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Le rôle modérateur de la passion dans la relation entre la performance/le rehaussement du soi et l'adaptation psychologiqueLafrenière, Marc-André 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
En se basant sur le Modèle Dualiste de la Passion (Vallerand, 2010; Vallerand et al., 2003), la présente thèse avait pour objectif général d'examiner le rôle modérateur de la passion dans la relation entre l'adaptation psychologique et la performance (Article 1) et le rehaussement du soi (Article 2) dans le cadre de l'activité passionnante. Le Modèle Dualiste de la Passion définit la passion comme une forte inclination envers une activité que l'on aime, que l'on trouve importante, et dans laquelle on investit du temps et de l'énergie de façon considérable. De plus, le modèle postule que ces activités deviennent si importantes qu'elles représentent des aspects centraux de l'identité des individus. Le modèle postule l'existence de deux types de passion, les passions harmonieuse et obsessive. La passion harmonieuse réfère à un fort désir de s'engager dans l'activité librement. Avec la passion harmonieuse, la personne est en contrôle de son engagement dans l'activité. Dans un tel cas, l'activité occupe une place importante, mais non écrasante de l'identité de la personne. L'activité est ainsi intégrée en cohérence et en harmonie avec les autres éléments de l'identité de la personne. À l'inverse, la passion obsessive réfère également à un fort désir de s'engager dans l'activité. Cependant, contrairement à la passion harmonieuse, la passion obsessive occupe une place prépondérante de l'identité de la personne. L'activité est ainsi hors du contrôle de la personne et est ressentie comme une pression à s'engager dans l'activité. Les recherches, dans des sphères variées d'activités, ont montré que la passion harmonieuse mène à des conséquences plus adaptatives que la passion obsessive (voir Vallerand, 2010, pour une recension). Le premier chapitre de cette thèse présente les résultats des deux études du premier article. La première étude avait comme objectif principal d'examiner, à l'aide d'un devis corrélationnel, le rôle modérateur de la passion dans la relation entre la performance et la satisfaction de vie chez des peintres professionnels. Notre hypothèse était que plus les participants ont une passion obsessive, plus ils devraient connaître une augmentation de leur satisfaction de vie lors de périodes de forte créativité (succès). À l'opposé, plus les participants ont une passion obsessive, plus ils devraient connaître une diminution de leur satisfaction de vie lors de périodes de faible créativité (échec). En contrepartie, la passion harmonieuse serait liée positivement à la satisfaction de vie indépendamment des périodes de forte ou de faible créativité. Les résultats de l'Étude 1 ont révélé que plus les participants ont une passion obsessive, plus leur satisfaction de vie augmente suite à un succès. D'autre part, plus les participants ont une passion obsessive, plus leur satisfaction de vie diminue suite à un échec. En revanche, la passion harmonieuse est liée positivement à la satisfaction de vie indépendamment de la performance dans l'activité. La seconde étude du premier article avait pour but de reproduire les résultats de l'Étude 1 en utilisant une méthodologie différente, soit la méthode du journal de bord. Un deuxième but de l'Étude 2 était d'éliminer une explication alternative des résultats de l'Étude 1. Plus précisément, on pourrait s'attendre à ce que la passion obsessive soit plus fortement liée à l'importance accordée à l'activité et que cela pourrait être le processus sous-jacent responsable de l'effet observé. Nous avons prédit que cela ne devrait pas être le cas. Ainsi, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que le patron de résultats obtenus dans l'Étude 1 serait reproduit, tout en contrôlant statistiquement l'influence de l'importance de l'activité. Un troisième but de l'Étude 2 consistait à reproduire les résultats de l'Étude 1 avec une population différente, des amateurs de hockey au cours des séries éliminatoires 2009 de la LNH. Notre hypothèse était que plus les amateurs de hockey ont une passion obsessive envers leur équipe, plus ils devraient connaître une augmentation de leur satisfaction de vie suite à une victoire de leur équipe favorite. D'autre part, plus les amateurs de hockey ont une passion obsessive envers leur équipe, plus ils devraient connaître une diminution de leur satisfaction de vie suite à une défaite de leur équipe favorite. En contrepartie, la passion harmonieuse serait liée positivement à la satisfaction de vie indépendamment de la performance de l'équipe. Les résultats de l'Étude 2 ont montré que le même patron de résultats que l'Étude 1 est obtenu tout en contrôlant statistiquement l'influence de l'importance de l'activité. Le deuxième chapitre de cette thèse présente les résultats des deux études du deuxième article. La première étude avait comme objectif principal d'examiner, à l'aide d'un devis corrélationnel, le rôle modérateur de la passion dans la relation entre le rehaussement du soi dans le cadre de l'activité passionnante (c.-à-d., perception exagérément positivement de soi; Sedikides & Gregg, 2008) et la satisfaction de vie chez des étudiants. Notre hypothèse était que plus les participants ont une passion obsessive, plus ils devraient connaître une augmentation de la satisfaction de vie lorsque la perception de soi est exagérément positive. En contrepartie, la passion harmonieuse serait liée positivement à la satisfaction de vie indépendamment du rehaussement du soi. Les résultats de l'Étude 1 ont révélé que plus les gens ont une passion obsessive, plus leur satisfaction de vie augmente lorsque leur perception de soi est exagérément positive. En revanche, la passion harmonieuse est liée positivement à la satisfaction de vie indépendamment du rehaussement du soi. La seconde étude du deuxième article avait pour but de reproduire les résultats de l'Étude 1 en utilisant une méthodologie différente, soit un devis expérimental. À cette fin, l'Étude 2 comprenait des manipulations expérimentales à la fois de la passion et du rehaussement du soi. Notre hypothèse était que les participants dans la condition passion obsessive devraient avoir une plus haute satisfaction de vie dans la condition rehaussement du soi que dans la condition contrôle. En contrepartie, les participants dans la condition passion harmonieuse devraient avoir une plus haute satisfaction de vie globale. Les résultats de l'Étude 2 ont montré que le même patron de résultats que l'Étude 1 est obtenu en utilisant un devis expérimental. Le dernier chapitre de la présente thèse met l'accent sur la contribution scientifique des deux articles présentés. Il se compose de trois sections. La première section aborde les implications théoriques des études qui composent cette thèse ainsi que des recherches futures qui en découlent. La deuxième section traite des différentes limites reliées aux études présentées. Finalement, la troisième section présente une courte conclusion.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : passion, satisfaction de vie, performance, rehaussement de soi
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Stämning - Gemenskap - Image : Vad motiverar en fotbollssupporters resande?Kindström, Sebastian, Ulvenmark Sixtensson, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar supportrars motivationsfaktorer när de väljer att resa till ett fotbollsmästerskap såsom fotbolls-VM och fotbolls-EM. Supportrar har i alla tider besökt sportevenemang för att uppleva och ta del av evenemanget på plats. Frågan är vad som motiverar supportrar att resa många timmar och spendera pengar för att uppleva mästerskapen på en destination istället för att sitta bekvämt hemma och följa matcherna på tv. Efter en prövning av fyra möjliga motivationsfaktorer till supportrars resande har ytterligare faktorer identifierats. Med hjälp av analyser av svaren har sedan slutsatser dragits att supportrar har olika motivationer vilka lockar dem, det är därefter möjligt att sortera in motivationerna i tydliga primära och sekundära faktorer. Sverige, stämning, vänner och avstånd är några av faktorerna som motiverar respondenterna i denna uppsats.
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Vliv fanoušků na regulaci fotbalových profesionálních klubů / The Influence of Fans on the Regulation of Professional Football ClubsKotáb, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The environment of professional football clubs has undergone numerous and considerable changes recently. The changes in ownership structure above else have brought the goals of investors - club owners into conflict with expectations of soccer fans and even jeopardized the survival of professional soccer clubs. The dissatisfaction of football fans has led to attempts to regulate clubs and give the fans a share in the management of the clubs. This dissertation attempts to analyze the conflict between ownership and fans and offers possible solutions. The core of the dissertation is an analysis of the influence of football fans on the sport and the ways in which they may use their economic leverage to participate in the management of clubs. Recently, fans have become more prominent as stakeholders in professional football clubs with the development of the supporters trusts in the British Isles and continental Europe. The dissertation analyzes the regulation tools of Financial Fair Play (FFP), and Supporters' Liaison Officer (SLO), created by the UEFA. It investigates the broader application of these and other regulatory tools for the sport. It offers a model for the measurement of value of fan support to a club. Research conclusions based on a survey of Czech fans are also included and added by recommendations that arise from them.
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The endless loop of us-against-them in a football context. A Swedish study on legitimacy from the supporter's perspectiveHaaranen, Hampus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the football supporters’ perspective on problems and the police in a Swedish football context. More specific, the study examined the indirect effect of legitimacy on perceived violence/disorders and the supporter-police relationship through social identity, aggression and morality. The study is quantitative in nature and a web-based survey was distributed to recruit football supporters to participate. The sample consisted of 800 football supporters who were minimum 15 years old. The results showed that Swedish football supporters, in general, perceive a small amount of problems with violence/disorders in a football context and, further, supporters perceived the supporter-police relationship as bad with a need for a change. The present study’s mediation analyses showed that legitimacy had a statistically significant indirect effect on the supporter-police relationship through both social identity and aggression. Based on the result, future research should continue investigate supporter-police relationship from the supporter perspective. The police could use this information in their development of future strategies to work for a better relationship and mutual respect with supporters. Concluding remarks of this study highlights the essential aspect supporters contribute in the work of safety and order in a football context in Sweden. The legitimacy of the Swedish police is low from the supporter’s point of view which damages the relationship between them.
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Ända sedan gamla dagar under våran ljusblå fana. : -En studie om män och kvinnor i fotbollsupporterkultur i efterkrigstidens Sverige. / From past to present under our sky blue banner. : -A study of male and female football fan culture in postwar Sweden.Sjöbeck, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Min studie syftar till att undersöka hur den svenska fotbollens supporterkulturs könsfördelning mellan män och kvinnor sett ut årtiondena efter Andra världskriget, hur maskulinitet har konstruerats idenna kontext samt hur synen på genus bland supportrarna såg ut under denna tid. Undersökningen bidrar till forskningsläget med en outforskad period, där andra forskare undersökt tidigare och senare perioder med fokus på kopplingen mellan maskulinitet och våld. Jag ser en hypotetisk koppling till skötsamhetskultur som upplevde sina glansdagar under samma period. För att närma mig frågorna har jag som metod arbetat med muntlig historia med utgång i framförallt Malin Thor och Lars Hansson samt Robert Perks och Alistair Thompson och djupintervjuer med 6 personer som var aktiva i supporterkulturen kring Malmö FF under nämnd tid. Som teoretisk grund för förståelsen av empirin har jag använt genus- och maskulinitetsteorier från Raewyn Connell, Rebecca Pearseoch Michael A. Messner och populärvetenskapliga skribenter som Marcus Priftis och Stephan Mendel-Elk. För att förstå den förändring som skett inom den maskulinitet som dominerar svenska fotbollsläktare har jag använt Raewyn Connells kristeorier. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att män och kvinnor förr var mer skilda åt, både vad det gäller fysiska rum och genom striktare uppfattningar om könsroller. Detta började förändras under 70-talet i takt med att samhället och dess sociala strukturer förändrades. Förut kunde män känna sig trygga i sin maskulinitet, som var av en mer hierarkisk karaktär. Att uttrycka maskulinitet genom våldsutövning behövdes inte. Idrottsarenor, arbetsplatser och hem var ohotade könssegregerade platser som aktivt konstruerade genus. I dessa kontexter var skötsamhet och återhållsamhet en central del av maskuliniteten. Kvinnor ansågs länge i bästa fall vara andra klassens supportrar, oftast där som ett bihang till fotbollsintresserade pojkvänner eller män. Fotboll skapades aktivt som en manlig institution för att fostra en viss sorts manlighet. När samhällets sociala strukturer började förändras på 70-talet och kvinnor började ta plats i manliga kontexter uppstod en kris i maskuliniteten. Därför kan vi idag se en extremare form av verbal och fysisk manlighet. Idag går långt fler kvinnor och tjejer för att se på fotboll och deltar aktivt i supporterkulturer kring denna och damfotbollen har långt fler aktiva än de pionjärer som spelade fotbollunder tiden för min undersökning. Genus är inte statiskt utan förändras konstant och idag har positionerna i de sociala relationerna som genus utgör förflyttats. I och med att skillnaderna och avståndet mellan män och kvinnor idag har minskat har de för vissa blivit viktigare än förut. / The purpose of my study is to examine how gender division was reflected in Swedish football supporter culture across the decades after World War Two. It also examines how masculinity was constructedin this context and how supporters during this time perceived existing gender structures. The study contributes to the field by examining a yet unexamined period where other researchers focused on times before or after, with a focus on the connection between masculinity and violence. I see a hypothetic connection to respectablility, having it’s glory days these same years. To answer these questions, I sought oral accounts from Malin Thor, Lars Hansson as well as Robert Perks and Alistair Thompson. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with six individuals who were active in the supporter culture of Malmö FF during these years. The the oretical foundation for my research and the understanding of my empiricism are gender- masculinity and crisis theories from Raewyn Connell, Rebecca Pearse and Michael A. Messner and popular science authors such as Marcus Priftis and Stephan Mendel-Elk. Raewyn Connell’s crisis theories were used to understand the transformation of the Swedish terraces from the fifties to today. The results show that men and women were more separated before, physically and through perceptions of gender roles. During the seventies, these social structures began to change. Violence became more relevant as an expression of masculinity for the men who used to feel secure in fixed gender roles and overt hierarchies. Sporting arenas, work places and homes were all places segregated by gender and active agents in constructin ggender roles. In these contexts, good character and restraint were central parts of masculinity. At the same time, women were, at best, second-class supporters. Often, they were looked uponas girl friends, wives or appendages to male supporters. When society rapidly began to change in its social structures during the seventies, a crisis in masculinity arose. This explains the more extreme form of verbal and physical expressions from men today. Today, far more women attend football games and play football compared to a few decades ago. Gender is not static but in constant change. Social structure positions have shifted. Because of the fact that distance and differences between men and women have been reduced, it has become more important than ever to highlight these forcertain groups of people.
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HIF-svin och BoIS-bönder – Supporterkultur i Helsingborg och LandskronaSöderberg, Kim, Horsner, Jens January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera supporterkulturerna hos Helsingborgs IF och Landskrona BoIS samt att göra en jämförelse dem emellan med utgångspunkt från de uppfattningar som finns angående städerna och lagens supportrar. Avsikten var att behandla hela supporterkulturen och även alla ”vanliga” åskådare på arenorna. Därför genomfördes en enkätundersökning bland åskådarna på en hemmamatch för vartdera laget. Publiken på båda matcherna hade överlag en god ekonomi. Helsingborgs IF hade det vidaste upptagningsområdet. De kvinnliga åskådarna på Landskrona BoIS hemmamatch var en intressant grupp. Rivaliteten klubbarna emellan var tydligast hos Landskrona BoIS supportrar. / The purpose of this essay was to study the supporter cultures of Helsingborgs IF and Landskrona BoIS and to make a comparison between them with basis of the apprehensions that exists concerning the towns and the teams supporters. The intension was to consider the whole supporter culture and also all “regular” spectators at the arenas. Therefore an opinion poll among the spectators was realised at a home match of each team. The attendance at both matches had generally a good financial position. Helsingborgs IF had the widest catchment area. The female spectators at Landskrona BoIS’s home game were an interesting group. The rivalry between the clubs was clearest among Landskrona BoIS’s supporters.
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En jämförande studie av Malmö FF och Hammarby IF:s supporterkultur : En kvalitativ studie om supporterkultur / A comparative study of Malmö FF and Hammarby IF's supporter culture : A qualitative study on supporter cultureSalihi, Shend, Dardan, Aliti January 2023 (has links)
This study has focused on exploring the supporter culture at Malmö FF and Hammarby IF, clubs that are often seen as two polar opposites in Swedish football. The study has focused on examining the various supporter groups within the associations. The aim of the study was to investigate why people get involved in the Swedish football culture and whether there are differences between different clubs. By conducting 9 semi-structured interviews with supporters connected to Malmö FF and Hammarby IF, we want to create a better picture of their supportership. The material was analyzed based on theories such as identity theory, habitus and rituals to examine supporters' meaning-making. The study shows that community and collective cohesion were an important part for the supporter groups. With the help of literature such as Vem vinner i längden? (1999) och Spela fotboll bondjävlar del 1 (2011) samt Spela fotboll bondjävlar del 2 (2016) we have been able to discuss the history of Hammarby IF and Malmö FF, which facilitated the study's second question. We have also compared the clubs in terms of aspects such as geography, history and forms of expression. The study shows that the clubs have rationalized the game in their own way and where Malmö has an advantage in its truly professional organization, and where Hammarby has the ability to create interest in the association's football. At the same time, we could claim that the supporter cultures in these associations have increasingly begun to resemble each other in the form of a lot of supporters on both sides.
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Fan Communities and Subgroups: Exploring Individuals' Supporter Group ExperiencesTyler, Bruce David 01 February 2013 (has links)
The aggregate of a sport team’s fans may be viewed as a consumption community that surrounds the team and its brand (Devasagayam & Buff, 2008; Hickman & Ward, 2007). Beneath this larger consumption umbrella, smaller groups of consumers may exist (Dholakia, Bagozzi, & Pearo, 2004), such as specific supporter groups for a team. Individuals thus may identify with multiple layers of the consumption group simultaneously (Brodsky & Marx, 2001; Hornsey & Hogg, 2000). Although past researchers have studied supporter groups (Giulianotti, 1996, 1999a; Parry & Malcolm, 2004) and consumption communities (Kozinets, 2001; Muñiz & O’Guinn, 2001; McAlexander, Schouten, & Koenig, 2002), there has been limited research on the interaction among subgroups within the superordinate group.
The current study examines the American Outlaws (AO), a supporter group for the United States men’s national soccer team (USMNT). AO members belong to local AO chapters (subgroups) as well the national (superordinate) group. This structure creates multiple levels of identification and is conducive to studying the phenomenon in question. Through employing a grounded theory methodology, data were collected via participant observation and ethnographic interviews over a two year period.
The current study identifies six prominent foci of identification among AO members: the USMNT, the United States of America (national identity), the sport of soccer, AO National, AO Local, and one’s small social group. These identities are found to be mutually reinforcing and shape members’ interactions with the team, the supporter group, and social groups therein. Specifically, the regional subgroups (AO Local chapters) create opportunities for social interaction, which fosters members’ sense of community and group identification. In turn, this strengthens group cohesion at the subgroup and superordinate group levels. Further, supporter group members alter their team consumption experiences by creating places of prolonged identity salience at live games and when watching games on television. These events increase identification with the supporter group and its related identities. For practitioners, implications of this study include the understanding of supporter groups’ impact on members’ frequency and duration of brand-related consumption.
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Supporterkulturens två sidor : En kvantitativ studie om mediers gestaltning av den allsvenska supporterkulturen / The two sides of football supporter culture : A content analysis about medias framing of the Swedish Allsvenskan supporter cultureNalerius, Jacob, Bramstedt, Albin January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish football supporter culture has for the past years been more recognized by the media. The phenomenom has been under debate since its increase in the beginning of the 1990’s. The purpose of this study was to examine how the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen and Göteborgs-Posten framed the Swedish football supporter culture between the years 2016-2022. This timeline is examined during the quantitative content analysis and all of the examined newspaper has a history which contain articles regarding the subject. We chose to analyze the newspapers printed press since they, with the help of agenda setting, chooses what stories to publish. We also decided to research if there was a significant difference in the newspapers framing of our subject before, under and after the pandemic. To support the study we have used the framing theory and the agenda setting theory as theoretical frameworks. The results of the study accentuated that the examined newspapers often framed the Swedish football supporter culture in a negative maner. Despite the majority of the articles were neutral framed, there was a predominant amount of negative framed news compared to positive framed ones. However, the results concluded in this study shows that there was an anomaly in the results during the 2020 season. The framing of football supporter culture in the analyzed newspapers showed a more positive rather than negative framing of the culture during this particular period.
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Boendestödjarens upplevelse av relationen till omsorgstagare med psykisk funktionsnedsättning / Housing supporter's experiences of the relationship with clients with mental disabilityGiuricici, Doina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of my study is to describe the relationship between housing supporters and clients based on the experience of the residential support. Six semi-structured interviews were analyzed and as shown in the results, personal qualities such as empathy, ability to listen, respect and skills and professional approach are building blocks in the creation of the relationship between housing supporters and clients. Further on, the result has been analyzed by using theories in symbolic interactionism and dramaturgical perspective for finding new angles and perspectives in the result. The result of this study is that a relationship between housing supporters and clients is important and requires both the client's and housing support’s involvement. The study is relevant to social work by increasing awareness that housing support is an important social initiative that helps people with mental disabilities.
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