Spelling suggestions: "subject:"story"" "subject:"store""
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Miljökvalitetsnormer för vatten i det kommunala detaljplanearbetet - Viktiga faktorer, svårigheter och möjligheter.Hansson, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Med målet att uppnå vattenkvalité av god status inom hela EU införde Europaparlamentet år 2000 ramdirektivet för vatten (2000/60/EC), även kallat Vattendirektivet. För att uppnå god vattenstatus sätts mål i form av ”miljökvalitetsnormer”(MKN) på vattendrag, sjöar, kustvatten och grundvatten inom varje län och kommun. Dessa ska beaktas vid framtagandet av nya detaljplaner vilket är ett juridiskt gällande dokument där den tillåtna exploateringen av ett område fastställs. I detaljplanen ska planens påverkan på möjligheterna att uppnå MKN för vatten utredas och presenteras. Det saknas dock tydliga riktlinjer för hur denna bedömning ska göras och vilka aspekter som ska ingå i utredningen. I de fall planen medför att målen i form av MKN riskeras att inte uppnås är det länsstyrelsens uppgift att hindra planen från att godkännas. Syftet med studien är att utreda vad som är viktigt i arbetet att ta fram en detaljplan som beaktar MKN för vatten och hur kommuner och länsstyrelser upplever arbetet. Målet är att undersöka det övergripande arbetet och därefter fokusera på den bedömning som görs av vilken påverkan på MKN en plan medför. Detta för att ge en bild av hur arbetet sker i dagsläget och belysa de utmaningar och förbättringsmöjligheter som finns. Studien avgränsas geografisk till länsstyrelserna inom Norra Östersjöns vattendistrikt och kommunerna i Stockholms län. För att undersöka det ovannämnda genomfördes en förstudie bestående av en intervjustudie riktad till konsulter och anställda på kommun och länsstyrelser, och en litteraturstudie. Förstudien ledde fram till formuleringen av frågor i enkätstudien. Enkätstudien bestod av två delar där den första riktade sig till kommuner i Stockholms län och den andra till länsstyrelserna i Norra Östersjöns vattendistrikt. Resultatet från studien bidrog till att identifiera viktiga steg i processen att ta fram en detaljplan som följer satta MKN. Även svårigheter kopplade till de olika processtegen framkom. Uppföljning visade sig vara ett steg som inte genomförs i så stor utsträckning men som troligtvis kan förbättra situationen genom att bidra med data och kvalitetssäkring av metodiken. Bedömningen som görs av hur en plan påverkar möjligheten att uppfylla MKN sammanställdes i några nyckelsteg. De flesta svårigheter som upplevs av de kommunanställda är kopplade till att utföra den här bedömningen. Främst är det osäkerheter i metod och modelleringsverktyg tillsammans med ofullständigt underlagsmaterial som bidrar till svårigheterna. Det preliminära åtgärdsprogram som presenterats våren 2016 av Vattenmyndigheten inför nästa 6-åriga arbetscykel bidrar förhoppningsvis med att vägledningsmaterial och tydligare riktlinjer tas fram. Detta efterfrågades från flera håll i enkätstudien. Förutom det som åtgärdsprogrammet adresserar ses ett behov av mer utbildning och samverkan av och mellan aktörer. Beräkningsmetoder och underlag som används behöver även ses över och det behöver finnas en tydligare samsyn på hur en detaljplansplans påverkan på MKN ska bestämmas. / With the goal of high quality recipients within the European Union the European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) was initiated in the year of 2000. In order to achieve water of high quality, goals have been established under the definition of Environmental Quality Standards (EQS). These are defined for lakes, rivers and other water bodies within each municipality. The EQS are defined as a level that are to be reached until a defined year. The EQS are to be kept in mind when zoning is carried out within a municipality. Zoning allows for strategic use of land and water within the municipality and is an important part in the work of achieving the EQS. If a zoning plan does not meet the EQS the plan should not be adopted. The county government should audit plans before they are approved to make sure the chance of reaching the EQS are not hindered by the plan. The aim of this study is to investigate which important factors that come into play when a zoning plan is created that will meet the EQS. The aim is also to get an understanding of the work from the municipalities perspective as well as from the viewpoint of the county government. Both the overall perspective and the more detailed field of assessing the impact from a zoning plan is to be analyzed. In the end the goal is to give an overview of how the work is done today, which difficulties that are experienced as well as improvements that could be needed. The study is focused upon the county governments within the North Baltic Sea basin and the municipalities within Stockholm county. Semi-structured interviews and a literature review were conducted followed by a survey study in order to address the research questions. The survey study was directed towards the county governments and municipalities within the geographical study area mentioned above. From the methods described above data was collected which resulted in the identification of important steps in the process of making zoning with consideration of the EQS. Also difficulties connected to each phase were identified. The work of follow-up and monitoring was found only to be carried out to a limited extent but is believed to support several important functions in the work, if improved. The impact assessment of zoning on water quality and EQS was found to be one of the more difficult parts of the work with the WFD. Foremost, this process is connected to many uncertainties in the method of calculation but also due to limited data available in some cases. Information needed is for example the current water quality and the levels of pollution connected to different land uses of the area. More developed guidelines and support from central authorities was requested by several participants of the survey. Hopefully the Water authorities’ planned action program for the next 6-year work cycle, will result in this. However, more investigations and studies are needed in order to improve and minimize uncertainties in the methods used to calculate impact from zoning on water quality. More education and cooperation between municipalities, county governments and agencies with issues connected to implementing the WFD is needed as well. Overall more consensus is needed in how the work can be carried out while meeting both environmental and societal goals.
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A GIS-Based Method of Deriving Spatially Distributed Unit Hydrographs / En GIS-baserad metod för att beräkna spatialt fördelade enhetshydrograferLenander, Ann-Sofi January 2021 (has links)
Prior to using hydraulic and spatially distributed modelling softwares, the theory of the unit hydrograph was a commonly used tool for modelling of surface and runoff water. While distributed models often provide detailed results from extensive calculation durations, the unit hydrograph have been questioned for simplifying the physical characteristics of the watershed modelled. Typically, the unit hydrograph theory does not explicitly take the flow paths of the watershed in consideration during calculation. With the rise of geographical information systems, methods of deriving spatially distributed unit hydrographs have been developed. The aim of these have commonly been to find a spatially varied form of hydrological modelling, while still keeping the computation times low. The method is commonly built by calculating the travel time to the watershed outlet along the flow path. In this study, spatially distributed unit hydrographs are derived separately for the watershed’s pervious and impervious surfaces in a Python script using map algebra and the Esri’s Python wrapper module Arcpy. The travel times are generated from a velocity field calculated using Maidment and Olivera’s velocity equation. The velocity equation contains three unknown parameters; one for an average velocity and two calibration parameters. The excess precipitation is calculated of a 100 year return period Chicago Design Storm hyetograph using the SCS-CN method. The direct runoff hydrographs are calculated over three semi-urban watersheds in Smedby in southern Sweden, and the results are compared to MIKE 21 hydrograph data of each corresponding watershed and rain input. The result obtained showed to replicate the hydrograph response quite well, but only if the unknown parameters in the velocity equation were calibrated to match the MIKE 21 data. The unknown parameters of the velocity equations produces uncertainties of using the method without calibration data, which implies that the script is not well adapted to use for modelling predictions. It may be of interest to calculate the travel times of the locations within the watershed using a different formula. The script tool could be tested using different design storms as input, and areas of different characteristics compared to Smedby could be tested. / Innan det blev vanligt att använda hydrauliska och rumsliga modellerings- mjukvaror användes ofta teorin bakom enhetshydrografen för modellering av avrinning. Medan de rumsliga mjukvarorna ofta erbjuder detaljerade resultat till priset av långa beräkningstider, har enhetshydrografen ifrågasatts för att förenkla den fysiska karaktären av avrinningsområdet. Typiskt sett tar inte enhetshydrografen avrinningsområdets flödesvägar direkt i hänseende vid beräkning. Utveckling och ökad tillgänglighet av geografiska informations- system förenklade möjligheterna att utveckla beräkning av enhetshydrografer som tar hänsyn till avrinningsområdets karaktär, typiskt sett genom att beräkna rinntiden från varje läge i avrinningsområdet, längs rinnvägarna och till utloppet. I den här studien beräknas spatiala enhetshydrografer separat för avrinningsområdets hårdgjorda och icke hårdgjorda ytor, genom att utveckla ett Python skript med hjälp av karalgebra och Esri’s wrapper modul ArcPy. Rinntiderna från olika lägen i avrinningsområdet beräknas med Maidments och Oliveras formel för hastighet, vilken innehåller okända parametrar för en uppskattad medelhastighet samt två kalibreringsparametrar. Effektivt regn från ett Chicago Design Storm regn med en återkomsttid på 100 år beräknas med hjälp av SCS-CN metoden. Hydrograferna för direkt avrinning faltas för tre semi-urbana avrinningsområden i Smedby i södra Sverige för att sedan jämföras mot MIKE 21 genererad hydrograf data för respektive motsvarade avrinningsområde. Hydrografdata producerat av MIKE 21 har tagits fram med lika CDS-regn data som input. Resultatet visar att hydrografer snarlika MIKE 21 hydrograferna kan tas fram med Maidments spatialt fördelade enhetshydrograf, om de okända parametrarna i Maidments formel kalibrerades mot MIKE 21 data. Utan kalibreringsdata för att bestämma de okända parametrarna kan resultatet anses vara mycket osäkert, vilket antyder att Python skriptet ej bör användas för använda metoden för att förutspå responser av regnevent. Andra beräkningar än Maidments ekvation kan vara av intresse att implementera. Olika typer av regninput samt spatial data över andra platser än Smedby kan vara av intresse att testa Python skriptet för.
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How variations of the duration and time to peak of the Chicago Design Storm affect the hydraulic response, as well as the areas contributing to peak runoff, of a synthetic urban catchment area / Hur variationen av varaktighet och tid till regnintensitetsmaximum av Chicago Design Storm påverkar den hydrauliska responsen, samt de områden som bidrar till maximal avrinning, av ett syntetiskt avrinningsområdeAhlstedt, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
With an expanding urbanization in the world, and thus the expansion of impermeable surfaces, the risk of pluvial floods is an increasing factor that needs to be considered. This, in combination with increasing rain intensities and frequency of rain events indicates a problem both today and for the future. With this in mind, it is an advantage to increase the knowledge of how different variations of extreme rainfall affects the hydraulic response of urban catchments, as well as which areas in urban environments contribute to the flood peak. The aims of this study are, with a particle tracking approach, to investigate how the peak runoff contributing areas differ geographically depending on the duration and time to peak of the rainfall event. This also includes the evaluation of what sizes of urban catchment areas are relevant to include when modelling the hydraulic response of Swedish urban catchment in relation to the characteristics of the hyetograph. The catchment area used in this study is made synthetically to represent a generic Swedish urban catchment with regards to the proportions of hardened surfaces, buildings and low points, as well as the slope of the catchment. Various variants of the Chicago Design Storm were implemented in the model. This included three different durations of 2-, 4- and 6 hours of which each, separately, constituted of three different time to peak that is decided by an r-value when creating the design storms. The r-values used in this study is 0.1, 0.4 and 0.8 where the values correlates to an early-, centred- and late peak of the hyetograph. To be able to investigate the peak contributing area, a particle tracking approach was initially used as an equivalent to tracers where the particles are first evenly distributed over the catchment area to then be concentrated to the locations that shows a variation in in the peak contributing area. This was done by using the modelling program MIKE 21 Flow Model FM powered by DHI, which also was used to run the hydrodynamic simulations of the inundation. The results of the hydrodynamic simulations showed that the rain events generated more runoff as the duration was extended. In addition, the timing of the peak of the rainfall intensity also had an impact on the result as the runoff increased with increasing r-value. Thus, as the peak of the hyetograph is delayed, it imposes an increasing risk of severe flooding. Furthermore, with the use of particle tracking, it could be concluded that the different design storm had an influence on the peak contributing distance where the distance grew larger when the duration of the rainfall event was extended and when the peak of the storm was delayed. / Med en ökande urbanisering i världen, och med det även en ökning av hårdgjorda ytor, är risken för pluviala översvämningar en allt större faktor som måste beaktas. Detta i kombination meden ökande regnintensitet samt nederbördsfrekvens indikerar ett problem både för idag och förframtiden. Med detta i åtanke är det en fördel att öka kunskapen om hur olika variationer avextrem nederbörd påverkar den hydrauliska responsen i urbana avrinningsområden, samt vilka områden i stadsmiljöer som bidrar till den maximala översvämningen. Syftet med denna studie är att, med hjälp av partikelspårning, undersöka hur peak-bidragande områden skiljer sig geografiskt beroende på regnets varaktighet samt tid till regnintensitetsmaximum. I detta ingår även utvärdering av vilka storlekar av urbana avrinningsområden som är relevanta att inkludera vid modellering av den hydrauliska responsen i förhållande till hyetografens egenskaper. Avrinningsområdet som används i denna studie är syntetiskt gjort för att representera ett generiskt svenskt urbant avrinningsområde med avseende på andelen hårdgjorda ytor, byggnader och lågpunkter, samt avrinningsområdets lutning. För att studera nederbördens inverkan på den hydrauliska responsen i avrinningsområdet implementerades olika varianter av en designstorm kallad Chicago Design Storm. Detta inkluderade tre olika varaktigheter på 2-,4- och 6 timmar av vilka var och en, separat, bestod av tre olika tid till regnintensitetsmaximum,vilket bestäms av ett r-värde vid skapandet av designstormarna. De r-värden som används i denna studie är 0.1, 0.4 och 0.8 där det lägre värdet korrelerar med en tidig topp, mittvärdet är lika med en centrerad topp och det högre värdet motsvarar en sen topp på hyetografen. För att kunna undersöka det peak-bidragande området användes initialt en partikelspårningsmetod som en motsvarighet till spårämnen där partiklarna först är jämnt fördelade över avrinningsområdetför att sedan koncentreras till de platser som visar en variation i det peak-bidragande området. Detta gjordes genom att använda modelleringsprogrammet MIKE 21 Flow Model FM som drivs av DHI, vilket också användes för att genomföra de hydrodynamiska simuleringarna av översvämningen. Det upptäcktes relativt tidigt i simuleringsstadiet av arbetet att det skulle vara svårt att identifiera det peak-bidragande området i avrinningsområdet, då majoriteten av de partiklarsom släpptes ut på platser med antingen lågt flöde eller låg vattennivå hade svårt att ta sig tillutloppet av avrinningsområdet. Med anledning av detta vändes fokus i studien mot avrinningsområdets centrala dräneringsväg där partiklarna kunde röra sig mer fritt. Därför togs ett beslut att undersöka det peak-bidragande avståndet längs den centrala dräneringsvägen istället för det peak-bidragande området. Resultaten av de hydrodynamiska simuleringarna visade att regnen genererade mer avrinning när varaktigheten förlängdes. Dessutom hade tidpunkten för toppen av nederbördsintensiteten också en inverkan på resultatet då avrinningen ökade med ökande r-värde. Allteftersom toppen av hyetografen senareläggs, medför den en ökande risk för allvarliga översvämningar. Vidare, med användningen av partikelspårning, gick det att dra slutsatsen att de olika designstormarna hade en effekt på det peak-bidragande avståndet, då avståndet blev större när varaktigheten av regnen förlängdes och när regnets intensitetstopp inträffade senare under regneventet.
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Hydrological Analysis Of Post-Fire Responses Within The Little Creek Watershed Of Swanton Pacific RanchWiens, Alexander Jeffrey 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Climate change and a growing wildland-urban interface are associated with an increase in the number and severity of wildfires. While severe wildfires do cause a costly and dangerous impact on the environment and the public, their after-effects comprise important subjects of study. In post-fire hydrologic studies, the reduced infiltration and plant cover that results from wildfires can commonly be associated with increased peakflows and erosion. Phenomena such as the flooding and debris flows in Montecito after the Thomas Fire in late 2017 can have important implications on infrastructure and human lives. Quantifying post-fire peak flows and flooding volumes has therefore become a special study of interest. However, the few studies that exist on post-fire hydrology across the United States have inconclusive and flawed results. Post-fire hydrological studies on coastal-redwood forests are also lacking in both number and quality.
These research gaps were addressed through a three-year, post-fire hydrological study on the Litte Creek watershed of Swanton Pacific Ranch in Davenport, CA. The study took place from the 2021 to 2024 hydrological years (HY). Hydrographs and rating curves were developed to yield results for post-fire conditions. A frequency analysis utilizing Log Pearson Type III and Weibull calculations yielded post-fire results according to 0.5-, 1-, 2-, and 5-year return intervals. A statistical model based on precipitation, antecedent precipitation index, and streamflow data modelled pre-fire values. Subsequently, the pre- and post-fire peak flows and storm volumes were compared. The post-fire results from the analysis were also compared to those estimated from the USGS Linear Regression method and the RF-5 method from Wilder et al, 2020.
It was found that a slight increase in post-fire peak flows and storm volumes occurred upon comparison to pre-fire values, primarily for the South Fork of the watershed. This observation was found to be present for flows and volumes below a 0.5-year return interval, with higher uncertainty beyond that threshold. The USGS and Wilder methods were found to v inaccurately predict the post-fire peak flows. However, calculation of USGS-Regression parameters for two areas (Main Stem and South Fork) yielded percent increases in post-fire peak flows (between 19-31%) and percent-runoff increases (between 36-59%) for peak flows between return intervals of 0.5 to 5 years. Results were found to be mostly statistically significant for all three sites (α < 0.05), except for the North-Fork site in several cases and some model intercepts across all three sites. Incision and erosion of streambeds and the recovery of vegetation since the 2020 fire may have played an underlying role in the study. Despite some errors in stage data, the small increases in post-fire parameters, and variations in burn-area conditions, the study represented a motivated attempt to use linear regression on post-fire hydrologic data and to improve upon the site’s previous study through a more comprehensive dataset. This attempt serves as one of many in studying post-fire hydrology, which serves to inform better decisions for wildfire, flood-management, and land-management agencies.
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<p dir="ltr">It is known that tornadic storms favor environments characteristic of high values of thermal instability, adequate vertical wind shear, abundant near-surface moisture supply, and strong storm-relative helicity at the lowest 1-km boundary layer. These mesoscale environmental conditions and associated storm behaviors are strongly governed by large-scale synoptic patterns and sensitive to variabilities in near-surface characteristics, which are less known in the current research community. This study aims to advance the relatively underexplored area regarding the interaction between surface characteristics, mesoscale environmental conditions, and large-scale synoptic patterns driving tornadic storms in the U.S. </p><p dir="ltr">We first investigate the impact of surface drag on the structure and evolution of these boundaries, their associated distribution of near-surface vorticity, and tornadogenesis and maintenance. Comparisons between idealized simulations without and with drag introduced in the mature stage of the storm prior to tornadogenesis reveal that the inclusion of surface drag substantially alters the low-level structure, particularly with respect to the number, location, and intensity of surface convergence boundaries. Substantial drag-generated horizontal vorticity induces rotor structures near the surface associated with the convergence boundaries in both the forward and rear flanks of the storm. Stretching of horizontal vorticity and subsequent tilting into the vertical along the convergence boundaries lead to elongated positive vertical vorticity sheets on the ascending branch of the rotors and the opposite on the descending branch. The larger near-surface pressure deficit associated with the faster development of the near-surface cyclone when drag is active creates a downward dynamic vertical pressure gradient force that suppresses vertical growth, leading to a weaker and wider tornado detached from the surrounding convergence boundaries. A conceptual model of the low-level structure of the tornadic supercell is presented that focuses on the contribution of surface drag, with the aim of adding more insight and complexity to previous conceptual models.</p><p dir="ltr">We then examine the behaviors and dynamics of TLVs in response to a range of surface drag strengths in idealized simulations and explore their sensitivities to different storm environments. We find that the contribution of surface drag on TLV development is strongly governed by the interaction between surface rotation, surface convergence boundaries, and the low-level mesocyclone. Surface drag facilitates TLV formation by enhancing near-surface vortices and low-level lifting, mitigating the need for an intense updraft gradient developing close to the ground. As surface drag increases, a wider circulation near the surface blocks the inflow from directly reaching the rotating core, leading to a less tilted structure that allows the TLV position beneath the pressure minima aloft. Further increase in drag strength discourages TLV intensification by suppressing vertical stretching due to a negative vertical pressure perturbation gradient force, and it stops benefiting from the support of surrounding convergence boundaries and the overlying low-level updraft, instead becoming detached from them. We hence propose a favorable condition for TLV formation and duration where a TLV forms a less tilted structure directly beneath the low-level mesocyclone but also evolves near surrounding surface boundaries, which scenario strongly depends on underlying surface drag strength. </p><p dir="ltr">Beyond near-surface characteristics, we further explore how these storm-favorable environmental conditions may interact with the larger-scale synoptic patterns and how these interactions may affect the tornadic storm potential in the current warming climate. We employ hierarchical clustering analysis to classify the leading synoptic patterns driving tornadic storms across different geographic regions in the U.S. We find that the primary synoptic patterns are distinguishable across geographic regions and seasonalities. The intense upper-level jet streak described by the high values of eddy kinetic energy (EKE) associated with the dense distribution of Z500 contours dominates the tornado events in the southeast U.S. in the cold season (November-March). Late Spring and early Summer Tornado events in the central and south Great Plains are dominated by deep trough systems to the west axes of the tornado genesis position, while more summer events associated with weak synoptic forcing are positioned closer to the lee side of Rocky Mountain. Moreover, the increasing trend in tornado frequency in the southeastern U.S. is mainly driven by synoptic patterns with intense forcing, and the decreasing trends in portions of the Great Plains are associated with weak synoptic forcing. This finding indicates that the physical mechanisms driving the spatial trends of tornado occurrences differ across regions in the U.S.</p>
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Evaluation of storm- and rainwater recycling systems in Scandinavia / Utvärdering av dag- och regnvattenåtervinningssystem i SkandinavienIvarsson, Adam January 2024 (has links)
This study examined the current state of storm- and rainwater recycling for non-potable purposes in Scandinavia as well as the local conditions and challenges that influence the sustainability of storm- and rainwater recycling. Particularly, this study aimed to show how well existing storm- and rainwater recycling systems have performed, relative to the level of ambition held by the project owner and try to gauge their sustainability relative to traditional drinking water production systems. To achieve this, a literature study, a series of interviews with project owners and a multi-criteria analysis were conducted. The evaluated storm- and rainwater recycling systems performed well at both larger and smaller scales, although this was not uniform. Generally, more simple systems with minimal treatment performed better. The relative lack of experience with the systems, regulatory uncertainties as well as the cold climate were all challenges that the storm- and rainwater recycling systems faced. Broadly, the owners of the systems reported high levels of contentment with the systems and the quality of the water, but motivations for installing the systems varied between regions. Difficulties encountered generally pertained to issues that arose from the design, such as the storage being underdimensioned, or the turbidity of the water in open storage being too high, complicating treatment. There appears to be potential for applying storm- and rainwater recycling at scale in Scandinavia. In theory, such technologies deployed at scale could help ease the demand for drinking water in all Scandinavian nations. Overall, storm- and rainwater recycling may not be a panacea for the water-related challenges brought on by climate change and industrial activity, but they can be part of a solution and alleviate some issues like water shortages. / Detta examensarbete undersökte det aktuella tillståndet av dag- och regnvattenåtervinning för användningsområden där drickbart vatten inte behövs i Skandinavien, samt de lokala förhållanden och utmaningar som påverkar hållbarheten av dag- och regnvattenåtervinning. Studien hade särskilt fokus på hur existerande dag- och regnvattensystem har presterat, relativt till den ambitionsnivå som fanns hos systemägarna, samt att försöka att utvärdera hållbarheten av dessa relativt den traditionella skandinaviska dricksvattenproduktionen. För att åstadkomma detta så genomfördes en litteraturstudie, flertalet intervjuer samt en multikriterieanalys. De utvärderade dag- och regnvattenåtervinningssystemen presterade väl på både stor och liten skala, men samtliga gjorde inte det. Generellt så var det de enklare systemen med minimal behandling som presterade bättre. Den relativa bristen på erfarenhet med dessa system, osäkerheter angående lagar och förordningar, samt det kalla klimatet var utmaningar som mötte dag- och regnvattenåtervinningssystemen. Generellt så rapporterade ägarna av systemen en hög nivå av tillfredsställelse med hur dessa har fungerat i praktiken samt kvaliteten på vattnet, dock så varierade motiveringarna bakom installationerna mellan olika regioner. Svårigheter som uppstod berodde ofta på problem som uppkom från designen av systemet, exempelvis underdimensionering av lagringskapacitet eller för hög grumlighet i vattnet som försvårade behandling. Det verkar finnas potential för att använda dag- och regnvattenåtervinning på stor skala i Skandinavien, och storskalig applikation av dag- och regnvattenåtervinning skulle kunna bidra till att minska dricksvattenanvändningen i samtliga skandinaviska länder. Överlag så är kanske inte dag- och regnvattenåtervinnig en mirakellösning till vattenrelaterade utmaningar orsakat av klimatförändringar och industriell aktivitet. Dock så kan dag- och regnvattenåtervinning ändå vara en del av lösningen och lindra problem så som vattenbrist. / Drizzle-projektet
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Modelling the Hydraulic Response of Permeable Pavements: a Numerical and Experimental Approach for Model Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis to Design ParametersMadrazo Uribeetxebarria, Eneko 04 September 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los Pavimentos Permeables (PP) son una técnica de los denominados Sistemas Urbanos de Drenaje Sostenible (SUDS). A diferencia de otras técnicas de este tipo, proporciona una superficie dura transitable a la vez que gestiona las aguas pluviales superficiales, siendo sus propiedades hidráulicas fundamentales para su rendimiento como SUDS. Esta tesis explora el rendimiento hidráulico de los PP, basándose en el modelo hidrológico-hidráulico de PP proporcionado en el ampliamente utilizado Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). La tesis se presenta en un formato de tres artículos. Así, tras una aproximación a la pregunta general de investigación dada en el primer capítulo introductorio, el segundo capítulo del documento analiza qué parámetros son los más influyentes y cuáles son despreciables en el modelo, proporcionando un análisis de sensibilidad general. El siguiente capítulo explora la relación entre el modelo de PP de SWMM y el modelo de número de curva (CN), ampliamente utilizado, en lo que respecta a la escorrentía deducida por ambos modelos en función de la permeabilidad del pavimento. En el cuarto capítulo se analiza la respuesta del PP en condiciones experimentales controladas y se compara con el modelo de PP dado en SWMM. Tras una discusión general de los resultados en el quinto capítulo, se ofrecen unas conclusiones generales en el último. La tesis profundiza en el conocimiento del comportamiento hidráulico de los PP para ayudar a profesionales e investigadores en su caracterización. / [CA] Els Paviments Permeables (PP) són una tècnica dels denominats Sistemes Urbans de Drenatge Sostenible (SUDS). A diferència d'altres tècniques d'aquest tipus, proporciona una superfície dura transitable alhora que gestiona les aigües pluvials superficials, sent les seues propietats hidràuliques fonamentals per al seu rendiment com SUDS. Aquesta tesi explora el rendiment hidràulic dels PP, basant-se en el model hidrològic-hidràulic de PP proporcionat en l'àmpliament utilitzat Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). La tesi es presenta en un format de tres articles. Així, després d'una aproximació a la pregunta general d'investigació donada en el primer capítol introductori, el segon capítol del document analitza quins paràmetres són els més influents i quins són menyspreables en el model, proporcionant una anàlisi de sensibilitat general. El següent capítol explora la relació entre el model de PP de SWMM i el model de número de corba (CN), àmpliament utilitzat, pel que fa a l'escolament deduït per tots dos models en funció de la variable permeabilitat del paviment. En el quart capítol s'analitza la resposta del PP en condicions experimentals controlades i es compara amb el model de PP donat en SWMM. Després d'una discussió general dels resultats en el cinqué capítol, s'ofereixen unes conclusions generals en l'últim. La tesi aprofundix en el coneixement del comportament hidràulic dels PP per a ajudar a professionals i investigadors en la seua caracterització. / [EN] Permeable Pavements (PP) are a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) technique. Unlike other such techniques, it provides a transitable hard surface while managing surface stormwater, being its hydraulic properties fundamental for its performance as a SUDS. This dissertation explores the hydraulic performance of PPs, based on the hydrologic-hydraulic model of PP provided in the widely used Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The dissertation is presented in a \textit{three-paper} format. Accordingly, after an approach to the general research question given in the first introductory chapter, the second chapter of the document analyses which parameters are the most influential and which are negligible in the model by providing a general sensitivity analysis. The next chapter explores the relation between the PP model from SWMM and the widely used Curve Number (CN) model regarding runoff generated by both models and examines the relationship between both approaches based on the pavement permeability variable. The fourth chapter analyses the PP response under controlled experimental conditions and compares it with the PP model given in SWMM. After a general discussion of the results in the fifth chapter, general conclusions are given in the last chapter. The dissertation deepens the understanding of the hydraulic behaviour of PPs to help practitioners and researchers with its characterisation. / Madrazo Uribeetxebarria, E. (2023). Modelling the Hydraulic Response of Permeable Pavements: a Numerical and Experimental Approach for Model Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis to Design Parameters [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196085 / Compendio
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Internally Translated Cx43 Isoform GJA1-20k Affects Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Metastatic Cancer Cell BehaviorYoung, Kenneth Lee, II 08 August 2024 (has links)
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a trans-differentiation program essential for development and wound healing that is pathologically activated during cancer progression. During this process, cells undergo complex changes at the transcriptional and translational levels leading to dissolution of cell-cell junctions, loss of apical-basal polarity, and cytoskeleton reorganization. Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) is well-established in driving cancer progression through EMT induction. Remodeling of cellular junctions, including gap junctions, is critical to acquiring migratory and invasive characteristics during EMT. The gene GJA1 encodes for Connexin43 (Cx43), the most ubiquitously expressed gap junction protein where altered regulation of Cx43 is associated with cancer progression. Intriguingly, Cx43 mRNA undergoes alternative ‘internal’ translation initiation, generating N-terminally truncated isoforms, including GJA1-20k, which regulates Cx43 gap junction formation. We have previously demonstrated GJA1-20k expression is inhibited during TGF-β-induced EMT, limiting gap junction formation; however, the relationship between GJA1-20k modulation of gap junction localization and cellular invasion and migration remains unknown. Given the role GJA1-20k has in regulating gap junctions, we hypothesize that suppression of GJA1-20k expression promotes metastatic trait acquisition through limiting gap junction formation. Utilizing lentivirally transduced stable mouse mammary gland epithelial (NMuMG) and triple-negative human breast epithelial (MDA-MB-231) cells expressing GJA1-20k, or Lac Z as control, we tested effects on TGF-β-induced EMT induction and metastatic trait induction. Boyden chambers, would/scratch assays were employed to analyze cell invasion and migration respectively. We found GJA1-20k overexpression during EMT results in decreased cell invasion and migration to LacZ controls. Future directions include evaluation of GJA1-20k restoration in a metastatic breast cancer model in vivo. Investigating the underlying role of GJA1-20k in EMT-induced cell junction remodeling could be promising as a potential pharmacological target process independent of transcriptional or post-translational pathways. Ultimately, by adding novel information in the expanding and compelling field of translational control, this work could aid in developing the future of precision medicine as new therapeutic solutions to treat cancer will require limiting cancer cell’s ability to metastasize. / R01 HL132236 JWS
R41 CA250874 SL
R01HL132236 Diversity Supplement KLY II
23PRE1025483 AHA Predoctoral Fellowship KLY II / Doctor of Philosophy / Every organ system relies upon cell-to-cell communication to properly function and is the basis of multi-cellular life. Gap junctions are nanoscale conduits allowing the passage of small signaling molecules and ions between adjacent cells, similar to telephone tubes. Gap junctions are formed from proteins called connexins. Interestingly, it is well known that shorter pieces of connexin proteins can regulate the formation of gap junctions and are uniquely created by a process called alternative ‘internal’ translation. Changes in the amounts of short-length and full-length connexin proteins are often found in cancer cells. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Commonly, the morphology of cancer cells, and the way they communicate with neighboring cells, is altered. Cancer progression is aided by changes in cell signaling molecules, including TGF-β which can drive cancer cells to leave primary tumor sites and grow elsewhere in the body. This is important for the cancer cells to continue dividing and eventually metastasizing (invading other organ systems). Treating cancer once it has spread to other regions of the body is difficult and is the main cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Using TGF-β to model metastatic changes in mouse and human cell lines, we studied how short-length connexin protein affects metastatic cancer cell behavior. With this information we will be able to guide the development of druggable alternative ‘internal’ translation targets, by restoring the proper communication between neighboring cells and therefore preventing spread of cancer cells.
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Impacts of Climate Change on IDF Relationships for Design of Urban Stormwater SystemsSaha, Ujjwal January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Increasing global mean temperature or global warming has the potential to affect the hydrologic cycle. In the 21st century, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), alterations in the frequency and magnitude of high intensity rainfall events are very likely. Increasing trend of urbanization across the globe is also noticeable, simultaneously. These changes will have a great impact on water infrastructure as well as environment in urban areas. One of the impacts may be the increase in frequency and extent of flooding. India, in the recent years, has witnessed a number of urban floods that have resulted in huge economic losses, an instance being the flooding of Mumbai in July, 2005. To prevent catastrophic damages due to floods, it has become increasingly important to understand the likely changes in extreme rainfall in future, its effect on the urban drainage system, and the measures that can be taken to prevent or reduce the damage due to floods. Reliable estimation of future design rainfall intensity accounting for uncertainties due to climate change is an important research issue. In this context, rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships are one of the most extensively used hydrologic tools in planning, design and operation of various drainage related infrastructures in urban areas. There is, thus, a need for a study that investigates the potential effects
of climate change on IDF relationships.
The main aim of the research reported in this thesis is to investigate the effect of climate change on Intensity-Duration-Frequency relationship in an urban area. The rainfall in Bangalore City is used as a case study to demonstrate the applications of the methodologies developed in the research
Ahead of studying the future changes, it is essential to investigate the signature of changes in the observed hydrological and climatological data series. Initially, the yearly mean temperature records are studied to find out the signature of global warming. It is observed that the temperature of Bangalore City shows an evidence of warming trend at a statistical confidence level of 99.9 %, and that warming effect is visible in terms of increase of minimum temperature at a rate higher than that of maximum temperature. Interdependence studies between temperature and extreme rainfall reveal that up to a certain range, increase in temperature intensifies short term rainfall intensities at a rate more than the average rainfall. From these two findings, it is clear that short duration rainfall intensities may intensify in the future due to global warming and urban heat island effect. The possible urbanization signatures in the extreme rainfall in terms of intensification in the evening and weekends are also inferred, although inconclusively. The IDF relationships are developed with historical data and changes in the long term daily rainfall extreme characteristics are studied. Multidecedal oscillations in the daily rainfall extreme series are also examined. Further, non-parametric trend analyses of various indices of extreme rainfall are carried out to confirm that there is a trend of increase in extreme rainfall amount and frequency, and therefore it is essential to the study the effects of climate change on the IDF relationships of the Bangalore City.
Estimation of future changes in rainfall at hydrological scale generally relies on simulations of future climate provided by Global Climate Models (GCMs). Due to spatial and temporal resolution mismatch, GCM results need to be downscaled to get the information at station scale and at time resolutions necessary in the context of urban flooding. The downscaling of extreme rainfall characteristics in an urban station scale pose the following challenges: (1) downscaling methodology should be efficient enough to simulate rainfall at the tail of rainfall distribution (e.g., annual maximum rainfall), (2) downscaling at hourly or up to a few minutes temporal resolution is required, and (3) various uncertainties such as GCM uncertainties, future scenario uncertainties and uncertainties due to various statistical methodologies need to be addressed. For overcoming the first challenge, a stochastic rainfall generator is developed for spatial downscaling of GCM precipitation flux information to station scale to get the daily annual maximum rainfall series (AMRS). Although Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are meant to simulate precipitation at regional scales, they fail to simulate extreme events accurately. Transfer function based methods and weather typing techniques are also generally inefficient in simulating the extreme events. Due to its stochastic nature, rainfall generator is better suited for extreme event generation. An algorithm for stochastic simulation of rainfall, which simulates both the mean and extreme rainfall satisfactorily, is developed in the thesis and used for future projection of rainfall by perturbing the parameters of the rainfall generator for the future time periods. In this study, instead of using the customary two states (rain/dry) Markov chain, a three state hybrid Markov chain is developed. The three states used in the Markov chain are: dry day, moderate rain day and heavy rain day. The model first decides whether a day is dry or rainy, like the traditional weather generator (WGEN) using two transition probabilities, probabilities of a rain day following a dry day (P01), and a rain day following a rain day (P11). Then, the state of a rain day is further classified as a moderate rain day or a heavy rain day. For this purpose, rainfall above 90th percentile value of the non-zero precipitation distribution is termed as a heavy rain day. The state of a day is assigned based on transition probabilities (probabilities of a rain day following a dry day (P01), and a rain day following a rain day (P11)) and a uniform random number. The rainfall amount is generated by Monte Carlo method for the moderate and heavy rain days separately. Two different gamma distributions are fitted for the moderate and heavy rain days. Segregating the rain days into two different classes improves the process of generation of extreme rainfall. For overcoming the second challenge, i.e. requirement of temporal scales, the daily scale IDF ordinates are disaggregated into hourly and sub-hourly durations. Disaggregating continuous rainfall time series at sub-hourly scale requires continuous rainfall data at a fine scale (15 minute), which is not available for most of the Indian rain gauge stations. Hence, scale invariance properties of extreme rainfall time series over various rainfall durations are investigated through scaling behavior of the non-central moments (NCMs) of generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. The scale invariance properties of extreme rainfall time series are then used to disaggregate the distributional properties of daily rainfall to hourly and sub-hourly scale. Assuming the scaling relationships as stationary, future sub-hourly and hourly IDF relationships are developed.
Uncertainties associated with the climate change impacts arise due to existence of several GCMs developed by different institutes across the globe, climate simulations available for different
representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios, and the diverse statistical techniques available for downscaling. Downscaled output from a single GCM with a single emission scenario represents only a single trajectory of all possible future climate realizations and cannot be representative of the full extent of climate change. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of future projections should use the collective information from an ensemble of GCM simulations. In this study, 26 different GCMs and 4 RCP scenarios are taken into account to come up with a range of IDF curves at different future time periods. Reliability ensemble averaging (REA) method is used for obtaining weighted average from the ensemble of projections. Scenario uncertainty is not addressed in this study. Two different downscaling techniques (viz., delta change and stochastic rainfall generator) are used to assess the uncertainty due to downscaling techniques. From the results, it can be concluded that the delta change method under-estimated the extreme rainfall compared to the rainfall generator approach. This study also confirms that the delta change method is not suitable for impact studies related to changes in extreme events, similar to some earlier studies. Thus, mean IDF relationships for three different future extreme events, similar to some earlier studies. Thus, mean IDF relationships for three different future
periods and four RCP scenarios are simulated using rainfall generator, scaling GEV method, and REA method. The results suggest that the shorter duration rainfall will invigorate more due to climate change. The change is likely to be in the range of 20% to 80%, in the rainfall intensities across all durations.
Finally, future projected rainfall intensities are used to investigate the possible impact of climate change in the existing drainage system of the Challaghatta valley in the Bangalore City by running the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for historical period, and the best and the worst case scenario for three future time period of 2021–2050, 2051–2080 and 2071–2100. The results indicate that the existing drainage is inadequate for current condition as well as for future scenarios. The number of nodes flooded will increase as the time period increases, and a huge change in runoff volume is projected. The modifications of the drainage system are suggested by providing storage pond for storing the excess high speed runoff in order to restrict the width of the drain The main research contribution of this thesis thus comes from an analysis of trends of extreme rainfall in an urban area followed by projecting changes in the IDF relationships under climate change scenarios and quantifying uncertainties in the projections.
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Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Super-Resolution Without Grid / Analyse numérique et théorique de la super-résolution sans grilleDenoyelle, Quentin 09 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'utilisation du BLASSO, un problème d'optimisation convexe en dimension infinie généralisant le LASSO aux mesures, pour la super-résolution de sources ponctuelles. Nous montrons d'abord que la stabilité du support des solutions, pour N sources se regroupant, est contrôlée par un objet appelé pré-certificat aux 2N-1 dérivées nulles. Quand ce pré-certificat est non dégénéré, dans un régime de petit bruit dont la taille est contrôlée par la distance minimale séparant les sources, le BLASSO reconstruit exactement le support de la mesure initiale. Nous proposons ensuite l'algorithme Sliding Frank-Wolfe, une variante de l'algorithme de Frank-Wolfe avec déplacement continu des amplitudes et des positions, qui résout le BLASSO. Sous de faibles hypothèses, cet algorithme converge en un nombre fini d'itérations. Nous utilisons cet algorithme pour un problème 3D de microscopie par fluorescence en comparant trois modèles construits à partir des techniques PALM/STORM. / This thesis studies the noisy sparse spikes super-resolution problem for positive measures using the BLASSO, an infinite dimensional convex optimization problem generalizing the LASSO to measures. First, we show that the support stability of the BLASSO for N clustered spikes is governed by an object called the (2N-1)-vanishing derivatives pre-certificate. When it is non-degenerate, solving the BLASSO leads to exact support recovery of the initial measure, in a low noise regime whose size is controlled by the minimal separation distance of the spikes. In a second part, we propose the Sliding Frank-Wolfe algorithm, based on the Frank-Wolfe algorithm with an added step moving continuously the amplitudes and positions of the spikes, that solves the BLASSO. We show that, under mild assumptions, it converges in a finite number of iterations. We apply this algorithm to the 3D fluorescent microscopy problem by comparing three models based on the PALM/STORM technics.
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