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Essai d'une théorie générale des aménagements de peine / Towards a general theory of sentence adjustmentsCarpentier, Yan 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les aménagements de peine sont devenus le fer de lance d’une politique pénale de lutte contre la récidivefondée sur l’insertion ou la réinsertion des condamnés. Le nombre de mesures qualifiées comme desaménagements de peine n’a jamais cessé de croître au fil du XXe siècle. Pourtant, au fur et à mesure ques’amoncelaient les réformes éparses, aucune réflexion d’ensemble relative aux aménagements de peine n’a eu lieu.Ainsi, la notion d’aménagement de peine n’a jamais été construite alors que la France est sûrement le payseuropéen qui recourt le plus à ces mesures. La France apparaît alors comme le pays le plus fertile en matièred’aménagement de peine avec une variété de mécanismes importante. Cette variété rend nécessaire une théoriegénérale des aménagements de peine dans la mesure où le sens technique de cette notion demeure obscur.Une théorie générale semble le moyen le plus sûr pour tenter de déceler une cohérence parmi les diversesmesures. En ce sens, il ne peut y avoir de théorie générale s’il est impossible d’identifier abstraitement ce qu’estune mesure d’aménagement de peine. En effet, le désordre normatif a effacé les frontières entre les modalitésd’exécution de la peine, les aménagements de peine et les mesures de sûreté. Aussi, le cadre d’une théorie généralepermet de construire la notion même d’aménagement de peine. En outre, la construction d’une notion unitaire doitpermettre d’apprécier la technique unitaire de ces mesures. Ce faisant, la théorie générale restaure une certainelisibilité du droit et met en lumière toute la cohérence d’un système tendant à responsabiliser le condamné. / Sentence adjustment spearheads a new criminal policy of fight against recidivism based on integration orrehabilitation of convicted people. The number of measures qualified as sentence adjustment increased throughoutthe XXe century. However, as scattered reforms kept accumulating, no overall study regarding sentence adjustmenthas taken place. As a result, even though France is surely the European country that uses them the most, the conceptof sentence adjustment has never been constructed. France indeed seems to be the most fertile country regardingsentence adjustment, creating many different mechanisms. Since the technical sense of the notion of sentenceadjustment remains blurry, a general theory of sentence adjustment is necessary.A general theory seems to be the surest way to try to find a coherence among those various measures. Butthere cannot be a general theory if it is not possible to identify abstractly what is a sentence adjustment. Nowadaysthe normative disorder blurred the lines between enforcement of a sentence, sentence adjustment and preventivedetention. Therefore, a general theory would help build the concept of sentence adjustment itself. Besides, theconstruction of a concept would make it easier to assess the one technique behind all those mechanisms. By doingso, the general theory of sentence adjustment would restore some clarity to the law and give all of its consistencyto a system tending to give a sense of responsibility to the convicted.
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Microbial factors associated with the natural suppression of take-all wheat in New ZealandChng, Soon Fang January 2009 (has links)
Take-all, caused by the soilborne fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), is an important root disease of wheat that can be reduced by take-all decline (TAD) in successive wheat crops, due to general and/or specific suppression. A study of 112 New Zealand wheat soils in 2003 had shown that Ggt DNA concentrations (analysed using real-time PCR) increased with successive years of wheat crops (1-3 y) and generally reflected take-all severity in subsequent crops. However, some wheat soils with high Ggt DNA concentrations had low take-all, suggesting presence of TAD. This study investigated 26 such soils for presence of TAD and possible suppressive mechanisms, and characterised the microorganisms from wheat roots and rhizosphere using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). A preliminary pot trial of 29 soils (including three from ryegrass fields) amended with 12.5% w/w Ggt inoculum, screened their suppressiveness against take-all in a growth chamber. Results indicated that the inoculum level was too high to detect the differences between soils and that the environmental conditions used were unsuitable. Comparison between the Ggt DNA concentrations of the same soils collected in 2003 and in 2004 (collected for the pot trial), showed that most soils cropped with 2, 3 and 4 y of successive wheat had reduced Ggt DNA concentrations (by 195-2911 pg g-1 soil), and their disease incidences revealed 11 of the 29 test soils with potential take-all suppressiveness. Further pot trials improved the protocols, such that they were able to differentiate the magnitudes of suppressiveness among the soils. The first of the subsequent trials, using 4% w/w Ggt inoculum level, controlled conditions at 16°C, 80% RH with alternate 12 h light/dark conditions, and watering the plants twice weekly to field capacity (FC), screened 13 soils for their suppressiveness against take-all. The 13 soils consisted of 11 from the preliminary trial, one wheat soil that had been cropped with 9 y of wheat (considered likely to be suppressive), and a conducive ryegrass soil. The results revealed that 10 of these soils were suppressive to take-all. However, in only four of them were the effects related to high levels of microbial/biological involvement in the suppression, which were assessed in an experiment that first sterilised the soils. In a repeat trial using five of the soils H1, H3, M2, P7 (previously cropped with 3, 3, 4 and 9 y successive wheat, respectively) and H15 (previously cropped with 5 y of ryegrass), three of them (H1, H3 and M2) had reduced Ggt DNA concentrations (>1000 pg g-1 soil reductions), and were confirmed to be suppressive to take-all. A pot trial, in which 1% of each soil was transferred into a γ-irradiated base soil amended with 0.1% Ggt inoculum, indicated that soils H1 and H3 (3 y wheat) were specific in their suppressiveness, and M2 (4 y wheat) was general in its suppressiveness. The microbial communities within the rhizosphere and roots of plants grown in the soils, which demonstrated conduciveness, specific or general suppressiveness to take-all, were characterised using PCR-DGGE, and identities of the distinguishing microorganisms (which differentiated the soils) identified by sequence analysis. Results showed similar clusters of microorganisms associated with conducive and suppressive soils, both for specific and general suppression. Further excision, re-amplification, cloning and sequencing of the distinguishing bands showed that some actinomycetes (Streptomyces bingchengensis, Terrabacter sp. and Nocardioides sp.), ascomycetes (Fusarium lateritium and Microdochium bolleyi) and an unidentified fungus, were associated with the suppressive soils (specific and general). Others, such as the proteobacteria (Pseudomonas putida and P. fluorescens), an actinomycete (Nocardioides oleivorans), ascomycete (Gibberella zeae), and basidiomycete (Penicillium allii), were unique in the specific suppressiveness. This indicated commonality of some microorganisms in the take-all suppressive soils, with a selected distinguishing group responsible for specific suppressiveness. General suppressiveness was considered to be due to no specific microorganisms, as seen in soil M2. An attempt to induce TAD by growing successive wheat crops in pots of Ggt-infested soils was unsuccessful with no TAD effects shown, possibly due to variable Ggt DNA concentrations in the soils and addition of nutrients during the experiment. Increasing numbers of Pseudomonas fluorescens CFU in the rhizosphere of plants, during successive wheat crops was independent of the Ggt DNA concentrations and disease incidence, suggesting that increases in P. fluorescens numbers were associated with wheat monoculture. This study has demonstrated that TAD in New Zealand was due to both specific and general suppressiveness, and has identified the distinguishing microorganisms associated with the suppression. Since most of these distinguishing microorganisms are known to show antagonistic activities against Ggt or other soilborne pathogens, they are likely to act as antagonists of Ggt in the field. Future work should focus on validating their effects either individually, or interactively, on Ggt in plate and pot assays and under field conditions.
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Läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem : En användarcentrerad utveckling av läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystemKvarnström, Mattis, Karlström, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the problems related to IT in the Swedish healthcare system, specifically the drug searching part of the electronic healthcare systems used in Sweden. The question formulation is divided into two questions: What parameters and functions are of greatest importance when performing a search on drugs, and how should these be presented in a graphical user interface? Thus the purpose is to answer these questions through developing a design concept, in the form of a prototype, which describes how a drug search can be carried out.</p><p>The entry point is a central quality checked drug database that is managed and owned by Swedish county councils and regions. The problem is attacked through user-centered methods where interviews of physicians and developers, in conjunction with observations, are used to give an overview of the problem area as well as to specify a requirements specification for the prototype that this thesis aims to develop. The thesis result is a requirements specification in combination with a prototype that exemplifies how drug searching can be performed, the prototype is based the requirements gathered from the interviews with the user group of physicians.</p> / <p>Den här uppsatsen behandlar problematiken kring IT i vården och mer specifikt läkemedelssökningar i vårddokumentationssystem. Frågeställningen är uppdelad i två frågor: Vilka parametrar och funktioner är av störst vikt vid en sökning på läkemedel samt, hur bör dessa presenteras i det grafiska gränssnittet? Syftet är därav att besvara dessa frågor genom ett designkoncept, i form av en prototyp, som beskriver hur en läkemedelssökning kan gå till.</p><p>Ingångspunkten är en centralt kvalitetssäkrad läkemedelsdatabas som förvaltas av en organisation som ägs av Sveriges landsting och regioner. Problemet angrips med hjälp av användarcentrerade metoder där intervjuer av läkare och utvecklare används, tillsammans med observationer, för att ge en bild av problemområdet samt för att ställa upp krav på den prototyp som denna uppsats ämnar framta. Uppsatsens resultat är en kravspecifikation i kombination med en prototyp för hur läkemedelssökning kan gå till baserat på krav extraherade ur intervjuer med en användargrupp bestående av läkare.</p>
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Content Distribution in Social GroupsAggarwal, Saurabh January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We study Social Groups consisting of self-interested inter-connected nodes looking for common content. We can observe Social Groups in various socio-technological networks, such as Cellular Network assisted Device-to-Device communications, Cloud assisted Peer-to-Peer Networks, hybrid Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Networks and Direct Connect Networks. Each node wants to acquire a universe of segments at least cost. Nodes can either access an expensive link to the content distributor for downloading data segments, or use the well-connected low cost inter-node network for exchanging segments among themselves.
Activation of an inter-node link requires cooperation among the participating nodes and reduces the cost of downloading for the nodes. However, due to uploading costs, Non-Reciprocating Nodes are reluctant to upload segments, in spite of their interest in downloading segments from others. We define the Give-and-Take (GT) criterion, which prohibits non-reciprocating behaviour in Social Groups for all nodes at all instants. In the “Full Exchange” case studied, two nodes can exchange copies of their entire segment sets, if each node gains at least one new segment from the other.
Incorporating the GT criterion in the Social Group, we study the problem of downloading the universe at least cost, from the perspective of a new node having no data segments. We analyze this NP-hard problem, and propose algorithms for choosing the initial segments to be downloaded from the content distributor and the sequence of nodes for exchange. We compare the performance of these algorithms with a few existing P2P downloading strategies in terms of cost and running time.
In the second problem, we attempt to reduce the load on the content distributor by choosing a schedule of inter-node link activations such that the number of nodes with the universe is maximized. Link activation decisions are taken by a central entity, the facilitator, for achieving the social optimum. We present the asymptotically optimal Randomized algorithm. We also present other algorithms, such as the Greedy Links algorithm and the Polygon algorithm, which are optimal under special scenarios of interest. We compare the performances of all proposed algorithms with the optimal value of the objective. We observe that computationally intensive algorithms exhibit better performance.
Further, we consider the problem of decentralized scheduling of links. The decisions of link activations are made by the participating nodes in a distributed manner. While conforming to the GT criterion for inter-node exchanges, each node's objective is to maximize its utility. Each node tries to find a pairing partner by preferentially exploring nodes for link formation. Unpaired nodes choose to download a segment using the expensive link with Segment Aggressiveness Probability (SAP). We present linear complexity decentralized algorithms for nodes to choose their best strategy. We present a decentralized randomized algorithm that works in the absence of the facilitator and performs close to optimal for large number of nodes. We define the Price of Choice to benchmark performance of Social Groups (consisting of non-aggressive nodes) with the optimal. We evaluate the performance of various algorithms and characterize the behavioural regime that will yield best results for node and Social Group as well.
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Läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem : En användarcentrerad utveckling av läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystemKvarnström, Mattis, Karlström, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the problems related to IT in the Swedish healthcare system, specifically the drug searching part of the electronic healthcare systems used in Sweden. The question formulation is divided into two questions: What parameters and functions are of greatest importance when performing a search on drugs, and how should these be presented in a graphical user interface? Thus the purpose is to answer these questions through developing a design concept, in the form of a prototype, which describes how a drug search can be carried out. The entry point is a central quality checked drug database that is managed and owned by Swedish county councils and regions. The problem is attacked through user-centered methods where interviews of physicians and developers, in conjunction with observations, are used to give an overview of the problem area as well as to specify a requirements specification for the prototype that this thesis aims to develop. The thesis result is a requirements specification in combination with a prototype that exemplifies how drug searching can be performed, the prototype is based the requirements gathered from the interviews with the user group of physicians. / Den här uppsatsen behandlar problematiken kring IT i vården och mer specifikt läkemedelssökningar i vårddokumentationssystem. Frågeställningen är uppdelad i två frågor: Vilka parametrar och funktioner är av störst vikt vid en sökning på läkemedel samt, hur bör dessa presenteras i det grafiska gränssnittet? Syftet är därav att besvara dessa frågor genom ett designkoncept, i form av en prototyp, som beskriver hur en läkemedelssökning kan gå till. Ingångspunkten är en centralt kvalitetssäkrad läkemedelsdatabas som förvaltas av en organisation som ägs av Sveriges landsting och regioner. Problemet angrips med hjälp av användarcentrerade metoder där intervjuer av läkare och utvecklare används, tillsammans med observationer, för att ge en bild av problemområdet samt för att ställa upp krav på den prototyp som denna uppsats ämnar framta. Uppsatsens resultat är en kravspecifikation i kombination med en prototyp för hur läkemedelssökning kan gå till baserat på krav extraherade ur intervjuer med en användargrupp bestående av läkare.
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Kreislaufwirtschaft nach dem Cradle-to-Cradle-Vorbild: Wie kann ein geschlossener Ressourcenkreislauf erreicht werden?: Eine Untersuchung unternehmerischer Konzepte mit Beispielen aus der PraxisRöhr, Tobias 03 February 2021 (has links)
Das aktuell vorherrschende lineare Wirtschaftsprinzip ist für viele Umweltprobleme verantwortlich. Neben der immensen Umweltverschmutzung sorgt der stetig wachsende Ressourcenverbrauch für eine zunehmende Verknappung vieler wertvoller Rohstoffe. Ein intelligentes Kreislaufwirtschaftskonzept wie Cradle-to-Cradle kann diesen Problemen entgegenwirken. Für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Cradle-to-Cradle werden unternehmerische Ansätze benötigt. Im Rahmen dieses Artikels werden vier Konzepte untersucht, die in einer Kreislaufwirtschaft implementiert werden können. Diese sind Design für Demontage, Produkt-Service-Systeme, Take-back Strategien und Reverse Logistics. Für jeden dieser vier Ansätze werden die Voraussetzungen sowie Barrieren hinsichtlich der Umsetzung innerhalb eines Kreislaufwirtschaftssystems aufgezeigt. Zudem wird dargelegt, dass sie im Cradle-to-Cradle-System realisierbar sind. Weiterhin werden reale Beispiele in Form von Unternehmen vorgestellt, die die verschiedenen Modelle bereits erfolgreich umgesetzt haben. Alle vier untersuchten Konzepte sind für ein Kreislaufwirtschaftssystem unter Beachtung der Cradle-to-Cradle-Kriterien geeignet. / The currently prevailing linear economic principle is responsible for many environmental problems. In addition to the immense environmental pollution,
the constantly growing consumption of resources is causing an increasing shortage of many valuable raw materials. An intelligent circular economy
concept such as Cradle to Cradle can counteract these problems. Entrepreneurial approaches are needed for a successful implementation of
Cradle to Cradle. This article examines four concepts that can be implemented in a circular economy. These are design for disassembly, product
service systems, take-back strategies, and reverse logistics. For each of these four approaches, the prerequisites as well as barriers regarding the
implementation within a circular economy system are shown. In addition, it is shown that they can be implemented in a cradle-to-cradle system.
Furthermore, real examples are presented as companies that have already successfully implemented the various models. All four concepts examined are
suitable for a circular economy system in compliance with the Cradle to Cradle criteria.
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Val av elektrisk motor till separat drivet kraftuttag för tunga fordon / Selection of Electric Motor To Separately Driven Power Take-Off For Heavy VehicleSjöblom, Simon, Tidblom, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
I en tid kännetecknat av en strävan efter ett mer hållbart samhälle, med utformade långsiktiga klimatmål för förnyelsebara energikällor och minskade utsläpp, arbetar fordonsutvecklare med att ta fram alternativ till förbränningsmotorer. För att nå satta klimatmål och samtidigt förbättra arbetsmiljön med minskat buller anses en elektrisk drivlina som ett troligt alternativ. För tunga fordon såsom lastbilar som ofta utrustas med tillsatsutrustning som kranar, tippbara flak eller cementroterare är beroende av ett kraftuttag för att driva hydraulpumpar och generatorer. Vid en omställning till elektrisk drivlina är det inte längre säkert att möjligheten kvarstår att ta kraft från drivlinan. Detta har lett till en efterfrågan på elektriskt separat drivna kraftuttag uppstått på marknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och få en förståelse för inom vilket effektområde och vilken typ av elektrisk motor som är bäst lämpad för att separat driva ett kraftuttag. Målet är att med denna kunskap utveckla en modell som förenklar valet av lämplig elektrisk motor för ett givet fall av kraftuttag. Modellen testas med en effekt på 60 kW vilket resulterade i att en lågvarvig axial flux BLDC-motor anses bäst lämpad. Detta då en lågvarvig elektrisk motor kräver lägre utväxling för att uppfylla krävt vridmoment, vilket ger en lägre totalvikt. Totalvikt för testad effekt hamnar på 78,6 kg, vilket är tre gånger det funktionella kravet. Studien ger en indikation på att det med givna krav enbart är försvarbart att driva kraftuttag med separata elektriska motorer vid låga effekter, runt 10 kW. / In a time characterized by an endeavor for a more sustainable society. With formulated long-term climate targets for renewable energy sources and reduced emissions, vehicle developers are working to develop alternatives to internal combustion engines. In order to achieve set climate targets and at the same time improve the working environment with reduced noise, an electric driveline is considered a likely alternative. For heavy vehicles such as trucks that are often equipped with auxiliary accessories such as cranes, tipper trucks or cement rotators are dependent on a power take-off to drive hydraulic pumps and generators. When switching to an electric driveline, it is no longer certain that the possibility remains to take power from the driveline. This has led to a demand for electrically driven power take-offs on the market. The purpose of this study is to investigate and gain an understanding of the power range and type of electric motor that is best suited to drive a power take-off separately. The goal is to use this knowledge to develop a model that simplifies the choice of a suitable electric motor for a given case of power take-off. The model is tested with an output of 60 kW, which resulted in a low-speed axial flux BLDC-motor being considered best suited. This is because a low-speed electrical motor requires a lower gear ratio to meet the required torque, which gives a lower total weight. The total weight for the tested effect ends up at 78,8 kg, which is three times the functional requirement. The study gives an indication that with given requirements it is only justified to operate power take-offs with separate electric motors at low powers, around 10 kW.
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The British North Sea: The Importance Of And Factors Affecting Tax Revenue From Oil ProductionHill, Mark 10 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The oil industry is the richest and most influential industry in the world. The industry has moved the fates of nations. Oil is required to fight wars and exert power, and the restriction of this energy source is paramount to the restriction of movement, control, and in the end, power. Management of this resource and the tax revenue it generates are of serious strategic importance, both domestically and internationally. Understanding the results of taxation for this important commodity is important to international relations as well. The tax system affects tax revenue, government actions, oil company actions, and the oil supply itself. Each of these is important to international relations.
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Beskrywing van die maatskaplikewerksupervisor as laervlakbestuurder se take en verantwoordelikhedeSmit, Karmi 2013 February 1900 (has links)
Hierdie navorsing handel oor die maatskaplikewerksupervisor wat as laervlakbestuurder sekere take en verantwoordelikhede het. Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel of die supervisor toegerus is om die take en verantwoordelikhede verbonde aan die pos van laervlakbestuurder suksesvol uit te voer.
Vir die navorsing is ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering en ‘n beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gevolg. In die eerste gedeelte van die studie (Hoofstukke 1 en 2) is gefokus op onder andere die agtergrond tot die navorsingsprobleem en rasionaal, probleemstelling, navorsingsmetodologie en literatuurstudie. Die tweede gedeelte van die studie (Hoofstukke 3 en 4) hou verband met die bevindinge en dataverifiëring en word afgesluit met gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings wat op die studie van toepassing is. / Social Work / M.A. (Social work)
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Lagen med särskilda bestämmelser för vård av unga : Barns möjlighet att påverkaBrandt, Karin, Koivunen Wåhlstrand, Felicia January 2016 (has links)
In the Social Services Act in Sweden, it is stated that every child has the right to be given information and the opportunity to express its will and opinion. The child’s possibility to participate in the process of investigation should be considered with respect to the child´s age and maturity. By reasons of this we have chosen to examine how this is practiced in Swedish courts regarding eight cases where the out of home care of children according to 1 and 2 §§ in LVU is being judged. This has been done through a qualitative study with an attempt of using an argumentation analysis method. The main result of our study is that in the cases we studied the children had participated to a larger extent than described in previous research. Anyhow, when it comes to taking children’s, opinions in account, the cases we studied showed still great flaws and need of improvements. The conclusion of our study is that children's participation is a complex issue where more research is needed. Having this said, we believe that the subject of children’s participation must be more highlighted if a greater change is going to happen in the society. / I Socialtjänstlagen står det beskrivet att varje barn har rätt att bli tilldelad information och ges möjlighet att framföra sin talan. Barnets möjlighet att delta i utredningsprocessen bör övervägas utifrån barnets ålder och mognad. Med anledning av detta valde vi att granska hur denna lag följs i 1 och 2 §§ LVU genom att studera åtta beslutsunderlag med en kvalitativ argumentationsanalys. Huvudresultatet av vår studie visade på en hög delaktighet hos barnen i förhållande till det som framhållits i tidigare forskning, dock såg vi att beaktande av barnens vilja fortfarande var bristfällig. Den slutsats vi kom fram till i vår studie var att frågan om barns delaktighet inom Socialtjänsten framstår som ett komplext område innehållande stora brister i förhållande till hur lagen är formulerad. Med detta sagt ansåg vi att ämnet måste belysas mer i forskning för att en större förändring av barns delaktighet ska kunna utvecklas.
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