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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Objudna in över våra generöst öppna gränser" : Den assyriska/syrianska invandringen till Sverige 1975-1982 / “Uninvited across our generously open borders” : The Assyrian/Syrian immigration to Sweden 1975-1982

Lancaster, James January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates the connection between migration discourses and politics through the assyrian/syrian immigration to Sweden 1975-1982. Using Bacchi’s “What’s the problem (represented to be)?” (WPR) methodology, which is based on Foucault’s theories of governmentality, this thesis investigates how preconceptions of issues forms understanding of them as problems and shapes the possible solutions to the problem concerned. The results of this thesis indicates that the assyrian/syrian immigration to Sweden was understood by the government and its agencies as an issue of control over the population and over immigration. There was a consensus amongst all parties that immigration to Sweden must be regulated both by law and in numbers and in distribution across the country but disagreements existed on solutions. This study aims to increase knowledge of the different responses to the assyrian/syrian immigration in order to further understanding of how political consensus shapes immigration politics and how border politics and integration politics intersect and affect one another.

Assyriska/Syrianska ungdomars värderingar och beteenden kring sexualitet, alkohol och droger / Values and behaviors about sexuality, alcohol and drugs amongst Assyrian/Syrian youths

Johanen, Jacob January 2013 (has links)
Sexualvanor bland ungdomar har i generella termer genomgått stor förändring. Debutåldern sjunker och fler sexualpartners är mer vanligt förekommande. En tidig sexualdebut kan dock vara problematiskt i många avseenden. Forskning visar att en tidig sexdebut bör ses som ett tecken på en skadlig livsstil då det visat att ungdomar med tidiga sexuella relationer också tenderar att använda mer tobak, alkohol och droger jämfört med ungdomar utan sexuella erfarenheter. En studie pekar på att assyriska/syrianska ungdomar i Sverige tenderar att sexdebutera sent samt ha ett lågt antal sexualpartners. Det saknas dock kvalitativa studier kring gruppens värderingar och syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för värderingar och beteenden kring sexualitet och se om det finns en påverkan från kulturella aspekter. Vidare syftar studien också i att undersöka om det finns ett samband hos ungdomarnas familjesamhörighet i relation till alkohol och drogvanor. Utifrån en kvalitativ ansats undersöks 12 assyriska/syrianska ungdomar genom skriftliga intervjuer som besvaras anonymt. Materialet analyseras genom meningskoncentrering där utvalda citat kortas ner och kategoriseras utifrån olika teman. För att tolka och analysera respondenternas värderingar och beteenden kring sexualitet, alkohol och droger, kulturella aspekter samt deras familjesituation, användes valda teorier som verktyg; intimitetens omvandling i förhållande till sexualitet, gemeinschaft och gesellschaft i förhållande till kultur samt socialt kapital i förhållande till familjesamhörighet. Detta för att nå en djupare förståelse för respondenternas värderingar. Slutdiskussionen berör diskussioner kring en varierad förekomst av värderingar och beteenden gällande sexualitet där flera uppger att de är emot föräktenskapliga relationer och andra som har en mer liberal syn och menar att det är upp till var och en att bestämma. Det framgår även att kultur eller religion har en inverkan hos de respondenter som uppger värderingar som är emot föräktenskapliga relationer. Även diskussioner kring familjesamhörighet samt alkohol och droger förs där det eventuellt finns kopplingar mellan svag samhörighet eller svag kommunikation i relation till missbruk. / Sexual habits among young people have in general terms undergone great change. Sexual debut age drops and it´s more common with an increased number of sexualpartners. An early sexual debut, however, can be problematic in many aspects. Research shows that early sexdebut should be seen as a sign of a harmful lifestyle when it revealed that adolescents with early sexual relationships also tend to use more alcohol and drugs compared with youths without sexual experience. One study indicates that the Assyrian/Syrian youths in Sweden tend to debut late and have a low number of sexual partners. However, no qualitative studies have been made about the group´s values and behaviors about sexuality. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the values and the behaviors about sexuality and if there is an influence from cultural aspects. Furthermore, the study also aimed to investigate whether there is a connection between familyconnectedness with alcohol and drug habits. Based on a qualitative approach 12 Assyrian/Syrian youths is being examined through written interviews answered anonymously. The material was analyzed by sentence concentrator and selected quotes were shortened and categorized based on different themes. In order to interpret and analyze the respondents values and behaviors about sexuality, alcohol and drugs, cultural aspects as well as their family situations, were following selected theories used as tools; intimacy transformation in relation to sexuality, gemeinschaft and gesellschaft in relation to culture and social capital in relation to family connectedness. This is to achieve a deeper understanding of the respondents’ values.  The final discussion involves discussions of a varied presence of values ​​and behaviors regarding sexuality, where some respondents say they are against premarital relationships and other who have a more liberal view and say that it is up to each individual to decide. It also shows that culture or religion has an impact of those respondents who indicates values ​​that are against premarital relationships. Even discussions about family connectedness in relation to alcohol and drugs are presented where there might be a possible link between weak connectedness and poor communication in relation to alcohol or drug abuse.

Etnisk boendesegregation i Södertälje- En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter av att bo i Ronna

Karim, Kira, Samri, Maria January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate segregation from an accommodation perspective. The essay questions how the residents of Ronna feel about their neighborhood and what they think of other people's views of their area. Our purpose is to conduct a qualitative study of whether or not individuals experience residential segregation in Ronna. The essay is based on qualitative interviews, which were conducted with five people who have lived in Ronna for at least five years and who define themselves as Assyrians/Syrians. To analyze our empirical data, we have used two theoretical perspectives. One by Westin and Elias & Scotson, which is the theory about social groups - established and outsiders. The second theory explains how ethnic boundaries and enclaves occur. With the support of previous research, we highlight and define the fundamental factors causing segregation. After analyzing our empirical data, we concluded that residential segregation is a broad concept and that there are several factors that lead to segregation. The result of the study indicates that all informants thrive in their neighborhood and feel a solidarity and cohesion with each other. In Ronna the Assyrian/Syrian is a dominant ethnic community which has formed a strong “We” – group in their neighborhood. / Syfte med denna studie är att belysa boendesegregationen i Ronna ur de boendes perspektiv. Med stöd av några teoretiska perspektiv besvaras frågan om hur invånare i Ronna upplever sitt bostadsområde, samt hur de förhåller sig till andras uppfattningar och föreställningar om sitt område.Studiens syfte uppnås genom en kvalitativ studie om individers upplevelser kring boendesegregationen i Ronna. Uppsatsen är uppbyggd utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer, vilka har genomförts med fem personer i åldrarna 30-45 som för närvarande bor i Ronna sedan minst fem år tillbaka, alla dessa individer definierar sig som assyrier/syrianer. För att analysera intervjumaterialet har vi använt oss av två teoretiska perspektiv. Den ena av dessa är det samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsinriktning som studerar sociala grupper - etablerade och outsiders, därefter har denna teori kompletterats med ett ytterligare teoretiskt perspektiv som redogör för hur etniska gränser och enklaver uppstår. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning belysas och definieras olika bakomliggande faktorer som kan orsaka boendesegregation inom ett bostadsområde. Analysen av intervjumaterialet visar att boendesegregation är ett omfattande fenomen där flera faktorer ger upphov till att segregation uppstår. Studieresultatet påvisar att i Ronna är assyrier/syrianer en dominerande folkgrupp som har skapat en stark vi-grupp i sitt bostadsområde. Samtliga informanter trivs bra i sitt bostadsområde, samt känner en stark gemenskap och tillhörighet.

"I would never risk being stuck in that hell again" : Dual citizenship and Syrians/Assyrians in Sweden

Yildiz, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Since the fate of the Syrian/Assyrian minority that has fled Turkey has not received much attention in research, this thesis is made to recognize the group and their experiences as refugees, Christians, and citizens in their old and new countries of Turkey and Sweden. When talking about dual citizenship, in terms of previous research, researchers often argue about how migrants prefer to keep their former citizenship when moving to another country. According to scholars and policymakers, dual citizenship is a benefit since it, for instance, helps immigrants to naturalize into their country of settlement. However, this is not always the case. By interviewing nine Syrians/Assyrians from Turkey, who either hold dual citizenship (Swedish and Turkish citizenship) or only Swedish citizenship (former Turkish citizens), this thesis will focus on how the minority thinks, feels, reasons, and argues about dual citizenship. Because of a history filled with oppression, discrimination, violence, and death (the Syrian/Assyrian genocide in 1915) in Turkey, many Syrians/Assyrians did not want to keep the bond to their country of origin when migrating to Sweden. In the sense of security and safety, belonging, naturalization and integration, and loyalty, this study will focus on what dual citizenship means for the Syrian/Assyrian participants who came to Sweden in the 1970s and if they make use of the possibility to hold more than one citizenship. The main finding is that the minority feels safe and at home in Sweden and not in Turkey. Because of their lack of protection and rights as Christians in their country of origin, Sweden is, as they call it, their new home. Even if some of them hold dual citizenship, while others only have Swedish citizenship, the majority of the Syrian/Assyrian people do not feel any sense of attachment, feeling, or loyalty toward Turkey today. However, there are exceptions. By holding dual citizenship, those Syrians/Assyrians who misses the food, the climate, or the culture can visit their country of origin, whenever they want to, as citizens.

Syřané v Čechách / Syrians in the Czech Republic

Šimonová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Syrians in the Czech Republic" is engaged with the Syrians living in the Czech Republic, and their activities here. Attempts to outline the Syrians view on the Czech society and their integration into Czech society. The main method of work is a field research among the Syrians supplemented with study of technical literature. Keywords Syria, Syrians, the Arabic spring, the Arab revolution, Bashar Assad, the Baas, Syrian identity, islam, emigration, immigration, integration process, problem of identity

Bära Sorg Föra Liv : En studie om begravningsritualer bland syrianer/assyrier i hemlandet och i Sverige. / Carry Sorrow Conduct Life : A study about burial rituals among Syrian/Assyrian in homeland and in Sweden

Ablahad, Marlen January 2005 (has links)
<p>This essay describes the phases of funeral rituals between the Syrian/Assyrian, and compares the homeland with Sweden. It describes the stage of rituals according to Victor Turner schema of separation, margin or limin, and aggregation. The rituals religious significance agrees with Clifford Geertz’s theory about the importance of religious beliefs for the human being</p>

Bära Sorg Föra Liv : En studie om begravningsritualer bland syrianer/assyrier i hemlandet och i Sverige. / Carry Sorrow Conduct Life : A study about burial rituals among Syrian/Assyrian in homeland and in Sweden

Ablahad, Marlen January 2005 (has links)
This essay describes the phases of funeral rituals between the Syrian/Assyrian, and compares the homeland with Sweden. It describes the stage of rituals according to Victor Turner schema of separation, margin or limin, and aggregation. The rituals religious significance agrees with Clifford Geertz’s theory about the importance of religious beliefs for the human being

Assimilerade minoritetsgrupper i Sverige och den uråldriga identiteten : En etnologisk studie om assyriska/syrianska flyktingars integrering i Sverige under 1970-talet

Kababe, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
This essay is about how a minority ethnic group, namely, assyrian/syrian immigrants have, or have not, assimilated and integrated into the swedish society. The ethnic group that came to Sweden relatively early, i.e. during but also earlier than the 1970s, came to Sweden when the county extended a helping hand to many refugees who have fled from war, oppression and economic crises. I investigate whether the ethnic group has been assimilated in Sweden and how they have established themselves in the country and whether or not the integration process has gone easier, or not, because of the groups´s habitus, i.e. life experiences, culture, mentality and habits. The people who have settled in the Middle East for several generations are an indigenous group of people who are known to be one of the first civilized societies and were located in ancient Mesopotamia so called “The assyrian empire”, and have therefore formed an ancient identity. For my last research question, i investigate how the ancient identity has been affected by migration , separation of the ethnic group ,mobility in several countries and how the participants of the study feels about their remaking of the identity. Will the ancient identity disappear, is a discussed question in the analysis.

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