Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then qualitative characteristics"" "subject:"them qualitative characteristics""
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De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk / The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting : A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule boardNogoki, Elham, Foroughi, Negar January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting.</p><p>-A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board.</p><p>Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market’s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council’s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives. Investment properties can either be measured according to the Fair value model or the Cost model. By applying the Fair value model, enterprises get the opportunity to allow internal or external valuers to implement the valuation. Furthermore they can also choose if the fair value should be determined by market price/value or cash flow analysis. Difficulties concerned with the fair value model are that the market value has the tendency to follow inflation-developments and there is a high level of uncertainty in the valuation process. This combined with increased choices, can have negative effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting; relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency. The International Standards has been implemented in Swedish companies and the first indications of the real estate companies’ choices regarding investment properties can be found in their published consolidated accounts for year 2004, as well as in the semi-annual reports for 2005. Therefore interests arose to find out if it exist any uniform accounting of investment properties among listed as well as non- listed Swedish real estate companies. Has a practice has occurred? and how has the quality of the real estate market’s accounting information been affected by IAS 40 and fair value?</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to state the choices the real estate companies, listed and non- listed, on the stock market, have made in compliance with accounting of investment properties, concerning the principles of valuation, valuers and the basis of valuation. On the basis of this, the possible causes of these choices and the further effects on the qualitative characteristics of the accounting; relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency, has been analyzed with independent auditors perspective on the subject.</p><p>Method: This study has been carried out partly with a quantitative study of the real estate companies’ financial reports and partly with a qualitative study consisted of interviews with independent auditors.</p><p>Result and Conclusion: All of the listed Swedish real estates companies have through cooperation chosen the Fair value model, mainly because the component depreciation is considered being a poor alternative. The majority have chosen both internal and external valuers to make the valuations. Through this combination companies can achieve better valuations as well as control and quality safety. All have chosen the cash flow analysis as the basis of valuation. This choice is due to the lack of a transparent market value. Only four of the non- listed Swedish real estate companies in this study, have chosen the fair value model. Due to their size and some loans listed on the market, these companies gain more by being comparable with the listed companies. The qualitative characteristic relevance is considered most beneficial, where reliability is considered least. Comparability and consistency are also considered beneficial, but there are some conditions to be considered for them in order to benefit more in the future. The conclusion can be drawn that there exist a uniform accounting of investment property only amongst listed Swedish real estate companies. Thereby a practice has occurred only amongst them. Since three out of four qualitative characteristics of accounting are considered being beneficial, the conclusion can be drawn that fair value measures have a positive effect on the Swedish real estates market companies’ accounts.</p> / <p>Bakgrund och problem: Alla bolag noterade på en reglerad marknad inom den Europeiska Unionen skall från och med januari 2005 tillämpa gemensamma redovisningsregler, IAS/IFRS standarder, vid upprättandet av koncernredovisningen. I Sverige har även onoterade bolag fått möjligheten att frivilligt tillämpa dessa regler i koncernredovisningen. En skillnad som förekommer mellan tidigare svenskt och ny internationellt regelverk berör redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter, vilket framför allt påverkar fastighetsbranschens redovisning. I motsatts till redovisningsrådets rekommendation RR 24 beviljar den nya standarden IAS 40 val mellan olika redovisningssätt. Förvaltningsfastigheter kan antingen redovisas till verkligt värde eller till anskaffningsvärde med komponentavskrivningar. Vid förstnämnda valet får bolagen vidare välja att låta interna eller externa värderingsmän utföra värderingen. Dessutom får de välja värderingsunderlag, där alternativen utgörs av antingen marknadsvärde eller andra värderingsmetoder som kassaflödesmodeller. Problemen med verkligt värde är att marknadsvärdet tenderar att följa inflationsutvecklingen och osäkerheten i värderingarna är stora. Detta i kombination med utökade valmöjligheter kan i sin tur vara skadligt för redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper, relevans, tillförlitlighet, jämförbarhet och begriplighet. Eftersom IAS/IFRS reglerna redan har trätt i kraft finns de första indikationerna på vilka faktiska val svenska fastighetsbolag har gjort gällande redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter i bolagens publicerade koncernredovisningar för år 2004 samt i delårsrapporterna för 2005. Härigenom har intresset väckts berörande om det förekommer en enhetlig redovisning av förvaltningsfastigheter bland svenska noterade respektive onoterade fastighetsbolag? Har en praxis uppkommit, och Hur har kvaliteten av fastighetsbranschens redovisningsinformation påverkats av övergången till IAS 40 och framförallt av införandet av verkligt värde i redovisningen?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att, efter implementeringen av de internationella reglerna i koncernredovisningen år 2005, undersöka vilka val noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag har gjort vid redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter gällande värderingsprincip, värderingsmän och värderingsunderlag. Utifrån detta har sedan de möjliga bakomliggande orsakerna till dessa val samt effekterna på redovisningsinformationens kvalitativa egenskaper, tillförlitlighet, relevans, jämförbarhet och begriplighet undersökts med utgångspunkt från oberoende kunniga revisorers perspektiv.</p><p>Metod: Denna studie grundar sig på dels en kvantitativ och dels en kvalitativ undersökning. Den förstnämnda kommer i uttryck genom en granskning av fastighetsföretagens finansiella rapporter och den sistnämnda genom intervjuer med ett antal oberoende revisorer med expertis inom området.</p><p>Resultat och slutsatser: Samtliga noterade bolag har genom samarbete valt att redovisa sina förvaltningsfastigheter till verkligt värde. Anledning har framförallt varit att alternativet med komponent avskrivningar är för dåligt. Majoriteten av dessa bolag har även valt att låta både interna och externa värderingsmän utföra värderingen. Genom denna kombination uppnås bättre värderingar, kontroll och trovärdighet. Som värderingsunderlag har samtliga valt kassaflödesmodeller, vilket kan förklaras med att det sker för få transaktioner på marknaden som försvårar den direkta avläsningen av marknadsvärdet. Bland de onoterade bolagen i studien har endast fyra bolag, valt att efterfölja de noterade bolagens handlingar. På grund av deras storlek och marknadsnoterade lån vinner dessa bolag på att bli jämförbara med de noterade bolagen. Resterande onoterade bolag antingen avvaktar eller missgynnas av att byta regelverk. Av de kvalitativa kraven gynnas relevansen mest och tillförlitligheten gynnas minst, Även jämförbarheten och begripligheten blir bättre av redovisningsalternativet verkligt värde men det finns förutsättningar till att dessa gynnas mer i framtiden. Av noterade bolagens enhetliga val och onoterade bolagens varierande val kan slutsatsen dras att det förekommer en praxis endast bland de noterade svenska fastighetsbolagen. Eftersom tre av fyra kvalitativa krav gynnas kan även slutsatsen dras att kvaliteten av den svenska fastighetsbranschens redovisning blir bättre med införandet av verkligt värde.</p>
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Förmedling av kvalitet i redovisningslagstiftning : moralens betydelse / Communication of quality in accounting law : the meaning of ethicsAndersson, Amanda, Magnusson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Kvalitet är i redovisningssammanhang ett komplext begrepp som är under ständig omvandling. Forskning kring begreppet syftar ofta till att kartlägga indikatorer som tillsammans ger en korrekt beskrivning av betydelsen av kvalitet. Forskare utgår från dessa indikatorer då de studerar redovisning med syfte att säga något om dess kvalitet. Särskild vikt har i denna studie lagts vid indikatorerna relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet vilka kompletterar varandra och tillsammans utgör en helhetsbeskrivning av begreppet kvalitet. Forskning inom redovisning har ofta gjorts ur ett perspektiv där man ser till hur den färdiga redovisningen presenteras till användarna. Denna studie utgör ytterligare en dimension vid beskrivning av problematiken då utgångspunkten utgörs av flera olika infallsvinklar. Både tolkning, kommunikation och handling täcks in i studiens resultat. Resultatet av studien tolkas på filosofiska grunder och ytterligare en dimension tillförs då diskussion förs angående betydelsen av moral och etik. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ analys av lagtext utifrån ett hermeneutiskt tolkningsperspektiv. Resultaten inbegriper även tolkning av uttalanden i fackpress och datamaterialet har kodats utefter de beskrivningar av relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet som vi arbetat fram i den teoretiska referensramen. Studien undersöker skiftet av redovisningsstandard för leasing som skett vid inledningen av 2019 då IAS 17 ersattes av IFRS 16. Detta standardskifte utgör studiens urval för den lagtext som studeras. Resultaten illustreras genomgående genom analysen med hjälp av ett fiktivt bolag vars redovisning följer den redovisningsstandard för leasing som studien undersöker. Den teoretiska modellen som använts för analys av våra resultat bygger på tidigare forskning samt teorier gällande redovisning och dess användare. Modellen används för tolkning av resultat och illustration samt utgör en koppling mellan dessa. Studien utmynnar i slutsatsen att elasticiteten i beskrivningen av relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet i lagtext bidrar till att företag ges möjlighet att snedvrida redovisningen vilket resulterar i att användbarheten för de finansiella rapporterna som beslutsunderlag sjunker. Elasticiteten mäts i vår studie med hjälp av kodning av lagtext samt uttalanden i fackpress utefter vår beskrivning av relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet. Kodningen bidrar till beskrivning av lagens tolkningsutrymme i form av det spelrum företagen har att utforma redovisningen på olika sätt men samtidigt hålla sig inom ramen för vad som är lagligt. Studien ger slutligen resultaten filosofisk betydelse och understryker vikten av moral hos företagen och företagsledaren som komponent i en redovisning som håller hög kvalitet. Denna studie skiljer sig från tidigare forskning då den genomförs i alla led av redovisningen. Inledningsvis studeras lagstiftares incitament vid utformning av redovisningsstandard, studien övergår sedan till den faktiska redovisningen och företags tolkning av redovisningsstandard för att slutligen se till det sätt på vilket färdiga finansiella rapporter presenteras för användarna. Studiens bidrag är ökad konceptuell förståelse av begreppet kvalitet inom redovisning samt underlag till diskussion om betydelsen av filosofisk insikt och moral vid tolkning av redovisningsstandarder vid utformning av finansiella rapporter. / In the context of financial reporting the concept of quality is complex and under perpetual transformation. Historically scientific research has aimed to chart indicators to the concept of quality that together add up to correct description of the importance of quality. Researchers originate from these indicators in studies of accounting when the purpose of the studies is to say something about the quality. Special emphasis for this study has been placed on the indicators relevance, reliability and comparability. These indicators complement each other and together they form an overall description of the concept of quality. Scientific research in accounting has frequently been carried out from a perspective where the researcher merley studied how the accounting is presented to users. This study forms an additional dimension of the matter as the basis of the research is composed of several perspectives. The result of the study is interpreted on a philosophical basis and another dimension is added by discussion about the importance of morality and ethics. We have carried out a qualitative analysis of accounting legislation from a hermeneutic perspective. The results also include interpretation of statements in specialist press and the data material has been coded according to our description of the concepts relevance, reliability and comparability. The study investigates the shift of financial reporting standard for leasing that took place at the beginning of 2019 when IAS 17 was replaced by IFRS 16. The results are consistently illustrated in the analysis using a fictitious company whose accounting follows the accounting standard for leasing that the study investigates. The theoretical model used for analysis of our results is based on previous research and theories on accounting and its users. The process of this study leads us to the conclusion that the elasticity in the description of relevance, reliability and comparability in accounting standards contributes to companies being given the opportunity to disort the accounting, which results in the usefulness of the financial reports as a basis for decision-making is falling. In our study the elasticity is measured by coding legal text and statements in the specialist press according to our description of relevance, reliability and comparability. The coding contributes to the description of the leeway of the law in terms of latitude for companies to formulate their accounting in different ways but at the same time stay within the scope of what is legal. In conclusion the results is given a philosophical significance and emphasizes the importance of morals among the companies and the company leader as a component of a high quality accounting. This study differs from previous research because it analyzes all stages of the accounting. Initially the legislature’s incentives when designing accounting standards are studied, the study then goes to the actual accounting and the company’s interpretation of the accounting standard. Lastly the study analyze the finished financial reports are presented to the users. The study’s contribution is increased understanding of the concept of quality in accounting and the basis for discussion on the meaning of philosophical insight and morality in the interpretation of accounting standards when designs financial reports.
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Novo olhar sobre a qualidade da informação contábil: a ótica dos observatórios sociais / New look at the quality of accounting information: the view of social observatoriesPeres, Luciano Nurnberg 26 May 2017 (has links)
O Brasil está em processo de convergência às normas internacionais de Contabilidade aplicadas ao setor público. Estas normas visam a produção de informações contábeis de alta qualidade para fins de tomada de decisão e accountability e estabelecem que os cidadãos estão entre os principais usuários de suas informações. Os cidadãos compõem um grupo de usuários diversificado, com conhecimentos e necessidades informacionais distintas. Um caso em que os cidadãos possam precisar das informações contábeis é ao realizar o controle social sobre as atividades do setor público. Em particular, o Observatório Social do Brasil é uma rede composta por instituições que se dedicam ao controle social e que são o foco deste trabalho. O principal aspecto teórico escolhido para entender o comportamento desta rede foi o modelo do Novo Serviço Público, que destaca a participação social na gestão pública. Sob este ponto de vista, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em identificar quais são os fatores condicionantes para a qualidade das informações contábeis sob a ótica dos observatórios sociais. Para alcançar este objetivo, a metodologia envolveu a realização de duas etapas de entrevistas semiestruturadas e a aplicação de questionário eletrônico aos membros dos observatórios sociais. Os principais resultados destoam do que a literatura tem avaliado sobre a qualidade da divulgação de informações governamentais. Ao passo que esta literatura se preocupa principalmente com aspectos relacionados ao conteúdo disponibilizado e a capacidade e qualidade da estrutura tecnológica, esta pesquisa chegou ao resultado de que a qualidade da informação contábil depende majoritariamente do interesse e mobilização dos cidadãos e do governo. Quanto à Contabilidade, a conclusão que se chegou é que ela tem elevada importância para os observadores sociais. Os resultados são do ponto de vista de que a informação é mais do que disponibilização de documentos, mas que envolve diálogo, permissão e visualização. Quanto às características qualitativas da informação contábil, os observatórios se importam primordialmente em compreender e obter as informações de forma tempestiva. Como sugestão de estudos futuros, indica-se a investigação do que permite a realização das atividades de outras entidades e pessoas voltadas ao controle social. A rede Observatório Social do Brasil tem crescido e ocupado uma posição relevante frente ao controle social, mas não é a única. Outra possibilidade de ampliar os horizontes da qualidade da informação contábil é investigar se alguma outra instituição que se dedica ao controle social faz uso dos demonstrativos contábeis e para qual finalidade. / Brazil is in the process of converging to international accounting standards applied to the public sector. These standards aim to produce high-quality accounting information for decision-making and accountability purposes and establish that citizens are among the primary users. Citizens integrate a diversified group of users with different knowledge and information needs. A case in which citizens may need the accounting information is when performing social control over the activities of the public sector. In particular, the Observatório Social do Brasil (Social Observatory of Brazil) is a network composed of institutions that are dedicated to social control and are the focus of this work. The main theoretical aspect chosen for understand the behavior of entities dedicated to social control was the model of the New Public Service, which highlights a social participation in public management. From this point of view, the objective is to identify which are the conditioning factors for the quality of the accounting information from a perspective of the social observatories. To achieve this goal, the methodology involved the accomplishment of two stages of semi-structured interviews and the application of an electronic questionnaire for members of social observatories. The main results contradict the literature of the quality of government information disclosure. While this literature is basically concerned with the content available and the capacity and quality of the technological structure, this research has reached the result that the quality of accounting information depends mainly on the interest and mobilization of citizens and the government. The conclusion was that Accounting is of great importance to social observers. The results are from the point of view that information is more than the provision of documents, but that involves dialogue, permission and visualization. For the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, observers are primarily concerned with understanding and obtaining information in a timely manner. As a suggestion of future studies, it indicates the investigation of what allows the accomplishment of the activities of other entities and persons directed to the social control. The Observatório Social do Brasil network has grown and occupied a position relevant to social control, but it is not the only one. Another possibility to broaden the horizons of the quality of accounting information is to investigate if any other entity that is dedicated to social control makes use of the financial statements and for what purpose.
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De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk / The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting : A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule boardNogoki, Elham, Foroughi, Negar January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Title: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting. -A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board. Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market’s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council’s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives. Investment properties can either be measured according to the Fair value model or the Cost model. By applying the Fair value model, enterprises get the opportunity to allow internal or external valuers to implement the valuation. Furthermore they can also choose if the fair value should be determined by market price/value or cash flow analysis. Difficulties concerned with the fair value model are that the market value has the tendency to follow inflation-developments and there is a high level of uncertainty in the valuation process. This combined with increased choices, can have negative effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting; relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency. The International Standards has been implemented in Swedish companies and the first indications of the real estate companies’ choices regarding investment properties can be found in their published consolidated accounts for year 2004, as well as in the semi-annual reports for 2005. Therefore interests arose to find out if it exist any uniform accounting of investment properties among listed as well as non- listed Swedish real estate companies. Has a practice has occurred? and how has the quality of the real estate market’s accounting information been affected by IAS 40 and fair value? Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to state the choices the real estate companies, listed and non- listed, on the stock market, have made in compliance with accounting of investment properties, concerning the principles of valuation, valuers and the basis of valuation. On the basis of this, the possible causes of these choices and the further effects on the qualitative characteristics of the accounting; relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency, has been analyzed with independent auditors perspective on the subject. Method: This study has been carried out partly with a quantitative study of the real estate companies’ financial reports and partly with a qualitative study consisted of interviews with independent auditors. Result and Conclusion: All of the listed Swedish real estates companies have through cooperation chosen the Fair value model, mainly because the component depreciation is considered being a poor alternative. The majority have chosen both internal and external valuers to make the valuations. Through this combination companies can achieve better valuations as well as control and quality safety. All have chosen the cash flow analysis as the basis of valuation. This choice is due to the lack of a transparent market value. Only four of the non- listed Swedish real estate companies in this study, have chosen the fair value model. Due to their size and some loans listed on the market, these companies gain more by being comparable with the listed companies. The qualitative characteristic relevance is considered most beneficial, where reliability is considered least. Comparability and consistency are also considered beneficial, but there are some conditions to be considered for them in order to benefit more in the future. The conclusion can be drawn that there exist a uniform accounting of investment property only amongst listed Swedish real estate companies. Thereby a practice has occurred only amongst them. Since three out of four qualitative characteristics of accounting are considered being beneficial, the conclusion can be drawn that fair value measures have a positive effect on the Swedish real estates market companies’ accounts. / Bakgrund och problem: Alla bolag noterade på en reglerad marknad inom den Europeiska Unionen skall från och med januari 2005 tillämpa gemensamma redovisningsregler, IAS/IFRS standarder, vid upprättandet av koncernredovisningen. I Sverige har även onoterade bolag fått möjligheten att frivilligt tillämpa dessa regler i koncernredovisningen. En skillnad som förekommer mellan tidigare svenskt och ny internationellt regelverk berör redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter, vilket framför allt påverkar fastighetsbranschens redovisning. I motsatts till redovisningsrådets rekommendation RR 24 beviljar den nya standarden IAS 40 val mellan olika redovisningssätt. Förvaltningsfastigheter kan antingen redovisas till verkligt värde eller till anskaffningsvärde med komponentavskrivningar. Vid förstnämnda valet får bolagen vidare välja att låta interna eller externa värderingsmän utföra värderingen. Dessutom får de välja värderingsunderlag, där alternativen utgörs av antingen marknadsvärde eller andra värderingsmetoder som kassaflödesmodeller. Problemen med verkligt värde är att marknadsvärdet tenderar att följa inflationsutvecklingen och osäkerheten i värderingarna är stora. Detta i kombination med utökade valmöjligheter kan i sin tur vara skadligt för redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper, relevans, tillförlitlighet, jämförbarhet och begriplighet. Eftersom IAS/IFRS reglerna redan har trätt i kraft finns de första indikationerna på vilka faktiska val svenska fastighetsbolag har gjort gällande redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter i bolagens publicerade koncernredovisningar för år 2004 samt i delårsrapporterna för 2005. Härigenom har intresset väckts berörande om det förekommer en enhetlig redovisning av förvaltningsfastigheter bland svenska noterade respektive onoterade fastighetsbolag? Har en praxis uppkommit, och Hur har kvaliteten av fastighetsbranschens redovisningsinformation påverkats av övergången till IAS 40 och framförallt av införandet av verkligt värde i redovisningen? Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att, efter implementeringen av de internationella reglerna i koncernredovisningen år 2005, undersöka vilka val noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag har gjort vid redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter gällande värderingsprincip, värderingsmän och värderingsunderlag. Utifrån detta har sedan de möjliga bakomliggande orsakerna till dessa val samt effekterna på redovisningsinformationens kvalitativa egenskaper, tillförlitlighet, relevans, jämförbarhet och begriplighet undersökts med utgångspunkt från oberoende kunniga revisorers perspektiv. Metod: Denna studie grundar sig på dels en kvantitativ och dels en kvalitativ undersökning. Den förstnämnda kommer i uttryck genom en granskning av fastighetsföretagens finansiella rapporter och den sistnämnda genom intervjuer med ett antal oberoende revisorer med expertis inom området. Resultat och slutsatser: Samtliga noterade bolag har genom samarbete valt att redovisa sina förvaltningsfastigheter till verkligt värde. Anledning har framförallt varit att alternativet med komponent avskrivningar är för dåligt. Majoriteten av dessa bolag har även valt att låta både interna och externa värderingsmän utföra värderingen. Genom denna kombination uppnås bättre värderingar, kontroll och trovärdighet. Som värderingsunderlag har samtliga valt kassaflödesmodeller, vilket kan förklaras med att det sker för få transaktioner på marknaden som försvårar den direkta avläsningen av marknadsvärdet. Bland de onoterade bolagen i studien har endast fyra bolag, valt att efterfölja de noterade bolagens handlingar. På grund av deras storlek och marknadsnoterade lån vinner dessa bolag på att bli jämförbara med de noterade bolagen. Resterande onoterade bolag antingen avvaktar eller missgynnas av att byta regelverk. Av de kvalitativa kraven gynnas relevansen mest och tillförlitligheten gynnas minst, Även jämförbarheten och begripligheten blir bättre av redovisningsalternativet verkligt värde men det finns förutsättningar till att dessa gynnas mer i framtiden. Av noterade bolagens enhetliga val och onoterade bolagens varierande val kan slutsatsen dras att det förekommer en praxis endast bland de noterade svenska fastighetsbolagen. Eftersom tre av fyra kvalitativa krav gynnas kan även slutsatsen dras att kvaliteten av den svenska fastighetsbranschens redovisning blir bättre med införandet av verkligt värde.
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Evolu??o da terminoliga princ?pio cont?bil baseada na Escola Norte-AmericanaOliveira, Atelmo Ferreira de 24 October 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003-10-24 / This research has as objective of study the evolution of the accountancy princliple terminology which is present in the accounting conceptual framework. The scene of this research will have as target the North American School of Accounting. The choice of the searched terminology is its relevance in the study of the Accounting Theory. To understand the evolution of the accountancy thought, will be boarded: the influence of the Feudal System and the Mercantilism in the European economic conception; the importance of the Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the accounting standards and the influence of England in the formation of the North American School of Accounting. With relation to U.S.A., the development of the economic-financial scene of the American society will be evaluated, focusing the contribution in the search of the construction of an applied theoretical framework to the Accounting. The economic-financial development of U.S.A. provided the sprouting of new users with specific necessities. The necessity of the user for useful information for the decision taking, unchained the process of research directed toward the establishment of an applied Accountancy terminology. In this process, the paper exerted for the responsible accountancy organisms for the accounting standards will be boarded, as well as the professionals associations which had invested in researches, aiming at to elaborate a body of accountancy principles and to adjust the accountancy procedures to the necessities of the users. To reach the research objective, a bibliographical revision in specialized literature will be effected, adopting the historical method, in the period that understands the development of the North American School of Accounting. As result of the research, it can conclude that the evolution process of the terminology which is studied presents a structural logical problem, because the impossibility of the construction of a theoretical framework, having as bases the principle terminology. The impossibility occurred in function of the reach attributed to the term, which made a difficult in its application in the elaboration of the accountancy procedures / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo o estudo da evolu??o da terminologia princ?pio cont?bil, constante no referencial conceitual da contabilidade. O cen?rio da pesquisa ter? como escopo a Escola norte-americana de contabilidade. A escolha da terminologia a ser pesquisada deve-se ? relev?ncia que a mesma tem no estudo da Teoria da Contabilidade. Para compreens?o da evolu??o do pensamento cont?bil, ser?o abordados: a influ?ncia do Feudalismo e do Mercantilismo na concep??o econ?mica europ?ia; a import?ncia da Revolu??o Industrial no in?cio da normatiza??o cont?bil e o papel da Inglaterra na forma??o da Escola norte-americana de contabilidade. Com rela??o aos EUA, ser? avaliado o desenvolvimento do cen?rio econ?mico-financeiro da sociedade americana, enfocando a contribui??o na busca da constru??o de um referencial te?rico aplicado ? contabilidade. O desenvolvimento econ?mico-financeiro dos EUA proporcionou o surgimento de novos usu?rios com necessidades espec?ficas. A necessidade do usu?rio por informa??es ?teis para a tomada de decis?o, desencadeou o processo de pesquisa voltada para o estabelecimento de uma terminologia aplicada a contabilidade. Nesse processo, ser? abordado o papel exercido pelos organismos cont?beis repons?veis pela normatiza??o, bem como as associa??es de profissionais que investiram em pesquisas, visando elaborar um corpo de princ?pios cont?beis e adequar os procedimentos cont?beis ?s necessidades dos usu?rios. Para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa, ser? efetuada uma revis?o bibliogr?fica na literatura especializada, adotando-se o m?todo hist?rico, no per?odo que compreende o desenvolvimento da Escola norte-americana de contabilidade. Como resultado da pesquisa, conclui-se que o processo evolutivo da terminologia em estudo apresenta um problema l?gico estrutural, devido a impossiblidade da constru??o de um referencial te?rico, tendo como base a terminologia princ?pio. A impossibilidade ocorreu em fun??o da abrang?ncia atribu?da ao termo, que dificultou sua aplica??o na elabora??o dos procedimentos cont?beis
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Novo olhar sobre a qualidade da informação contábil: a ótica dos observatórios sociais / New look at the quality of accounting information: the view of social observatoriesLuciano Nurnberg Peres 26 May 2017 (has links)
O Brasil está em processo de convergência às normas internacionais de Contabilidade aplicadas ao setor público. Estas normas visam a produção de informações contábeis de alta qualidade para fins de tomada de decisão e accountability e estabelecem que os cidadãos estão entre os principais usuários de suas informações. Os cidadãos compõem um grupo de usuários diversificado, com conhecimentos e necessidades informacionais distintas. Um caso em que os cidadãos possam precisar das informações contábeis é ao realizar o controle social sobre as atividades do setor público. Em particular, o Observatório Social do Brasil é uma rede composta por instituições que se dedicam ao controle social e que são o foco deste trabalho. O principal aspecto teórico escolhido para entender o comportamento desta rede foi o modelo do Novo Serviço Público, que destaca a participação social na gestão pública. Sob este ponto de vista, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em identificar quais são os fatores condicionantes para a qualidade das informações contábeis sob a ótica dos observatórios sociais. Para alcançar este objetivo, a metodologia envolveu a realização de duas etapas de entrevistas semiestruturadas e a aplicação de questionário eletrônico aos membros dos observatórios sociais. Os principais resultados destoam do que a literatura tem avaliado sobre a qualidade da divulgação de informações governamentais. Ao passo que esta literatura se preocupa principalmente com aspectos relacionados ao conteúdo disponibilizado e a capacidade e qualidade da estrutura tecnológica, esta pesquisa chegou ao resultado de que a qualidade da informação contábil depende majoritariamente do interesse e mobilização dos cidadãos e do governo. Quanto à Contabilidade, a conclusão que se chegou é que ela tem elevada importância para os observadores sociais. Os resultados são do ponto de vista de que a informação é mais do que disponibilização de documentos, mas que envolve diálogo, permissão e visualização. Quanto às características qualitativas da informação contábil, os observatórios se importam primordialmente em compreender e obter as informações de forma tempestiva. Como sugestão de estudos futuros, indica-se a investigação do que permite a realização das atividades de outras entidades e pessoas voltadas ao controle social. A rede Observatório Social do Brasil tem crescido e ocupado uma posição relevante frente ao controle social, mas não é a única. Outra possibilidade de ampliar os horizontes da qualidade da informação contábil é investigar se alguma outra instituição que se dedica ao controle social faz uso dos demonstrativos contábeis e para qual finalidade. / Brazil is in the process of converging to international accounting standards applied to the public sector. These standards aim to produce high-quality accounting information for decision-making and accountability purposes and establish that citizens are among the primary users. Citizens integrate a diversified group of users with different knowledge and information needs. A case in which citizens may need the accounting information is when performing social control over the activities of the public sector. In particular, the Observatório Social do Brasil (Social Observatory of Brazil) is a network composed of institutions that are dedicated to social control and are the focus of this work. The main theoretical aspect chosen for understand the behavior of entities dedicated to social control was the model of the New Public Service, which highlights a social participation in public management. From this point of view, the objective is to identify which are the conditioning factors for the quality of the accounting information from a perspective of the social observatories. To achieve this goal, the methodology involved the accomplishment of two stages of semi-structured interviews and the application of an electronic questionnaire for members of social observatories. The main results contradict the literature of the quality of government information disclosure. While this literature is basically concerned with the content available and the capacity and quality of the technological structure, this research has reached the result that the quality of accounting information depends mainly on the interest and mobilization of citizens and the government. The conclusion was that Accounting is of great importance to social observers. The results are from the point of view that information is more than the provision of documents, but that involves dialogue, permission and visualization. For the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, observers are primarily concerned with understanding and obtaining information in a timely manner. As a suggestion of future studies, it indicates the investigation of what allows the accomplishment of the activities of other entities and persons directed to the social control. The Observatório Social do Brasil network has grown and occupied a position relevant to social control, but it is not the only one. Another possibility to broaden the horizons of the quality of accounting information is to investigate if any other entity that is dedicated to social control makes use of the financial statements and for what purpose.
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Feature soil, growth and chemical composition of grass in tifton fertilization and irrigation of aquaculture with wastewater / CaracterÃstica do solo, crescimento e composiÃÃo quÃmica do capim-tifton sob adubaÃÃo e irrigaÃÃo com Ãgua residuÃria da pisciculturaFrancisca Mirlanda Vasconcelos Furtado 31 July 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of nitrogen fertilization in areas of irrigated pastures with biofertilizados effluents from fish farming. Four doses of nitrogen fertilizer were used for 3 cycles of Tifton-85 grass cut every 28 days and irrigated with wastewater from fish farming. After each cutting the grass was fertilized with the respective doses of fertilizer. The design was completely randomized in a factorial 2 x 4 with four replicates. Four doses of nitrogen fertilizer dose corresponded to 0 to N; 198 kg N ha-1 yr-1 33% of the dose of N; 396 kg N ha-1 yr-1 66% of the dose of N; and 600 kg N ha-1 yr-1 corresponding to 100% of the dose of growth assessment the design was completely randomized using the nitrogen dosages described and four replications. The area per plot was used to harvest the fresh biomass to be analyzed, which was immediately measured on a digital scale pendulum for its determination. After all installments have their biomass values known and properly stored, they were sent to the laboratory of plant analysis Embrapa Mid-North. The collected biomass is fractionated into categories: whole plant (pseudo stem and leaf without senescent material), only pseudoculm, only leaf and senescent material. The stored material was taken for laboratory analysis of animal- nutrition LANA, Federal University Of CearÃ. Analyzes to determine the levels of dry matter were held (MS), mineral matter (MM), ether extract (EE), crude protein (% N x 6.25 = PB). The cellular content of the contents (CC) and hemicellulose (HEM) were obtained following the post- analysis equations. The fiber values of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were measured after preparation of the material to be analyzed in bags of TNT (100 g / m2) with dimensions of 4 x 5cm and engagement in analysis instrument fibers (Ankom220Â). Nitrogen fertilization influenced the soil chemical characteristics as the base saturation and potential soil acidity in Tifton 85 irrigated pasture with fish farm effluents, where nitrogen (N) influenced positively to the growth of Tifton 85 irrigated with wastewater fish farming. Nitrogen fertilization in conjunction with wastewater from fish farming. The absence of nitrogen fertilization promoted increase in dry matter content in Tifton-85 grass, as well as high levels of ADF and NDF. Leaf fraction of Tifton 85 has a higher amount of organic compounds in relation to pseudoculm fraction, and this can change the true values of ether extract and crude protein. The wastewater fish farming along with the application of ammonium sulfate positive effect on the chemical composition of Tifton 85 grass. / Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da adubaÃÃo nitrogenada em Ãreas de pastagens irrigadas com efluentes biofertilizados oriundos da piscicultura. Quatro doses de adubo nitrogenado foram utilizados durante 3 ciclos do capim Tifton-85, cortado a cada 28 dias e irrigado com Ãgua residuÃria de piscicultura. ApÃs cada corte o capim era adubado com as respectivas doses de adubo. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 com quatro repetiÃÃes. As quatro doses de adubo nitrogenado correspondiam a dose 0 de N; 198 kg de N ha-1 ano-1 33 % da dose de N; 396 kg de N ha-1 ano-1 66% da dose de N; e 600 kg de N ha-1 ano-1 que correspondeu a 100% da dose de N. Para avaliaÃÃo do crescimento o delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado utilizando as dosagens de nitrogÃnio descritas e quatro repetiÃÃes. A Ãrea da parcela Ãtil foi utilizada para a colheita da biomassa fresca a ser analisada, que foi imediatamente medida em uma balanÃa digital de pendulo para sua determinaÃÃo. ApÃs todas as parcelas terem seus valores de biomassa conhecidos e devidamente armazenados, estes eram encaminhados ao laboratÃrio de analises vegetais da Embrapa Meio-Norte. A biomassa coletada foi fracionada em categorias: planta inteira (pseudocolmo e folha sem o material senescente), somente pseudocolmo , somente folha e material senescente. O material armazenado foi levado para o laboratÃrio de analise de nutriÃÃo animal- LANA, da Universidade Federal Do CearÃ. Foram realizadas anÃlises para determinaÃÃo dos teores de matÃria seca (MS), matÃria mineral (MM), extrato etÃreo (EE), proteÃna bruta (% de N x 6,25 = PB). Os teores do conteÃdo celular (CC) e hemicelulose (HEM) foram obtidos seguindo-se as equaÃÃes pÃs analises. Os valores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra em detergente Ãcido ( FDA), foram mensurados apÃs o acondicionamento do material a ser analisado em saquinhos de TNT (100 g/m2) com dimensÃes de 4 x 5cm e acoplamento em aparelho analisador de fibras (Ankom220Â). A adubaÃÃo nitrogenada influenciou caracterÃsticas quÃmicas do solo como a saturaÃÃo por base e acidez potencial do solo em pastagem de capim- tifton 85 irrigada com efluentes de piscicultura, onde o nitrogÃnio (N) influenciou positivamente para o crescimento do capim-tifton 85 irrigado com efluentes de piscicultura. A adubaÃÃo nitrogenada em conjunto com a Ãgua residuÃria de piscicultura. A ausÃncia de adubaÃÃo nitrogenada promoveu aumento nos teores de matÃria seca no capim tifton-85, assim como elevados teores de FDA e FDN. A fraÃÃo folha do capim tifton 85 possui maior quantidade de compostos orgÃnicos em relaÃÃo a fraÃÃo pseudocolmo, e isso pode alterar os valores verdadeiros de extrato etÃreo e proteÃna bruta. A Ãgua residuÃria de piscicultura junto com a adubaÃÃo nitrogenada proporcionou efeito positivo na composiÃÃo bromatologica do capim Tifton 85.
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IAS 39 vs. IFRS 9 – En komparativ studie ur ett intressentperspektiv / IAS 39 vs. IFRS 9 – A comparative study through a stakeholder perspectiveBalesic, Armin, Chau, Ronny January 2017 (has links)
IASB påbörjade utvecklingsarbetet av en ny standard efter den globala finanskrisen då den nuvarande standarden IAS 39 kritiserats hårt från flera håll för att vara för komplicerad och bristande i sin redovisning av finansiella tillgångar. IASB:s arbete resulterade i färdigställandet av IFRS 9 år 2016 med syfte att ersätta IAS 39 gällande finansiella instrument. Tillämpningen av IFRS 9 kan påverka ett företags finansiella tillgångar annorlunda gällande klassificering, omklassificering, redovisning och värdering samt nedskrivning. Det är möjligt att värdera finansiella tillgångar till verkligt värde eller upplupet anskaffningsvärde. Problemet inom de olika metoderna är den subjektivitet i redovisningen av finansiella tillgångar.Studien är en komparativ analys med en förutsägande karaktär utifrån typfall för att utreda hur en övergång från IAS 39 till IFRS 9 påverkar ett företags finansiella tillgångar. Typfallen i studien ämnar belysa väsentliga skillnader inom klassificering, omklassificering, redovisning och värdering samt nedskrivning och hur dessa skillnader påverkar de kvalitativa egenskaperna sett ur ett intressentperspektiv.Den redovisningstekniska analysen belyser de mest väsentliga skillnaderna som påverkar ett företags finansiella tillgångar. Den redovisningstekniska skillnaden analyseras därefter utifrån aktieägares och Finansinspektionens perspektiv för att undersöka hur IASB:s kvalitativa egenskaper påverkas. Aktieägare efterfrågar information som påverkar deras ekonomiska beslutsfattande och utvärdering. Finansinspektionen efterfrågar information som bidrar till en ökad finansiell stabilitet hos företagen.Syftet med studien är således att belysa de mest väsentliga skillnader mellan IAS 39 och IFRS 9 samt hur standardövergången påverkar aktieägare och Finansinspektionen utifrån IASB:s kvalitativa egenskaper. Studien illustrerar skillnaderna för klassificering, omklassificering, redovisning och värdering samt nedskrivning separat för att förtydliga väsentliga förändringar som uppstår vid en övergång från IAS 39 till IFRS 9. Studien redogör för de olika klassificeringsmöjligheterna med egna begrepp för lättare läsförståelse och en modifierad intressentmodell för analys av IASB:s kvalitativa egenskaper. Resultatet i studien indikerar att tillämpningen av IFRS 9 är främst av redovisningsteknisk karaktär i hur den finansiella informationen presenteras. Den yttersta skillnaden mellan IAS 39 och IFRS 9 avser nedskrivningsförfarandet av de finansiella tillgångarna.Aktieägarna påverkas positivt vid en standardövergång eftersom IFRS 9 i större utsträckning stärker IASB:s kvalitativa egenskaper. Finansinspektionen påverkas inte i samma grad som aktieägare. Den däremot mest signifikanta och möjligtvis mest positiva effekten vid en standardövergång för tillsynsorganet är att företagens finansiella stabilitet ökar. / IASB began the process of developing a new accounting standard after the global financial crisis. The current standard IAS 39 received criticism of being too complicated and lacking in its financial accounting of financial assets following the financial crisis. IASB’s process resulted in the completion of IFRS 9 which purpose is to replace the current standard IAS 39 concerning financial instruments. The implementation of IFRS 9 may affect a company’s financial assets differently concerning classification, reclassification, recognition, measurement and impairment. Financial assets can be measured at either fair value or amortized cost. The problem regarding these methods is the subjectivity of valuation of the financial assets.This paper applies a comparative analysis with the purpose of predicting the effects a transition from IAS 39 to IFRS 9 will have on a typical company’s financial assets. The hypothetical cases purpose is to highlight the most distinct differences between standards regarding classification, reclassification, recognition, measurement and impairment. The distinct differences are then analysed from an accounting perspective and a modified stakeholder theory.The technical analysis highlights the differences regarding the accounting treatment of a company’s financial assets. The analysis continues with an analysis on how IASB’s qualitative characteristics of accounting diverge between the standards for shareholders and Finansinspektionen. Shareholders request information which may influence their economic decision and assessment. Finansinspektionen request information and effects which will have a positive impact on a company’s financial stability.The purpose of this paper is thus to highlight the most distinct differences between IAS 39 and IFRS 9 as well as examining how the transition might affect shareholders and Finansinspektionen based on IASB’s qualitative characteristics. This paper illustrates the accounting treatment of classification, reclassification, measurement and impairment separately to elucidate the impact from a transition from IAS 39 to IFRS 9. This paper describes the different options for classification with additional terms to increase readability and a modified stakeholder theory to analyse IASB’s qualitative characteristics. The results of this paper indicate that the implementation of IFRS 9 led to changes mostly of technical nature in how to present the financial information. The most substantial difference between IAS 39 and IFRS 9 regards to the impairment treatment of financial assets.The shareholders are positively affected after a transition to IFRS 9 because the change strengthens IASB’s qualitative characteristics in a greater extent. Finansinspektionen is not affected to the same degree as shareholders. Although the most significant and positive effect for the regulatory institution with a transition may lead to increased financial stability.This paper is hereinafter written in Swedish.
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Hållbarhetsrapportering – en studie om skillnader mellan noterade och statliga företag / Sustainability reporting – a study of differences between listed and state-owned companiesSandin, Olof, Söderlund, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Ämnet hållbarhet är idag mer aktuellt än någonsin. Många företag tar ansvar för sin påverkan på omgivningen och detta ansvar har kommit att bli en del av den externa rapporteringen. Företags hållbarhetsrapportering har traditionellt varit frivillig och det har tillämpats självreglering. I kontrast till de noterade företagens avsaknad av regler har svenska staten, genom införandet av en ägarpolicy, ställt upp krav på de statliga företagen. Kraven innebär att de statliga företagen ska agera föredömligt inom hållbart företagande och hållbarhetsrapportera i enlighet med GRI:s riktlinjer. Syftet med denna studie har varit att utifrån GRI:s kvalitativa egenskaper gällande hållbarhetsrapporteringens informationskvalitet undersöka skillnader mellan noterade och statliga företags hållbarhetsupplysningar inom de områden som stadgas i ÅRL 6 kap 12 § 1 st. Vår studie är komparativ och vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med kvantitativa inslag. Bedömningar har gjorts av 21 noterade och 21 statliga företags hållbarhetsrapportering. Med en egenutvecklad modell för bedömning av skillnader i informationskvalitet, har vi kunnat uppfylla studiens syfte och besvara vår forskningsfråga: Vilka skillnader i hållbarhetsrapporteringens informationskvalitet kan identifieras mellan noterade och statliga företag? Studiens resultat visar att de statliga företagens hållbarhetsrapportering genomgående uppvisar en högre informationskvalitet än noterade företag. De största skillnaderna som identifierades var att de statliga företagen i en avsevärd större utsträckning efterföljde internationella ramverk och riktlinjer samt att de lät sin hållbarhetsrapport genomgå en oberoende extern granskning. Den reglering som statliga företag omfattas av verkar leda till en högre informationskvalitet i hållbarhetsrapporteringen än vad självreglering gör. Studiens teoretiska bidrag är en modell som möjliggör en bedömning av informationskvalitet i företags hållbarhetsrapportering och en kartläggning av skillnader mellan noterade och statliga företag. Även praktiker kan ha nytta av vår kartläggning som visar att noterade företag kan öka sin informationskvalitet genom att efterfölja internationella ramverk samt låta rapporteringen bli externt granskad. / The subject of sustainability is today more current than ever before. Many companies take responsibility for their impact on the environment and this responsibility has become part of the external reporting. Corporate sustainability reporting has traditionally been voluntary and subject to self-regulation. Contrary to the lack of rules for listed companies, the Swedish state has imposed demands on state-owned companies through the introduction of an ownership policy. The requirement means that state-owned companies should act exemplarily in sustainable business and report sustainability in accordance with GRI's guidelines. The purpose of this study has been to investigate differences between listed and state-owned companies' sustainability information quality in the areas defined in ÅRL 6 kap 12 § 1 st, based on GRI's qualitative characteristics regarding sustainability reporting. Our study is comparative and we have used a qualitative content analysis with quantitative elements. Assessments have been made of 21 listed and 21 state-owned companies' sustainability reporting. With a self-developed model for assessing differences in information quality, we have been able to fulfil the purpose of the study and answer our research question: What differences in sustainability reporting information quality can be identified between listed and state-owned companies? The results of the study show that the sustainability reporting of state-owned companies contains a higher information quality than listed companies. The major differences identified were that the state-owned companies complied with international framework and guidelines to a significantly greater extent and let their sustainability report be subject for independent external auditing. The government-controlled regulation seems to lead to a higher information quality in sustainability reporting than self-regulation. The theoretical contribution of the study is a model that enables an assessment of information quality in sustainability reporting and a mapping of differences between listed and state-owned companies. Practitioners may also benefit from our study, which shows that listed companies can increase their information quality by following international frameworks and allowing the reporting to be externally audited. This thesis is written in Swedish.
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Leasingavtal utifrån IFRS 16 och K3 : En komparativ studie beträffande värdering, uppskjuten skatt och inkomstbeskattning / Leasing agreement regarding IFRS 16 and K3 : A comparative study of valuation, deferred tax and income taxationMårtensson, Stina, Lund, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Redovisningsmässigt klassificeras leasingavtal som operationella eller finansiella. Som ett alternativ till finansiering har operationella leasingavtal tillämpats frekvent av företag. Med anledning av att ett operationellt leasingavtal inte behöver redovisas i rapporten över finansiell ställning för leasetagare. Detta har resulterat i att diskussioner om operationella leasingavtal uppstått. SEC har uppmärksammat problem beträffande operationella leasingavtal vilket har resulterat i att IASB utfärdat en ny redovisningsstandard, IFRS 16. Den nya redovisningsstandarden ersätter IAS 17 och IFRS 16 möjliggör för enbart en klassificering av leasingavtal i redovisningen, vilket är finansiella leasingavtal. Företag som tillämpar IFRS var vid ikraftträdandet 1 januari 2019, tvingade att klassificera om sina leasingavtal till finansiella. Svenska företag som tillämpar K3-regelverket har möjlighet att redovisa leasingavtal enligt båda klassificeringarna, operationellt eller finansiellt leasingavtal. I svensk skattelagstiftning framgår att ett finansiellt leasingavtal från leasetagares perspektiv ska hanteras som operationellt leasingavtal. Till följd av det uppstår ett gap mellan redovisning och beskattning när IFRS 16 appliceras. Nyttjanderätten i ett finansiellt leasingavtal samt leasingskulden ska redovisas i rapporten över finansiell ställning. Avskrivning, amortering och räntekostnader som uppkommer får redovisas utifrån både K3 och IFRS. Ur ett skatteperspektiv å andra sidan finns ingen avdragsrätt för leasetagare vilket kräver justeringar i inkomstdeklarationen för avskrivningar och räntekostnader. Skattemässigt tillfaller inte äganderätten av leasingavtalet leasetagaren. Temporära skillnader uppstår mellan nyttjanderättstillgången och leasingskulden som medför att uppskjuten skatt behöver tas hänsyn till. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur klassificeringen av leasingavtal påverkar ett företags finansiella rapporter, både utifrån K3 och IFRS. Dessutom ämnar vi undersöka den problematik som uppstår i samband med de olika värderingsreglerna för de finansiella leasingavtalen. Vidare är syftet med studien att undersöka vilka effekter gällande redovisningsval vid uppskjuten skatt enligt K3 och IFRS som kan uppstå, samt dess påverkan på ett företags noter i finansiella rapporter. För att uppnå syftet har vi genom konstruerade typfall, tillämpat de olika regelverken. Empirin som presenterats till följd av typfallen har tolkats och analyserats utifrån redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper samt intressentteorin. Studiens resultat indikerar att finansiella rapporter påverkas av tillämpade klassificeringsregler enligt K3 och IFRS 16. Utfallet antyder även på problematik beträffande värderingsreglerna mellan inkomstskattelagen och IFRS 16. Beroende på om K3 eller IFRS appliceras beträffande leasingavtal förekommer olika tillvägagångssätt att hantera uppskjuten skatt. Följaktligen påverkas delvis redovisningen och delvis tilläggsupplysningarna för företaget. Vår slutsats är att redovisning av ett finansiellt leasingavtal utifrån både K3 och IFRS 16 bör prefereras av intressenter. Av den anledning att företag i högre utsträckning uppnår transparens och visar en mer korrekt bild i de finansiella rapporterna. / Lease agreements are classified as operational or financial. As an alternative to company funding, operational leasing has been applied frequently by companies since it is not required to be included in the balance sheet. Discussions regarding operational leasing agreements have occurred as a result. Due to the debates IASB issued a new accounting standard, IFRS 16, for leasing agreements in order to replace IAS 17. Companies that implement the new accounting standard were required by law to reclassify their existing operational agreements to financial agreements. Swedish companies that apply the K3 regulation have the opportunity to post leasing agreements according to both classifications. Tax legislation in Sweden states financial leasing agreements should be handled as operational leasing from a lessee’s perspective. When the accounting standard IFRS 16 is utilized, a gap in accounting and taxation appears. The leasing asset and leasing liability in a financial agreement are to be reported in the balance sheet. Depreciation, amortization, and interest expenses that arise may be reported as stated in both K3 and IFRS. From a tax aspect, adjustments are enforced in income tax return for depreciation and interest expenses. Ownership of the leasing agreement are not accrued to the lessee. Temporary discrepancies originating from leasing asset and leasing liability, leads to consideration of deferred tax in accounting. Intent of this study is to investigate how classification of leasing agreements affects financial reports for companies, according to K3 and IFRS. This study also focus on the dilemma issued from various valuation instructions for financial leasing regarding regulations (K3, IFRS) and income tax legislation. Our examination reviews the influence of chosen accounting standard for deferred tax, according to K3 and IFRS, and the impact it presents in financial notes. Aim of this study has been tested by implementing both regulations to typical scenarios prevalent within the industry. The empirical evidence emerged from our cases are clarified and analyzed on the basis of characteristics in quality and theory of stakeholders. Results coming from this study indicates financial reports affected by practiced rules of classification in accordance with K3 and IFRS. The outcome implies complications as to valuation instructions for income tax legislation and IFRS. Depending on whether the K3 regulation or IFRS are applied concerning leasing agreements, different approaches to managing deferred tax are appropriate. Consequently, both accounting and additional information in financial reports are influenced in partial. Our conclusion is that financial leasing accounting wise would be preferred by stakeholders when utilizing K3 and IFRS. That is due to a higher extent of transparency in financial reports as well as a faithful representation. This study is written in Swedish.
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