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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Respuestas morfo-fisiológicas de los vástagos y rebrotes en cepas de Peumus boldus Mol. según intensidad de corta, en la comuna de Olmué, Región de Valparaíso

Alvarado Barrera, Nicole Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Ingeniero Forestal / Peumus boldus Mol. (Boldo), es una especie endémica y característica del bosque esclerófilo. Su potencial económico está relacionado con la comercialización de sus hojas. El problema asociado a este mercado tiene relación con la sostenibilidad del recurso en el tiempo. Considerando su potencial económico, se evaluaron las respuestas morfo-fisiológicas en rebrotes nuevos y vástagos remanentes, según intensidad de corta, en la Comuna de Olmué, Región de Valparaíso. Se establecieron tres parcelas de 0,2 hectáreas cada una, donde se midieron: número de vástagos por cepa, DAP de los vástagos por cepa y área basal a nivel de cepa. De las tres parcelas, una corresponde a una parcela control y las dos parcelas restantes fueron cosechadas parcialmente. Se seleccionaron 12 cepas control y 12 cepas intervenidas. Las variables hídricas medidas fueron: potencial hídrico de la hoja (a pre-alba (ΨA) y al mediodía (ΨMD)) y contenido hídrico relativo de la hoja (a pre-alba (CHRA) y al mediodía (CHRMD). Para la caracterización del crecimiento de rebrotes se midieron el DAC y altura, y para la evaluación del crecimiento de los vástagos remanentes se midió el DAP de todos los vástagos por cepa. Para estimar la biomasa de rebrotes, se construyeron modelos de regresión utilizando el peso seco de 20 rebrotes y las variables predictoras DAC y altura. Para estimar la biomasa de los vástagos remanentes, se emplearon funciones de biomasa determinadas por Durán (2005). Por último, se analizó la acumulación de biomasa aérea total de boldo en cepas control y cepas intervenidas para un período de evaluación de un año. Los resultados muestran que el bosque con presencia de boldo presentó una densidad promedio de 207 cepas/ha correspondientes a un Gha inicial de 5,06 m2/ha. Las cepas presentaban en promedio nueve vástagos que, en su mayoría eran menores a 5 cm de DAP. Luego de la cosecha, Gha se redujo a 4,45 m2/ha. El potencial hídrico a pre-alba (ΨA), mostró diferencias significativas entre el tratamiento control y el tratamiento intervención (vástagos y rebrotes). A su vez el potencial hídrico a mediodía (ΨMD) siguió la misma tendencia presentada en ΨA. Al comparar el potencial hídrico dentro de los tratamientos, se observaron diferencias significativas en los tres casos estudiados. Con respecto al contenido hídrico relativo (CHR), se observaron diferencias significativas para el tratamiento control y el de intervención de vástagos tanto en pre-alba como en mediodía. Dentro del tratamiento sólo se observaron diferencias significativas en el tratamiento de intervención de vástagos, en donde en la medición del mediodía se presenta un CHR menor al observado a pre-alba. En el crecimiento de rebrotes el DAC y la altura presentaron un promedio de 4,8 mm y 34,1 cm respectivamente. El diámetro a la altura del cuello (DAC) tuvo una variación entre 1,1 mm y 15,1 mm, mientras que la altura presente en los rebrotes tomó valores entre los 0,40 cm y los 168 cm. En el crecimiento de vástagos remanentes las cepas control presentaron un incremento en DAP de 0,1 cm mientras que las cepas intervenidas presentaron un incremento de 1,1 cm. Para estimar la biomasa aérea de rebrotes, se estableció el DAC como la mejor variable predictora y se obtuvo una producción de biomasa aérea total de rebrotes de 1,03 kg y por componente (hojas y tallo) de 0,187 kg y 0,523 kg respectivamente a nivel de individuo. Para la biomasa aérea de vástagos remanentes, el componente más representativo fue el fuste, seguido por la biomasa foliar. El crecimiento inicial de boldo mostró una baja recuperación de la biomasa total en cepas con cosecha parcial al final del primer año de crecimiento, por lo que la sostenibilidad de la producción de hoja de boldo no se encontraría asegurada. / Peumus boldus Mol. (Boldo), is an endemic species characteristic of the sclerophyllous forest. Its economic potential is related to the commercialization of its leaves. However, the problem associated with this market has to do with the sustainability of the resource over time. Considering its economic potential, the morpho-physiological responses in new shoots and remaining stems were evaluated, according to the intensity of cutting, in the Olmué Commune, Valparaíso Region. Three plots of 0,2 hectares each were established, where they were measured: number of stems per strain, DBH of stems per strain and basal area at strain level. Of the three plots, one corresponds to a control plot and the remaining two plots were partially harvested. Were selected 12 strains control and 12 partial harvest. The water variables measured were: leaf water potential (pre-dawn (ΨA) and noon (ΨMD)) and relative leaf relative water content (pre-dawn (RWCA) and noon (RWCMD). For the characterization of the growth of sprouts, the DRC and height were measured, and for the evaluation of the growth of the remaining shoots the DBH of all the shoots per strain was measured. To estimate the biomass of sprouts, regression models were constructed using the dry weight of 20 sprouts and the predictor variables DRC and height. To estimate the biomass of the remaining shoots, the biomass functions determined by Durán (2005) were used. Once the total aerial and component biomass was determined, the accumulation of total aerial biomass of boldo in control strains and strains intervened for an evaluation period of one year. The results showed that the forest with presence of boldo had an average density of 207 strains/ha corresponding to an initial basal area per hectare of 5,06 m2/ha. The strains showed on average nine stems, which were mostly smaller than 5 cm of DBH. After harvest, basal area per hectare was reduced to 4,45 m2/ha. The pre-dawn water potential (ΨA) showed significant differences between the control treatment and the intervention treatment (stems and sprouts). In turn the water potential at noon (ΨMD) followed the same trend presented in ΨA. When comparing the water potential within the treatments, significant differences were observed in the three cases studied. Regarding the relative water content (RWC), significant differences were observed for the control treatment and for the intervention of stems in both pre-dawn and noon. Within the treatment only significant differences were observed in the intervention treatment of stems, where in the noon measurement a lower RWC is present compared to pre-dawn. In the growth of sprouts the DRC and height presented an average of 4,8 mm and 34,1 cm respectively. The diameter at root collar height (DRC) had a variation between 1,1 mm and 15,1 mm, while the height present in the sprouts took values between 0,40 cm and 168 cm. In the growth of remnant stems the control strains had an increase in DBH of 0,1 cm while the intervened strains showed an increase of 1,1 cm. To estimate the aerial biomass of sprouts, DRC was established as the best predictor variable and a total aerial biomass production of 1,03 kg and per component (leaf and stem) of 0,187 kg and 0,523 kg respectively at the individual level. For the aerial biomass of remnant stems, the most representative component was the stem, followed by the leaf biomass. The initial growth of boldo showed a low recovery of the total biomass in strains with partial harvest at the end of the first year of growth, reason why the sustainability of the production of boldo leaf would not be assured.

Comparative water relations of Protea nitida seedlings and sprouters after fire.

Smith, Rosemary Elizabeth. January 1990 (has links)
This study was undertaken to determine the effect of vegetation structure (the ratio of re-seeding to re-sprouting plants) on post-fire catchment water yield. Plant communities are the only components of mountain catchments which can be manipulated to augment water supplies on any practical scale. Burning, which is one of the options available to catchment managers, reduces plant biomass and increases water yield by reducing transpiration and interception losses. Communities dominated by re-seeding species tend to recover more slowly after fires than when sprouters predominate. The rate of vegetation recovery will determine the rate at which streamflow returns to pre-fire levels. Sprouters may use more water than seeders in the early post-fire period by virtue of their greater leaf area, which both increases interception and transpiration losses. Leaf area development could be used as a simple determinant of post-fire water yield if transpiration losses per unit leaf area are similar in seedlings and sprouters. In this study, a comparison was made of the transpiration rates of seedlings and sprouters of Protea nitida after a fire in Swartboskloof (Cape Province) in 1987. Plant water potentials were determined (index of the degree of stress) and leaf stomatal conductances were measured. Results indicate that transpiration rates are similar throughout the year except during the short summer drought period when the seedlings have comparatively low transpiration rates (< 1 mmo1 m-2 s-1 compared to 2-3 mmo1 m-2 s-1 of the sprouter), and i immediately after the first winter rains where the seedlings have comparatively high rates (approxi.mately 4 mmol m-2 s-1 compared to 2 mmol m-2s-1.) The 1ow summer rates are thought to be the result of drought stress induced by limited water supply and the shallow root systems of the seedlings. The higher winter rates suggest that the shallow surface roots of the seedlings respond quickly to increased surface moisture. Differences in root structure (Le. shallow seedling roots and well-developed deep sprouter roots) rather than regeneration mode appear to be responsible for the marginal differences observed in transpiration rates. These differences are expected to disappear as seedling roots develop and occupy the profile. Leaf area could therefore, be used as a determinant of catchment water yield. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, 1990

Virškinimo procesų karvių didžiajame prieskrandyje ir jų produktyvumo tyrimai, naudojant šėrimui pramonės šalutinius produktus / Investigation of effects of industrial by-products on ruminal digestibility and lactation performance of cows

Šidagis, Darius 10 January 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti glicerolio, kvietinių sėlenų su krakmolo gamybos sirupo granulių ir salyklo daigelių efektyvumą melžiamų karvių racionuose bei įvertinti jų įtaką azotinių medžiagų fermentacijai karvių didžiajame prieskrandyje. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti krakmolo gamybos sirupo, kvietinių sėlenų ir krakmolo gamybos sirupo granulių, salyklo daigelių cheminę sudėtį ir apskaičiuoti energetinę vertę. 2. Atlikti penkis šėrimo bandymus su melžiamomis karvėmis: tris bandymus panaudojant glicerolį skirtingais laktacijos periodais, vieną – naudojant krakmolo dekstrinų sirupą ir vieną – naudojant salyklo daigelius. 3. Nustatyti karvių racionų pašarų ėdamumą. 4. Atlikti karvių didžiojo prieskrandžio (Rumen) turinio tyrimus, jame nustatyti: sausąsias medžiagas, infuzorijų skaičių, pH, lakių riebalų rūgščių (LRR) suminį kiekį ir procentinį santykį, bendro ir amoniako azoto kiekius. 5. Įvertinti tiriamų pašarų įtaką pieno primilžiui, nustatyti pieno riebalų ir baltymų kiekius ir įvertinti ekonominį efektyvumą. 6. Tyrimų duomenis apdoroti statistiškai pateikiant aritmetinius vidurkius ir aritmetinio vidurkio paklaidą. Mūsų tyrimuose pirmą kartą Lietuvoje glicerolis panaudotas kaip pašaras melžiamų karvių racionuose skirtingais laktacijos periodais drėgnuose pašarų mišiniuose, sėlenų granulės, praturtintos krakmolo dekstrinų sirupu ir salyklo daigeliai nustatant jų poveikį azotinių medžiagų ir angliavandenių fermentacijai karvių didžiajame prieskrandyje, jų produktyvumui bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of the study: To investigate the efficiency of glycerol, wheat bran with starch dextrin syrup pellets and malt shoots in the diets of lactating cows and the effects of these products on nitrogen matter fermentation in the rumen of cows. Objectives: 1. To analyze the chemical composition and calculate the energy value of starch syrup, wheat bran and starch syrup pellets and malt shoots. 2. To carry out 5 feeding trials with lactating cows, i. e. 3 trials using glycerol at different lactation periods, one – using starch dextrin syrup and one – using malt shoots. 3. To determine the intake of feeds in the diets. 4. To study rumen contents for the analysis of dry matter, infusoria count, pH-value, total volatile fatty acids (VFA) and percentage ratio, contents of total and ammonia nitrogen. 5. To assess the influence of the above feedstuffs on milk yields, milk fat and protein contents and economic efficiency. 6. To statistically process the data and give arithmetic means and mean deviations. In this study for the first time in Lithuania, glycerol was used as a feedstuff in the diets of lactating cows at different lactation periods in wet mash, bran pellets enriched with starch dextrin syrup and malt shoots for determination of their effect on nitrogen matter and carbohydrate fermentation in the rumen of cows, cow productivity and economic efficiency. Practical application: After completion of the study, recommendations for milk producers were prepared on the usage of... [to full text]

Reguladores vegetais na brotação, características dos cachos e produtividade da videira cv. Itália no Vale do São Francisco, BA /

Menezes, Anna Christina Passos, 1966- January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: João Domingos Rodrigues / Banca: Elizabeth Orika Ono / Banca: Manuel Abílio de Queiróz / Banca: Teresinha Costa Silveira de Albuquerque / Banca: José Carlos Fachinello / Resumo: O presente trabalho foi conduzido na Fazenda Cooperyama - Juazeiro- BA, com o objetivo de estudar a eficiência de reguladores vegetais na brotação e características dos cachos da uva 'Itália'. Para avaliação da brotação das gemas foram efetuadas observações em dias alternados determinando-se o número de brotos. Os tratamentos considerados foram: T1: Testemunha; T2: 2,45 g L-1 de cianamida hidrogenada; T3: 0,045 mg L-1 de cinetina, 0,025mg L-1 de ácido giberélico e 0,025 mg L-1 de ácido indolilbutírico; T4: 0,09 mg L-1 de cinetina, 0,05 mg L-1 de ácido giberélico e 0,05 mg L-1 de ácido indolilbutírico; T5: 0,045 mg L-1 de cinetina, 0,025mg L-1 de ácido giberélico e 0,025 mg L-1 de ácido indolilbutírico + 10 kg de nitrogênio e 9 kg de Ca ha-1; T6: 0,09 mg L-1 de cinetina, 0,05mg L-1 de ácido giberélico e 0,05 mg L-1 de ácido indolilbutírico + 10 kg de nitrogênio e 9 kg de cálcio ha-1; T7: 0,1 mg L-1 de cinetina + 10 kg de nitrogênio e 9 kg de cálcio ha-1; T8: 0,2 mg L-1 de cinetina + 10 kg de nitrogênio e 9 kg de cálcio ha-1 e T9: 0,045 mg L-1 de cinetina, 0,025mg L-1 de ácido giberélico e 0,025 mg L-1 de ácido indolilbutírico + 2,45 g L-1 de cianamida hidrogenada + 10 kg de nitrogênio e 9 kg de cálcio ha-1. Para caracterização dos cachos foram avaliados a massa, comprimento e largura média dos cachos; massa, comprimento e diâmetro médio das bagas; massa seca dos engaços; número médio de bagas/cacho; número médio de cachos/planta; produtividade média/planta; sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e ratio. Os tratamentos considerados foram 2,5; 20 e 20 mg L-1 de ácido giberélico em pó; 0,019; 0,25; 0,038; 0,5; 0,076; 1,0 mL L-1 de ácido giberélico líquido; 0,01; 0,05, 0,075; 0,1, 0,5% de cinetina, ácido giberélico e ácido indolilbutírico, respectivamente e 1,5; 3,0; 6,0; 20,0; 40,0; 80,0 mL L-1 de ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The trial was carried out in the farm Cooperyama - Juazeiro-BA, with the objective to study the efficiency of plant growth regulators on sprouting and on the cluster characteristics of 'Itália' grapes. To evaluate the bud sprouting, observations were done on alternate days and the number of sprouts were registered. The treatments considered were: T1: Control; T2: 2,45 g L-1of the hydrogen cyanamide ; T3: 0,045 mg L-1of kinetin, 0,025 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid the 0,025 mg L-1of indolilbutiric acid; T4: 0,09 mg L-1 of kinetin, 0,05 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid the 0,05 mg L-1 of indolilbutiric acid; T5: 0,045 mg L-1 of kinetin, 0,025 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid the 0,025 mg L-1 of indolilbutiric acid 0,045 mg L-1 of kinetin, 0,025 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid the 0,025 mg L-1 of indolilbutiric acid + 10 kg the nitrogen e 9 kg the calcium ha-1; T6: 0,09 mg L-1 of kinetin, 0,05 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid the 0,05 mg L-1 of indolilbutiric acid + 10 kg the nitrogen e 9 kg the calcium ha-1; T7: 0,1 mg L-1 of kinetin + 10 kg the nitrogen e 9 kg the calcium ha-1; T8: 0,2 mg L-1 of kinetin + 10 kg the nitrogen e 9 kg the calcium ha-1 e T9: 0,045 mg L-1of kinetin, 0,025 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid the 0,025 mg L-1 of indolbutiric acid + 2,45 g L-1of the hydrogen cyanamide + 10 kg the nitrogen e 9 kg the calcium ha-1. For cluster characterization, weight, length and average width of clusters; weight, length and average diameter of berries; dry weight of rachis; average number of berries/cluster; average number of clusters/plant; average productivity/plant; soluble solids content; acidity and ratio were evaluated. The treatments considered were 2.5; 20 and 20 mg L -1 of gibberellic acid; 0.019; 0.25; 0.038; 0.5; 0.076; 1.0 mL L-1 of gibberellic acid liquid of 0.01; 0.05, 0.075; 0.1, 0.5 % of kinetin, gibberellic acid the indolilbutiric acid, respectivemant and 1.5; 3.0; 6.0; 20.0; ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Improving Breeding Selection of Seed Quality Traits for Food-Grade Soybeans

Escamilla Sanchez, Diana Marcela 29 January 2018 (has links)
Natto and sprout soybeans are produced using small-seeded soybeans and their production is a high value alternative to grow grain soybeans for food in U.S. The development of soybean cultivars with improved natto and sprout quality is crucial for maintaining and increasing the soyfood market. However, there is insufficient information on sprout soybean characteristics. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to evaluate seed and sprout traits as potential selection criteria and study the storage effect on sprout quality. Seeds can be a vehicle for transmission of pathogens capable of causing human illness. That is why, the second objective was to identify seed-borne pathogens on a commercial soybean cultivar and to evaluate different seed decontamination treatments. Finally, seed coat deficiency is an undesirable trait for natto soybean seeds because it causes inferior appearance of the product. Thus, the third objective was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying seed coat deficiency (SCD) and associated markers. Results showed that seed size, high-, average- and low-quality sprout percentage, hypocotyl thickness and length and sprout yield are the most important variables for breeding sprout cultivars; and one-year seed storage at room temperature reduced sprout quality. Fusarium, Alternaria and Diaphorte were the most frequent genera isolated from soybean seeds, and 2% calcium hypochlorite and 5% acetic acid were promising seed disinfection treatments. A stable QTL, qSCD20_1, was identified across two years explaining up to 25% of the variation of SCD; and eight molecular markers tightly linked and nearby qSCD20_1 were identified. Information presented will be helpful for sprout and natto soybean cultivar development. / Master of Science / Natto and sprout soybeans are produced using by small-seeded soybeans and their production is a high value alternative to grow grain soybeans for feed in U.S. The development of soybean cultivars with improved natto and sprout quality is crucial for maintaining and increasing the soyfood market. However, there is insufficient information on sprout soybean characteristics. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to evaluate important seed and sprout traits as potential selection criteria of soybean cultivars and study the storage effect on sprout quality. Seeds can be contaminated with fungi capable of causing human illness. So, the second objective was to identify fungus species associated with seeds of a sprout soybean cultivar and evaluate different seed disinfection treatments. Finally, seed coat deficiency is an undesirable trait for natto soybean seeds because it causes inferior appearance of the product. Thus, the third objective was to identify molecular markers associated with seed coat deficiency. Results showed that seed size, high-, average- and low-quality sprout percentage, hypocotyl thickness and length and sprout yield are the most important variables for breeding sprout cultivars; and one-year seed storage at room temperature reduced sprout quality. Fungal species that may cause human illness were isolated from sprout soybean seeds and calcium hypochlorite and acetic acid are promising seed disinfection treatment for reducing fungus incidence. Finally, eight molecular markers associated with seed coat deficiency were identified which may be potentially used in selecting natto soybean cultivars with low seed coat deficiency. Information presented will be helpful for sprout and natto soybean cultivar development.


El Kouche, AHMAD 28 September 2013 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are popular for their wide scope of application domains ranging from agricultural, medical, defense, industrial, social, mining, etc. Many of these applications are in outdoor type environments that are unregulated and unpredictable, thus, potentially hostile or physically harsh for sensors. The popularity of WSNs stems from their fundamental concept of being low cost and ultra-low power wireless devices that can monitor and report sensor readings with little user intervention, which has led to greater demand for WSN deployment in harsh industrial environments. We argue that there are a new set of architectural challenges and requirements imposed on the hardware, software, and network architecture of a wireless sensor platform to operate effectively under harsh industrial environments, which are not met by currently available WSN platforms. We propose a new sensor platform, called Sprouts. Sprouts is a readily deployable, physically rugged, volumetrically miniature, modular, network standard, plug-and-play (PnP), and easy to use sensor platform that will assist university researchers, developers, and industrial companies to evaluate WSN applications in the field, and potentially bring about new application domains that were previously difficult to accomplish using off the shelf WSN development platforms. Therefore, we addresses the inherent requirements and challenges across the hardware, software, and network layer required for designing and implementing Sprouts sensor platform for harsh industrial environments. We fully implement the hardware, network, and software architecture for the Sprouts platform and verify that they meet the requirements for harsh environments. We deploy the Sprouts platform customized with our PnP ultrasound sensor module in an industrial application to monitor the health conditions of Syncrude's vibration screens operating under extreme harsh conditions. Sprouts has been showcased in OCE Discovery 2011, and has been proven to be extremely valuable for industrial mining companies such as Syncrude. / Thesis (Ph.D, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-28 16:14:48.223

Elninių žvėrių populiacijų valdymas ir jų įtaka miško atkūrimui Anykščių miškų urėdijos Mikierių girininkijoje / Management of Population of Cervine Animals and Their Effect on Reforestaton in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise

Kinderienė, Danutė 03 June 2005 (has links)
Research object. Populations of cervine animals (moose, red deer, roes) and their living environment in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise. Research aim. To study the populations of cervine animals, their living environment and effect of these animals on forest in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise. Research methods. Logic analysis of literature and systemic selective accounting. Research results. Cervine animals living in the forests of the Forestry are moose (density 7 pcs./1000 ha), red deer (12 pcs./1000 ha), roes (31 pcs./1000 ha). Because of their effect on forest planting and sprouts the number of cervine animals should be reduced as they browse, break stems and peel bark. The use of cervine animals is low. Before breeding fallow-deer in the forests of the Forest the basic breed should be moose, secondary – roe, minor secondary – red deer. When the fallow-deer are bred, to which the forests of the Forestry are good to live in and belong to the category of middle areas, the basic breed in the forests of the Forestry should be moose, secondary – roe and fallow-deer, minor secondary (undesirable) – red deer. From possible effect of cervine animals the forest planting and sprouts are protected by fences and repellents and protected area makes up 4,8 – 6,2% of the total area of the forests. Many recommended stimulants in biosphere range are also favourable for the increase of hunting fauna. The... [to full text]

Dinâmica da dormência e conteúdo de carboidratos em pessegueiros em clima subtropical úmido / Dynamics of dormancy and carbohydrates content in the peach tree growing vin subtropical-humid zones conditions

Loss, Edenes Maria Schroll 06 March 2017 (has links)
CNPq / A região Sul do Brasil cultiva espécies frutíferas de clima temperado, principalmente pessegueiros, macieiras, videiras e ameixeiras com relativo sucesso. Entretanto, a produção está fortemente vinculada a técnica de quebra de dormência a base de produtos químicos, outrora, proibidos em países importadores de frutas brasileiras. Há necessidade de se conhecer melhor a dinâmica da dormência dessas frutíferas, principalmente do pessegueiro, para que se desenvolva novas técnicas e cultivares adaptadas a regiões subtropicais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar e compreender os mecanismos de entrada e saída da dormência de gemas, bem como avaliar o teor de carboidratos nos ramos e nas gemas de pessegueiros das cultivares Santa Áurea e Tropic Beauty, que possuem intermediária e baixa necessidade de frio, respectivamente. Para isso, foram investigadas a evolução do estado de dormência pelo teste de nós isolados e pelo teste de Tabuenca, o estado de hidratação dos tecidos, a atividade da enzima alfa amilase e a concentração de açúcares em diferentes partes de ramos produtivos (brindilas) coletados no período de abril a agosto. Não foi observada instalação de endodormência verdadeira nas gemas de Tropic Beauty e Santa Áurea, também não foi observado período de ecodormência típico, sendo que a paralisação observada é atribuída a paradormência. Os testes biológicos (Teste de um só nó e Teste de Tabuenca) são eficientes em separar as cultivares quanto ao seu estado de dormência. A porção distal dos ramos possui maior ou igual concentração de açúcares solúveis (sacarose, hexoses) que a base, sugerindo que esses possam estar relacionados com a acrotomia, principalmente em Santa Áurea. Não foi observado relação real entre o conteúdo de carboidrato com a dormência, variando conforme a mudança da temperatura ambiente. / The South region of Brazil grows temperate fruit species, especially peaches, apples, vines and plums trees with relative success. However, the production is strongly linked to the rest-breaking chemicals technique, once prohibit in importing countries receiving Brazilian fruits. There is a necessity to know better the dynamics of dormancy of these fruit trees, mainly the peach, for the development of new techniques and cultivars adapted to subtropical regions. The aim of this work was to evaluate and to comprehend the mechanisms of entry and interruption of dormancy of the fruit buds, as well as to evaluate the carbohydrates content in branches and buds of peach trees cultivars Santa Áurea e Tropic Beauty, which have intermediate and low cold necessity, respectively. In this regard, it were investigated the dormancy status evolution using the isolated nodes and Tabuenca tests, the tissues hydration, the alpha-amylase enzyme activity and the sugars concentration in several portions of productive branches collected from April to August. No endodormence period was observed on the buds of Tropic Beauty e Santa Áurea; also, no typical ecodormence period was observed, whereas the observed downtime is attributed to paradormence. The biologic tests (isolated nodes and Tabuenca tests) were efficient on the cultivars division due to their dormancy status. The distal portion of the branches has the higher or equivalent soluble sugars concentration (sucrose, hexoses) than the base, suggesting that they may be related to acrotomy, mainly in Santa Áurea. No real relation among carbohydrates content and dormancy, varying according to the changes in the ambient temperature.

Crioconservção e cultivo in vitro de sementes de algodão colorido. / Cryopreservation and in vitro cultivation of colored cotton seeds.

ROCHA, Maria do Socorro. 13 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Deyse Queiroz (deysequeirozz@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-13T12:15:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA DO SOCORRO ROCHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2004..pdf: 12014866 bytes, checksum: e5b21eb998760e2ed7cd6bdeddf94a3e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-13T12:15:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA DO SOCORRO ROCHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2004..pdf: 12014866 bytes, checksum: e5b21eb998760e2ed7cd6bdeddf94a3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-11 / A conservação e manipulação dos recursos genéticos vegetais de espécies de valor económico são de fundamental importância para a conservação em banco de germoplasma. Este trabalho teve como objetivo; a) avaliar a crioconservação de sementes de algodão das cultivares BRS-Verde, BRS-200, BRS-187-8H e 6MMocó e b) estudar a indução ao superbrotamento dos nós cotiledonares de plântulas do algodoeiro cultivados in vitro, para as mesmas cultivares supracitadas. Neste trabalho propôs-se inicialmente determinar do teor de água limite para crioconservação (TALC). Para esta determinação as sementes foram imersas ao nitrogénio líquido (-196°C) por cinco dias e após esse período elas forma descongelados e submetidas ao teste de germinação e vigor. Utilizou as armazenagem das sementes a 23°C por 5 dias como testemunha. O delineamento estatístico empregado foi o inteiramente casualizado com arranjo fatorial representado por (quatro cultivares x duas temperaturas x seis teor de água). Na crioconservação utilizou-se um lote de sementes com teor de água limite previamente determinado para as diferentes cultivares, a partir do qual se procedeu ao seu armazenamento em nitrogénio líquido (-196°C) e no vapor do nitrogénio (-170°C), durante 5, 30, 60 e 90 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado nesta etapa foi o inteiramente casualizado em parcela sub-dividida no tempo, sendo a parcela representas pela interação (quatro cultivares x duas temperaturas de armazenamento) e a sub-parcela pelos quatro períodos de armazenamento. Em cada período de armazenamento, as sementes foram submetidas a testes de germinação e vigor. De acordo com os resultados obtidos póde-se concluir que: a) estudar a determinação do teor de água limite para crioconservação-TALC, durante 5 dias, o teor de água limite para a crioconservação das cultivares BRS-Verde, BRS-200, 6M-Mocó e BRS-187-8H considerando-se a germinação dessas cultivares está entre 6 e 8% (b.u.) e considerando-se o vigor das sementes o TALC é de 6% (b.u.); b) sementes de algodoeiro, das diferentes cultivares podem ser crioconservados em banco de germoplasma nas duas temperaturas, ou seja no vapor a -170°C ou imersa ao nitrogénio líquido a -196°C; c) a crioconservação aumenta o percentual de germinação e vigor das sementes de algodão, devido a essa temperatura a promover uma quebra de dormência pela ação do frio. No Capítulo II propôs-se a indução de superbrotamento, empregando como explante dos nós cotiledonares, plântulas cultivadas in vitro durante 25 dias. Os explantes foram cultivados em tubos de ensaio contendo o meio básico MS, suplementado com citocininas BAP, KIN e TDZ, isolados ou associados em diferentes concentrações. Os tubos de ensaio contendo os explantes foram mantidos em sala de crescimento regulada à temperatura de 28°C, fotoperíodo de 16/8h (claro/escuro) e intensidade luminosa de 50umol.m2.s1 , durante 40 dias os quais foram avaliados por meio do delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial de 4x17 (quatro cultivares x dezessete meios), sendo então avaliadas quanto ao número de brotos emitidos e altura de brotos. De acordo com os resultados obtidos póde-se concluir que: O meio MS suplementados com BAP (2,0 mg.L"1) isolado ou associado com KIN (1,0mg.L"1), promoveu uma maior capacidade de regeneração e altura de brotos; b) o meio MS suplementados com BAP (2,5 mg.L"1) estimulou maior altura de brotos;c)o meio MS suplementados com TDZ (1,0 mg.L"1 , 0,50 mg.L"1e 0,25 mg.L"1) afetou a capacidade de regeneração de brotos, obteve formação de calos. / A conservação e manipulação dos recursos genéticos vegetais de espécies de valor económico, são de fundamental importância para a conservação em banco de germoplasma. Este trabalho teve como objetivo: a) avaliar a crioconservação de sementes de algodão das cultivares BRS-Verde, BRS-200- Marrom, BRS-187-8H-Branco e 6 M-Mocó-Branco e b) estudar a indução ao superbrotamento dos nós cotiledonares de plântulas do algodoeiro cultivados in vitro, para as mesmas cultivares supracitadas. Inicialmente, determina-se do teor de água limite para crioconservação (TALC). Para esta determinação, as sementes foram imersas no nitrogénio líquido (-196°C) durante cinco dias e após este período elas foram descongelados e submetidas ao teste de germinação e vigor. Utilizou-se a armazenagem das sementes a 23°C por 5 dias, como testemunha. O delineamento estatístico empregado foi o inteiramente casualizado com arranjo fatorial representado por (quatro cultivares x duas temperaturas x seis teores de água). Na crioconservação utilizou-se um lote de sementes com teor de água limite previamente determinado para as diferentes cultivares, a partir do qual se procedeu ao seu armazenamento em nitrogénio líquido (-196°C) e no vapor do nitrogénio (-170°C), durante 5, 30, 60 e 90 dias. O delineamento experimental usado nesta etapa foi o inteiramente casualizado, em parcela subdividida no tempo, sendo a parcela representada pela interação (quatro cultivares x duas temperaturas de armazenamento) e a subparcela pelos quatro períodos de armazenamento. Em cada período de armazenamento as sementes foram submetidas a testes de germinação e vigor. De acordo com os resultados obtidos concluiu-se que: a) O teor de água limite para crioconservação-TALC, durante 5 dias, para a crioconservação das cultivares BRS-Verde, BRS-200-Marrom, 6MMocó- Branco e BRS-187-8H-Branco, considerando-se a germinação dessas cultivares está entre 6 e 8% (b.u.) e, quanto os vigor das sementes, o TALC foi de 6% (b.u.); b) sementes de algodoeiro das diferentes cultivares podem ser crioconservadas em banco de germoplasma, nas duas temperaturas, ou seja, no vapor a -170°C ou imersa ao nitrogénio líquido a -196°C; c) a crioconservação aumenta o percentual de germinação e vigor das sementes de algodão, em virtude dessa temperatura promover quebra de dormência, pela ação do frio. No Capítulo II propôs-se a indução de superbrotamento, empregando-se como explante nós cotiledonares de plântulas cultivadas in vitro durante 25 dias. Os explantes foram inoculados em tubos de ensaio contendo o meio básico MS, suplementado com citocininas BAP, KIN e TDZ, isolados ou associados a diferentes concentrações. Os tubos de ensaio contendo os explantes foram mantidos em sala de crescimento regulada à temperatura de 28°C, fotoperíodo de 16/8h (claro/escuro) e intensidade luminosa de 50umol.m2.s1 , durante 40 dias, os quais foram avaliados por meio do delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial de 4x17 (quatro cultivares x dezessete meios), sendo então avaliadas quanto ao número de brotos emitidos e altura do comprimento de brotos. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pôde-se concluir que: a) o meio MS suplementado com BAP (2,0mg.L~1) isolado ou associado a KIN (1,0mg.L~1), promoveu maior capacidade de regeneração e altura de brotos; b) o meio MS suplementado com BAP(2,5mg.L"1 ) estimulou altura superior de brotos; c) o meio MS suplementado com TDZ (1,0mg.L~1, 0,50mg.L"1 e 0,25mg.L"1) afetou a capacidade de regeneração de brotos e a formação de calos.

Fitohemijske i funkcionalne karakteristike praškastih formi klijanaca pšenice, ovsa i ječma / Phytochemical and functional properties of wheat, oats and barley powdered sprouts

Aborus Naji Elhadi Alsadeg 18 July 2017 (has links)
<p>U radu su ispitani fitohemijski profil, antioksida-tivna i in vitro biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost ekstrakata klijanaca &scaron;est sorti žitarica: p&scaron;enica Spelt, Simonida, (WSSPE, WSSIM) ječam, hibrid &ldquo;NS565&rdquo; (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp distichum.) (BSNS) i ne-hibridni &ldquo;Golozrni&rdquo; (Hordeum vul-gare var nudum.) (BSG) i ovas Golozrni, Jadar (OSG, OSJ). U cilju poređenja &scaron;est istraživanih vrsta klijanaca ispitivanja su obuhvatila određivanje TPC, TFC, TChl, Chla, Chlb i TCX vrednosti i testiranje njihove biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti (antioksidativnog kapaciteta, redukcione sposobnosti, antiinflamatorne i antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti), kao i sposobnost oslobađanja fenolnih jedinjenja iz FDS tokom in vitro gastrointestinalnog varenja.<br />Spektrofotometrijskim metodama utvrđeno je da su fenolna jedinjenja najdominantnije fitohemikalije u svim ispitivanim klijancima žitarica. U uzorku BSNS utvrđen je najveći sadržaj (p &le; 0,05) ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja, hlorofila i karotenoida, a najveći sadržaj ukupnih flavonoida imali su BSNS i BSG. Najniži TFC je registrovan u uzorku OSJ (p &le; 0,05). Antioksidativna aktivnost uzoraka FDS ispitana je primenom DPPH, ABTS testa i određivanjem redukcione sposobnosti (RP). Uzorak BSNS pokazao je najveći antioksidantni kapacitet u DPPH i ABTS testu, kao i najveću redukcionu sposobnost (IC50DPPH = 0,54 mg/ml; IC50ABTS = 0,79 mg/ml; IC0,5RP = 9.35 mg / ml). U svim uzorcima FDS sprovedena su in vitro određivanja: antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti dobijenih klijanaca (definisanje potencijala inhibicije en-zima &alpha;-glukozidaze); antiinflamatorne aktivnosti klijanaca i gastro-intestinalne digestije klijanaca p&scaron;enice, ovsa i ječma. OSG je pokazao značajno veći AHgA (p &le; 0,05) u odnosu na druge FDS uzorke, zatim slede BSNS, OSJ i BSG. Svi uzorci FDS su ispoljili koncentracijski zavisnu inhibiciju denaturacije proteina (albumina) u celom opsegu ispitivanih koncentracija koncentracija, ali je ona manja od dejstva natrijumdiklofenaka (IC50AIA=0.79 mg/ml). Simulacija digestije u crevnim tečnostima (SIF) izazvalo je veće oslobađanje polifenola iz uzoraka FDS od želudačnog varenja, &scaron;to ukazuje na dobru stabilnost uzoraka u crevnoj tečnosti. Može se zaključiti da antioksidativni kapacitet i redukciona sposobnost raste sa povećanjem koncentracije polifenola u FDS, a zavisi i od strukturnih karakteristika. Utvrđena je vrlo dobra pozitivna korelacija između TPC i antioksidativne aktivnosti i redukcione spo-sobnosti, kao i između TFC i antiinflamatorne aktivnosti.</p> / <p>This study was performed to evaluate the phytochemical com-position, and in vitro antioksidativnidant capacity, reducing power, antihyperglycemic, antiinflammatory activities, and simulated gastrointestinal digestion of seven-day old cereal sprouts (CS): Cultivars, barley NS565 (BSNS), barley Golozr-ni (BSG), wheat Spelta (WSSPE), wheat Simonida (WSSIM), oat Golozrni (OSG) and oat Jadar (OSJ). Phenolic compounds were the most dominant bioactives in all CS. BSNS expressed significantly higher (p &le; 0.05) content of total phenols, chlorophyll and carotenoids. The total flavonoids content (TFC) in CS showed that the BSNS and BSG had the higher value respectively. The lowest TFC was registered in OSJ (P &le; 0.05). The FDS extracts were screened for possible antioxidant capacities using DPPH, ABTS, and reducing power (Rp) assays. The results indicated that the BSNS possessed higher antioxi-dant capacities in DPPH and ABTS assays, and reducing power (IC50DPPH = 0.54 mg/ ml; IC50ABTS = 0.79 mg/ml; IC0.5RP = 9.35 mg/ml) respectively. The inhibitory effect of FDS extracts on &alpha;-glucosidase activity was investigated. The BSNS extracts exhibited higher inhibitory activity (IC50AHgA = 1.43 mg/ml) against &alpha;-glucosidase (p &le; 0.05). The antiinflammatory activity (Denaturation of protein in vitro) showed significantly different between the CS, and Diclofenac sodium (DS). The IC50AIA of DS and BSNS was 0.79 and 1.86 (mg/ml) respectively. The in vitro simulation of gastro-intestinal (GI) digestion showed TPC was a higher release (p &le; 0.05) of phenolic compounds in intestinal fluid than in gastric fluid in all FDS. There was a strong positive correlation between TPC and antioxidant activities and reducing power, and also between TFC and antiinflammatory activity.</p>

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