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小客車租賃業者之經營績效評估-以台北市甲種小客車租賃業為例 / A Performance Evaluation of Car Rental Industry in Taipei許治威, Hsu, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸城市銀行經營績效之影響因素分析-兼論地方首長任期之角色 / Determinants of Performance Efficiency of China's City Commercial Banks--Discussion of The Role of Local Governor's Tenure蔡宛晏, Tsai, Wan Yen Unknown Date (has links)
另外我們亦加入了城市商業銀行所在地區及時間二個虛擬變數,發現位處沿海地區亦較內陸地區經營績效為高,而在2006年至2011年之觀察期中,城市商業銀行經營效率有相較於前一年,越來越低之趨勢。 / Since China has joined the World Trade Organization and has opened financial market from 2001, foreign banks strive to enter the second largest economic system. However, the performance of foreign banks is not as well as China’s banks because service network of foreign banks in China is not widespread. Investing China’s local banks directly becomes the most efficient
method to get service network rapidly and serve local customers deeply.
This research seeks determinants of performance efficiency of China’s city commercial banks and to be an useful reference of investing China’s banks for Taiwan. The research collects relative financial data of China’s city commercial banks from 2006 to 2011, including 398 samples. In addition, it uses DEA to get efficiency of every city commercial banks, and then analyzes what the determinants are through Tobit model. Evidence shows that governor’s tenure, scale of asset, equity-asset ratio, and GDP all have positive effect on performance efficiency of China’s city commercial banks; however, bad debt ratio has obviously negative effect on the performance efficiency of China’s city commercial banks.
Moreover, we find that the offshore banks are normally inefficient than inbound banks. In addition, during 2006 to 2011 the efficiency of China’s city commercial banks show a descending trend.
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我國證券投資信託業技術效率之探討 / A Study of Technical Efficiency of Securities Investment Trust Companies in Taiwan沈芳如, Shen, Fang-ju Unknown Date (has links)
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國稅局稽徵績效之研究劉國萍 Unknown Date (has links)
租稅收入是國家施政經費的主要來源,有足夠之財源,各項政策、建設才足以推動,在目前稅收81%均仰賴國稅局稽徵的情形下,國稅局稽徵績效之良窳不僅影響到政府施政之財源,更直接影到國民所得重分配及社會整體資源之配置。本文以資料包絡分析法(DEA),評估五區國稅局84年至93年之相對技術效率,再以Tobit截斷迴歸模型探討影響國稅局技術效率之因素為何。由技術效率評估結果發現:(一)國稅局整體而言在資源運用上仍有相當大的改善空間,無效率的原因部分係因浪費資源造成的無效率,部分則因並非在最適規模下經營。(二)就10年技術效率評估結果發現,國稅局整體的技術效率有逐年提升之趨勢,就各區局而言,北區國稅局、中區國稅局及高雄市國稅局技術效率有逐年提升之趨勢,南區國稅局自89年之後技術效率則有逐年降低之情形。Tobit截斷迴歸實證結果顯示:(一)前年度平均國民生產毛額與技術效率為正向關係, 顯示前年度平均國民生產毛額越高,稅基越大,隔年稅收越多,國稅局技術效率越佳。(二) 北部區域與技術效率為正向關係,顯示北部地區工商業林立,人口多,稅源較為豐富,稅收較多,故北部地區國稅局技術效率相對較非北部地區為佳。(三)逃漏稅比例與技術效率為負向關係, 顯示逃漏稅捐之比例越高,國稅局未作好遏止逃漏稅之工作,需要投入更多的人力來查核逃漏稅及宣導納稅義務人誠實納稅,反而不利技術效率。(四) 預算達成率與技術效率為正向關係,顯示預算達成率越高,國稅局之技術效率越佳。
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租稅與經濟成長,地方政府財政與技術效率論文集王肇蘭, Wang ,Chao Lan Unknown Date (has links)
人類慾望無窮而資源有限,所以如何將資源做最有效的使用一直是經濟學所追求的課題。有關效率的規範分析中,巴瑞圖最適(Pareto optimality)為接受度最高的準則。基於巴瑞圖效率的觀點,不論是營利組織或非營利組織其經營之基本理念皆是希望以最少的投入獲得最大的產出,因此衡量投入與產出間之相對表現即為效率的評估。非營利組織及公共部門因為有許多產出、投入不易量化,故其效率不易評定。此一情況一直到DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis;資料包絡分析法)發展才逐漸改善。另外,有關DEA的運用幾乎都集中在個別決策單位的效率衡量,將之應用在衡量總體經濟的表現上非常少見。所以論文第肆章是按傳統方式以DEA衡量我國地方政府的效率並分析造成效率差異的原因,第參章則將DEA的概念應用於經濟成長上,探討使經濟成長達到極大化之租稅負擔及租稅結構。又效率的追求為經濟學的主軸,但中央政府的效率目標與地方政府並不相同,由於目標不同,因此彼此所訂的租稅政策亦不相同。本文第伍章試圖提出一理論模型說明中央政府在面對異質地區的垂直外部性下如何有效率的訂定其租稅政策。 / The human desires are infinite but resources are scarce. Using resources effectively is the topic of the economics. In efficient analyses, the Pareto optimality is the highest criterion to accept. Based on Pareto efficiency, the basic idea is to obtain the most outputs by the least inputs. Therefore the efficiency measurement is to calculate the relative performance of inputs and outputs. The nonprofit organization and the public agencies have many outputs and inputs not easy to be quantified; hence, their efficiency is not easy to evaluate. This phenomenon doesn’t improve until DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) was developed. However, the application of DEA concentrates nearly on the efficiency measurement of individual policy-making unit; the application is be rarely used in measuring the performance of the macro-economy. Chapter 4 of this dissertation measures and explains the variation in cost efficiency of the local governments in Taiwan area. Chapter 3 deals with the application the DEA to economic growth, estimating a combination of the tax burden(the ratio of tax revenue to GDP)and the tax structure(the ratio of indirect taxes to direct taxes)which would maximize the rate of growth of GDP of Taiwan. Efficiency is the core of economics, but the national government’s efficient goal is not as same as the local government’s. Because their goals are not consistent, thus the tax policies are different. Chapter 5 attempts to propose a theoretical model to explain how a national or federal government decides its tax policy in the vertical externalities happening in heterogeneous states.
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台灣商業銀行經營績效影響因素之探討 / A Study of Efficiency of Commercial Bank in Taiwan黃慧琴 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣期貨商經營效率之研究 / A Study of Operating Efficiency of Futures Commission Merchants in Taiwan劉純斌, Liu,Chun-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
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以資料包絡法探討中國大陸國內銀行經營效率(2008-2010) / Using data envelopment analysis method to study efficiency of banks in Mainland China, 2008-2010蕭翔元, Hsiao, Shiang Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用資料包絡法(DEA),以THE BANKERS 所公布的 Top 1000 World Bankers 2011中之中國境內前20大的中國大陸國內銀行為研究對象,來進行分析,將其2008-2010年三年度經會計師查核簽證之財務報告數據為投入與產出項目之依據,應用CCR模式、BCC模式進行各受評單位的總體效率、技術效率、規模效率進行分析,再將財務報告中股東結構以TOBIT截斷回歸模型,探討不同之組織或是規模型態是否對銀行經營效率產生影響。
研究發現在20家銀行中,以總體效率值來看,2008年相對較有效率的銀行家數為8家、2009年相對較有效率的銀行家數為10家、2010年相對較有效率的銀行家數為11家;而研究對象中,銀行規模對銀行經營績效具有影響。至於政府持股多少或是究竟是屬於大型商銀或是地區銀行,則對經營績效無影響。,此可能因其大多為政府所持有或是多數持有, 因此其經營績效無多大差異。
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Análise dos impactos da EBSERH no desempenho dos hospitais universitários federaisOrlandi, Daniele de Paula, 0000000212953461 10 August 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T23:38:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-10 / O presente estudo investigou o impacto da adesão dos Hospitais Universitários
Federais à Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH) no desempenho
assistencial e de ensino considerando os três estágios do processo de transição. A
amostra foi composta por 32 hospitais universitários federais entre 2011 e 2015.
Destes, 24 aderiram contratualmente à EBSERH e 8 não aderiram. Foi utilizado um
modelo da análise envoltória de dados (DEA) para estimar o desempenho dos
hospitais e, no segundo estágio, o escore obtido foi aplicado como variável
dependente em modelo de regressão Tobit (truncado entre 0 e 1) com indicadores
hospitalares e de ensino como variáveis independentes. Os resultados obtidos
mostraram que a gestão pela EBSERH não impacta estatisticamente os escores de
eficiência dos hospitais avaliados em nenhum dos estágios do processo de
transição. Todavia, as variáveis funcionários por leito e intensidade de ensino
mostraram associação positiva com o desempenho dos hospitais e as variáveis
tempo médio de permanência e dedicação ao ensino tiveram comportamento
contrário. Novas análises do impacto da adesão dos hospitais à EBSERH devem ser
realizadas após ampla consolidação da empresa como forma de avaliar a política de
gestão desse importante segmento da prestação de serviços públicos a longo prazo / The present study investigated the impact of the adherence of the Federal University
Hospitals to the Hospital Service Brazilian Company (EBSERH) in the care and
teaching execution considering the three phases of the transition process. The
pattern was composed of 32 federal university hospitals between 2011 and 2015.
Among those, 24 adhered contractually to the EBSERH and 8 did not adhere. A
model of the data envoltory analysis was used (DEA) to estimate the execution of the
hospitals and, in the second phase, the obtained score was applied as dependent
variable in Tobit regression model (truncate between 0 and 1) with hospital and
teaching indicators as independent variables. The obtained results showed that the
administration by the HSBC does not impact statistically the efficiency scores of the
evaluated hospitals in none of the transition process phases. Nonetheless, the
employees for bed and teaching intensity variables showed positive association with
the execution of the hospitals and the average time of stay and dedication to the
teaching variables had opposed behavior. New analysis of the impact of the
adherence of the hospitals to the HSBC must be done after wide consolidation of the
company as a way to evaluate the administration policy of such an important
segment of the public services at long term
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Eco-Efficiency and Eco-Productivity Assessments of the States in the United States: A Two-Stage Non-parametric AnalysisDemiral, Elif E., Sağlam, Ümit 01 December 2021 (has links)
This study implements radial and non-radial Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models to assess eco-efficiency and eco-productivity of the 50 states in the United States in 2018. The models are based on three inputs (capital stock, employment, and energy consumption), a single desirable output (real gross domestic product) and a single undesirable output variable (CO2 emissions). The radial DEA models reveal that at least 32 states are operated efficiently. Five states perform at the most optimal scale size, whereas 17 states have considerable potential to boost their productive efficiencies by enlarging available resources, and 28 states are overinvested in their input variables given their current output levels. The non-radial DEA models show that, overall, the states’ capital efficiency is very high, whereas energy and emission efficiencies are very low. The states’ eco-productivity is relatively higher than the eco-efficiency levels. In the second stage of the analysis, non-parametric statistical tests and Tobit regressions are conducted for further investigation. According to the non-parametric statistical test, high capital stock, labor force, and energy usage do not affect the states’ productive efficiency. However, states with low carbon dioxide emissions have significantly higher eco-efficiency and eco-productivity levels. The Tobit regression results illustrate that nuclear power and renewable energy consumption significantly affect the states’ relative efficiencies.
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