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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planning, Projects, Practice : A Human Geography of the Stockholm Local Investment Programme in Hammarby Sjöstad

Bylund, Jonas R January 2006 (has links)
<p>Programmes and policies to support ecological sustainable development and the practice of implementation is a question of innovation rather than known and taken for granted procedure. This thesis argues a priori models concerning stability in the social sciences, and human geography especially, are less able to help us understand this practice and planning in such unstable situations. Problematic in common understandings of planning and policy implementation concerning sustainability are the dualisms between physical-social spaces and between rationality-contingency. The first dualism makes it hard to grasp the interaction between humans and nonhumans. The second dualism concerns the problem of how to capture change without resorting to reductionism and explanaining the evolving projects as either technically, economically, or culturally rational. </p><p>The scope of the thesis is to test resources from actor-network theory as a means of resolving these dualisms. The case is the Stockholm Local Investment Programme and the new district of Hammarby Sjöstad. The programme’s objective was to support the implemention of new technologies and systems, energy efficiency and reduced resource-use as well as eco-cycling measures. The case-study follows how the work with the programme unfolded and how administrators’ efforts to reach satisfactory results was approached. In doing this, the actors had to be far more creative than models of implementation and traditional technology diffusion seem to suggest. The recommendation is to take the instrumentalisation framing the plasticity of a project in planning seriously – as innovativeness is not a special but the general case. Hence, to broaden our tools and understanding of planning a human geography of planning projects is pertinent.</p>

The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance : An analysis of the Changes of Information Provided in Companies' Annual Reports

Bengtsson, Åsa, Hendeby, Elvira January 2007 (has links)
<p>In society today large corporations are striving to regain the trust, which has been lost dur-ing the many accounting scandals that occurred lately. As a response to minimize the con-flicts countries have introduced codes of corporate governance. It is common knowledge that a company’s stakeholders and shareholders have different knowledge and interest in the company and the annual report is the agent’s main communication channel towards the principals. The Swedish code of corporate governance was implemented in July 2005 in an attempt to reduce the information gap between the managers of the company and the own-ers.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how the Swedish code of corporate govern-ance has affected the content in annual reports in Sweden. We will evaluate and explain why listed companies have changed the information provided in their annual reports from the year 2001 prior to the codes existence, during the code’s implementation in year 2005, and after the implementation in 2006.</p><p>A deductive method created our research model, which was used as a tool to gather the empirical findings. Agency Theory, Institutional Theory and the Swedish code constitute the foundation for our evaluation of 65 companies’ annual reports from three individual years. Once our research model was created, an explorative and inductive method was used analyse and interpret the empirical findings.</p><p>Our conclusion is that corporate governance information in annual reports has increased, and the implementation of the Swedish code of corporate governance has affected the in-formation provided to the shareholders. Between 2001 and 2005 a rapid growth in infor-mation can be view, while only minor improvement can be found between 2005 and 2006. The Swedish code has been successful in its implementation as stakeholders and share-holders have received more information from the annual reports. However, we are ques-tioning the Swedish code for its extensive dimensions. Some areas of the Swedish code are provided with sufficient guidelines, while others would bring with it improved information to the shareholders by more detailed instructions. Many of the investigated companies have had their corporate governance information reviewed by an external auditor in 2005 and it is unexpected to see that this has been excluded in 2006. The examined companies provide information regarding many of the Swedish code’s rules, but we found the information re-lated to internal control, managing director and attendance at the general meeting insuffi-cient.</p>

Jordbruksfåglarnas minskning i Stockholms län : En kvantitativ studie av fåglarna i jordbrukslandskapet

Edlund, Nathalie, Gaspar, Maria January 2017 (has links)
In the 1970s, a breeding bird survey was conducted to see how many birds are breeding in Sweden. This was done because the research at the time pointed out that there was a decrease in the number of bird species. This inventory became known as atlas inventory 1, and an additional inventory was done in the 2000s, which was called atlas inventory 2. The second inventory was carried out in order to see trends in bird population distribution and to be compared with atlas inventory 1. The purpose of this study was to examine if it is possible to compare the inventories with each other to see if there are any changes in the number of breeding birds in Sweden. The study was limited to the Stockholm report area, which includes all municipalities in Stockholm County except for Norrtälje. A limitation was also made to only examine agricultural birds, where six species were selected. The results show that the number of atlas squares with data for breeding birds within the Stockholm report area have decreased between atlas inventory 1 and atlas inventory 2. To obtain these results, information was retrieved from the website Artportalen, and was then compiled and processed in Excel and ArcMap. A comparison between the period 2013-2016 and atlas inventory 2 was also done, which showed a decrease in the number of atlas squares with available data, as well as a reduction in the number of observations of breeding birds.

Living Simultaneity : On religion among semi-secular Swedes

af Burén, Ann January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims at contributing to a critical discussion on the supposedly far-reaching secularity of Sweden on the one hand, and on the incongruence and inconsistency of lived religion on the other. At the center are people referred to as semi-secular Swedes – a group that is often neglected in the study of religion. These people do not go to church or get involved in any other alternative organized spiritual activities, neither are they actively opposed to religion or entirely indifferent to it. Most of them describe the ways they are – or are not – religious as in line with the majority patterns in Swedish society. The study is qualitative in method and the material has been gathered through interviews and a questionnaire. It offers a close reading of 28 semi-secular Swedes’ ways of talking about and relating to religion, particularly in reference to their everyday lives and their own experiences, and it analyzes the material with a focus on incongruences. By exploring how the term religion is employed vernacularly by the respondents, the study pinpoints one particular feature in the material, namely simultaneity. The concept of simultaneity is descriptive and puts emphasis on a ‘both and’ approach in (1) the way the respondents ascribe meaning to the term religion, (2) how they talk about themselves in relation to different religious designations, and (3) how they interpret experiences that they single out as ‘out-of-the-ordinary’. These simultaneities are explained and theorized through analyses focusing on intersubjective and discursive processes. In relation to theorizing on religion and religious people this study offers empirical material that nuance a dichotomous understanding of ‘the religious’ and ‘the secular’. In relation to methodology it is argued that the salience of simultaneity in the material shows that when patterns of religiosity among semi-secular Swedes are studied there is a need to be attentive to expressions of complexity, contradiction and incongruity. / Religious ambiguities on the urban scene

100 år av miljöförändringar som de registrerats i Hallsfjärden, västra Östersjön : En biostratigrafisk studie om vad bevarade kiselalger i sediment kan berätta om tidigare miljöförhållande i Hallsfjärden.

Nilsson, Elinor, Nordin, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Diatoms are microscopic, photosynthetic, single-celled organisms that are useful in studies of water qualities (eg pH, nutrients, salinity). By analyzing changes in the species composition of diatoms back in time, gives an opportunity to interpret the marine environment affected by various factors (Andren et al, 1999). The aim of the study was to study changes in diatom abundance and composition in Hallsfjärden, a bay in the Baltic Sea located north of Himmerfjärden in Södertälje. The site was chosen because it is a bay that is assumed to have a large environmental impact due to external factors such as increased population growth, water treatment plants, industrial areas, dredging and a link to Lake Mälaren. The purpose of the study therefore to investigate whether there was an environmental impact in Hallsfjärden, in order to draw conclusions about what happened in the area and what has affected the water the last 100 years.      The survey is conducted by sampling sediment cores, studied by biostratigraphy of fossil diatoms to reconstruct past environmental conditions. The results of the analysis showed that oxygen deficiency was a particular problem, which is related to the eutrophication that are threatening some diatoms and thereby changes the species composition of ecosystems in Hallsfjärden. A plausible interpretation of the analyze results is that Hallsfjärden was adversely affected by the Södertalje area's population growth and Himmerfjärdsverkets startup by high emissions of nutrients. It has on the other hand appeared a positive impact for Himmerfjärdsverkets gradually improved purification with clearer water conditions. Hallsfjärden have proved to be a particularly sensitive ecosystem in this study, with low salinity and strong thermocline, which means that it is more affected by eutrophication and pollution in its drainage area. This causes a problem of eutrophication in Hallsfjärden due to the bay showing the influence of the surrounding areas and its emissions, which later exports further to the Baltic Sea via Himmerfjärden with the southbound flow. / Kiselalger är mikroskopiska, fotosyntetiserande, encelliga organismer som är användbara vid studier om vattenkvalitéer (till exempel pH, näringsämnen, salthalt). Genom att analysera förändringar i artsammansättningen av kiselalger bakåt i tiden kan tolkningar göras om hur havsmiljön påverkats av olika faktorer (Andrén m.fl., 1999). Målet med studien var att studera förändringar i kiselalgernas förekomst i Hallsfjärden, en havsvik i Östersjön belägen norr om Himmerfjärden i Södertälje. Platsen valdes för att det är en havsvik som antas ha stor miljöpåverkan på grund av yttre faktorer såsom en ökad befolkningstillväxt, reningsverk, industriområden, muddring och en kontakt med sjön Mälaren. Syftet med studien var därmed att undersöka om en miljöpåverkan fanns i fjärden, detta för att kunna dra slutsatser om vad som hänt samt vad som påverkat vattenområdet de senaste 100 åren.      Undersökningen är utförd genom provtagning av sedimentkärnor som undersökts avseende biostratigrafin av fossila kiselalger för att rekonstruera tidigare miljöförhållanden. Analysresultatet visade att syrebrist var ett utmärkande problem, vilket i samband med eutrofiering hotar vissa kiselalgsarter och förändrar därmed artsammansättningen i ekosystemen i Hallsfjärden. En sannolik tolkning av analysresultatet är att Hallsfjärden påverkats negativt av Södertäljeområdets befolkningstillväxt och Himmerfjärdsverkets uppstart genom höga utsläpp av näringsämnen. Det har å andra sidan synts en positiv inverkan efter Himmerfjärdsverkets successivt förbättrade rening med klarare vattenförhållanden. Hallsfjärden har i studien visat sig vara ett särskilt känsligt ekosystem med låg salthalt och starka språngskikt, vilket gör att det påverkas mer av eutrofiering och föroreningarna i området. Detta medför en övergödningsproblematik i Hallsfjärden, då fjärden visar en påverkan av omkringliggande områden och dess utsläpp av föroreningar, vilka även sedan exporteras ut i Östersjön via Himmerfjärden med den sydgående strömmen.

Cargo Cycles in Urban Freight Transport : Obstacles and facilitating factors for utilising cargo cycles in urban freight transport in Stockholm, Sweden

Lasovský, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Cargo cycles can play a considerable role in mitigating the negative impacts of urban freight transport while still ensure that the material needs of the city are fulfilled. Their small size, lower operating costs, smaller carbon footprint, lack of tailpipe emissions, and manoeuvrability in congested areas are considerable advantages over traditional urban freight vehicles. However, the advantages of cargo cycles are not inherent in every urban environment and under all conditions. This problematics is in general insufficiently researched and more context specific knowledge is needed. Thus, this study investigates the obstacles and facilitating factors for utilising cargo cycles in urban freight transport in Stockholm, Sweden. To investigate these context specifications, case study approach was employed and consisted of qualitative content analysis, semi-structured interviews, and observations. This study argues that in Stockholm, contradictory forces affect the utilisation of cargo cycles in urban freight transport. On one hand, the facilitating factors are mostly associated with measures of sustainable urban freight transport and sustainable development in general: reaction to traffic situation; strategic orientation of the city; public-private partnership; and bicycle infrastructure. On the other hand, path dependence of the city connected to traditional urban freight vehicles (vans) symbolises obstacles: the absence of direct planning for cargo cycles; lack of recognition; and inconsistency of bicycle infrastructure.

Stockholm’s Engine of Change: Cyclists Remaking Themselves and Their City

Peterlana, Elena January 2019 (has links)
Today we are experiencing an urbanization process at a speed never acknowledged before. With mobilityaccounting for a considered share of the environmental impact of these expanding urban ecosystems, the bicycleassumes an increasing fundamental role in the framework of sustainable development. However, despite gainingrecognition as valuable sustainable transportation alternative, it is still marginalized within a current car-centeredsociety. Collective action around cycling has therefore started to mobilize in order to defend cyclists’ interestsand needs. Yet, there is still limited research on its role on affecting urban development, as well as on its impacton the people who engage in such action. This thesis aims to fill this research gap by focusing on how collective action around cycling has shaped city andpersons. First of all, the collective action framework has been delineated by building on different authorscontributions: in this thesis, collective action has then been defined as an action of the collectivity for thecollectivity through the efforts of both single individuals and organized groups. Three sub-questions haveconsequently been investigated: how collective action changed its own practitioners, transforming theircapabilities and self-perceptions; how collective action has been shaped itself by cyclists group identity; and howsuch action has impacted the development of the city of Stockholm, taken as case study. The methods appliedinclude a literature review to provide relevant background, followed by a qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews. The informants involved were selected based on their engagement in the collective actionof the Stockholm scene, taken as case study due to its rather rapid process and quest in becoming a more bikeablecity. By analyzing their experiences and answers, the study results provide a new perspective on the impact ofcollective action, focusing in particular on the way group identification can strengthen and direct this engagementand on how the latter has contributed to a more personal development of its practitioners. The results build up on and also confirm previous findings in relation to dynamics typical of collective action andgroup identity, applying a more case-related perspective. In regard to its practitioners, collective action has beenfound to have an impact by enhancing a feeling of empowerment, freedom and community, affecting also non-practitioners and benefiting the society as a whole. Group identification resulted to play a significant role inshaping the different kinds of engagement, for example by focusing on contrasting the car hegemony within theurban system; however, consistent differences were found between high and low identifiers. For what concernsthe urban development of Stockholm, collective action has been found to have shaped the city in regards toinfrastructure, policies and organization, thanks to a growing network and political engagement of different actorsand organizations. The deriving increased awareness and recognition represent a core starting point for theachievement of future goals.

Besöksnäringens arbete med upplevelsedesign och sociala medier i Stockholms skärgård : En studie kring den digitala besökarens inverkan på besöksnäringen i Stockholms skärgård

Löthén, Iris, Runebrand, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Today, visitors use social media before, during and after travels to share, create and discuss content with others. This means that the visitor industry needs to profile themselves on social media to communicate their services toward their visitors. Parallel to this development, a creative tourist class has been emerging. This group demands new experiences that differs from a previous more conventional tourism, which is spreading among the public and is marketed more often on social media. This study analyze how the visitor industry experience the digital visitor and the new creative tourist class in Stockholm Archipelago. The result of the study shows that social media is a tool, which allows the people working in the visitor industry to multitask because they can bring it anywhere. Due to the digital visitors high interactivity online, the visitor industry are being challenged on both resources and knowledge. It is also shows that it makes it possible for smaller businesses to market themselves globally and easily reach their target group in a profitable way.

Different Path, Shared Goals : Comparing how young adults in North Texas, USA, and the Greater Stockholm, Sweden, region live and work in today's globalized world

Chambers, Angela January 2012 (has links)
This project began with a series of in-depth journalistic audio and written stories comparing how young adults in North Texas, USA, and the Greater Stockholm, Sweden region live and work in today's globalized world. Once the journalistic work was created, the author provided an evaluation of how this work was researched and implemented, as well as how the project relates to theories on global journalism.

Vårdval Stockholm- offrar personalens hälsa för patienternas valfrihet? : En kvalitativ studie om psykosocial arbetsmiljö

Lidrell, Gabriella January 2010 (has links)
<p>En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts på fem vårdcentraler i Stockholms län där syftet var att undersöka om nio distriktssköterskor upplever att deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö har förändrats sedan införandet av Vårdval Stockholm. Jag ville också undersöka hur de i sådana fall upplevde att det har förändrats, om det fanns skillnader i denna upplevelse beroende på i vilket socioekonomiskt område de arbetar inom samt hur förändringarna skiljer sig från effekter av tidigare vårdreformer. Eftersom Vårdvalsreformen infördes i årsskiftet 2007/2008 finns det knappt någon forskning om denna reform och därför skulle den här studien kunna bidra med intressanta resultat. Teorier och tidigare forskning behandlar psykosocial arbetsmiljö, arbetsmiljöns utveckling under 1990-talet inom välfärdstjänsteområdet samt effekter av ett New Public Management-inspirerat styrsystem på sjukvårdens arbetsmiljö. Resultaten av den här studien visar att på alla vårdenheter upplever respondenterna en förändring i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön efter införandet av Vårdval Stockholm som ofta uttrycks som en utveckling åt det sämre, men förändringen är olika stor på de olika vårdenheterna. De största förändringarna har skett i området Sydvästra 1 och i Innerstadsområdet, medan Norrortsområdet tycks ha påverkats minst. Förändringarna tar sig uttryck i minskade resurser, främst i form av personal som leder till stress och ohälsa. Detta gäller dock inte alla enheter. Tidsbristen leder till ett minskat socialt stöd vilket bidrar till minskad arbetsglädje. Nya krav anses främst felaktiga och svåra att hantera, dessutom undergräver de det egentliga distriktssköterskearbetet. I det empiriska materialet finns det inga skillnader i deras upplevelser som enligt denna studiens omfattning kan förklaras av den socioekonomiska situationen i de olika områdena. Det är inte mycket i resultaten som verkar skilja sig från situationen under 1990-talet och alltså därmed från effekter av tidigare vårdreformer. Därför är det svårt att avgöra om de upplevda förändringarna beror på Vårdvalet, om de förstärkts av Vårdvalet eller om de inte alls påverkas av reformen.</p>

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