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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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兒童產業之經營創新個案研究探討 / A case study on strategy innovation of children industries

劉芳伶, Liu, Fang Ling Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀現有的兒童產業界,採取策略性長期投資經營的企業為數並不多,在市場日益競爭及營運規模調節之間,商業利益與身負兒童紮根教育使命的考量經常難兩全,以致兒教經營業者極少數會長期投資建置客戶資訊管理平台及定期提升企業管理優化的解決方案。本論文將以日商個案公司之海外合作為個案,探究個案公司自有的經營模式以及結盟開展的商業互補策略合作模式,朝企業創造最大合作經營綜效方向尋找合作夥伴,讓原有自營的傳統模式,產生了突破性的新會員與營收拉升效益,形成海外子公司之異業通路結盟創新個案模式。與結盟廠商互蒙其利的合作架構與理念下,個案公司期許要在中國市場開展新形態會員服務模式,成為最佳兒童教育服務業的領導品牌。 本研究擬以個案分析法來研究日商個案公司之海外經營策略,了解現行公司面臨的市場競合問題,運用司徒達賢教授之「策略矩陣分析法」策略型態六大構面為分析基礎,藉策略矩陣的形成,來闡述產業價值鏈與經營績效管理上的策略涵義及競爭優勢,提出企業的問題關鍵點,探討企業轉型變革思考。在面對全球景氣循環不穩及日本人口紅利快速下降環境下,兒童產業的多角化經營,讓個案公司重新思考海外市場的通路創新經營,以最佳商業模式、競爭策略來創造其幼兒市場新契機與整合價值。

我國銀行業經營策略之研究─策略矩陣分析法應用 / The Research of Strategies of Banking Industry in Taiwan - The Application of Strategic Matrix Analysis

曾緒良, Tseng, Shiuh Liang Unknown Date (has links)
銀行業是以公共利益為依歸的服務業,與社會經濟活動息息相關,所以在經營上受到政府法令的嚴密管制。近年來由於我國金融環境趨向自由化、國際化,各項金融法規隨之放寬,因而導致銀行業競爭日驅白熱化,傳統的銀行業務愈來愈難以為繼,銀行業者亟需提升本身競爭實力,以迎接環境的挑戰。本研究主要以司徒達賢所設計的「策略矩陣分析法」,進行我國銀行業之產業與競爭分析,從而提供銀行業者在經營實務上的策略建議。   本研究預期之研究成果為:一、利用策略矩陣分析法,進行我國銀行業之產業分析。二、利用策略矩陣分析法,針對銀行業者進行事業策略之分析。三、對國內銀行業者提出經營策略上之建議。   本研究採取定性的個案研究法,以國內的五家銀行(臺灣中小企業銀行、上海商業儲蓄銀行、富邦商業銀行、花旗銀行、法商百利銀行)為個案。主要研究方式是針對各個案銀行的策略作法做一歷史回顧,並針對策略上之轉變進行階段的劃分,將各項策略作法解析為各種策略要素之組合,並在策略矩陣上以圖示方法表現出來,同時檢討各策略所對應之環境前提與條件前提,以明瞭各項策略作法背後的邏輯觀念與各家銀行之策略構想。   本研究的結論如下:   .不同條件的銀行,處於相同環境之下,其主要經營策略有相當程度之差異。   .採行不同策略的銀行,所認知的攸關環境前提與條件前提並不全然相同。   .我國銀行業者的策略變化,其原因通常是由於環境的變遷,而受本身條件的影響則相對較少。   .環境與條件前提的適當配合,才能使銀行的策略達成預期效果。   .資金、人力資源、與專業能力是銀行業的重要資源。   .不斷尋求產品類型的多元化或創新,以及服務品質的提昇,是大多數國內銀行業者的策略方向。

我國廣告代理產業經營策略之分析-策略矩陣分析法之應用 / Business strategy analysis of advertising agencies in Taiwan - The application of strategic matrix analysis

龔瑩儀, Kung, Ying I Unknown Date (has links)
我國的廣告代理業在外商廣告公司的加入及刺激之下經歷了多次的改變,從早期的業務員掮客制度到現在廣告機能成熟的綜合廣告代理機制,其實都是許多業者不同策略作為所塑造的結果,由於廣告業為引申性需求產業,其榮枯與否多半和廣告主的滿意程度有關,所以以往的研究多半是偏重在廣告效果的探討,但是其實在高度顧客導向的產業,尚存在多可供策略創新的領域,足以使高度競爭下的業者能夠生存的比較好,為了避免廣告代理業者在策略思考時有掛一漏萬的遺憾,所以本研究側重在運用『策略矩陣分析法』做演練,將廣告代理業者實際決策時可納用的各種變數含進此架構中,以供檢討及激發策略走向之用。   本研究的目的有七,分別為:一、歸納廣告產業的產業價值鏈及攸關的產業策略要素。二、透過廣告產業策略要素分析,找出在不同策略群組下各別使用了哪些策略要素以找出產業及組間的主要特色來歸納出產業關鍵成功要素。三、透過廣告產業價值鏈及策略群組,說明各相關廠商的競爭地位。四、描述受訪廠商在面對環境衝擊時的個體及策略作為。五、整理產業的發展軌跡對應的各種前提。六、提出對廣告代理產業未來發展之建議。七、檢驗策略矩陣分析法在服務業的合用性及提出進一步改良的建議。   本研究主要是採個案研究法,以國內六家廣告代理業者為研究對象,研究方法是將各個案公司的過去作為拆解為不同的策略要素,並訪問其作為對應的環境前提及條件前提,再將之整合到策略矩陣的架構之中。本研究的結論如下:   一、廣告代理業者所重視的策略要素不盡相同,在不同的總體環境及產業環境前提下,廣告公司會採取不同或是相同的策略要素,完全視其對條件/環境的感受而定。二、廣告公司前期的策略會影響廣告公司下一階段對條件人環境的感受。三、檢視不同廣告公司在不同的時段都重視的策略要素,可以發現產業業者的經營重心及可供精進的領域。檢視同一廣告公司在不同時段都重視的策略要素可以發現公司的策略性核心資源。四、對應了不同前提,廣告公司會採取不同的策略構面因應,由於前提約有效性隨時間之改變,會使企業前階段的策略正確性下降,促使企業採行新的策略成為,讓下一階段的前提與策略更加吻合五、針對某一項重大的環境衝擊,企業由於本身條件的不同,是以採用的因應策略會不盡相同,即使採行同一策略要素,但實行上的做法也不一定一樣。六、每一個策略群組成員掌控的價值活動不同,提供了業者合作及聯盟的空間。七、廣告公司擬定策略方案的基本傾向,是較偏重資源基礎或是外界環境機會的掌控,袖規模並沒有絕對關係。   本研究對廣告代理業的建議為:   一、大型廣告代理業者應致力於傳播集團綜效的發揮,使經營成本降低。   二、廣告代理業者應專注於人力加值的價值活動   三、中小型的廣告公司應走專門化路線。   四、研擬產業共識的管道及網路關係應盡早建立。   五、利用地理區域局部優勢連續轉進

我國資訊硬體產業經營策略之研究-策略矩陣分析法之應用 / The Business Strategy of the Computer Industry in Taiwan

詹聖生, Chan, Sheng Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃由檢視資訊硬體產業環境開始,透過產業發展沿革、歷程、階段及競爭現況的資料及相關文獻,對產業的現況與經營內容有初步的了解。其次,藉由資訊硬體產業價值鏈的開展及探討,了解產業中作業流程的詳細狀況,並藉由專家意見及文獻資料的整理,配合策略矩陣中所發展之策略形態六大構面,及產業價值鏈整理歸納所得的內容,來進行產業的策略點及策略要素的分析。對產業內所有產業靜態及動態的策略作為及特性,作詳細的探討。並根據產業分析所得的策略點及策略要素,配合個別公司境條件、前提的檢驗,來檢視個別公司所採取的策略作為。   本研究的目的有五:1.我國資訊硬體產業中,廠商的事業經營策略構想為何?這些策略構想背後所持的理由為何?2.這些策略構想是如何與環境的變動及廠商本身的條件相配合的?而策略構想或策略作為間之因果關係為何?3.企業運用這些策略作為或策略構想?是想達成怎樣的目標?或建構何種競爭優勢或競爭武器?4.資訊硬體產業中,企業用以競爭的武器或優勢有那些,它們是如何形成的,是如何確保的,會達成怎樣的效果?5.運用「策略矩陣分析法」是否會使上述問題及策略構想之分析更為便利與豐富?   本研究採用深度訪談配合個案研究法,針對國內資訊硬體產業中廠商為研究對象,作產業之分析。並以四家在國內具有代表性之廠商為個案研究對象,作個案之探討。結論如下:   一、隨著廠商階段性的任務不同,廠商所採取的策略要素亦不大相同。   二、好的策略構想,必須要符合環境前提及條件前提。   三、由個案分析的結果顯示,就時間的連續性而言,策略的構想是根據環境、條件所做一連串策略的組合。   四、由個案分析中可以發現,每家公司根據其所面臨之環境及本身之條件之不同,所採取之策略構想亦不相同。   五、針對產業中廠商常用之策略要素及競爭武器作一評估整理,及針對產業內自有品牌之爭議作一分析整理。

Intelligence financière et statistique zipfienne : deux outils au service de la prise de position des marchés financiers. Application au cas des entreprises vietnamiennes non financières / Financial intelligence and statistics zipfienne : two tools with the service of the standpoint on the financial markets. Application to the case of the Vietnamese not-financial companies

Dang, Tran Dong 30 November 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte économique mondialisé, les prises de position d’achat et/ou de vente sur les marchés financiers obéissent à des logiques qui échappent parfois à la rationalité (bulle spéculative…). Les prévisionnistes et les analystes financiers mobilisent une boite à outil statistique pour connaître les tendances futures à partir de l’étude des tendances passées. Cette boite à outils repose sur l’hypothèse de normalité des lois statistiques sous jacentes ce qui autorise des logiques d’inférence statistique, de test, de corrélation... On a pu observer par le passé que les résultats de ces projections ont souvent été miss à défaut : la crise financière que nous traversons correspond par exemple à un choc difficilement prévisible même s’il fait l’objet d’une rationalisation a posteriori. Notre objectif, partant de ce constat, est de renouveler les approches traditionnelles des prévisionnistes et analystes financiers en mobilisant deux approches complémentaires : l’intelligence économique appliquée au domaine financier et l’utilisation de techniques modernes de gestion de l’imprévisible. Dans ce travail interdisciplinaire, notre approche s’inspire tout d’abord du concept d’image, de réputation d'une entreprise cible et de la démarche du cycle de renseignement issue de l’approche de l’intelligence économique. De plus, nous pouvons compléter notre démarche à travers les travaux de Nassim Nicolas Taleb. Nous mobilisons enfin le concept de force de situation (François Julien) pour renforcer la décision des investisseurs institutionnels en situation d’incertitude. Pour valider notre contribution théorique, nous avons choisi le Vietnam comme terrain de recherche. A partir d’une approche qualitative conduite auprès de gérants de portefeuilles Vietnamiens, nous avons pu connaître mieux leurs pratiques de prises de décisions, les critères d’évaluation d’investissement différents issus des analyses de matrices stratégiques, leur perception de la réputation et le rôle de l’intelligence financière dans leur processus d’investissement. Nous proposons alors une méthode qualitative reposant sur la réputation pour caractériser le degré de robustesse d’une organisation à des chocs et élaborons en outre un système de renseignement financier en prenant en compte la hiérarchie des critères d’évaluation d’investissement des gérants de portefeuilles Vietnamiens. Notre démarche est illustrée par l’étude de cas d'une entreprise aquacole Vietnamienne. / In the context of economic globalization, the stand point of purchase and/or sale on the financial market obeys logics which escape sometimes rationality (speculative bubbles…).The forecasters and the financial analysts mobilize one statistical toolbox in order to know the future trends based on the study of the last trends.This toolbox builds on the assumption of normality of the statistical laws underlying which authorizes logics of statistical inference, test, correlation… We could observe in the past which the results of these projections were often failed:the financial crisis which we pass correspondent to a not easily foreseeable shock even if it is the object of a rationalization a posteriori. Our objective,on the basis of thisreport,is to renew the traditional approaches of the forecasters and financial analysts by mobilizing two complementary approaches: business intelligence applied to the financial field and the utilization of modern technologies of management of the unforeseeable risks.In this interdisciplinary work,our approaches are inspired,first of all concept oftheimage or of the reputation of a target company and approach of the intelligence cycle resulting from the approach of the business intelligence.Moreover,we can complete our approach through the principle of bounded rationality,that of the speculative bubble and that of the logic uncertain suggested by Nassim Nicolas Taleb. Finally, we mobilize the concept of force of situation(François Julien) in order to reinforce the decision of the institutional investors in uncertain situation.To validate our theoretical contribution,we chose Viet Nam as our ground of research.From a qualitative approach and based on experimentation ahead 5 Vietnamese portfolio managers, we could better know their practice of making decision, their different investment evaluation criteria, their perception of reputation and the role of the financial intelligence in their process of investment. Thus, we propose a qualitative method based on the reputation in order to characterize the degree of robustness of an organization faced to shocks and elaborate moreover a system of financial information by taking into account the hierarchy of the investment evaluation criteria of the Vietnamese portfolio managers. Our approach is illustrated through a case study of a Vietnamese aquaculture company.

以個案分析評估區域醫院婦產科經營策略及組織運作之成效 / Case study to evaluate the business strategies and organizational operations of the Obstetric Gynecological department in a district hospital

洪英俊, Hung, Ying Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在台灣的醫療環境中,婦產科屬於經營不易的醫療科。許多醫院因為生產數持續下降而關閉產房,婦產科醫師主要只看門診。許多婦產科醫師也改做其他科,如醫療美容。然而,對區域醫院的婦產科而言,醫院為了醫院評鑑不能關閉產房,也一定要有婦產科醫師,婦產科的發展成為難解的問題。 由於醫療競爭趨於白熱化,為提升競爭力,各種策略管理模式被陸續引進醫療體系。價值鏈、策略矩陣運用於產業界已經有很多顯著的成果,然而在醫療管理上,只有少數大型醫院使用平衡計分卡的經驗。區域醫院的運用上並無有充分研究可供參考。 本篇研究某區域醫院婦產科,於民國94至99年間,以價值鏈及策略矩陣導出策略行動,在艱困環境中改善績效,表現令人刮目相看。研究發現其關鍵成功因素為:高層主管支持與配合、部門主管積極從事策略管理與執行、高配合度的醫師與護理人員。

工程產業變遷與工程公司成長策略之研究 -- 以 A 公司為例 / The change in engineering industry and the strategy of the development of engineering company -- the case for a company

陳萬富 Unknown Date (has links)
工程產業一直扮演著產業火車頭的角色,台灣歷經多次的景氣循環,而工程產業的發展一直與景氣有著密不可分的關係;然而工程產業雖與景氣雖有著高度關聯性,但相較於其他產業的發展模式而言,卻具有相當高之差異度,因此本文對於工程產業之模式與發展欲進行較深入之分析;再者,台灣目前對於工程產業的分析文獻並不多見,並且大都著眼於大型工程公司的成功經驗,或是其發展成功之制度架構,但無法暸解該成功經驗之累積過程或是制度架構之轉換過程。而本研究欲對於現況進行突破,除針對成功發展經驗的累積及制度架構的轉換進行整合及連續性的分析,更引用個案A公司的實際中小型企業的案例,來觀察A公司的發展歷程,了解企業由小規模發展至中大規模的發展途徑上,可能的成功路徑與發展模式,並且由於個案A公司歷經台灣多次的景氣循環,其發展的經驗以及發展歷程更是彌足珍貴,對於台灣的中小型企業發展上,可提供有效的建議。 本文藉由產業價值鏈分析法,對於工程產業進行深入的分析,再藉由司徒老師所創制之策略矩陣,將產業價值鏈作為橫向面,與縱向面的產品策略構面及產業策略構面進行結合,賦予策略矩陣中的各「策略點」全新的邏輯與意義,以便於作為策略決策的連續動態過程的解釋。文中並舉以實際個案A公司之資料以及重大發展歷程與轉折,利用策略矩陣分析法,針對A公司進行分析,觀察其發展過程及決策過程。 / This paper will apply the strategic matrix which developed by Dr. Szu-Tu, utilizing a completely new strategic management perspective, to examine the relation between engineering industry and the transition of industry. The strategic matrix method was developed from industrial value chain and strategic types and is a logical procedure of strategic analysis and decision-making. It is very useful for analyzing the commercial environment, to know the operational features of the individual industry, and to determine the strengths of businesses. The strategic matrix method is often applied in the manufacturing industry due to the feasibility of determining the industrial value chain of the manufacturing industry. However, unlike the manufacturing industry, the industrial value chain of the engineering industry in this paper is difficult to determine. And most of the past studies discuss about engineering industry were aim at key-success factors of strategic management, but the paper to observe the dynamic process of the strategy for engineering industry is not exist. For the above reasons, this paper will perform the dynamic process between value chain and strategic dimensions, and providing the suggestions about how to improve the competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan.


王世明, Wang , Hans Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在針對電子連接器產業進行探索性研究,期能發現占據相當重要關鍵零組件地位的連接器,其產業態勢與競爭條件。本研究固然與傳統的研究方法相同,運用Aaker的策略分析架構進行探討,但亦頗多創新之處,譬如納進Porter的國家競爭力分析模型,討論產業與政府等因素間的相互依賴狀況,又納入司徒達賢的策略矩陣分析構面,討論個案公司與其他同業之間的競爭模型。本研究雖以個案公司為研究對象,但旁及其他競爭性公司共同討論,以了解個案公司的產業定位與遭遇的挑戰。 / This study is exploring the advantage of competition in Connector industry. It adopted Aaker’s model, which designed by strategic method to depict a SWOT to overall analysis of connector industry as well as Case Study Company. The main contribution is to offer a position within industry where has a vital network can help others to sustain the strong power. However, the environment is not as good as past, the trend will bring a move to mainland China, and the new competitors will appear, the Industry ought to encounter more challenge than have been met in Taiwan. This study has some characters involve in the National competitive model and the strategic matrix analysis method from Dr. Seeto. There are many persons were called on to the Case interview, However, only certain firms would be selected as delegation out of this industry.


丁福致 Unknown Date (has links)
我國國營事業早期係政府戰後接收多家日本在台之企業,及大陸淪陷後遷台之國營事業為主,而後1970年代基於促進產業之發展,亦相繼成立多家國營企業,然近年來面臨市場開放、盈餘繳庫,以及民營化政策推動之壓力,使得國營事業轉而追求土地資產個別利益之獲取,作為創造盈餘來源,或是吸引投資對象之重要誘因。 然而追求土地資產個別利益,往往未能切實探討國營事業之本質與利用策略,本研究即係以台電與台糖公司為例,就其土地資產利用與國營事業本業之關聯性、土地資產利用策略之差異性,探討目前國營事業土地資源歸屬、土地利用模式與營運競爭力、以及土地資源公平與效率,並進而整合國營事業土地永續利用之策略。 就國營事業資源歸屬與本業之關聯性分析,其土地資源應以全民所有為依歸,而土地資產利用應基於本業之發展。從企業不動產與策略矩陣差異分析,則因生命週期所處之階段而有所不同,成長/成熟期追求與競爭對手差異化之策略,強化土地利用之優勢;衰退期則因本業資金挹注困難,而以降低不動產之運作成本為主。相對於政府以衰退期作為移轉民營之時機,將使接手者缺乏經營本業之誘因下,僅著眼於土地之利益,將更易引發土地資源歸屬之衝突。 而就土地資源公平與效率而言,國營事業應由整體觀點著手,而非侷限於單一事業土地資產利用之框架,如以使用權代替所有權之財產權型態,達成資源歸屬之公平;另以全民資源為基礎,經由市場經濟之效率,彌補市場經濟不足。因此,國營事業土地資源之整合機制,不僅考量整體土地資源之循環使用,更須妥善運用國有民營之觀念,將土地經營之利益,解決民營化所生之缺憾,以建構國營事業土地資源永續利用之整體策略。 關鍵字:國營事業、土地資產利用、資源歸屬、生命週期、策略矩陣 / Most of the older state-owned corporations (SOCs) in Taiwan found their predecessors in the companies established by the colonial Japanese government and later took over by the Chinese central government at the end of the World War II as well as in the enterprises sponsored by the central government after its withdrawal from Mainland China to Taiwan. By 1970s, several new SOCs were farther set up with the mission to promote the island's industrial development. Privileged by long-term government protection, these SOCs are now confronted with severe challenges from the increasing deregulation in the market and the pressing demand for privatization. They have accordingly resorted to their land assets as an essential source for generating earnings and a major incentive for attracting investments. However, in their pursuit of the profits promised by their land assets, SOCs in Taiwan in general have failed to take into sufficient consideration of their nature as state-owned corporations and effective utilization strategies. The research, based on the examples of Taipower Company and Taiwan Sugar Company, starts by examining the relation between a SOC's core business and its utilization strategies for land assets and the differences between the Taipower and Taiwan Sugar utilization strategies. The research then moves on to analyze the attribution of the SOC's land resources, the utilization models and operational competitiveness, and the fairness and efficiency in the utilization of land resources. Results of the previous studies are then integrated for the research to develop integrated strategies for the sustainable utilization of SOC's land assets. In its analysis on the relation of SOC's core business and the attribution of its assets, the research regards the land resources as owned by the general public and suggests that the land resources should be utilized in a manner that contributes to the development of the SOC's core business. Analysis based on corporate real estate and strategic matrix farther indicate that utilization of land assets varies in accordance with the life cycles of the SOC's core business. In times of business growth and maturity, utilization of land assets should be optimized to perpetuate differentiation in one's core business from one's competitors. On the other hand, in times of decline, the top priority should be the effective reduction in the operation costs of land assets as capital support from the core business grows unreliable. The government's active promotion of the privatization of SOCs in times of decline tends to cripple the privatized SOC's interest in its core business and to prompt it to focus on exploiting the profits of its land assets, thereby triggering conflicts in the attribution of state-owned land resources. How to achieve fairness and efficiency in the utilization of SOCs' land resources is an issue to be examined with a comprehensive perspective; it should not be forced to fit into the utilization model of a single SOC. Replacing ownership with usership, for example, can be an effective way to ensure the fairness in the attribution of land resources. Developing the land assets of SOCs as public resources can help boost up the efficiency of market economics to compensate its inadequacies. Therefore, an integration mechanism in the utilization of the land assets of SOCs is needed to facilitate the continual use of land resources. Careful and skill application of the "state ownership for private operation" concept is also of crucial importance in using the profits generated by the management of land resources to fix the flaws of privatization and to develop the integrated strategies for the sustainable use of land resources of state-owned corporations in Taiwan. Key words: state-owned corporation, utilization strategies for land assets, attribution of the resource, life cycle, strategic matrix.


王俊凱, Wang,Chun-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
1999年台灣發生九二一地震之後,中央政府為因應災後重建需要,制定「九二一震災暫行條例」,並依法設置「行政院九二一震災災後重建推動委員會」負責重建事項之協調、審核、決策、推動及監督。其次再將中央政府所收震災捐款設立「財團法人九二一震災重建基金會」,聘任政府相關單位代表與民間社會人士組成董監事會共同管理基金。 財團法人九二一震災重建基金會為一公設的財團法人(GONGO),成立之初主要功能仍是在配合政府施政,並未因面對地震應變而有所調整。然而2000年台灣進行50年來首次的政黨輪替,卻也意外地改變了基金會的組織型態,以「議題導向、主動規劃」成為基金會新的思考方向,並在此基礎之上展開策略規劃。 本文主要以「策略矩陣分析法」對於基金會所推動的住宅重建策略進行分析,並以政府所推動相對之住宅政策作為比較基準(benchmark),透過實務上的驗證分析,說明在一個創新的組織型態下,確實能更為有效地處理「公共」議題,同時為「公設財團法人」或是「行政法人」的角色找出新的價值與定位。 / Following Taiwan’s September 21 (921) Earthquake in 1999, the central government answered post-disaster reconstruction needs by drawing up the Temporary Statute for 921 Earthquake Reconstruction. On this basis it established the Executive Yuan 921 Earthquake Post-Disaster Recover Commission to address problems of co-ordination, policy approval and development, process advancement and overall supervision. In addition, it formed the 921 Earthquake Relief Foundation using donations received by the central government, while placing government representatives from applicable agencies as well as members of the public on a board of directors to manage the foundation’s funds. The 921 Earthquake Relief Foundation was a “government-organized non-governmental organization” (GONGO). Its main function at the time of its formation was to coordinate with the government in the implementation of policy, but it was not able to adjust its role in the face of new contingencies. In 2000, however, Taiwan’s first transfer of political power in fifty years unexpectedly reshaped the foundation. Its line of thinking became “issue-oriented and planning-proactive,” and on this basis it began to be involved in strategic development. This article uses strategic matrix analysis to investigate the residential reconstruction policy advanced by the foundation. With the corresponding residential policy advanced by the government as a benchmark, and using practical verification and analysis, it argues that an organization that has undergone change is indeed able to efficiently deal with “public” themes while at the same time seeking out new value and orientation in the role of a GONGO or the “administrative corporation.”

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