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Mejora de la rentabilidad a través de las prácticas de gestión del talento humano aplicando el proceso ROI en empleados del área de ventas de tiendas retail para el mejoramiento del hogar en la ciudad de ArequipaBautista Fuentes, Marco Antonio 10 November 2021 (has links)
La rentabilidad de los proyectos del talento humano sigue siendo una tarea pendiente en el Perú. Por ello, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general analizar las prácticas de gestión del talento humano que impactan en el ROI de los empleados en el área de ventas en tiendas retail de mejoramiento del hogar en la ciudad de Arequipa. En esta perspectiva, se empleó una investigación cuantitativa basada en un diseño no experimental descriptivo-correlacional y transversal. A tal fin, se apoyó en el marco teórico del Proceso ROI y la gestión del talento humano, los cuales sirvieron de sustento para diseñar dos cuestionarios que fueron aplicados de forma virtual a una muestra de 106 colaboradores del área de ventas y dos gerentes de esas tiendas respectivamente. Los cuestionarios fueron validados y reportaron niveles de confiablidad alta (alfa>0.9). Para el análisis de datos se utilizaron baremos de logro cualitativos, estimaciones del proceso ROI de un proceso de capacitación promedio, además de pruebas no paramétricas como la Chi-cuadrado y binomial. Los hallazgos sugieren que los conjuntos de prácticas de gestión del talento humano impactan de forma significativa en el ROI de los empleados del área de ventas de tiendas retail de mejoramiento del hogar en la ciudad de Arequipa (p≤0.05). Se estimó que un programa de capacitación promedio en el área de ventas en tiendas retail de mejoramiento del hogar en la ciudad de Arequipa produciría un ROI de 46.19, lo cual demuestra junto con los beneficios tangibles la factibilidad de la propuesta. / The profitability of human talent projects is still a pending task in Peru. Therefore, the general objective of this research was to analyze the human talent management practices that have an impact on the ROI of employees in the sales area of home improvement retail stores in the city of Arequipa. In this perspective, a quantitative research based on a descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional non-experimental design was used. To this end, it was supported by the theoretical framework of the ROI Process and human talent management, which served as a basis for designing two questionnaires that were applied virtually to a sample of 106 collaborators in the sales area and two store managers, respectively. The questionnaires were validated and reported high levels of reliability (alpha>0.9). Qualitative achievement scales, estimation of the ROI of an average training process, as well as non-parametric tests such as Chi-square and binomial tests were used for data analysis. The findings suggest that the set of human talent management practices significantly impact the ROI of employees in the sales area in home improvement retail stores in the city of Arequipa (p≤0.05). It was estimated that an average training program in the sales area in home improvement retail stores in the city of Arequipa would produce an ROI of 46.19, which demonstrates along with the tangible benefits the feasibility of the proposal. / Tesis
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Strategisk kompetensförsörjning : En kvalitativ studie om att vara en attraktiv & konkurrenskraftig arbetsgivare / Strategic competence supply : A qualitative study about being an attractive and competitive employerHessel, Emma, Karlsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Framväxten av human resource management (HRM) tog fart under 80-talet som ett svar på en ökad medvetenhet kring att medarbetarna och den kompetens de besitter har en central roll för organisationens framgång och konkurrenskraft. Utmaningen för organisationer i dagens samhälle handlar om att integrera arbetet med HRM på ett strategiskt plan med de övergripande verksamhetsmålen. En av företagens viktigaste processer är kompetensförsörjningen. Många företag har svårigheter att hitta rätt person till rätt plats, till följd av att omvärlden ständigt förändras och en arbetsmarknad där efterfrågan överstiger utbudet av kompetenta medarbetare. Dessa utmaningar kommer prägla Skaraborgs arbetsmarknad framöver, och påverka behovetav att attrahera och behålla rätt kompetens. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera organisationers arbete med att vara attraktiva arbetsgivare, som i denna studie innebär att attrahera och behålla nyckelkompetens som är av betydelse för dess konkurrenskraft. Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte valdes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med HR-praktiker från tio tillverkande företag i Skaraborg. Frågorna som lyftes berörde kompetensbehov, att attrahera och behålla kompetens samt HR:s roll och organisationens syn på den. Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på att det som teorin säger är svårt att implementera i praktiken. Den intensiva förändringstakten gör det svårt att arbeta proaktivt med kompetensförsörjning. Samarbetet mellan HR och produktionschefer är av stor betydelse för identifiering av kompetensbehov och implementering av processer. Situationen på arbetsmarknaden ställer allt större krav på företagen att vara innovativa i sitt sätt att marknadsföra sig och bli mer medvetna kring vad det är om gör att anställda väljer att stanna. Företagen har utarbetade strategier för talanghantering, men har svårigheter att få det att fungera i praktiken. / Background: The development of human resource management (HRM) took off in the 80s as a response to an increased awareness that employees and the skills they possess have a central role in the organization's success and competitiveness. The challenge for organizations in today's society is to integrate the work with HRM on a strategic level with the overall operational goals. One of the companies most important processes is the competence supply. Many companies have difficulties finding the right person for the right place, as a result of the constantly changing world and a labor market where the demand exceeds the supply of competent employees. These challenges will characterize the labor market in Skaraborg going forward, and affect the need to attract and retain the right skills. Purpose: The study aims to describe and analyze the work of organizations to be attractive employers, which in this study means attracting and retaining key competence that is important for its competitiveness. Method: To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative research method was chosen in the form of semi-structured interviews with HR practitioners from ten manufacturing companies in Skaraborg. The questions that were raised referred to competence needs, attracting and retaining competence and the role of HR and the organization’s view of it. Results & conclusion: The result of the study shows that what the theory says is difficult to implement in practice. The intense pace of change makes it difficult to workproactively with competence supply. The cooperation between HR and production managers is of great importance for the identification of competence needs and the implementation of processes. The situation on the labor market places increasing demands on companies to be innovative in their way of marketing themselves and to become more aware of what makes employees choose to stay. Companies have developed strategies for talent management, but have difficulties in making it work in practice.
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Совершенствование работы с сотрудниками категории «молодой специалист» в АО «ОКБ «Новатор» : магистерская диссертация / Improving work with employees in the young specialist category at JSC OKB NovatorКузнецов, В. А., Kuznetsov, V. A. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. В теоретической части представлены основные понятия, ключевые преимущества и недостатки работы с молодыми специалистами; рассмотрено определение и характеристика молодых специалистов; изучены функции, методы и принципы системы работы с молодыми специалистами в организации. В практической части описывается деятельность организации, количественная и качественная характеристика персонала, и анализ системы управления персоналом, проведено исследование и разработаны рекомендации по совершенствованию системы работы с молодыми специалистами. В заключении сделан вывод в соответствии с поставленными задачами и даны рекомендации. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three parts, a conclusion, a bibliography, and appendices. The theoretical part presents basic concepts, key advantages and disadvantages of working with young specialists; the definition and characteristics of young specialists are considered; the functions, methods and principles of the system of working with young specialists in the organization were studied. The practical part describes the activities of the organization, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel, and analysis of the personnel management system, a study was conducted and recommendations were developed for improving the system of working with young specialists. In conclusion, a conclusion is drawn in accordance with the objectives and recommendations are given.
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Karriärutveckling som framgångsfaktor : En explorativ studie om medarbetares behov av karriärutveckling i relation till organisatoriska strategier / Career Development as a Factor for Success : A Quantitative Study onEmployees' Needs for Career Development in Relation toOrganizational StrategiesPettersson, Frida, Nilsson, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
De flesta organisationer idag har insett att för att tillväxt ska kunna ske, är det nödvändigt att rikta fokus mot det mänskliga kapitalet - medarbetarna. För att attrahera nya talangfulla medarbetare, men kanske främst behålla befintliga, är kompetens- och karriärutveckling starka och vissa gånger avgörande verktyg. Att erbjuda karriär-och utvecklingsmöjligheter är fördelaktigt då detta tenderar att öka medarbetarnas motivation, lojalitet och engagemang. Kompetenta och tillfredsställda medarbetare kommer i sin tur att gynna strategiska målsättningar samt organisationen i stort. Däremot kan det många gånger vara utmanande att balansera individuella målsättningar med vad som faktiskt är möjligt ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka relationen mellan en organisatorisk karriärutvecklingsstrategi med hur medarbetarna konkret upplever sina karriärmöjligheter. Vidare ämnar studien att utforska medarbetares drivkrafter och motivation inom området för att därigenom identifiera viktiga aspekter för att behålla medarbetare genom just karriärutveckling. Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ ansats och datan har inhämtats genom en enkätundersökning hos ett stort energibolag i Sverige. Resultatet har analyserats i sin helhet, men också delvis i jämförelse mellan undersökningsgrupper i form av kön, ålder och anställningstid. Slutsatserna som studien resulterat i är att karriär- och kompetensutveckling visar sig vara viktigt för många medarbetare i organisationen samt att individanpassning efterfrågas. Medarbetarnas olika anställningstider tenderar även att generera olika uppfattningar om möjligheterna till karriärutveckling och att det inte bara är viktigt att erbjuda utvecklingsmöjligheter utan även möjliggöra tid för genomförandet. Karriärutvecklingsstrategier som kan verka exkluderande behöver vidare vara välmotiverad och grundad med andra erbjudanden till de som inte omfattas. Dessutom genererade studien, som det kanske tydligaste resultatet, att kommunikation vad gäller karriärutveckling är av hög betydelse. Detta både för att medarbetarna ska känna sig tillfredsställda och informerade kring vad som finns att tillgå, men också för att organisation och medarbetare ska jobba mot samma målbild.
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Is talent management just old wine in new bottles? : the case of multinational corporations in BeijingChuai, Xin January 2008 (has links)
Talent Management (TM), as a new managerial concept with regard to Human Resource Management (HRM), has increasingly gained concern and attention from the academic as well as business world, but there are many gaps and omissions left for further theoretical development and empirical study. Hence, understanding the differences between TM and HRM becomes necessary. Given an absence of clarity in the literature, the aim of the present study is to gain a thorough understanding of TM among Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Beijing, to explore to what extent this managerial idea represents anything new, and to find out why organisations adopt TM. A case study method was selected as the main research methodology. The study was undertaken in Beijing, and the target companies were limited to four MNCs, respectively from the IT (two organisations), health care and education industries, and three consultancy companies. The theoretical perspective largely draws upon the literature on TM, management fashion and institutional theory. Findings show that the topic of TM has been enthusiastically pursued. However, there is not a single concise definition shared by all the case study organisations, even though different strands of understanding regarding TM are explored in this study. The thesis has also explored what is distinctive about TM, and the factors and purposes influencing the adoption of TM in China. Through comparing HRM with literature and empirical findings relating to TM, this thesis has found that TM seems to presage some new approaches to the management of the people resource in organisations, rather than a simple repackaging of old techniques and ideas with a new label. Meanwhile, this thesis strongly challenges the idea that TM is another struggle by HR professionals to enhance their legitimacy, status and credibility. Therefore, TM should not be considered as ‘old wine in new bottles’, at least with respect to the case of MNCs in China.
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The stage is ours. From leader self-leadership to follower self-leadership as illustrated in the Marketing sector.Niederwieser, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to broaden existing theories on self-leadership in response to unprecedented challenges and job demands in the emerging economy of the 21st century. The Austrian marketing sector is used as an illustrative example for gaining a more nuanced conception of leaders’ understanding and enactment of self-leadership within a creative environment. The approximation with grounded theory allowed gauging the gap in scientific research with respect to studying self-leadership within organisational settings, as suggested by other scholars. Perceptions on the current work environment and implications for business dealings and leadership at a broader level are disclosed firstly. The study then approximates the concept of self-leadership, underlining some of the dominant notions thereto, as may also be found in prominent research and proposing a conceptualized model for the multiplex relationship of viewing oneself as a starting point in leading others. Possible elements thereto are subsumed into the rubrics of behavioural, emotional and cognitive strategies, continuous learning, authentic role modelling and critical reflection, all of which allow leaders to transcend to an external meaning and ultimately inspire self-leadership among their followers. In the near aftermath, selfleadership shows a positive influence on work performance of both leader and followers, on developing creative potential and deriving meaning for oneself. The findings shall serve as a source of inspiration for leaders within their intuitive learning journey of selfleadership and encouraging the same among their followers. Furthermore, this research constitutes the base for future studies that attempt to shed more light onto the practical applicability of self-leadership within a business context.
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Talent management : a review of the literature from 2005-2008 and a selection of prior articles and publications to establish progress made in the field of identification of leadership potentialHayes, Adriana Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being" - Goethe as quoted in Melum (2002). The science of leadership is an area that changes over time as organisations and individuals change, grow and develop. The more complex the nature of leadership, the more difficult and challenging the identification of leadership potential and the subsequent development of leaders. The global environment further places its own demands on leadership requirements and the development of global competencies. Powerful and sophisticated talent management strategies and performance management initiatives have become extremely important in the competitive global talent market. To effectively integrate talent management into organisational strategy, line managers
should embrace a talent mindset. Talent management should follow organisational values and should furthermore be supported by the desire of individuals in the organisation to embrace such values. In order to effectively execute talent management, organisations should clearly define their leadership requirements and the roles in which they require leadership accountability. The difference between managers and leaders should be clear in terms of the organisation's requirements and organisations must ensure that the basic conditions for leadership, according to Jaques & Clement (1991 : 47) are in place: • "A person must have the necessary competence to carry the role, including strongly
valuing it.
• A person must be free from any severely debilitating psychological characteristics that interfere with interpersonal characteristics.
• Organisational conditions - structure and leadership practices - must be requisite.
• Each person must be encouraged to use his own natural style". The most critical requirement for effective leadership is that the person who executes the leadership should value giving the leadership.
Leadership, or talent development should aim at developing the leadership skills defined by the organisation. This development takes time and dedication. In order to ensure that the time and dedication spent on talent development is rewarded, the identification of such talent should be very well executed. Various definitions of talent exist and a number of factors, i.e. skills, knowledge, cognitive ability, potential, value systems and work preferences are considered in defining talent. Previous performance, future potential and individual aspiration should also be considered. Talent is mostly made up of a combination of abilities, individual motivation and
opportunities offered. The definition of talent management is also very complex and is indicative of how the organisation sees talent management. Talent is normally managed and developed through talent pools and an alignment between competency models, performance objectives and people characteristics is used to fill talent pools. Effective and disciplined
talent reviews should take place regularly to determine the progress made and whether individuals should still be included in the talent pool or not. The influences in the organisational environment calls for the understanding of human capability to manage complexity and knowledge of work levels in order to effectively execute talent pool management. Leadership development programmes should include the challenges and context of leadership, as well as the development of individual characteristics. A company cannot grow leaders unless an accurate development target is identified. The selection of this development target should be effective and only a few programmes could
be identified that effectively support the identification of talent. Most companies use the competency approach, which has significant advantages, but also a number of disadvantages. These models are discussed in the research report. Talent management however does not terminate with the mere identification of potential and the intent to develop identified individuals. Leadership development places its own demands on organisations and the number of interventions that are required to effectively develop leadership talent. The efforts and resources awarded to talent development should however enhance organisational performance and the fact that organisations choose to ignore or discard the need for talent management could have detrimental effects on their sustainability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being" - Goethe as quoted in Melum (2002). Die wetenskap van leierskap is 'n veld wat gedurig verander soos organisasies en individue verander, groei en ontwikkel. Hoe meer kompleks die aard van die leierskap, hoe moeiliker en meer uitdagend is die identifisering van leierskapspotensiaal en die gevolglike ontwikkeling daarvan. Die internasionale omgewing plaas verdere eise op leierskapsbehoeftes en die ontwikkeling van globale bevoegdhede. Kragtige en
gesofistikeerde talentbestuursstrategieë en prestasiebestuurinisiatiewe het uiters belangrik geraak in die kompeterende internasionale omgewing.
Lynbestuur moet 'n talentbestuursingesteldheid ontwikkel ten einde talentbestuur effektief in organisasie-strategie te integreer. Talentbestuur moet noodwendig die waardes van die organisasie ondersteun en volg en moet ondersteun word deur die begeerte van individue in die organisasie om die waardes uit te leef. Ten einde talentbestuur effektief uit te voer, moet organisasies hulle leierskapsvereistes en die rolle waarin hulle leierskapsaanspreeklikheid vereis duidelik definieer. Die verskil tussen bestuurders en leiers moet ook duidelik wees met betrekking tot die organisasievereistes en daar moet verseker word dat die basiese vereistes vir leierskap soos geidentifiseer deur Jaques en Clement (1991 : 47) in plek is:
• Persoon moet die nodige bevoegdhede hê om die rol op te neem en dit ook
dienooreenkomstig waardeer.
• 'n Persoon moet nie enige ernstige verswakkende sielkundige eienskappe hê wat indruis teen interpersoonlike eienskappe nie.
• Organisatoriese toestande - struktuur en leierskapspraktyke - moet in plek wees.
• Elke persoon moet aangemoedig word om sy eie natuurlike styl toe te pas".
Die mees kritieke vereiste vir effektiewe leierskap is dat die persoon wat dit uitoefen, 'n waardering daarvoor moet hê.
Leierskaps- of talentontwikkeling moet gemik wees op die ontwikkeling van
leiereienskappe soos gedefinieer deur die organisasie. Diesulke ontwikkeling neem tyd en toewyding. Ten einde te verseker dat die tyd en toewyding wat aan leierskapsontwikkeling spandeer word die toepaslike opbrengs lewer, moet die identifisering van diesulke talent baie goed uitgevoer word.
Verskeie definisies van talent bestaan en 'n aantal faktore soos vaardighede, kennis, kognitiewe vermoëns, potensiaal, waardestelsels en werksvoorkeure moet oorweeg word in die identifisering van talent. Vorige prestasie, toekomstige potensiaal en individuele aspirasies moet ook in ag geneem word. Talent bestaan hoofsaaklik uit 'n kombinasie van vaardighede, individuele motivering en geleenthede. Die definisie van talentbestuur is ook baie kompleks en is 'n aanduiding van hoe talentbestuur deur die organisasie beskou word. Talent word normaalweg bestuur en ontwikkel deur talentmassas en 'n groepering van bekwaamheidsmodelle, prestasiedoelwitte en menslike eienskappe word gebruik om diesulke talentmassas saam te stel. Effektiewe en gedissiplineerde talentoorsigte moet gereeld plaasvind om die vordering te monitor en te bepaal of individue steeds ingesluit moet word in die talent-massa , al dan nie. Die invloede van die organisatoriese omgewing vra ook vir 'n goeie begrip van menslike aanleg om kompleksiteit te hanteer en 'n kennis van die vlakke van werk ten einde effektiewe talentbestuur daar te stel.
Leierskapsontwikkelings-programme moet die uitdagings en konteks van leierskap, sowel as die ontwikkeling van individuele eienskappe insluit.
'n Organisasie kan nie leiers ontwikkel alvorens 'n spesifieke ontwikkelingsdoelwit geidentifiseer is nie. Die keuse van hierdie ontwikkelingsdoelwit moet effektief wees en slegs 'n paar programme kon geidentifiseer word wat die identifisering van talent effektief ondersteun. Meeste organisasies gebruik die bevoegdheidsbenadering, wat verskeie voordele, maar ook aansienlike nadele het. Hierdie programme en modelle word in die navorsingsverslag bespreek.
Talentbestuur eindig egter nie met die identifikasie van potensiaal en die voorneme om geidentifiseerde individue te ontwikkel nie. Leierskapsontwikkeling plaas sy eie vereistes en druk op organisasies en die aantal intervensies wat vereis word om leierskap effektief te ontwikkel. Die moeite en hulpbronne wat aan talentontwikkeling toegesê word, behoort organisasie-prestasie te verbeter en die feit dat organisasies kies om die nodigheid van talentbestuur te ontken kan 'n nadelige uitwerking op toekomstige volhoubaarheid het.
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Investigating organisational consequences for failing to retain and attract talented employeesRyland, Nizaam 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is firstly to determine what the main causes are for employee turnover
and turnover intention. Secondly, the study is to investigate the consequences for
organisations that are unable to retain or attract talented employees.
The data was collected through exit interviews and through personal interviews from the
organisation. The sample was taken from a diverse group of individuals consisting of
people from all departments in the organisation. In total six departments were considered.
The data was categorised into five areas, namely remuneration and benefits, work-life
balance, organisational culture, job satisfaction and career development. The data will be
presented graphically and then analysed.
The literature review was conducted on the categories as categorised from the exit and
personal interview data. This was done to compare the literature findings to the data
analysis results as established from the exit and personal interview data. The findings
suggested that organisational culture was the biggest contributor to employee turnover or
turnover intention, followed by career development and job satisfaction. While
remuneration and benefits are of some significance, it does not appear to be major
contributors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is eerstens om die hoofoorsake van werknemer bedankings, sowel
as die voorneme van werknemers om organisasies te verlaat, te bepaal. Tweedens, om
ondersoek in te stel na die moontlike gevolge vir organisasies wat nie in staat is om
werknemers te behou of nuwe talent te lok nie.
Inligting vir die studie is deur middel van diensverlatings- en persoonlike onderhoude van
die organisasie verkry. 'n Verskeidenheid individue uit ses verskillende departemente het
aan die studie deel-geneem. Die inligting is in vyf katagorieë verdeel, naamlik vergoeding
en voordele, balans tussen werk en persoonlike lewe, organisasiekultuur,
werksbevredeging en loopbaanverbetering. Die data word grafies voorgestel en
Die literatuurstudie is saamgestel in dieselfde vyf katagorieë as die waarin inligting verkry
is deur die verskillende onderhoude. Dit is gedoen ten einde die literatuurstudie-bevindings
met die data- analise te vergelyk wat deur middel van diensverlatings- en persoonlike
onderhoude verkry is.
Die studie dui aan dat organisasiekultuur die grootste bydraende faktor is by
werknemerbedankings, sowel as by werknemers wat beoog om die organisasies te
verlaat. Bykomende bevindings dui op loopbaanverbetering en werksbevrediging. Terwyl
vergoeding en voordele 'n faktor is, wys die studie dat dit nie 'n belangrike bydraende
faktor is nie.
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Talents : The Key for Successful OrganizationsBallesteros Rodriguez, Sara, de la Fuente Escobar, Inmaculada January 2010 (has links)
<p>Taking into account the rapidly changing of the environment nowadays and the necessity of being different between organizations, this paper tries to show how to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in companies, through talented people using talent management strategies.</p><p>Here is included all theoretical framework where we will explain our understanding of talent management, talented people and the creativity as a talent. This framework gives us the tools needed to be able to analyse a real talent management strategy.</p><p>During the analysis we will discover that a talent management strategy has to be fitted with the corporate strategy and with the corporate culture and also, that there are infinite ways to develop the talent management activities, it depends on the organization which develops it. For instance we are going to study two companies, Zerogrey and Google, which are very different between them but both of them have a talent management strategy.</p>
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Sport psychological characteristics of talented 13-year old adolescents / Ri-Ellen KempKemp, Ri-Ellen January 2013 (has links)
Sport psychological skills are associated with performance in sport. Furthermore it is stated that
there are also gender differences with regards to sport psychological skills. The sport
psychological profiles of successful and less successful athletes also differ from each other. One
hundred and sixty two grade 8 learners with a mean age of 13.2±0.33 years from a High School
in Potchefstroom in the North-West province of South Africa were tested. The participants were
subjected to the Australian Talent Search Protocol as well as the Athletic Coping Skills
Inventory – 28 (ACSI-28) and a demographic questionnaire which collected the general
information of participants were completed. Firstly, the group was divided into two groups by
means of a median split on the Australian Talent Search Protocol which resulted in a talented
group of 16 adolescents and 146 less talented adolescents. The talented adolescents outscored
their less talented counterparts in all seven sport psychological variables with statistically
significant better scores in coping with adversity, peaking under pressure, goal setting,
confidence and coachability. Secondly the group of 162 participants was divided into two groups
according to gender which resulted in male group of 77 and female group of 85. The male and
female adolescent sport participants did not differ significantly in any of the sport psychological
skills. All sport psychological skills revealed a small practical significance. The male group
obtained better scores in peaking under pressure, goal setting, freedom from worry, selfconfidence
and average coping ability. The female group obtained better scores in coping with
adversity, concentration and coachability.
Therefore, although a relationship exists between sport performance and sport psychological
skills there are a few factors such as maturation and cognitive development that can influence
sport psychological skills and development. / MSc (Sport Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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