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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personlig utveckling bland personliga tränare : En kvalitativ studie om yrkets betydelse för den personliga utvecklingen bland personliga tränare / Personal development amongst personal trainers : A qualitative study about the significance of the profession for personal development among personal trainers

Le, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Personal trainer is a profession that has grown strongly in recent decades, and has become increasingly common in the labor market within the health sector due to the widespread and growing interest in health and self- improvement. Further more, personal training is a great example of occupations with a close interaction between producer and consumer. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and if so how, personal trainers experience that the relationship with the clients affects their own personal development. This by finding out what impact the profession has had on the personality, what impact the relationship with the clients has affected the leadership, and last what impact the relationship with the clients have had on the personality based on social and mental aspects. Based on the purpose of the study qualitative method was chosen and data was collected with qualitative interviews. The participants consisted of eight personal trainers, six women and two men. The analysis was done using qualitative content analysis and the results showed that the interaction with the clients gave personal trainers personal development through development of leadership and mental as well as social development. The conclusion of the study is that the interaction with the client may affect the personal trainers at different levels, the mental as well as social and development of new qualities, the influence of personality and that this effect can also beapplied in private life. / Personlig tränare är ett yrke som har växt fram starkt under de senaste årtiondena och blivit allt vanligare på arbetsmarknaden inom hälsobranschen. Mycket tack vare det växande intresset för hälsa och självförbättring. Vidare är personlig träning är ett lysande exempel på yrken där det sker en nära interaktion mellan producent och konsument. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om och i sådana fall hur, personliga tränare upplever att relationen med klienterna påverkar deras egen personliga utveckling. Detta genom att undersöka hur de personliga tränarna upplever att yrkesrollen påverkar personligheten, hur yrkesrollen har påverkat de personliga tränarnas privatliv samt om och i så fall på vilket sätt relationen med klienterna har påverkat den personliga tränaren utifrån sociala och mentala aspekter. Utifrån studiens syfte valdes kvalitativ metod och datainsamlingen genomfördes med kvalitativa intervjuer. Urvalet bestod av åtta personliga tränare, varav sex kvinnor och två män. Analysarbetet skedde med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resultatet visade att interaktionen med klienterna gav de personliga tränarna en personlig utveckling genom mental utveckling, utveckling i ledarrollen samt social utveckling. Slutsatsen av studien är att interaktionen med klienten kan påverka personliga tränare på olika plan, det mentala som sociala samt utveckling av nya egenskaper, påverkan av personligheten och att denna påverkan även kan tillämpas i privatlivet.

Enhancing Reflection and Deep Learning through ePortfolios: Analysis of Eight Ottawa-area Personal Trainers' Perceptions on ePortfolios in a Kinesiology Setting

Kamping, Tyanne 10 January 2014 (has links)
In this research project, the potential of integrating ePortfolios into the reflection and assessment component between a personal trainer and client was examined. Research demonstrates that more effective learning occurs when reflection and engagement are integral components. The problem that this thesis aimed to answer was the importance of enhancing student engagement, in the classroom and beyond. New technology applications like ePortfolios allow for great student reflection and deep learning but are not universally applied. As such, this study explored the potential of integrating an e portfolio as a reflection technology to enhance engagement during learning. While ePortfolios are commonly found in an academic setting, professionals in healthcare have also used ePortfolios with their patients, clients or peers. Could ePortfolios be used by personal trainers, clients, coaches and athletes? If so, how? What would be the outcomes? The focus of this research project was to explore the potential of integrating ePortfolios into the reflection and assessment component between a personal trainer/client. Eight trainers throughout the Ottawa area were interviewed to gain an understanding of their perception on the ways in which trainers could enhance their client’s fitness journey through the use of an ePortfolio and if so, how would the ePortfolio would be used. The results of this research project provided insight as to whether or not reflective technology strategies such as ePportfolios would enhance the client’s fitness journey and if so, how would the ePortfolio be used. Ultimately, this thesis will inform our understanding of how ePortfolios can be transferred from an academic setting to foster deep learning in kinesiology settings.

Building Capacity of Teachers and Trainers in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Sudan

Ahmed, Hashim 13 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this research was to do applied study to investigate TVET teacher education in Sudan in a bid to rebuild and raise the capacity of the teachers and trainers who are working in the technical schools and vocational training centers in Khartoum state, and to generalize the overall results throughout the Sudan. Specifically, many research questions were addressed to target the main purpose of the study: To what extent the practical components of curriculum are applied in and outside TVET institutions? To what extent the in-service training’s programs meet the professional development of teachers and trainers? Is the private sector contributes to the training programs? Which approaches could be implemented to improve the teacher training? To what extent the integration of ICTs in learning and teaching process improves competence of TVET teachers? Is there re-training program for old teachers? Is there need to train teacher in private sector workshop? Moreover: the following concepts are relevant to raising the capacity building of teachers are studied: teacher professional development, capacity building, integration of suitable level of information and communication technology (ICT) to teacher education and the connectivity of training process to world of work. In order to collect convenient information, the study used the questionnaire and interview as instruments to achieve the objectives of the research. The main population of the study is teachers, trainers, administrators and employers. With respect to data analysis, the study used the SPSS program and the Chi-square to test some hypotheses. The results of the study showed that essential innovations and reforms on the initial and in-service training programs should be done especially, respect to practical components of the initial and in-service training to reach the professional development for teachers. Since most of interviewees confirmed old curricula of the initial education of teacher and there was no retraining program for the teacher on the job: the linkage of the training to world of work is needed to keep the teacher up-to date. Integration of ICT into learning/teaching process is very important factor because it’s one of the modernization requirements; hence if we do not do this now it should be urgent necessity at the near future. Major result of the study the proposed training approach for TVET teachers in Sudan, whereas implementation of this approach depends on three levels: macro- level the political commitment by undertaking clear national policy and conceptual framework for technical and vocational education and improving the image of teachers, their work conditions and media involvement. Meso-level:(public and private sector): since a moral contribution towards training of TVET teachers should be realized, by providing real opportunity to make a success to this new training approach by means of offering technical support, technical consultation, advanced knowledge, specialized seminars and contributing of all training policies especially the financial cost. Micro-level (TVET institutions): there is vital role of administrators to play to attract best candidates not only students of low grades to TVET domain. For example, integrate simple level technology into curricula. Improve initial and in-service training programs based on training needs assessment. Create good internship, and improving the work environment and incentives for teachers.

A Study of the Role of Staff Development Trainer in Organizations

Ragsdale, Kathryn A. 08 1900 (has links)
This investigation examines the differences in perception of the role of staff-development trainer in organizations, a role identified as an emerging occupation, held by three professional groups. The focus is on sources of stress and strain in the job performance of the trainer. Purposes of the study are (1) to collect data from three coworker groups, administrators, directors of nursing, and trainers relative to the role of the trainer, (2) to examine differences in perception between the groups, (3) to examine the differences as potential sources of stress when viewed from the perspective of role theory, and (4) to delineate the role. This study indicates that knowledge about behavioral sciences and skill at interpersonal communications are important areas in both background and in personal qualities needed. Nurses and trainers widely perceive a lack of commitment to training by administrators. This relates to sources of strain in the role of trainer. There is a generally held expectation in the field that the role will grow in importance and scope.

An Investigation of the Relationship between Education, Credentials and Knowledge of Personal Trainers and Client Retention

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was two-fold. In Specific Aim One, we examined the associations between education level, personal trainer credentials and characteristics, and knowledge of exercise science and personal training principles. In Specific Aim Two we examined associations between education, personal trainer credentials and knowledge of personal trainers with client retention. This study utilized a cross-sectional research design. An anonymous electronic survey was used to collect the data. Eligible participants (N=226) were individuals who were providing one-on-one personal training services for at least one client. All data were assessed for normality prior to data analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate sample characteristics. Mean and standard deviations, median and interquartile range [IQR] or frequency and percentages were reported for the sample characteristics. Bivariate associations were examined with dependent t-tests and one-way ANOVAs for normally distributed data. Mann- Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for non-normally distributed variables. The median knowledge score for the sample was 6.0 [3.00] points, out of a possible 24, with 92.5% of the sample scoring 10 or lower. Sex (Male/Female), education level, having a degree in the field, certification status (yes/no) and number of certifications were not associated with knowledge scores (p > 0.05). Years of experience in personal training was positively associated with mean knowledge scores (H(3) = 9.280, p = 0.026). Sex of the personal trainer, having a degree in the field (yes/no), the number of personal trainer certifications, the cost of training, the type of facility, the type of employment of the personal trainer and knowledge scores were not associated with client retention (p > 0.05). Education level (F3,87 = 8.176, p < 0.001), personal training certification (yes/no) (t38 = 2.277, p = 0.029), years of experience (F3, 87 = 3.169, p = 0.028), facility size (F4,84 = 8.049, p < 0.001), and exercise science degree type (F3,48 = 6.008, p = 0.001) were all associated with client retention. This study provides insight on knowledge retention of active personal trainers on subject matter deemed foundational by four certifying organizations. The findings should influence both the preparatory learning and well as continuing education approaches of both certifying organizations and institutions of higher learning. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Exercise and Wellness 2018

Livstilsförändrande insatser: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om sex personliga tränares pedagogiska metoder för att stödja en aktiv livsstil. / Interventions for lifestyle changes: A qualitative interview study of six personal trainers pedagogical strategies to support an active lifestyle

Johansson, Emelie, Heden, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Studien syftar till att söka fördjupad förståelse för hur sex personliga tränare talar om de metoder de använder för att stötta klienter att nå förändring från en stillasittande till en fysisk aktiv livsstil. Med grund i Illeris lärteori samt den transteoretiska förändringsmodellen undersöks vilka pedagogiska metoder som kan skönjas i informanternas berättelser. För att nå informanternas subjektiva erfarenheter har insamling av data skett via semistrukturerade intervjuer. Ur en tematisk analys utkristalliserades centrala teman och subteman som ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Resultatet visar att informanterna primärt utgår från individens känslor till den egna kroppen, till träning samt till det individuella målet i arbete med att stödja en livsstilsförändring. Vidare visar resultatet att det genom kommunikation och samspel skapas engagemang som främjar klientens utveckling. Förkortning av begreppet personlig tränare som används i detta arbete: PT, PT:n, PT:s, PT:arna.

Les facteurs de la performance commerciale en formation professionnelle : le cas du néo formateur consultant (NFC) / Factors for commercial performance in the professional training sector : the case of the Neo Trainer Consultant (N.T.C.)

Machuret, Jean-Jacques 27 June 2016 (has links)
Les facteurs de la performance commerciale en formation professionnelle, le cas du néo formateur consultant (N.F.C.). Constat empirique : Pendant plus de 10 ans, l’auteur a formé des demandeurs d’emplois (plus de 450). Dans le cadre des enseignements prodigués, une suspicion est née sur l’origine des difficultés des N.F.C. concernant les facteurs de la performance commerciale en formation professionnelle.Posture épistémologique : La finalité de la recherche est d'établir les facteurs de la performance commerciale en formation professionnelle, le cas du N.F.C. La démarche est de type classique, par une approche positiviste, en fonction du mode de recherche empirique et avec une validation du transfert dans l’univers de la formation professionnelle. Le mode de raisonnement qui s'est imposé est la démarche abductive selon un cadre de logique hypothético-déductif avec l'utilisation de la méthode Delphi. Nous concluons ensuite par des recommandations managériales. Schéma des travaux de recherche : Le point de départ est un groupe de 5 N.F.C. par choix aléatoire pour valider la suspicion. Ensuite l’Etat de l’art apporte les définitions, l'élaboration des concepts et la revue de littérature recherche les travaux existants dans le domaine, en France et dans les pays anglo-saxons. Les concepts d'expertise et de confiance sont ainsi mis en évidence. Les hypothèses sont définies par le groupe Delphi (20 experts et 4 tours d’expression des opinions) et validées par l'étude quantitative (301 réponses). Résultat : Cette méthode propose 2 facteurs de succès : la démonstration de l'expertise et le développement du climat de confiance, portés par 4 principaux paramètres influençant les 2 facteurs de succès, La compréhension du problème du client (95%), l'implication (91%), la réalisation d'actions similaires (86%) et la démonstration des méthodes utilisées (77%). Les recommandations managériales éclairées par le groupe d’experts : proposent aux N.F.C. de développer leur charisme et de faire autorité par la maîtrise de la rhétorique. Si le travail le dispute au talent, le N.F.C. verra les facteurs de sa performance commerciale transformer son expérience en expertise et son expertise en revenu. / The purpose of this research is to establish factors for commercial performance in the professional training sector, the case of the N.T.C. (Neo Trainer Consultant). Empirical observation: The author has trained job seekers (more than 450) for over 10 years. Through this experience providing lessons, a suspicion arose regarding the origin of the difficulties (N.T.C.) concerning the factors for commercial performance in professional training.Research work plan: The start point is a group of five randomly selected N.T.C. to confirm the suspicion. Then the state of the art bring the definitions, the development of concepts, and the literature review, research the works that already exist in the field in France and in English-speaking countries. The concepts of expertise and confidence are highlighted.The hypotheses are defined by the Delphi group (20 experts and 4 rounds of expressed opinions) and validated by the quantitative study (301 responses). Result: This method offers 2 factors of success: demonstration of the expertise and establishment of the confidence ascribed to the 4 principal parameters influencing 2 factors of success : comprehension of the client's problem (95%), involvement (91%), realisation of similar actions (86%) and demonstration of the methods employed (77%).Managerial recommendations enlightend by the group of experts who suggest to the N.T.C to develop their charisma and authoritativeness by mastering their grasp of rhetoric. If the work creates a conflict between this notion and talent, the N.T.C. will see factors for commercial performance transform his experience into expertise and his expertise into income.

Enhancing Reflection and Deep Learning through ePortfolios: Analysis of Eight Ottawa-area Personal Trainers' Perceptions on ePortfolios in a Kinesiology Setting

Kamping, Tyanne January 2014 (has links)
In this research project, the potential of integrating ePortfolios into the reflection and assessment component between a personal trainer and client was examined. Research demonstrates that more effective learning occurs when reflection and engagement are integral components. The problem that this thesis aimed to answer was the importance of enhancing student engagement, in the classroom and beyond. New technology applications like ePortfolios allow for great student reflection and deep learning but are not universally applied. As such, this study explored the potential of integrating an e portfolio as a reflection technology to enhance engagement during learning. While ePortfolios are commonly found in an academic setting, professionals in healthcare have also used ePortfolios with their patients, clients or peers. Could ePortfolios be used by personal trainers, clients, coaches and athletes? If so, how? What would be the outcomes? The focus of this research project was to explore the potential of integrating ePortfolios into the reflection and assessment component between a personal trainer/client. Eight trainers throughout the Ottawa area were interviewed to gain an understanding of their perception on the ways in which trainers could enhance their client’s fitness journey through the use of an ePortfolio and if so, how would the ePortfolio would be used. The results of this research project provided insight as to whether or not reflective technology strategies such as ePportfolios would enhance the client’s fitness journey and if so, how would the ePortfolio be used. Ultimately, this thesis will inform our understanding of how ePortfolios can be transferred from an academic setting to foster deep learning in kinesiology settings.

Conceptions et pratiques de l’accompagnement des formateurs auprès des professeurs des Écoles en formation spécialisée : un exemple de formation CAPA-SH option D en Val-de-Marne / Conceptions and practices of coaching trainers with teachers in schools specialized training in Val-de-Marne

Bernad, Eric 22 November 2013 (has links)
Une des finalités de la formation CAPA-SH option D1 en alternance, proposée dans le Val-de-Marne, est de favoriser une posture de praticien réflexif chez les futurs enseignants spécialisés.Une des modalités retenue pour y parvenir est de proposer à ces stagiaires un accompagnementpar des formateurs (professeurs de l’IUFM et conseillers pédagogiques) sur le terrain d’exercice,afin de permettre une analyse de la pratique professionnelle au sein d’une classe spécialisée.En dialectisant les approches systémique et clinique, cette recherche doctorale explore lesprincipes organisateurs en oeuvre au sein de cette relation d’accompagnement professionnel àpartir du repérage des postures des formateurs en lien avec les objectifs qu’ils visent. Cetteréflexion s’appuie sur une double origine de données : celles issues des retranscriptions desentretiens semi-directifs du chercheur auprès des stagiaires et des formateurs et cellescorrespondant aux retranscriptions de l’enregistrement des entretiens d’analyse de pratiquesprofessionnelles vécus pendant l’année de formation (2009/2010). / One of the aims of the CAPA-SH training (D2 option) alternately proposed in Val-de-Marne, is tofoster an attitude of reflective practitioner in future special education teachers. One of themethods adopted to achieve this is to offer these trainees an accompaniment by trainers on thetraining ground (professors of the IUFM and educational advisers). The purpose is to allow ananalysis of the professional practice within a specialized class.By integrating and combining systemic and clinical approaches, this doctoral researchinvestigates the organizing principles implemented within this professional relationship coaching,to identify postures trainers in connection with the objectives they aim.The analysis is based ontwo sources of data : - those from transcripts of semi-directive interviews that the researcher hasled with trainees and trainers ; - those corresponding to transcripts of analysis of professionalpractices experienced during the training year (2009/2010).

Exploring Integration between Athletic Trainers and Strength and Conditioning Coaches among the NCAA Division I Southern Conference Institutions

Kojima, Yoshihiro 01 December 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the interdepartmental integration between athletic trainers and strength and conditioning coaches in relation to relationship, communication, collaboration, and education. Forty participants from the NCAA Division I Southern Conference, twenty-eight athletic trainers and twelve strength and conditioning coaches, completed an electronic survey during a two-week period. Collected data were analyzed by descriptive and thematic coding analyses. The results suggested participated athletic trainers and strength and conditioning coaches were interactive and collaborative. Open-ended responses identified key concepts when athletic trainers and strength and conditioning coaches communicated and collaborated. A high interaction and collaboration model may be ideal to optimize athletes through rehabilitation while considering injury management, athlete monitoring, training program modifications, and athletic movement correction.

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