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Federal public policy and bilingual educationLewis, Dorothy 01 January 1995 (has links)
This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter one presents an introduction and overview of the nature of the problem, its significance and implication for public policy, and a presentation of the research design and methodology. Chapter two reviews the historical and legal background of bilingual education policy. Chapter three presents a literature review of bilingual education policy making, and examines the impacts and effects of federal aid in practice. Chapter four provides a summary of survey findings and recommendations for reform of the funding criteria for Title VII ESEA bilingual education grants.
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Megokgo ya lethabo : kanegelorato ya sepedi (Sepedi)Lebaka, Kgeledi Johanna 07 March 2013 (has links)
Lentsoane uses the title of his narrative to highlight the theme. Special attention is paid to this. The suspense is captured in the clash between the traditional attitude to life held by the Bapedi and the modem philosophy of life held by the younger generation. Lentsoane effectively uses the concept of a journey to convey his message to his reader. The visit of the antagonist Kgoteledi to the homeland is especially important in this regard, as her family there is conservative and thus strongly supports her actions. But it is also here that she becomes aware of change. Other important techniques used by Lentsoane are: contrast, symbolism, shifting of focus, mirrorimages, naming, summary and retardation, foreshadowing, but also the reference to related matters. This latter technique has an important emphasising function. Although conflict is emphasised all the time, the climax is reached with the announcement that Mihloti, Dikgoneng's girlfriend, is pregnant. The mother (and therefore also the rest of the family) hereby accept that change has also become part of their lives. Kgoteledi comes to terms with the situation and passes away. AFRIKAANS : In hierdie verhandeling word Lentsoane se novelle, Megokgo ya Lethabo, as 'n liefdesverhaal besktyf waarin die liefdesverhouding tussen die minnaars nie deur die jongman se familie goedgekeur word nie, omdat die jong meisie lid van 'n ander etniese groep is. Die beskrywings model wat vir die ondersoek gevolg word, is 'n aangepaste narratologiese model. Boonop word slegs twee van die struktuurlae ondersoek, nl. die inhouds- en die samestellingslae. In die beskrywing van die inhoudslaag is die vier epiese elemente, karakter, handeling, tyd en plek, noukeurig nagegaan, en t.o.v. die onderwerp wat die outeur gekies het, beskryf. Die onderwerp bepaal die onderlinge verhouding tussen die verskillende karakters, en verdeel die handeling in drie groot aksiekategorieë, t.w. die liefdesverhouding, die besware van die jongman se familie, en die uiteindelike troue. Die tydsbegrip word omskryf in terme van 'n tydstip, tydsverloop en tydsomstandighede. Vir die beskrywing van die samestellingslaag van die werk is daar twee kernbegrippe wat uitgelig word, nl. die temabegrip en die tegniek begrip wat 'n verhoudingsbegrip is en nie eenduidig in verwysing is nie. Die tema wat hier vooropgestel word, is die van verandering, en slaan op die voortdurende verandering in die lewe van mense en kulture. Die karakter van die protagonis, Dikgoneng, word in terme van noodsaaklike en bykomende kenmerke beskryf. Die noodsaaklike kenmerke hou met die verhaalsoort of genre verband, terwyl die outeur met die bykomende kenmerke sy Ieser tot vereenselwiging met die protagonis oorhaal. Die antagonis word slegs t.o.v. die noodsaaklike kenmerke beskryf. Lentsoane gebruik die verhaaltitel as 'n belangrike outeursmiddel om die tema van sy werk na vore te bring. Besondere aandag word hieraan afgestaan. Die spanningselement lê opgevang in die botsing tussen die tradisionele lewensopvattings van die Bapedi en die modeme lewensbeskouing van die jong geslag. Lentsoane maak effektief van die reisbegrip gebruik om sy boodskap aan sy leer tuis te bring. Hier is dit veral die antagonis, Kgoteledi, se besoek aan die tuisland, wat belangrik is, omdat haar familie daar behoudende mense is, en haar dus in haar saak sterk steun. Maar dis dan ook hier waar sy van verandering bewus raak. Belangrike ander tegnieke wat Lentsoane gebruik, is kontrastering, simboliek, fokusverskuiwing, spieëlbeeldstelling, naamgewing, tydsversnelling en vertraging, vooruitskouring, maar veral die verwysing na verwante geleenthede wat 'n sterk beklemtoningsfunksie het. Hoewel konflik deurentyd aan die orde is, word die hoogtepunt met die aankondiging bereik dat Mihloti (Dikgoneng se nooi) swanger is. Die moeder (en daarom ook die res van die familie) aanvaar hiermee dat verandering ook deel van hulle lewens geword het. Kgoteledi berus haar hierin en sterwe. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1999. / African Languages / unrestricted
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La clause d'ordre public dans le droit de l'asile politique / The clause of public order in the right of asylum politicalDiouf, Djiré 18 October 2017 (has links)
L’exigence de l’ordre public interne et internationale justifie une limitation du droit fondamental à l’asile. Le Code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile, la convention de Genève du 28 juillet 1951et la législation européenne dessinent les contours de cette clause d’ordre public. Pourtant, le candidat à l’asile ou le bénéficiaire d’une protection peuvent craindre d’être persécutés en cas de retour dans leur pays d’origine. Comment dès lors comprendre un refus de protection ou le retrait d’un statut protecteur et la mise en œuvre de cette clause ? / The requirement of the internal and international public order justifies a limitation of the basic right to asylum. The Code of the entry and the stay from abroad and the right of asylum, the Geneva Convention of July 28th, 1951 and the EU law draw contours of this clause of public order. However, the candidate with asylum or the recipient of a protection can fear to be persecuted in the event of return in their country of origin. How consequently to understand a refusal of protection or withdrawal of a protective statute and the implementation of this clause?
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Still Underrepresented: Minoritized Students With Gifts And TalentsAnne M Gray (9012401) 23 June 2020 (has links)
<p>To what extent do Black/African American (Black), Hispanic/Latinx (Latinx), and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander (NHPI) students have access to being identified with gifts and talents? In places where they have access to identification, how equitably are they identified? And, to what extent are they missing from identification with gifts and talents due to lack of access or underidentification? This study used the Civil Rights Data Collection for the years 2000, 2011–2012, 2013–2014, and 2015–2016 to investigate underrepresentation of Black, Latinx, and NHPI youth with gifts and talents, nationally and by state. The data in these years were census data, meaning data from every child who attends public school is included. Data were also examined by Title I and Non-Title I school status and by locale (i.e., City, Suburb, Town, Rural) to determine how school poverty concentration and/or school locale affect identification of Black, Latinx, and NHPI youth. All states were analyzed for Black and Latinx youth, but due to the small NHPI student populations in some states this analysis was limited to a 20 state sample. Nationally, and in 37, 31, and all 20 states analyzed, respectively, lack of access to identification was not a major contributing factor to underrepresentation. The disparity in identification percentages between schools by Title I status showed 45% fewer Black students, 21% fewer Latinx students, and 15% fewer NHPI students were identified in Title I schools. Additionally, in every state and setting, Black, Latinx, and NHPI youth were underidentified with 92%, 92%, and 67%, respectively, of the equity ratios and 92%, 93%, and 61%, respectively, of the representation indices less than the minimum criterion of 0.80. In 2015-2016, there were 276,840 Black students with gifts and talents identified with an estimated 469,213 (62.89%) to 771,728 (73.60%) missing from identification; 588,891 Latinx students with gifts and talents identified with an estimated 658,544 (52.79%) to 1,164,363 (66.41%) missing from gifted identification; and among the 20 state sample, 6,594 NHPI students with gifts and talents identified with an estimated 7,236 (52.32%) to 9,253 (58.39%) missing from gifted identification.</p>
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What are the Underlying Factors for the Poor Implementation of the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent Principle in Australia, Canada, and the United States? : A Qualitative Comparative StudyBashir Ahmed, Isra January 2022 (has links)
It has been 15 years since the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples recognized the Free, Prior and Informed consent Principle, yet it has not been able to function to its fullest potential. This Thesis aims to carry out a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the following three countries of Australia, Canada, and the United States. With the hypothesis, that the underlying factors behind this failure can be attributed to Settler-Colonialism and Global Capitalism. To carry out this study Theoretical Frameworks based on Settler-Colonial studies and a critique of the Stakeholder theory named Critical Stakeholder Analysis (CSA) will be employed. Using the existing body of research in this area of inquiry as a point of departure, this thesis attributes the failure to implement the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent principle to its fullest potential on asymmetrical power dynamics, settler-colonial structures, and profitability.
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Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: Nº 34649-2014 / Nº 29837-2009Valentino Vasquez, Richard Baro 08 February 2021 (has links)
El presente informe es del expediente No 34649-2014-0-1801-JR-CI-32 en materia civil sobre una demanda desalojo por ocupante precario, en el cual se discutirá un título que justifique la posesión para proceder o no con el desalojo. El caso inicia cuando el señor Zenobio Mesa Espinoza demanda a su hermano Víctor Mesa Espinoza, por que este ultimo viene poseyendo de forma indebida el segundo piso al no tener un título para poseer y no pagar renta.
No obstante, el demandado alega ser propietario de todo el bien inmueble en virtud a ello presenta diversos medios probatorios (Copias del DNI, Certificado de Acta de matrimonio, Partidas de nacimientos de sus hijos, recibos de luz, arbitrios e impuestos prediales, etc.) e incluso una demanda por prescripción adquisitiva de dominio en virtud a estas pruebas, los presentes documentos no generan convicción en el juez de tener un título que justifique la posesión: asimismo, señala que la demanda por prescripción alegada ha sido rechazada y archivada.
En virtud a lo expuesto, la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República resuelve señalando que si existe un título para poseer por parte del demandado, ya que cuando el demandante indica que “ayudo a su hermano viva con él” se configuro un derecho de uso sobre el inmueble y , por tanto, debe resolverse el contrato de conformidad al artículo 1365 del Código Civil. / This report is from No. 34649-2014-0-1801-JR-CI-32 in civil matters about a complaint of eviction for precarious occupant, in wich will be discuss a title that justifi the posession to proceed or no with the eviction. The case begins when Mr. Zenobio Mesa Espinoza sues his brother Victor Mesa Espinoza, because the latter has been improperly possessing the second flooor by not having a title to own and not paying rent.
However, the defendant claima to be the owner of all the real estate by that, the presents various means of proof (Copies of DNI, Certificate of marriege, birth certificates of his children, electricity bills, taxes and property taxes,etc.) and even a claim for acquisitive prescription of ownership as consequence of these evidence, but these documents don´t generate conviction in the judge of having a title that justifies possession: also indicates that the complaint for alleged the prescription has been rejected and filed.
Therefore, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic decides that if there is a title to possess by the defendant, since when the plaintiff indicates that “ I helped my brother to live with me” a right of use is set up on the property and, as consequence, the contract must be resolved in accordance with article 1365 of the Civil Code. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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A Quantitative Investigation of Job Demands, Job Resources, and Exposure to Trauma on Burnout in Certain Student Affairs ProfessionalsKunk-Czaplicki, Jody Ann January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Enhetschefers upplevelser av rekryteringsprocessen efter införandet av skyddad yrkestitel för undersköterskor : inom kommunal hemtjänst / Unit managers' experiences of the recruitment process after the introduction of a protected professional title for assistant nurses : in municipal home careWhistleton, Lena, Seyfeddini, Alicia January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka enhetschefers upplevelser av rekryteringsprocessen efter införandet av en skyddad yrkestitel för undersköterskor inom kommunal hemtjänst. Vidare syfte är att undersöka eventuella konsekvenser av införandet av den skyddade yrkestiteln samt enhetschefernas strategier för att hantera eventuella konsekvenser på rekryteringsprocessen. Det kvalitativa materialet består av elva transkriberande intervjuer med enhetschefer för kommunala hemtjänster runt om i Sverige. En innehållsanalys valdes för att analysera resultatet där sex kategorier genererades: 1) Rekryteringsprocessen förlängs efter krav på yrkestitel, 2) Ingen skillnad i rekrytering efter krav på skyddad yrkestitel, 3) Krav på yrkestitel underlättar i rekryteringsprocessen, 4) Kravet på skyddad yrkestitel minskar urvalet, 5) Tidsbegränsade anställningar i avvaktan på yrkestitel 6) Svårigheter i rekryteringsprocess. Resultaten visade att enhetschefernas upplevelser varierade beroende på förutsättningar i form av arbetsbelastning, personalomsättning och antalet sökande kandidater. Majoriteten var dock eniga i att införandet av yrkestitel minskade urvalet av kvalificerade kandidater. Enhetscheferna använde sig av visstidsanställningar för kandidater som inte hade bevis på yrkestitel då dessa inte kunde tillsvidareanställas. Enhetscheferna upplevde vidare etiska dilemman i att anställa undersköterskor med skyddad yrkestitel men saknade personlig lämplighet, på grund av politiska krav. Resultaten analyserades utifrån Abbotts professionsteori. Den tidigare forskningen varierade, liksom vårt resultat, men belyste att rekryteringssvårigheter av undersköterskor är ett faktum efter införandet av skyddad yrkestitel. Detta är något som försvårar möjligheterna till hållbar organisering. Professionsteorin belyste svårigheter med legitimitet för undersköterskeyrket och hur införandet av skyddad yrkestitel påverkar olika delar av rekryteringsprocessen. Slutsatserna är att det hälsofrämjande ledarskapet kan gynnas av ett stort handlingsutrymme och ekonomiska resurser för att kunna möta rekryteringssvårigheterna. / The purpose of the study is to investigate unit managers' experiences of the recruitment process after the introduction of a protected professional title for assistant nurses in municipal home care. A further aim is to investigate possible consequences of the introduction of the protected professional title as well as the unit managers' strategies for dealing with possible consequences on the recruitment process. The qualitative material consists of eleven transcribed interviews with unit managers for municipal home services around Sweden. A content analysis was chosen to analyze the result where six categories were generated: 1) The recruitment process is prolonged after the requirement of a professional title, 2) No difference in recruitment after the requirement of a protected professional title, 3) The requirement of a professional title facilitates the recruitment process, 4) The requirement of a protected professional title reduces the selection , 5) Time-limited employment pending a professional title 6) Difficulties in the recruitment process. The results showed that the unit managers' experiences varied depending on conditions in the form of workload, staff turnover and the number of candidates applying. However, the majority agreed that the introduction of professional titles reduced the selection of qualified candidates. The unit managers used fixed term employment for candidates who did not have proof of a professional title, as these could not be employed indefinitely. The unit managers further experienced ethical dilemmas in employing assistant nurses with a protected professional title but lacking personal suitability, due to political demands. The results were analyzed based on Abbott's profession theory. The previous research varied, as did our results, but highlighted that recruitment difficulties of assistant nurses are a fact after the introduction of protected professional title. This is something that makes the possibilities for sustainable organization more difficult. The profession theory highlighted difficulties with legitimacy for the nursing profession and how the introduction of a protected professional title affects different parts of the recruitment process. The conclusions are that the health-promoting leadership can benefit from a large scope for action and financial resources to be able to meet the recruitment difficulties.
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Land and reconciliation in Australia : a theological approachBurn, Geoffrey Livingston January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is a work of Christian theology. Its purpose is twofold: firstly to develop an adequate understanding of reconciliation at the level of peoples and nations; and secondly to make a practical contribution to resolving the problems in Australia for the welfare of all the peoples, and of the land itself. The history of the relationships between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Australia has left many problems, and no matter what the non-Indigenous people try to do, the Indigenous peoples of Australia continue to experience themselves as being in a state of siege. Trying to understand what is happening, and what can be done to resolve the problems for the peoples of Australia and the land, have been the implicit drivers for the theological development in this thesis. This thesis argues that the present generation in any trans-generational dispute is likely to continue to sin in ways that are shaped by the sins of the past, which explains why Indigenous peoples in Australia find themselves in a stage of siege, even when the non-Indigenous peoples are trying to pursue policies which they believe are for the welfare of all. The only way to resolve this is for the peoples of Australia to seek reconciliation. In particular, the non-Indigenous peoples need to repent, both of their own sins, and the sins of their forebears. Reconciliation processes have become part of the international political landscape. However, there are real concerns about the justice of pursuing reconciliation. An important part of the theological development of this thesis is therefore to show that pursuing reconciliation establishes justice. It is shown that the nature of justice, and of repentance, can only be established by pursuing reconciliation. Reconciliation is possible because God has made it possible, and is working in the world to bring reconciliation. Because land is an essential part of Indigenous identity in Australia, the history of land in court cases and legislation in Australia over the past half century forms an important case study in this work. It is shown that, although there was significant repentance within the non-Indigenous legal system in Australia, the degree of repentance available through that legal system is inherently limited, and so a more radical approach is needed in order to seek reconciliation in Australia. A final chapter considers what the non-Indigenous people of Australia need to do in order to repent.
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Корпоративные университетские издания как инструмент продвижения: редакторский аспект : магистерская диссертация / Corporate university press as a marketing tool: the editorial aspectБочарова, А. И., Bocharova, A. I. January 2018 (has links)
Цель магистерской диссертации заключается в выявлении редакторских маркетинговых стратегий наполнения университетских корпоративных СМИ с последующим составлением рекомендаций. Редакторский подход к изучению проблем функционирования корпоративной прессы и, прежде всего, создания качественного контента определяет новизну исследования. Работа проведена на примере русскоязычного и испаноязычного изданий, что обусловило введение в научный оборот нового корпуса текстов и позволило определить эффективные стратегии формирования материалов корпоративного издания в разных лингвокульутрах. В исследовании на разных этапах был использован следующий материал. Для понимания процесса и тенденций моделирования коммуникативных стратегий и тактик в вузовских, российских и зарубежных СМИ методом сплошной выборки было проанализировано свыше 1500 текстов разных жанров из газет «Уральский федеральный» и «Gaceta UNAM» из 80 номеров за 2016–2018 г. Для уточнения портрета аудитории был проведен опрос, результатами которого стали 438 реакций 100 респондентов. Также материалом для исследования послужило свыше 1500 структурных элементов (заголовочный комплекс, концовки) журналистских материалов газет «Уральский федеральный» и «Gaceta UNAM» для анализа архитектоники СМИ. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и библиографического списка. В первой главе рассматривается место корпоративных СМИ в системе инструментов брендирования и продвижения вуза, теоретические подходы изучения аудитории СМИ, в частности, через результаты опроса раскрывается образ целевого читателя университетской газеты «Уральский федеральный». Его основные характеристики были распределены в четыре обобщающие группы по степени важности для участников социологического опроса. Во второй главе представлен анализ коммуникативной, тематической и структурно-содержательной стратегий формирования контента корпоративных университетских изданий. В процессе исследования было выделено две доминирующих коммуникативных стратегии «свой круг» и «апелляции к ценностям», которые были подразделены на тактики. И газета «Уральский федеральный», и «Gaceta UNAM» стремятся к позитивной самопрезентации. К общим относятся тактики «свой-чужой», «территориального признака», «аббревиации», «кооперации», у которых, однако, иногда может быть разная подача в зависимости от издания. Например, «Уральский федеральный» описывает своего через местоимение мы, а «Gaceta UNAM» характеризует других. То же касается и импликатур, которые в газете «Уральский федеральный» отталкивают читателя от чужих, а в газете «Gaceta UNAM» привлекают к своим. «Gaceta UNAM» обладает индивидуальными тактиками, отличающими ее от газеты «Уральский федеральный». К ним относятся тактика формирования активной гражданской позиции и тактика постановки гендерного вопроса. Таким образом, мексиканский университет стремится объединить аудиторию еще и рассматриваемым кругом тем. Проведенный анализ заголовочного комплекса в газетах «Уральский федеральный» и «Gaceta UNAM» позволяет судить о наличии четырех характерных элементах: заголовки, подзаголовки (надзаголовки), вставки, рубрики. Газета УрФУ стремится к сочетанию информативных и эмотивных составляющих заголовочной системы, использует в качестве наименований цитаты, вопросы, а также иллюстративные и оценочные высказывания. Газета UNAM избегает использования экспрессивных заголовков, из чего становится видно редакторскую политику, а именно стремление позиционировать СМИ как деловое издание, представляющее аналитические материалы. Концовки текстов поддерживают заданный тон изложения. У материалов UNAM всегда есть подведение итогов, финальное мнение и оценка. А в «Уральском федеральном» частотна концовка-напоминание, а также концовка-отсылка к информации на других ресурсах. В проведенном исследовании также предложен общий алгоритм работы современного редактора над материалами вузовских медиа и индивидуальные рекомендации для каждой рассматриваемых газет. / The purpose of the master's thesis is to identify editorial marketing strategies for filling the University corporate media, followed by recommendations. The editorial approach to the study of the problems of the corporate press functioning, and, above all, the creation of high-quality content, determines the novelty of the research. The work is carried out on the example of Russian and Spanish-language publications, which led to the introduction of a new set of texts into scientific usage and allowed to determine effective strategies for the formation of corporate publications in different linguocultures. The following material was used in the study at different stages. To understand the process and trends of modeling communicative strategies and tactics in higher education Russian and foreign mass media, by the method of continuous sampling over 1,500 texts of different genres from the Newspapers «Ural Federal» and «Gaceta UNAM» of 80 numbers for 2016-2018 were analyzed. For determining the profile of a typical student of the Ural Federal University a survey has conducted, the results of which were 438 responses of 100 respondents. More than 1500 structural elements (headline complex, endings) of journalistic materials of the newspapers «Ural Federal» and «Gaceta UNAM» for the analysis of architectonics of mass media also served as a material for research. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography. The first chapter displays the place of corporate media in the system of branding tools and promotion of the University, theoretical approaches to the study of the media audience, in particular, through the results of the survey reveals the image of the target reader of the University newspaper «Ural Federal». Its main characteristics were divided into four generalizing groups according to the degree of importance for the participants of the sociological survey. The readers of the University media consider the communicative and cognitive needs to be fundamental for a typical student, therefore, the speech impact will be effective and communication successful if the corporate media will take into account certain interests during preparation of the materials. The second chapter represents an analysis of communicative, topical, structural and content strategies of corporate University publications, as well as a general algorithm of the modern editor's work on the materials of University media and individual recommendations for each of the examined newspaper. In the process of the research two dominant communicative strategies “the circle” and “appeal to values” were identified and subdivided on tactics. Both the the corporate newspaper of the Ural Federal University («Ural Federal») and the National Autonomous University of Mexico («Gaceta UNAM») crave for positive self-presentation. The common tactics include “friend-stranger”, “territorial attribute”, “abbreviation”, “cooperation”, which, however, can sometimes have a different presentation depending on the publication. For instance, the “Ural Federal” describes us through a pronoun we, and “Gaceta UNAM” characterizes others. The same applies to implicatures, which in the newspaper "Ural Federal" repel the reader from others, and in the newspaper "Gaceta UNAM" attract to theirs.
«Gaceta UNAM» has individual tactics that distinguish it from the Ural Federal newspaper. These include the tactics of forming an active citizenship and the tactics of raising the gender issue. Thus, the University of Mexico seeks to unite the audience with the range of topics covered. The analysis of the headline complex in «Ural Federal» and «Gaceta UNAM» newspapers makes it possible to judge about the presence of four characteristic groups of elements: headings, subheadings (overheads), insertions, headings. UrFU newspaper strive to the combination of informative and emotive components of the heading system and uses quotations, questions, illustrative and evaluative statements as titles. UNAM newspaper avoids the use of expressive headlines, from which it becomes apparent editorial policy, namely the desire to position the media as a business media presenting analytical materials. The endings of the texts maintain a given tone of presentation. UNAM materials always have a summary, final opinion and evaluation. And in «Ural Federal» ending reminder, as well as ending, sending information to other resources, can be encountered frequency. The study also proposed a general algorithm for the work of a modern editor on the university media materials and the individual recommendations for each of the newspapers, which were taken into consideration.
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