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Caracterização do papel de dois fatores sigma de função extracitoplasmática da família FecI em Caulobacter crescentus. / Characterization of the role of two FecI-like extracytoplasmic function sigma factors in Caulobacter crescentus.Heloise Balhesteros 12 December 2014 (has links)
Fatores sigma de carência de ferro, representados por FecI de E. coli, direcionam a transcrição de genes de transporte de sideróforos (quelantes de ferro), e são geralmente regulados por fatores antissigma (FecR), que liberam o fator sigma após ligação do sideróforo no receptor de membrana externa (FecA). Caulobacter crescentus possui quatro genes para fatores sigma desta família. Ensaios de expressão gênica e crescimento indicaram que estes genes não respondem à disponibilidade de ferro. Em microarranjos de cDNA, apenas o gene fecA2 foi induzido em DfecR2 comparado à linhagem parental, sugerindo que este é o único gene alvo do fator sigma FecI2. Já DfecR4 mostrou indução em mais de 50 genes, alguns envolvidos na utilização de fontes alternativas de carbono. Ensaios fenotípicos com DfecI4 sugeriram que este gene é importante para o crescimento em g-ciclodextrina ou ácido caproico. Os resultados sugerem que o fator sigma FecI2 é bem específico, enquanto FecI4 parece regular uma resposta geral relacionada a compostos carbônicos, e não à homeostase de ferro. / Iron starvation sigma factors, whose prototype is E. coli FecI, direct transcription of genes involved in siderophore (iron chelators) transport, being usually regulated by anti-sigma factors (FecR), which release the sigma factor after siderophore binding to the outer membrane receptor (FecA). Caulobacter crescentus possesses four genes encoding FecI-like sigma factors. Gene expression and growth assays indicated that these genes do not respond to iron availability. In cDNA microarrays, only the fecA2 gene was induced in DfecR2 relative to the wild-type strain, suggesting that this is the only target gene of the FecI2 sigma factor. However, in DfecR4 there was induction of over 50 genes, some of them involved in utilization of alternative carbon sources. Phenotypic microarrays with the DfecI4 strain showed that this gene is important for growth in g-cyclodextrin or caproic acid. The results suggest that the FecI2 sigma factor is very specific, whereas FecI4 seems to regulate a more general response, related to carbon compounds rather than iron homeostasis.
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分散系統中的飢餓,臨界競賽,死結及終止 / Starvation, Critical Race, Deadlock and Termination in Distributed Systems王耀輝, Wang, Yao Huei Unknown Date (has links)
分散式系統具有資源共享及運算更有效率等優點,使得分散式系統的應用越來越廣泛,有關分散式系統的研究也越受重視。一些存在分散式系統中的不正常現象,如:死結(deadlock),饑餓(stravation),及臨界競賽(critical race)往往會抵消掉資源共享的好處並且容易產生通訊(communication)的錯誤,另外,保證一分散系統中行程(process)均能正確的執行終止(termination)也是一項值得研究的重要課題。
本篇論文將就分散系統中的死結、饑餓、臨界競賽及中止等問題之過去的文獻提出討論,並分別比較優、缺點,最後列出一些尚未解決及值得深入研究的問題。 / There are some addvantages of distributed systems, such as resources sharing and computing efficiency. Thus, the applications of distributed systems are more prevalent. The research of distributed systems had got great worth. Some undesired or abcdrmal behaviors such as deadlock, starvation, and critical race exist in distributed systems, which often offset the advantages of resources sharing and are prone to communication errors. It is very important to guarantee the processes of a distributed system which can terminate finitely.
In this thesis, we'll have thorough discussions and comparisons of those four properties through literature survey and then point out some unsolved problems at last.
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Två svenska socknar omkring nödåret 1867 : en jämförelse i befolkningsutvecklingenHed, Annica January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker två svenska socknar kring nödåret 1867. Syftet är att se de direkta och varierande konsekvenserna av en missväxt. Socknarna är Vilhelmina i Norrland och Döderhult i Småland och den avgränsade tidsperioden är 1865-1870. Undersökningen har gjorts utifrån församlingarnas kyrkoarkiv samt Statistiska Centralbyråns (SCB) befolkningsstatistik. Forskningsläget visar på varierande konsekvenser av nödåren 1867-1869 och ett tydligt samband med en ökad emigration till Nordamerika, men det finns ingen liknande jämförelse på mikronivå som detta arbete kan visa. I uppsatsen finns en översikt över Sverige på 1860-talet, missväxtåren samt en beskrivning över Vilhelmina och Döderhult. Stapeldiagram presenterar de två socknarnas födda, döda, utflyttade, emigrerade samt totala befolkningsmängd. Vad undersökningen kommer fram till är en negativ men icke dramatisk befolkningsutveckling som skiljer sig åt mellan de två socknarna, framförallt vad gäller emigrationerna. / This essay focuses on two swedish parishes before, during and after the famine in Sweden 1867. The purpose is to see the direct and varying impacts by crop failures. The parishes are Vilhelmina in northern Sweden and Döderhult in southern Sweden. The delimited period is 1865-1870. The study was made based on the parishes' church archives and statistics from Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB). Previous research shows various impacts by the crop failures 1867-1869 and a clear relationship with the following mass emigrations to North America. But there is no previous comparison on a micro level and between these two different geographical areas which this essay has done. The essay gives an overview about the crop failures, Sweden in the 1860's and facts about Vilhelmina and Döderhult. Statistic bars display the number of deceased, born, expatriates, emigrants and total population. The conclusion of the study is a negative but not dramatic evolvement of the populations, and with differences between the parishes, particularly regarding the emigrations
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Isolation and partial characterisation of PHT1;5, a putative high affinity phosphate transporter from Arabidopsis thalianaLoedolff, Bianke 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Inorganic Phosphate (Pi) is one of the key nutrients required by all living organisms on earth. This nutrient is of vital importance to higher plants but it is not readily available for uptake from the soil, implying constant stress on plants. During photosynthetic dark and light reactions, phosphate is a prerequisite for all reactions to occur and to ensure plant survival. This statement implies that a careful homeostatic control of this nutrient is necessary in order to maintain a balanced carbon flow in all sub-cellular plant compartments.
Phosphate limitation is a threat to plant survival and one way of addressing this nutritional hurdle is by feeding plants with fertilizer. This method of crop development and general plant maintenance by humans has a devastating effect on the environment, as phosphate causes eutrophication and various other consequences which are detrimental to animal life. Plants, however, are naturally equipped with Pi transporters which are activated conditionally depending on the external Pi availability. These transporters are present in most sub-cellular compartments and some of them have been identified and characterised, while others remain to be a prediction. If these transporters are characterised accordingly it might eventually mean that the use of fertilizers may no longer be necessary. In order to contribute to successful Pi-efficient crop development, a clearer understanding of P-dynamics in the soil and its recycling ability inside the plant itself is necessary.
During this study it was attempted to characterise a putative high affinity Pi transporter, PHT1;5, from Arabidopsis thaliana via a Escherichia coli and yeast heterologous expression system and its Km value predicted in order to verify/hypothesise whether it is a high or low affinity transporter. This transporter is expressed in leaves and could be a promising tool for future carbon partitioning studies during phosphate limitation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Anorganiese fosfaat (Pi) word beskou as een van die belangrikste nutriente benodig vir alle lewe op aarde. Dit vervul ‘n hoof rol in talle noodsaaklike prosesse in hoër plante en is veral ‘n voorvereiste vir fotosintetiese reaksies om plaas te vind. In ‘n plant se natuurlike omgewing is anorganiese fosfaat nie geredelik bekskikbaar in grond nie en dus word daar vermoed dat plante onder konstante fosfaat stres gevind word. Omdat fosfaat so ‘n belangrike rol speel tydens fotosintese is dit noodsaaklik dat daar ‘n balans op sellulêre vlak gehandhaaf word, veral wat die verspreiding van koolhidrate tussen die verskillende kompartemente van die sel betref.
Plante se oorlewing word bedreig deur ‘n tekort aan fosfaat in die omgewing en die enigste onmiddelike oplossing daarvoor is deur die toediening van bemestingstowwe. Hierdie metode van landery ontwikkeling en algemene instandhouding van plante deur die mensdom het ’n baie negatiewe effek op die omgewing. ‘n Oormaat fosfaat lei tot eutrifikasie en het verkeie ander negatiewe nagevolge wat dodelik is vir die dierelewe. Plante beskik ook oor natuurlike interne fosfaat transporters om hierdie tekort te oorkom. Hierdie transporters word op grond van eksterne fosfaat beskikbaarheid ge-aktiveer of ge-deaktifeer. Die transporters is teenwoordig in meeste sub-sellulêre kompartemente en sommige is al ge-identifiseer en gekarakteriseer, terwyl ander slegs ‘n voorspelling bly.
Gedurende hierdie studie was ‘n poging aangewend om ‘n anorganiese fosfaat transporter van Arabidopsis thaliana, PHT1;5, te karakteriseer met behulp van mikro-organismes soos Escherichia coli en gis. Die poging het ingesluit om ‘n Km waarde vir hierdie transporter te voorspel en sodoende ‘n hipotese daar te stel van of dit hoë of lae affiniteit het vir fosfaat. Die transporter word groot en deels aangetref in blare en kan dus dien as ‘n belowende apparaat vir toekomstige koolhidraat uitruiling studies gedurende fosfaat tekort.
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Étude des bases physiologiques et génétiques de la mortalité des levures induite par les carences nutritionnelles en fermentation alcoolique œnologique / Assessing the physiological and genetic bases of yeast cell death associated to nutrient deficiencies in wine alcoholic fermentationDuc, Camille 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les fermentations alcooliques peuvent s’accompagner de phénomènes de mortalité des levures entraînant des fermentations languissantes ou stoppées. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de la mortalité des levures en conditions de limitation nutritionnelle au cours des fermentations alcoolique sont encore mal connus. Dans ce travail, nous avons abordé la mortalité des levures en référence au schéma conceptuel développé dans les études de vieillissement cellulaire qui ont montré que la résistance à la carence peut être influencée par la nature du nutriment limitant la croissance cellulaire. Nous avons étudié l’apparition de la mort cellulaire en analysant la capacité des levures à mettre en place une réponse appropriée à différentes carences nutritionnelles. Nous avons montré que plusieurs carences nutritionnelles (acide oléique, ergostérol, acide pantothénique et acide nicotinique) entraînent une perte de viabilité de façon dépendante de l’azote. Nous avons démontré que la voie de signalisation azotée TOR/Sch9 est impliquée dans la mise en place de cette mort cellulaire. Dans de telles conditions, les levures n’acquièrent pas de résistance au stress du fait d’une modification à un niveau post-transcriptionnel. Nous avons examiné la capacité de différentes sources d’azote à entraîner la mort cellulaire, et nous avons montré qu’elles agissent différemment sur la mort cellulaire et que le NH4+ a une forte capacité à induire la mortalité. Enfin, les approches QTL nous ont permis d’identifier plusieurs régions contrôlant la mort cellulaire en limitation en acide oléique et acide pantothénique, cohérent avec un contrôle multigénique. 3 régions QTL communes à ces deux limitations ont été identifiées, ce qui suggère des mécanismes communs de contrôle de la survie des levures dans ces deux conditions de carences nutritionnelles. / Yeast cell death can occur during wine alcoholic fermentation and lead to sluggish or stuck fermentations. The mechanisms underlying cell death during yeast starvation in alcoholic fermentations remain unclear. In this work we addressed yeast cell death using conceptual framework from ageing studies showing that yeast resistance to starvation can be influenced by the nature of the nutrient limiting cell growth. We examined cell death occurrence considering yeast cells ability to elicit an appropriate response to a set of nutrient limitations. We showed that several micronutrients limitations (oleic acid, ergosterol, pantothenic acid and nicotinic acid) trigger cell death in a nitrogen-dependent manner. We provide evidence that the nitrogen Tor/Sch9 signaling pathway is involved in triggering cell death. In such conditions, yeast cells fail to acquire stress resistance given a restriction at a post-transcriptional level. We have examined the ability of different nitrogen sources to trigger cell death showing that they impact differentially on cell death and that NH4+ had a strong death inducing capacity. Finally, the QTL approaches allowed the mapping of a set of loci controlling cell death under oleic acid and pantothenic acid starvation that are consistent with a multigenic control. 3 QTL regions appeared to be common to these two limitations which suggests some common control of the yeast survival in these two nutrient-limited situations.
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Functional characterization of the DELLA RGA-LIKE 3 in Arabidopsis thaliana / Caractérisation fonctionnelle du DELLA RGA-LIKE3 chez Arabidopsis thalianaWild, Michael 18 July 2013 (has links)
Les gibbérellines (GA) sont des phytohormones qui régulent divers aspects du développement en réponse aux signaux endogènes et exogènes à la plante. Ainsi face à un stress, les niveaux de GA sont finement contrôlés, permettant une croissance adaptée aux contraintes environnementales. Au niveau moléculaire, les GA stimulent la croissance de la plante en s’opposant aux protéines DELLAs (DELLAs), facteurs nucléaires qui inhibent la croissance. Les DELLAs présentent plusieurs caractéristiques fonctionnelles notables, une activité transactivatrice et la capacité d’interagir avec d’autres protéines régulatrices, comme les répresseurs de la signalisation Jasmonate (JA), JA ZIM-domain (JAZ). Le génome d’Arabidopsis thaliana code pour cinq DELLAs possédant des fonctions redondantes et spécifiques. Le but de mon travail de thèse a été la caractérisation de la fonction biologique d’une DELLA, RGA-LIKE3 (RGL3). J’ai pu montrer que RGL3 modifie la défense de la plante face à des stresses biotiques. / The phytohormones gibberellins (GA) regulate major aspects of plant growth in response to endogenous and environmental signals. Upon the perception of stress, the levels of bioactive GA are adjusted, hence allowing a flexible growth response to environmental variability. At a molecular level, GA promote growth by stimulating the degradation of the growth repressing DELLA proteins. DELLAs are versatile nuclear proteins with several remarkable features, such as transactivation activity and protein–protein interaction capacities. Thus DELLAs interact with a series of highly divergent proteins, including different transcription factor families, but also the Jasmonate (JA) ZIM-domain (JAZ) proteins, repressors of JA signaling. The aim of this thesis work consisted in the characterization of the biological function of the DELLA RGA-LIKE3. I could show that RGL3 modulates plant defense responses against biotic stresses.
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Solute Carriers in Metabolism : Regulation of known and putative solute carriers in the central nervous systemLekholm, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
Solute carriers (SLCs) are membrane-bound transporter proteins, important for nutrient, ion, drug and metabolite transport across membranes. A quarter of the human genome codes for membrane-bound proteins, and SLCs make up the largest group of transporter proteins. Due to their ability to transport a large repertoire of substances across, not just the plasma membrane, but also the membrane of internal organelles, they hold a key position in maintaining homeostasis affecting metabolic pathways. Unfortunately, some of the more than 400 identified SLCs are still not fully characterized, even though a quarter of these are associated with human disease. In addition, there are about 30 membrane-bound proteins with strong resemblance to SLCs, of which very little is known. The aim of this thesis is to characterize some of these putative SLCs, focusing on their localization and function in the central nervous system. Since many of the known SLCs play a vital part in metabolism and related pathways, the response to different nutritional conditions has been used as a key method. MFSD14A and MFSD14B, characterized in Paper I, are putative SLCs belonging to the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) and found to be neuronal, differentially expressed in the mouse central nervous system and transiently upregulated in mouse embryonic cortex cultures due to amino acid deprivation. They were also altered in areas of the mouse brain after starvation as well as after high fat diet. In Paper II, the effect on gene regulation due to complete amino acid starvation was monitored in a mouse hypothalamic cell line and 47 different genes belonging to SLCs, or putative SLCs, were found to be affected. Of these, 15 genes belonged to already known amino acid transporters, whereas 32 were putative SLCs with no known function or SLCs not known to react to amino acids. The three SV2 proteins, SV2A, SV2B and SV2C, were studied in Paper III using human neuroblastoma cell lines. The high metabolic state of cancers often result in an upregulation and alteration of transporter proteins, and alterations of the SV2 proteins were found following different treatments performed in this study. Paper IV focused on putative SLCs of MFS type and their role in glucose metabolism. Mouse embryonic cortex cultures were subjected to glucose starvation and the gene expression of 19 putative transporters were analyzed. All but four of the putative transporters were affected either at 3h or 12h of glucose deprivation. In conclusion, several SLCs and putative SLCs studied in this thesis are strongly affected by alteration in metabolism, either due to amino acids or glucose or both. This makes the putative SLCs dynamic membrane-bound proteins, possibly transporters, highly affected by nutritional status and most likely regulated to maintain homeostasis.
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Influence du statut azoté et du cycle lumineux diurne ur le métabolisme lipidique d'Isochrysis sp. (Haptophyceae) / Influence of nitrogen status and light / dark cycle on Isochrysis sp. (Haptophyceae) lipid metabolismLacour, Thomas 07 October 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse présente différents cas d'acclimatation d'une espèce de phytoplancton (Isochrysis sp.) à des modifications de son environnement physico-chimique avec une attention particulière portée sur la composante lipidique de la réponse aux changements. Dans ce contexte nous avons étudié les lipides à la fois comme des produits (triacylglycerol) et des acteurs (glycolipides) de la photosynthèse. Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié l’influence de plusieurs types de limitation par l'azote sur la teneur en lipides neutres des algues. Nous avons montré que la relation entre la disponibilité de l’azote et la teneur en lipide n'était pas monotone et qu'elle présentait un caractère hystérétique. Les cellules d’Isochrysis sp. n’accumulent des lipides neutres que transitoirement lors du passage d'une croissance forte vers une croissance faible. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressé aux relations qui existent entre le cycle nycthéméral et l'accumulation de réserves énergétiques sous forme de lipides et de sucres. Les réserves sont accumulées pendant le jour en disproportion du reste du carbone et consommées pendant la nuit pour alimenter la division cellulaire et la croissance nocturne. La carence en azote dans ces conditions nycthémérales ne provoque pas d’accumulations significatives de lipides. Les variations diurnes de la teneur en lipides neutres sont plus importantes que les variations obtenues en carence. A travers ces différentes expériences nous avons pu mettre en évidences les relations qui existaient entre l'environnement, la croissance, et l'accumulation de réserves. La compréhension de ces mécanismes a permis de déterminer les conditions environnementales qui favorisent la production d’huile en vue d’une utilisation biocarburant. Nous avons aussi étudié l'influence des conditions de croissance sur la composition des glycolipides des membranes des chloroplastes. Les résultats montrent que les changements de la teneur en MGDG, DGDG et SQDG et de l’insaturation des acides gras de ces lipides accompagnent les modifications d’activité photosynthétique des cellules en limitation azotée et en cycle Jour/Nuit. / This thesis presents various cases of acclimation of a phytoplankton species (Isochrysis sp.) to changes in growth conditions, with special emphasis on the lipid response to those changes. In this context we have studied lipids as both products (triacylglycerol) and actors (glycolipids) of photosynthesis. First, we studied the influence of several types of nitrogen limitation on the neutral lipid content of algae. We showed that the relationship between nitrogen availability and lipid content was not monotonous and presented a hysteretic behaviour. Isochrysis sp. cells accumulated neutral lipids only transiently during the transition from high growth to low growth. We were also interested in the relationship between the circadian cycle and the accumulation of energy reserves as fats and sugars. Reserves were accumulated during the day and consumed during the night to provide energy for cell growth and division. Nitrogen deficiency under alternative light did not lead to significant accumulations of neutral lipids. Through these experiences we could understand the relationship between environment, growth, and accumulation of reserves. These results allowed us to identify the environmental conditions that enhance oil production for biofuel use. We also studied the influence of growth conditions on the composition of glycolipids that comprises chloroplast membranes. Changes in MGDG, DGDG and SQDG contents and in their fatty acids unsaturation were linked to changes in photosynthetic characteristics when growth conditions are modified (L/D cycle, N-limitation). Glycolipids are likely to be important actors of photosynthetic acclimation to environmental changes.
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Vliv cílené modifikace topografie na nedostatečně mazaný kontakt / Effect of surface texturing on starved contactJordán, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the effects surface texturing on starved contact. Experimental verification was realized on apparatus simulating contact between a steel ball and glass disc using colorimetric interferometry and high-speed camera. The work deals with lubrication regimes, problems with starved contacts and surface texturing which can reduce effects of starvation on non-conformal surface contacts.
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Role podjednotky exocystu AtEXO70E2 v autofagii a sekreci / The role of exocyst subunit AtEXO70E2 in autophagy and secretionMoulík, Michal January 2021 (has links)
Exocyst is a protein complex composed of eight subunits, evolutionarily conserved in yeasts, animals, and plants. The main function of exocyst is to mediate the tethering of secretory vesicles to the plasma membrane. However, the involvement of exocyst in some other processes, especially in autophagy, has been recently discovered. Plant exocyst is specific because most of its subunits have multiple paralogs. The most diversified subunit is EXO70, which is encoded by 23 paralogous genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this thesis, I dealt with subunit AtEXO70E2 (AT5G61010), which has been localized to double-membrane compartments considerably reminiscent of autophagosomes. These compartments were named EXPOs (for exocyst-positive organelles) and described as a component of unconventional protein secretion pathways. There are also hints that EXO70E2 could play a role in autophagic processes. However, details of this relationship remained unexplored. For my experiments, I used stably transformed lines of A. thaliana and transiently transformed leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana. I performed numerous colocalization experiments, applied various pharmacological treatments to the studied lines, and analyzed a mutant line in the EXO70E2 gene. According to my observations, protein EXO70E2 is expressed especially...
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