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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

VÄGARNA TILL TALANG : En kvantitativ studie som undersöker bidragande faktorer tilltalangutveckling. / ROADS TO TALENT : A quantitative study examining contributing factors to talentdevelopment.

Wiklund, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund. Talangutveckling är en central punkt i idrottens utveckling. Ordet är dock ettbegrepp som oftast används felaktigt i vissa situationer. Detta ger utrymme för mångafallgropar kring begreppet och främst i utvecklandet av talanger. Vad är då rätttalangutveckling samt hur ser resan ut till att bli en så kallad talang? Syftet. Undersökningen syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som har varit bidragande påvägen till att bli talang för hockeyspelare i åldrarna 16-20. Även för att se hur resultatetställer sig mot ATDE (Athletic talent development environment) teorin och mot tidigareforskning och studier. Metod. Undersökningen använder en kvantitativ metod där 77 stycken ishockeyspelaredeltagit genom att besvara en online-enkät. Urvalet är mellan 16-20 år och deltar ihockeygymnasium. Resultat. Från undersökningen kunde det tydas att talangerna började idrotta runt 5-6,deltagit i minst en idrott, specialisering vid 13-14 och elitsatsning vid 14-15. Föräldrarsstöttande, emotionellt och ekonomiskt samt lärande av ansvarstagande. Ledarens lyhördhetoch förmåga att vilja utveckla enskilda individer anses vara viktigt. Även resurser i miljönför utveckling är bidragande till utvecklingen till talang. Diskussion. Datan från resultatet visar på vikten av ATDE teorin, vilket visas genom deoptimala förutsättningarna runt om en individ i form av omgivningen, ledare och de socialafaktorerna, om det skall finnas en optimal chans för utveckling till talang. Nyckelord: talang, talangutveckling, förutsättningar, ATDE / Background. Talent development is a central point in the development of sports, however,it's a concept that often gets misinterpreted in some situations. This leads tomisunderstandings and many pitfalls around the concept and in the development process oftalents. What is the right talent development process and how does the journey to talentunfold? The purpose. The survey's purpose aims to investigate which factors have beencontributing on the way to becoming a talent for hockeyplayers aged 16-20. How it standsagainst the ATDE (Athletic talent development environment) theory and previous studiesand research. Method. The survey uses a quantitative method where 77 ice hockey players participatedby answering an online survey. The selection is between 16-20 years old and participates inhockey gymnasium. Results. From the survey you could read that the talents started sports around 5-6,participated in at least one sport, specialization at 13-14 and elite effort at 14-15. Parentssupport, emotionally and financially, and learning to take responsibility. The leader'ssensitivity and ability to want to develop individuals is considered important. Resources inthe environment for development also contribute to the development of talent. Discussion. The data from the result show the importance of the ATDE theory, which isshown through the optimal conditions around an individual in the form of the environment,leaders and the social factors, if there is to be an optimal chance for development intotalent. Keywords: talent, talent development, conditions, ATDE

Талант-менеджмент как фактор повышения эффективности деятельности компании : магистерская диссертация / Talent-management as a factor of increasing the company’s activity efficiency

Кутовец, Я. В., Kutovets, Y. V. January 2015 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании рассматривается роль и значение талант-менеджмента в деятельности современной фирмы, актуальность и перспективы развития данного направления для российских компаний, на основе сравнительного анализа положительных сторон и ограничений бизнес-моделей управления талантами в американской, европейской и российской практиках. На базе обширного эмпирического материала описывается опыт российских компаний по развитию талантливых сотрудников и разработаны рекомендации по внедрению и оценке эффективности технологий талант-менеджмента в деятельность НR-подразделений. / The thesis examines the role and importance of talent-management in the activities of modern enterprises, its relevance and prospects of development for Russian companies based on the comparative analysis of business-models merits and limitations in the American, European and Russian talent-management practices. The author describes the experience of talented employees’ cultivation and develops recommendations on the implementation and efficiency assessment of talent-management technologies in HR Department activity based on the Russian companies’ extensive empirical material.

Rekryteringsprocessen : Hur kan organisationer attrahera Generation Z

Edin, Linn, Pettersson, Selma January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Byråkratiska entreprenadorganisationer vill attrahera ung topptalang men anses inte attraktiva arbetsgivare för generation Z. Det beror på att dessa organisationer saknar tydliga arbetssätt för hur och på vilket sätt man ska nå ut till denna målgrupp. Syftet med studien är därför att utveckla arbetssätt för hur entreprenadorganisationer ska gå tillväga för att anses attraktiva samt hur de ska gå tillväga för att rekrytera generation Z. Metod: En explorativ fallstudie genomfördes med ett entreprenad- och generation Z-perspektiv. Totalt genomfördes 30 intervjuer med individer inom 17 olika organisationer. Respondenterna utgjordes av tre kategorier: (1) interna respondenter från case-organisationen, (2) traineer, individer med erfarenhet av traineeprogram och (3) experter med erfarenhet av rekryteringsarbete.  Resultat: Baserat på inhämtad data har ett ramverk utvecklats för hur organisationer kan attrahera topptalang. De olika faserna i ramverket är: identifiera målgrupp, marknadsföra tjänster, aktiv rekrytering, anställning och utvärdering. Dessutom tillkom kontinuerliga aktiviteter som är en process som sker löpande genom hela rekryteringsprocessen. Samtliga stegen beskriver hur organisationer bör gå tillväga för att maximera sin attraktionskraft och genomföra en effektiv rekryteringsprocess. Teoretiskt och praktiskt bidrag: Studien tillhandahåller ett ramverk över hur entreprenadorganisationer kan optimera rekryteringsprocessen för att attrahera topptalang. Detta stärker den existerande litteraturen genom att studien identifierar specifika arbetsgivarkrav hos generation Z. Den har även fastställt strategier för att utveckla attraktionskraften hos byråkratiska organisationer. Vidare betonar studien vikten av att organisationer arbetar med employer branding för att locka topptalang. Slutligen belyser studien vikten av organisationers förmåga att anpassa sig och arbeta med dynamic capabilities för att vara mottagliga för ny arbetskraft och dess krav.  Begränsningar och framtida studier: Studien antar ett fallstudieperspektiv som begränsar generaliserbarheten. Studien tar inte studien i beaktning tidigare anställda, vilket påverkar praktiserbarheten negativt. Vidare har studien begränsad till att enbart undersöka rekryteringsprocessen fram till anställning. Det lämnar utrymme att undersöka senare delar av anställningar och bibehållning av talang till framtida studier. Det kan även kompletteras med att undersöka lönsamheten i de olika delarna av rekryteringsprocessen och olika initiativ. / Purpose: Bureaucratic organizations aim to attract top talent but are considered unattractive employers for Generation Z. There is a lack of clear approaches for organizations to reach the target group. Therefore, the study aims to investigate how organizations should develop approaches to be considered attractive and how they should recruit Generation Z. Method: An exploratory case study was conducted with an entrepreneurial and Generation Z perspective. A total of 30 interviews were conducted with individuals from 17 different organizations. Respondents consisted of three categories: (1) internal respondents from the case organization, (2) trainees, individuals with experience of trainee programs, and (3) experts with experience in recruitment. Findings: Based on the collected data, a framework has been developed for how organizations can attract top talent. The different phases in the framework are: identify target group, branding, active recruitment, hiring, and evaluation. In addition, continuous activities are included, which are a process that occurs continuously throughout the recruitment process. All steps describe how organizations should work to maximize their attractiveness and conduct an effective recruitment process. Theoretical and practical contribution: The study provides a framework for how entrepreneurial organizations can optimize the recruitment process to attract top talent. This strengthens existing literature by identifying specific employer requirements of Generation Z. It has also established strategies to develop the attractiveness of bureaucratic organizations. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of organizations' ability to utilize employer branding to attract top talent. Finally, the study highlights the importance of organizations' ability to adapt and work with dynamic capabilities to be receptive to new workforce and their demands. Limitations and future research: The study was conducted as a single case study which limits generalizability. It does not take into account previous employees, which affects practicability negatively. Furthermore, the study is limited to only examining the recruitment process up to hiring. This leaves room to investigate later parts of employment and talent retention for future studies. It can also be complemented by examining the profitability of the different parts of the recruitment process and various initiatives.

The Impact of Employer Branding on Talent Attraction and Retention

Eghaghe, Osazuwa January 2024 (has links)
In the face of intensifying competition for skilled talent across industries, organizations are increasingly recognizing the strategic imperative of employer branding to attract, engage, and retain top talent. This study aimed to elucidate optimal employer branding strategies and processes that enhance talent outcomes throughout the employee lifecycle. Through an exploratory comparative case study approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with talent management professionals from renowned organizations in the automobile and consulting industries. The findings revealed that organizations employ diverse approaches to designing and implementing employer branding strategies, ranging from centralized and data-driven models to decentralized and business unit-driven approaches. However, a common theme emerged regarding the criticality of aligning the employer brand with the organization's culture, reputation, and employee value proposition (EVP) to resonate with target talent segments. Additionally, the study underscored the significance of ensuring alignment between employer branding promises and the actual employment experiences through strategies such as fostering an engaging organizational culture, crafting a compelling EVP, managing psychological contracts, and implementing continuous monitoring and feedback mechanisms. Furthermore, the research highlighted the importance of employing a multi-faceted approach to measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of employer branding initiatives, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods, while acknowledging the challenges associated with comprehensive tracking systems and infrequent external perception surveys. The influence of cross-cultural factors on the design, implementation, and perception of effective employer branding strategies was also explored, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches while maintaining brand coherence. The study confirmed the significant impact of employer branding on talent attraction and retention across both industries, including attracting competent talent, fostering brand awareness, and enhancing retention. Overall, this research contributes to advancing the theoretical and practical understanding of employer branding strategies and their implications for talent management outcomes, while acknowledging limitations and providing recommendations for organizations, practitioners, and future research endeavors.   Keywords: employer branding, talent attraction, retention, employee value proposition (EVP), organizational culture, cross-cultural factors, talent management.

Nadaný žák v současné škole / Gifted student at contemporary school

Pánková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the gifted children and their education possibilities in Czech schools. The work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part we first look in what talent is, we will explain different terms which are similar in meaning to the word talent and how to differentiate between them, we will introduce models of talent by various authors and also the basic types of talent. Further I mention the characteristics of the gifted children and how to use these characteristics to identify them. Subsequently, we divide the gifted children into different categories depending on the manifestations of their talents. Significant part of this work is the education of the gifted children, which I split into education at school and out of school. I describe concrete forms of education and possibilities of work with the gifted children and I evaluate their pros and cons. By out of school activities I mean family environment and organizations and institutions focused on education of the gifted children. The rest of the theoretical part I provide summary of this of this topic in the Czech Republic and also what is the situation with education of the pedagogues of the gifted children. The practical part includes a questionnaire and its evaluation aimed at finding the...

Развитие систем талант-менеджмента в образовательной среде: сравнительный анализ университетов России и Казахстана : магистерская диссертация / Development of talent management systems in the educational environment: a comparative analysis of universities in Russia and Kazakhstan

Бадамбаева, В. М., Badambaeva, V. M. January 2021 (has links)
Тема представленной магистерской диссертации посвящена чрезвычайно актуальной проблеме управления талантами, особенно значимой для среды высшего профессионального образования. В теоретической части представлены теоретические основы разработки системы управления талантами, роль управления талантами в образовательной среде. В практической части описываются результаты исследования систем управления талантами в университетах России и Казахстана на примере Уральского федерального университета им. первого Президента России БН.Ельцина (Россия) и Университета «Туран» (Казахстан), проведен их сравнительный анализ с выявлением сходства и различия, сильных и слабых сторон. На основе полученных данных разработаны рекомендации по совершенствованию системы управления талантами путем создания единого информационного пространства – корпоративного портала со встроенной профессиональной социальной сетью. / The topic of the presented master's thesis is devoted to an extremely relevant problem of talent management, especially important for the environment of higher professional education. The theoretical part presents the theoretical foundations of the development of a talent management system, the role of talent management in the educational environment. The practical part describes the results of a study of talent management systems at universities in Russia and Kazakhstan on the example of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. Yeltsin (Russia) and the University "Turan" (Kazakhstan), their comparative analysis is carried out to identify similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses. Based on the obtained data, recommendations were developed to improve the talent management system by creating a single information space – a corporate portal with a built-in professional social network.

A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Global Talent Management: Three Operationalizations of GTM and their Impact on Firm Performance

Parks, Tomas A., Jr. 15 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Behålla personal genom utveckling / Employee retention through development

Bergdahl, Philip, Bodell, William January 2017 (has links)
BakgrundDen svenska arbetsmarknaden genomgår en förändring som pågått under en längre tid. Synen på en anställning har luckrats upp och guldklocksanställningen är och förblir allt mer ovanlig. I dagens Sverige är det vanligaste sättet att avancera inom yrkeslivet att byta arbetsgivare. Det är höga kostnader som är relaterade till att personal väljer att lämna organisationen och det är således viktigt att behålla befintlig personal. Ett preventivt arbete för att minimera risken att personal överväger att lämna företaget kan vara individanpassat utvecklingsarbete. SyfteSyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur attraktiva, enligt Randstad och Universum, arbetsgivare inom en kunskapsintensiv miljö i Göteborgsregionen arbetar med kompetensutveckling, professionell utveckling och karriärmöjligheter för att behålla personal. MetodStudien genomförs ur ett ledningsperspektiv med hjälp av en kvalitativ forskningsansats då forskningsfrågan inte syftar till att mäta och jämföra olika resultat utan snarare handlar om att undersöka hur företag arbetar med frågan. Insamling av empiri sker genom sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer på olika företag. Valet av fallföretag har gjorts med hjälp av vinnarlistan i “Randstad Award 2016” och Universums lista “Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare 2016” vilket är sammanställningar av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare år 2016. SlutsatsStudien visar att samtliga företag arbetar med individanpassad utveckling för medarbetaren. Detta utvecklingsarbete sker genom justering av arbetsuppgifter, kompetensutveckling genom kurser, seminarier och “workshops” där de i första hand nyttjar intern kunskap samt mentorskap och tillgång till internt och externt nätverk. / BackgroundIn the last couple of years there has been an ongoing change in the Swedish labor marketwhere the view and the occurrence of long term employment is not as common as it oncewas. The most common way of career development is through change of employer. The costof employee turnover can be avoided or reduced by keeping current employees and anindividually shaped development for the employee may result in the employee staying loyalto the company. PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate how attractive employers, based on Randstad andUniversum, within a knowledge based environment in the area of Gothenburg providescompetence development, professional development and career opportunities in order toretain their employees. Method The study applies a qualitative research approach since the purpose of the study is to gain understanding in how companies provide development and not to compare different companies’ results to one another. The study is based on six semi-structured interviews held at each of the six companies. The selection of companies is based on the lists “Randstad Award 2016” and “Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare 2016” by Universum which are summaries of Sweden’s most attractive employers of the year 2016. Conclusion The study shows that all of the companies have an individually shaped development plan for the employee. This is managed through adjustment of duties, competence development through courses, seminars and workshops which are based on internal knowledge within the company. Last but not least development is supplied through the use of mentoring and networking, both internal and external.

Využití internetu pro získávání talentů / Use of Internet for Talent Acquisition

Bárta, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the current knowledge on the use of internet for the purpose of talent acquisition. Its main objective is to determine to what extent organizations emphasize this knowledge in practice. For this purpose the first chapter refers to the academic compilation of talent management concept. The aim is to define the term of talent within the talent management concept as well as within the personal management. The second charter presents the academic compilation in the field of recruitment focused on specifics in talented individuals acquiring. The third chapter presents current knowledge of internet recruitment. Next chapters focus on recruitment in practice by analyzing the online recruitment documentation of three specific organizations. Based on this analysis, it is apparent, that the surveyed organizations accentuate current trends to a large extent. Key words: talent management, talent acquisition, internet, e-recruitment, career website, job board site, social network, social recruiting.

Les managers dans les marchés financiers / Managers in financial markets

Guynamant Chiabai, Béatrice 25 November 2011 (has links)
Les opérateurs de marchés sont des experts talentueux individualistes et opportunistes qui interviennent sous contrainte de temps dans un environnement centré sur la performance où l’argent et le risque constituent, outre le nerf de la guerre, une préoccupation de chaque instant. Dans ce jeu d’acteurs visant la croissance absolue mais dont les intérêts divergent parfois, quelle est la place du management ? Ce travail s’appuie sur un cadre théorique qui s’articule autour de la sociologie des professions et de la sociologie de la traduction ainsi que de la théorie des parties prenantes. Il mobilise également des théories relatives à la culture de la performance (Competing Value Framework de Quinn), au contexte de risque, d’incertitude et de crise (théorie des jeux), au management d’experts talentueux, individualistes et opportunistes (théories du management et compétition), aux relations à l’argent (théorie de l’action raisonnée et théorie de l’action située). Sur le plan théorique, nos apports sont de deux ordres : nous conjuguons sociologie de la traduction et théorie des parties prenantes ; nous abordons la compétition sous un angle non plus inter-organisationnel mais plutôt intra-organisationnel. L’enquête terrain s’articule autour d’une phase exploratoire (feedbacks de 70 managers ayant bénéficié de formations au management et 15 entretiens exploratoires) permettant la construction d’un questionnaire qui a trouvé écho auprès de 37 managers répondants. L’analyse des données obtenues prend la forme d’un codage à visée théorique réalisé avec l’aide du logiciel NVivo. Nos apports pour le terrain résident en une meilleure compréhension des règles du jeu et en la préconisation de remettre l’Humain au coeur du système, par des actions de développement des managers et de partage des bonnes pratiques ou par l’accès à l’actionnariat pour les managers (voire les collaborateurs clefs). / Market operators are individualistic and opportunistic talented experts involved under time pressure in an environment focused on performance, where money and risk are, in addition to the sinews of war, a constant concern. In this game, where all players focus on absolute growth but whose interests sometimes diverge, what is the role of management? This research study is based on a theoretical framework that focuses on the sociology of professions, the ANT (Action Network Theory) and the stakeholder theory. It also mobilizes theories related to the culture of performance (Competing Value Framework, Quinn), the context of risk, uncertainty and crisis (game theory), the management of individualistic and opportunistic talented experts, (management theories and competition), relationships to money (theory of reasoned action and theory of situated action). On the theoretical side, our contributions are twofold: we combine ANT and stakeholder theory, we address competition with an intra-organizational rather than an inter-organizational angle The field survey is based on an exploratory phase (feedback from 70 managers who received training sessions in management and 15 exploratory interviews) to build a questionnaire answered by 37 managers. Data are analyzed through a theorical coding process with the help of NVivo software Our contribution for the professionals is a better understanding of the rules and the recommendation to place People in the heart of the system, by developing management skills, sharing best practices or encouraging shareholding for managers (or key people).

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