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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The interplay of local cluster development and global inter-cluster brain circulation : a governance perspective in emergent economies

Richter, Cristiano January 2016 (has links)
Clusters de alta tecnologia são vistos como importantes centros de inovação e produção em uma economia atual global e interconectada. Observa-se um maior interesse da comunidade acadêmica pela relação entre o desenvolvimento de clusters de alta tecnologia em economias emergentes e suas conexões globais através da ‘circulação de talentos entre os clusters’ (em inglês, IBC). IBC representa, tipicamente, a difusão e transferência de tecnologias, conhecimentos e práticas através de redes individuais entre clusters emergentes e clusters já estabelecidos, os quais estão globalmente interconectados através dos laços destas redes. O foco deste estudo está no papel controverso da IBC no estímulo ao crescimento e melhoria de clusters maiores/em crescimento versus clusters menores/nascentes. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor formas de governança da IBC para conduzir estes processos nos seus diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. O contexto empírico investigado está baseado em (a) dois casos consolidados da literatura: as conexões de Bangalore (IN) - Vale do Silício e Hsinchu (TW) - Vale do Silício; e, (b) dois casos originais: as conexões de Daedeok Innopolis (KR) – EUA e Vale dos Sinos (BR) – Coreia. O método de pesquisa utilizado é qualitativo com a aplicação de 26 entrevistas em profundidade como fonte principal de evidência. Com base nos casos estudados, é possível argumentar que os clusters maiores/em crescimento se beneficiam de uma IBC orgânica, estimulada pelas dinâmicas e forças do mercado, enquanto os clusters menores/nascentes dependem de um esforço coordenado devido à falta de atratividade inicial para empresas e indivíduos. Além disto, com vistas à eficácia da IBC no estimulo ao crescimento e melhoria de clusters, também se pode argumentar que a intervenção nas dinâmicas da IBC se reduz ao longo da evolução dos clusters, passando de um esforço coordenado nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento do cluster para um processo orgânico da IBC guiado pelo mercado em estágios mais avançados de desenvolvimento. Este estudo tem implicações importantes no entendimento da conectividade de clusters, do papel da governança para o crescimento e melhoria de clusters e das estratégias efetivas de catch-up para economias emergentes. / High-tech clusters are important hubs of innovation and production in an increasingly interconnected global economy. There has been an increasing interest from scholars in the embeddedness of local cluster development, in particular of high-tech industries in emergent economies, and global connectivity, in particular in the dynamics and role of inter-cluster brain circulation (IBC). IBC denotes knowledge, technology and practice diffusion and translation through individual networks between emergent and typically more established clusters that are globally interconnected through these network ties. Of particular interest to this study is the controversial role of IBC in stimulating the growth and upgrading of larger/growing versus smaller/nascent clusters. Using the lens of network governance, this study aims to propose forms of IBC governance for steering these processes. The empirical context of investigation is composed of (a) two prior studies of IBC in the cases of Bangalore (IN) - Silicon Valley and Hsinchu (TW) - Silicon Valley connections and (b) two original empirical cases examining the Sinos Valley (BR) - Korea connection and Daedeok Innopolis (KR) - US connection. A qualitative research method strategy is employed in these two original cases using 26 in-depth interviews across both cases as a source of evidence. Based on the studied cases, it is possible to argue that for larger-scale growing clusters, IBC-growth dynamics may unfold as an ‘organic process’ through self-reinforcing market forces, whereas small-scale embryonic clusters depend on a ‘coordinated effort’ of this process because they lack initial market attractiveness for both individuals and firms. Further, focusing on the effectiveness of IBC in steering the growth and upgrading of clusters, it can also be argued that IBC governance changes through a gradual decreasing in the intervention to stimulate IBC, from a ‘coordinated effort’ in the early stage to a spontaneous increase in the marketdriven process of IBC as an ‘organic process’ in the mature stage of cluster development. This study has important implications for understanding cluster connectivity, the role of governance in cluster growth and upgrading, and the effective catch-up strategies of emerging economies.

企業公關與行銷公關運作模式之研究-以高科技產業為例 / The Study of Public Relations Model: a Case Study of High-Tech Industry

張凱鈞, Chang, Kai-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖探討環境趨勢之變化、高階主管之經營理念、以及企業本身與公關公司之互動對於高科技企業之公共關係運作的影響,預期達到下列目的:1.從眾多的環境變化因子中,找出影響公關運作的關鍵因子;2.發掘高階主管的經營理念對公共關係運作的影響;3.分別從企業本身與公關公司的角度,探討其在公共關係運作上的互動關係;4.比較獨立進行公關運作的企業與委外公關公司的企業,找出其在公關運作上的異同與優劣處。 在研究設計方面,以公共關係之開放式系統模型為基礎,採取個案訪談法,以本土化程度與產品屬性兩個構面劃分整個高科技產業,並且分別訪談企業主與委外之公關公司,形成一對偶比較關係。 本研究之研究結論發現: 一、在環境趨勢之變化方面,環境趨勢的變化主要來自社會大眾求「知」的意識增加,使得公關「第三者證言」倍受重視;以及網際網路的興起,提高對公關的需求,為公關運作帶來新的傳播媒體與活動,有利於分眾與公關績效的評估,並增加雙向溝通的機會。 二、在高階主管之經營理念方面,當組織的整合程度愈高、人員授權程度愈充份、運作彈性愈大時,則愈利於公共關係活動之運作。而高科技產業裡的公關功能傾向於輔助行銷功能,多隸屬於行銷企劃部門。 三、在企業本身與公關公司互動方面,企業是否委外、委外程度、委外家數、以及角色均應由企業本身的需求來決定。企業主須釐清委外公關公司的目的,並提供其所需資源,公關公司亦應透過各種方式增加對客戶產業的認識,而頻繁有效率的溝通有助於瞭解彼此的現況。 四、在公共關係運作流程方面,企業應有一套流程以利規劃執行。首先應以研究調查的方式找出公關問題,據以訂定公關目標,同時應以「分眾」的概念,找出目標公眾,接著是選擇適當的媒體與結合議題的活動,來與目標公眾溝通,最後是進行公關績效的評估。 最後,本研究建議企業進行公關運作時,應明白自己的需求何在,具有全方位的策略思考;建立使公關公司熟悉其產業與企業本身之機制;將內部公眾亦納入考量。同時建議公關公司應增加公關人員在高科技產業之專業程度;主動積極協助企業體建立品牌、保護品牌;公關公司亦應重視本身的形象與社會公共關係。

高科技標竿政策因素之初探 / An Exploratory Study on High-Tech Industry Benchmark Policy

張宗凱, Chang, Chung-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
為了面對日益激烈的科技競爭,台灣多年來致力於高科技產業培育和技術能力的提升,期望提升我國全面競爭力,以面對21世紀的挑戰。在面對來自國際科技產業的競爭與國際市場日趨自由化的壓力,台灣希望在世界的科技舞台扮演舉足輕重的地位,則需要提升科技競爭力,而提升科技競爭力則有賴於完整結合了產業發展、國家資源、以及國家發展目標的高科技政策。 本研究首先以國家競爭力的觀點切入,研讀並分析主要的國際競爭力指標,並藉由競爭力指標歸納出科技先進國家的發展趨勢,以及台灣應加強的部分。並搜集科技先進國家的科技政策、目前政經情形,以及社會人文狀況,經過研讀後整理出構成高科技標竿政策之因素。並且,以新竹科學園區的六大類高科技產業為對象,進行問卷調查工作,以驗證本研究所提出之因素是否為產業界所接受,以及是否有其他意見。 研究結果顯示,在本研究所提出的31項因素中,多半皆獲得新竹科學園區經理人的認同,僅有少部分因素在不同產業或不同規模公司間,產生些微的差異。因此,本研究所提出之構成高科技標竿政策的因素,可以做為政策制定時之參考。在最後一章中,列出本研究之建議,希望對國內高科技標竿政策的制定以及科技發展有所助益。 / Taiwan had devoted to fostering the high-tech industry and promoting the technology ability to face the increasingly competition of science and technology in the coming of 21 century. To confront the competition from the international high-tech industry and the pressure of the liberalization of market, Taiwan needs to improve the competitiveness of science and technology if she wants to play an important role on the worldwide science and technology stage. Besides, Taiwan needs to integrate the development of industry, national resource, and the national goals of science and technology policy. This research uses the concept of national competitiveness first, and studies the main international competitiveness indicators. We want to derive the development trends of those advanced countries, and realize what parts we need to improve. Second, we collect the science and technology policy, the political and economical status of those countries we selected. And we sum up the benchmark factors of the high-tech industry policy. Third, we conduct a survey to verify the acceptability of the high-tech industry benchmark policy. The research results reveal that almost the benchmark principles and factors we sum up are accepted by the industry leaders.

勞動派遣與台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之分析 / A study on dispatched work and dual labor market in Taiwan

陳金治, Chen, Chin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在瞭解勞動派遣之定義、特徵、型態與相關概念,並進行國內外研究之回顧,找出勞動派遣制度對於勞動市場正面與負面之影響後,再分別就資方觀點、勞方觀點、社會觀點與採用業別之差異進行探討,而決定訪談之公司業別,並擬定訪談題目進行深度訪談,以評估勞動派遣制度對台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之影響。   經過深入訪談後發現,高科技產業為降低公司之人事成本,而採用勞動派遣制度,確實會加速勞動市場雙元化之發展,就本研究訪談結果看來,較具規模之高科技產業採用勞動派遣時,為降低公司之勞工結構受到雙元化發展之影響,將限制派遣勞工之採用比例,並提供派遣勞工與正職員工相近之起薪、薪資調幅與福利措施,以及提供派遣勞工轉入正職之管道。如此雖可有效縮小雙元勞動市場中勞動者的差異,但整體薪酬派遣者較低、且勞動市場轉換率較高,以及受勞動法令保障較少等,這些現象仍會存在雙元勞動市場之次級勞動市場中。   整體而言,勞動派遣能提供勞動市場更多就業機會、提供派遣勞工累積工作經驗之機會,亦是派遣者進入大型企業轉為正職人員的橋樑,因此使得勞動派遣制度在勞動市場雙元化的發展過程中,有正面的影響。   本研究建議派遣勞工應選擇較注重企業形象之企業,企業應提供派遣勞工較完善之就業保障,並期望相關政府單位能夠儘速制定相關法令及配套措施,並明定勞動派遣中,要派企業、派遣機構、派遣人員各角色之責任劃分,與各種行業別較適當之派遣勞工雇用比例,並提供派遣勞工相關之職場認知教育,以降低勞動派遣對於台灣雙元化勞動市場發展之負面影響。 / This study aims to explore the definition, features, patterns and relevant concepts regarding dispatched work and review research conducted in Taiwan and overseas on this subject. After identifying the impact of the dispatched work system on the labor market, the differences between different industries employing dispatched labor are investigated to decide companies belonging to which industries are to be interviewed. An in-depth interview is then conducted on the companies selected to evaluate the impact the dispatched work system has on the development of a dual labor market in Taiwan.   The interviews reveal that, high-tech industries adopting the system in order to reduce labor costs do encourage the development of a dual labor market. Results of the interviews indicate that sizable high-tech industries employing dispatched labor limit the extent to which it is employed in an effort to reduce the impact dual labor market development has on the companies’ labor structures. In addition, dispatched workers are offered starting wages, wage increases and benefits similar to those offered to regular employees, as well as the opportunity to become regular employees. Through doing so, the differences between dispatched workers and regular employees in a dual labor market may be effectively narrowed, overall, dispatched workers are less compensated and demonstrate a higher turnover. Moreover, they are less protected by labor laws and regulations. These phenomena still exist in the secondary market of a dual labor market.   Generally speaking, the dispatched work system provides more employment opportunities on the labor market. It also provides dispatched workers the opportunity to accumulate work experience and serves as a steppingstone to regular employment in large businesses. For this reason, the system plays a positive role in the development process of a dual labor market.   The study recommends dispatch workers to choose businesses that pay more attention to their image and that businesses provide these workers with improved employment protection. It also hopes that the government can enact relevant laws and regulations and introduce supporting measures as soon as possible. Furthermore, the roles businesses, dispatched workers and the agencies that dispatch them play must be clearly defined and the ratios of dispatched workers to regular employees in different industries established, with education in having a better understanding of the workplace provided to dispatched labor in an attempt to reduce the negative impact dispatched work has on Taiwan’s dual labor market and the development of its labor market.

Comparison of oxygen consumption while walking on treadmill wearing MBT Shoes versus Orthopedic Shoes : A treatise on shoe mass

Thuesen, Anna Helena, Lindahl, Benjamin January 2009 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate if there was any difference in energy expenditure (kcal/min) and oxygen consumption (VO2) between subjects walking with Masai Barefoot Technology ® (MBT) shoes and regular orthopedic shoes. The research hypothesis was that MBT shoes demand more energy expenditure than regular orthopedic shoes. Methods: Seven women aged 49-65 were recruited for the study. The subjects were tested in two sessions, with a minimum of two weeks in between each sesssion. On each test session the subjects walked with both MBT shoes and orthopedic shoes which were adjusted in mass (g) to match the mass of the MBT shoes. While the subjects walked on a treadmill, the oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate (min-1) and self selected velocity (m/s) for each of the shoe types was measured. Results: Results showed that there is no significant difference in oxygen consumption (VO2) between the MBT and orthopedic shoes. Energy expenditure (kcal/min) was also calculated from the data and the results revealed that there is no significant differ-ence between MBT and orthopedic shoes in energy expenditure (kcal/min) either. The self selected velocity (m/s) between the two shoe types was also found to be insignificant. Conclusion: The results showed no significant difference between the shoes. This could indicate that the specific construction of the MBT shoe has no effect on the energy expenditure (kcal/min) of its user. This lack of difference may be due to the equal mass of the shoes, but since oxygen consumption (VO2) was not investigated in orthopedic shoes with different shoe masses, this conclusion cannot be confirmed. The self selected velocity (m/s) was found to be insignificant and this finding could suggest to that prolonged usage of the MBT shoe may diminish gait parameters dissimilarities during ambulation. This study should therefore be seen as a pilot study and further investigation in this area should be pursued.

New model for the 5-20 cm wavelength opacity of ammonia pressure-broadened by methane under jovian conditions based on laboratory measurements

Chinsomboon, Garrett 12 October 2012 (has links)
In order to fully understand the role methane (CH₄) plays in the microwave emission spectra of the deep atmospheres of the outer planets, over 280 laboratory measurements of the opacity of ammonia in a methane environment have been made in the 5-20 cm wavelength range. All opacity measurements were made with either 100 or 200 mbars of ammonia and with 1 to 3 bars of added methane in the 330-450K temperature range. A formalism for the absorptivity of ammonia broadened by methane has now been developed and had been applied to the Hanley et al. (Icarus, v. 202, 2009) model for the opacity of ammonia. Due to methane's relatively low abundance at Jupiter (~0.2% by volume), its effect on the microwave spectrum which will be observed by the Juno MWR (Microwave Radiometer) will be minimal. However, these experimental results will significantly improve the understanding of the microwave emission spectrum of Uranus and Neptune where methane plays a more dominant role.

The Case for a Satellite Innovation Center in Downtown Tucson

Poulton, Matthew 12 May 2015 (has links)
Sustainable Built Environments Senior Capstone / The purpose of this paper is to provide basic empirical evidence to support the implementation of an innovation campus in downtown Tucson. This would be a satellite of the Arizona Center for Innovation (AZCI) currently located in the University of Arizona Science and Technology Park – an innovation, research and business center on the outskirts of Tucson. A multi-case study analysis will be performed where the results will be compared with that of the AZCI results, using the same criteria.

Strategic Management for SMEs and Networking Intelligence as a facilitator for growth / Strategisk ledning för SMF och Nätverkande Intelligens som en främjande faktor

Burrescia, Kristin, Pousette-Falk, Joel January 2014 (has links)
The need to manage an unpredictability and to defuse uncertainties in the market is of great interest for SMEs, especially since many actors are forced to interact almost instantly upon inception. The strategic management of SMEs, within a networking context and through their internationalization process, is the primary focus of this research paper. Building on discoveries from the clean tech industry and facilitators surrounding those actors, the knowledge of firm´s network embeddedness and the importance of a network proficiency for business development is discussed as a point of supply to strategic actions in a highly competitive environment. A conceptual model is constructed, building on existing theories regarding internationalization to further expand current theories regarding networks, entrepreneurial effectuation, International Entrepreneurship (IE), International Business (IB), in order to create an applicability for an industry that is notably influenced by the political sphere. The analysis, stemming from an explorative multiple case study, illustrates the empirical data through the conceptual model. Key findings include that the environment can be said to be partly non-conducive for SMEs international venturings, due to the disruptive nature of the technologies and at times opposing cognitive mindsets. The conclusion points to a general need for an ability to augment a liable position through a mastery within networking realms along with a purposeful cognition, something these authors have labeled a Networking intelligence (NI) in its entirety. NI would, for this reason, be equivalent to obtaining a mastery within three networking dimensions with the additional feed-in mechanism of purposeful cognition. NI would as such constitute an advantage, ultimately leading to firms gaining a greater impact in regards to a commercial development through an internationalization processes. NI would in this regard act as a facilitator for growth, promoting more effective, efficient, and possibly more balanced actions on the international scene. NI would also enable SMEs to mirror the capabilities of an embedded MNC, with its heterogeneous resources.

What Is the Impact of the Technology Boom on Housing in San Francisco?

Herlihy, Ina 01 January 2014 (has links)
Many San Francisco residents who have achieved new wealth from the expansion of the technology industry are paying record high prices for homes. But the city is landlocked and has a limited housing supply. I study the impact of the technology boom on the increase of housing prices in the city and the outflow of the middle class, by analyzing housing supply and demand, regulations, neighboring towns, home ownership, and housing price potential solutions. I find that the increase in technology jobs creates an employment multiplier effect, decrease in housing supply, increased competition and all-cash offers, and income inequality. Policymakers and activist neighborhood groups need to focus on continually increasing housing supply through dense development incentives and legalizing in-law units.

The interplay of local cluster development and global inter-cluster brain circulation : a governance perspective in emergent economies

Richter, Cristiano January 2016 (has links)
Clusters de alta tecnologia são vistos como importantes centros de inovação e produção em uma economia atual global e interconectada. Observa-se um maior interesse da comunidade acadêmica pela relação entre o desenvolvimento de clusters de alta tecnologia em economias emergentes e suas conexões globais através da ‘circulação de talentos entre os clusters’ (em inglês, IBC). IBC representa, tipicamente, a difusão e transferência de tecnologias, conhecimentos e práticas através de redes individuais entre clusters emergentes e clusters já estabelecidos, os quais estão globalmente interconectados através dos laços destas redes. O foco deste estudo está no papel controverso da IBC no estímulo ao crescimento e melhoria de clusters maiores/em crescimento versus clusters menores/nascentes. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor formas de governança da IBC para conduzir estes processos nos seus diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. O contexto empírico investigado está baseado em (a) dois casos consolidados da literatura: as conexões de Bangalore (IN) - Vale do Silício e Hsinchu (TW) - Vale do Silício; e, (b) dois casos originais: as conexões de Daedeok Innopolis (KR) – EUA e Vale dos Sinos (BR) – Coreia. O método de pesquisa utilizado é qualitativo com a aplicação de 26 entrevistas em profundidade como fonte principal de evidência. Com base nos casos estudados, é possível argumentar que os clusters maiores/em crescimento se beneficiam de uma IBC orgânica, estimulada pelas dinâmicas e forças do mercado, enquanto os clusters menores/nascentes dependem de um esforço coordenado devido à falta de atratividade inicial para empresas e indivíduos. Além disto, com vistas à eficácia da IBC no estimulo ao crescimento e melhoria de clusters, também se pode argumentar que a intervenção nas dinâmicas da IBC se reduz ao longo da evolução dos clusters, passando de um esforço coordenado nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento do cluster para um processo orgânico da IBC guiado pelo mercado em estágios mais avançados de desenvolvimento. Este estudo tem implicações importantes no entendimento da conectividade de clusters, do papel da governança para o crescimento e melhoria de clusters e das estratégias efetivas de catch-up para economias emergentes. / High-tech clusters are important hubs of innovation and production in an increasingly interconnected global economy. There has been an increasing interest from scholars in the embeddedness of local cluster development, in particular of high-tech industries in emergent economies, and global connectivity, in particular in the dynamics and role of inter-cluster brain circulation (IBC). IBC denotes knowledge, technology and practice diffusion and translation through individual networks between emergent and typically more established clusters that are globally interconnected through these network ties. Of particular interest to this study is the controversial role of IBC in stimulating the growth and upgrading of larger/growing versus smaller/nascent clusters. Using the lens of network governance, this study aims to propose forms of IBC governance for steering these processes. The empirical context of investigation is composed of (a) two prior studies of IBC in the cases of Bangalore (IN) - Silicon Valley and Hsinchu (TW) - Silicon Valley connections and (b) two original empirical cases examining the Sinos Valley (BR) - Korea connection and Daedeok Innopolis (KR) - US connection. A qualitative research method strategy is employed in these two original cases using 26 in-depth interviews across both cases as a source of evidence. Based on the studied cases, it is possible to argue that for larger-scale growing clusters, IBC-growth dynamics may unfold as an ‘organic process’ through self-reinforcing market forces, whereas small-scale embryonic clusters depend on a ‘coordinated effort’ of this process because they lack initial market attractiveness for both individuals and firms. Further, focusing on the effectiveness of IBC in steering the growth and upgrading of clusters, it can also be argued that IBC governance changes through a gradual decreasing in the intervention to stimulate IBC, from a ‘coordinated effort’ in the early stage to a spontaneous increase in the marketdriven process of IBC as an ‘organic process’ in the mature stage of cluster development. This study has important implications for understanding cluster connectivity, the role of governance in cluster growth and upgrading, and the effective catch-up strategies of emerging economies.

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