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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den anställningsbara personalvetaren : en jämförande studie gällande vilka typer av kompetenser som gör personalvetare anställningsbara i Sverige respektive Sydafrika

Andersson, Linus, Jemt, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om anställningsbarheten hos personalvetare, med fokus på informella kompetenser, i Sverige och Sydafrika. Studiens syfte var att utifrån ett arbetsgivarperspektiv undersöka vilka typer av kompetenser som gör personalvetare, vilkas yrke är att arbeta med personal- och arbetslivsfrågor på företags personalavdelningar, anställningsbara samt hur dessa typer av kompetenser värderas. Vidare var syftet att utreda om det råder en skillnad mellan svenska och sydafrikanska arbetsgivare vad gäller synen på ovanstående. Ur detta formulerades sedan fyra frågeställningar för att konkretisera syftet. Dessa syftade till att klargöra vilka typer av kompetenser som gör personalvetare anställningsbara i respektive land, hur kompetenserna värderades samt eventuella skillnader mellan länderna. Med anledning av att uppsatsen berör subjektiva bedömningar av vad som gör personalvetare anställningsbara, och att det empiriska materialet inhämtats från två länder med olika språk och kulturer, användes intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Vidare har Lindelöws kompetensmodell med medföljande kompetensdefinitioner använts för intervjupersonernas värdering av kompetenser. Detta i form av en kompetensvärderingsuppgift vi låtit våra intervjupersoner göra. Empirin bestod således av resultatet från intervjuer - tre i vardera land - av personer vilka ansvarar för, eller är delaktiga i, rekryteringen av personalvetare på respektive företags personalavdelningar inom respektive land. Teorierna, med vars hjälp vi analyserade resultatet av intervjuerna, var Ellströms uppdelning av kompetensbegreppet, Keens uppdelning av kompetensbegreppet och Lindelöws kompetensmodell. Resultatet tyder på att de svenska arbetsgivarna fokuserar mycket på personalvetares värderingar, erfarenheter, motivationella och känslomässiga handlingsförutsättningar samt kunskaper och intellektuella färdigheter. De sydafrikanska arbetsgivarna fokuserar mer på hur personen passar in och kompletterar den befintliga gruppen. Dessutom värderade de erfarenhet, kunskaper samt intellektuella- och sociala färdigheter högt. Värderingen av kompetenserna visar på små skillnader mellan länderna. Skillnader i övrigt som går att utläsa är att de svenska arbetsgivarna värderar intellektuella färdigheter högre än de sydafrikanska och att de sydafrikanska arbetsgivarna efterfrågar ledarskapsförmågor aningen mer än de svenska.  De tydligaste skillnaderna ges i utryck av olika värderingar av enskilda kompetenser, det vill säga olikheter vad gäller intervjupersonernas kompetensrangordning. / This essay is about the employability of persons working with human resources (HR-person) in Sweden and South Africa, with a focus on informal competences. The purpose of the study was to examine what kind of skills that make HR-persons employable from anemployer´s perspective, and how these types of skills are valued. The purpose was furthermore to investigate whether there is a difference in the perception of the abovebetween Swedish and South African employers. Out of this, four questions were formulated in order to substantiate the purpose. The questions were intended to clarifywhat types of competences make HR-persons employable in the respective countries, to clarify how competences were valued and if there were any differences between the two countries. As the study involves subjective assessments of what makes HR-persons employable, and as the empirical material was gathered from two countries with differentlanguages and cultures, only interviews were used as a method for collecting data.Furthermore, the Lindelöw competence model and its enclosed definitions of competences have been used for the valuation of competences, made by the persons interviewed. The empirical data thus consisted of results from interviews - three in each country - with persons responsible for, or involved in, the recruitment of HR-persons in the companies´ human resources departments within each country. The theories used for analyzing our results from the interviews were Ellström´s division of the concept of competence, Keen´s division of the concept of competence and Lindelöw´s model of competences. The results indicate that the Swedish employers focus a lot on the HR-persons values, experiences, motivational and emotional reasons behind the certain actions as well as knowledge and intellectual skills. The South African employers were instead focusing more on how the person fits in and complements the existing group.Furthermore, they highly valued the experience, knowledge and intellectual and social skills. Certain minor differences can however be detected in valuation of specific competence. As a general note, it could also be perceived that the Swedish employers seem to value the intellectual skills higher than the South African, and the South Africanemployers have a slightly bigger demand for leadership abilities than the Swedish. The most obvious differences are the expression of different valuations of specificcompetences, the differences in the interviewees competence ranking. / Rapport 2011016

ANC-galan i Götegorg 1985 : En analys av sången Soweto som politisk mobilisering

Bjelkenbrant, Pernilla January 2007 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Bjelkenbrant, Pernilla, 2006: ANC-galan i Göteborg 1985: en analys av sången Soweto som politisk mobilisering (The ANC gala in Gothenburg in 1985: an analysis of the song Soweto as a means of political mobilisation)</p><p>The political scientists Abdul Karim Bangura, Ove Nordenmark and Tor Sellström, all believe that there, during the 1980s, existed a strong and unified “Swedish” attitude against the South African apartheid system, and Sellström points out that this position had a strong anchorage in the ANC gala in Gothenburg in 1985. Over the past few years, singing has been identified as playing a crucial role in the struggle against apartheid. The aim of this study is twofold: firstly it presents a comprehensive discussion on how song is generally considered a tool of political mobilisation, secondly it discusses how that process can be applied to the ANC-gala. Consequently, the theoretical discussion constitutes the initial part of the study. The purpose of this study is to explore how Mikael Wiehe’s lyrics Soweto, as a representative of the songs that were performed during the gala, mobilised support for the ANC within as well as outside the Swedish solidarity movement, and how Soweto contributed to creating and consolidating a unified attitude towards apartheid – an attitude that went beyond those different opinions on apartheid that existed in the Swedish debate.</p><p>Starting out from the work of the historians Kim Salomon and Håkan Thörn, as well as the political scientist Immanuel Wallerstein, the study shows how the ANC-gala relates to the Swedish solidarity movement and the African National Congress (ANC). Explaining the gala as an area of definition processes and social interaction within which there are constantly created or defined more or less embracing identities, and thereby regarding the gala a collective sympathiser with the potential to strengthen the opinion for the Swedish solidarity work against apartheid, it is possible, when adding the political scientist Mark Mattern’s study, Acting in Concert: Music, Community, and Political Action, to create the theoretical framework needed to accomplish the second part of the study.</p><p>In the initial study it is stated that song mobilises politically by telling stories about the past. Song works as a communicator and creator of identity as the author of a song integrates in it common experiences. To explore Soweto from that point of view there are developed a few questions that together provides us with the answers to what history Soweto presents, and how that history is being presented.</p><p>In the latter part of the study it is stated that it is possible for a number of groups to identify with the past that is being presented in Soweto, and even though it appears how the song has the capacity to split common identities – that it debates divergent interests – it also becomes evident how it brings those same groups together in their various strives for an existence in peace. The reason for this seems to be the fact that Soweto presents universal concepts that everybody, no matter what affiliation or extent of knowledge in the apartheid issue, can relate to. This way, Soweto appeals to advocates as well as opponents of apartheid, in South Africa as well as in Sweden.</p>

Astrid Lindgren - Werk und Wirkung : internationale und interkulturelle Aspekte /

Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina. Nix, Angelika. Blume, Svenja. January 2009 (has links)
Bidrag på tysk og engelsk.

Demokratiundervisning i skolan : En jämförande studie mellan den sydafrikanska och svenska skolan / Democracy education in schools : A comparative study between the Swedish and South African school

Elin, Mattsson January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to highlight how Swedish primary school teachers teach of and about democracy and based on this then compare with how the primary school teachers in South Africa teaches of and about democracy. This comparison will then highlight what can be developed in the teaching of and about democracy in Swedish schools. The method used in this study is mind maps because it gives a greater depth in the way teachers look at teaching democracy. The result of this comparison is that South Africa's history pervades the entire democracy education in school but both Sweden and South Africa use methods as dialogue and discussion in teaching of and about democracy. Furthermore, the community, curriculum, teacher and cooperation with other teachers also have an influence on how democracy's teaching looks like in schools. The result shows that encounters with other people and resources have an impact on teaching democracy. Swedish schools democracy education would develop if the education had more encounters with other people from other contexts compared with South Africa which is great need for more resources to create a diverse education in schools. / Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur svenska grundskolelärare undervisar i och om demokrati och utifrån detta jämföra med grundskolelärare i Sydafrika undervisar i och om demokrati. Denna jämförelse skall sedan belysa vad som kan utvecklas i demokratiundervisningen i svensk skola. Metoden som har använts till denna studie är föreställningskartor eftersom detta ger ett större djup i hur lärarna ser på demokratiundervisning i skolan. Resultatet av denna jämförelse är att Sydafrikas historia genomsyrar hela demokratiundervisningen i skolan men både Sverige och Sydafrika bygger sin undervisning i och om demokrati utifrån samtal och diskussioner. Vidare har samhället, läroplanen, läraren och även lärarkollegialt samarbete en påverkan på hur demokratiundervisningen ter sig i skolan. Resultatet visar också att möten och resurser har en påverkan på undervisningen i och om demokrati. I Sverige behövs det ännu mer möten med andra människor från andra kontexter jämfört med Sydafrika som uppvisar ett stort behov av mer resurser för att skapa en varierande undervisning i skolan.

Att förena ett land : En fallstudie om Sydafrikas sanning och försoningskommission

Hellström, Inez January 2015 (has links)
After decades of repression and segregation South Africa managed to break free from the Apartheid era. The year was 1994 when democracy started to prevail in South Africa. That year a truth commission was created in the country to deal with the human rights violations of apartheid. This thesis will analyze the truth commission’s management through three perspectives. These perspectives are the Truth Commission’s, a report by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and lastly a theory by Samuel Huntington. The analysis is designed as a case study of the truth commission’s work. This thesis describes the commissions work and the challenges that followed. The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze some of the different approaches on South Africa’s process of reconciliation. This has been done to see if there is parallels or possible contradictions between the perspectives and to highlight challenges. The result shows that the perspectives do have split opinions about the commissions work. The Truth Commission aims to bring the country forward in a fast pace, while Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch stands more critical on how the commission chooses to go about. Clear parallels are also shown between Huntingtons theory and the reality of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Implementeringen av den nya läroplanen i Sydafrika : En studie i en svart kåkstad

Eriksson, Madeleine January 2010 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bidra med kunskap om vilka möjligheter, samt svårigheter det finns med att implementera en ny läroplan. För att vidare konkretisera syftet har tre frågeställningar tagits fram: 1. Vad har verksamma inom skolväsendet i Sydafrika för uppfattningar om den nya läroplanen? 2. Vilka möjligheter samt hinder ser de verksamma inom skolväsendet i Sydafrika med den nya läroplanen? 3. Vad har implementeringsarbetet inneburit för de verksamma inom skolväsendet i Sydafrika? För att besvara mina frågeställningar så har jag genomfört tre kvalitativa intervjuer. Två av intervjuerna genomförde jag med lärare på en sydafrikansk lågstadieskola, och den tredje med en skolinspektör från det regionala skolkontoret. Förutom intervjuerna har jag även genomfört en strukturerad observation hos de två lärarna jag intervjuade. Resultatet av min undersökning visar ett samband mellan den utbildning som givits de verksamma inom skolväsendet i Sydafrika om den nya läroplanen, samt deras inställning till den. Undersökningen visar även att det råder stora skillnader i kvalité mellan olika skolor, och att de fortfarande är de traditionellt svarta skolområdena som tillhandahåller sämre kvalité, på grund av bristande resurser. / Abstract The purpose of this essay is to contribute with knowledge about which possibilities and difficulties there is about implementing a new curriculum. To further concrete the purpose, three issues has been developed: 1. What perceptions do the active in the South African schooling have about the new curriculum? 2. Which possibilities and difficulties does the active in the South African schooling see with the new curriculum? 3. What has the implementation work meant to the active in the South African schooling? In order to reply to my issues I did three qualitative interviews. Two of the interviews I conducted with teachers of a South African primary school, and the third with a school inspector from the regional school office. Beside the interviews I also did a structured observation of the two teachers I interviewed. The result of my study showed a link between the education given to the active in the South African schooling about the new curriculum, and their attitude against it. The study also showed that it occurs big differences in words of quality between different schools, and that it’s still the traditional black school areas that provide lower quality, because of lack of resources.

Educators’ and learners’ view on feedback : a study about feedback, respect and corporal punishment in a South African school

Smedberg, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
South Africa has a complex history which has, among other things, affected the education system. The system is still in crisis in many ways. The purpose of this study is to investigate the educators’ approach to learners and vice versa in a South African school. It is to examine the overall respect between educators and learners and how educators give learners feedback. The aim is also to find out if corporal punishment is a common way to discipline learners and to investigate the educators’ way to give praise and confirmation. The study was made on a High School outside Cape Town and it includes qualitative interviews with three educators and three learners. The results of the interviews are presented in three categories, which is: feedback, respect and corporal punishment. First, the results show that the feedback is a subject that can be improved. According to the respondents they are doing things right but also quite a few things wrong. They all think that feedback is extremely important for the learners’ development, but only if it is provided in the right way. Second, it shows an overall lack of respect in the South African school, which is reflecting the issues in the communities and in the learners’ homes. But it is something that the Department of Basic Education is trying to improve with the help from the Life Orientation subject. Finally, the results show that a lot of the respondents have mixed feelings about the banning of corporal punishment and that is partly why it is hard to get rid of. This study shows a deeper understanding of these issues and why South Africa still struggle with developing their education system.

Green Logistics in South Africa : A study of the managerial perceptions in the road transportation industry in South Africa

Sandén Gustafsson, Henrik, Göransson, Hampus January 2014 (has links)
The role of logistics has, over the last decade, evolved into a significant determinant in the operations of businesses. Increased efficiency and reduced operational costs can be established through a well-operated transportation system. Due to societies increased awareness for environmental issues, the logistics industry has been affected, which has led to a demand for development. Therefore, the concept of green logistics has become more common in the transportation industry. However, in South Africa this concept is lessestablished and there is a need to investigate managerial perceptions further. This research investigates green logistics, as perceived by managers in the transportation industry in South Africa. This thesis aims to study green logistics activities in South Africa at large transportation companies. The authors explore the current green logistic activities at the transportationcompanies, the managerial perceptions regarding green logistics, and their views of incentives and barriers to its implementation. The literature review presents the major theories and concepts included in green logistics. This section will present the reader with a deeper knowledge of sustainability, the triple bottom line, green logistics, and strategic environmental environment. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were used in this study. Six companies were interviewed and one South African logistical researcher. Secondary data was also used to get a deeper understanding of green logistics in South Africa. Interviews were held at the headquarters of the transportation companies, which were all resided in Johannesburg. Three international companies, three domestic companies (all with global operations), and one logistics researcher were interviewed. This gave the authors well-rounded empirical findings. The results from the interviews were divided into three categories: responsibility, green logistics activities, and managerial perceptions. The analysis provided many incentives and barriers of green logistics in South Africa, as well as a deeper understanding of the managerial perceptions. The study shows that green logistics is currently implemented, to a certain extent in South Africa. However, the paper identifies areas were it can be improved upon. The authors can conclude that the economical factor is a driving force within the triple bottom when implementing green logistics. Another interesting factor described in the conclusion is the importance of communicating green initiatives internally and externally. Conclusively, further recommendations regarding green logistic practices in South Africa are acknowledged.

Violence in the midst of peace negotiations : cases from Guatemala, Northern Ireland, South Africa and Sri Lanka /

Höglund, Kristine, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2004.

ATT LEVA MED HIV/AIDS I SYDAFRIKA : en litteraturöversikt / LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA : -A literature review

Adolfsson, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Humant Immunbrist Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) är en pandemi som hårdast drabbat utvecklingsländer i världen. I Sydafrika är 6,300 000 HIV/AIDS positiva. Studier visar att människor som lever i fattigdom utsätts för den största risken att bli drabbad av HIV/AIDS, då utbildning och möjligheten till val av livsstil är låg. Skam och stigmatisering drabbar både människan i fråga och dess närstående. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att beskriva Sydafrikanska människor upplevelse av sin livssituation efter en HIV/AIDS diagnos. METOD: Litteraturöversikt, åtta artiklar har analyserats för att nå arbetets resultat. RESULTAT: Resultatet är uppbyggt under tre huvudteman; Egenupplevt och samhällets skuldbeläggande hos HIV/AIDS-positiva människor, Viktiga faktorer för att uppnå en känsla av hälsa hos HIV/AIDS-positiva människor samt Behov och längtan av stöd från närstående. Resultatet beskriver att den drabbade värderar anonymitet högt för att undvika samhällets stigmatisering. Gott bemötande hos vårdpersonalen visade sig också vara en viktig faktor för välbefinnande hos människan, men även stöd från familj. Stödet från familjen upplevdes dock i vissa fall som svårt att finna. DISKUSSION: Stigma som är ett stort problem hos den drabbade skulle kunna minskas med utbildning och spridning av kunskap hos allmänheten. Bemötande som ger människan en känsla av trygghet och ett system som är gynnsamt för individens anonymitet är eftersökt. Detta trots att forskning visar att en öppenhet uppmuntras hos de HIV positiva för att minska stigma. Rädslan är dock för stor för att detta skulle kunna bli aktuellt för många

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