Spelling suggestions: "subject:"story"" "subject:"store""
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Stormar, kunder och Facebook– En fallstudie över Kraftringen Energi ABs kommunikationsstrategier på Facebook, vid en stormBengtsson, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
I denna uppsats har energibolaget Kraftringen Energi AB blivit behandlat, utifrån syftet attundersöka de strategier som de använder vid en storm med fokus på deras användning av det sociala mediet, Facebook. Utöver detta har också en jämförelse gjorts för att se om deras arbete skiljer sig från det arbete som gjordes innan varumärkesbytet som Kraftringen Energi AB genomgick för två år sen med det arbete som görs idag, med fokus på kommunikationen till kunderna vid en storm. Det fanns också en förhoppning om att kunna presenteraförbättringsförslag som företaget kan använda sig av i deras framtida arbete.För att genomföra detta har forskningsmetoden fallstudie används, och där fokusen har legat påden informationen som framkom vid de sex semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer somgjordes som hade ett målinriktat urval av intervjupersoner. Det material som tagits fram vidintervjuerna har sedan jämförts med tidigare forskning och teori, men också med deninnehållsanalys som har gjorts av företagets Facebook-sida under stormen Sven.Den slutsats som tagits fram med hjälp av diskussionen visar på att det idag inte finns strategierpå hur arbetet på Facebook ska fungera vid en storm, vilket därmed också blivit ett av deförbättringsförslag som tagits fram tillsammans med att tillsätta en ansvarig för denna uppgift.Det fanns inte heller någon märkbar skillnad på arbetet som gjordes innan varumärkesbytet motdet som görs idag vid en storm, utöver att företaget använder sig av Facebook. En idé sompresenterats till detta är att genomföra träning på den strategi som finns idag för att finna nyaförbättringar på den. Men också att företaget bör överväga att ta fram strategier hur derasFacebook-sida ska användas och om det ska finnas en ansvarig person för denna sida samt derasandra sociala medier. / In this paper, the energy company Kraftringen Energi AB has been discussed, according to the purpose to investigate the strategies they use at a storm with a focus on their use of social media, Facebook. In addition, also a comparison was made to see if their work differs from the work that was done before the rebranding as Kraftringen Energi AB underwent two years ago with the work they do today, with a focus on the communication to their customers in during a storm. There was also a hope to present proposals for improvement, which the company can use in their future work.To implement this, the research case study method used, and where the focus has been on the information that emerged during the six semi-structured qualitative interviews were made that had a targeted selection of interview subjects. The materials developed during the interviews were then compared with the previous research and theory, but also with the content analysis made by the company's Facebook page during the storm Sven.The conclusion that has been developed with the help of the discussion shows that today there are strategies on how the work on this should work in a storm, which thus also become one of the suggestions for improvement that have been developed along with adding a charge of this task. There was also no significant difference in the work that was done before the brand transition to what is done today by a storm, beyond that the company uses Facebook. One idea that has been presented to this is to conduct training on the approach available today to find new improvements to it. But also that the company should consider developing strategies how their Facebook page to be used and if there is to be a responsible person for this page, as well as their other social media.
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Cohabiting Third Place: Integrating Natural Hydrology with Healing ArchitectureSamad, Sumayia Binte 12 June 2020 (has links)
Washington D.C. has been ranked third among U.S. cities in terms of its percentage of youth who have reported a severe major depressive episode. Depression, stress, anxiety are the uninvited visitors of our day-to-day urban living. Most of the time we ignore our mental health unless we reach the threshold. We know nature is the best healer. The District also has reported the highest percentage of parkland but this statistic is not helping regarding Healing and Wellness. There might be a missing piece of the puzzle to reconnect with nature.
To dive deep into the missing piece, I have looked back to the basics, into the four elements of the planet, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. This thesis is an exploration of the most important natural element, Water, along with the other three elements, as active participants in our everyday urban life, not only as a means of reconnecting with nature but also aiding with natural healing to our depressed, tired soul.
As with many other older cities, Washington D.C. mostly depends on the combined storm and sanitary sewer. During heavy rainfall, stormwater overflows the capacity of the sewage system and empties into the river with sewage. But there is an opportunity for the stormwater to be treated and reused at the site. Rainwater along with tapped groundwater as the perennial flow will be considered as the source of healing water in the dense downtown context of the District. The thesis will tell the story of the arrival of Water into the middle of the city. Water will be examined in all its forms and integrated with the Third Place, where the young working generation can come in the middle of the working day to catch a lunch break or after office rush hour to relax their stressed nerves and heal their inner soul. This design for a community learning center at First Street NE in NoMA neighborhood, Washington D.C. is an effort to trace the path of the long-lost Tiber Creek and to provide the inhabitants with a for Water and growth. / Master of Architecture / Washington D.C. has been ranked third among U.S. cities in terms of its percentage of youth who have reported a severe major depressive episode. Depression, stress, anxiety are the uninvited visitors of our day-to-day city life. Most of the time we ignore our mental health unless we reach the threshold. We know nature is the best healer. The District also has reported the highest percentage of the green area but maybe only the "Green" is not enough for healing. To dive deep into the missing piece of the puzzle, I have walked back to the basics, looking into the four elements of the planet, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. This thesis is an exploration of the most important natural element, Water, along with the other three elements, in architecture and urban design, not only as a means of reconnecting with nature but also aiding with natural healing to our depressed, tired soul.
As with many other older cities, Washington D.C. mostly depends on the combined storm and sanitary sewer. During heavy rainfall, stormwater overflows the capacity of the sewage system and empties into the river with sewage. In this research, rainwater is considered as the source of healing water in the dense downtown context of the District. This thesis also examined tapping groundwater and bring it to the city street level. The thesis will tell the story of the arrival of Water into the middle of the city. This design for a community learning center at First Street NE in NoMA neighborhood, Washington D.C. is an effort to trace the path of the long-lost Tiber Creek and to provide the inhabitants with a place for Water and growth.
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Storm tide simulations for hurricane Hugo (1989) : on the significance of including inland flooding areasDietsche, Daniel 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Utvärdering av multikriterieanalys som verktyg för spatial resursallokering av dagvattenåtgärder för tillskottsvatten i spillvattennät / Evaluation of multi criteria analysis as a tool for spatial resource allocation of stormwater measures for inflow and infiltration to the sewage water systemVallin, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Utbyggnation av städer och allt större andel hårdgjorda ytor leder till problem med dagvattenhanteringen. Flödena blir snabbare samtidigt som större mängder än tidigare bildar avrinning och då är det viktigt att de befintliga systemen klarar av att hantera dem. Dagvatten från tak och hårdgjorda ytor och dräneringsvatten från källarfastigheter kan vara kopplat till spillvattennätet och leda till att vattenflödena i ledningarna vid stora regn kan bli betydligt större än de är dimensionerade för, med kapacitetsproblem som följd. En lösning som många VA-huvudmän har implementerat är att använda öppna dagvattenlösningar istället för att välja det mer kostnadskrävande alternativet att bygga ut ledningssystemet. Att koppla om stuprör, brunnar och dräneringsledningar och gräva diken för att leda om vattnet är både kostnads- och resurskrävande. Syftet var därför att undersöka om multikriterieanalys kan fungera som ett lämpligt verktyg för att allokera resurserna till de områden som ger mest nytta per satsad krona. Detta genom att ta fram en metodik för detta syfte och testa dess robusthet för att avgöra om den är lämplig att applicera eller om osäkerheterna i parametervärdena blir för stora för att några slutsatser ska kunna dras. Metodiken som togs fram testades på Bjursås, ett litet samhälle två mil utanför Falun, eftersom omfattande utredningar gjorts i området tidigare, vilket innebar att mycket data fanns att tillgå. Undersökningar gjordes av var mängderna kunde förväntas bli stora, var det fanns stor risk för källaröversvämningar och vilka områden som bidrog mest till bräddningar. Detta utvärderades tillsammans med förväntade åtgärdskostnader och en samlad bedömning gjordes av var nyttan per satsad krona bör bli störst. Stora osäkerheter återfanns i bedömningen. Slutsatsen blev att metoden kan fungera som stöd vid beslutsunderlag, men att den inte är tillräckligt robust för att kunna användas uteslutande utan att efterföljande utvärderingar och kritisk granskning av resultaten måste göras. Detta kan lämpligtvis ske genom en känslighetsanalys. För att resultaten ska utgöra ett användbart verktyg för VA-huvudmannen måste också kostnaderna utvärderas noggrannare än de har gjorts i den här studien. / Urbanization along with a greater amount of hardened surfaces affects the storm water management. When the flows get faster and larger amounts create runoff, it is crucial that the available systems are able to handle the water. Storm water from roofs and asphalt surfaces and drainage water can be connected to the sewage water pipelines and make the flows in the conduits at rainfall much greater than they are designed for, leading to capacity issues. Many municipalities have implemented open storm water solutions instead of choosing the more cost-ineffective way of expanding the conduit system. Reconnecting downspouts, wells and drainage pipelines and digging trenches to lead the water is both cost and resource demanding. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate whether multi criteria analysis can be used as an appropriate tool in order to allocate the resources to the most beneficial areas. This was done by developing a method for this aim and testing its robustness in order to determine if it is suitable to use in this context or if the uncertainties make the method too unreliable. The robustness in the method developed can be questioned since the uncertainties can be substantial. To be able to use this method, a lot of data is needed and the method needs to be updated relatively often in order to contain relevant information. It is recommended that a sensitivity analysis is performed along with the method, since the use of only one set of parameters can make the result relatively arbitrary. Using a Monte Carlo procedure with the uncertainties defined can reduce the time needed to measure and identify the values. The sensitivity analysis showed that the parameters that have the largest impact on the results are the number of residents living in every real estate with a basement, the catchment areas, the roughness parameters of the pipelines and the use of energy and chemicals in the system. In the future, the urbanization is expected to increase as well as the amount of rainfall and problems related to inflow and infiltration are expected to become more common. The hope is that the method used and its results will be useful for the municipalities’ future planning and to inspire to more studies on this topic.
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Mineraliska material som reaktiva filter för avskiljning av tungmetaller från dagvattenLindquist, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Highly polluted urban storm water from e.g. highways can contain large amounts of heavy metals that may cause harm if they are discharged into recipients. To remove the heavy metals a possible low-cost method that does not require much maintenance, could be the use of reactive filters with filter materials consisting of industrial residues or other cheap mineral based materials. Dissolved metal ions are removed by reactive filters through the processes of ions binding to active sites on the surface of the filter materials, or by formation of insoluble precipitates.</p><p>The ability of CaO-treated granulated blast-furnace slag, iron oxide coated sand, olivine and nepheline to remove seven heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb and Hg) from urban storm water was studied. Initially batch experiments were performed where the effect of pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved ions on the adsorption efficiency was studied. The experiments were conducted with urban storm water and with a reference solution (10 mM NaNO3), both containing the same concentration of heavy metals (approx. 1 μM). The two materials with the best results were further investigated in a column study, where the capacity of the filter was tested. Chemical equilibrium calculations using the program Visual MINTEQ were performed in order to assess the role of precipitation as a mechanism for removal.</p><p>The results show that the blast-furnace slag was the most effective filter material and that it has great potential to be used as a heavy metal remover. Also the iron oxide coated sand worked satisfactory. The highest degree of removal was obtained for lead, cadmium and nickel, for which the removal efficiency exceeded 90% after a load of 300 times the water volume in the columns. For some metals, mainly copper, chromium and mercury the dissolved organic matter affected the removal negatively. The chemical mechanisms causing the removal are specific adsorption to the surfaces of the materials, and for the blast-furnace slag probably precipitation of insoluble metal sulfides.</p> / <p>Starkt förorenat dagvatten som rinner av från exempelvis motorvägar, kan innehålla betydliga mängder tungmetaller som kan orsaka skada om de kommer ut i omgivande vattendrag. En billig metod för tungmetallavskiljning, som inte kräver så mycket underhåll, skulle kunna vara att använda reaktiva filtermaterial bestående av restprodukter eller andra mineraliska lågkostnadsmaterial. Reaktiva filter fungerar som metallavskiljare genom att de lösta metalljonerna binder till ytgrupper på filtermaterialen eller att svårlösliga utfällningar bildas.</p><p>Förmågan att avskilja sju tungmetaller (Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb och Hg) ur dagvatten har undersökts för fyra mineraliska filtermaterial, kalciumoxiddopad masugnsslagg, järnoxidsand, olivin och nefelin. Studien inleddes med skakförsök där adsorptionens pH-beroende undersöktes. Försöken gjordes dels med dagvatten, dels med en referenslösning (10 mM NaNO3) med samma tungmetallkoncentration (ca 1μM). Detta gjordes för att studera effekter av löst organiskt material och andra ligander på adsorptionen. Därefter testades de material som uppvisat bäst resultat i skakförsöket i kolonnförsök, ett försök som mer efterliknar en praktisk tillämpning och där filtrets kapacitet kan studeras. Genom kemiska jämviktsberäkningar med programmet Visual MINTEQ var det möjligt att undersöka om bildningen av svårlösliga metallutfällningar bidrog till metallavskiljningen.</p><p>Resultaten visar att slaggen var det effektivaste filtermaterialet och att detta har stor potential att användas för avskiljning av tungmetaller. Även järnoxidsanden fungerade tillfredsställande. De metaller som avskiljdes bäst var bly, kadmium och nickel, för vilka avskiljningen var > 90 % i kolonnförsöket efter en belastning motsvarande 300 gånger vattenmängden i kolonnerna. För vissa metaller, främst koppar, krom och kvicksilver, försämrades avskiljningen betydligt när löst organiskt material fanns närvarande. Mekanismerna som står för avskiljningen är till störst del adsorption till grupper på filtermaterialens ytor, men bildning av svårlösliga metallsulfider är också tänkbar för slaggen.</p>
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Automatic Adjustment of the Floatation Level for a Tight-moored BuoyHealy Strömgren, William January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport ger förslag på olika metoder att automatiskt justera flytläget på en statiskt förankrad boj, en överblick över de processer som styr ändringen av vattennivån och en statisktisk analys på vattennivåförändringarna vid Stockholm, Kungsholmsfort och Kungsvik.</p><p>Beroende på vattenivåns variation finns olika metoder för justering. Områden med små variationer av vattennivå lämpar det sig bäst utan någon som helst justering av flytläget. Områden med inte för stora tidvattensförändringar bör justeras med ett system bestående av vinsch, växellåda med en utväxling på 10 000:1, en 12 V DC motor, ett skötselfritt 12 V batteri, en luftlindad linjärgenerator och en trådtöjningsgivare. Områden med stora variationer i tidvatten behöver en avlastning för motorn i form av en fjäder och dämpare. De monteras horizontellt inuti bojen för att skyddas från den yttre miljön.</p><p>Den statistiska analysen påvisade de största vattennivåändringarna vid både Kungsviks och Kungsholmsforts mätstationer, båda uppvisade ett intervall på 1,6 m mellan minimum och maximum. Kungsvik var den station med de största dagliga variationerna, detta på grund av tidvattnets påverkan i området.</p> / <p>This thesis gives examples of different methods of automated adjustment of floatation level for a static moored buoy, an overview of the theories behind water level change and a statistical analysis of the water level changes for Stockholm, Kungsholmsfort and Kungsvik.</p><p>Depending on the range and frequency of the water level change different methods of adjustment are recommended. For areas with small changes in sea level the best choice would be no adjustment of the floatation level. Areas that are influenced by moderate tidal ranges should incorporate a system of regulation consisting of a winch, gearbox with a gear ratio of around 10,000:1, 12 V DC motor, 12 V maintenance free battery, air coiled linear generator and a strain gauge. For areas with large tidal ranges the previous system should be complimented with a horizontally mounted spring, inside the buoy, to lessen the loads on the motor.</p><p>The statistical analysis found the largest extremes in water level of the three sites to be at Kungsvik and Kungsholmsfort, both exhibiting a range of almost 1.6 m. Kungsvik was the station with the largest daily variations, this is because this is the only station influenced by tidal variations.</p>
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MANET中利用節點移動方向降低廣播風暴發生之路由策略 / Direction-Based Routing Strategy to Reduce Broadcast Storm in MANET洪志佳, Hung, Chih-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
藉由許多配備無線通訊能力的嵌入式系統裝置,如筆記型電腦、行動電話、PDA、車用導航系統及車用電腦等,不同的裝置透過無線通訊的能力,將彼此連接,構成行動隨意網路 (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) 的環境。這些網路上的節點可能任意且快速移動,隨時改變既有網路拓樸,造成原先已經建立好的路由中斷。採用被動式路由協定 (Reactive Routing Protocol) 的路由重建,往往增加了資料傳送的延遲及重建路由時所需要大量路由發現 (Route Discovery) 的封包,造成廣播風暴 (Broadcast Storm),嚴重影響整個網路的效能。
在論文中,我們提出一個利用節點的移動方向做為選擇適當中繼節點 (Relay Node) 的策略,稱之為Directive Location-Aided Routing,簡稱DLAR。DLAR將節點的移動方向因素加入於既有的LAR中做為選擇中繼節點的考量。中繼節點的決定,需要符合與來源節點相同的移動方向,目的是維持較長的連線時間,且讓路由中斷的位置靠近目的節點,並使用AODV的Local Repair的機制做為路由搜尋的協定,加速路由的恢復。
實驗模擬結果顯示,DLAR與AODV、DSR及LAR比較,在減少找尋路由路徑時所需的路由請求封包、降低點對點 (End -To-End) 的延遲及資料成功送達率,都有較佳的表現。在網路中節點數較多時,DLAR在封包送達率能有6%– 55%的改善,降低搜尋及維持路由時需要的控制封包量達40%以上,降低廣播風暴發生的機率, DLAR也同時在End-to-End Delay的表現較之於其他路由機制,有20%以上的改善。 / In MANET the nodes may move fast and unpredictable, this may cause the original set up route well broken. Adopt those Reactive Routing Protocols may not only cause seriously data delivery delay but also produce a large number of control packages (RREQ) thus reducing network capacity. This is known as Broadcast Storm Problem. In this thesis, we proposed a routing protocol, Directive Location-Aided Routing (DLAR), that helps to choose appropriate relay nodes (intermediate nodes) in MANET. DLAR considers the node movement direction factor in deciding a stable route. Relay node is considered to be the same movement direction as source node. The goal is to maintain longer path lifetime, and make the broken very close to the destination node. DLAR adopts AODV to discovery route and accelerate the route recovery using Local Repair mechanism.
Simulations show that as the network loading is high, DLAR can increase the packet delivery ratio by 6% ~ 55 % and increase the bandwidth utility by 40%, reduce the largely broadcast storm probability, and reduce end-to-end delay by 20%.
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Sorbentų naudojimo paviršinėms nuotekoms valyti tyrimai ir analizė / Research and analysis of sorbent usage for storm water run-off purificationLevickaitė, Giedrė 20 June 2011 (has links)
Didžiausiais paviršinių nuotekų teršalais laikomi naftos produktai ir skendinčiosios medžiagos. Pastarąsias galima nesunkiai pašalinti taikant tradicinius paviršinių nuotekų valymo metodus, tokius kaip nusodinimas, o naftos produktų šalinimui reikalingas antrinis nuotekų valymas. Vienas efektyviausių NP šalinimo iš nuotekų būdas yra filtravimas pro sorbuojančiosios medžiagos filtrą. Nors šiuo būdu valant nuotekas galima pasiekti didelio teršalų šalinimo efektyvumo, praktiškai dažnai susiduriama su problema, kai į eksploatuojamuosius valymo įrenginius nuotekos atiteka dideliais greičiais ir teršalai nėra iki galo pašalinami. Todėl šiame darbe buvo atliktas trijų skirtingų sintetinių sorbentų („Fibroil, „Duck“, „Reo-dry“) efektyvumo šalinti iš paviršinių nuotekų naftos produktus ekstremaliomis sąlygomis (esant dideliems greičiams) eksperimentinis tyrimas. Atlikus bandymus su dirbtinėmis ir realiomis paviršinėmis nuotekomis laboratoriniame stende, nustatyta, kad visų trijų sorbentų efektyvumas šalinti NP yra panašus ir skendinčiosios medžiagos bei nuotekų drumstumas neturi įtakos NP šalinimo efektyvumui. Tačiau „Fibroil“ sorbentą naudojant kaip filtro užpildą, 30 m/h greitį galima išlaikyti gerokai ilgiau nei su sorbentais „Duck“ ir „Reo-dry“ ir šį sorbentą naudoti ekonomiškiausia.
Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, darbo aktualumo aprašymas, literatūros apžvalga, tiriamojo darbo metodikos aprašymas, eksperimeto rezultatai, rekomendacijos ir išvados bei literatūros sąrašas.
Darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Suspended solids and oil products are considered as the most important pollutants in the storm water. As suspended solids can be easily retained from storm water by simple sedimentation, for oil products it is usually needed to have a secondary treatment: filtration through sorbents media. Although storm water filtration through a sorbent filter gives high treatment efficiency, it is usually impossible to ensure the right speed of storm water coming to the treatment facilities (it is usually too high to ensure an efficient sorption). For this reason the research and analysis of three different synthetic sorbents („Fibroil“, „Duck“, „Reo-dry“) were performed with artificial and real storm water in the laboratory under extreme conditions (filtration speed 30 m/h). According to the results of the experiment, all three sorbents have similar treatment efficiency and suspended solids and turbidity has no impact on oil products removal efficiency. But it is more efficient to use “Fibroil” and it is suitable for filtration under 30 m/h speed much longer than sorbents “Duck” and “Reo-dry”. Structure: introduction, relevance, methodology, results of the experiment, recomedations conclusions and references. Thesis consist of: 55 p. text without appendixes, 21 pictures, 8 tables, 39 bibliographical entries.
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Modeling of Land Use Change Effects on Storm Water Quantity and Quality in the City of Carrollton and the North Texas AreaDuncan, Phillip Brent 12 1900 (has links)
Development and population are rapidly increasing in urbanizing areas of North Texas and so is the need to understand changes in storm water runoff flow and its contamination by nutrients, sediment, pesticides and other toxicants. This study contributes to this understanding and has two primary components: first, development of a graphical user interface for a geographic information system and storm water management database, and second, performing a two-scale hydrological modeling approach (the US Corp of Engineers HEC-HMS model and the US Environmental Protection Agency SWMM model). Both primary components are used together as a toolkit to support the storm water management program of the City of Carrollton, located in North Texas. By focusing limited city resources, the toolkit helps storm water managers in the process of compliance with federal regulations, especially the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit, and provides guidance for reporting, planning and investigation. A planning example was conducted by modeling potential changes in storm water quality due to projections of land use based on the City of Carrollton's Comprehensive Plan. An additional component of this study is the evaluation of future changes in surface water quantity and quality in the North Central Texas area, specifically in a rural but rapidly urbanizing subbasin area of the greater Lake Lewisville watershed. This was accomplished using the US Corp of Engineers HEC-HMS hydrological model. Precipitation scenarios were derived from years of historically high, medium, and low annual precipitation. Development scenarios were derived from current land use in the Lake Lewisville sub basin, current land use in the city of Carrollton, and from Markov projections based on recent land use change calculated from satellite images of 1988 and 1999. This information is useful for future land use planning and management of water resources in North Texas.
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Iminosugars as dengue virus therapeutics : molecular mechanisms of action of a drug entering clinical trialsSayce, Andrew Cameron January 2014 (has links)
Iminosugars are a class of small molecules defined by substitution of a sugar’s ring oxygen with nitrogen. Various chemical modifications of these basic structures (e.g. alkyl chain addition off of the ring nitrogen) have been developed during the last several decades. These molecules have been considered as therapeutics for a number of pathologies including viral infection, congenital disorders of glycosylation (of both glycoproteins and glycolipids), and diabetes. This thesis focuses on the application of a small subset of iminosugars, known as deoxynojirimycin derivatives, as therapeutics against dengue virus induced pathology. Dengue virus infection predominates in tropical climates, but autochthonous infection has recently emerged in areas of both southern Europe and the southern United States. With 390 million people infected annually, dengue is the most prevalent arthropod-borne viral infection worldwide, and the possibility of severe pathology including haemorrhage, shock, and/or death, necessitates development of effective antiviral therapies. Although the molecular mechanisms responsible for progression to severe dengue disease are not completely understood, there is considerable evidence for the role of both the innate and the adaptive immune responses in development of life-threatening complications. Excessive activation of the innate immune response, a phenomenon known as cytokine storm, has been hypothesised to explain development of symptoms related to vascular permeability, whereas the adaptive immune response has been implicated in severe disease through two hypotheses – the antibody dependent enhancement and original antigenic sin hypotheses. The evidence regarding each of these potential mechanisms of severe pathology is discussed throughout this thesis principally with respect to how iminosugar treatment could alter any detrimental effects of the immune response to dengue virus infection. The principal aim of this thesis is to consider the potential of deoxynojirimycin iminosugars as antiviral therapeutics in dengue infection with a focus on how these molecules exert their antiviral effects in primary human cells. I first consider the contributions of glycoprotein inhibition and glycolipid inhibition on production of infectious dengue virus. These experiments suggest that inhibition of glycoprotein folding is responsible for inhibition of infectious dengue virus production. I next consider the impact of treatment of a promising clinical candidate iminosugar, N9-methoxynonyl-deoxynojirimycin (MON-DNJ), on the primary human macrophage transcriptome. In uninfected macrophages as well as macrophages infected with dengue virus or treated with lipopolysaccharide to model bacterial sepsis, iminosugar treatment results in activation of the unfolded protein response and inhibition of several elements of the inflammatory response including signalling by the cytokines IFN-γ and TNF-α, and the inflammatory cascade mediated by NF-κB. Activation of the unfolded protein response as a result of treatment with MON-DNJ can be confirmed by analysis of phosphorylated (activated) NFE2L2, a transcription factor that functions principally to control oxidative stress in response to ER stress signals. Modulation of the inflammatory response of macrophages to dengue infection and bacterial sepsis is confirmed by analysis of secreted cytokines. As predicted by my transcriptomic experiments, levels of TNF-α and IFN-γ produced in response to dengue or lipopolysaccharide are reduced by treatment with MON-DNJ. Finally, I attempted to extend these observations to an animal model of dengue infection with a particular focus on TNF receptor and ligand superfamily members. Unfortunately, heterogeneity of cells types from tissue samples as well as limitations of the animal model complicate interpretation of these findings. Nevertheless, this thesis demonstrates that MON-DNJ is an effective dengue antiviral therapeutic and that this therapeutic activity may be related to both reduction of infectious virus as a consequence of inhibition of glycoprotein processing and as a result of changes to the host’s response to the pathogen. These results have been used in part to justify recently initiated clinical trials of MON-DNJ as a dengue antiviral therapy.
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