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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving Input Prediction in Online Fighting Games

Ehlert, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Many online fighting games use rollback netcode in order to compensate for network delay. Rollback netcode allows players to experience the game as having reduced delay. A drawback of this is that players will sometimes see the game quickly ”jump” to a different state to adjust for the the remote player’s actions. Rollback netcode implementations require a method for predicting the remote player’s next button inputs. Current implementations use a naive repeatlastframe policy for such prediction. There is a possibility that alternative methods may lead to improved user experience. This project examines the problem of improving input prediction in fighting games. It details the development of a new prediction model based on recurrent neural networks. The model was trained and evaluated using a dataset of several thousand recorded player input sequences. The results show that the new model slightly outperforms the naive method in prediction accuracy, with the difference being greater for longer predictions. However, it has far higher requirements both in terms of memory and computation cost. It seems unlikely that the model would significantly improve on current rollback netcode implementations. However, there may be ways to improve predictions further, and the effects on user experience remains unknown. / Många online fightingspel använder rollback netcode för att kompensera för nätverksfördröjning. Rollback netcode låter spelare uppleva spelet med mindre fördröjning. En nackdel av detta är att spelare ibland ser spelet snabbt ”hoppa” till ett annat tillstånd för att justera för motspelarens handlingar. Rollback netcode implementationer behöver en policy för att förutsäga motspelarens nästa knapptryckningar. Nuvarande implementationer använder en naiv repetera-senaste-frame policy för förutsägelser. Det finns en möjlighet att alternativa metoder kan leda till förbättrad användarupplevelse. Det här projektet undersöker problemet att förbättra förutsägelser av knapptryckningar i fightingspel. Det beskriver utvecklingen av en ny förutsägelsemodell baserad på rekursiva neuronnät. Modellen tränades och evaluerades med ett dataset av flera tusen inspelade knappsekvenser. Resultaten visar att den nya modellen överträffar den naiva metoden i noggrannhet, med större skillnad för längre förutsägelser. Dock har den mycket högre krav i både minne och beräkningskostad. Det verkar osannolikt att modellen skulle avsevärt förbättra nuvarande rollback netcode implementationer. Men det kan finnas sätt att förbättra förutsägelser ytterligare, och påverkan på användarupplevelsen förblir okänd.

Det post-antibiotiska köket : En dystopisk designspekulation om framtidens köksobjekt / The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen : A dystopic design speculation about the future objects of the kitchen

Grahn, Ebba January 2019 (has links)
I examensarbetet Det post-antibiotiska köket har samhällsfrågan om antibiotikaresistens undersökts ur ett designperspektiv. Detta för att uppmärksamma och sprida kunskap om problemet med den ökande resistensen och den nutida konsumtionen av läkemedlet. Designmetoden som använts är spekulativ design och syftet har varit att tillverka fem objekt som skall påverka och motivera en publik till att förändra den aktuella användningen av mirakelmedicinen. Genom grundliga efterforskningar om problematiken och om en framtid utan antibiotika har ett scenario formulerats. Detta scenario utspelar sig 30 år framåt i tiden, år 2049, i en värld där det inte längre finns fungerande antibiotika. Hur utförs en vardagsaktivitet, som att laga spagetti och köttfärssås, när ett litet sår kan leda till en dödlig infektion? Baserat på efterforskningar, workshops och samtal kunde köksobjekten fastställas; en kniv som minskar risken för stick- och skärskador, skyddande handskar, halkfria skor, en ansiktsmask och bakteriekryddor. Objekt som kan bli en del av det post-antibiotiska köket och vardagslivet om vi inte ändrar vårt nutida beteende. / In the degree work The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen the societal issue concerning antibiotic resistance has been explored through design. The purpose of the project has been to bring attention and spread knowledge about the growing resistance and current consumption of antibiotics. Speculative design has been the used design method and the goal has been to create five objects that will influence and motivate an audience to change the present usage of antibiotics. Through thorough research on the issue and on a future without antibiotics, a scenario has been formulated. The scenario takes place 30 years in the future, in 2049, in a world where there are no longer any functioning antibiotics. How will a day to day activity, such as cooking a meal, be performed when a small cut could lead to a deadly infection? Based on research, workshops and conversations five objects were created; a knife to prevent cut- and stab injuries, protective gloves, non-slip shoes, a face-guard and bacteria spices. Five objects that could be a part of the post-antibiotic kitchen and the daily life unless we change our current behavior today. / <p>Posten kompletterad 20190813 med uppdaterad version av uppsatsen.</p>

Smarttelefonen: En blick mot framtiden : när vetenskapliga fakta, design och fiktion blir ett

Persson, Simon, Larsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
I den här undersökningen utforskar vi hur användande av smarttelefoner skulle kunna se ut inom en nära framtid. Med designfiktion som grundpelare och förhållningssätt, verklighetsproducerar vi diegetiska prototyper som med sina utseendemässiga egenskaper och funktionaliteter, berättar om en möjlig framtida värld av smarttelefonanvändning. De diegetiska prototyperna är sprungna ur ett fiktivt scenario, baserad på tidigare forskning om aspekter kring användning av smarttelefoner, smarttelefonens tekniska utveckling och dess estimerade roll i en nära framtid. Med Scenariometoden, en egentillverkad metod som vi kallar “Lager-på-lager” och Bleeckers (2009) framställning av designfiktion, kan vi utgå från dessa aspekter för att fantisera och spekulera kring hur det en dag skulle kunna se ut. Löwgren och Stoltermans (2004) bok “Design av informationsteknik” bidrar med metodologi som bistår oss med verktyg för att realisera vår designfiktiva verklighetsproduktion, där fokuset ligger på idégenerering och ifrågasättande samt en abstrakt bild av hur designsituationer börjar, som vi använder som ett förhållningssätt under hela gestaltningsarbetet. Vi får inte bara inblick i hur smarttelefonanvändning skulle kunna se ut inom en snar framtid, men även hur designfiktion kan användas i en spekulerande undersökning, där vetenskapliga fakta, design och fiktion möts och blir ett. / In this Bachelor thesis we explore what smartphone usage could be like in the near future. With design fiction as the central method of approach, we create real life diegetic prototypes that, with their appearance and functionalities, tell of a possible future world of smartphone use. Our diegetic prototypes come from a fictitious scenario, based on aspects derived from science fact, containing smartphone use, the smartphone’s technological evolution and estimated role in the near future. With Scenariometoden (“The scenario method”), our own method Lager-på-lager (“Layer-on-layer”) and Bleecker’s (2009) interpretation of design fiction, we can base our fantasy and speculation on these aspects, to imagine what it one day could be like. Löwgren and Stolterman’s (2004) book “Design av informationsteknik” contributes methodology that assists us with tools for realizing our design-fictional reality production, where the focus is on idea generation and questioning as well as an abstract picture of how design situations begin which we use as an appliance throughout the design work. We not only get an insight into what smartphone use could be like in the near future, but also how design fiction can be used in speculative study, where science fact, design and fiction meet and become one.

Vilken underbar värld vi förstörde... : Historiebruk i postapokalyptisk fiktion, exemplet Metro 2033

Almroth, Klas January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen ämnar utforska hur den postapokalyptiska genren brukar historia. Detta görs genom en läsning av Dimitrij Gluchovskijs Metro 2033 (2009), utifrån Espmarks syn på dialogicitet och Aronssons historiebruksteoretiska tankar, där historiskt meningsskapande med olika syften blir till genom berättelser i former som större narrativ, metaforer, metonymier och symboler.Bakhtins kronotop används också, men med Aronssons fokus på dess spatiala sida. Uppsatsen föreslår att figuren kan användas för att visa hur fiktionen kan skapa ett abstrakt rum istället för ett rent konkret eller fysiskt, och därmed få med de känslor och den världssyn som är intimt sammanlänkade med det fysiska rummet. I uppsatsen friläggs hur Metro 2033 återskapar en abstrakt version av det kalla krigets spelplan för att legitimera kärnvapenkrigsmotivet.Förslag ges också på en begreppsapparat för att tala om olika historiska nivåer i den postapokalyptiska fiktionen där vår samtids accepterade historia, förutom att den modifieras fiktivt, också får sällskap av spekulativ pre- och postapokalyptisk historia. Uppsatsen ger flera exempel på hur texten brukar historia, bland annat hur den spekulativa historien kan användas för att kommentera företeelser ur samtidens accepterade historia. Uppsatsen visar också att ett av textens huvudsakliga budskap, uppmaningen till mänskligheten att sluta konstruera och demonisera den andre, medvetet förstärks genom bruket av historia eftersom den historiska dimensionen ger kontinuitet till den framtida visionen. / The aim of this essay is to explore the using of history in post-apocalyptic fiction. This is accom-plished by reading and analyzing Dimitrii Glukhovskii’s Metro 2033. The theoretical basis for the reading is the dialogicity of Espmark and Aronsson’s theory of using of history. It posits that the production of meaning through history is made from narratives of different lengths and shape, such as metaphors, metonymies and symbols. The chronotope of Bakhtin is also applied, but with Aronssons focus on its spatial component. A suggestion is made to apply it in a way that shows how the fiction can refer to, or create, an ab-stract spatial location, rather than a physical, and thereby evoking the feelings and worldviews intimately associated with the location and its time. In the reading of the text this is shown by ar-guing that Glukhovskii recreates the cold war as an abstract chronotope to legitimize his nuclear apocalypse scenario. The essay presents suggestions for definitions of the historical levels in the genre. These are la-beled accepted history of the present, fictive rewriting of the same, and lastly pre- or post-apoca-lyptic speculative history, depending on whether the temporal interest lies prior to or after the im-agined apocalypse. The essay exemplifies a number of ways in which the text uses history, one of which is to use the speculative history to comment on the accepted history of the present. The essay also shows that the intent of the text, the plea to humanity to stop the process of othering, is enhanced by the use of history since the historical perspective offers a retrospective continuity that strengthens the future vision.

Spekulativ Spelfilm

Björkman, Fredrick, Dinh, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Spekulativ fabulation är ett designperspektiv som möjliggör kombinationen av fakta och historia med fantasi. Det förespråkar fablernas användning utav fiction i en faktabaserad miljö. Vi har i detta kandidatarbetet undersökt hur vi kan med hjälp av spekulativ fabulation skapa nya perspektiv kring en historisk händelse. Detta genom att tillämpa designperspektivet i vår designprocess för att skapa en spelfilm som undersöker mötet som uppstår. Vi kommer att gå igenom de designmetoder som vi använt oss som möjliggjorde för vår iterativa arbetsprocess, samt argumentera kring de design valen som gjordes för att uppnå det resultat som vi fick. Vi går sedan in på det resultatet som vi fick, samt lite mer djupgående in på diskussion. Där vi förklarar hur man kan undvika några av de problemen som vi fick och hur man kan fortsätta undersöka spekulativ fabulation film för framtida undersökningar. / Speculative fabulation is a design perspective that enables the combination of facts and history with imagination. It advocates for fables' use of fiction within a fact-based environment. In this dissertation we have explored how we can create different perspectives of a historical event with the help of speculative fabulation. This is done by applying speculative fabulation to our design process to create a feature film that examines the encounter which occurs. We will go through the design methods that were used and that made it possible for our iterative work process, as well as argue for the design choices that were made in order to achieve the end results. Then we explore the results we received. We will also go a little more in-depth into the process in the discussion section. The discussion section explains how to avoid some of the problems we encountered and how to continue investigating speculative fabulation films for future investigations.

muGen : Generative AI as Machinic Exploration of Cultural Archives / muGen : Generativ AI som maskinell utforskning av kulturarkiv

Yu, Yan January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, generative AI has quickly become a new creative and artistic tool that could challenge our understanding of the creative process and the role of the machine. Despite having exhibited visually promising results, images generated by AI tools present various challenges, most notably their tendency to display cultural, gender and racial biases. The objective of the project is to speculate on the concept and prototype of an alternative text-to-image generation system, designed to mitigate biases from linguistic and cultural differences, and facilitate diversity in machine creativity. muGen, the final design, is a fictional system that allows the user to generate images using data in different languages, while adding user controls such as time period to better associate user’s idea with the system. / Under de senaste åren har generativ AI snabbt blivit ett nytt kreativt och konstnärligt verktyg som kan utmana vår förståelse av den kreativa processen och maskinens roll. Trots att bilder som genererats av AI-verktyg har uppvisat visuellt lovande resultat finns det flera utmaningar, framför allt deras tendens att visa kulturella, köns- och rasmässiga partiskhet. Syftet med projektet är att spekulera kring konceptet och prototypen för ett alternativt text-till-bild-genereringssystem, utformat för att mildra partiskhet från språkliga och kulturella skillnader, och underlätta mångfald i maskinkreativitet. muGen, den slutliga designen, är ett fiktivt system som låter användaren generera bilder med hjälp av data på olika språk, samtidigt som det lägger till användarkontroller som tidsperiod för att bättre associera användarens idé med systemet.

En spekulativ designstudie för kritisk reflektion kring människa-katt-förhållandet / A speculative design study for critical review of the human-cat-relationship

Elmståhl, Elna January 2024 (has links)
Pet humanization leads to false analogies between animal and human needs. The animals are distorted into something they are not and treated accordingly, which leads to misunderstandings and mismanagement of animals. Compensating one's cat with cat toys as a result of guilt over insufficient interactive play is a case example. Compensation does not take into account the cat's attitude and perception of play as interactive play is irreplaceable for the cat's well-being. The study posed the question How can design create critical reflection of human relationships with cats in regard to feelings of guilt over cat ownership and compensation? With the aim of freeing consumption from the idea of the cat's welfare. The research question was answered with a design proposal consisting of an artifact that depicts a future alternative human-cat relationship. The artifact was produced through a design process based on speculative and multispecies design theory and method. Horizon scanning together with a literature search was used to create a credible future alternative human-cat relationship that highlights and reconciles species differences by emphasizing the cat as an animal. Somatic research and a survey was used to make interactions less rigid as a way to facilitate and support interactive play. Prototyping with a cat was used to ensure satisfactory interactive play was facilitated

A estrutura lógica do reconhecimento na Ciência da Lógica de Hegel

Costa, Danilo Vaz Curado Ribeiro de Menezes January 2012 (has links)
Die Tradierung von Studien über Hegel hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten sehr an Bedeutung gewonnen, und zwar sowohl was die zahlenmäβige Zunahme der Hegel gewidmeten Werke angeht, als auch im Hinblick auf den modus operandi der Theamtisierung und Präzisierung der Probleme und Reflexionen, die sich aus seinem Werk ergeben. In diesem Kontext der Renaissance der hegelschen Philosophie erscheint das Problem der Anerkennung als eines der wichtigsten der Hegelforschung. Freilich sind im Rahmen dieses neuen Interesses an der Anerkennung die Arbeiten selten, die darauf abzielen, das Thema Anerkennung von seiner logischen Wurzel her aufzugreifen. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit hat es sich zur Aufgabe gesetzt, die Rekonstruktion der logischen Struktur der Anerkennung herauszuarbeiten, wobei sie ihre Stufen anhand der Wissenschaft der Logik ausdrücken wird. Die vorliegende These von hermeneutisch-bibliografischem Charakter ist darauf angelegt, dieses Ziel zu erreichen, was sie in einer in 05 (funf) Kapitel aufgeteilten Struktur unternimmt. Die Aufgabe des ersten Kapitels ist es, den Forschungsstand über die Anerkennung in der zeitgenössischen Philosophie herauszuarbeiten. Das zweite Kapitel konstituiert die erste Schicht der Anerkennung und zeigt, wie die Logik als transitiver Nenner arbeitet. Das dritte Kapitel etabliert die zweite Schicht der logischen Struktur der Anerkennung und rekonstruiert die Konditionen der subjektiven Interaktion, die Andersheit als würde sie durch zwei ihr eigene Modi ausgedrückt: durch Beziehung und durch Verhältnis. Das vierte Kapitel stellt die dritte logische Schicht der Anerkennung vor durch die Präzisierung der Subjektivität und die Arten der Relation der Subjektivität, ausgehend von ihren semantisch-pragmatischen meta-Niveaus des Universellen, Partikulären und Singulären. In einer zweiten Argumentation stellt das viertel Kapitel dar, wie die Subjektivität in ihrer theoretischen Dimension als Wissen und in ihrer praktischen Dimension als Wollen zu verstehen ist. Das fünfte Kapitel schlieβlich stellt dar, wie die drei logischen Metaebenen der Erkenntnis, die sich aus dem Kennen und Anerkennen ergeben, im historischen Prozess erkennbar werden durch das Mittel der Phänomenologie des Geistes in seinem 4. Kapitel. Das fünfte Kapitel will auch zeigen, daβ es möglich ist, eine logische Struktur zu rekonstruieren, ohne die Fakten der Theorie zu unterwerfen. Wir erwarten deshalb als Schlussfolgerung, daβ angesichts der logischen Erklärung und Rekonstruktion der Schichten der Transitivität, des relationalen Andersseins und der Subjektivität in Bezug auf die Einheit des Subjekts zwischen dem theoretischen und praktischen Ich, die die Anerkennung betreffende logische Struktur sich zeigen wird. / A tradição de estudos hegelianos assumiu nos últimos decênios uma grande importância, tanto em referência a ampliação numérica dos trabalhos dedicados ao hegelianismo como em relação ao modus operandi de tematização e explicitação dos problemas e reflexões que lhe são oriundos. Dentro deste contexto de Renaissance da filosofia hegeliana, o problema do reconhecimento emerge como de importância capital na Hegel-Forschung. Todavia, a par deste novo interesse sobre o reconhecimento são raros os trabalhos que se propõem a enfrentar o tema reconhecimento desde a sua matiz lógica. O presente trabalho de pesquisa se propõe estabelecer a reconstrução da estrutura lógica do reconhecimento, exprimindo os seus níveis a partir da Wissenschaft der Logik. A presente tese de caráter hermenêutico bibliográfico se configura para a consecução de tal objetivo, dividindo internamente o trabalho em comento em 05 (cinco) capítulos. O primeiro capítulo se destina a situar o estado da arte nas pesquisas sobre o reconhecimento na filosofia contemporânea. O segundo capítulo constitui o primeiro nível do reconhecimento e apresenta a lógica operando como um denominador transitivo. O terceiro capítulo estabelece o segundo nível da estrutura lógica do reconhecimento e reconstitui as condições de interação subjetiva, a alteridade (Andersheit) como se explicitando por dois modos próprios: por referência (Beziehung) e por relação (Verhältnis). O quarto capítulo apresenta o terceiro estágio lógico do reconhecimento pela explicitação da subjetividade e os modos de relação da subjetividade a partir de seus metaníveis semântico-pragmáticos do: universal, particular e singular. Num segundo momento, o quarto capítulo expõe como a subjetividade se compreende enquanto dimensão teórica: como conhecer, e em sua dimensão prática como querer. Por fim, o quinto capítulo, expõe como os três metaníveis lógicos do reconhecimento, os quais seguem do conhecer (Kennen) ao reconhecer (Anerkennen), se fazem explicitar no processo histórico pelo recurso a Fenomenologia do Espírito em seu capítulo IV. O quinto capítulo objetiva ainda demonstrar que é possível reconstruir uma estrutura lógica sem subordinar os fatos à teoria. Espera-se por tanto, a título de conclusão, que mediante a explicitação e reconstrução lógica dos níveis da transitividade, da alteridade relacional, e da subjetividade enquanto unidade no sujeito entre o eu teórico e prático, se faça exprimir a estrutura lógica subjacente ao reconhecimento. / During the last decades, the tradition of studies of Hegel has assumed great importance, as much referring to the amount of work dedicated to his philosophy as to the mode of operation of focusing and explaining the problems and reflections raised by him. In this context of the revival of Hegel’s philosophy, the problem of recognition emerges as of capital importance in the research about Hegel. However, in the context of this new interest about recognition, studies that go about pursuing the theme of recognition until its logical matrix are rare. The present study aims at establishing a reconstruction of the logical structure of recognition, expressing its levels starting from the Wissenschaft der Logik. The present theses of hermeneutic-bibliographic character is conceived to reach this aim, internally dividing the work in 05 (five) chapters. The first chapter aims at showing the state of research in the studies of recognition in contemporary philosophy. The second constitutes the first level of recognition and presents logic working as transitive denominator. The third chapter establishes the second level of the logical structure of recognition and reconstitutes the conditions of subjective interaction, the otherness (Andersheit) as being made explicit by two proper modes: by reference (Beziehung) and relationship (Verhältnis). The fourth chapter presents the third logical stage of recognition by making explicit the subjectivity and the mode of relationship of subjectivity starting from its semantic-pragmatic metalevels: the universal, the particular and the singular. In a second moment, the fourth chapter exposes how subjectivity is to be understood in its theoretic dimension as knowledge, and in its practical dimension as wish. Lastly, the fifth chapter shows how the three logical metalevels of recognition, which proceed from knowledge (Kennen) to recognition (Anerkennen), are made explicit in the historical process by the tool of the Phenomenology of Spirit in its fourth chapter. The fifth chapter also aims at showing that it is possible to reconstruct a logical structure without subordinating fact to theory. It is hoped, however, in terms of a conclusion, that in the face of a logical attempt at making explicit and reconstructing the levels of transitivity, of relational otherness and the subjectivity in terms of unity of subject between the theoretical and the practical I, the logical structure subjacent to recognition can be made to express itself.

A estrutura lógica do reconhecimento na Ciência da Lógica de Hegel

Costa, Danilo Vaz Curado Ribeiro de Menezes January 2012 (has links)
Die Tradierung von Studien über Hegel hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten sehr an Bedeutung gewonnen, und zwar sowohl was die zahlenmäβige Zunahme der Hegel gewidmeten Werke angeht, als auch im Hinblick auf den modus operandi der Theamtisierung und Präzisierung der Probleme und Reflexionen, die sich aus seinem Werk ergeben. In diesem Kontext der Renaissance der hegelschen Philosophie erscheint das Problem der Anerkennung als eines der wichtigsten der Hegelforschung. Freilich sind im Rahmen dieses neuen Interesses an der Anerkennung die Arbeiten selten, die darauf abzielen, das Thema Anerkennung von seiner logischen Wurzel her aufzugreifen. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit hat es sich zur Aufgabe gesetzt, die Rekonstruktion der logischen Struktur der Anerkennung herauszuarbeiten, wobei sie ihre Stufen anhand der Wissenschaft der Logik ausdrücken wird. Die vorliegende These von hermeneutisch-bibliografischem Charakter ist darauf angelegt, dieses Ziel zu erreichen, was sie in einer in 05 (funf) Kapitel aufgeteilten Struktur unternimmt. Die Aufgabe des ersten Kapitels ist es, den Forschungsstand über die Anerkennung in der zeitgenössischen Philosophie herauszuarbeiten. Das zweite Kapitel konstituiert die erste Schicht der Anerkennung und zeigt, wie die Logik als transitiver Nenner arbeitet. Das dritte Kapitel etabliert die zweite Schicht der logischen Struktur der Anerkennung und rekonstruiert die Konditionen der subjektiven Interaktion, die Andersheit als würde sie durch zwei ihr eigene Modi ausgedrückt: durch Beziehung und durch Verhältnis. Das vierte Kapitel stellt die dritte logische Schicht der Anerkennung vor durch die Präzisierung der Subjektivität und die Arten der Relation der Subjektivität, ausgehend von ihren semantisch-pragmatischen meta-Niveaus des Universellen, Partikulären und Singulären. In einer zweiten Argumentation stellt das viertel Kapitel dar, wie die Subjektivität in ihrer theoretischen Dimension als Wissen und in ihrer praktischen Dimension als Wollen zu verstehen ist. Das fünfte Kapitel schlieβlich stellt dar, wie die drei logischen Metaebenen der Erkenntnis, die sich aus dem Kennen und Anerkennen ergeben, im historischen Prozess erkennbar werden durch das Mittel der Phänomenologie des Geistes in seinem 4. Kapitel. Das fünfte Kapitel will auch zeigen, daβ es möglich ist, eine logische Struktur zu rekonstruieren, ohne die Fakten der Theorie zu unterwerfen. Wir erwarten deshalb als Schlussfolgerung, daβ angesichts der logischen Erklärung und Rekonstruktion der Schichten der Transitivität, des relationalen Andersseins und der Subjektivität in Bezug auf die Einheit des Subjekts zwischen dem theoretischen und praktischen Ich, die die Anerkennung betreffende logische Struktur sich zeigen wird. / A tradição de estudos hegelianos assumiu nos últimos decênios uma grande importância, tanto em referência a ampliação numérica dos trabalhos dedicados ao hegelianismo como em relação ao modus operandi de tematização e explicitação dos problemas e reflexões que lhe são oriundos. Dentro deste contexto de Renaissance da filosofia hegeliana, o problema do reconhecimento emerge como de importância capital na Hegel-Forschung. Todavia, a par deste novo interesse sobre o reconhecimento são raros os trabalhos que se propõem a enfrentar o tema reconhecimento desde a sua matiz lógica. O presente trabalho de pesquisa se propõe estabelecer a reconstrução da estrutura lógica do reconhecimento, exprimindo os seus níveis a partir da Wissenschaft der Logik. A presente tese de caráter hermenêutico bibliográfico se configura para a consecução de tal objetivo, dividindo internamente o trabalho em comento em 05 (cinco) capítulos. O primeiro capítulo se destina a situar o estado da arte nas pesquisas sobre o reconhecimento na filosofia contemporânea. O segundo capítulo constitui o primeiro nível do reconhecimento e apresenta a lógica operando como um denominador transitivo. O terceiro capítulo estabelece o segundo nível da estrutura lógica do reconhecimento e reconstitui as condições de interação subjetiva, a alteridade (Andersheit) como se explicitando por dois modos próprios: por referência (Beziehung) e por relação (Verhältnis). O quarto capítulo apresenta o terceiro estágio lógico do reconhecimento pela explicitação da subjetividade e os modos de relação da subjetividade a partir de seus metaníveis semântico-pragmáticos do: universal, particular e singular. Num segundo momento, o quarto capítulo expõe como a subjetividade se compreende enquanto dimensão teórica: como conhecer, e em sua dimensão prática como querer. Por fim, o quinto capítulo, expõe como os três metaníveis lógicos do reconhecimento, os quais seguem do conhecer (Kennen) ao reconhecer (Anerkennen), se fazem explicitar no processo histórico pelo recurso a Fenomenologia do Espírito em seu capítulo IV. O quinto capítulo objetiva ainda demonstrar que é possível reconstruir uma estrutura lógica sem subordinar os fatos à teoria. Espera-se por tanto, a título de conclusão, que mediante a explicitação e reconstrução lógica dos níveis da transitividade, da alteridade relacional, e da subjetividade enquanto unidade no sujeito entre o eu teórico e prático, se faça exprimir a estrutura lógica subjacente ao reconhecimento. / During the last decades, the tradition of studies of Hegel has assumed great importance, as much referring to the amount of work dedicated to his philosophy as to the mode of operation of focusing and explaining the problems and reflections raised by him. In this context of the revival of Hegel’s philosophy, the problem of recognition emerges as of capital importance in the research about Hegel. However, in the context of this new interest about recognition, studies that go about pursuing the theme of recognition until its logical matrix are rare. The present study aims at establishing a reconstruction of the logical structure of recognition, expressing its levels starting from the Wissenschaft der Logik. The present theses of hermeneutic-bibliographic character is conceived to reach this aim, internally dividing the work in 05 (five) chapters. The first chapter aims at showing the state of research in the studies of recognition in contemporary philosophy. The second constitutes the first level of recognition and presents logic working as transitive denominator. The third chapter establishes the second level of the logical structure of recognition and reconstitutes the conditions of subjective interaction, the otherness (Andersheit) as being made explicit by two proper modes: by reference (Beziehung) and relationship (Verhältnis). The fourth chapter presents the third logical stage of recognition by making explicit the subjectivity and the mode of relationship of subjectivity starting from its semantic-pragmatic metalevels: the universal, the particular and the singular. In a second moment, the fourth chapter exposes how subjectivity is to be understood in its theoretic dimension as knowledge, and in its practical dimension as wish. Lastly, the fifth chapter shows how the three logical metalevels of recognition, which proceed from knowledge (Kennen) to recognition (Anerkennen), are made explicit in the historical process by the tool of the Phenomenology of Spirit in its fourth chapter. The fifth chapter also aims at showing that it is possible to reconstruct a logical structure without subordinating fact to theory. It is hoped, however, in terms of a conclusion, that in the face of a logical attempt at making explicit and reconstructing the levels of transitivity, of relational otherness and the subjectivity in terms of unity of subject between the theoretical and the practical I, the logical structure subjacent to recognition can be made to express itself.

A estrutura lógica do reconhecimento na Ciência da Lógica de Hegel

Costa, Danilo Vaz Curado Ribeiro de Menezes January 2012 (has links)
Die Tradierung von Studien über Hegel hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten sehr an Bedeutung gewonnen, und zwar sowohl was die zahlenmäβige Zunahme der Hegel gewidmeten Werke angeht, als auch im Hinblick auf den modus operandi der Theamtisierung und Präzisierung der Probleme und Reflexionen, die sich aus seinem Werk ergeben. In diesem Kontext der Renaissance der hegelschen Philosophie erscheint das Problem der Anerkennung als eines der wichtigsten der Hegelforschung. Freilich sind im Rahmen dieses neuen Interesses an der Anerkennung die Arbeiten selten, die darauf abzielen, das Thema Anerkennung von seiner logischen Wurzel her aufzugreifen. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit hat es sich zur Aufgabe gesetzt, die Rekonstruktion der logischen Struktur der Anerkennung herauszuarbeiten, wobei sie ihre Stufen anhand der Wissenschaft der Logik ausdrücken wird. Die vorliegende These von hermeneutisch-bibliografischem Charakter ist darauf angelegt, dieses Ziel zu erreichen, was sie in einer in 05 (funf) Kapitel aufgeteilten Struktur unternimmt. Die Aufgabe des ersten Kapitels ist es, den Forschungsstand über die Anerkennung in der zeitgenössischen Philosophie herauszuarbeiten. Das zweite Kapitel konstituiert die erste Schicht der Anerkennung und zeigt, wie die Logik als transitiver Nenner arbeitet. Das dritte Kapitel etabliert die zweite Schicht der logischen Struktur der Anerkennung und rekonstruiert die Konditionen der subjektiven Interaktion, die Andersheit als würde sie durch zwei ihr eigene Modi ausgedrückt: durch Beziehung und durch Verhältnis. Das vierte Kapitel stellt die dritte logische Schicht der Anerkennung vor durch die Präzisierung der Subjektivität und die Arten der Relation der Subjektivität, ausgehend von ihren semantisch-pragmatischen meta-Niveaus des Universellen, Partikulären und Singulären. In einer zweiten Argumentation stellt das viertel Kapitel dar, wie die Subjektivität in ihrer theoretischen Dimension als Wissen und in ihrer praktischen Dimension als Wollen zu verstehen ist. Das fünfte Kapitel schlieβlich stellt dar, wie die drei logischen Metaebenen der Erkenntnis, die sich aus dem Kennen und Anerkennen ergeben, im historischen Prozess erkennbar werden durch das Mittel der Phänomenologie des Geistes in seinem 4. Kapitel. Das fünfte Kapitel will auch zeigen, daβ es möglich ist, eine logische Struktur zu rekonstruieren, ohne die Fakten der Theorie zu unterwerfen. Wir erwarten deshalb als Schlussfolgerung, daβ angesichts der logischen Erklärung und Rekonstruktion der Schichten der Transitivität, des relationalen Andersseins und der Subjektivität in Bezug auf die Einheit des Subjekts zwischen dem theoretischen und praktischen Ich, die die Anerkennung betreffende logische Struktur sich zeigen wird. / A tradição de estudos hegelianos assumiu nos últimos decênios uma grande importância, tanto em referência a ampliação numérica dos trabalhos dedicados ao hegelianismo como em relação ao modus operandi de tematização e explicitação dos problemas e reflexões que lhe são oriundos. Dentro deste contexto de Renaissance da filosofia hegeliana, o problema do reconhecimento emerge como de importância capital na Hegel-Forschung. Todavia, a par deste novo interesse sobre o reconhecimento são raros os trabalhos que se propõem a enfrentar o tema reconhecimento desde a sua matiz lógica. O presente trabalho de pesquisa se propõe estabelecer a reconstrução da estrutura lógica do reconhecimento, exprimindo os seus níveis a partir da Wissenschaft der Logik. A presente tese de caráter hermenêutico bibliográfico se configura para a consecução de tal objetivo, dividindo internamente o trabalho em comento em 05 (cinco) capítulos. O primeiro capítulo se destina a situar o estado da arte nas pesquisas sobre o reconhecimento na filosofia contemporânea. O segundo capítulo constitui o primeiro nível do reconhecimento e apresenta a lógica operando como um denominador transitivo. O terceiro capítulo estabelece o segundo nível da estrutura lógica do reconhecimento e reconstitui as condições de interação subjetiva, a alteridade (Andersheit) como se explicitando por dois modos próprios: por referência (Beziehung) e por relação (Verhältnis). O quarto capítulo apresenta o terceiro estágio lógico do reconhecimento pela explicitação da subjetividade e os modos de relação da subjetividade a partir de seus metaníveis semântico-pragmáticos do: universal, particular e singular. Num segundo momento, o quarto capítulo expõe como a subjetividade se compreende enquanto dimensão teórica: como conhecer, e em sua dimensão prática como querer. Por fim, o quinto capítulo, expõe como os três metaníveis lógicos do reconhecimento, os quais seguem do conhecer (Kennen) ao reconhecer (Anerkennen), se fazem explicitar no processo histórico pelo recurso a Fenomenologia do Espírito em seu capítulo IV. O quinto capítulo objetiva ainda demonstrar que é possível reconstruir uma estrutura lógica sem subordinar os fatos à teoria. Espera-se por tanto, a título de conclusão, que mediante a explicitação e reconstrução lógica dos níveis da transitividade, da alteridade relacional, e da subjetividade enquanto unidade no sujeito entre o eu teórico e prático, se faça exprimir a estrutura lógica subjacente ao reconhecimento. / During the last decades, the tradition of studies of Hegel has assumed great importance, as much referring to the amount of work dedicated to his philosophy as to the mode of operation of focusing and explaining the problems and reflections raised by him. In this context of the revival of Hegel’s philosophy, the problem of recognition emerges as of capital importance in the research about Hegel. However, in the context of this new interest about recognition, studies that go about pursuing the theme of recognition until its logical matrix are rare. The present study aims at establishing a reconstruction of the logical structure of recognition, expressing its levels starting from the Wissenschaft der Logik. The present theses of hermeneutic-bibliographic character is conceived to reach this aim, internally dividing the work in 05 (five) chapters. The first chapter aims at showing the state of research in the studies of recognition in contemporary philosophy. The second constitutes the first level of recognition and presents logic working as transitive denominator. The third chapter establishes the second level of the logical structure of recognition and reconstitutes the conditions of subjective interaction, the otherness (Andersheit) as being made explicit by two proper modes: by reference (Beziehung) and relationship (Verhältnis). The fourth chapter presents the third logical stage of recognition by making explicit the subjectivity and the mode of relationship of subjectivity starting from its semantic-pragmatic metalevels: the universal, the particular and the singular. In a second moment, the fourth chapter exposes how subjectivity is to be understood in its theoretic dimension as knowledge, and in its practical dimension as wish. Lastly, the fifth chapter shows how the three logical metalevels of recognition, which proceed from knowledge (Kennen) to recognition (Anerkennen), are made explicit in the historical process by the tool of the Phenomenology of Spirit in its fourth chapter. The fifth chapter also aims at showing that it is possible to reconstruct a logical structure without subordinating fact to theory. It is hoped, however, in terms of a conclusion, that in the face of a logical attempt at making explicit and reconstructing the levels of transitivity, of relational otherness and the subjectivity in terms of unity of subject between the theoretical and the practical I, the logical structure subjacent to recognition can be made to express itself.

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