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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Theory-based Analysis of Coercion in Addiction Treatment

Urbanoski, Karen A. 01 September 2010 (has links)
The use of coercion to induce entry to addiction treatment is controversial and a large body of research has accumulated considering ethical issues, benefits, and repercussions. However, development of evidence-based policy and practices is hampered by limitations of existing literature. Theoretical and empirical work on self-determination suggests that perceptions of coercion have negative implications for motivation, behaviour change, and psychological well-being; however, these insights have not generally informed research on coerced treatment. The present work seeks to further understandings of the meaning and effectiveness of coerced addiction treatment through a theory-based, prospective study of coercion and treatment processes. The sample includes 276 adults admitted to an outpatient counseling program for alcohol- and drug-related problems. At admission, participants completed questionnaires on motivation, perceived coercion, and pressures to enter treatment. Two months later, a second questionnaire assessed engagement in treatment and substance problem severity (follow-up rate = 74.3%). Retention was determined via self-report and agency records. Analysis was guided by a conceptual model based on Self-Determination Theory. Perceived coercion at admission was associated with greater pressures from legal and informal sources, and lower substance problem severity. Fewer than half (45.7%) of participants were still attending treatment at 2-month follow-up. Clients who reported greater coercion were more likely to leave treatment within the first 2 months, and to qualify that decision by statements indicating a lack of perceived need for continued treatment. Greater autonomous motivation was associated with higher client confidence in treatment, and lower perceived coercion and greater informal pressure were associated with greater resolution of substance problems in the weeks following admission. This work contributes empirical evidence to ongoing debates over the legitimacy of coerced addiction treatment by reframing relevant concepts in terms of client perspectives and evaluating the impact on treatment processes. Results raise questions about previous conclusions of the effectiveness of coerced treatment and suggest many future avenues for research. In particular, research is needed to evaluate the longer-term implications of coercion and the changing nature of perceptions and motivation during treatment.

A Theory-based Analysis of Coercion in Addiction Treatment

Urbanoski, Karen A. 01 September 2010 (has links)
The use of coercion to induce entry to addiction treatment is controversial and a large body of research has accumulated considering ethical issues, benefits, and repercussions. However, development of evidence-based policy and practices is hampered by limitations of existing literature. Theoretical and empirical work on self-determination suggests that perceptions of coercion have negative implications for motivation, behaviour change, and psychological well-being; however, these insights have not generally informed research on coerced treatment. The present work seeks to further understandings of the meaning and effectiveness of coerced addiction treatment through a theory-based, prospective study of coercion and treatment processes. The sample includes 276 adults admitted to an outpatient counseling program for alcohol- and drug-related problems. At admission, participants completed questionnaires on motivation, perceived coercion, and pressures to enter treatment. Two months later, a second questionnaire assessed engagement in treatment and substance problem severity (follow-up rate = 74.3%). Retention was determined via self-report and agency records. Analysis was guided by a conceptual model based on Self-Determination Theory. Perceived coercion at admission was associated with greater pressures from legal and informal sources, and lower substance problem severity. Fewer than half (45.7%) of participants were still attending treatment at 2-month follow-up. Clients who reported greater coercion were more likely to leave treatment within the first 2 months, and to qualify that decision by statements indicating a lack of perceived need for continued treatment. Greater autonomous motivation was associated with higher client confidence in treatment, and lower perceived coercion and greater informal pressure were associated with greater resolution of substance problems in the weeks following admission. This work contributes empirical evidence to ongoing debates over the legitimacy of coerced addiction treatment by reframing relevant concepts in terms of client perspectives and evaluating the impact on treatment processes. Results raise questions about previous conclusions of the effectiveness of coerced treatment and suggest many future avenues for research. In particular, research is needed to evaluate the longer-term implications of coercion and the changing nature of perceptions and motivation during treatment.

Seniorers aktivitetsvanor och motivation till motion efter hälsoprojektdeltagande : en kvantitativ uppföljningsstudie

Smedberg, Sofi, Wierbecki, Carolina January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte Syftet har varit att undersöka om Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolans (GIH:s) tre månader långa hälsoprojekt på sikt hade effekt på seniordeltagarnas aktivitetsvanor. Därtill studerades seniorernas motivation till fysisk aktivitet vid uppföljningen tio månader efter projektets slut. Metod GIH:s hälsoprojekt är ett stående inslag i hälsopedagogutbildningen vid GIH. Det omfattar ledarledd fysisk aktivitet, två gånger per vecka, under åtta veckor. Dessutom ingår individuella hälsotester och hälsosamtal före projektets start, och vid projektets slut. I denna studie gjordes en kvantitativ uppföljning av seniordeltagare tio månader efter projektets slut. De frågor som berörde fysisk aktivitet hämtades från GIH:s hälsoenkät och Socialstyrelsens aktivitetsenkät. De frågor som berörde motivation för motion utgjordes av SDT-skalorna MPAM-R (Frederick och Ryan 1997) och amotivationsskalan från BREQ-2 (Markland och Tobin 2004).  Det var 200 enkäter som skickades ut till seniorerna. Totalt 152 personer besvarade enkäten, varav 97 var kvinnor och 55 var män. Medelåldern för kvinnorna var 72,5 ± 6,0 (64-91) år och medelåldern för männen var 73,0 ± 5,0 (66-89) år. All databearbetning genomfördes i Statistica. Resultat och diskussion Sammanfattningsvis var seniorernas aktivitetsnivå högre vid projektets slut, jämfört med hur aktivitetsnivån såg ut före projektet och vid uppföljningen, enligt frågor med fasta svarsalternativ. Detta betyder att de vanligen återgått till sina ursprungsvanor cirka ett år efter hälsoprojektet. Troligen var det främst den fysiska träningen som ökade under hälsoprojektet. För gruppen totalt sett fanns ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan de tre olika skattningstillfällena avseende vardagsmotion. Antal timmar stillasittande följde samma mönster som den fysiska träningen, det vill säga att deltagarna var stillasittande färre timmar vid hälsoprojektets slut, jämfört med innan och vid uppföljningen. Seniorerna uppgav att deras främsta motivationsfaktorer för fysisk aktivitet var, i följande rangordning: hälsoskäl, glädjeskäl och utvecklingsskäl. Utseendeskäl och sociala skäl skattades relativt lågt. Lägst var amotivation. Resultaten från Socialstyrelsens aktivitetsenkät visade att fasta svarsalternativ skiljde sig från självskattade siffror, samt att vidare utvärderingar av enkäten behövs.   Slutsats GIH:s tidsbegränsade intervention tycks inte räcka för att åstadkomma långsiktiga effekter på motionsvanor. Seniorernas motivationskombination som framträtt tyder på att de borde vara tillräckligt motiverade till att vara fysiskt aktiva, då motivationsmönstret liknar det som enligt tidigare forskning visat sig vara fördelaktigt. Förklaringen till varför de inte fortsatt verkar inte stå att finna i bristande motivation, utan snarare i tidsbegränsningen av själva projektet, eller andra omkringliggande faktorer. Det förefaller sig därför viktigt att göra hälsoprojektet till en kontinuerlig verksamhet, alternativt att förlänga durationen till mer än tre månader, för att se om det är det som krävs för att seniorerna ska bibehålla sin förhöjda grad av motion eller fysisk träning långsiktigt. Resultaten av detta arbete är av betydelse, eftersom Socialstyrelsens aktivitetsenkät används fortlöpande inom vården för att registrera aktivitetsnivå. Nyckelord: interventionsuppföljning, fysisk aktivitet, hälsotester, hälsosamtal, Self-determination Theory, enkätundersökning, äldre.

Performance et motivation au travail : une dynamique cyclique?

Paradis, David 11 1900 (has links)
Le Québec est confronté à un vieillissement de sa population et une pénurie de main-d’œuvre spécialisée. Pour faire face à ces difficultés tout en restant compétitives à l’échelle internationale, les entreprises québécoises doivent adopter des méthodes de gestion novatrices qui génèrent une performance élevée chez leurs travailleurs peu nombreux. Il est donc essentiel de se servir – et de repenser – le mieux possible des déterminants reconnus de la performance au travail, au premier chef : la motivation. Or, les recherches adoptent habituellement une perspective linéaire en un temps entre ces variables, alors que différentes études soulèvent la possibilité que les relations soient différentes lorsque ces variables sont analysées dans une perspective autre que linéaire. La présente étude teste si une dynamique cyclique se produit. Les résultats de médiation multiples ne révèlent pas d’effet significatif de la motivation entre les performances de deux temps de mesure consécutifs. Cela conforte la nécessité d’élargir la recherche sur de nouvelles variables de manière à vérifier le potentiel lien cyclique entre deux performances. Également, cette recherche relève une zone d’ombre dans la relation dynamique entre la motivation et la performance : ce lien n’est pas aussi lisse qu’il ne le semble. Il arrive parfois que les motivations et performances initiales aient un impact plus déterminant sur les comportements futurs. / Québec has to deal with an aging population and a shortage of highly-skilled labor. In order to face these difficulties while remaining competitive internationally, Quebec’s businesses must adopt new management methods that generate a higher performance from their fewer workers. It is therefore essential to better utilize – and rethink – the predictors of work performance with motivation at the forefront of this endeavor. However, studies usually adopt a one-time only linear perspective between these variables, while other studies suggest that the relations between them would differ when analyzed more dynamically. The present study tests if a cyclic relation performance-motivation- performance occurs. Multiple mediation results do not show a significant effect of various forms of motivation on the performance of two consecutive time measures; hence supporting the need for future studies to test new variables in order to verify the potential cyclical link between two performances. Moreover, the present study identifies a grey zone in the dynamic relation between motivation and performance. Indeed, the link isn’t as smooth as it seems since initial motivations and performances appear to have the greatest impact on future behaviors. / Ce mémoire de maîtrise a été accompli simultanément à des études à temps plein en droit.

Self-Determination Motivation and Perceived Barriers in the Vegetable Eating Context

Bogdanovich, Vera 21 August 2013 (has links)
Mean daily vegetable consumption is below the recommended 7-10 servings in the diet of adult Canadians. This thesis aimed to investigate the moderating role of perceived barriers on the relationship between motivation and (greater) vegetable consumption. 606 people from the Ontario Food panel participated in the online study. The results identified a positive moderating effect of perceived barriers on the relationship between autonomous motivation and vegetable consumption (p < .05) and negative approaching significance moderating effect of perceived barriers on controlled motivation and vegetable intake (p = 0.056). Also four motivational profiles of consumers were identified and described in terms of vegetable consumption, food related behaviors, stages of change and socio-demographic characteristics. These results extend the Self-Determination Theory with perceived barriers component and can inform intervention program development for social marketers and policy makers.

An Autonomy Support Motivation Intervention with Pre-Service Teachers: Do the Strategies that They Intend to Use Change?

Radil, Amanda I. Unknown Date
No description available.

Hur påverkas arbetsmotivationen av åldrande? : En kvantitativ studie om skillnader i arbetsmotivation mellan åldersgrupper / How does ageing affect motivation for work? : A quantitative cross-sectional study of different age groups

Johansson, Amadeus, Magnusson, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka skillnader mellan vad som motiverar olika åldersgrupper i arbetslivet. Studiens hypoteser bygger på tidigare forskning som visade att betydelsen av interna motivationsfaktorer ökar med ålder, samt att betydelsen av externa faktorer minskar. Studien genomfördes på en multinationell logistikorganisation i mars 2015 genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning på 119 deltagare. Reliabilitetstest för studien visade på god reliabilitet för både externa faktorer (α=0,85) och interna faktorer (α=0,79). Korrelations- och variansanalyser genomfördes för att analysera data. En signifikansnivå på p=0,05 användes och resultatet visade att betydelsen av de externa faktorerna lön, karriärmöjligheter, status, beröm och auktoritet minskade med ökad ålder, samt att betydelsen av de interna faktorerna tillhörighet, egen prestation, flexibilitet, självständighet, intresse och utmaningar ökade med ålder. Samtliga nämnda motivationsfaktorer var signifikanta och hade en signifikansnivå mellan p=0,000 och p=0,019. Denna studie kastar därmed ljus på hur individers åldrande leder till att betydelsen av externa motivationsfaktorer förskjuts till en ökad betydelse av interna motivationsfaktorer.

"Jag måste ju visa dem att det här är intressant" : En studie om hur lärare arbetar för att stimulera elevers motivation till lärande

Blad, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare arbetar för att stimulera elevers motivation till lärande. Vilken betydelse får motivation för hur lärare utformar sin undervisning samt hur lärare ser på och agerar för att stimulera motivation till lärande. Utifrån följande frågeställningar studeras motivation och undervisning ur ett lärarperspektiv: Vilka aspekter i lärarens förhållningssätt är betydelsefullt för elevernas motivation? Vilka motivationsfrämjande faktorer implementeras i undervisningen? Vilka strategier använder lärare för att hantera omotiverade elever och stimulera dem till lärande? Som metod för studien har kvalitativ intervju använts. Sex lärare har intervjuades och undervisade alla i årkurserna 1- 3.    Studiens resultat visar att lärarna utförligt arbetar med att främja motivationen i klassrummet. De identifierar sig själva som viktiga i sammanhanget och använder sitt förhållningssätt som verktyg. Samtidigt är de rädda för att på något sätt kväva sina elevers motivation vilket kan medföra att de ibland är rädda för att ställa krav och påpeka förbättringsområden. Vidare implementeras motivationsfrämjande faktorer i den konkreta undervisningen. Aktiviteter och förutsättningar som upplevs motivera eleverna får utrymme och styr val av uppgifter och innehåll. Konkreta uppgifter, rutiner och variation, visuell framställning samt att utgå från den proximala utvecklingszonen och hjälpa eleverna att se sitt eget lärande var motiverande faktorer som framkom i resultatet. Till sist visar resultatet även att lärare ibland använder strategier för att hantera omotiverade elever trots att det egentligen inte känns bra. Det kan vara att ignorera en elevs beteende för att prioritera resten av klassens undervisning eller att bara vara hård och bestämma rakt av. För att hjälpa en elev att långsiktligt återhämta sin motivation i skolan menade lärarna att en helhetssyn på eleven och dess behov var viktig samt att stärka elevens självförtroende.

Exploring the mechanism of academic motivation : an integration of self-determination and achievement goal theories from a critical realist perspective

2015 May 1900 (has links)
Motivation is a universal psychological phenomenon that determines all that we do. Self- determination Theory (SDT) and Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) each explain the academic motivation of university students and its relation to important academic outcomes (achievement, dedication, and well-being). Recently, an integration of these theories has been proposed (Drylund, 2009) which theorizes that achievement goals affect academic outcomes through their relationship with SDT constructs. The current study uses this integrative theory as a starting point but applies the critical realist perspective which posits that all empirical behaviours are produced by real generative mechanisms (Bhaskar, 1978). Although critical realism is considered vital to the advancement of psychology, its methodology and actual application has yet to be elaborated. Thus, the goals of the current study are: 1. to increase the current understanding of academic motivation; and, 2. to provide a method capable of facilitating research conducted from the critical realist perspective. Study 1 uses a variable-based approach and statistical analysis of questionnaire data from 385 undergraduate students; Study 2 uses a case-based approach through causal mapping of interview data from a purposeful sample of 12 Study 1 participants. Results support an academic motivational mechanism primarily influenced by autonomy satisfaction and controlling motivation that functions through the complex reciprocal relationships between achievement goals, competence satisfaction, and autonomous motivation. Comparison of Study 1 and 2 results supports the argument for case-based research from a critical realist perspective to aid in the further advancement of psychology.

Experiences of educators teaching learners who are severely intellectually challenged / E.M. Delport.

Delport, Elizabeth Maria January 2013 (has links)
Education can be viewed as a challenging profession, even more so for educators teaching learners with severe intellectual challenges (SIC). The diagnostic criteria of learners with SIC are a significant sub-average ability in intellectual functioning and concurrent deficiencies in adaptive behaviour such as social and daily living skills. The majority of learners with SIC display disruptive and challenging behaviour such as aggression, hyperactivity, talking inappropriately, and inappropriate sexual behaviour. Educators teaching learners with SIC are confronted, daily, with a wide range of challenges such as an excessive workload, minimal progress, and challenging behaviour displayed by the learners with SIC. The intensity of the physical and emotional challenges experienced by the educators, consequently, results in negative outcomes such as stress, burnout, high staff absences, and premature resignations. Earlier studies conducted in this field of specialisation found that educators, overall, were not very keen to teach learners with SIC. South African research conducted within this field of specialisation determined that, despite similar negative challenges, the educators did not necessarily share the pessimistic view towards this teaching environment as experienced in other countries. Local studies indicated that some educators experienced less stress and better physical health than others. The aim of the research was to gain an understanding of the nature of, and possible contextual influences on, those experiences that contributed to some educators experiencing job satisfaction and working effectively, while others did not, to ultimately present possible guiding principles to develop support systems for educators teaching learners with SIC. This qualitative study was planned from a descriptive and explorative case study design by making use of the phenomenological method of inquiry. Ethical permission to conduct the study was obtained from the North- West University. The research group consisted of six educators who perceived themselves as effective in this strenuous teaching environment, working at two selected schools for learners with SIC in the Tshwane South District, Gauteng. Data were obtained by making use of semi-structured interviews, open-ended sentences, and follow-up interviews. Data analysis and interpretation were guided by Creswell‘s application of Tesch‘s method by an in-depth analysis, identifying possible themes and topics. The various categories were identified and described. A literature control was executed in order to interpret and evaluate the data. The final step involved recounting the findings in the format of a written article. Based on the research findings, it was concluded that the participants, despite the various challenges, experienced high levels of job satisfaction and motivation. However, the study also confirmed that specific challenges such as the behaviour that learners with SIC display and a lack of acknowledgement could have a detrimental effect on motivational levels. The literature indicated that low motivational levels have a negative impact on job satisfaction and effectiveness. The emotional wellbeing of educators was recognized to be an important determining factor towards their effectiveness and ability to cope. The need for the development of appropriate support systems to enhance the educators‘ emotional wellbeing was confirmed. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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