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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resiliensanalys av vertikal odling i Stockholms län

Jonsson, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks resiliensen av vertikal odling, och hur odlingsformen kan bidra till att stärka resiliensen av Stockholms läns livsmedelssystem. Dessutom undersöks potentialen att stärka den vertikala odlingens resiliens. För att samla in data genomfördes fyra intervjuer - med Länsstyrelsen Stockholm och tre vertikala odlingar belägna i Stockholms län. Dessutom genomfördes en litteraturstudie om vertikal odling. Informationen inhämtades från vetenskapliga artiklar och rapporter. För att analysera resiliensen av vertikal odling användes sju principer som bygger resiliens. Information om dessa hämtades från ‘Principles for Building Resilience’ (Biggs, Schlüter & Schoon, 2015), och några vetenskapliga artiklar som visade på applicering av metoden. I resultatet presenteras resiliensen av vertikal odling princip för princip. Dessutom anges hur Stockholms läns livsmedelssystem påverkas. Av denna studie går det inte att säga om vertikal odling är resilient eller ej, men det går att se styrkor och svagheter inom varje princip. Odlingen sker i kontrollerad miljö och har därför inte samma sårbarheter som odlingar utomhus. Till exempel är den inte lika utsatt för sjukdomar och extremväder. Samtidigt innebär dess karaktär andra sårbarheter, såsom att odlingen är beroende av el för att förse grödorna med ljus. Trots att vertikal odling sker i staden påverkas den av störningar i globala handelsavtal och transportsystem eftersom insatsmedel importeras. Det finns potential att stärka resiliensen inom flera av principerna. Resiliensen av Stockholms läns livsmedelssystem kan stärkas av att vertikal odling bidrar till en mångfald i produktionssystem och tekniklösningar. Samtidigt som den kontrollerade miljön förhindrar läckage av vatten och näringsämnen till naturen så förhindrar den även att den omgivande miljön drar nytta av odlingen. / In this master thesis, the resilience of vertical farming is assessed. It also explores if vertical farming can increase the resilience of the food system in Stockholm County. Furthermore, the potential to increase the resilience of vertical farming is explored. To gather data, four interviews were conducted. One with Stockholm County, and the other three with vertical farms located in Stockholm. Data was also collected through literature. Specifically through scientific articles and reports. To analyze the resilience of vertical farms seven principles for enhancing resilience were used. Information about the principles was collected through ‘Principles for building resilience’ (Biggs, Schlüter & Schoon, 2015) and scientific articles that had applied the principles. The resilience of vertical farming is presented principle by principle. Also, the influence on the food system of Stockholm County is presented. From this study it is not possible to conclude if vertical farming is resilient or not. However, it is possible to see the system’s strengths and weaknesses within each principle. Vertical farming is conducted in a controlled environment, which results in other strengths compared to other farming systems. For example, it is not exposed to diseases and extreme weather events in the same way. At the same time it has other vulnerabilities, such as being dependent on electricity for providing the crops with light. Even though vertical farming is conducted in the city it provides for, it is affected by global disturbances. This is due to the import of seeds, substrate and fertilizers. There is potential to increase the resilience within several principles. Vertical farms can contribute to the resilience of the food system in Stockholm County by providing tech-solutions and enhancing the diversity of production methods. The controlled environment of vertical farms prevents leakage of water and nutrients to the surrounding environment. However, the controlled environment also prevents the surrounding environment from benefiting from the farm.

”Det offentligt sköna?” : Om inköp av och praktik kring offentlig konst i fyra kommuner i Stockholms län 2009-2011

Wolmer, Thérèse January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker inköpen av offentlig konst i fyra kommuner (Botkyrka, Haninge, Järfälla och Solna) i Stockholms län under åren 2009-2011. Målet med undersökningen har varit att jämföra kommunernas inköp och att utifrån resultaten ställa frågan om hur den offentliga konstens praktik och placering förstås i kommunerna. Undersökningen har också ställt frågor om hur denna praktik ser ut i jämförelse med samtida diskussioner om hur offentlig konst kan och skall förstås. En kortare introduktion till enprocentregeln och hur den använts i Stockholms kommuner ges också i denna uppsats. Studien omfattar totalt 199 verk från dessa fyra kommuner inköpt under 2009-2011 och innehåller allt från textilcollage, grafisk konst som litografier och bronsskulpturer till verk som innehåller ”mänsklig aktivitet”. Som resultaten kom att visa så köpte kommunerna mer löskonst, i mer traditionell stil som målningar och litografier. Endast en kommun av de fyra hade köpt in konst som liknade den som förekommer i dagens diskussioner om offentlig konst. / This study examines the purchases of public art in four municipalities (Botkyrka, Haninge, Järfälla and Solna) in Stockholm County during the years 2009-2011. The objective of the study was to compare the municipalities' procurement and raise questions on the practice and position of public in these municipalities. The objective was also to compare these results with contemporary art debates on how public art can be understood today. This essay also gives a short introduction and history to the “one percent rule” and how it has been used, particularly in Stockholm County. The study includes a total of 199 pieces of art from these four municipalities purchased under 2009-2011. The purchased works of art consists of everything from textile collages, graphic art like lithography and bronze sculptures to art containing "human activity". The results of this study showed that these municipalities mainly bought more traditional art in the form of paintings and lithography, than “solid” art like sculptures. Only one of the municipalities had invested in art that reminded of the type of art that is discussed in today’s press.

Patients and care providers perception of the current heart failure health care system : A survey within Stockholm County / Patienters och vårdgivares syn på den befintliga hjärtsviktsvården : En undersökning inom Stockholms Län

Granholm, Hanna, Axwik, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The prevalence of heart failure is increasing. This is affecting the health care system; thus, making it important with change to meet the new demands. Many effective ways of treating heart failure exists, but changes are required in order to implement them. Before changes can be made, it is important to find current problem areas within the existing heart failure health care system. This study aimed to present an image of current problem areas within the heart failure health care system; in order to do so, it was necessary to speak with both care providers and heart failure patients. A total of 26 heart failure patients and 27 care providers working with heart failure patients in Stockholm County participated in the study. The participants answered survey questions concerning the heart failure care. The results from the care providers were consistent; they thought the patients’ heart failure awareness and the patient education they had received were problems within the heart failure care. In addition, they thought it was necessary for the patients to be active in their care and meet with different professions within the health care. Heart failure patients showed to be a diverse group of individuals; they wanted different kind of care and showed differences in how active they wanted to be. The results also showed differences between the care providers and patients’ perception of the heart failure care. The heart failure care needs to be more individualized to meet each heart failure patients’ needs. It is important with more patient education and to actively work with self-care. In addition, it is important that care providers get sufficient heart failure knowledge and to offer the patients the opportunity to meet with different care provider professions. / Utbredningen av hjärtsvikt ökar, vilket påverkar sjukvårdssystemet. För att möta de nya behoven är det nödvändigt med förändringar. Det finns idag många effektiva behandlingsmetoder för hjärtsvikt, men för att dessa behandlingsmetoder ska kunna implementeras behöver sjukvårdssystemet förändras. Innan dessa förändringar kan genomföras är det viktigt att identifiera problem inom hjärtsviktsvården. Målet med denna studie var att identifiera befintliga problemområden inom hjärtsviktsvården. För att kunna göra detta var det nödvändigt att prata med både sjukvårdspersonal och hjärtsviktspatienter. Sammanlagt har 26 patienter och 27 vårdgivare från Stockholms Län delaktigt. Alla delatagare har svarat på enkätfrågor rörande hjärtsviktsvården. Resultaten från vårdgivarna var konsekventa, de ansåg att patienternas kännedom om hjärtsvikt och den hjärtsviktsutbildning de fått var problemområden. Vårdgivarna ansåg vidare att det var viktigt för patienterna att vara delaktiga i sin vård, samt att de skulle få träffa olika typer av vårdgivare. Hjärtsviktspatienterna visade sig vara en blandad grupp, de ville ha olika typ av vård samt vara olika mycket aktiva i egenvård. Resultaten visade också att det fanns skillnader mellan vårdgivarnas och patienternas uppfattning av hjärtsviktsvården. Hjärtsviktsvården behöver bli mer individualiserad för att kunna tillgodose varje patients behov. Det är viktigt att utbilda patienterna samt att aktivt arbeta med egenvård. Det är även viktigt att vårdgivarna får tillräckligt med kunskap om hjärtsvikt, samt att patienterna erbjuds möjligheten till möten med olika typer av vårdgivare.

Patients and care providers perception of the current heart failure health care system : A survey within Stockholm County / Patienters och vårdgivares syn på den befintliga hjärtsviktsvården : En undersökning inom Stockholms Län

Granholm, Hanna, Axwik, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The prevalence of heart failure is increasing. This is affecting the health care system; thus, making it important with change to meet the new demands. Many effective ways of treating heart failure exists, but changes are required in order to implement them. Before changes can be made, it is important to find current problem areas within the existing heart failure health care system. This study aimed to present an image of current problem areas within the heart failure health care system; in order to do so, it was necessary to speak with both care providers and heart failure patients. A total of 26 heart failure patients and 27 care providers working with heart failure patients in Stockholm County participated in the study. The participants answered survey questions concerning the heart failure care. The results from the care providers were consistent; they thought the patients’ heart failure awareness and the patient education they had received were problems within the heart failure care. In addition, they thought it was necessary for the patients to be active in their care and meet with different professions within the health care. Heart failure patients showed to be a diverse group of individuals; they wanted different kind of care and showed differences in how active they wanted to be. The results also showed differences between the care providers and patients’ perception of the heart failure care. The heart failure care needs to be more individualized to meet each heart failure patients’ needs. It is important with more patient education and to actively work with self-care. In addition, it is important that care providers get sufficient heart failure knowledge and to offer the patients the opportunity to meet with different care provider professions. / Utbredningen av hjärtsvikt ökar, vilket påverkar sjukvårdssystemet. För att möta de nya behoven är det nödvändigt med förändringar. Det finns idag många effektiva behandlingsmetoder för hjärtsvikt, men för att dessa behandlingsmetoder ska kunna implementeras behöver sjukvårdssystemet förändras. Innan dessa förändringar kan genomföras är det viktigt att identifiera problem inom hjärtsviktsvården. Målet med denna studie var att identifiera befintliga problemområden inom hjärtsviktsvården. För att kunna göra detta var det nödvändigt att prata med både sjukvårdspersonal och hjärtsviktspatienter. Sammanlagt har 26 patienter och 27 vårdgivare från Stockholms Län delaktigt. Alla delatagare har svarat på enkätfrågor rörande hjärtsviktsvården. Resultaten från vårdgivarna var konsekventa, de ansåg att patienternas kännedom om hjärtsvikt och den hjärtsviktsutbildning de fått var problemområden. Vårdgivarna ansåg vidare att det var viktigt för patienterna att vara delaktiga i sin vård, samt att de skulle få träffa olika typer av vårdgivare. Hjärtsviktspatienterna visade sig vara en blandad grupp, de ville ha olika typ av vård samt vara olika mycket aktiva i egenvård. Resultaten visade också att det fanns skillnader mellan vårdgivarnas och patienternas uppfattning av hjärtsviktsvården. Hjärtsviktsvården behöver bli mer individualiserad för att kunna tillgodose varje patients behov. Det är viktigt att utbilda patienterna samt att aktivt arbeta med egenvård. Det är även viktigt att vårdgivarna får tillräckligt med kunskap om hjärtsvikt, samt att patienterna erbjuds möjligheten till möten med olika typer av vårdgivare.

If war comes, where do I go? : Analyzing accessibility to shelters in Sweden using GIS

Eliasson, Esther January 2022 (has links)
Shelters have been a significant part of the Swedish civil defense for a long time. In times of war in Europe, questions have been raised regarding the 64,000 shelters in Sweden and the civil population’s access to them. This study aims to investigate civilians’ access to the Swedish shelters, as well as where demand is high and low and where new shelters might be needed. The study has been conducted through Location-allocation analyses in GIS. Findings show that the accessibility to shelters varies throughout the country and that shelters are most accessible in urban areas. The average time taken to walk to the closest shelter in Stockholm Municipality is approximately 2 minutes. Findings also show that there are many new urban areas in Stockholm County where there are no shelters, and that there are densification areas where new shelters could be of use and meet demand as well.

Dåsiga dromedarer behöver källhänvisningar : En uppsats om nuvarande arkivpedagogiska strategier för tillgängliggörande av arkiven på svensk kommunal nivå / Drowsy dromedaries need source references : A study of current archive-based teaching and learning strategies for archival availability on the Swedish municipal level

Lindholm, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
This study was written with the aim to shed light on which strategies were employed by all 26 Swedish municipal archives in the Stockholm region to attract users to the archives at the time of writing. This was done by asking questions about archive-based teaching and learning via survey to municipal archivists, analyzing the webpages of the municipal archives for information about making the cultural heritage available in non-traditional active ways, and studying the ”archival regulations” or ”archival guidelines” which specify archival management and responsibilities on the municipal level. The results show that archives in most cases are understaffed and that archive-based teaching and learning has a low priority in the municipal archives, even though in most of the cases the archival regulations specify an obligation to actively promote usage of the material in cultural and scientific contexts. The study doesn’t find a link between obligations specified in the documents and municipal commitment to making the archival material available in abovementioned non-traditional ways. The study sums up the current archive-based teaching and learning strategies for the examined archives based on the above sources. The author of the study hopes that the results will provide fuel for the discussion regarding municipal archives and the role they should play in making the cultural heritage available to the public.

Greening practices in Swedish municipal planning : A comprehensive analysis of Upplands Väsby’s Detailed Development Plans / Förgröningspraktiker i svenska kommunala planeringsprocesser : En övergripande analys av Upplands Väsbys detaljplaner

Laterrade, Mariana January 2022 (has links)
Increasing urbanization is pressing and degrading our ecosystems and compromising future generations. This scenario is expected to worsen unless significant action is scaled up. At the same time, the urban areas have the opportunity to be part of the solution, leading to a more resilient and sustainable future. Bringing nature back to cities is a powerful instrument that provides the opportunity to address sustainability challenges and benefit people and the environment. Hence, the aim of this study, framed on the REPLAN project, was to explore the integration of greening practices in the planning process in Upplands Väsby municipality during the last decade. Through a systematic literature mapping, this study investigated the integration of greening concepts in the municipality’s Detailed Development Plans. Furthermore, in-depth analysis and interpretation of the relevant Detailed Development Plans were conducted to explore which green and blue elements and structures were integrated, the drivers and instruments that foster its implementation and the actors involved in their planning process. The results show that the integration of greening concepts in the Detailed Development Plans presents a turning point in 2016, coincident with the introduction of Upplands Väsby’s Development plan for Ecosystem Services, revealing that political support at the municipal level enables the integration of greening concepts. Likewise, ecosystem services was the most integrated greening concept, pointing out a strong focus of the planning practice on ecosystem services. The most planned green and blue elements and structures are yards, courtyards and street trees and plants, whilst parks are generally integrated from the nearby environment. Moreover, the most protected green and blue elements and structures are street trees and plants. Water management, public health and well-being and biodiversity conservation are the main drivers for planning and protecting green and blue elements and structures, being also addressed by both the highest quantity and diversity of green and blue elements and structures. However, climate change mitigation and adaptation is barely the driver for planning green and blue elements and structures. Thus, this calls for the inclusion of a climate perspective in the planning processes. The key actors in planning green and blue elements and structures are the municipality, the developers and consulting companies. Besides, an innovative planning process that includes neighbours and other stakeholders in the early stages and financial incentives for implementing green and blue elements and structures was studied. The findings indicate that regulatory frameworks and binding instruments foster the integration of green and blue elements and structures in the planning practice. The outcomes also suggest that collaborative planning processes and hybrid market-driven approaches may contribute positively to integrating green and blue elements and structures.

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