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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Slänger vi ut ett kunskapsbarn med badvattnet?" : En kritisk diskursanalys av en mediedebatt om slöjdämnet. / "Are we throwing out a knowldge child with the bathwater?" : A critical discourse analysis on a debate about sloyd in media.

Swärd, Ulrika January 2024 (has links)
Med återkommande frekvens debatteras i media huruvida slöjdämnet är relevant. Detta påverkar slöjdlärare i stor utsträckning, vilket inte minst syns på sociala medier. Den mediala debatten är ofta högröstad och språket känslomässigt. I uppsatsen undersöker jag vilken typ av diskurser i relation till kunskap som förekommer i debatten samt vad som konstitueras som (o)viktig kunskap i slöjdämnet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att synliggöra diskurser om slöjdämnet och mina forskningsfrågor delas i två delar. Den första behandlar hur konstitueras slöjdämnets kunskapsrelevans och dess koppling till samhället i två nyckeltexter. Den andra delen omfattar tre forskningsfrågor: Vilka diskurser framträder i mediedebatten om slöjdämnet, vad konstitueras som (o)viktig kunskap i dessa diskurser samt vad får detta för konsekvenser för slöjdämnet och slöjdlärarna? För att analysera den mediala debatten, har Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys använts. Analysen startar med Susanne Nyströms ledare i Dagens Nyheter den 23 oktober 2023, därefter analyseras den respons som följer i andra texter. Resultatet visar att sättet skribenterna formulerar sig på i hög grad påverkar synen på slöjdämnet och att debatten inte är evidensbaserad utan handlar om skribenternas uppfattning om vad slöjdämnets kunskaper omfattar. Vidare framkommer ett antal diskurser i försvarandet av slöjdämnet. I dessa konstitueras slöjdkunskaper som relevant i relation till hållbarhet, en önskan om att minska avståndet mellan praktisk och teoretisk kunskap samt att de praktiska och finmotoriska kunskaperna som uppmärksammats på sistone hotas av en nedskärning av slöjdämnet. Genom att synliggöra diskurserna synliggörs greppet medierna använder sig av för att skapa opinion och analysen kan hjälpa slöjdlärare att positionera sig i förhållande till en förutfattad uppfattning om slöjden.

Excited State Antiaromaticity Investigations of Pharmaceutically Relevant Heterocycles in Their Lowest ππ∗ and nπ∗ State

Lyvik, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

An Efficient and Accessible Empirical ValenceBond Implementation

van Hoorn, Bastiaan January 2024 (has links)
The Empirical Valence Bond (EVB) method has long been recognised as a reliable approach for the calculation of free energies of reactions in heterogeneous electrochemical environments. In spite of its established efficacy, existing implementations and protocols often pose challenges due to their tediousness or lack of transparency. This work introduces an open-source Python implementation of the EVB method, specifically designed to enhance accessibility and comprehension of the method making it highly suited for educational purposes. Recommendations are provided for integrating the methodology into the GROMACS application programming interface, to facilitate its integration into computational chemistry workflows and accellerating research. The program is demonstrated through various computations, including a short EVB study on the dissociation of \COt and tetraphenylporphyrin in the vicinity of a graphene sheet in water and dimethylformamide. Moreover, a novel analytical expression for computing the free energy profile is presented, showing promising agreement with the canonical discretised method.

Computational Studies of Enzymatic Enolization Reactions and Inhibitor Binding to a Malarial Protease

Feierberg, Isabella January 2003 (has links)
Enolate formation by proton abstraction from an sp3-hybridized carbon atom situated next to a carbonyl or carboxylate group is an abundant process in nature. Since the corresponding nonenzymatic process in water is slow and unfavorable due to high intrinsic free energy barriers and high substrate pKa s, enzymes catalyzing such reaction steps must overcome both kinetic and thermodynamic obstacles. Computer simulations were used to study enolate formation catalyzed by glyoxalase I (GlxI) and 3-oxo-Δ5-steroid isomerase (KSI). The results, which reproduce experimental kinetic data, indicate that for both enzymes the free energy barrier reduction originates mainly from the balancing of substrate and catalytic base pKas. This was found to be accomplished primarily by electrostatic interactions. The results also suggest that the remaining barrier reduction can be explained by the lower reorganization energy in the preorganized enzyme compared to the solution reaction. Moreover, it seems that quantum effects, arising from zero-point vibrations and proton tunnelling, do not contribute significantly to the barrier reduction in GlxI. For KSI, the formation of a low-barrier hydrogen bond between the enzyme and the enolate, which is suggested to stabilize the enolate, was investigated and found unlikely. The low pKa of the catalytic base in the nonpolar active site of KSI may possibly be explained by the presence of a water molecule not detected by experiments. The hemoglobin-degrading aspartic proteases plasmepsinI and plasmepsin II from Plasmodium falciparum have emerged as putative drug targets against malaria. A series of C2- symmetric compounds with a 1,2-dihydroxyethylene scaffold were investigated for plasmepsin affinity, using computer simulations and enzyme inhibition assays. The calculations correctly predicted the stereochemical preferences of the scaffold and the effect of chemical modifications. Calculated absolute binding free energies reproduced experimental data well. As these inhibitors have down to subnanomolar inhibition constants of the plasmepsins and no measurable affinity to human cathepsin D, they constitute promising lead compounds for further drug development.

5-Aminolevulinic acid and derivatives thereof : properties, lipid permeability and enzymatic reactions

Erdtman, Edvin January 2010 (has links)
5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and derivatives thereof are widely usedprodrugs in treatment of pre-malignant skin diseases of the cancer treatmentmethod photodynamic therapy (PDT). The target molecule in 5-ALAPDTis protoporphyrin IX (PpIX), which is synthesized endogenously from5-ALA via the heme pathway in the cell. This thesis is focused on 5-ALA,which is studied in different perspectives and with a variety of computationalmethods. The structural and energetic properties of 5-ALA, itsmethyl-, ethyl- and hexyl esters, four different 5-ALA enols, and hydrated5-ALA have been investigated using Quantum Mechanical (QM) first principlesdensity functional theory (DFT) calculations. 5-ALA is found to bemore stable than its isomers and the hydrolysations of the esters are morespontaneous for longer 5-ALA ester chains than shorter. The keto-enoltautomerization mechanism of 5-ALA has been studied, and a self-catalysismechanism has been proposed to be the most probable. Molecular Dynamics(MD) simulations of a lipid bilayer have been performed to study themembrane permeability of 5-ALA and its esters. The methyl ester of 5-ALAwas found to have the highest permeability constant (PMe-5-ALA = 52.8 cm/s).The mechanism of the two heme pathway enzymes; Porphobilinogen synthase(PBGS) and Uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase (UROD), have beenstudied by DFT calculations and QM/MM methodology. The rate-limitingstep is found to have a barrier of 19.4 kcal/mol for PBGS and 13.7kcal/mol for the first decarboxylation step in UROD. Generally, the resultsare in good agreement with experimental results available to date.

Kunskapsöverföring i ett globalt management konsultbolag : En fallstudie i överföringen av erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap över landsgränser

Danielsson, Axel, Karlsson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ett globalt management konsultföretag arbetar internt med kunskapsöverföring över landsgränser av den svåruttryckliga erfarenhetsbaserade kunskapen som en konsult innehar. Den kvalitativa data som används i empirin samlades in genom intervjuer med anställda på fallföretaget Accenture. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att praktisk kunskap överförs genom formella sammankomster samt en ”learning by doing” modell där konsulter av olika nationaliteter och grad av erfarenhet arbetar tillsammans på olika projekt. Erfarenheter från projekt samlas, lagras och överförs till databasen Knowledge Exchange, i en process där den praktiska kunskapen transformeras till teoretisk kunskap och görs tillgänglig för hela företaget. Studien visar att Accenture har rutiner som gör att dem överkommer de flesta hinder som presenteras i den befintliga teorin. Det hinder som Accenture belyste som ett problem var informationsöverflödet som fanns inom företaget.</p> / <p>The purpose of the study is to study how a global management consulting firm works internally with knowledge transfer across national borders of the hard to express, experience-based knowledge of a consultant. The qualitative data which is presented in the empirical part of the paper was collected through interviews with employees at the case firm Accenture. The result of the study showed that practical knowledge is transferred through formal meetings, and a “learning by doing” process, where consultants of different nationalities and degrees of experience work together on projects. Experiences from projects are collected, stored, and transferred to the Knowledge Exchange database, in a process where the practical knowledge is transformed into theoretical knowledge and made available to the entire company. The study shows that Accenture has routines that help them overcome most of the impediments presented in the existing theory. The impediment that Accenture expressed to be a problem within their organization was information overflow.</p>

Strukturens frånvaro : En essä om Louis Althussers strukturbegrepp

Sundberg, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Form and function of complex networks / Form och funktion i komplexa nätverk

Holme, Petter January 2004 (has links)
Networks are all around us, all the time. From the biochemistry of our cells to the web of friendships across the planet. From the circuitry of modern electronics to chains of historical events. A network is the result of the forces that shaped it. Thus the principles of network formation can be, to some extent, deciphered from the network itself. All such information comprises the structure of the network. The study of network structure is the core of modern network science. This thesis centres around three aspects of network structure: What kinds of network structures are there and how can they be measured? How can we build models for network formation that give the structure of networks in the real world? How does the network structure affect dynamical systems confined to the networks? These questions are discussed using a variety of statistical, analytical and modelling techniques developed by physicists, mathematicians, biologists, chemists, psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists. My own research touches all three questions. In this thesis I present works trying to answer: What is the best way to protect a network against sinister attacks? How do groups form in friendship networks? Where do traffic jams appear in a communication network? How is cellular metabolism organised? How do Swedes flirt on the Internet? . . . and many other questions.

Towards a Phenomenology of Repression - a Husserlian Reply to the Freudian Challenge

Smith, Nicholas January 2010 (has links)
This is the first book-length philosophical study of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Freud’s theory of the unconscious. The book investigates the possibility for Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology to clarify Freud’s concept of the unconscious with a focus on the theory of repression as its centre. Repression is the unconscious activity of pushing something away from consciousness, while making sure that it remains active as something foreign within us. How this is possible is the main problem addressed in the work. Unlike previous literature (including Ricœur, Merleau-Ponty and Derrida) this book makes full use of the resources of genetic phenomenology and passivity in the attempt to clarify the Freudian unconscious. The central argument developed is that the structure of the lebendige Gegenwart as the core of Husserl’s theory of passivity consists of preliminary forms of bodily kinaesthesia, feelings and drives in a constantly ongoing process where repression occurs as a necessary part of all constitution. The clarification of Freudian repression thus takes place by showing how it presupposes a broad conception of consciousness such as that presented by Husserl’s genetic phenomenology. By arguing that “repression” is central to any philosophical account of subjectivity, this book takes on the most distinct challenge to philosophy posed by Freud.

En lärande organisation? : en pragmatisk teoretisk modell för lärande organisationer

Johansson, Ebba, Bellinder, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Under 1990-talet populariserades fenomenet lärande organisationer för att bemöta den konkurrens som globaliseringen medförde. Det finns både nya och mer klassiska forskningsstudier inom fenomenet lärande organisationer. Nyare studier inom fältet har försökt att skapa en heltäckande bild om lärande organisationer. Dessa studier tenderar dock att vara för smala och leder därmed till en alltför ytlig bild. Syftet med denna studie är därför att generera kunskaper om hur ett företag kan ses som en lärande organisationer genom en hybridmodell. Denna hybridmodell kombinerar Senges (2006) organisatoriska strukturer för innovativt lärande, tillsammans med Argyris och Schöns (1996) teori om olika nivåer av lärande. Studien har därmed en deduktiv ansats och den metod som studien använder är kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultaten visar att samtliga organisatoriska strukturer för innovativt lärande går att återfinna samt att dessa tillsammans leder till en djupare nivå av lärande. Slutsatsen av denna studie är därmed att denna hybridmodell kan ses som ett komplement till framtida studier inom området och att resultaten av denna studie tycks gå i linje med befintlig forskning inom området.

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