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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MITCHELL, KENDRA NICOLE 02 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Successful Coping Strategies for Bullied Students: A Cross Sectional Study of Suburban and Urban Students in Grades 6 Through 8

Nuggud, Vishtasp Rohinton 09 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Narratives of Violence, Myths of Youth: American Youth Identity in Fictional Narratives of School Shootings

Linder, Kathryn E. 17 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Förortstorgens roll för en hållbar stadsutveckling i den postindustriella staden – Hermodsdalstorget, Malmö

Viscarra Hansson, Braulio Johan, Perez Sosa, Fania Verona January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats fokuserar på förortstorgens potentiella bidrag till en hållbar stadsutveckling i den postindustriella staden. I uppsatsen problematiseras ett särskilt torg, Hermodsdalstorget i stadsdelen Fosie i sydöstra Malmö.I Malmö Stads senaste översiktsplan betonas att den sociala utvecklingen av Malmö, inte varit positiv på senare år och att en viktig utmaning ligger i att integrera de marginaliserade områden med innerstaden.Av dessa anledningar satsas det bland annat på länkande gång- och cykelstråk som binder samman stadsdelar och utgörs av väldefinierade gaturum och attraktiva mötesplatser. Hermodsdalstorget väntas utgöra en sådan mötesplats i ett framtida Fosiestråksom kommer att länka Malmös sydöstra förorter med innerstaden.Torget är idag en bortglömd plats som varken erbjuder egenskaper för att upplevas som attraktivt eller innehar förutsättningar för social interaktion och integration. Tillståndet är så dåligt att torget, i en tidningsartikel från 2002, till och med kommit att kallas för ”Malmös tristaste torg”. På grund av torgets dåliga skick har det funnits mer än tio år gamla omvandlingsplaner för utvecklingen av platsen. Trots detta har en omvandling uteblivit, framförallt på grund av bristen på samverkan och en delad vision mellan privata fastighetsägare kring torget och kommunen.Avslutningsvis, i denna uppsats, presenteras ett praktiskt genomförbart projektförslag, som fokuserar på ett första steg, i ett större omvandlingsprojekt av Hermodsdalstorget, och som har som syfte att göra ett nytt försök till samverkan och dialog mellan de aktörer som i dagsläget har mandat över torget.Förhoppningen är att projektförslaget banar väg för en omvandling av detta torg och att torget i framtiden fungerar som en attraktiv mötesplats längst med Fosiestråket; i ett mindre segregerat Malmö. / This thesis focuses on the potential of suburban squares to contribute to sustainable urban development in post-industrial cities. In the thesis a particular square is in focus: Hermodsdal’s square in the Fosie-district in southeastern Malmoe(Malmö).In the last general development plan for Malmoe it is emphasized that the social development of Malmoe has not been positive in recent years, and that an important challenge lies in integrating the marginalized suburban areas with the inner city. One solution, for integrating the city, is the creation of linking pedestrian and bicycle paths that connect neighborhoods; paths that consist of well-defined street-areas and attractive meeting places. Hermodsdal’s Square is expected to form such a meeting place in a future Fosie Path, which will link Malmoe’s southeastern suburbs with the inner city. Hermodsdal’s square is today a forgotten place that does not offer features to be perceived as attractive nor meets the conditions needed for social interaction and integration. The actual condition of the square is so bad that Hermodsdal’s Square has, in a newspaper article from 2002, even been called ”Malmoe’s dullest Square”. Because of the square’s poor condition, there have been more than ten years old conversion plans for the development of the site. Despite this, the conversion has not become reality, mainly because of lack of synergy and a shared vision between private property owners around the square and the municipality. Finally, a central purpose of this thesis is presenting a practical project proposal, which focus on the first step in a major transformation project of Hermodsdal’s Square; a project which aims to make another attempt to collaboration and dialogue between the private actors around the square and the municipality. The expectation is that the project proposal paves the way for a transformation of this square; a square which in the future will act as an attractive meeting lace along the Fosie Path, in a less segregated Malmoe.

Maloplošné lesní celky a jejich využití pro příměstskou rekreaci / Small-scale forest units and their usage for town side recreation

ZIEGLER, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with town side recreation. Natural environment, with forest as a dominating factor, is very important in this issue. Forests attract their visitors thanks to specific atmosphere and mostly they don{\crq}t need any additional equipment to fulfill their purpose within the frame of tourism. This doesn{\crq}t apply on smaller forest stands, so-called small-scale forest units, that attract just minimal attention by themselves. Small-scale forest units are offering relax potential, but this potential need to be developed. Through the use of convenient ground shaping, equipping and promotion of these small-scale forest units is possible to gain new recreation localities. This thesis is dealing with development of small-scale forest units nearby city Tábor.

Fear of burglary in the Honeydew police district

Watt, Hermine 11 1900 (has links)
The research project investigated whether victims of housebreaking experienced motivational, cognitive and emotional deficits central to the Learned Helplessness phenomenon. In keeping with the Reformulated Learned Helplessness theory the attributional style of victims, were also assessed. The State-Trait Inventory developed by Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg and Jacobs was administered to measure the anxiety levels of victims. Sub-goals served as illustration for the learned helplessness phenomenon. Three- hundred victims, using probability sampling techniques, were interviewed by means of an interview schedule. Support was found for cognitive and some motivational deficits and a common range of emotions experienced by victims. The majority of victims exhibited a global attnbutional style. Burglary victims did not show appreciably higher trait and state scores means, except for females in the 19-39 age group, when compared to a psychological norm. Environmental factors did play a role in rendering homes vulnerable. Recommendations addressing the fear of housebreaking were made at a therapeutic and practical level. / Sociology / M.A. (Criminology)

Imagining 'environment' in Australian suburbia : an environmental history of the suburban landscapes of Canberra and Perth, 1946-1996

Brown, Sarah January 2009 (has links)
Australia is a suburban nation. Today, with increasing concern regarding the sustainability of cities, an appreciation of the complexities of Australian suburbia is critical to the debate about urban futures. As a built environment and a cultural phenomenon, the Australian suburbs have inspired considerable scholarly literature. Yet to date, such scholarly work has largely overlooked the changing environmental values and visions of those shaping and residing within suburban landscapes, and the practices through which such values and visions are materialised in the processes of suburban development. Focusing on the post-war suburban landscapes of Canberra and Perth, this thesis centralises the environmental, political and economic forces that have shaped human action to construct suburban spaces, paying particular attention to the extent to which individual understandings and visions of 'environment' have determined the shape and nature of suburban development. Specifically, it examines how those operating within Australia’s suburbs, including planners, developers, builders, landscape designers and residents have imagined the 'environment', and how such imaginaries have shifted in response to varying spatial, temporal and ideological contexts. Tracing the shifting nature of environmental concern throughout the mid-to-late twentieth century, it argues that despite the somewhat unsustainable nature of Australia's suburban landscapes, the planning and development of such landscapes has long been influenced by and has responded to differing understandings of 'environment', which themselves are the product of changing social, political and economic concerns. In doing so, this thesis challenges a number of perceptions concerning Australian suburbs, environmental awareness and sustainability. In particular, it contests the assumption that environmental concern for Australia's suburban development emerged with the urban consolidation debates of the 1980s and 1990s, and analyses a range of environmental sensibilities not often acknowledged in current histories of Australian environmentalism. By examining, for example, how the deterministic and economic concerns of differing planning bodies, along with the aesthetic and ecological concerns of various planners, are intertwined with the housing and domestic lifestyle preferences of suburban homeowners, this history brings to the fore the often conflicting environmental ideas and practices that arise in the course of suburban development, and provides a more nuanced history of the diversity of environmental sensibilities. In sum, this thesis enhances our understandings of the changing nature of environmental concern and illuminates the complex, still largely misunderstood, environmental ideas and practices that arise in the processes of suburban development.

Fear of burglary in the Honeydew police district

Watt, Hermine 11 1900 (has links)
The research project investigated whether victims of housebreaking experienced motivational, cognitive and emotional deficits central to the Learned Helplessness phenomenon. In keeping with the Reformulated Learned Helplessness theory the attributional style of victims, were also assessed. The State-Trait Inventory developed by Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg and Jacobs was administered to measure the anxiety levels of victims. Sub-goals served as illustration for the learned helplessness phenomenon. Three- hundred victims, using probability sampling techniques, were interviewed by means of an interview schedule. Support was found for cognitive and some motivational deficits and a common range of emotions experienced by victims. The majority of victims exhibited a global attnbutional style. Burglary victims did not show appreciably higher trait and state scores means, except for females in the 19-39 age group, when compared to a psychological norm. Environmental factors did play a role in rendering homes vulnerable. Recommendations addressing the fear of housebreaking were made at a therapeutic and practical level. / Sociology / M.A. (Criminology)

Modelagem e medi??es de ondas de r?dio para predi??o de perda de propaga??o em ambientes urbanos

Martins, Ronaldo de Andrade 12 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RonaldoAM.pdf: 2082162 bytes, checksum: 2dd11d30b856b23cf429317a1e68bfbe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-12 / In this dissertation new models of propagation path loss predictions are proposed by from techniques of optimization recent and measures of power levels for the urban and suburban areas of Natal, city of Brazilian northeast. These new proposed models are: (i) a statistical model that was implemented based in the addition of second-order statistics for the power and the altimetry of the relief in model of linear losses; (ii) a artificial neural networks model used the training of the algorithm backpropagation, in order to get the equation of propagation losses; (iii) a model based on the technique of the random walker, that considers the random of the absorption and the chaos of the environment and than its unknown parameters for the equation of propagation losses are determined through of a neural network. The digitalization of the relief for the urban and suburban areas of Natal were carried through of the development of specific computational programs and had been used available maps in the Statistics and Geography Brazilian Institute. The validations of the proposed propagation models had been carried through comparisons with measures and propagation classic models, and numerical good agreements were observed. These new considered models could be applied to any urban and suburban scenes with characteristic similar architectural to the city of Natal / Nesta tese novos modelos de predi??o de perda de percurso de propaga??o s?o propostos a partir de t?cnicas de otimiza??es recentes e de medi??es de n?veis de pot?ncias obtidas para as ?reas urbana e suburbana de Natal, cidade do Nordeste Brasileiro. Estes novos modelos s?o: (i) um modelo estat?stico que foi implementado baseado na adi??o de estat?sticas de 2a. ordem para a pot?ncia e a altimetria do relevo ao modelo de perdas lineares; (ii) um modelo com redes neurais artificiais que usou o treinamento do algoritmo backpropagation, a fim de obter a equa??o de perdas de propaga??o; (iii) um modelo baseado na t?cnica dos trajetos aleat?rios, que considera a aleatoriedade da absor??o e do caos do meio ambiente e que seus par?metros desconhecidos para a equa??o de perdas de propaga??o s?o determinados atrav?s de uma rede neural. A digitaliza??o do relevo das ?reas urbanas e suburbanas de Natal foi realizada atrav?s do desenvolvimento de programas computacionais espec?ficos e foram usados os mapas existentes no Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica. As valida??es dos modelos propostos de predi??o de perda de propaga??o foram realizadas atrav?s de compara??es com medidas e modelos cl?ssicos de propaga??o, obtendo-se boas concord?ncias num?ricas. Estes novos modelos poder?o ser aplicados a qualquer cen?rio urbano e suburbano com caracter?sticas arquitet?nicas semelhantes ? cidade de Natal

Aménagement urbain et société: l'expérience de La Paillade. une étude comparative des perceptions et comportements dans des ensembles d'habitation de conception variable

Duesberg, Françoise January 1974 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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