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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moderní metody marketingu / Modern Methods in Marketing

Jandová, Pavlína January 2007 (has links)
Traditional marketing methods are losing their effectiveness and credibility. It has been worse and worse to communicate with customers, and marketers are therefore looking for new techniques and way how to appeal buyers. They turn to the use of modern marketing methods, which typical features are possibility of accurate targeting and low costs, and, also, the fact that they are still not considered being a classic promotion. In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis the alternative marketing forms are described; word-of-mouth, product placement, guerilla marketing, mobile marketing, event marketing and social marketing. Their main features, forms, pros and cons are analyzed, and a practical example is included. The analytic part of the work is dedicated to a company of Budějovický Budvar, n. p. and a launch of a new product Pardál to the Czech beer market at the beginning of 2007. This very important step in the history of the Budějovický Budvar brewery was preceded by a detailed company strategic marketing analysis. This resulted in a decision of an unusual and original new product development and brand launch based on event and buzz marketing principles. The opportunity to influence the final attributes of the new product was given to the very customers -- beer drinkers. They participated in a project called "My New Beer" where the final taste and name of the beer was determined, and they also cooperated at a launch communication campaign of the Pardál brand in the Czech Republic. Significant sales and marketing results were achieved, and the unoriginal product development process and its marketing have been discussed by marketing specialists and professional media since. The brand has entrenched in the Czech beer market and has strengthened its position.

台灣中小企業硬碟代理商之策略行銷分析 -以 J 公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Small and Mediumsized Enterprise in Taiwan HDD agents: A Case Study of Company J

朱騏, Chu, Chi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣中小企業林立,我們常聽到在台灣經濟奇蹟背後這些中小企業功不可沒, 《2013 年中小企業白皮書》(2013,頁2)中提及到「2012 年全球經濟受限於歐美先進國家經濟體就業情勢改善遲延,以及財政樽節支出、國際金融動盪,且逐漸 波及新興經濟體發展等影響,整體成長力道減弱,仍延續2011 年的疲軟走勢。 受國際景氣影響甚深的台灣環境,亦持續低迷,惟在內外艱困的環境之下,台灣 中小企業卻有亮眼的表現」。然而中小企業在經營模式上以代工式(OEM)經營為 主的小規模經濟體發展亦受到限制,例如在人力資源課題上就面臨到無法招募及 留住良好的人才、在行銷觀念於財務觀念上相較缺乏能力、生產要素成本持續提 升…等等,都侷限住中小企業的發展。因此中小企業未來如要增強競爭力,勢必 在服務的提供上須做出加值化的動作-也就是利用新方式將技術、產品或服務加 以修正改善以創造出更高的價值,靠成本硬碰硬的廝殺已經愈來愈不可行。 本研究選擇台灣一中小企業硬碟代理商-J 公司為研究對象;J 公司於1990 年設立於台灣台北,早期以貿易商起家並且無特定販賣之產品,後來在因緣巧合 之下,得到了美國威騰電子股份有限公司(WD)的硬碟代理權,其後便將產品主 力放在販售威騰硬碟之上。本研究透過訪談J 公司經營者對WD 硬碟的銷售做 法,搭配邱志聖(2010)策略行銷4C 架構來分析J 公司代理產品銷售的成功經驗。 經過本論文之研究,J 公司目前雖在專屬陷入成本(C4)上碰到困難,但如果能擴 增其他產品線代理、善用其底下服務公司的核心服務能力來創造加值服務,就可 以在未來繼續成長。

群眾募資平台之策略行銷分析:以Kickstarter、flyingV為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Crowdfunding Platforms: The Cases of Kickstarter and flyingV

梁育馨, Liang,Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路普及率日益升高的現今,各式各樣以網路作為媒介的商業模式快速興起,而平台的概念更顛覆了過往的使用習慣,藉由將使用者群聚在同一虛擬環境中,使他們之間產生互動與交流,許多商業價值便從中應運而生。透過同邊與跨邊網路效應的發酵,不斷累積用戶數、建構使用平台的慣性,久而久之便加深了用戶的黏著度,也增加了移轉成本。 本研究便著重於近年來平台商業模式的新概念:群眾募資,探討其如何跨越過往繁複的籌資手續,創造出一個可供擁有創意專案的提案者及擁有資金的贊助者媒合的場域。先分別對全球群眾募資產業和台灣群眾募資產業概況做出簡單的分析,知曉目前的大環境趨勢及台灣的市場發展潛力,並以美國的Kickstarter和台灣的flyingV兩間群眾募資平台作為個案研究對象。在了解兩個案的發展現況、營運模式後,再以策略行銷4C架構剖析兩者建立出平台機制以處理用戶的四項交易成本。 而研究結果發現,雖然兩者在政經環境及市場規模上的差異造成經營成效上的落差,但除去外在的先天因素後,Kickstarter相較於flyingV,建構出的4C循環更加完善,也使其自創立以來一直穩居全球群眾募資界的龍頭地位。而flyingV雖然在台灣擁有最高的市佔率,但在平台本身的4C架構上仍有許多成長空間,因此本研究最終以Kickstarter為範本,對flyingV在現行環境下的營運模式以4C架構做出建議,期許flyingV未來能持續發展,成為亞洲群眾募資平台的領導品牌。

以策略行銷分析架構探討中國嬰幼兒營養食品業之銷售模式-以味全生技食品公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Sales In China Baby Food

陳皇璁, Chen, Huang Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸目前為全世界人口數最多的國家,總人口數高達十三億五千萬人,根據中國國家統計局統計結果,中國出生率近十年來平均為1.21%,而零到六歲人口則約有九千萬人。此外,中國實施一胎化的政策之下,孩童一出生後,家長便開始針對孩童的成長所需,購買各種營養品。在這樣的人口以及政策條件下,中國孩童營養品市場非常蓬勃興盛,於全年中國婴幼兒奶粉市場報告(2012)中顯示,在婴幼兒奶粉2012全年銷售額部分,高達人民幣三百八十五億元。因此,本研究透過個案研究法,探討一家台資企業如何在中國這蓬勃的嬰幼兒食品市場進行銷售,研究該食品加工業的銷售方法與過程,並輔以策略行銷架構分析此個案公司在交易中產生的各項成本,而針對此食品加工業給予銷售管理上的探討與建議。 本研究在內容上,主要架構在於以八大銷售步驟為主軸,探討此食品加工業在針對個人(B2C)銷售,以及企業對企業(B2B)銷售方法上,分別會有哪些做法。同時,本論文加入邱志聖(2010)的策略行銷觀點,讓實務上的銷售技巧能有理論架構的支持,歸納出不同銷售模式下,所產生的四大交易成本的共通及相異之處。最後再次以策略行銷架構,在目前的公司條件以及產業現況下,給予個案公司在每個成本管理上,應該如何管理的策略建議。 研究結果發現,企業在針對B2C銷售上,於每一個銷售步驟中都會注意到與本身的品牌是否契合,包括:銷售商家的挑選、品牌代言人的建立、品牌活動的舉辦等,因此如何降低買者的搜尋成本及道德危機成本將是B2C的銷售關鍵。相對地,B2B的銷售來說,如何建立第一筆交易,進一步讓商家來轉介其他商家來與我們合作,將有效降低道德危機成本,將會是B2B銷售的關鍵。

業務發展與通路管理之策略行銷分析—以消費性電子產業A公司在馬來西亞為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of business development and channel management: a case study of consumer electronic company A in Malaysia

張文馨, Chang, Wen Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在全球電子產業具舉足輕重之地位,全球化浪潮下,台灣品牌之筆記型電腦擴張至全球世界各地,全靠海外業務到海外市場、設立通路、銷售並提高品牌市場佔有率。本研究分享消費性電子產業個案A公司進入馬來西亞且成功建立銷售渠道之個案,並以邱志聖(2010)策略行銷分析4C架構分析實際做法,討論個案公司如何利用與上下游不同個體之交易關係,牽制其他交易對象並且提高自己的議價力,以提供業務人員在面對新興市場時之業務發展與通路管理之思考架構。 不同市佔率情況下所進行之資源分配有所不同。個案公司初入馬來西亞市場時,選擇三大代理商協助處理銷售之金流、物流、資訊流,以降低各交易成本。但為避免被代理商專屬陷入,業務發展至一定程度後開始向下管理至下游經銷商,利用挑選銷售額高的經銷商成為重點經銷商,進行重點式的通路管理,使經銷商反要求代理商進貨個案公司筆記型電腦,加強個案公司對代理商之議價力,向上游制衡代理商。當市佔率漸提高時,開始有預算更向下游之一般消費者溝通,並且建議利用過去累積之客戶關係管理工具,發展「積點制度」,提高品牌商對消費者之資產專屬性。 / Globalization has led Taiwanese manufacturers to expand their brands globally, especially in consumer electronic industry. This raises important topics including the role of overseas salesperson, establishing overseas sales channel and introducing products overseas. This research discusses how company A sells notebook in Malaysia using 4C strategic marketing theory, with the purpose to provide oversea salesperson an insight and overview of how to establish and sell when first enter a foreign market, as well as how to increase bargaining power using incentive mechanisms and how to allocate resources to different oversea entities with scenarios of different market share. When Company A first entered Malaysia, it chose to have its distributors to handle cash, and provide it with logistics and information system to lower costs. Later on, company A started to have KDP (Key Dealer Program) for better relationship management with its dealers. In this case, company A leveraged the relationship with dealers to increase its bargaining power toward distributors. When the company obtained sufficient market shares, it then start to do marketing campaigns to increase its bargaining power with its dealers and distributors.

中信兄弟隊粉絲經營與球隊管理之策略分析 / The Strategic Analyses of Brother Baseball Club’s Fans and Team Management

張家銘, Chang, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
中信兄弟棒球隊為中華職棒元老球隊之一,為了能夠更瞭解球隊管理與粉絲經營的詳細情形,本研究採用質性研究方法,以深度訪談的方式與中信兄弟行銷企劃部球隊顧問張樹人先生進行約九十分鐘的訪談,並將訪談所得之結果與二手相關資料之蒐集,透過策略行銷4C分析模型架構的分析,整理如以下三點: 1. 中信兄弟隊現階段是將組織內大部分的運作功能,外包給其他公司合作,以簽訂合作契約的方式來進行。短期能即時發揮綜效,但中長期而言,中信兄弟隊必須還是要擁有自己的營運團隊,否則會仰人鼻息受到箝制。 2. 中信兄弟隊對於台灣職棒圈而言,是相當具有代表性的一支球隊。擁有近三十年的成軍歷史,奪下史上最多半季冠軍和二次三連霸的創舉,在台灣棒壇可說是史無前例;此外在易主之後,更具備相當豐沛的資源可供運用,不僅有資金可以簽下自由球員、與球員談薪資,在主場方面也擁有台中洲際棒球場,並將重心放在推廣區域經濟上。 3. 中信兄弟隊在營運管理方面遇到一些問題,如:與前東家兄弟大飯店之間的權利義務關係尚未完全釐清;供應商贊助的部分則是有中信兄弟自己堅持的想法,導致與供應商之間的關係有待努力;在主場認養上起步較晚,如何能夠順利趕上其他球隊的進度並且成功帶動區域經濟,是一項很重要的課題。 / Brothers Baseball Club is one of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) veteran teams. In order to better understand the detailed cases about team management and how to attract baseball fans, this study used qualitative research methods to design interview outlines, and conducted a ninety-minute interview with Edward Chang, the consultant of Brothers Baseball Club Marketing Planning Department. Based on the results obtained from interviews and the relevant second-hand information used are summarized as follows: 1. Brothers Baseball Club outsourced most of the operational function sectors and signed cooperation contracts with these companies. In fact, short-term synergies can be immediately evaluated; however, when it comes to long term scenarios, Brothers Baseball Club must cultivate their own operational teams; otherwise they would lose their competitive advantages and be threatened by other competitors. 2. Established more than thirty years, Brothers Baseball Club won the most Season Championship Titles and owned the record of two-time Third Consecutive in Taiwan CPBL series; these accomplishments are unique and honorable in Taiwan baseball history. Moreover, abundant resources can be manipulated by the Club such as salary policies and free agents competition. Also, Brothers Baseball Club manages Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium as its home court, and would focus on the promotion of the regional economy. 3. Brothers Baseball Club encountered in several operating issues, such as: the rights and obligations between the former owner, the Brother Hotel, has not been fully clarified; Supplier sponsorship is an another problem Brothers Baseball Club needs to solve, resulting in misunderstandings with suppliers; Home court adoption is a late start, how to catch up with the smooth progress of the other three teams and how to achieve regional economic success are both very important issues.

以4C架構探討中國顧問式行銷策略運用 / Research the Operating of Consultant Marketing in China Based on 4C Strategic Marketing Analysis

向書賢, Hsiang, Austin Unknown Date (has links)

以4C理論制定企業採購決策分析模型評估屬性 / Using 4C theory in establishing appraisal attributes for corporate purchasing decision analysis model

李慰祖, Lee, Wei Chu Unknown Date (has links)
企業的採購活動必須考慮產業及市場的因素,並以企業的策略目標作為指導原則,尋找最佳的供應商與產品或服務。多屬性決策分析技術是企業常用於選擇最佳方案的工具,尤其是SMART簡易多屬性評等技術是最早發展也最常被應用的量化分析工具。但是多屬性的決策分析工具皆是以傳統數學模型發展出來的量化分析工具,對於半結構或多元性的方案選擇,缺乏具有系統性且客觀的評估屬性建立方法,並且欠缺值化屬性的權重設定依據。 策略行銷分析4C理論的四項成本變數,可以作為SMART簡易多屬性評等技術的根本目標,並且可以各項成本變數的因子作為建立評估屬性的根據;4C理論同時也提供了影響各項成本的因素,可以作為權重設定的參考。 本研究嘗試結合策略行銷分析4C理論與SMART簡易多屬性評等技術,以建立4C-SMART企業採購決策分析模型。並且透過兩個簡單但實際的案例演練,以4C-SMART模型產生量化的數據結果,作為採購決策者的分析依據,來推導並且證實4C-SMART應用於企業採購實務的可能性。 / The factors of industry and market are usually taken into account in corporate purchasing activities. Purchasing tends to find the best suppliers as well as best products and services under the guidelines of corporate strategic objectives. Multiple Attribute Decision Analysis, MADA, is the most common tool to select the best solution among options. Simple Multi-Attribute Ranking Technique, SMART, is the earliest developed quantitative tool of MADA and has been widely adopted by corporate purchasing. However, MADA tools are constructed on the basis of traditional mathematic models. When coping with semi-structural and diversified options, the MADA tools lack of systematic and objective methods of constructing attributes and do not provide criteria for setting weights against qualitative attributes. The four cost variables in Strategic Marketing Analysis, also known as 4C theory, can be used for setting the fundamental objectives of SMART model. 4C theory also provides factors under the four cost variables as criteria for setting attributes. The factors which influence the variation of the four costs can be adopted as criteria for setting weights. This research tried to integrate 4C theory and SMART technique to create a 4C-SMART purchasing analysis model. Through the practices of two simple but practical cases, the model helped to generate quantitative results as evidences for purchasing decision maker’s analysis and deduced the possibility of applying the model in practical corporate purchasing.

FMCG產業品牌建構成功關鍵因素探討 -以A居家生活用品廠商為例 / Successful Factor of Brand Construction for FMCG Industry

鄧弼文 Unknown Date (has links)
FMCG快速移動消費性產品泛指商品使用週期較短、產品消費速度較快、消費者需要不斷重複購買的產品,由於消費者對此種產品的涉入程度低、認知品牌間產品特性差異不大,為了提高市佔率,企業常會以品牌價值創造做為行銷要點,因此,本研究主要依據邱志聖教授所提出的「4C策略行銷分析架構」,就FMCG買方面對品牌廠商所投入的行銷組合的價值評估,與賣方在交易過程獲得品牌權益累積的作法,以雙方所投入的四種成本:外顯單位效益成本 (C1)、資訊搜尋成本(C2)、道德危機成本(C3) 以及專屬陷入成本(C4) ,找出品牌發展與建構的成功關鍵因素。 採用居家領導品牌案例並針對產品生命週期的產品導入期、成長期等品牌建構、發展時期進行成功因素分析,發現: 1.就產品導入、品牌建構期: 品牌建構的基礎是商品,品牌廠商必須確保消費者獲得與品牌承諾一致的C1商品品質與效益,產品的開發策略也必須聚焦於產品本身的關鍵技術或者利基開發滿足各種消費者需求,且能不斷提升與累積其使用產品總效益的產品組合延伸,再透過有效的C2投資,建議採用中央路徑直接溝通品牌的商品獨特利益,並採用整合性的行銷傳播媒體傳遞一致的商品訊息與品牌形象,建立一致清楚的品牌內涵並系統性的累積品牌資產。品牌建構的過程必須在商品上市前即對於可能的C3成本建立有效的管控做法與危機處理機制,而持續透過與買者C1效益連結為品牌商品的專屬資產,透過C2活動建立的品牌印象累積品牌專屬資產C4,建立品牌忠誠。 2.就產品成長、品牌發展期: 維持品牌商品的穩定產品品質與運用關鍵技術進入新區隔市場或者產品線延伸都是持續降低消費者外顯單位效益成本C1的有效做法,再透過活用不同的溝通通路與新興科技整合傳遞一致的定位與商品、品牌訊息,降低消費者C2並持續累積品牌C1效益訊息傳遞進而建立品牌的專屬資產C4。品牌發展階段C3的管理控制作業甚或危機處理致關重要,所提及穩定的C1產品品質、透過C2建立C4品牌信任感、面對品牌競爭的C2回應操作都是控制或降低道德危機成本C3的關鍵因素。自品牌建構期到發展期必須定義清楚與系統性的累積消費者對於該品牌的技術方案產品效益、品牌印象偏好等品牌的專屬陷入成本C4,持續的追蹤與運用C4創造更深厚的品牌資產,產生態度與行為的忠誠,促使品牌永續的發展。

行動支付之策略行銷分析:以微信支付、LINE Pay為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Mobile Payment: The Cases of WeChat Pay and LINE Pay

續嘉揚, Hsu, Chia Yang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技不斷地進步與網際網路的日益普及,消費者手中的智慧型手機似乎早已不限用於傳統的通話功能。作者在十幾年前就曾幻想過,如果將來出門在外身上可以只攜帶一支手機,那該有多好。沒想到當初天真爛漫的想像,轉眼幾年後便已幾乎實現。隨著相機、手電筒、地圖、筆記本、隨身聽……等等逐一被我們放進智慧型手機裡,手機已經不再只是手機。而近年來大眾開始把「錢」放進手機,許多企業也紛紛推出「結合手機與錢」這種概念的各式產品與服務。當供給端與需求端都已出現時,行動支付產業就此產生。 行動支付有許多應用與模式,本研究主要針對兩個以即時通訊應用程式為初始業務的案例―微信以及LINE進行探討。兩家案例公司都是在原有業務成長至一定規模後,開始發展新興行動支付業務,分別為:微信發展微信支付,LINE發展LINE Pay。本研究不僅透過資料瞭解這兩個案例之發展歷程、營運模式以及現況;同時藉由策略行銷4C理論架構,逐步分析這兩個案例是如何各自處理交換關係中的四個成本。 研究結果發現,歷經了差不多的光陰,兩個案例所呈現出的現況卻是天壤之別。儘管兩者因為政治環境、市場規模,以及所面對之消費者習慣上的差異,導致經營成效有所落差。不過排除這些先天因素,微信支付相較於LINE Pay,確實於各階段將4C策略執行地更加完善,並因此推動4C良性循環。LINE Pay本身對於4C架構仍有許多進步空間,本研究最終建議LINE Pay可以參考微信支付部分作法,並針對台灣市場適度調整,期許LINE Pay能順利啟動4C良性循環,為自己創造長期競爭優勢。 / With the advances of technology and the popularization of the internet, nowadays smartphones can perform several functions besides communication (e.g., camera, flashlight, map, notebook, Walkman). Moreover, people begin “putting” the money on their smartphones in recent years. Many corporations have also launched new products or services featuring the combination of mobile phone and money. As the growth of both supply and demand in the market, the mobile payment industry has gradually formed. There are many kinds of application and models in the mobile payment industry. This thesis concentrates the attention on two instant messaging companies―WeChat and LINE. Both companies began expanding mobile payment business―WeChat Pay and LINE Pay―after their original business grew mature. This thesis not only reviews the development history and business models of two companies, but also uses the 4C analysis framework to analyze how they dealt with the four transaction costs. The study shows that the operating results of WeChat Pay and LINE Pay are very different. There is still room for LINE Pay to grow. Although WeChat Pay and LINE Pay face quite distinct political environment, market size, and consumers, the thesis suggests that LINE pay can refer to the strategies and methods of WeChat Pay, and make some adjustments so as to successfully create the positive 4C cycle and long-term competitive advantage.

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