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Entrenament de la propiocepció conscient de la CV lumbar: Una aplicació a la natació subaquàticaSolana Tramunt, Mònica 15 September 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi és una aproximació teòrica i empírica a la metodologia actualitzada per a l'entrenament de la propiocepció.
La part teòrica desenvolupa l'estat de la qüestió en l'estudi de la propiocepció des de diferents perspectives, de les particularitats de la columna vertebral lumbar i de les característiques de la propiocepció en aquesta zona del raquis. Ens resumeix els aspectes més importants de la teoria de l'entrenament i les necessitats de l'entrenament propioceptiu lumbar en la natació competitiva.
La part empírica pretén ser un punt de partida en la investigació experimental de la metodologia més adequada per a l'entrenament de la propiocepció conscient. Es realitza un disseny específic per a la millora del control de la CV lumbar en la tècnica de natació subaquàtica, en el qual es tracta d'intercedir sobre l'amplitud de moviment lumbar en el pla sagital i sobre la precisió en el seu posicionament dins del mateix pla.
S'aplica, s'avalua i es comparen els efectes de l'administració d’uns exercicis durant 75 sessions, en un període de 2-3 mesos naturals, amb dues metodologies d'execució diferenciades: Amb ulls tapats centrant l'atenció sobre la zona lumbar i sense cap condició diferent a la de complir la tècnica d'execució del moviment.
Els resultats de l'estudi experimental demostren que el mètode que millora les variables relacionades amb la propiocepció és el que proposa la realització dels exercicis amb els ulls tancats i centrant l'atenció sobre la zona lumbar, mentre que amb els ulls oberts empitjoren aquestes variables respecte al grup control. Ambdós mètodes provoquen millores significatives de l'amplitud de moviment lumbar en el pla treballat.
En línies generals tot el procés revela la necessitat d'actualitzar el tractament conceptual i metodològic de la propiocepció, posant un exemple d'intervenció en la natació competitiva que orienta sobre les bases per a la seva aplicació en altres esports. / Esta tesis es una aproximación teórica y empírica a la metodología actualizada para el entrenamiento de la propiocepción.
La parte teórica desarrolla el estado de la cuestión en el estudio de la propiocepción desde diferentes perspectivas, de las particularidades de la columna vertebral lumbar y de las características de la propiocepción en ésta zona del raquis. Nos resume los aspectos más importantes de la teoría del entrenamiento y las necesidades del entrenamiento propioceptivo lumbar en la natación competitiva.
La parte empírica pretende ser un punto de partida en la investigación experimental de la metodología más adecuada para el entrenamiento de la propiocepción consciente. Se realiza un diseño específico para la mejora del control de la CV lumbar en la técnica de natación subacuática, en el que se trata de interceder sobre la amplitud de movimiento lumbar en el plano sagital y sobre la precisión en su posicionamiento dentro del mismo plano.
Se aplica, se evalúa y se comparan los efectos de la administración de unos ejercicios durante 75 sesiones, en un período de 2-3 meses naturales, con dos metodologías de ejecución diferenciadas: Con ojos cerrados centrando la atención sobre la zona lumbar y con los ojos abiertos sin ninguna condición diferente a la de cumplir la técnica de ejecución del movimiento.
Los resultados del estudio experimental demuestran que el método que mejora las variables relacionadas con la propiocepción es el que propone la realización de los ejercicios con los ojos cerrados, mientras que con los ojos abiertos empeoran estas variables con respecto al grupo control. Ambos métodos provocan mejoras significativas de la amplitud de movimiento lumbar en el plano trabajado.
Todo el proceso revela la necesidad de actualizar el tratamiento conceptual y metodológico de la propiocepción a partir de una intervención en la natación, y orienta sobre las bases para su aplicación en otros deportes. / This thesis is a theoretical and empirical approach to the updated methodology for proprioception training.
The theoretical part develops the state of affairs in the study of proprioception from different perspectives, the particulars of the lumbar spine and the characteristics of proprioception in this area of the spine. It’s summarized the most important aspects of training theory and the needs of lumbar proprioceptive training in competitive swimming.
The empirical part is intended as a starting point for experimental research on the most appropriate methodology for the conscious proprioception training. It performs a specific design for improved lumbar spine control on underwater swimming technique, which tries to intercede on lumbar range of motion in the sagittal plane and positioning accuracy within the same plane.
It applies, evaluates and compares the effects of exercises’ administration during 75 sessions over 2 to 3 calendar months, with two different methods of execution: First one blindfolded and focusing on the lower back and second one with eyes opened and no different condition to fulfill the technical execution.
The results show that the method improves proprioception-related variables is proposed conducting the exercises with eyes closed focusing on the lower back, while with eyes opened this variables get worse towards the control group. Both methods lead to significant improvements in lumbar range of motion in the worked plane.
Thus, the process reveals the need to update the conceptual and methodological treatment of proprioception after an intervention in swimming, and guides about the basis for its application in other sports.
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The neuroses of the railway : trains, travel and trauma in Britain, c.1850-c.1900Harrington, Ralph January 1998 (has links)
This thesis explores some aspects of the cultural history of the railway during the latter half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. It argues that the railway was of central importance in creating and shaping Victorian attitudes to the machine and to mechanized civilization in a world increasingly dominated by large scale-technologies. In particular, it explores the significance of negative responses to the railway - fear, anxiety, nervousness, alarm, revulsion - in influencing a range of social, cultural and medical responses to the perceived degenerative threat of technological civilization. The four chapters of the thesis are organized so as to provide a progressive tightening of focus on particular aspects of the railway's significance in this context. The first, most wide-ranging, chapter explores the ways in which the Victorian railway was perceived as both an icon of progress and civilization and as a disruptive, threatening, destructive force. In particular, it seeks to establish the deep-rooted, enduring and influential nature of the fear and anxiety which the railway provoked. The second chapter is concerned with the railway journey as an experience, relating the ambivalence with which the railway was viewed to the journey as a sensory, physical and mental experience. The third chapter focuses on the accident as the most dramatic instance of the dangers of the railway, and relates its significance in contemporary culture to the wider context of the fears provoked by increasingly powerful and potentially destructive technologies. The fourth and final chapter explores the phenomenon of 'railway spine', the obscure nervous condition supposedly suffered by railway accident victims who had seemingly received no actual organic injury, but nonetheless displayed nervous, mental and physical symptoms of serious bodily disorder.
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The impact of exogenous TGFβ1 on male reproductive function.McGrath, Leanne Jane January 2008 (has links)
The TGFβ family of cytokines are potent signalling molecules that regulate tissue development, inflammation and immunity. Previous studies in mice with a null mutation in the Tgfb1 gene (TGFβ1-/- mice) implicate a key role for TGFβ1 in male reproductive function. These mice show profound infertility due to an inability to copulate successfully, associated with reduced testosterone and sperm production. The focus of this project was to 1) further characterize mechanisms underpinning reproductive deficiency in male TGFβ1-/- mice, 2) identify a reliable physiological marker of TGFβ1 availability in vivo, and 3) to determine whether exogenous TGFβ1 administration influences TGFβ1 availability and restores fertility. To investigate the causes of unsuccessful copulation by TGFβ1-/- mice, penis morphometry was examined. Penile organ structure, as assessed by scanning electron microscopy, was comparable between genotypes however a superfluous epidermal covering that impeded penile spine protrusion was evident in TGFβ1-/- mice. The epidermal covering was not due to increased epithelial cell proliferation, as measured by Brdu labelling and immunohistology. Behavioural observations of erectile activity showed that TGFβ1-/- mice achieved spontaneous erections albeit at reduced frequency compared to TGFβ1+/+ mice. The efficacy of exogenous TGFβ1 replacement was evaluated by first identifying measures of in vivo TGFβ1 availability and/or function and selecting an effective route of administration. Serum TGFβ1 and testosterone levels were reliable discriminators of TGFβ1 genotype. Gene expression and phagocytic function of peritoneal macrophages revealed no differences between genotypes. Exogenous sources of TGFβ1 for replacement studies included colostrum, naturally occurring in breast milk and recombinant human latent TGFβ1 (rhLTGFβ1). Colostrum did not increase circulating levels and rhTGFβ1 injection caused only transient elevation of serum levels. Thus mini-osmotic pumps were used to deliver a constant supply of cytokine to TGFβ1-/- mice. The fertility status of TGFβ1-/- mice receiving exogenous TGFβ1 was investigated. Reproductive behaviour in response to normal receptive female mice was assessed twice during treatment, on day 7 and day 14. Blood, liver and reproductive tissues were collected at sacrifice. Circulating TGFβ1 was increased in TGFβ1 treated TGFβ1-/- mice above TGFβ1-/- control levels, although this did not affect circulating testosterone. Erectile activity and sperm production were unchanged. Videotaping behaviour with estrous females revealed that the TGFβ1+/+ mice successfully mounted and intromitted, unlike the TGFβ1-/- controls. The TGFβ1-/- mice receiving exogenous TGFβ1 displayed moderately enhanced mounting and intromission behaviour although this remained less frequent than in the TGFβ1+/+ controls. Ejaculation behaviour was not observed in any TGFβ1-/- mice regardless of TGFβ1 replacement, compared to TGFβ1+/+ controls where >90% mice displayed ejaculated. Modest improvement in the copulation activity of the TGFβ1-/- mice receiving exogenous TGFβ1 suggests that systemic TGFβ1 availability can influence reproductive performance in male TGFβ1-/- mice. However since fertility was not restored, locally produced TGFβ1 in the reproductive tract and/or hypothalamic pituitary axis are also implicated in regulating fertility. These findings advance our knowledge of the role of the TGFβ1 cytokine in male reproductive physiology and may have relevance for devising new treatments for infertility and erectile dysfunction in men. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, 2008
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Pokročilé algoritmy fúze 3D medicínských dat pro specifické lékařské problémy / Advanced Algorithms for 3D Medical Image Data Fusion in Specific Medical ProblemsMalínský, Miloš January 2013 (has links)
Fúze obrazu je dnes jednou z nejběžnějších avšak stále velmi diskutovanou oblastí v lékařském zobrazování a hraje důležitou roli ve všech oblastech lékařské péče jako je diagnóza, léčba a chirurgie. V této dizertační práci jsou představeny tři projekty, které jsou velmi úzce spojeny s oblastí fúze medicínských dat. První projekt pojednává o 3D CT subtrakční angiografii dolních končetin. V práci je využito kombinace kontrastních a nekontrastních dat pro získání kompletního cévního stromu. Druhý projekt se zabývá fúzí DTI a T1 váhovaných MRI dat mozku. Cílem tohoto projektu je zkombinovat stukturální a funkční informace, které umožňují zlepšit znalosti konektivity v mozkové tkáni. Třetí projekt se zabývá metastázemi v CT časových datech páteře. Tento projekt je zaměřen na studium vývoje metastáz uvnitř obratlů ve fúzované časové řadě snímků. Tato dizertační práce představuje novou metodologii pro klasifikaci těchto metastáz. Všechny projekty zmíněné v této dizertační práci byly řešeny v rámci pracovní skupiny zabývající se analýzou lékařských dat, kterou vedl pan Prof. Jiří Jan. Tato dizertační práce obsahuje registrační část prvního a klasifikační část třetího projektu. Druhý projekt je představen kompletně. Další část prvního a třetího projektu, obsahující specifické předzpracování dat, jsou obsaženy v disertační práci mého kolegy Ing. Romana Petera.
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L'évaluation systématique de la lombalgie selon les données probantesGilbert, Dominique 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Super-resolution STED and two-photon microscopy of dendritic spine and microglial dynamics / Imagerie de la dynamique des microglies et des épines dendritiques par microscopie super-résolutive STED et bi-photoniquePfeiffer, Thomas 21 November 2017 (has links)
Les changements des connections neuronales interviendraient dans la formation de la mémoire. J’ai développé de nouvelles approches basées sur l’imagerie photonique pour étudier (i) les interactions entre les microglies et les épines dendritiques, et (ii) le renouvellement des épines dans l’hippocampe in vivo. Ces deux phénomènes contribueraient au remodelage des circuits synaptiques intervenant dans la mémoire. (i) Les microglies sont impliquées dans de nouvelles fonctions en condition saine. J’ai examiné l’effet de la plasticité synaptique sur la dynamique morphologique des microglies, et sur leur interaction avec les épines. En combinant l’électrophysiologie et l’imagerie bi-photonique dans des tranches aigües de souris transgéniques, je démontre que la microglie intensifie son interaction physique avec les épines. Ainsi pour continuer l’étude de ces interactions et leur impact fonctionnel plus précisément, j’ai optimisé l’imagerie STED dans des tranches aigües. (ii) La plasticité structurale des épines est cruciale pour la mémoire, mais les connaissances à ce sujet dans l’hippocampe in vivo restent limitées. J’ai donc établi une technique d’imagerie chronique STED in vivo pour visualiser les épines dans l’hippocampe. Cette approche a révélé une densité double de celle reportée précédemment à l’aide de la microscopie bi-photonique. De plus j’ai observé un renouvellement des épines de 40% en 5 jours, représentant un taux important de remodelage synaptique dans l’hippocampe. Les approches d’imagerie super-résolutive permettent l’étude des interactions microglie-épine, et du renouvellement des épines hippocampiques avec une résolution inédite chez la souris vivante. / Activity-dependent changes in neuronal connectivity are thought to underlie learning and memory. I developed and applied novel high-resolution imaging-based approaches to study (i) microglia-spine interactions and (ii) the turnover of dendritic spines in the mouse hippocampus, which are both thought to contribute to the remodeling of synaptic circuits underlying memory formation. (i) Microglia have been implicated in a variety of novel tasks beyond their classic immune defensive roles. I examined the effect of synaptic plasticity on microglial morphological dynamics and interactions with spines, using a combination of electrophysiology and two-photon microscopy in acute brain slices. I demonstrated that microglia intensify their physical interactions with spines after the induction of hippocampal synaptic plasticity. To study these interactions and their functional impact in greater detail, I optimized and applied time-lapse STED imaging in acute brain slices. (ii) Spine structural plasticity is thought to underpin memory formation. Yet, we know very little about it in the hippocampus in vivo, which is the archetypical memory center of the mammalian brain. I established chronic in vivo STED imaging of hippocampal spines in the living mouse using a modified cranial window technique. The super-resolution approach revealed a spine density that was two times higher than reported in the two-photon literature, and a spine turnover of 40% over 5 days, indicating a high level of structural remodeling of hippocampal synaptic circuits. The developed super-resolution imaging approaches enable the examination of microglia-synapse interactions and dendritic spines with unprecedented resolution in the living brain (tissue).
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Técnica experimental para quantificar a eficiência de distribuidores de líquidos industriais do tipo tubos perfurados paralelos. / Liquid aspersion effuciency quantification experiment: application in ladder type distributors.Marlene Silva de Moraes 07 July 2008 (has links)
O presente texto descreve um método experimental simples para comparar a eficiência de distribuidores de líquido empregados nas indústrias de tratamento de minérios em lavadores, classificadores e moinhos e nas indústrias de processos químicos. A técnica consiste basicamente em analisar a dispersão pelo desvio padrão da massa do líquido coletado em tubos verticais dispostos em arranjo quadrático colocados abaixo do distribuidor. Como exemplo de aplicação, empregouse para a coleta da massa de líquido uma unidade piloto, montada no Laboratório de Engenharia Química da Universidade Santa Cecília em Santos, com um banco de 21 tubos verticais de 52 mm de diâmetro interno e 800 mm de comprimento. Uma manta acrílica que não dispersa o líquido com 50 mm de espessura foi fixada entre o distribuidor e o banco de tubos para evitar respingos. Foram realizados ensaios com nove distribuidores do tipo espinha de peixe de 4 tubos paralelos cada, para uma coluna piloto com 400 mm de diâmetro. A literatura é discordante no que concerne aos parâmetros de projeto e eficiência destes distribuidores. Variaram-se o número (n) de orifícios (95, 127 e 159 furos/m2, 12, 16 e 20 furos por distribuidor) o diâmetro (d) dos orifícios (2, 3 e 4 mm) e as vazões de entrada indicadas por rotâmetro nos distribuidores (q) de 1,2; 1,4 e 1,6 m3/h. A melhor eficiência de espalhamento pelo menor desvio padrão (0,302) foi obtida com n de 159 furos/m2, d de 2 mm e q de 1,4 m3/h indicando as limitações dos parâmetros de projeto da literatura. A pressão (p), na entrada do distribuidor para esta condição, foi de apenas 0,51 kgf/cm2. A relação adimensional entre a área da seção do tubo de alimentação e a somatória da área dos furos foi de 5,81, a vazão volumétrica total por unidade de área da seção da coluna para esta melhor condição foi de 11,32 m3/(h.m2) e a velocidade média (v) em cada orifício foi de 6,31 m/s. Portanto, o método proposto permite comparar e quantificar a eficiência de distribuidores além de demonstrar a não validade de alguns parâmetros de projeto recomendados pela literatura. / The current text describes a simple experimental method in order to compare the efficiency of the liquid distributors applied at the ore treatment industries in washers, classifiers and mills as well as at the chemical processing industries. The technique basically consist of analyzing the dispersion through the standard deviation of the liquid mass which was collected in vertical pipes placed in a square way under the distributor. As an example of us usage, it has been applied a pilot scale for collecting the liquid mass, installed at the Santa Cecília Universitys Chemical Engineering Laboratory in Santos, with a setting of 21 vertical tubes measuring 52 mm in internal diameter and 800 mm in length. A 50 mm thick acrylic blanket was fixed between the distributor and the pipe setting in order to avoid splashes. Some experiments have been made with a ladder-tipe distributors containing 4 parallel tubes each, for a pilot column of 400 mm in diameter. The literature shows disagreement regarding the characteristics of the project and the efficiency of the distributors. The number of holes has varied (n) 95, 127 and 159 holes/m2; 12, 16 and 20 holes for distributor, the diameter of the holes (d) 2, 3 and 4 mm and the flow of entrance in the distributors (q) of 1,2; 1,4 and 1,6 m3/h. The best efficiency of splashing of the lowest deviation pattern (0,302) was achieved with n of 159 holes/m2, d of 2 mm and q of 1,4 m3/h showing the limitation of characteristics of the project literature. The pressure (p), for this condition in the distributor entrance, was only 0,51 kgf/cm2. The measuring relation between the area of the section of the feeding pipe and the addition of the area of the roles was 5,81, the total volume of the out flow for unit of the area of the column section for this better condition was 11,32 m3/(h m2) and the average speed (v), in each hole was 6,31 m/s. Finally, the indicated method permits the comparison and quantification of the efficiency of the distributors, besides showing that some of the project concepts are not valid and the literature does not recommend them.
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Prevalência de algias vertebrais crônicas e identificação de fatores associados em uma população da cidade de São Paulo / Chronic spinal pain prevalence and associated factors in a population of Sao Paulo CityJidiene Dylese Presecatan Depintor 06 February 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A dor vertebral apresenta significativo impacto econômico e social. Estimativas mais recentes do Global Burden of Diseases relatam que as algias vertebrais crônicas (AC) são a principal causa de anos vividos com incapacidade no mundo. A prevalência de algias vertebrais ao longo da vida varia entre 54% e 80%. OBJETIVOS: Estimar a prevalência de algias vertebrais crônicas e identificar fatores associados em uma amostra de pessoas com 15 anos ou mais de idade em um segmento da população da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal. Um total de 826 participantes foi selecionado para entrevistas domiciliares entre dezembro de 2011 e fevereiro de 2012. Foram utilizados a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (HADS), o Teste de Fagerström para Dependência de Nicotina (FTND), o Teste para Identificação de Problemas Relacionados ao uso de Álcool (AUDIT), a Escala EuroQol-5D e o Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de AC foi estimada em 22% (IC 95%, 19,3 - 25,0). Os seguintes fatores foram considerados independentemente associados a AC: sexo feminino, 30 ou mais anos de idade, quatro anos ou menos de escolaridade, sintomas compatíveis com ansiedade e esforço físico intenso durante a ocupação principal. Adicionalmente, pacientes com AC apresentaram qualidade de vida e autoavaliação de saúde significativamente piores, comparativamente àqueles sem AC. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se uma prevalência de 22% de algias vertebrais crônicas em um segmento da população da cidade de São Paulo. Fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, psicológicos e físicos foram independentemente associados a essa condição. Observou-se também uma associação entre algias vertebrais crônicas e pior qualidade de vida / Introduction: Spinal pain is associated with significant economic and societal impact and is an important health issue. It has recently been listed as the first cause of -years lived with disability worldwide and one of the most common reasons for which people seek medical care. Estimates of lifetime prevalence of spinal pain vary between 54% and 80%. Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of chronic spinal pain (CSP) and to identify associated factors in a sample of persons aged 15 or older from a segment of the population of Sao Paulo City, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiologic survey was performed to determine the prevalence of chronic spinal pain and to identify associated factors in a random sample of persons 15 years or older from a segment of the population of São Paulo City, Brazil. Face-to-face interviews were performed with 826 individuals between December 2011 and February 2012. Participants responded the following instruments: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, EuroQol 5D, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Fargerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), and Brazil Economic Classification Criteria (CCEB). Results: A prevalence of 22% (95% CI, 19.3 - 25.0) was observed for chronic spinal pain. The following factors were independently associated with chronic spinal pain: female gender, 30 years of age or older, four or less years of formal education, symptoms consistent with anxiety and intense physical strain for the main occupation. Quality of life and self-rated health were significantly worse among CSP individuals. Conclusions: This study found a prevalence of 22% for chronic spinal pain in a segment of the population of São Paulo city. Demographic, socioeconomic, psychological and physical factors were independently associated with this condition. Quality of life and self-rated health were significantly worse among CSP individuals
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Morphologie des articulations intervertébrales postérieures : Etude réalisée à partir de l'ostéothèque régionale LOMBONICE 2005Bronsard, Nicolas 03 April 2012 (has links)
But de l'étude: Nos connaissances anatomiques sur le rachis lombaire reposent sur des dissections cadavériques rares, comprenant peu de sujets, très agés. La précision du scanner fait référence pour la morphologie articulaire. Une base de données scannographique (Lombonice 2005) a été crée puis 400 patients ont été mesurés. L'objectif est d'élaborer un Atlas biométrique de référence. Nous chercherons également à décrire la forme afin de concevoir une prothèse anatomique. Enfin, nous espérons dégager un dimorphisme sexuel et ainsi prédire l'âge ou le sexe d'un sujet en se basant ses articulations lombaires. Patients et méthodes : Nous avons mesuré 217 hommes et 183 femmes d'âge moyen 59 ans. Les coupes natives font 1,25 mm d'épaisseur (de L1 à S1). Nous crérons chaque plan de coupe puis nous positionnons des points de repères sur ces plans. Les coordonnées de ces points nous permettront de calculer des distances, des angles et le rayon des cercles mécaniques. Nous comparons ensuite les mesures obtenues avec l'âge, le côté, le sexe ou le niveau étudié. Résultats : De L1 à S1, les articulaires se rapprochent du mur postérieur mais s'éloignent l'une de l'autre. L'angle d'étrave postérieure augmente vers la caudalité. Le rayon des cercles mécaniques droit et gauche ne sont symétriques que dans 50% des cas et se confondent dans moins de 10 % des cas. Les mesures réalisées ne permettent pas de déterminer le sexe ou l'âge du sujet. Les mesures centrées sur le corps vertébral semblent plus discriminantes. Conclusion: La forme en 3D des articulaires postérieures est plus complexe qu'un fragment de sphère. / Aim of the study: Our anatomical knowledge about lumbar spine is based on few cadaveric dissections with very few specimens of very old. The CT scan is very informative concerning about bony facets morphology. We have first created a database of lumbar CT called « Lombonice 2005 » and then we have made differents measureson 400 subjects. The aim of this study is to obtain a biometric atlas. Then, we wanted to create a new anatomic lumbar facet prosthesis. At least, we would like to determine the age or the sex of a sunject only with anatomic measures. Patients and methods : We have measured 217 men and 183 women of 59 years old on average. The native slices was 1,25 mm thick and goes from L1 to S1. We have created each cutting plan and we have placed many landmarks on them. The coordonates of these landmarks let us calculate differents distances, angles or mechanical circle radius which describe well the shape of the facets. We have compared then the measures obtained and the age, sex, side or level studied. Results : From L1 to S1, on transversal plan, the facets are getting closer to posterior wall but are getting away from each other. The posterior angle like a boat's bow increase from L1 to S1. The mechanical circle radius of each sides are symmetrical just in 50% of cases and unique in less than 10 % of cases. All the measures even in 3 dimensions does'nt let us determine the sex or the age of subjects. Measures on vertebral body seems to be more discriminant. Conclusion: We found that 3D shape of lumbar facets is more complicated than a spere fragment as expected. The side asymmetry makes it difficult to reproduce an anatomical facet's prosthesis.
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Improvising Knowledge: A Case Study of Practices in and Around World Spine Care's Evidence-based Clinics in Shoshong and Mahalapye, BotswanaMongeon, Mylène January 2016 (has links)
Global health organizations attend to populations around the world applying an evidence-based model of care that often does not correspond with local realities on the ground. My thesis provides an in-depth anthropological study of how this occurs within practices in and around World Spine Care's (WSC) clinics in Shoshong and Mahalapye, Botswana. More specifically I explore how knowledge is negotiated and improvised on the ground, paying particular attention to the ways WSC volunteers are (un)able to work with local health workers as they desire. I show the flows and counter-flows implicated in the difficult task of reconciling skills with standards. The study is based on a total of 15 months of participation with WSC's organization through attending meetings, activities and shadowing practitioners both in Ottawa and in Botswana. Expanding the scope of their creative improvisational skills beyond the closed settings of WSC clinics is proposed as a way to move forward.
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