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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Swedish Model of Detention : A case study of Åstorp Detention Centre / The Swedish Model of Detention : A case study of Åstorp Detention Centre

Elin, Örtman January 2019 (has links)
Detention centres are a rather new phenomena in the Swedish institutional setup. However, due to the migration inflow of 2015 it is now rapidly expanding all over Sweden. So far, it has been only scarcely monitored and researched and mostly with a focus on the perspective of the detainee’s health or the employee’s experiences at the detention centres. Little is known about the role of the NGOs and how they collaborate with the Migration Agency to secure the rights for those who are detained. This study is a qualitative case study on one of the five detention centres in Sweden, namely Åstorp detention centre which is located in Skåne 20km from Helsingborg. Four interviews have been made with the Migration Agency and with the NGOs that are continuously visiting the detainees in Åstorp. By using data triangulation, the validity of the study has increased and principles from the rights-based approach have been used to highlight important aspects of the collaboration. One significant finding in this research is that the Migration Agency is willingly increasing the transparency by inviting an unlimited number of NGOs to monitor and secure the rights for the detainees, which in turn has led to Sweden's detention centres being referred to as a successful model for the rest of the world. This study has also showed a successful and mutual collaboration between the Migration Agency and the NGOs and even if their roles at the detention centres are different, all participants are working towards a common goal, to improve the conditions for those who are detained. Notwithstanding the relatively limited sample by including one out of five detention centres, this study contributes also, in a small way, to new insights of the situation in Sweden's detention centres and the importance of a successful collaboration between the Migration Agency and NGOs for the detainee’s rights.

Different Styles, Similar Shape : A Case Study on the Effects of Competition on Swedish Charter School Groups

Ibstedt, Jennie, Waern, Peder January 2013 (has links)
Abstract The school market was established in Sweden in the conjunction of several reforms, which, among other objectives, aimed at increasing diversity in the market. This allowed profitseeking firms to compete against each other in a former monopoly. According to certain theories, the mechanisms of competition are bound to make organizations more homogenous. Other researchers have claimed that differentiating mechanisms such as various strategies allow companies to become more diverse. This paradox presents an interesting research area which we have pursued. Our thesis addresses this contradiction by answering the research question: How do mechanisms of competition influence organizational diversity among charter school groups? This explanatory qualitative case study analyzes ongoing organizational trends among three Swedish charter school groups through a within – and cross case analysis. Our main findings indicate that 1) the mechanisms of competition reduces the diversity among organizations of charter school groups and thus the organizations are becoming more homogenous. However, 2) external imitation does not contribute to the homogenizing effects on organizations since brand strategy, lack of resources and transparency as well as employee resistance limits competitive imitation.

Sveriges kommuners turisthemsidor : En studie om var Sveriges kommuner befinner sig i webbutvecklingen i relation till web 2.0 / Sweden's municipalities´ tourist sites : A study of where Sweden's municipalities stand in their web development compared to web 2.0

Johansson, Sanna, Winther, Erika January 2012 (has links)
This c-level essay examines Sweden’s municipalities’ tourist sites in web development in relation to web 2.0. The study’s main purpose is to give a general overview of how Swedish municipalities use the web as a communication channel for their tourism information. The study also examines differences between large and small municipalities, because smaller enterprises have different conditions than larger enterprisers. First all Swedish municipalities’ sites were studied focusing on tourist information. Then, a theory was developed that categorizes the sites on a scale between web 1.0 and web 2.0 based on a number of criteria. Some examples of criteria that have been studied are whether the sites are interactive and how they make use of social media. The results of the study show that the majority of the tourist sites can be classified as web 1.3. None of the Swedish municipalities achieve web 2.0 through its tourist sites. The study also shows that the results differ between large and small municipalities; the larger ones are at the forefront.

Möjligheter eller motstånd : Politikers och tjänstemäns arbete i medelstora kommuner för att öka hållbar mobilitet / Opportunities or resistance : Politicians and civil servants work to increase sustainable mobility in medium-sized municipalities

Germsjö, Linnea, Kanhaleela, Iyara January 2023 (has links)
Vägtrafik skapar flera negativa konsekvenser för miljön men även för människors hälsa. Kommuner ansvarar för lokal infrastruktur och är därför en betydande del i arbetet med hållbar stadsutveckling. Studien undersökte hur politiker och tjänstemän i Sveriges medelstora kommuner arbetar för att bilen ska bli mindre attraktiv och för att öka hållbar mobilitet. Undersökningen utgick från Sveriges miljömål samt den strategi som innefattar nya etappmål för hållbar stadsutveckling. Frågeställningen besvarades genom att använda semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra politiker och fyra tjänstemän från medelstora kommuner i Sverige. Resultat som framkom var att kommunerna arbetar med hållbar mobilitet i olika utsträckning utifrån olika förutsättningar och behov, men att lönsamhet och invånarnas åsikter begränsar arbetet. De slutsatser som drogs var att effektiva strategier krävs för att uppnå hållbar mobilitet vilket inkluderar ökade möjligheter för hållbart resande samt motstånd för bilanvändning. Att ha ett fungerande samarbete mellan politiker och tjänstemän samt ha en sakkunnig person på plats ansågs även vara viktiga prioriteringar och åtgärder. Eftersom att kommunerna värderar ekonomisk lönsamhet och invånarnas åsikter högre än miljön krävs dessutom prioritering på att öka nationell styrning och att regeringen måste sätta hårdare krav på kommuner. / Road traffic creates several negative consequences for the environment but also for human health. Municipalities are responsible for local infrastructure and are therefore a significant part of the work with sustainable urban development. The study examined how politicians and civil servants in Sweden's medium-sized municipalities work to make the car less attractive and to increase sustainable mobility. The study was based on Sweden's environmental goals and the strategy that includes new milestones targets for sustainable urban development. The method consisted of semi-structured interviews with four politicians and four civil servants from medium-sized municipalities in Sweden. The results showed that municipalities work with sustainable mobility to different extents based on different conditions and needs, but that profit and residents opinion limit the work. The conclusions were that effective strategies are required to achieve sustainable mobility which includes increased opportunities for sustainable travel and resistance to car use. Having a functioning collaboration between politicians and civil servants and having an expert on site were also considered important priorities and measures. Since economic profit and residents' opinion is valued higher than the environment by the municipalities, it is necessary to prioritize the implementation of national governance and that the government must set demands on municipalities.

The European Green Capital Award - Towards a sustainable Europe?

Lönegren, Lovisa January 2009 (has links)
Today a grand majority (around 80%) of the European citizens live in cities or towns. Europe is more urbanised than ever. Contemporaneously, climate change and global warming is an increasing threat worldwide. In 2006, the European Commission of the European Union (EU) therefore launched the idea of implementing the yearly European Green Capital (EGC) award. The aim was (and still is) to create role models by promoting cities that constantly take strong actions for the environment and thereby inspire other cities to make green choices too. In February 2009 the first two EGC winners were announced: Stockholm (Sweden) 2010 and Hamburg (Germany) 2011. The question is whether an award of this kind is the right method for the EU to deal with environment issues. If not, the EU should invest its resources elsewhere. This thesis aims at evaluating the EGC by looking closer at Stockholm as the EGC winner of 2010 and by analysing the impacts the EGC title has on Sweden’s EU Presidency the second half of 2009. The ecological modernisation theory reconciles economic growth and environmental protection, and provides several relevant features and aspects to this thesis regarding sustainable development, voluntary approaches and environmental policy-making. By applying the theory on the EGC many things such as the underlying visions and methods of the award can be explained and analysed. The conclusion of the thesis is that the EGC in some respects is leading to a greener and more sustainable Europe or at least has the potential to do so.

En kvalitativ undersökning avhållbarhetsarbetet inom Sveriges elbransch / A qualitative study of the sustainabilitywork in the swedishelectricity sector

Silverberg Signér, Rebecca, Radogoshi, Argjiro January 2023 (has links)
Senast år 2045 ska Sverige inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser för att därefter endast ha negativa utsläpp. Sveriges elbransch står inför en utmaning att möjliggöra en storskalig omställning till ett fossilfritt samhälle. Omställningen kommer att kräva stora mängder resurser vilket kommer utmana elbranschen genom att deras egna negativa miljö- och klimatpåverkan kommer att öka genom omställningens gång.  Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på hur hållbarhetsarbetet yttrar sig inom Sveriges elbransch eftersom samarbete möjliggör och driver arbetet med att uppnå en hållbar utveckling löd frågeställningen: Hur yttrar sig hållbarhetsarbetet inom Sveriges elbransch och finns det samarbete gällande hållbarhetsfrågor? För att undersöka hur hållbarhetsarbetet ser ut i Sveriges elbransch valdes det dels att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med olika aktörer inom Sveriges elbransch och dels att genomföra en tematisk analys på samma aktörers hållbarhetsutsagor för räkenskapsåret 2021. En tematisk analys genomfördes även på de transkriberade intervjuerna. Resultatet visade att hållbarhetsarbetet i Sveriges elbransch är tvådelat, den ena delen innefattade att branschen i sig möjliggör omställningen till ett fossilfritt samhälle och den andra delen innefattade branschens eget hållbarhetsarbete gällande främst klimat- och arbetsmiljöfrågor. Utifrån analysen identifierades olika hinder som innefattar långa tillståndsprocesser, lagar som motverkar varandra och en avsaknad av ett grönt transformativt ledarskap, vilket försvårade hållbarhetsarbetet inom branschen. Det identifierades även att samarbeten sker främst med externa aktörer och längs med sin egen leverantörskedja medan samarbeten mellan aktörerna inom elbranschen främst rör säkerhet och arbetsmiljörisker. / By 2045 at the latest, Sweden must have no net emissions of greenhouse gases and thereafter only have negative emissions. Sweden's electricity sector faces a challenge to enable a large-scale transition to a fossil-free society. The transition will require a large amount of resources, which will challenge the electricity sector because of their own negative environmental and climate impacts will increase through the course of the transition. The purpose of the study was to find out how the sustainability work manifests itself within Sweden's electricity sector, because cooperation enables and functions as a driver of the work to achieve sustainable development, the research question was: How does the sustainability work manifest itself within Sweden's electricity sector and is there cooperation regarding sustainability issues? In order to study how the sustainability work manifested itself  in Sweden's electricity sector, semi-structured interviews were conducted with various actors within Sweden's electricity sector and a thematic analysis of the same actors' sustainability statements, sustainability reports, annual reports or their websites for the financial year 2021 was conducted. A thematic analysis was also carried out on the transcribed interviews. The result showed that the sustainability work in Sweden's electricity sector is two-sided, one side included that the sector itself enables the transition to a fossil-free society and the other side included the sector's own sustainability work regarding mainly climate and occupational safety and health issues. Based on the analysis, various barriers were identified, which include long permit processes, laws that work against each other and a lack of green transformative leadership, which made sustainability work within the industry difficult. It was also identified that collaborations primarily were conducted with external actors and along their own supply chain, while collaborations between actors within the electricity sector mainly concern occupational health and safety risks.

Svenskarnas syn på självkörande bilar och dess etiska och moraliska konsekvenser / Sweden's view of self-driving cars and their ethical and moral consequences

Abrahamsson, Alexander, Arvidsson, Wictor January 2023 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens är ett fenomen som bara blir större och större i världen och i Sverige. Teknologin börjar bli allt vanligare för att bilar ska kunna köra sig själva, med andra ord självkörande bilar. I dagsläget har Sverige ingen lagstiftning för helt självkörande bilar i Sverige. Genom en kvantitativ undersökning har allmänhetens inställning och godkännande av fenomenet i Sverige undersökts. Vidare har studien undersökt vem den svenska befolkningen anser borde stå till svars i bilolyckor med självkörande bilar. Författarna kunde konstatera att lagstiftningen ligger efter tekniken och för att de helt självstyrande bilarna ska kunna implementeras i Sverige borde det ske en förändring i lagstiftningen för att bemöta den allmänna uppfattningen kring självkörande bilar i Sverige. Studiens resultat kom fram till att en ändring av den gällande lagstiftningen borde bli aktuell där lagen gynnar människor samt företagen bakom tekniken, inte bara som det är nu att lagen enbart gynnar biltillverkarna då de inte har något ansvar vid bilolyckor med halvt självkörande bilar. För att människor ska känna tillit till tekniken behövs det en större kunskap kring fenomenet. Detta skulle biltillverkarna kunna fixa genom att låta användaren av bilen ha en större vetskap över till exempel den data som företagen samlar in samt vad den används till. / Artificial intelligence is a phenomenon that is only getting bigger and bigger in the world and in Sweden. The technology is becoming increasingly common for cars to be able to drive themselves, in other words self-driving cars. Sweden currently has no legislation for fully self-driving cars in Sweden. Through a quantitative survey, the public's attitude and acceptance of the phenomenon in Sweden has been examined. Furthermore, the study investigated who the Swedish population believes should be held accountable in car accidents with self-driving cars. The authors were able to state that the legislation lags behind the technology and in order for fully self-driving cars to be implemented in Sweden, there should be a change in the legislation to meet the general perception of self-driving cars in Sweden. The results of the study came to the conclusion that a change in the current legislation should be relevant where the law benefits people as well as the companies behind the technology, not just as it is now that the law only benefits the car manufacturers as they have no responsibility in car accidents with semi-autonomous cars. In order for people to trust the technology, a greater knowledge of the phenomenon is needed. The car manufacturers could fix this by letting the user of the car have greater knowledge of, for example, the data that the companies collect and what it is used for.

Balansakten mellan nationell försörjningstrygghet och global miljönytta : En studie av Sveriges elmarknad och utrikeshandel / The Balancing Act Between National Energy Security and Global Environmental Benefits : A Study of Sweden's Electricity Market and Foreign Trade

Ramström, Charlotte, Sandquist, Axel, Staberg, Philippa January 2024 (has links)
Sverige och Europa genomgår en omställning till högre andel förnybar el, samtidigt har Europas elpriser varit rekordhöga de senaste åren och den sammankopplade elhandeln i EU har bidragit till höga elpriser i Sverige. Litteraturstudien har avsett att redogöra för hur strategier som begränsar elhandeln mellan Sverige och EU påverkar Sveriges försörjningstrygghet, elpriser och konkurrenskraft samt hur miljön påverkas av dessa strategier. Studien kartlägger elhandeln i Sverige och Europa, både den fysiska och marknadsmässiga samt de legala faktorer som påverkar den. Balansen mellan försörjningstrygghet, miljö, ekonomiska faktorer och internationell elhandel undersöks. Dessutom introduceras några strategier för att begränsa och kontrollera den internationella elhandeln, de främsta var fysisk begränsning av elöverföringen samt olika prissättningsstrategier. Resultaten visar att en fysisk begränsning av gränsöverskridande elhandel inte är möjlig givet de regelverk som finns på plats men skulle drabba försörjningstryggheten samt medföra osäkerheter på lång sikt i ekonomiska faktorer som konkurrenskraft och elpriser i Sverige. Dessutom skulle en fysisk begränsning försvåra övergången till mer förnybar energi i Sverige och Europa och på så vis påverka miljön negativt. Det framstår därför som mer gynnsamt på kort sikt att istället kontrollera elhandeln med olika prissättningsstrategier såsom lägre priser för inhemska konsumenter, för att på så sätt dra nytta av inkomsterna och miljönyttan som internationell elhandel innebär utan att de nationella elpriserna drabbas i samma utsträckning. Beroende på prissättningsstrategi innebär det att den negativa påverkan på antingen hushållens eller industriernas elpriser reduceras, varav framför allt det senare innebär att konkurrenskraften inte påverkas lika negativt. Dock visar studien att en sådan modell kräver ytterligare forskning för att utvärdera dess genomförbarhet och potentiella effekter. Slutsatsen av studien indikerar att både bibehålla den nuvarande situationen och implementera alternativa strategier medför olika för- och nackdelar avseende försörjningstrygghet, elpriser, den svenska industrins konkurrenskraft och miljöpåverkan. För att identifiera den mest optimala strategin krävs ytterligare forskning samt en noggrann avvägning av de potentiella konsekvenserna. / Sweden and Europe are increasingly shifting towards renewable electricity. However, Europe has recently seen record-high electricity prices, with the interconnected electricity trade within EU contributing to high prices in Sweden. This literature review aims to elucidate the impacts of strategies restricting electricity trade between Sweden and the EU on Sweden’s energy security, electricity prices, competitiveness, and the environment. The study maps the physical and market dynamics of electricity trade in Sweden and Europe and examines the legal factors influencing it. It also explores the balance between energy security, environmental considerations, economic factors, and international electricity trade. Various strategies for limiting and controlling international electricity trade are introduced, focusing on physical restrictions on electricity transmission and different pricing strategies. The findings suggest that physically restricting cross-border electricity trade is not feasible under current regulations and would harm energy security, leading to long-term uncertainties in economic factors such as competitiveness and electricity prices in Sweden. Additionally, such restrictions would impede the transition to renewable energy in Sweden and Europe, adversely affecting the environment. Therefore, controlling electricity trade through various pricing strategies, such as lower prices for domestic consumers, seems more advantageous in the short run. This approach allows for leveraging the economic and environmental benefits of international electricity trade without significantly impacting national electricity prices. Depending on the pricing strategy, the negative impact on either household or industrial electricity prices is mitigated, with the latter primarily ensuring competitiveness remains less affected. However, further research is needed to evaluate the feasibility and potential effects of this model. The study concludes that both maintaining the current situation and implementing alternative strategies entail various advantages and disadvantages concerning energy security, electricity prices, the competitiveness of Swedish industry, and environmental impact. To identify the most optimal strategy, further research and a careful assessment of the potential consequences are required.

Orsak och verkan : Samband i Sveriges landsting och regioners balanserade styrkort / Cause and effect : Relationships in Sweden's county councils and regions' balanced scorecards

Kihlström, Andreas, Kring, Jonas, Norrby, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur Sveriges landsting och regioner formulerar och visualiserar orsak-verkan-samband mellan perspektiven vid tillämpning av balanserat styrkort. Metod: Uppsatsen använder sig av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys med en dokumentstudie av Sveriges landsting och regioners årsredovisningar och budgetdokument för år 2015. Slutsatser: Av Sveriges landsting och regioner tillämpar 11 av 21 balanserat styrkort som styrmodell. Landstingen och regionernas balanserade styrkort uppnår i relativt hög grad orsak-verkan-samband, dock presenteras orsak-verkan-samband i mycket låg utsträckning för verksamhetens intressenter. Sveriges Landsting och regioner presenterar ingen form av strategikarta som uppfyller rekvisiten som ställs på en strategikarta. Vidare visar författarna att tidsperspektivet mellan perspektiven påverkas av förhållandet mellan utfallsmått och drivande mått i varje perspektiv. En hög andel utfallsmått placerar perspektivet högt upp i det balanserade styrkortet och en hög andel drivande mått placerar perspektivet långt ner i det balanserade styrkortet. / Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to analyse how Sweden's county councils and regions phrases and visualizes the cause and effect relationship between the perspectives in the implementation of the balanced scorecard. Method: This thesis uses a quantitative content analysis with a document study of Sweden's county councils and regions financial statement and budget documents for the year 2015. Conclusions: 11 of 21 of Sweden's county councils and regions are using balanced scorecard as governance model. The county councils and regions’ balanced scorecards are demonstrating a relatively high degree of cause and effect relationship. However, this is not presented to the organization's stakeholders. Sweden's county councils and regions does not present any form of strategy map that fulfills the demands that is required of a strategy map. The authors also finds that the time dimension between the perspectives is affected by the mixture of outcome measures and performance drivers in each of the perspectives. A high proportion of outcome measures will place the perspective high up in the balances scorecard. A high proportion performance drivers will place the perspective lower in the balanced scorecard.

Sveriges politiska landskap i förändring: Ideologiska avvikelser inom de svenska riksdagspartierna : En komparativ ideologianalys av de tidigare allianspartiernas ideologiska förankring mellan 2004 och 2022 / Sweden's political landscape in change: Ideological deviations within the Swedish parliamentary parties : A comparative ideological analysis of the former alliance parties' ideological anchoring between 2004 and 2022

Boström, Liw January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to provide answers to how the former Alliance parties relate to their basic ideologies today in comparison to the ideological anchoring during the time when the Alliance cooperation was still relevant in Swedish politics. The study also seeks to explain observed disparities based on previous political science research on Sweden's party system, the GAL-TAN scale and median voter theory. The investigation applies two dimensions to capture the ideologies in the materials; the view of human beings and social theory where an economic aspect is also included. The study examines how prevalent the parties ideologies are within the migration policies and school policies. These areas are perceived to cover the selected dimensions. The goal is for the study to increase political awareness among voters, provide increased knowledge of how Sweden's party system works and provide an explanation as to why the Alliance eventually split. The method used in the study is a qualitative ideology analysis of party programs and election manifestos based on two time periods; year 2004 and 2022. The results show that the parties follow their ideologies to a large extent based on the material. What deviated was that the Moderates' migration policy attitude has changed, whereby the party has moved more towards TAN on the GAL-TAN scale. However, the survey is not comprehensive in order to fully establish whether the parties' ideologies are followed, partly because only two policy areas are analyzed and partly because the actual and real policies were not examined.

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