data regarding EU-citizens’ nationalities and gender were collected in order to identify their possible influence on outcome of their applications. Analysis of results identified a significant inconsistency in social workers’ interpretations of right of residence as well as in application of the law. EU-citizens’ entitlement to social assistance was denied on terms of EU-citizens being “economically inactive persons” or not having “a real chance to get an employment”. Neither EU-citizens nationalities nor gender could be linked to outcomes of their applications for social assistance.
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Sociala rättigheter inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie med parboendegarantin som exempel / The social rights of the elderly : A qualitative study with guaranteed cohabitation for elderly couples as the examplePersson, Nicklas January 2014 (has links)
Guaranteed cohabitation of elderly couples is a new law that gives elderly couples the right to live together in special housing. Even if only one of the spouses has an administrator’s decision to live in special housing. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how three municipalities materialize the social rights guaranteed for the elderly couples’ cohabitation. This qualitative study is based on four semi-structured interviews and official documents. Those who participated in the study work as various officials and the aim of the interviews were to find out how the officials work and offer the guaranteed cohabitation of elderly couples in their community. The results of the study show that the officials have a good discretion when it comes to working with the guaranteed cohabitation of elderly couples. Although the guarantee cohabitation of elderly couples gives elderly couples the right to live together. There are not any rules or guidelines to how the rights should be implemented. So each municipality can decide for themselves how they want to provide elderly couples cohabitation.
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Kommunala självstyrelsens inverkan på efterlevnaden av sociala rättigheter : Om enskildas rättssäkerhet i socialtjänsten / Local self-government and social rightsBrantefelt, Denise January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to enlighten and discuss how local self-government can be balanced against the compliance of individuals’ social rights within social services. To fulfill this, a legal analytical method is applied with the specific aspects of rule of law. Tree questions were asked to fulfill the purpose. Which factors affect the compliance with rule of law, inter alia, the legal certainty for individuals, in the exercise of municipal public authority? Which meaning does the principle of local self-government have concerning social services? How does welfare challenges affect the local self-government? The examination shows that four factors affect the compliance with rule of law at the cost of the legal certainty of individuals. Firstly, there are the characteristics of social rights, expressed in law as an adequate standard of living. Therefore, individuals depend on the municipal authorities to allocate public funds. This is because of the second factor, the extensive decentralization as a part of the Swedish model of government administration, including the principle of local self-government. The third and fourth factors are the framework law, and the municipalities' lack to observe and administer good governance and other procedural safeguards. This constitutes the core problems for the operations to comply with the rule of law. Hence, individuals suffer insecurity before the law, threatening the core of the state governed by law. Furthermore, the findings show that the legislative parliament holds the power to determine the extent of local self-government. Moreover, the welfare administration restricts the principle of local self-government. Therefore the municipalities merely have autonomy in their performance, as an extension of the government. However, the government holds an interest in a uniform application of law as a part of its international and constitutional commitments. This is further magnified by the welfare challenges. In the light of the presentet findings the purpouse can be answered in the following way. Local self-government can, and even ought to, be restricted as a balance towards the compliance of individuals’ social rights within social services.
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Barnets rätt till en bostad : Sociala rättigheters utkrävbarhet och det hyresrättsliga utrymmet för barnets bästaHempel, Maya January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Laget Sverige : En etnografisk studie av de människor som nekats sjukersättning av Försäkringskassan / Team Sweden : an ethnographic study of the people who have been denied sickness benefit by the Swedish FörsäkringskassanGarphult, Lina January 2018 (has links)
The study aims to analyze claimants encounter with Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) drawing on theories of power. It investigates how this contact has affected the claimants’ view of themselves as contributing citizens. The study has mainly focused on the experiences of assessments for sickness benefit claims as well as the interaction with case officers during the proceedings. The study found that the institutionalized power relations between the citizen and the agency were internalized by the informants. Specifically, it resulted in an altered sense of human worth and societal contribution. Informants described being distanced with regards to agency and society, and internalizing the perception of being a second class citizen. The study showed that the claimants’ experiences of the assessment proceedings led to feeling systematically marginalized by the state. The power influence the informants were subjected to by the agency, resulted in introverted as well as extroverted resistance and ultimately power reclaim. It is in part demonstrated through their participation in the study and their wish to bring the question to light.
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