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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Des métiers urbains au Cameroun : une analyse sociohistorique en termes de rapports sociaux / Of urban trades in Cameroon : a socio-historical analysis in terms of social relations

Santiago, Manuel 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est construite en trois parties. La première est tout d’abord consacrée à une analyse réflexive de l’engagement ethnographique qui prend la rue comme terrain, et aux diverses formes de relation et de visibilité auquel conduit ce choix. Le cadre théorique et méthodologique affirme en particulier des positions méthodologiques et théoriques à l’égard de l’informalité. On y trouve également une acception élargie de la production, qui inclut les métiers urbains de service, ainsi que la nécessité d’étudier ensemble production et reproduction pour lire l’agencement des rapports sociaux. La seconde partie s’emploie à la reconstruction de la genèse de la division sociale du travail au Cameroun, dans un contexte colonial de « mise en valeur » et dans celui, postérieur à l’indépendance, des étapes de mutations économiques ayant affecté les logiques et formes de mise au travail des hommes et des femmes et produit une forme spécifique de séparation entre production et reproduction. En quatre périodes historiques, on y lit ainsi une généalogie des formes d’emplois urbains et des rapports sociaux qui les structurent, et tout particulièrement les rapports de sexe, de classe et de génération, inscrite dans le cadre du capitalisme global. Dans la troisième partie l’analyse du matériau empirique récolté pendant le travail de terrain et au-delà permet d’analyser les inégalités sociales à Yaoundé, de décrire des modes de vie et leurs difficultés matérielles et d’éclairer les stratégies pour faire face à la pauvreté. L’ethnographie révèle la division sociale du travail et des positions dans les métiers urbains, organisée autour de l’extorsion de surtravail sous forme de rente, sous diverses modalités, en une compétition forcenée, qui aboutit à reléguer les femmes et les enfants aux tâches de reproduction sociale, sans pour autant les écarter des tâches de production. Cette thèse de sociologie prend le parti d’inscrire l’analyse des métiers urbains dans une socio-histoire du capitalisme et de son implantation au Cameroun. Elle dépasse les catégories de travail formel / informel pour faire l’analyse matérialiste des formes de mise au travail articulée avec celle d’étudier ensemble, et non de façon dissociée, la production et la reproduction, à la lumière des rapports sociaux de sexe, de race, de classe et de génération. Cette thèse éclaire non seulement les rapports de domination et d’exploitation, mais aussi les formes de résistance et d’agencéité, au prisme de deux outils conceptuels qu’elle forge et enracine soigneusement : celui de régime libéral communautaire, et celui de rapport de rente d’exploitation. / The research relates to urban workers in Cameroon. As part of a theoretical inquiry, the manner in which we produce was given a fresh approach, in a new conception of work. To that end, the author has moved away from the tenets of the sociology of work to consider the city as a unit of production of useful services. That made it possible to widen the analysis in terms of work relations and grasp the dynamics of conflict, domination and exploitation, and also of change in the activities covered. The analysis is focussed on the forms employed in urban trades in Cameroon, by showing their characteristics. The decision to give that examination a historical perspective has made it possible to show that some trades have acquired a structuring role in the urban relations of production in Cameroon. That is true of the taxi services trade, which occupies a hegemonic place. Without being anachronistic or ethnocentric, it would appear that this area of work plays the part played by small artisans in English urban centres during the emergence of industrial capitalism in that country as described so well by E.P. Thompson. With their collective industry institutions, these workers have had a structuring role in the transformation of relations with work, and have provided leadership in social struggles. This ethnographic study in Yaoundé took place in a social atmosphere of apparent stability. Indeed, from the people’s protest movements of ‘dead cities’ in the early 1990s to the ‘hunger riots’ in 2008, Cameroon was experiencing a situation of permanent insurrection. When the author toured the country in 2010, the protests seem to have died down. That was certainly a forced break, in the face of violent repression by the government. The field work was therefore carried out during that apparent lull in 2010-2011, 2012 and 2015.The aim was to study the issue of the work and social reproduction of urban workers in Cameroon. What are its forms and determinants ? How has it changed in the course of the years since the start of development under colonial rule up to the contemporary period of structural adjustment ? How do the people get organised when they are excluded from the system of ordinary law ? The author believes that to address those questions, it is of relevance to use a sociohistorical approach that articulates work relations of class, race, gender and also generation.

Zhodnocení rizik obchodování na mezinárodních trzích / Risk Assessment of Trading on International Markets

Machátová, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
MACHÁTOVÁ, M. Risk Assessment of Trading on International Markets. Diploma thesis. Brno: 2014. This Diploma thesis deals with the analysis of risks and benefits that may occur when trading in selected international markets. The aim of this thesis is to suggest appropriate measures to eliminate risks. In the teoretical part, problem of international trade is defined and important concepts of the risk management are explained. Later on a concrete enterprise and its entrepreneurship are introduced. The practical part analyzes the internal and external environment of the company and its market position compared to the competition. Furthermore the situation on the market is evaluated in economic, political, legal and cultural perspective. Various economic and risk-management methods are beeing used for the evaluation. Based on the results of analysis the markets are ranked from the most suitable to the least suitable for international trade.

Zhodnocení rizik obchodování společnosti Enjoy Trade, s.r.o. na mezinárodních trzích / Risk Assessment of Trading in Enjoy Trade Ltd. Company on International Markets

Dolníček, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
DOLNÍČEK, D. Risk assessment of trading in Enjoy Trade Ltd. company on international market. Diploma thesis. Brno: 2016. This Diploma thesis deals with the analysis of risks and benefits that may occur when trading in selected international markets. The aim of this thesis is to suggest appropriate measures to eliminate risks. In the theoretical part, problem of international trade is defined and important concepts of the risk management are explained. The practical part analysis the internal and external environment of the company and its market position compared to the competition. Furthermore, the situation on the market is evaluated in economic, political, legal and cultural perspective. Various economic and risk-management methods are beeing used for the evaluation. Based on the results of analysis the markets are ranked from the most suitable to the least suitable for international trade.

Factors Affecting the Number of Trades in ETPs on Nordic Derivatives Exchange / Faktorer som påverkar antalet avslut i ETP:er på Nordic Derivatives Exchange

Carlsson, Simon, Allgårdh, Erik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines which factors that affect the number of trades in exchange-traded products (ETPs) on Nordic Derivatives Exchange. Multiple linear regression is used to model the relationship between the number of trades and 65 initially chosen predictor variables. The predictor variables include various indices, commodities, stocks, and volatility measures. Two models are presented, one of which includes a lagged dependent variable. These models explain 89% and 92% of the variance within the data. Foremost, the results confirm previous research advocating the volatility to play a significant role on the number of trades, but now also shown for ETPs. Currency exchange rates, equity indices and palladium are also shown to be statistically significant. In addition, interpretations of the results are given and suggestions for further research. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar antalet avslut i börshandlade produkter (ETP:er) på Nordic Derivatives Exchange. Multipel linjär regression används för att undersöka relationen mellan antalet avslut och 65 på förhand valda regressionsvariabler som vi anser intressanta att undersöka. Dessa regressionsvariabler består av bland annat olika index, råvaror, aktier samt volatilitetsmått. Två modeller presenteras, varav en inkluderar en laggad beroende variabel. Dessa två modeller förklarar 89 % respektive 92% av variationen i datan. Resultatet visar att volatiliteten har en signifikant påverkan med avseende på antal avslut vilket bekräftar tidigare forskning, men visas nu gälla även för ETPer. Valutakurser, aktieindex och palladium visas vara signifikanta. Vidare ges tolkning av resultatet och förslag på framtida forskning.

Le concept d’autonomie dans les obligations privées : Aspects techniques et philosophiques / The concept of autonomy in the private law contracts : Technical and philosophical aspects

Guyet, Guillaume 03 October 2012 (has links)
On s’est habitué à adopter du concept d’autonomie une perception qui est celle d’un déclin, largement prophétisé dès le XIXème siècle chez les auteurs critiques du contrat. Tous les arguments ont contribué à cette interprétation et bien des choses semblent aller en ce sens. Ainsi, le concept laisse apparaître un bouleversement des distinctions classiques vérifiable du point de vue du langage définissant les sources ou autorités du droit (autonomie législative, judiciaire…). En réalité, la première autonomie de nature subjective n’a pas été contredite autant qu’on aurait pu le supposer. L’autonomie individuelle ou collective continue de définir la personne juridique en fonction d’une titularité plus ou moins étroite de ses droits, libertés, capacités ou pouvoirs. Elle contribue, en effet, à la promotion d’un cadre primordial et persiste dans une sorte de contrôle moral des volontés et des identités individuelles confrontées à des mécanismes exagérément objectifs. Une résurgence apparente du vocabulaire romaniste, sous prétexte d’équilibre des prestations, permet paradoxalement un déséquilibre entre les parties. C’est donc à une autonomie renouvelée, forte de nouvelles exigences, que l’on fait appel. Un plan moral succède au plan théorique sous l’angle de la protection des volontés. L’autonomie s’adapte tout en demeurant conforme à un sens subjectif originel. Elle pourrait devenir une référence de régulation, y compris pour les contrats internationaux. Le droit français aurait là une occasion de se rétablir, au moins du point de vue de l’interprétation. / We became used to adopt some concept of autonomy a perception which is the one of a decline, largely predicted from the XIXth century at the critical authors of the contract. All arguments contributed to this interpretation and many things seem to go this way. Actually, the concept uncovers a classical upheavel of distinctions whiches verifiable from the point of view of sources or authorities defining langage (legislative, judicial autonomy). In fact, the first autonomy of subjective nature was not as contradicted as it was supposed to. The individual or collective autonomy continues to define the legal person according to a more or less narrow tenure of its rights, liberties, capacities or powers. As a matter of fact it contributes to focus on an essential frame and persists in a kind of moral control of the wills and of the individual identities confronted to excessively objective mechanisms. A similar resurgence of the ancient roman law vocabulary, under the pretext of contractual balance, paradoxically allows a destabilization between the parts. So it is to the renewed autonomy strong on new requirements that we appeal. A moral plan succeeds the theoretical plan under the perspective of the protection of the wills. The autonomy adapts itself while remaining in compliance with an original subjective sense. She could become a reference of regulation, including for the international contracts. French law would then have an opportunity to recover, at least from the point of view of the interpretation.

La pratique des échanges commerciaux dans la société précoloniale du Gabon : XVIe-[XIXe] siècles / The practice of the trades in the pré-colonial society of the Gabon : XVI-XIX century

Mboyi Moukanda, Laure Cynthia 12 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la pratique des échanges et du commerce dans la société précoloniale du Gabon. L’enjeu est d’étudier cette pratique en privilégiant un angle d’approche général au départ, et en mettant en œuvre une démarche analytique progressive, afin de saisir les acteurs, les modes de production mais également les produits faisant l’objet de ces échanges. L’objet « La pratique des échanges commerciaux dans la société précoloniale du Gabon : XVIe-XIXe siècle » se situe à la croisée des relations internationales, de l’analyse des contacts avec les peuples de « l’extérieur », de processus d’européanisation et peut donc faire l’objet d’approche différentes selon les variables qu’on entend privilégier. Nous avons choisi de l’étudier selon une démarche non seulement historique mais anthropologique et sociologique qui nous conduisent à privilégier certains concepts clés : historique des peuples, étude de leur milieu et mode de vie, configurations de relations entre acteurs structurant un nouvel espace social d’interactions. D’un point de vue méthodologique, cette étude s’appuie sur une démarche qualitative et privilégie l’usage des entretiens : le corpus de compose d’une cinquantaine d’entretiens, complétés par l’audio-visuel, la littérature spécialisée et grise sur le sujet. Elle se compose de deux parties, découpées en six (6) chapitres totaux. Dans une première partie, la thèse se concentre sur l’historique des peuples du Gabon précolonial en prenant en compte les facteurs, les circuits et les dénouements des migrations, en l’occurrence les implantations de ces groupes ethniques dans leur habitat actuel. Elle s’étend ensuite sur l’étude de l’organisation sociale politique et culturelle des peuples à travers l’analyse des structures parentale, matrimoniale, juridique et culturelle. Enfin, cette partie précise le contexte et le jeu des différents acteurs à l’origine du développement de ces échanges : la production agricole et artisanale favorisée d’une part par la division sociale du travail et la spécialisation des groupes et d’autre part par les failles écologiques (l’inégal répartition de ressources, aridité des sols, animaux dévastateurs des cultures). Dans un second temps, la thèse fait porter l’analyse sur le déroulement des activités d’échange d’une part et de commerce d’autre part. Elle met en relief les différents circuits empruntés par les acteurs et les produits ainsi que les zones d’aboutissement. D’abord, elle fait une description des échanges en milieu local mettent en scène les membres des mêmes milieux ou des milieux proches les uns des autres. Cette interdépendance observée au sein des groupes avait comme base les liens de familiarité ou d’amitié entre ces différents groupes d’acteurs concernés. Ensuite, est évoqué le système d’échange hors des territoires, quoi que le concept territoire ne soit qu’employé de façon péjorative. Cette catégorie d’échange fait naître des contacts entre les populations avec celles des localités environnantes du nord au sud, de l’est à l’ouest. Enfin, le poids de l’abolition de la traite des noirs joue à un niveau macro comme obstacle des activités économiques des européens, ce qui soulève dès lors des enjeux capitalistes pour ces derniers. La naissance de cette économie de traitre, mais également son déroulement et son ascendance sur l’économie traditionnelle préexistante font l’objet de notre troisième et dernier chapitre de cette seconde partie. Entre héritage et ajustements de nature, ces politiques économiques vont mettre en place de types de monnaies, de produits et d’habitudes. Là encore, le poids des cultures et des habitudes étrangères à ces peuples, limitaient la pratique des échanges traditionnels, développant les effets d’apprentissage aux métiers pourvoyeur du gain. / This thesis deals with the practice of the exchanges and some trade in the pré-colonial society of the Gabon. The stake is to study this practice by favoring an angle of general approach at first, and by operating a progressive analytical approach, to seize the actors, the modes of production but also the products being the object of these exchanges. The object " the practice of the trades in the pré-colonial society of the Gabon: XVIe-XIXe century " is situated between the international relations, between the analysis of the contacts with the peoples of " the outside ", process of Europeanization and can thus be the object of different approaches according to the variables which we intend to favor. We chose to study it according to an approach not only historic but anthropological and sociological which leads us to favor certain key concepts: history of the peoples, the study of their middle and lifestyle, configurations of relations between actors structuring a new social space of interactions. From a methodological point of view, this study leans on a qualitative approach and favors the use of the conversations: the corpus of composes of about fifty conversations, completed by the broadcasting, the specialized and grey literature on the subject. It consists of two parts, cut in six (6) total chapters.In a first part, the thesis concentrates on the history of the peoples of the pre-colonial Gabon by taking into account factor, circuits and outcomes of the migrations, in this particular case the setting-up of these ethnic groups in their current housing environment. It extends then over the study of the political and cultural social organization of the peoples through the analysis of the parental, marital, legal and religious structures. Finally, this part specifies the context and the game of the various actors at the origin of the development of these exchanges: the agricultural and craft production favored on one hand by the social division of the work and the specialization of groups and on the other hand by the ecological weaknesses uneven distribution of resources, aridity of grounds, devastating animals.Secondly, the thesis makes concern the analysis the progress of the activities of exchange on one hand and trade on the other hand. It accentuates the various circuits borrowed by the actors and the products as well as the zones of outcome. At first, It makes a description of the exchanges in local environment stage the members of the same circles or the close circles from each other. This interdependence observed within the groups had for basis the links of familiarity or friendship between these various groups of concerned actors. Then, is evoked the system of exchange outside territories, whatever the concept territory is only used in a pejorative way. This category of exchange creates contacts between the populations with those of the surrounding localities from north to south, from east to west. Finally, the weight of the abolition of the slave trade plays a level macro as obstacle of the economic activities of the European, what lifts from then on capitalist stakes for the latter. The birth of this economy of traitor, but also its progress and its ancestry on the pre-existent traditional economy are the object of our third and last chapter of this second part. Between inheritance and natural adjustments, these economic policies are going to set up of types of currencies, products and habits. Even there, the weight of the cultures and the habits foreign to these peoples, limited the practice of the traditional exchanges, developing the effects of apprenticeship in the jobs supplier of the earnings.

Essays on the German labor market

Zwiener, Hanna Sarah 17 May 2017 (has links)
Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Aufsätze, von denen sich die ersten beiden mit dem Phänomen der beruflichen Mobilität von Arbeitnehmern im westdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt befassen. Der erste Aufsatz untersucht für Absolventen einer dualen Berufsausbildung die kausalen Lohneffekte von Mobilität über Firmen und Berufe hinweg. Die Instrumentenvariablenschätzungen, welche exogene Variation in regionalen Arbeitsmarktcharakteristika ausnutzen, zeigen, dass Berufswechsel innerhalb des Ausbildungsbetriebs einen Karrierefortschritt darstellen. Bei Jobwechseln dominiert der Verlust von firmenspezifischem Humankapital. Allerdings nimmt der Lohnverlust nicht weiter zu, wenn zusätzlich zur Firma auch der Beruf gewechselt wird. Angesichts dieser Ergebnisse dokumentiert der zweite Aufsatz Muster von beruflicher Mobilität in Westdeutschland über den Zeitraum 1982--2008 innerhalb von und zwischen Firmen. Die Häufigkeit von beruflicher Mobilität hat seit 1982 zwischen Firmen signifikant zugenommen und innerhalb von Firmen signifikant abgenommen. Die Analyse betrachtet zudem mögliche Erklärungsansätze für diese Entwicklungen, wie zum Beispiel den demografischen Wandel oder den Zusammenhang zwischen beruflicher Mobilität und Arbeitslosigkeit. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Produktmarktderegulierung und Arbeitsmarktergebnissen. Die Reform der deutschen Handwerksordnung von 2003 wird als natürliches Experiment genutzt, um mögliche Einflüsse der Abschaffung von Markteintrittsbarrieren auf selbstständige und abhängige Beschäftigung zu untersuchen. Da Zweifel an der Gültigkeit der identifizierenden Annahmen aufkommen, können die Schätzergebnisse nicht kausal interpretiert werden. Dennoch legen die Ergebnisse zumindest in Teilen nahe, dass der in der Literatur bereits dokumentierte positive Effekt auf selbstständige Beschäftigung plausibel ist, wohingegen die Reform vermutlich keinen Anstieg der abhängigen Beschäftigung in den deregulierten Berufen zur Folge hatte. / This thesis comprises three essays, out of which the first two study the phenomenon of worker mobility across occupations in the West German labor market. The first essay studies the causal wage effects of mobility across firms and occupations among graduates from apprenticeship training. Exploiting variation in regional labor market characteristics the instrumental variables estimations indicate that occupation switches within the training firm involve a career progression. For job switches the loss of firm-specific human capital seems to dominate. However, the wage loss does not grow when an occupation switch occurs simultaneously. In light of these results, the second essay in this thesis studies patterns of occupational mobility in West Germany over the period 1982--2008 separately within and across firms. Most importantly, occupational mobility rates across firms have significantly increased since the early 1980s, while within-firm occupational mobility rates have significantly decreased. The essay also assesses potential explanations for these developments, such as demographic change or the relationship between occupational mobility and unemployment. The third essay in this thesis studies the relationship between product market deregulation and labor market outcomes. It exploits the 2003 reform of the German Crafts Code as a natural experiment to study how the abolishment of barriers to firm entry may affect self-employment and dependent employment. Since there are doubts regarding the validity of the identifying assumptions, the results cannot be interpreted causally. Nevertheless, the analysis at least partially corroborates the evidence for a positive reform effect on self-employment documented elsewhere in the literature, while the reform seems not to have had a positive effect on dependent employment in the deregulated crafts occupations.

La contribution de l’identité professionnelle à la problématique des agressions fondées sur le sexe et sur le genre dans les métiers spécialisés : une étude dans les secteurs de la construction et manufacturier au Québec

Cloutier, Geneviève 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Who gets their hands 'dirty' in the knowledge society? Training for the skilled trades in New Zealand

Murray, Nicole Anne January 2004 (has links)
The vision of New Zealand as a 'knowledge society' is a mantra that has opened the twenty-first century. Underpinning any 'knowledge society', however; are people who turn resources into concrete products and who build, maintain and service the technological and social infrastructure essential to society. This thesis examines the skilled trades and, in particular, how people are trained for those trades. Industry training is a crucial component of the wealth-generating capabilities of New Zealand. It is also an essential part of the way that many young people make the transition from school to work and from adolescence to adulthood. The means of training tradespeople has moved over the years from the rigid and prescriptive apprenticeship system, to the more voluntaristic, industry-led 'industry training' strategy, introduced following the Industry Training Act 1992. Regardless of the system used to organise training, however, there have been long-standing problems in New Zealand with achieving the optimum number of skilled workers, possessing the correct 'mix' of skills required. In this research, based upon semi-structured interviews with industry training stakeholders four industry case studies, policy content analysis and an in-depth examination of the Modem Apprenticeships scheme, I ask three key questions. First, what are the things that, as a country, we could or should reasonably expect a 'good' industry training system to contribute to? These may be things like: an adequate supply of appropriately skilled workers, the ability to upskill or reskill these workers as needed, clear transition routes for young people, lifelong learning opportunities, equity goals and foundation skills. Second, I ask how the current system performs against these criteria. The short answer is that the performance is 'patchy'. There are dire skill shortages in many areas. While opportunities for workplace upskilling, reskilling or 'lifelong learning' are available, I argue that they are not yet cemented into a 'training culture'. Workplace-based learning is an important transition route for a small percentage of our young people but the favoured route is some form of tertiary education, which may be an expensive and not necessarily relevant option. Third, I ask why the performance of New Zealand's industry training system is often less than desirable. My argument is that the problems and solutions thereof, of skill formation in New Zealand have been understood largely in terms of the supply-side. That is, we have either critiqued, or looked to reform, whatever system has been in place to train skilled workers. The inadequacy of this approach is evident from weaknesses in the ability of either the prescriptive apprenticeship system or the voluntaristic industry training strategy to deliver an appropriately skilled workforce. Thus, I also examine the demand side of skill formation: the wider influences that impact on employers' training decisions. Training decisions made by individual employers, the aggregation of which represent the level and quality of training for New Zealand as a whole, are influenced by a plethora of factors. At the micro level of the employer or firm, I explore barriers to training and some of the constraints to the demand for skills. I then examine broader influences, such as the changing shape of the workforce, labour market regulation and wider economic factors, all of which impact on training levels.

Encouragement, Enticement, and/or Deterrent: A Case Study Exploring Female Experience in a Vocational Education (VET) Initiative in Northern England

Parris, Sandra A. 05 November 2013 (has links)
This case study examined how a group of young girls at a secondary school in northern England made sense of their participation in a gender specific vocational education initiative designed to encourage female interest in skilled trade education and professions. The investigation consists of a qualitative case study that included ‘practical’ and historical components. On the practical side, the study looked at a gender specific initiative (girls only) aimed at Year 9 students (12-14 years old) at Garden Road Community and Technology School. The one-day sessions were held at local area colleges or vocational education and training (VET) training facilities and covered skilled trade fields that are traditionally male-dominated (e.g. automotive, construction and engineering). My methodology for the study consisted of two data sources, interviews and a review of public VET policy-related documents. The data was gathered using two methods, with individual and group interviews as the primary one, and public VET policy-related document analysis as the secondary one. In total, 13 current, 2 former and an additional 2 formerly registered (now graduates who decided to pursue non-traditional vocational education and professions) students at the school were interviewed. Beside former and current students, interviews were conducted with 2 instructors and 1 senior administrator at the school. The selection of government policy-related documents covered 2002 to 2011. The study is framed by a feminist informed genealogy that invokes Foucault’s (1990) notion of ‘biopower’ and Pillow’s (2003) notion of the ‘gendered body.’ Meanwhile, Ted Aoki’s (2003) concepts of curriculum-as-plan and curricula-as-lived are used to analyze and discuss the review of UK government policy-related documents and participant narratives. The theme-based presentation of student narratives centred on the girls’ understanding and experience of: the session process and content; gender; non-traditional VET as educational and occupational options; and the impact of the sessions on their educational and professional choices. The student narratives suggest several things that relate to their understanding of gender and non-traditional VET. First, the sessions proved to be both interesting and informative and students expressed an interest in taking part in more (and) varied gender-specific sessions. Second, traditional constructions of gender and gendered behavior are commonly used in job-related discourse as evidenced by the use of the terms ‘boys jobs’ and ‘girls jobs’ among the students. In addition, students had limited opportunities for exposure to non-traditional VET education and professions; and what knowledge they do have is generally dependent upon family knowledge and experience in the area. From a document review standpoint, the findings show that government commitment in terms of interest and financial backing for VET has been inconsistent. Resultantly, schools are left to identify and maintain a range of community-based partnerships that may not always see gender segregation in VET as a major concern. The significance of this study rests in the presentation of the girls’ ‘lived curriculum’ and ‘gendered’ experiences as points that can offer insight into what transpires within vocational education initiatives and settings. Furthermore, from a feminist perspective the research also highlights the continued need to work with schools on how gender is presented, discussed and understood among students. Failure to consider the gendered nature of discourse about education and professional options that takes place within school and class settings limits students’ perspectives about what is available and possible.

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