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Rektorers perspektiv på lärares utmaningar med att undervisa om programmering i teknikämnet åk 4–6 : En studie utifrån implementeringsteorinLager, Malin, Störby, Matilda, Ahnstedt, Saga January 2022 (has links)
Programmering implementerades formellt i juli 2018 i den svenska läroplanen och krävde att alla tekniklärare i grundskolan integrerade programmering i sin undervisning. Den här uppsatsen bygger på en enkätundersökning där totalt 91 rektorer i Sydsverige har medverkat för att få fram deras perspektiv på utmaningar med den nya reformen. Utgångspunkten är att kunna besvara frågan: Vilka utmaningar beskriver rektorerna gällande lärarnas undervisning om programmering i teknikämnet? Under analysen av data identifierades flera utmaningar. Trots att rektorer har en skyldighet att erbjuda kompetensutveckling, visar resultatet på att det är just kompetensen hos lärare inom programmering som är en av mest framträdande utmaningarna. Rektorerna beskrev även resurser som en utmaning för lärarna samt svårigheter med att skapa en förståelse om programmeringens innebörd i läroplanen. / Programming was formally enacted in July 2018 in the Swedish school curriculum. The new implementation required that all compulsory school technology teachers integrate programming into their teaching. It posits that the school needs to change and establish possibilities for success with the assignment. A survey was conducted of 91 principals in southern Sweden to elicit their perspectives on challenges due to the new reform. Our aim is to answer the question: What challenges do the principals describe regarding teachers’ teaching of programming in the subject technology? During the analysis of the data, multiple challenges were identified. The principals have an obligation to offer competence development to their teachers, however, one of the main findings is that principals consider that their teachers lack competence. Resource challenges are as well described by the principals and the difficulty to create an understanding of what programming implies in the curriculum.
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Understanding Brigham Young University's Technology Teacher Education Program's Sucess in Attracting and Retaining Female StudentsCox, Katrina M. 12 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to attempt to understand why Brigham Young University Technology Teacher Education program has attracted and retained a high number of females. This was done through a self-created survey composed of four forced responses, distributed among the Winter 2006 semester students. Likert-scale questions were outlined according to the five theoretical influences on women in technology, as established by Welty and Puck (2001) and two of the three relationships of academia, as established by Haynie III (1999), as well as three free response questions regarding retention and attraction within the major. Findings suggested strong positive polarity in four of the five influences and in both relationships, with particular emphasis on subject content, positive teacher/student relationships, as well as an overall positive environment as major contributors to attraction and retention at this university. "Role Models, Mentors, and Peers" was the only influence that scored in the negative range. Though the effect size showed differences between males and females on individual questions as well as the two relationships and "Messages from Counselors", no practical difference was found between the male and female perceptions under the five remaining general categories. In all three categories where a medium to large effect size was shown, females were favored in having more positive responses and perceptions than males.
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An Investigation of Placement and Teacher Retention of Brigham Young University Technology Teacher Education Bachelor of Science Graduates from 1993-2007Taylor, Michael L. 21 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this research study was to gather data on a sample of technology teacher candidates in order to determine how many graduates with a technology teaching endorsement actually entered the teaching profession. In addition, data were collected to investigate the attrition rate of the same pool of candidates. For those who left the education profession, the study also examined how long these individuals taught before leaving as well as investigated the reasons these individuals decided to leave the technology teaching profession. For those who have remained in the teaching profession this study also explored their reasons for remaining in education. In addition, data were collected regarding how many technology teaching candidates remained within the state of Utah as well as how many have accepted positions outside of the state of Utah. To accomplish these tasks, a survey instrument was designed to gather employment data from Technology Teacher Education (TTE) graduates of Brigham Young University over the last 14 years. There were 189 technology teacher education graduates from 1994-07. Contact information was located and compiled for 148 of the 189 graduates; therefore, the results of this survey were calculated using the 148 graduates with current contact information. Of the 148 potential participants in this study, 110 (74%) of the TTE graduates responded. From the responses of the 110 TTE graduates the following was determined. There were 85 of those who responded that entered the teaching profession; 84 of those graduates entered within two years of graduation. Of the 85 graduates entering education, 54 stayed in the state of Utah and 31 left the state to teach. There were 67 of 110 responders to the survey (60%) that reported they entered education within two years and have remained in education since graduation. One teacher out of the 85 entered education after attending graduate school. The survey indicated that 17 of the 85 teachers exited education which is equal to 20% of the responding educators leaving education. Of the 17 educators who left the profession six left the first year, and 13 of the 17 left sometime during the first three years. Of the 17 educators that left education, four returned to the profession.
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Tekniklärares uppfattningar om programmering i teknik på grundskolans högstadium : En fenomenografisk studie / Technology teachers’ perceptions of programming in the technology subject at lower secondary school : A phenomenographic studyVahabzadeh, Siran January 2020 (has links)
Den 1 juli 2018 trädde en rad förändringar i kraft i den svenska skolans läroplaner och kursplaner. Det är bland annat skrivningar om programmering i kursplanerna i teknik och matematik i grundskolan. Det här examensarbetet undersöker lärares uppfattningar kring införandet av programmering i teknikämnet på grundskolans högstadium. Undersökningen har för avsikt att svara på följande frågeställningar: Hur beskriver tekniklärare sina tolkningar av kursplansinnehållet gällande programmering i ämnet teknik på grundskolans högstadium?samt Vilka föreställningar återfinns hos lärare om undervisningen av detta innehåll? För att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar som lärare kan ha, intervjuades fem verksamma lärare som undervisar i teknik. En fenomenografisk analysmodell har använts för behandlingen av insamlade data från intervjuerna. Resultatet av studien påvisar att trots att lärarna saknar kompetens och erfarenheter i undervisning i programmering, har de en positiv syn till integreringen av programmering i teknik och uttrycker att det är en viktig del i elevernas utbildning. Vidare framkommer att lärarna beskriver formuleringarna gällande programmering i kursplanen för teknik som svårtolkad. Resultatet visar även att deltagande i fortbildning har givit lärarna uppfattningen av att programmering i teknik innebär styra konstruktioner genom att programmera Microbit. I resultatet framkommer även att somliga lärare lever i föreställningen att eleverna kan lära sig programmering bättre än lärarna själva samt att eleverna kan lära sig själva utan att ha blivit undervisade vilket tycks vara en märklig uppfattning. / On July 1, 2018, several changes took effect in curricula and syllabi in the Swedish school. These changes include knowledge about programming in the syllabi of technology and mathematics in compulsory school. This thesis examines teachers’ perceptions of the phenomenon introduction of programming in the subject of lower secondary school technology. The survey intended to answer the following questions: How do technology teachers describe their interpretations of the syllabus content regarding programming in the subject of technology at the lower secondary school? and What ideas do teachers have about teaching this content? To find out what perceptionsteachers may have about programming, five technology teachers were interviewed. A phenomenographical analysis model has been used for the processing of collected data from the interviews. The results of the study show that although teachers lack the skills and experience in teaching programming, they have a positive view on the integration of programming in technology subject and believe that it is an important part of students' education. Furthermore, it emerges that the teachers describe the content formulations concerning programming in the technology syllabus as difficult to interpret.The result also shows that participation in professional development course has given the teachers the idea that programming in technology involves controlling constructions by programming Microbit. Moreover, it emerged that there is an acceptance for the notion that students can learn programming better than the teachers and even the students can learn by themselves without being taught, which seems to be remarkable.
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Tekniklärares uppfattningar om undervisning i skiss- och ritteknik inom årskurs 7–9 : En fenomenografisk studie / Technology Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching in Sketching and Drawing Techniques in Grades 7-9Altunsaray, Kismet January 2022 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet undersöker sex lärares uppfattningar kring skiss- och ritteknik på högstadiet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur lärare uppfattar undervisningsmetoder kopplade till skiss- och ritteknik inom teknikämnet på högstadiet. Undersökningen besvarar följande två frågor:1. Hur undervisar lärarna i skiss- och ritteknik i grundskolans teknikämne, åk 7–9? 2. Hur erfar och uppfattar lärarna undervisningen? För att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar lärarna har i ovanstående frågor ställdes fem frågor till sex lärare från olika skolor som undervisar i teknik för åk 7–9. Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera tekniklärares olika uppfattningar, beskrivningar, synpunkter och erfarenheter av ritteknikundervisningen snarare än att analysera deras kunskaper om ritteknik. Metoden är kvalitativ med semistrukturerade intervjuer och materialet behandlas genom en fenomenografisk analysmodell.Resultatet visar att tre av de intervjuade tekniklärarna undervisar skiss- och ritteknik så att eleverna arbetar både för hand och digitalt via program på datorn. Resterande intervjudeltagare använde främst rittekniken för hand men vid enstaka tillfällen digital handritning. Lärarnas erfarenheter och uppfattningar om metoderna visar att både ritning för hand och digitalt bör kombineras i undervisningen för att uppnå lärandemålen utifrån centrala innehållet för åk 7–9. Enligt lärarna är det viktigt att väcka elevernas tekniska intresse genom att låta de använda sig av olika metoder vid skiss- och ritteknik. Slutligen framkommer även att lärarna har gemensamma uppfattningar om båda teknikernas för- och nackdelar. De påpekar bland annat att eleverna upplever liknande svårigheter i undervisningen, vilket påverkar elevernas lärande. / This degree project investigates teachers’ perceptions of sketch-drawing techniques in secondary schools. This study aims to examine how teachers perceive teaching methods linked to sketch-drawing techniques within technics classes in secondary schools. The purpose of the study is to answer the following questions:1. How do teachers in technic class teach sketch-drawing techniques in secondary schools, grades 7-9? 2. How do the teachers experience and perceive the teaching? To find out which perceptions teachers have about sketch-drawing techniques, five questions were asked to the teachers who teach technics classes in grades 7-9. The purpose of the study was not to analyze teachers´ knowledge rather it was to analyze the technics teachers’ perceptions, descriptions, views, and experiences when they teach different sketch-drawing techniques in secondary classes. Six different technic class teachers who work at different schools were interviewed, and a phenomenographic analysis model was implemented to process the collected data from the interviews. In addition, a qualitative interview is used with the interviewees. According to the teachers' descriptions, most teachers teach sketching and hand drawing, but fewer teachers teach both hand and digital drawing. All the teachers agree that hand and digital drawing must be combined in teaching to achieve the learning outcomes based on the central content for grades 7–9. According to the teachers, it is important to arouse the students' technical interest by letting them use different methods for sketching and drawing techniques. Finally, it also appears that the teachers have common perceptions about the advantages and disadvantages of both techniques. They point out, among other things, whether the students experience similar difficulties in teaching and how this affects the students' learning.
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Tekniklärarnas tolkning av kunskapskraven : Tekniklärarnas uppfattning kring bedömning och kunskapskraven i teknik / The technology teachers' interpretation of the knowledge requirementsGhaderi, Dariush January 2021 (has links)
Skolverkets kunskapskrav finns det vissa kravnivåer för att nå ett visst betygssteg i ämnet teknik.Olika skolor låter elever arbeta med olika teknikprojekt och det är utifrån dessa projekt som läraren bedömer sina elever. I de nuvarande kunskapskraven för teknikämnet används olika värdeord för att gradera betygsstegen. Det kan medföra att olika lärare tolkar värdeorden olika jämfört med sina kollegor. Detta kan leda till att elevernas betyg i teknikämnet inte blir jämlikt bedömt.Skolverket (2018) har publicerat allmänna råd med kommentarer för betyg och betygsättning för att hjälpa lärarna att bedöma och betygsätta elever. Men det finns inte exakta riktlinjer för hur lärarna ska bedöma en elevs teknikkunskaper och relatera dem till kunskapskraven i teknik. Skolverket har lämnat över det ansvaret till den enskilda teknikläraren. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur tekniklärare tolkar kunskapskraven för teknikämnet på högstadiet, samt hur tekniklärarna gör i praktiken när de ska tolka kunskapskraven relaterade till projektarbeten, rapporter, osv.Denna rapport beskriver en kvalitativ studie. Studien bygger på skriftliga frågor och muntliga interjuver med lärare. Sju tekniklärare deltog i de muntliga intervjuerna, samtalen spelades in och transkriberades. Därefter lästes tekniklärarnas svar flera gånger för att generera olika teman som passar för denna studies frågeställningar. Fem tekniklärare svarade på skriftliga frågor i en enkät. Processen för enkätsvaren var det samma som det transkriberade filerna. Därigenom deltog totalt 12 olika tekniklärare i denna studie.Resultatet visar att det finns ett gemensamt tankesätt bland tekniklärarnas om hur de ska tolka kunskapskraven. Studien visar att lärarna använder tidigare elevexempel för att synliggöra kvalitetsskillnaden för eleverna, detta synliggjordes då lärarna uttryckte sig att de brukar jämföra elevernas prestationer med varandra för att synliggöra kunskapskraven. Studien visar också att flera lärare använder nationella prov mall för naturvetenskap och SO för att tolka kunskapskravens värdeord. Men samtidigt visar studien att själva lärarna bestämmer var gränserna för kunskapskraven ska ligga. Resultatet visar även att lärarna kunde lägga kunskapskraven ganska högt men kunde i efterhand sänka det. Detta tyder på att kunskapskraven tolkas på olika sätt av olika lärare. / According to the Swedish National Agency for Education's knowledge requirements, there are certain requirement levels for achieving a certain grade step in the subject of technology.Different schools have let students work with different technology projects and that it is on the basis of these projects that the teacher assesses his students. In the current knowledge requirements for the technology subject, different value words are used to grade the grade steps. This can lead to different teachers interpreting the values in different ways compared to their colleagues. This can lead to students' grades in the technology subject not being assessed equally. around the country.The Swedish National Agency for Education (2018) has published general advice with comments for grades and grading to help teachers assess and grade students. But there are no exact guidelines for how technology teachers should assess a student's technology skills and related them to the knowledge requirements in technology. The National Agency for Education has handed over this responsibility to the individual technology teacher. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the technology teachers interpret the knowledge requirements for the technology subject in upper secondary school, and how the technology teachers do in practice when they are to interpret the knowledge requirements related to project work, reports, etc.This report is made up of describes a qualitative study. The study is based on questionnaires, written questions and oral interviews with teachers. Seven technology teachers participated in the oral interviews, conversations were recorded and then transcribed. the technology teachers' answers in seven different files. After that, the technology teachers' answers were read carefully several times to create generate different themes that are suitable for this study's questions. Five technology teachers answered questionnaire written questions in a questionnaire. The process for the survey responses was the same as the transcribed files. Note that a total of 12 different technology teachers participated in this study.The results show that there is a common way of thinking among technology teachers' views about how to interpret the knowledge requirements. The study shows that the teachers use previous student examples to make visible the quality difference for the students, this was made visible when the teachers expressed that they usually compare the students' performance with each other to make the knowledge requirements visible. The study also shows that several teachers use national test templates for science and SO to interpret the value words of the knowledge requirements. But at the same time, the study shows that the teachers themselves decide where the boundaries of the knowledge requirements should be. The results also show that the teachers could set the knowledge requirements quite high but were able to lower it afterwards. This indicates that the knowledge requirements are interpreted in different ways by different teachers.
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