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Atmospheric behaviors and control measures of persistent organic pollutants: case studies on polybrominated diphenyl ethers and pentachlorophenol / 残留性有機汚染物質の大気挙動と制御方策:ポリ臭素化ジフェニルエーテルとペンタクロロフェノールの事例研究Nguyen, Thanh Dien 23 September 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19986号 / 工博第4230号 / 新制||工||1654(附属図書館) / 33082 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 酒井 伸一, 教授 米田 稔, 准教授 平井 康宏 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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廠商研究發展支出的決定因素──國資與外資廠商之實證鄭嘉珮, ZHENG,JIA-PEI Unknown Date (has links)
研究發展 (R&D)為產業及廠商能否繼續成長的重要因素,因此,世界各國莫不以各種
會民國七十二年至七十七年的外資廠商資料,利用Tobit 的估計方法研究廠商規模、
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我國國立大學經營效率之探討姜波英 Unknown Date (has links)
JEL Classification:L83、M11、M21
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臺灣證券業經營效率之探討楊家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1991年後,證券商為擴大市場占有率,紛紛以購併策略來擴展營業據點;此外,近年來證券商業務朝多元化發展,過去文獻鮮少探討新金融商品業務對證券商經營效率之影響,加上網路交易之興起,改變投資人之交易習慣。究竟大型證券商比小型證券商具有較佳競爭力與經營效率?影響證券商經營效率之因素又有那些?值得進一步探究。本文以1998至2007年家專業經紀券商276個樣本及綜合券商310個樣本資料,第一階段利用資料包絡分析法分別評估專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率值,第二階段利用Tobit迴歸模型探討可能造成專業經紀券商與綜合券商經營效率差異影響之因素。技術效率評估結果顯示:(一) 就專業經紀券商而言,低用人費率券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於高用人費率券商;(二)就綜合券商而言,具外國背景券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於上市櫃或具金控背景之券商。迴歸實證結果顯示:(一)股價指數對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具正向顯著關係;(二)開辦網路下單對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係;(三)專業經紀券商之營業據點數與技術效率具負向顯著關係;(四)綜合券商之營業據點數與技術效率具正向顯著關係;(五)業務愈集中、業務風險愈高、具金控體系及上市櫃背景則對綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係。
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台灣職業棒球之「市場法則—球隊效率與存活 / Taiwanese professional baseball’s “the rules of the market” - the team efficiency and survival陳信宏 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:職業棒球、DEA效率分析、績效分析、Tobit迴歸分析、存活分析 / In this study, we use DEA efficiency measurement as a tool to analyze the survival of teams in the Taiwanese professional baseball market. According to the efficiency measurement results, one can divide the development of the Taiwanese professional baseball teams in the last twenty years into the following three periods: first, from 1990 to 1997—the outbreak of the first gambling scandal, overall efficiency performance was falling; second, from 1998 to 2002—when two professional leagues coexisted, overall efficiency performance was at the lowest; third, from 2003 to 2009—after two leagues were merged, significant improvement in terms of efficiency performance was observed.
Tobit regression results suggest that the coexistence of two professional leagues has negative impact to the efficiency performance of teams while the introduction of the minor league system has positive impact to the efficiency performance. Surprisingly, the number of audience who attended baseball games has negative effect on the efficiency performance. The results from survival analysis identified the number of audience who attended baseball games and efficiency performance are the two main factors for the survival of a baseball team. A detailed data analysis confirms the Tobit regression and survival study results. In general, the market mechanism is yet well-developed. Non-market factors often affect the development of baseball teams and their survival. Drastic reforms and changes are required for the future development of the professional baseball market.
Keywords: Professional Baseball, DEA Efficiency Analysis, Performance Analysis,
Tobit Regression Analysis, Survival Analysis
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育成中心經營效率之研究曾宏昌 Unknown Date (has links)
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外人來台直接投資影響因素探討:以考量產業及ECFA因素為例 / The determinants of foreign direct investment in Taiwan-Considering industrial and ECFA factors謝育霖, Hsieh, Yu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用1982年至2009年之年資料,以Tobit Censoring做為分析方法;並將產業分成出口導向相關產業及國內市場導向相關產業兩不同型態做為分析依據。
實證研究結果發現,政府若想要吸引更多外人直接投資,除了簽訂ECFA協議外,還必須避免台灣國內通貨膨脹率過高及台幣兌美元匯率波動過大;此外,高素質人才的培育也是極其重要,而持續提升國內市場深度及未來發展潛力也是不可或缺的環節;除了這些台灣自身投資環境的營造外,尚必須時時刻刻緊盯國際情勢的變化及中國發展下對台灣吸引FDI上可能帶來的衝擊,如此才有可能打造台灣成為亞洲地區的投資新天地。 / The foreign direct investment is an important factor which be considered to promote a country’s economic growth and wealth accumulation. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development World’s 2010 Investment Report also noted that in attracting FDI developing countries have more advantages than developed countries in the future. Especially China, it focus of attention of global investors. Therefore, this paper has three purposes. First, Explore the Determinants of Taiwan's industries to attract FDI. Second, testing whether China's FDI growth has crowding out effect on Taiwan’s industries. Third, Does ECFA agreement has positive effects on Taiwan’s industries to attract FDI.
This paper using 1982 to 2009 year data, and Tobit Censoring econometric method to be the analysis framework. In addition, assort Taiwan’s industries to export-oriented and domestic market-oriented two different types industries.
Empirical study found that, If the Government wants to attract more Foreign Direct Investment besides signing an ECFA agreement there are something it must to do. First, government must avoid inflation rate too high and exchange rate volatility is too large. Second, government has to bring up high-quality personnel. Third, government has to enhance the potential of the domestic market. Finally, government has to focus their attention on the international situation and china’s FDI growth may affect the Taiwan’s industries FDI. By doing this, Taiwan will have a chance to attract more FDI.
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Dynamiques de pauvreté, inégalité et croissance économique en Afrique Subsaharienne: une investigation appliquée au cas du NigerHamadou Daouda, Youssoufou 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Au Niger, les bonnes performances macroéconomiques enregistrées, consécutivement à la mise en œuvre du document stratégique de réduction de la pauvreté, suscitent la question de leur impact par rapport à l'évolution de l'inégalité et de la pauvreté. La présente recherche se propose d'analyser les spécificités des dynamiques d'inégalité et de pauvreté inhérentes au nouveau processus de développement, à partir de données d'enquêtes auprès des ménages entre 2005 et 2007/2008. Dans un premier temps, l'analyse, en statique comparative, indique une légère baisse des privations monétaires au Niger. Toutefois, des disparités semblent prévaloir entre les zones rurales et urbaines du pays. Globalement, la distribution des dépenses n'est pas inégalitaire, et le processus de croissance économique se révèle pro-pauvres au Niger, sauf dans la capitale où la croissance semble être pro-riches. Dans un second temps, la prise en compte de l'hétérogénéité de la pauvreté à travers la distinction entre la pauvreté chronique et transitoire, en relation avec la vulnérabilité, précise davantage l'appréhension des privations. D'une part, si la pauvreté chronique a sensiblement baissé, on note une progression de la pauvreté transitoire. D'autre part, l'étude souligne la forte vulnérabilité des ménages nigériens, notamment les ménages non pauvres qui ont une probabilité élevée d'exposition au risque de pauvreté à court terme. Finalement, l'analyse des privations au Niger est approfondie en intégrant une approche non monétaire. Les résultats obtenus confirment la complémentarité des approches mesurant les privations dans le cas du Niger.
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金控與非金控銀行經營績效影響因素之探討 / An Investigation of the Performance of Financial Holding and Non-Financial Holding Banks陳添智, Chen, Tien-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國90年11月「金融控股公司法」制定公佈施行以來,已核准設立14家金融控股公司,初步完成建構金融跨業經營目標,然嶄新的金融控股公司型態是否能產生預期綜合效益,在金控公司成立屆滿3年之際,實有必要對其投資主體事業-「銀行」之經營績效進行實證瞭解。本論文以94年底45家本國銀行為研究對象,以金控公司成立前後各推3年為資料涵蓋期間,運用資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis,簡稱DEA)及Tobit截斷迴歸模型,分別從全體銀行及金控公司旗下銀行二大群組角度,探討金控公司成立對銀行經營績效的影響。
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台灣LED產業研發效率與獲利效率及其影響因子分析 / An analysis of impact factor of R&D and profitability efficiency for LED industry in Taiwan王永達 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現:(1)在研發效率上,【新世紀】連續三年整體效率皆為1,是最有效率的廠商,而【璨圓】、【華上】、【洲磊】也有兩年在技術效率上是表現優異的;(2)在獲利效率上,【廣鎵】連續三年整體效率皆為1,是最有效率的廠商,【新世紀】也有兩年被評估是有效率的,而【光磊】與【洲磊】在技術效率上表現優異且穩定,且就整體產業而言,各廠商在獲利效率上的表現更勝於研發效率;(3)在研發效率的影響因子中,專利變化數量及員工教育程度與研發效率呈現正向關係,專利累積存量則呈現反向關係與預期方向不同,而發明專利比例及研發資本人力比不影響研發效率的表現;(4)在獲利效率的影響因子中,員工平均年資、行銷能力及發明專利比例與獲利效率呈現正向關係,公司規模則呈現反向關係與預期方向不同,而員工平均年收及員工教育程度不影響獲利效率的表現;(5)本研究發現台灣LED產業上中游廠商,擁有研發效率的不一定擁有獲利效率,這兩個指標並沒有明顯的相關。 / This paper presents a study which utilizes the input oriented CCR&BCC model of two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) that separates R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency to evaluate the performance for the listed LED manufacturers in Taiwan. Research period of the first stage and second stage respectively is during 2004 to 2006 and 2006 to 2008. In order to deal with the result of DEA, this study takes the Slack Variable Analysis that could be the improving reference with inefficiency of DMUs and uses two-dimension matrix analysis and Pearson Correlation Analysis to find relationships of R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency. Furthermore, this study seeks factors which may affect the efficiencies by applying Tobit Regression Analysis. Finally, we hope these results can provide actual suggestions for management authority and future research.
The major empirical findings of this study are as follow:(1) In the R&D efficiency, GPI is the best firm of global efficiency for three years, and FOREPI、AOC and UniLite also have the best performance of technical efficiency for two tears. (2) In the profitability efficiency, HUGA is the best firm of global efficiency for three years and GPI is also the best for two years. OPTO TECH and UniLite have the best performance of technical efficiency for three years. In terms of overall industry, the performance in the R&D efficiency of these firms is better than in the profitability efficiency. (3) In influence factors of R&D efficiency, difference of patent quantity、education background of employee are positive correlation and accumulated patent quantity is negative correlation. Proportion of invention patent and R&D capital per labor are no correlation. (4) In influence factors of profitability efficiency, qualification of employee、market ability、proportion of invention patent are positive correlation and firm scale is negative correlation. Revenue and education background of employee are no correlation. (5) There is no evidence to prove a relevance of R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency of LED manufacturers in Taiwan.
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